; FKIpAV, NOVEMBER 17th,' 10 1 t i "Circle" No.; I-of 3raV0 Iftcesb '., Circle Nd.' ' l:ot Grove Presbv- noon -frith Mesdames; Ivy Bowdetf aud Nora Shaffer: Mrs. W J. Pick ett preside- Mr ( Waiter;,. Stroud led the discussion' on she '"Lord's Prayer", followed by Prayers; of Adoration" by Mrs." LI Souther- land. After-sons' service prograxn .and prayer a short business session no i ok ;i'AiiK M:i h i.:;:. pi:;; n. c. , Tlere The Whole Family Gom" Sunday, Nov. 19th 5 , , . ? .1 (In Technicolor) '4 vt ::::L j In V: S!'"T'ii MARK STEVENS, BETSV r ' . V.'m. POWELL, ;A.o Coi.sr Cartoon - CMott, & Tues, Nov. 20-21 1 , , ' D." 0. . A.- - !(D::T On Arrival) With EDMUND .O'BRIEN.' i. Anal PAMELLA .' BRJTTQN Also Shorto . - Wednesday only Nov. 22 . Jrrioi; Trail'?.; With GEO. MONTGOMERY V And BRENDA MARSHAL. -i.Also Color Cartoon1 ; ;.s ,' Titsday only Nov. 23 Ymir , Thanksgiving' - Treat i ' E fA, HAY WORTH In . - iwu, if viv, , flavor: Lovelier lAliio "Color Cartoon -. " ' J'riJay only Nov. 24 VrjliQi The Gorilla 4- i JOnNNT WEISMULLER ' An J TEUDY MARSHACl''-'. - Aira Shorts . ,., - . . ..... Saturday only Nov. 25 .'u . . .. . DOUBLE FEATURE . - l :::rc:ncy Lending K "..h FOREST TUCKER And CAROL HUGHES. : a n ms o v Grc:f Sf:::c02ch : .Ik -"-y;s,,,.'.;'J With RED RYDER s U','"Z. And. LITTLE. BEAVER "t The Motor-Park Habit . acf . Prices Up - DELIVER OUR PLANT1 VAYia AGRICULTURAL V0.H(Sj JKR SOUTH JOHN STREET ; : lVcn::rFii!) :;r:'.ef : I CBJtATOaS AND MA1MTA1NERS OF LOWEH (JUClCa. OS 'QUALITY SEA FOODS' ,-, (Ne poor , , J.Bh Wholesale and1 Retail'' ' ' hnow Your ish or Know Your Fishman " r .:r r.j x.t- DJOJVr rr"vlons exitericnce lf anyi - was held after, which the hostesses served aliped peaches topped with whipped cream; pound cake and coffee-. '&xQft&&&t$(eii. Circle No. 1 met In the home of Miss Martha Pickett Monday even ing. Miss Hilda Clontx presided and had charge of the program. A busi ness meeting was held following the program after which the hostess- served refreshments, if' i : The Ella Cooper -Circlo Of the Baptist Church, met Monday even ing with Mrs. .J. O. Stokes. Mrs. H., M. West presided., Mrs,' Amos Brinson led the devotlonaL Mrs. . I. R. Ceison had charge of tbV pro gram. At the close of the meeting the' hostess served assorted, sand wiches, ' cookies and coffee. J"; The Ella Cooper Circle and the Missionary Society of the Baptist Church plan to have a. Mission Study Class in the home of Mrs. P. J. Dobson -on December 1st Mrs. . Alton ' Greenlaw of Warsaw will: conduct the atudy. Members are urged to attend, The. Sewing Circle met- Tuesday evening of last week with Mrs. O. P. Johnson. Arrangements of aut umn, leaves and chrysanthemums were used In decoration. Following HA RPER ha, for sale a small collection of fielfl grown uid hand --ft selected Camellia and Sasanqiia Plants. REIIDER WlU liLUULli Fiorist : NURSERY LOCATED AT v End of North lSth treei : vTt wnJUINGTON, N. C. TERMS CASH -,V RETAIL ONLY Opening Nov, 13th -. . ' -Also Selected Azaleas KENANSyiLLE Kg r Sell For Cash: .1 . GOLDSBORO, K. C. 4 APt , T ? Kepi's to wo. lc f j pi"r- 1 i i - S" r r i i ' W; 1.-' '-s' -I ;C:'pbTir.:xK the lowing bee guests were invited into the ' dining room where 'they were aerved a chicken salad plate and coffee. . Prior to. adjournment KM' NB. Boney, &; was given !a stork shower by the ladies present. BRIDGE CLUB HOSTESS ' Mra, J. B. Wallace was hostess to her. bridge club 0B--Wednesday night of last week. ' Fall flowers were used In. decoration. Mrs. C:B, Guthrie was Ugh scorer of the ev ening. At the conclusion of the games the hostess served, baked pudding , topped swith . whipped cream, and coffee.:-. .