I v-Til CAIGLIiiA j V3 of CS MEETS The General Meeting of the WS CS was held Monday night at the Methodist church In the Ladies Parlor. Mrs. O. P. Prldgen presi ded and opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Claude Best read the devotional and gave a poem. - Circle No. 2 was in charge of the program led by Mrs. Sterling Mar riner assisted by Mesdames Bill Le-inbach and-Mrs. Benton. Miss Mary ' Alice Whitfield Spoke on "The -Responsibility of the Public Health Office to a Community". Following this an executive meet ' lag was held. ANNOUNCEBIRTH Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Berthalot an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, on Friday, Novem ber 10 In Warsaw. Mrs. Berthalot is the former Willie Mae Dail. JR. MUSIC CLUB : The Warsaw Junior Music Club ! met at the home of Drew Grice Wednesday, afternoon. On the pro- gram were! Jerry Joiner, Joyce Braswell, Cebron Fussell, Larry McCullen, Drew " Grlce, Barbara Standi, Peggy . Mitchell, Patsy Kornegay, Betty Phillips, and Boss Garner. Mrs. W. L. Middleton Jr. told the story about ''Wood For Violins" and told how nobody would be ' bKIa in nneiMfl fhnRA ffrpflt musical treasures, fine violins, if it were not for the handsome trees that grow in the world's great forests. Another story "The Adventures of A Piano" was heard. Mrs. Middle ton gave- a reading on "Thanks giving" which made the young mu sicians aware of why it is truly fitting that they should count mu sic a great blessing received n the past and why they should give thanks for their opportunities. Hymn singing followed accompa nied by Joyce 'Whittle. The club enjoyed a delightful social hour. COAL WE HAVE IT YOU NEED IT GARNER COAL COMPANY WARSAW GARDEN CLUB The Warsaw Garden Club , met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sterling Marrlner with Mrs. Hector McNeil presiding. During business details were dis cussed pertaining to the club's dec orating a home in. Warsaw for Christmas. The home selected was that of Mrs. Henry L. Stevens, Jr. on Hill St. A committee of four was appointed to decorate each of the four rooms to be on display. This will take place on Dec. 14 from 4 to 6 and from 8 to 10 p.m. Refreshments will be served and a small admission will be charged. The public is invited. Mrs. Moseley Davis of Mt. Olive How to make v good coffee...every time! '; taMtHHaMaW 1 . . . v . . S Iff il - -1 "r'niiBi'Ir rfM ""T' .jswawmmammmmimMsssmasWanawanas was guest speaker and spoke o "Dried Arrangements". Mrs. A. J. Jenkins won first' prize for her Thanksgiving Arrangement Used on the dining table in the Marrlner home. . ' - The hostess served chicken salad, pastry patties, '. tomato aspic on lettuce, novelty cheese sandwiches, spiced crabapples, sweet bars and Russian tea. . invited guests Included Mes dames R. L. McManus, Ralph Hon eycutt,aBen Bowden, J. A. Rackley, Miss S'allie Bowden, and Mrs. Mo Cuistan of Mt. Olive. v v BRIDGE HOSTESS On Friday evening. Mrs. John Fonville wait Bridge -hostess to her club and an additional table at her home. Floral arrangements were used in the game rooms.' Mrs. Joyce Burton received a hand painted tray for club high and Mrs. Daulton West won a plastic apron for traveling. Visitor's high', shoe mittens, went to Mrs. F. A. Mitch ener. During the game nuts and cokes were served, and when scores were tallied Mrs.. Fonville served peppermint ice '(ream and choco late cake.' , ,-1- Players Included club members and guests were Mesdames Fussell, W. G. Britt, J. F. Strickland, Char les Sheffield. Mrs. Hector McNeil was a refreshment guest BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Marcel Rocque entertained her bridge club Thursday evening at her home on Crest Drive, Mrs. Earl Whitaker won a flower basket for high score. A miniature cedar chest went to Mrs, Billy Whitfield for second high and Mrs. Carl Winders won a pair of . figurines for traveling. Chrysanthemums and fall flowers decorated the home. Dnnks, nuts and candy were ser ved during the game. Strawberry shortcake and coffee were