BETTER HOMES MAKE BETTER COMMUNITIES -Glass WaW Draws " " n to House Extensive use of glass, a dis tinguishing mark ot contemporary architecture, calls attention ; to this home designed by Gerhard W. Brandhorst, Minneapolis- ar chitect As shown in American Builder, the light construction in dustry magazine, the imaginative ly designed window wall is made of double-glared glass, which con sists of two panes separated by ucwucuvauy eeaiea airspace, mis minimizes heat loss and keeps out I cold air. Large windows- ci this J kind would not be practical if double-glazing had riot been per fected, the publication ugug&Al Yooooooooooo ' Coordinated Beauty. -, .. JTer Better atones- 1 ' - . - Let Vs Melp' ten. With JTour Interior Decorating- . SeleeHea ef Lamps Tables ' Chain Bus - Wall Papers - 'f Mirrors - Cernlees - Pictures. The ,..r. ; Decoraficht Shoppe ii 19S X. Peyton Ave. Dial 9964 KINSTON . oooooooooo I Q. Can linoleum be painted? A Yes. Any good grade pf floor paint or floor enamel should i nA.i.ittAinf Tmft jvinta nrnh. i UC DdUaiUH'.i r , - jibly will be needed. Before paint ing, the linoleum must be cleaned thoroughly. Paint won't stick to crease or wax. '' - ;." Q Will painting damage wood veneer? '- A Not at all, but why paint it? Hardwood veneers are carefully cut to reveal all the natural beauty . '. . rYT-ni rt A fintnn that will protect the wood without hi-f ng the grain Is usually con i ed best Wood veneer can be ed with wax, stain and var shellac, lacquer or any other rd wood finishing material. i'orch floor boards eome- siu ifuv rii: i are painted before mey are place. Why? --If only the top is painted, re will enter the boards i the unpaintfid surfaces, illy some of tuis moisture . wet wider t' rB,'n n4 . J " 'J3.... 'i-. . ..... all pi. I i It XO una wr, a ui. w -t-faces, iacl''''" 'T ,t,, bid l kp"r t.......e out, and t wiJ l"t srracn logger. ... .1 a cliiinrnsy trwc r'ntie tu .iAiMuiIit7 t.ig? .- h- . hi its come from many s, too. from i Jt " ' r F J f Out- nf j i ty tua : f i... " intas i h t. .4 a ad- 4 4 J ynAf d tar' c . 'S. t u a x li t J it otise "-r iiiJ.iing or bp i t..e st'"o could be i on. A t"lrd cause is ljii, or ouier ba1- fn e stucco has been an :y I. Metal lath, ins.- t ot 'd always be ju-d ii ;. If moisture pene 1 lath, it wl'I ex- Wit WoodWith Handsome Grain Chosen for Veneer Gutting The decorative grain patterns of hardwood -veneer, a material -prized for use in quality furni ture, radio and television cabinets, wall panels and flush doors, are due to thejjarts of the tree from which the wood is taken and the way the log is "opened" or cut The same effects cannot be achieved with solid lumber. Distinctive wood grain figures are obtained not only from the trunk of a tree but from the stump, from the crotch where the tree forks into limbs, said from burls, wart-like growth deformi ties. ;; , ,. ; ;.-. The crotch, where the wood fibers are crushed and twisted together as the limbs grow in the living tree, yields one ot the most striking patterns. Swirl, another figure, comes from the outer sides of a crotch block or a burly The grain of, the burl itself often is rippled end variegated. jr , Wood veneer from the stump of a tree is unusually attractive because pressure from the grow ing tree has wrinkled .the wood fibers. Stump veneer also is knowp as butt veneer. ,3 ; v In converting a log into thin sheets of veneer, slicing is the method customarily used to pro duce the choice face stock. Slicing through, the entire thickness of the log is the flat cut method. Sometimes the log or "flitch" as it is known in the industry is cut first into quarters lengthwise, producing a beautifully striped figure in most woods.' In making veneers for the in ner layers of hardwood plywood, rotary cutting is the method usu ally selected. The log is mounted on a lathe and turned against a Give Your Home A - 5 ifMtH SEE VS BtFORB TOC BUlCD. WARSAW VOOD PHONE S04 Walking on Rbof to Patch If Can Cause Additional Leaks The act of patching a roof often results in more leaks than existed before repair work wits started. This is one of the little under stood reasons for completely re covering a weathcArbeaten roof with asphalt shingles instead of patching it Accidental splitting or punctur ing of old, worn roofing is dlffli cult to avoid when the roof i used as a work platform. 