--v. - ' lRSONALS: Mr. ' and ' Mra. O.' P.': Johnson spent Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Marshall Brock In Bailey. . i ; i Mr..W. M. Ingram underwent a major operation at the VA Hospi tal In FayettevUle Saturday. He is improving nicely. ';,' Mrs. Ingram spent the week end with him. Miss Jlargaret Williams ' spent the weekend with' Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Adam at Carolina Beach. Miss Eleanor Southerland of Clin ton spent the week end with her mother liri L. Southerland.; - Mrs. James S. Murphy spent the week end In Columbia,, Ga. 'with Mr Murphy.' ; ' ., ' . Mesdames W. 'M. Ingram,' Annie Ingram and Mr. Paul Ingram visit ed 'Mr. W. M. Ingram at the VA Hospital . in Fayetteville Monday. Miss Jacqueline Burke spent the past week end In Chapel Hill. - Mrs. Lola Smith is visiting Mrs. Leo Jackson and, Mrs. -Bertha Hoi lingsworth this week. - ', " . vMiss Margaret Fuller of Raleigh spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Vance Gavin. . . .-- . .. Miss Minnie Ttaorne of Smith field spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E, C. TyndalL ;c v v i Miss Jan Caldwell of Peace Col lege, Raleigh, spent the week end. with Mrs. G. V. Gooding, o a Edward Sykes spent the week end with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Bob Sykes. s-f.'-,..',;-r'; '';' Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Williamson were Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Williamson and son of Char lotte and Robert Franklin of State College.-'1. - . v.,..;:1' i':r . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew,Scott, Mr. and Mr. Harold Precythe and Stew art of Faison spent Sunday with the -D. S. Williomsons. v Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wood and family have moved into, heir.jaew. home on. Cooper Street. , . , r : .Mrs. Ralph jBrown made busip ness trip- to Goldsboro Monday- ' Dennis Lee Holmes Dies r Dennis Lee Holmes, .two-year-old aon of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hol- : Moil 1IIEATRE BEULAVILliE, N, Cv Movies Are Better Than Eves ' "Why WorryT See A Movie" Son. -"Mon. Nov. 19-20 THE BIG IIANGOVER : Starring VAN 'JOHNSON . And ELIZABETH TAYLOR. . . . V s ; . ' ' - - . . 7 -f Tuea.v Wed. Nov. tl-Mt'V-V1-'-"- HOLIDAY AFFAIR ; Starring ROBERT MEECHUM ' - . ' " r-- Thursday, Nov. 2S . :;-V':':.V'-.'!-y:. JOHNNY EAGER :b ,A L S O :.-:-':4v., -' LAUREL & HARDY ii i''jProoB1eycIe I To Lucky Ticket Holder .j; y. n ii in . ,ii ii iii.m 'iiu'i'. "O' i.t i 'j,; Friday only, Nov- 84 v,J r ;:',;'S'' TICKET TO TOMAHAWK With DAN DALYj " ,' Saturday, Nov; 29 - BRAND OF FEAR Starring JIMMY WAKELY ;-.' I IC..4 GUARANTtS UACLE privilege f V. XL NOT EXPIRE ; -: IT .V,'! CaY;AND,v4 A wULY J mes of the Summeclin Crossroads Community, died in , tWilmington hospital Saturday at 12M p.m. after -o short illness Surviving in addition to his parents are three brothers; Joseph .- Carroll. James Wade, and Stanley ' Russell; one sister; Mary Linda, all of the home; bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Horaoe Brock of Mt OUv6, Rt, 2. and' Mr. and Mrs. Abb Holmes of Mt. Olive Rt 1. Funeral services were .conducted. Sunday it 3 p.m. by Rev, WalterK Heath, Holiness minister, at the graveside In the Pate family cemetery in the home community.'.- , ys i'--.- .? - c. i William. Carl Norrl; 73, die at his home near Wallace Sunday at 3 a.m. He had been In declining healthu funeral services were held from the homer Monday at 2 p.m. , conducted by Rev, E. C. Watson, pastor of Teffchey Baptist unurcn, In Theatre CHINQUAPIN, ;N. WEEK OF NOV. 19 Sun. & Mon. c Starrinr JOHN BE AL. V News' A Short ' ''' Tuea. ft Wed. Li'lAbner . Starring MARTHA 0DRIS60LL And GRANVILLE OWENm Two Shorto ' fi ? ?w Thiirs. Fri. mg Starring ALAN LADD And BRENDA MARSHALL. Short ' ' Saturday only The Marauders With HOPPY LONG CASSDJY. Chap 1 "James Bros of MUouri" . (LITTLE RASCALS) Big Ears Also Short.. . ci3 sr;:n;$rii : Til? FARES l You sirs aa extra 10 ot mote ttcb wsy on vary Greyhound R'onnd.Trip ticket ! Ask aboot the big Fall Round-Up of all kinds of trips, tours, jpedilfestureil : ':: A IW IXAMPIM 'v''' , Thr art bundrsdYaisra j ' . . Miami $16.45 $29.85 IU New York , ,10.80 M.45 rt- , Jaeksonvlllo. 