. ILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ;:.C;i)ipi,c&DT6 rfS: ' .Land owner who wish to plant pine seedlings on ' their open, land are urged to get In their orders lor seedlings as. soon as possible according to. Joe Herlevitch, Dis- .trlct forester .5 . . -,'-.sy Price per thousa'rid for pine seed lings this year will be J2.50 at the v Clayton Nursery or $3.00delivered. There will be a mechanical tree NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AUTHORITY contained In that cer terse Tells How I'Jos So Helpful To Her Supplied Vitamins Bi, Bz, Iron and Niacin Which Her System Lae'ccJ 'V , Mrs. Jennie Lee Adele, 412 N. 27 St, East St. Louis, 111., a nurse, says she wishes she had found out about HADACOL sooner be cause since taking HADACOL she feels so good. Mrs. Adele was suf fering a deficiency of Vitamins B', - B, Niacin and Iron which HADA COL contains. J Here la Mrs. Adele's own state ment: "I have been a nurse for oter 14 years. My food never - seemed to agree with me. I heard one day how so many folks were being helped because of HADA COL. I tried It and after 3 bottles I could tell a big improvement. , Now I eat anything I. want sleep wall and I am full of energy." Why HADACOL Gives W. Such Fine Results HADACOL does not bring just symptomatic relief. HADACOL now make it possible to actually relieve the cause of aches and pains In the shoulders, legs and arms, certain nervous disturbances, and 'general run-down weakened con dition due to deficiencies of Vita mins B, B, Niacin and Iron in your system. HADACOL not only supplies de ficient systems with extra quan tities of Vitamins B, B, Iron, and Niacin but alto helpful amounts of important Calcium and Phosphorus 0 . mf ' " f , " - "J E fife: 7l . , W.. Jfe. y .in i ii i -i ,i, ni i , I , s rwn i , J dependability of fodas hlj, ru In 5 short minutes with Dodge voull disoover roomfnsat that expensive cars can't match-head room, leg room. : v ; shoulder room t . a bigger car intide, yet a car that s more ' compact outside for easier handling In trafflo, easier parking, . V - ;'. And compare the riding smoothness ,V. the new greater visibility t , . the road-hogglng stability of Dodge wllh cars . costing much, much morel Come'in today. See how you , can save with today's bigger value Dodge. - .1 planter available for the larger tracts if requested. "Don't let your "open land be Idle, grow trees, for tomorrow's crop." Application blanks can be had by contacting County Forest Warden Ralph Miller of Beulaville, or the District Forester's Office, Whiteville, N. C. tain Chattel Mortgage and or Crop Lien as set forth and described In Book 841. page 124, of .the Samp son County Registry, and which elements so vital to help trial tain good neaitn ana pnysicai ness. ' Why These Vitamin and Minerals Come In Liquid Form There's a very good reason why Trim iftf ' i 1 tJ 1 form. These precious Vitamins and Minerals are more easily and quick ly absorbed into the blood stream i this way ready to go right tot work. A big improvement is often I noticed wiuun a lew aays. Don't Be A 'Doubting Thomas' After reading Mrs. Adele's won derful experience with' HADACOL how can -you doubt that this great new nutritional formula will help you if your system lacks Vita mins Bi, B, Iron, and Niacin? What HADACOL did for Mrs. Adele, it can do for you if you're troubled with aches and pains in the shoulders, legs, and arms, cer tain nervous disturbances, insom nia when due to an upset stomach, stomach distress and a general run down weakened condition due to such deficiencies. So what are you waiting for? Don't you see that HADACOL is the kind of product you need the kind you should buy and the kind you should start taking immedi ately.! Sold On A Striot Money-Back Guarantee HADACOL even helps build up the hemoglobin content of your blood (when Iron is needed) to course through your body, carry ing these great health-building ele ments to every body organ. No' wonder HADACOL helps you feel wonderful. Be fair to yourself I Give your self a break if you have such defi ciencies! Why continue to drag yourself around a burden to yeur self and your family when relief may be as close at hand as your; nearest .drugstore if you suffer a deficiency of Vitamins B, B, Nia cin and Iron. This great HADA COL is inexpensive, too--costs only, a small amount a day. Trial size, only $1.25. Large family or hos pital size, $3.60. If your druggist does not haye HADACOL, order it direct from The LeBlane Corpora tion, Lafayette, Louisiana. 