served at conclusion. Two tables were in play. ,,-; PTA APOLOGIZES ? Here's on easy way Io make good coffee every time-economically t Have your eoffeemaker scrupu lously clean. Be rare your coffee is fresh, and the correct grind for your coffee pot Always use fresh ly boiling water. Measure coffee and water carefully. The best rule is level tabUrpoon of coffee to measuring cup (or 1 ordinary cup) of water for each person. The PTA of Warsaw Schools wish 'to take this opportunity to offer its apologies for being .unable to serve all of those who had pre viously bought barbecue tickets for the Armistice Day dinner. This was due to unavoidable circumstances. Please present your ticket to Mrs. L. S. Whittle, PTA treasurer, and your, money will be refunded. We wish to thank everyone who cooper ated is any way to help feed those under privileged children. ' - ' - BYP RALLY - - There will be a Young People's Rally ill the First Baptist Church of Clinton on Friday night at 7:30. and RA's are Especially recommended for fine flavor are Eifirht O'Clock, Red Circle, and Bokar Coffee... brouirht to you exclusively by AaP. Sold All 'YWA's, GA's, in the iiavor-seaiea . urgea io anena. "Custom Ground" to order, tneyre extra fresh. YouH make the best tasting coffee ever and save money in the bargain I 3 READ 10VJ PEOPLE LIKE YOU . ARE CSTTinff REAL RELIEF from vitsr.in-defic.ency symptoms like EXCESSIYI fJMSBI KE&V0USNESS PCC2 APPETITI rOHSTIfATISil i - BACKACHE STCSIACH TSC3SLI Road their sincere, unsolicited fesfimonfofs and convince yourseM fhaf Bexel Special formula may b fho answer fo your froubies, too. ' "Throuih sitter of nln 1 heard about Bexd Special Formula cmptulc with Iron be emtiM of Uw smf btn eflu id bmd nceWed from them. 1 noticed the difference and ImproTement (ew dayi iter I etarted Uklnf them, bad much more enenrr and pep, lott that tired feel ' Inf, helped ay nanroua condition auo." Columbia, B.C. I Thanke a mlllloa for . Sexel Special Formula ' Capeuleel Mr Job calls for Ions, bard houra and require plenty of pep nil MUWV. H V I ku upplled the pep and eaetsr mceiaarr for me to meet toon loaf hard boon and take car of rush boor business.' in. WAtTm e. Muarwr, Cohimow.Ga.; "Bexel Special Formu la is certainly all it was recommended to me. I am 79 years old and I would advise anyone in a run-down condi tion to take them. I fed better, eat and sleep better and am now able to be on the Job every day. , m. w www Jo(deno,Co.i.J f My Ant bottle of Batel fej ; Special Formula was pur- h:y cliased as a tonic, as 1 V: . felt I needed additional vitality. It proved-very - satisfactory as an eu ersy builder..." PERSONALS , Pretty blue-eyed Belle Biles of KannapoUa ia North Oarollna's firet tsuididato for the 1SS1 Maid of Cot tea title. Miu BUea attended Pfeif ter Junior Collece and ia now em ployed at Cannon Mill Company, the winner of the Maid of Cotton rontest will make a 84,000-mlI tour Io thirty major United States eitiea, Bncland, France and' alz Latin imeiieaa eouu tries as the cotton ndustrya goodwill and fashion Mnbasaadreas. She will be presented Frith an all -cotton wardrobe created for her by the nation'a foremoat leslcnert. The contest la, open to my ainrrle girl between the aces of 19 and 5 who was born In a eotton- arodaeinc state and Is at least S teet 5 Inches tali. Applications may' I .1 . . . . .T . . . Ml . . e ODnunea irwn ine fisusnw uoc ton Council, P. O. Box 18, Memphis t, Tennessee. Deadline for entries December 1. ia t..e southern life of 8 i r ., .t of way, being 50 feet frcn the cen ter of the track, running thence with and along said southern line of said right of' way, 336.5 feet, more or less, to the Eastern line .of Brighton Street, ; running thence with the Eastern line of .Brighton Street, a course of about South 13 degrees 34 minutes East, 1846 feet more or less to the Northern line of Chelly Street, the point of beginning, containing 60 acres, more or less, excepting however from the above description, two tracts of land, sold to Mary Ann Boney NewJcirk, on March 20, 19 35, the