1035 . 18.85 Chicago.. 1W5 tM Philadelphia 9.15 . 188 - Cleveland .. 14.45 28.95 " Washington 8.15 12.15 Richmond . 4.50 8J10 Charleston. , 4.70 . 8J0 Greensboro .', ' 8.70 ' : 8.70 Raleleh r ' 15 i J5 Wi: mteEton i- i.25 2.25 Hula Drive of which he was a member. Inter ment was In Red Hill' Cemetery near Wallace. , He . is survived by. his wife, the former Nellie Murray of Wallace; two daughters, Mrs. R. D. McGowan and Mrs. Kirby Bay nor.'both of Willard; four sons, Wil liam, Lloyd, Adrian and Wilbur, all of Wallace. ' DOBSOII'S CHAPEL HEWS J The- YWMU met with Miss Eve lyn Parker Monday night.. ' The reviVST will continue through Sunday night, Nov. 19. Services each night at 7:30. Jack Joyner is on the sick list. Miss Virginia Brown is able to be out. again after being confined to her home due to illness. Thelma Brock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Brock, underwent a tonsilectomy - in Clinton Friday. Mf. and Mrs. Arthur . Ward of Rose Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rouse, Jr. of Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Rouse Sunday. Mr. and Mrs! 'Henry Sanderson of Wrightsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kilpatrick , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Scott and family of Rose Hill visited Mr.-and Mrs. P. E. 'Rouse during the week end. C. C. Rouse of Wilson and Miss Polly Rouse of Warsaw spent the week end with their parents. Miss Elaine Register visited in Wilson over the week end, Misses Sarah Brown and Hazel Parker visited in Tarboro over the week end. i - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams of Pink Hill visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Felix Bostic Sunday. For Be D. Johnson Funeral services for Bizzell D. Johnson;-age 73 a prominent far mer and- business man of near Rose Hill who died early Monday morning in James Walker Hospital were held - Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at She home of his brother,' NaslT JohnsonVneaf Rose SUN. - MON, Nov. 19-20 . To Please A Lady With Barbara Stanwyck And Clark Gable; cartoon-. ..;,..-. TUESDAY, Nov. 21 : A 12(1 LI With Hedy Lamarr And. John Hodiak. WEDNESDAY. Nov. 2J DOUBLE FEATURE .Beyond The Purple Hills. With Gene Autry: , 1 M O V I E 8 A R E B WEEK BEGINNING anday and Tuesday ryhmmmm t WARSAW, N.C. - r So Young, So Bad Starring Paul Henreid, Catherine McLeod! Wednesday, and Thursday. D!o jirass - J :-t-5,-C'V. '' Starring Bill Williamg, Jane FrlJay and Saturday Hill,' the old home place. He was a member of the Providence Meth odlst Church. Rev. Kermit R. Wheeler, pastor, officiated. He her came ill on one of his farms Satur day Nov. 4th and was taken to a doctor In Wallace vho sent him on to the hospital for treatment and check-up. He was told, by Dr. Murohison there that he could be discharged " on Wednesday and about 30 minutes before being dis charged he suffered a. stroke and remained seriously ill until death. He was the oldest son of the late Fletcher and Mary Johnson of near Rose Hill. He Is survived by two brothers, Nash and Norman John son of Rose Hill and six sisters, Miss Emma Johnson of Rose Hill, Mrs. A. A. McMillan of Watha, Mrs. Bruce Carlton of Warsaw, Mrs. C. J. Hodges and Mrs. J. L. Sorrell of Dunn and Mrs. C. T. Scarborough of Redley Park, Pa. Burial was In Rockfish Cemetery. OOOOOOOQOOOf MOUNT OLIVE EASTKKN I AKOLINA'S IINKST THEATRE WEEK OF NOV. 19 Sunday and Monday LET'S DANCE With BETTY 11LTTON And FRED AST AIRE. Tuesday and Wednesday ROCKY MOUNTAIN With ERROL FLYNN And PATRICE WYMORE. Thursday and. Friday TRIPOLI With MARUEEN O'HARA And JOHN PAYNE. Saturday CAGED The story of a woman's prison today Starring ELEANOR PARKER, ooooooeoooop Feudin' Rhythm With Eddy Arnold. THURS.