'TL possibility ot damage is great le cause the roof has been weakenea by years of service. Fatohtog ROGERS MASURY PAIHTS i - , - - ' For Houtei & Barns . j . , i . , ...... Inside and Outside faints Roll Roofing Galvanized Tin:. Asphalt Shingles BUILDERS ;; !IA.WJlE''-:; i I . ,.m... : Si Drawing shows fhe partt of a tree from which . difiereni kinds of . . hardwood veneer are taken. razor-shaTp knife. As the log re volves, the veneer peelr o3 in a uniformly thin sheet This rpera tion is similar to aarld'ng a roll of paper. . : v . Grand Entrance! WE CAN HELP TOU AND SAVE TOC MONET. - DOORS WINDOWS . . CABINETS - MANTLES - ENTRANCES -MILLWORK OF ALL KINDS. PRODUCTS CO. WARSAW, N. C. leak is recommended only when the roof is relatively new and the damage isi localized a leak caused by a falling tree branch, for example. Otherwise, patch ing tr fht be ineffective, because roof wears evenly and the first leak indicates that others will de velop booh. -: flix roof of a house should be .ected in the fall. This inspec , h ehould be made early enough to leave- tune for rerooflng, if it ii tiecessary, before cold weather Ives, , ' -.. t v !AIAMI7C : I l I Ml (ILL "PAINTS t,. r- ; xi-i-r v-. ,s INSIDE AND OUTSIDE v - TOUR HOME 'i -tv-.i-; . FOR . :.-'" A SMOOTH, HARD, FLAT r FINISH THAT WILL LAST , Ik, :C FOR TEARS s xonc uaier: A. C. HALL HARDWARE WALLACE V,'" Shingle Shape Part Of House Design ; A home-owner who is interest ed in achieving a distinctive ap pearance for ha house can choose from several operant shapes oi roof sUincles, each of which gives a d " "rei.t Tfi'!'?rn when applied 1 1 i ;nl t"d Strip ps- (02 Siiower.Balh tt Tub Costs i Little More 1 : Most home-owners now want overhead showers in their bath tuba, says American Builder mag azine. The reason: "Water has to be piped to the tub anyway, so why not have a shower tooT" - The publication explains that recent developments in shower equipment include "glass panels for tub enclosures, glass doors for cabinet showers, new types of shower heads, adjustable shower arms and new mixing valves for greater safety. "One of the popular members of the shower family is the pre fabricated metal shower cabinet Cabinet showers are available in a variety Of sizes. "They are shipped knocked down for economy of transports-; tlon and ease of installation. They are leak-proof and durable. The latest types of receptors for show er cabinets are stain-proof, and aon-slip." 4i- ., I v ' .;- Square Tub Useful : American Builder says the de-: Itt nt tnnHBrn hathtuha also ra-. fleets the constant striving of the Swwu m yywm muw, - urabllity. . Tk. miibh Kottitiih Ht)l th naiiy. i nwuuuucu w j- a - ... a I - . 1 ...1 1 lariy useiui siyie ior mciiuwu shaped bathrooms or rooms with limited floor space. - "Two integral corner seats and other features bring new con venience and comfort to this type of bathtub," American Builder m Ul- .JUinn Urn atriKiirnl 1 advantages bring new freedom to the planning 01 Dainrooms. I "It fits well into wall lengths too short for the average bath. In connecting baths, it saves val uable space - between bedrooms; It leaves room for closets or stor age without reducing bathroom floor space." Extra Tiny Tub Produced For exceptionally small hornet where space is at an absolute minimum, there is a tub measur ing 43 by 31 inches, the magazine adds. It ui a built-in seat, a flat bottom and a "non-splash rim that also serves as a safety hand hold." The tub is designed to be part of bathrooms as small as 5 feet a inches by 6 