1980. Th lABuni Corporstioa. . " . . " ' S minutes vitib us cch . You coufd pay 00 mora end net r: ; , Aha eyfra room. trf fc-lf' - has been duly t. signed to R. D. Intcyte, t dersigned will - dr. .it for s. 4 . t castt on Saturday, the 18th d tf November, 1950, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the place of business of S, D, Preoythe in Falsofc, North Carolina, the following articles of personal property, to wit: vOne lot ef eon containing ap proximately 13,218 pound t One lot of corn containing appro ximately 9,860 pounds; . One 1938 Podge panel track; One bay horse about 9 yean old; '- One black horse about 7 years old; - ' One Hackney i horse wagon; Two cotton plowt; " . One 2-horse Vulcan plow; -'One disc harrow; - ' . One fertiliser distributor; Two iron single trees. . Advertised this the Stth day of October, 1950. ' , R. D. Precythe, Mortga- - gee and Tranafereo 3. H. E. Phillips. Attorney- U-17-at. hbp j - . AUTUMN ' ' '' ' ' '" ; -i " ''' V, J Autumn is the loveliest season, The very sweetest time of all," When cool weather descends upon US, the goldenrod puts on her shawl. Springtime is lovely in scenery," The daffodil sport a new crown, And flowers blooming In the mead ow -v Are dressed, in. rich, lovely gowns. All the birds sing sweetly in sum mer. There's shade- under umbrella trees, . T . And the daisy is rich In pollen That gets on the legs of bees. " : .' ... '. ,l, i:. . In winter the snow is so lovely, The night wind sings soft lulla bies, . . ' , ' And leaves that died In November Now sleep under blue starry skies. These seasons are sweet and cher ished, 1 - They're precious as lambs -in the fold., ,', '. ' But none so gorgeous and lovely As autumn' when green turns to gold. Beatrice : Walker Wallace, .. . Albortson - Young Drivers In Majority; Ce use Most Vresks Raleigh, N." C Persons under the age of 25 hold 30 of the dri ver's licenses in North Carolina but are Involved in 53 of , the accidents on the State's highways, a study , completed today by the Department of Motor Vehicles revealed.,-, -.. ' c ' . , A study of 64 fatal accidents in August TT- an average jiumber for any month revealed that person under 25 were drivers in '20, or 41 ' of fatal accidents. : Eight of these involving young drivers oc- - rJ C- - ' V f '! f ' j ..'': k- 4. ' " " ' s. . ' , y e tf tue tt ...:;ac- . :s ef t: e year, r .: ,1. mul. Ie fatalities, a:, j 1 v evolved d. ve rs of this yi-m j t.oup and, have occurred lata in the evening or in early morning hours. , . . -rx ' A . study .of 2,400 accident re ports In a typical month revealed that 1,282, or 53, Involved persons in the 16 through 24, age group. , Spcrfs Afield Don't let the cook in your family tell you game isn'tgood eating. Game is thef inest f pod inUhe world if it is cooked prop'erlt. Try fixing a venison roast the wav Harry Bots- xora uoes. -v''- - Have your butcher cut the meat and store it. Marinate it for 24 hours in equal parts of water and vinegar enough to cover the meat Include a couple of sliced onions, some crushed, bay leaves, a few peppercorns, . a tablaspoopful of celery seed and a few leaves of tarragon. Remove the. meat , drain and trim off the fatMn" place of the fat use strips of dry salt pork.' Insert , a few slivers of . garlic in slits-in the meat Sear the Roast, put in a 450 de gree oven and cook about 30 minu tes to the pound. Baste frequently with the marinade, and remove cover for the final half hour in the oven. For gravy, boll the drippings with a glass of red currant Jelly. When the mixture thickens add a small jigger of sherry wine, and serve with the roast There you'll have a dish with a truly, uplifting flavor. t Venison steaks can be) superla tive, too.' They should be soaked for an hour In olive oil and minced garlic then quickly . br))fled. When done place a pat pTbutter on each, return to the broiler and turn off : the,, heat "after1' two minutes they - are ready to -serve. Fw Beit Prices and Cop plete Job on Monuntents SecorWfha Rev. H. J.