first tract being 75.3 feet by 420 feet, and the second tract being 235 feet by 420 .feet, and containing approximately two acres, In both tracts. And being the first tract described in a deed from E. Walker Stevens, and Robert C. Wells, Trustees, of J. A. Newklrk, a Bankrupt, to W. D. Rouse, re corded in Book 418 at page 856 Duplin County Registry, B FOURTH TRACT: All those cer tain tracts or lots of land, describ ed in a deed dated 10th day of January 1943, from J. B. Quinn and wife Eva Quinn, to W. D. Rouse, adjoining the 'lands of the late B. 7. Cooper, and others, and located North of Warsaw High School, con taining four, acres more or less, said deed being recorded In Book 410 page 565 of the public Regis try of ' Duplin County, to which reference is hereby made. ,' FIFTH TRACT: Situate, lying and being in the. Town of Warsaw, being lots numbers 40, 41 and 42 and 43 in Block 43, on the official map of the Town Of Warsaw, recor- pu-,U.. y 1 1 . . . ...i v to wl. a l -'rei o ; i litni' y SIXTH 1RACT: i,eglnh..,j at s stake in Alex Southerland's Una, 23V poles from the Alex Souther land corner, being the Northeast corner of the 22 and 7-8 acres 'tract of land deeded to W. T. Rit ter, by T. S. Kern and others, and runs North' 88 West, 43V poles to a stake (old corner) thence with the old J. D. Plttman line, North 87V West, 69 poles to a stake In the old Alex Southerland line, In Plney Branch, thence South 12V West, 36 Poles to a stake in place, of a Red Oak, Southerland'r cor ner, thence South 2V West, 90, poles to a stake, in place of m water oak; thence North 87V West, 36 poles to a light wood stump In the run of Maxwell Swamp, thence down the.xua of said Swamp; to a stake, the corner of the lands deed ed toJW. T. Rltter, by T. S. Kern, thence with W. T.. Hitter's line, North 82V East, about 212 poles to the beginning, containing 83-94 acres, more "or less, and being the same lands known as the Kern Place, described In a deed from LJ. S. Rouse, Jr., and wife to W. D. Rouse, and recorded in Book 145 page 129 of the public Registry of Duplin County. This tract Is loca ted in Kenansville Township. - : A ten percent deposit must be made on the day of sale. Dated this the 13th day of Nov ember, 1950. ' R. D. Johnson, Commissioner 12-8-4t.RDJ. .,, , NOTICE OF SERVICE BT PUBLICATION are located two miles east of War saw, on a paved road, with R.E.A. service. The third and fourth tracts adjoin the Town limits and the High Sohool property, at Warsaw. The fifth tract consists of ; four building lots on Frisco Street; in a residential section or , Warsaw, and the sixth tract is situated In Kenansville Township, and known as the Kern lands; all of said lands being described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stake on, the Northern edge of the Warsaw to Friendship road, said stake being 81 feet eastward from the run of a small branch,- and runs thence as the Old line and old calls in the deed, North 58V West, 38.4 chains to a. stake in the Eastern margin of Dudley Avenue; thence as the eastern edge of Dud ley Avenue, North 31V East, 44.1 chains to a stake, thence South 58 V East, 13.3 chains 4o a stake, thence South 31V West, 14.81 chains to an irn stake; .thence South 58V East, 444 feet to a' stake, Sallle K. Rouse corner' thence as ;her line a new line South 30 degrees 30 minutes West, 650 feet to a large Cherry tree, thence North (65 de grees 40 minutes West, 585 feet to a stake in the farm road; thence as said road. South-3 degrees' 30 minutes West, 841 feet to a stake, thence as the Northern edge of the road, S.on th 65 degrees 40 minutes East, 1538L feet to a fence post; thence as the fence South 20 de grees 10 minutes East, 489 feet to the northern edge of the pavement, In the Warsaw and i Friendship road,' thence as Northern edge of pavement i South 79 degrees : 30 minutes West, 665 feet to the be ginning, containing by the old deed 95 acres, more or less. - SECOND' TRACT:, Beginning at a stake In the Northern edge of the pavement in the Warsaw to Friendship' road, at a point 81 feet Eastward from the center of the Culvert, la" a small branch and runs thence as said road, North 79V Uncle Sam Says PROTfeCT )UR COUNTRY and YOURSELF ' U.S. SAVIM6S BONDS Randolph Phillips was taken to Goldsboro Hospital Tuesday for an operation. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frederick and Mrs. John Frederick spent Sun day in Southern Pines. Mrs. Herbert Smith of Benton and Mi, and Mrs. John Land of Chadbourn spent the weekend wiht Mr. and Mrs. Paul Potter. ' Mrs. Henry Shelton, and Mrs. Laura Denton of Columbia, Tenn. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright who recently arrived from Yokohama, ' East, 865 feet to a stake, In Hue Japan and their two children spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 3. T. 'Gresham. T '. i tia-'?! d Among students home for : the week end were Misses Laura West, Mary Lee, Jones, Evelyn Jean Da vis. Anne West, ECTC; Harold Ma- ' It la time for every American to ask himself what he can do to help fcees his country strong and free. There la much to be done tor here's what we must do to support ear de fense forces and to end sfrreasion In the world: Produce the materials and MUtoment needed for defense : rata the money to pay the esst ef Increased defense efforts; do all we can to prevent Inflation. Buyhur TJ. 8. Savin rs Bonds helps do all of these. EnroUIng for the Payroll Savings Plan where yon work means yon are nroviainf . lor your' own nnaneuu security and at the same time help- - Q Inr your country. THAT IS SOME M THING EVERYONE CAN DO. In The Superior Court NOrth Carolina: Duplin County: ' DORIS JH. MURRAY, Plaintiff, vs . . UNWOOD B.. MURRAY, dant. Defen- . . .J i . j . j, uplin C't Kmla C. t e purpose of obtaining i j 1 te divorce from the defeudu t on tiie grounds of two, years and more of separation; and the defendant . will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County, Kenansville, North Carolina, within twenty (20) days after the 15th day of December, and answer or demur to the Com plaint in said action or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said Complaint, This the 18th day of November, 1950. . : "' . , , . ' , -r ' , 7 " ." R. ' V. ' Wells, Clerk, of " c i i Superior Court - of ' - - Duplin County. 2-8-4t CYV , . ' asff" 'J J 7' IT r 1- c The defendant, Llnwood B. Mur- rnv , will fnlrA nrvtlr- tkat an artlnn -- - 1 entitled as above has-been com- TYNDALL FUNERAL HOME 4 IN MOUNT OLIVE - ' PHONE 2303 I i - Homo oc Wayne-Duplin ' -; v Burial Association ' -Funeral Directors Embalmera Ambulance, Service Day or Night . Subscribe To The Times t oooooooooooooooooooooocc ... ' . V t o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o " Auction Sale;; ALL MY FARM EQUIPMENT Saturday, Nov. 18 at. 9:30 A.. M. NEW 2-HORSE WAGON and CART; NEW MASSEY-HARRIS 44 DIESEL TRACTOR (terms arranged); FARMAtt 'H and EQUIPMENT; SPRAYERS, DUSTERS. PLOWS, MULES and h . , . i . " ' ' T J t , . sNf ' f " TOOLS; 12000 TOBACCO STICKS; - CORN; TOBACCO , j v , . " r 'st r ' mil3$ POUtTRI ' SUPPLIES and. ..'mANI .OTHER" ITEMS. , r t , . , j; .-. , - ; MOSELEY PHILLIPS ,, ' . , 1 mile west of Warsaw on HiU St Extension . o o J o C) c. U. S. TrKMry QipwhmMl tonooooooooooooooooooooQl ,fZ..y j r r'-: with the wire fence, thence as the fence, North 20 degrees 10 minutes West, 489- feet to a fence post. thence North 65 degrees 40 minutes WesU 1538 feet to a stake; thence as the farm road, North 3 degrees 30 minutes East, 400 feet to a this,' UNC; Johnnie Jenkins, State; stake, thence1 North 89 degrees 15 Jean Miller, Campbell; J3onny WU-i minutes West, to the' old line, liams, Campbell; Mae Brock, WC-: thence gat the old Jine to the be- tn ' n . ll...T"Hv-'''-',Li:1 ms. a ' 1 lot AnftUl, CUf. I "Thank )rea for Bexsl gpscUl Formula. 