feet, 8 inches. Most new tuba have more flat, urfaea hum. A flat rim can be used as a ahalf for toilet articles or as a seat, A flat batntuo bot tom helps prevent slipping. . Venetian Blinds MAKE TOUR WINDOWS MORE ATTRACTIVE M inches to IS inches wide 64 lnehea long ONLT f 1.99 EACH KRAMER'S WALLACI Homo for a A one-story dwelling that can be built on a 60-foot lot is the kind of .bouse desired today by many potential home-owners, says American Builder magazine. This house, Plan No. 44, was selected to meet those specifications. -The m a pait ot the house is only 25 if t, 8 iuche wide. At the rear, the width is 39 feet, 1 inch including the f ww Overall length is 84 'I iix'hes. ; -A terior is 8 j SuItfW MM) 'niMMMMs j n r 9 Mokes Thermostat oflc ErraticaUy An" V properly located thermo stat of wn is responsible for er ratic eperation of a home heating systeayt says American ' Builder magaziae. This check list is sug gested as - a guide in looking for the fault: - I Tift thermostat should not be in room- with large glass areas on the east, south or, west sides. Sunlight coming through large windows can make the room wanner-th an the rest of the house and "satisfy" the thermostat ; 2 The thermostat should never be exposed to direct sunlight or to drafts of cold air. f, s IKshould sever be near a source-f heat, such as a radio or television set or a lamp. It should not be secured to a see- on of wall srhich conceals a arm 'air risefra hot water cine or a chlmhey. 4 The thermostat should be lo cated where room- air can reach it freaiyt :It ahould-jaever .be a behind a door wmoh or 'Stands onen. nor should it be close to ah inside comer of roomy . .r.,. . jvASH WASPS AWAY A wass nest under the eaves of m house can be destroyed by a axream-pi water rxom a garden hose. BEETLEHOLES Worfhholes in old furniture and woodwork are made by beetles. oooooooooooc Complete PLUMBING f AND HEATING CONTRACTORS EXPERT INSTALLATION SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL BATHROOM FIXTURES W. C. QUIIIK , KINSTON OOOOOOOQOOOO Hammering English ' Ifito StndenU'. Heada Good construction is eood con struction whether H's in building oil in grammar,; says - American Builder magazine.-According to the publication, the Carnegie In stitute of Technology, 'Pittsburgh, is going to emphasize the simi larity in teaching English to architecture students: ? SO - Bcot'Lot: low Wood screen between the liv log room and the dining area. The tafee ! bedrooms -meet a require m"t of many families. ; i . rectangular shape of . the de"-ing makes construction eco iiomiualT Interior living rrea njeas wres 1,012 square feet' Retailed building, atafls erf thU !nse are availablo-erum Aaver- i rnilder, S Church St ew . t, N. T. Refer to PUn . ' V! il696 School The Voorlezer's House" In Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y is the oldest known elementary school building in the United States. It was erected before 1636. "Voorlezer" was the title given by the early Reformed Dutch con gregation to a chucch employee, whose main duties were to ring the bell, lead the singing, keep rec ords, and admonish noisy church members. In the dominie's ab sence, he read church services. The voorlezer conducted a school, teaching reading, writing, arithmetic and religious studies. In most settlements like the one on Staten Island, he also served as court clerk, court messenger and public scrivener. In this last ca pacity, one of his functions was to compose love letters for less Resin Adhesiyes Permanently Bo id Sheets of Veneer Synthetic resin adhesites re cently have been developed for bonding together thin sheets of wood veneer to make hardwood plywood. These adheslves pro duce Joints that are waterproof, immune to bacterial attack, heat resistant and stronger than the wood itself. Strength and durarility of the bond result from che nicaJ change caused by simultaneous applica tion of heat and pressure. The hot-press