-- FRI. Nov. 23-24 Our Very Own With Joan Evans And Farley Granger. Shows Thanksgiving- Day at 2:00, 4:00, 7:15 and 9:15 P. M. SATURDAY, Nov. 25 DOUBLE FEATURE Trail Of The Rustlers With Charles Starrett. Motor Patrol With Don Castle. WW, fr a n. 3 3J E T T E R THAN.. EVER NOVEMBER 20th Of Kentucky Nigh. Center Theatre Ii' S' CATHEDRAL AT LIMA . . . Tbo cathedral ot ten, p r. Is framed threnrh the doorway of the mnnlclpsuty building am tho Plata de Armas. Construction ot the cathedral was started on the same day the city was fviuiO ed Jan. 18, 1535. 'Graham Predicts Judnment F) In Two Years PASADENA. Cal : Billy Graham, holding a one tilgut evangeusuc crusade in the Ross Bowl here, predicted that the end of the world and the Judgment Day Will come within the next two years The young revivalist spoke to a crowd of 45,000.- - "I'm revising my figures." h told a silent and serious audienc "Last year In Los Aneeles I told you that we had five years, now I think we have only two, and after that the end." Thousands came from all over t h e Southern California area to hear the preacher. Many arrived long before the rally and brought lunches to eat while they waited In the stands. Toward the end of the services Dr. Graham, dressed in a bright green suit, called upon his audience to step forward and "begin now lives with Jesus." More than 2.000 came down from the stands afoot, on crutches, and aomo in wheel chairs. One rally official called tho re sponse the largest mass conversion in the history of Southern Califor nia. , The audience provided the "Min neapolis evangelist with a colorful background. Legion Post Seeks Ouster of Pacifist ASHEVnXE. N. C.-The Hock. weU-Ballew post of the American T Legion here adopted a re!i!'"i demanding the .resignation ot ' i Rev. Henry V. Lofquist as cf- .pi i of the Good Samaritan Mlssi' n ' i legionnaires said the clergyman h been listed in leaflets distribute! here as secretary-treasurer of thi Peace Fellowship of Presbyterians U.S., which the Legion group 6e scribed as a pacifist organisation Asserting that the Fellowship' constitution states that "we refu ito participate in any war or to sane tion military preparations," t h post asked that in the -event Mr Lofquist does not resign, the Com munity Chest, ot which the Ml(ni is an agency, demand his resigns tion. Mr. Lofquist, chaplain of the Mm sion since April, 1, 1941, and pas to; of a Presbyterian church in Brook . haven. Miss., for 17 years be t coming here, has given no in Ilea tion ot acceding to the Leg'.on's re quest. He said that any request f i his resignation would have to come from the board of directors of j Mission, which does not meet umii October. o Lawsuit in Missouri Would Bar State Aid . JEFFERSON CITY, M". - 7" klissourf Association for F: e f ' lie schools filed suit in Cn!e enuv circuit court here to stop payn 1 of state funds to schools a''?7 - (ly controlled by a reliiioi'i p-oi-; l Four school distric's In e r" "- Missouri counties v. ri- n""i1 r i receiving state ail v '-llo. the - t claimed, their schools are v!in . or partly administered by the Soman Cathollo church. 1 The association, described by Itn attorney as a "non-sectarian group which desires complete"eparation of church and state," asked that state support be suspended or that the districts be removed from Cath olic control. ' . J ' The plaintiffs charged that sorno of the schools held classes in build ings owned by the Catholic church,' and that In many Instances tho .teachers were members of Catholic orders who had vowed to dedicate their. lives to the service of the Church. According to the association, tho , Missouri constitution forbids . pay. tnent of public funds to aid any re ligious creed, church, or sectarian twrposs. :;-': ,; ',.., . ;. ClartyHolps Boat UE LANCASTER, Pa. A " campaign (by Protestant and Roman Catholic Klergymen hers helped to defeat khe United . Electrical Workers as ' bargaining agent at the local plant . tot the Radio Corporation ot Amerl- ; With a veto of 1,073. tho Interna ttonai Brotherhood of EV'trlcal . .

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