1 was aarvona, ran down, bcvst felt Ilka caUnc and it was vary hard bslnr In a condition iik that as I work S and t nlsrhti a we-k. But now I sat and sImp food, am Bat nervoos and working doas not bothar nu Ilka It did." I lxfm Josf OKI ccpiul 'end you're B.S. W. tTOK, ' Inland, Flo.! "J nil pH 1 nav. dvw y bcn takins for only If f. davs and to data I can I sar without rasarvt 1 5 .hava mined stmngUi aa ' McKESSON'l SPECIAL FORMULA At hading drug iforsil asai cos's wll mm weuillt and am back to normal." Possd br profusions! models ...I: i A NEW VETi aowaddMi la BEXEL MULTIPLE VITAMIN CAPSULES I A4cg. Vitamin S 12 aar copsvf. ...as fsw as JH pot stay. Got Your DEXEL At Graham Phillips Jr. of Kinston spent the week end at home here.' E. E. Jones ' arrived Saturday from Illinois' and spent the week end with his family. , - Mr. 1 and Mrs. Arthur Benton have moved into "their .new resi dence on Chelly St. Extension, for merly occupied by L. E. ,Mullens. Mrs. ' Sterling Marrlner; spent Tuesday in Raleigh. .. . t Mrs. Ralph Best Jr. and children have moved into their new home on Frisco St;;;"-'f ,?r ;:'' ' -ff Mr. ana Mrs. wudut uarner anu family spent Sunday In Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Graham -Quinn and son of Kinston spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Packer;'""""1 r Mr. and Mrs. Milton West and Mr. and Mrs. Avon Sharpe attended the Duke-Carolina game Saturday. G. A. Phillips Is attending a Na tional Oil Meeting ' n Richmond this week. ' , . , , 1 ' - NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Duplin County, in the Special Proceedings, Number 2421, entitled "Sallle K. Rouse and others, Ex Parte", the undersigned Commissioner, will on the 15th (Friday) day of December, 1950. offer for sale, tfe r"""y It ginning frftainini 41 ahd 17-10 acres, more or ss; j a j y THIRD TRACT; Beginning at the intersectloBi i of the Northern ( line of Chelly Street,! eastern lino of Brighton Street, running thence with the. Northern line of Chelly Street, a course pf about North 76 degrees: 18 minutes East, 1006.9 feet more or less, to a stake in-the Northern edge of Chelly Street. extended, Eastward ly, said stake being Walter -Moore's'1 southwest- era corner, as shown on a map here inafter referred to, as Exception Number Seventeen, running thence with Walter' Moore's western line, a course bf about '. orth 14 degrees 15 minutes West, about 420 feet to a stake, Walter Moore's Northwest ern corner,, running thence -with Walter Moore s Northern line, a course'of about N 76 degrees 18 mln utes East. 412.5 feet, more or less to a stake, at the western edge of Mineral Springs Avenue, running thence with the western edge of Mineral Springs Avenue, a course of about North 14 degrees 15 mln utes West, 447 feet, more or less, to the southern' boundary line of the Atlantic and Carolina Railroad Right of Way, said point being 50 feet from the center of the track. running thence Northwestwardly with the right of way line of said railroad North 40 degrees 02 min utes West, 10 feet more or less, TOtT can't afford to buy trucks by, : X guesswork today.What you carry bow far and fast you carry, it -under what road and traffic conditions -rail must be considered in specifying- th ' right, truck for you in timet like these. v; That', our specialty at a. GMG truck dealer ve are first and foremost transports ion engineers. Our one aim is to recommend the exact combination of ? engine, frame, axles, transmission, cab , and optional equipment that is best "jsuited for your year-round needs. , , Come in and see us-whether you want a Va'ton pickup or a giant Diesel 90,000 lb. GGW six-wheeler. We can give you exactly the right truck ' designed for f longer mileage with less maintenance expense and it will be a real truck. ; engineered for your type of work. - . That's why GMG sales are greater today ' than ever before. Truckers find they - are best in the long haul. Let us shows i you why. . ff'jr'ffaiferidivce dUhJ anywhere in U. $. Excluiive rapid road ssrvlcs for CMC own. .; ers-caH Western Union Opsrator 25 for name of nearest CMC approved service , 4 . VQHT s r'&VT MODCU Mods le w ' vartefy of snalssorfybaah) coatU. -! fa tit mry trucking essd V- the ri""-r r'JtP?r' 1 101' r n i ! i rr-" - inrij We carter line i V,

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