process requires a tem perature of arout 300 degrees Fahrenheit antf pressure of 250 to 350 oounds r'r square inch. Wood veneer panels bonded with phenolic resins can be boiled in water Indefinitely without harming the adhesive joint. Sub jected to dry heat, the adhesive will not fail even when the tem perature goes above the char ring point of the wood. SUNTILE Offers Tou Better TILE Better Installation We fuarante- installation and are ready to cooperate with you in selecting colors, working out details, furnishing; estimates on Suntlle. G. W. CARTER TILE CO. P. O. Box No. 70S, Klnston, N. C. Phones: S587 and 2501 Barn Roof Most Vulnerable ' To Weather of Any on Farm I The roof on the main barn usually is more vulnerable than any other farm building roof. Among the reasons for this art: . 1 To facilitate drainage, the barn generally is situated on the highest ground in the farmstead. As a result it is .fully exposed to wind and other elements of the weather. 2 On almost all farms, the- main barn is the largest building and has the greatest roof area. S Because the interior of a bam is relatively free of parti tions, strong internal wind pres sures develop whenever barn or haymow doors are open. These nressures can become hieh enoueh to lift off a flimsy roof deck or pooriy eppuea rooting material - When rerooflng a barn with as- halt roofing, the old surface must e reconditioned to provide a smooth, solid nailing base for the new material. In most cases, the old roofing need not be removed but can be repaired sufficiently to serve as a deck. Loose and warned wood ahineles should be nailed firmly in place and missing shingles should be replaced. To increase the smoothness of the surface, wood "feathering" strips may oe aauea along tne Dutts oi the old shingles.. v To Insure that a barn roof will give satisfactory service, recom mended application procedures should be followed. Six nails are needed for each three-tab. aauan butt, asphalt strip shingle. For maximum resistance to wind, each tab can be spot-cemented with quick-eetting asphalt cement Spe ' clal interlocking shingles designed for Increased wind-resistance al ' so can be used. , The roost serviceable , kind of r'l T " f t remanent farm Still Stanzs -SV t c 1 it; M 4' 111 in -I ! J .f - 'TT; fluent members of the community. The Voorlezer's House is a two story, frame, clapboard structure. The exterior is painted a deep red. Trim and window shutters are white. The building rises two feet higher in the front than in the rear, giving the roof an unequal pitch. The original roof has bttaa replaced with green asphalt shin gles, the same kind of fire-resistant roof material used on most modern homes. Foundation walls are of un dressed fieldstone, with mud as mortar. Timbers of the buUd'ng are of locally cut oak and white wood. The wnite pine floor boa? us, varying in wi :th from 14 t 11 inches, have been w r.i u"pti by the more tliLin Uv j-and-a--litif centuries of u e. JSP??. A HEAT WITH FUEL OIL FOR COMFORT ECONOMY CONVENIENCE CLEANLINESS WE DELIVER IMMEDIATELY ON CALL STRICKLAND OIL CO. PHONE 418 WARSAW Distributors Of MOBIL GAS AND OIL PRODUCTS J5 "Wf iiiWir ''tyjifj Because ot their flexibility, as phalt shingles are especially salted for a curved gothfe ban reef. and it is applied with a 18lnoh lap, giving complete double ot-' erage. The 17-inch-wide exposed' portion comes surfaced with Into; eral granules. j Nineteen-inch selvage eeWre, roofing is suitable for roofs wiJi! a rise of as little as one ineh pert foot Some manufacturers rpeolfr hot asphalt for bonding sheets ef the roofing together at the lays. , Others recommend cold cement; and some make roofing suitable for either hot or cold application.! In both cases, all nails are eon cealed. . - , , 1 ' SHRINKS ONI WAT I Green lumber, which has a high moisture content, shrinks when it dries. Almost all of tins v '-

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