-Vhajey BEULAVTLLE TZS IS KZ 1ST. C7 IhL- -'Vi''" - m 1 ' ' MM'i WM BSUAMY. . NAOINS CONNIt ' tfy1 : ''M't' A Jw t ml Sift id tntm Mar Optrm't nlwkntti mhw -t I I v ' J I 1-. ILower ...1 S-U CJL tli-Uidtj C) . . t i CJL r- VUxi'.Vj C!::!!::) a-.: 1 13 CJ. r zl7 --) 13 CJ. L::J I -rl7 -T-i-. 23 CJ. Tar Ltd 1 - The Are" 1 49 C-uxiis - A. ' li.cat j i l i 2, and If siuuks are iiut too UiKic, they'll be tender enough to cut with fork. V -y Venison Is s versatile meat It is tremendously good when barbecued and can be run Uirough a food chopper with plenty of onions and made into venisonburgers. Boiled :;- --' With' pnlons, a trace of garlic and plenty of spices, it makes marvelous sandwich . material .when sliced cold. Bite alzed venisonr rolled in heavily seasoned flour; put in a bean ppV covered with evaporated milk and cooked for at least four hours makes a savory dish that is oertect oal to a bowl of creamy mashed potatoes. OAS PAI1IS GO! V Inches Of Bloat Vanish i-:, ,).: ."":'.';',.'t '-.v - Swelling with gas after meals rifting of hot, sour liquids into the throat a T heavy,1 swollen Reeling around the waist-line.. These are some of the penalties of an Upset Stomach. ' ir-:vr,.''l'!"vS:.-',v'-:' CERTA-VIN is nelping hundreds of stdmach' "victims" here In Ke hansyille. One local man said CERTA-VIN" worked so much gas and bloat from him that his waist-line went down 1 inches. ;"';'' .-r ; CERTA-VIN Is a new formula containing Ten Great Herbs blend ed with vitamin B and Iron. It not only relieves gas; it also enriches the blood with new red cells and makes -the nerves stronger, with vitamin B. Miserable people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffering! Get CERTA-VIN. KENANSVILLK DRUG CO. . KI UIT3 KI '.XAtZsmA tutor f - IS " r 4 a'-'- 'V'iS. I: I 1 f1 xjt, f HANms PASSAT v: v.,. - - aiu sisaii.. !. i t i "-m y iTn ii; iirt i""'fl,rffi"r 1 i' .. . -!- e r-"y Neei AT' 1 Ct ' ' '' '. .ns U Constant Uut v.. ( )t "1 ' - '!' . A new non-stir method of laund erlng wool blankets In automatic washers proved the solution to the shrinkage problem. The idea U that of removing soil by soaking rather than aglUtlon. ' r The non-stir, or soak-cleaning was tried out successfully on 40 new and used wool blankets. New ones laundered this way shrank nly a trifle or hot at all. Used blankets, badly shrunken in previous laun- derings, were reconditioned and came out four to six-inches longer when ftnlshed by stretching and brushing. BLOODSHED BOXSCORB , On N. C. Highways ' Killed Nov. 3-6 21 Injured same dates 193 KlUed thru Nov. e, 1949 . - " - 701 Killed thru Nov. 6, 1950 " . 805 Injured thru Nov. 6, 1949 -8,124 Injured thrji Nov. 6. 1950 10.200 1 t , vi.-' . ;.. -.n . - . , Sevell's Pharmacy Preorlption Specialist :':. . t I ' - ' I- Phone 2554, Kinston, N. C. When ifr A i JaF I - - - ' . "I ... m ii urn ' - . .. . jtmml Wa 'Figure " It Out For Yourself , - - - . v.,:. Yea' (S iUays Do Sere ..." . " . ' ... .'' ' .f.-t-..l'. 1 " r "1 i e' if. G:: r C f ' ';: . ' , ' -"( ' in!- WILLIAMS VUNT 2AL KCail - - - Billy Tyni-d , -. Undertakers Embalmert - Jt"" ""-nc Cervice t . . Home of I .t tl.vS EurUd Ass. Pbnn, ? --J . Rtt. Olive, N. C ,-J 'I: V WATC. 3 CI ' TKS . WATCH BA&J r A -RINGS ON OEEZa t i ' Hep a Watehea Clocks, ,4ewln. PRESTON IIOLMJ DUPLIN ME2CANTILK CO I E KENANSVIU.E " i Ideal For Christ.?.;; DIAMONDS " , - WATCIIE3v . : " ". ' CLOCKS JEWELRY - Lay Away Plan - -Watch and Clock , ; REPAIR SERVICE BAKER JEV.'ZL LAWTON BAKES, Pre. . a ,: Leeated in the , , . Warsaw Farnltnr. Co. Bldgi WARSAW ' ' Cbmo aU rV- Lib 4 I,.. I - V: "i. ; - I-'

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