17 i DANCING CLASSES v Mr. Belle Hlnnant held her first dancing class in Warsaw Saturday morning in the Grammar School with a large attendance. Ainu Hin nant comet from Wilson, having taught dancing there for 24 years. She hat had six years of stage ex perience. She has two assistants who with her will teach ballet, Up and acrobatics. Classes will be held each Friday afternoon at three, o' clock In the Grammar School. Char ges will be $1.00 per lesson, one hour long. , v PTATOMEET , .The PTA will have Its regular meeting in the high school Tues day Nov. 28th at 7:30 p.m. At this time a movie will be shown which places special emphasis on "Good Sportsmanship", j This program will be of special interest to the men. A good attendance is expect ed. Around 300 were present at the last meeting..' entertainsjclub"- . Mrs. Arthur Cooke entertained her bridge , club Thursday night at her attractively decorated home. Guests for the game were Mes- dames Earl Whitaker, George Clark Momon Barr, Emerson Jones, Lau- gbton Aibertson, Robert ' Lewis, and Miss Nora Blackmore. Miss Blackmore won cocktail napkins for club high and Mrs. Whitaker won napkins for visitor's high. For traveling Mrs. Clark re ceived a clothespin apron. Upon arrival the hostess served fruit cake topped with whipped cream and coffee. During the game the : guests enjoyed coca colas, nuts and cookies. PERSONALS Misses Anne Huie and cousin, Winnie Lew MsSwaln of Arcadia, Fla. are expected to spend Thanks giving week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Huie. They are students at 1 Converse College. ' Mrs. John Peirce plans to spend the week end with her daughter . In New York City. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Phillips of New York City are expected Wed nesday to spend the holidays with Relatives in and near Warsaw. Ralph Best, Jr. spent the week end with Mrs. Best and children. He la stationed at Paris Island, S. C. f .. . Mesdames R. L. West, Graham Phillips, R. D. Johnson Sr. and R. D. .Johnson, Jr. attended the fu neral of J. A. Powers in Wallace Monday. ' A Mrs. R. L. West returned Monday after spending several days In Rich mond attending the UDC Conven tion. -J .!, .; Miss Peggy Mitchell spent the week end in Clinton with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mitchell and sons spent Sunday in Aberdeen, ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogers and family of Chapel Hill spent the week end with Mrs. W. A Carter. Marina'Blackmore returned from Dr. Sidbury'a Hospita) Sunday and is improving. ; . - Mr. and . Mrs. Graham Phillips and daughters spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alley Hart in Kinston. v v . Rev. and Mrs. J. Paul Edwards of Roseboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bostic . Frank Haisllp is improving after an illness this week. : . . ' Mrs. Stacey Britt attended the football game in Wilmington Friday night.; -v.-:' ;.:. Mrs. H. L. Stevens Sr. Is recu perating from a fall she received Thursday. She suffered painful head injuries, v . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baars and family visited in New Bern Sunday. Attending the funeral of Mrs. Rose Best Teachey Sunday .were Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. David Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Carter, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Best, Mrs. L. O Williams, Mr. Herman Hollingsworth, Mrs. . Ella Womack, and Mrs. R. E. L. Wheless. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Humphrey of Raleigh spent the week end with his parents here Mrs. Bonnie Thomas and baby are improving after an attack of cold and flu. Classified Ads FRUITS for fruit cakes. Get yours now. C. E. QUINN CO. Kenansville. N. C. 12-8-31 C REGULAR DINNERS, aU kinds of sandwiphes; steaks, barbecue pig and chicken. Open week days from 5:00 A. M. til 10:00 P. M. Closed on Sundays'' ' r ' MERCER'S CAFE J. R. Mercer, Prop. ,. BeulavUle 12-8-4 1. pd. , FARM FOR J RENT: .One-horse farm with acres of tobacco. One 4-room house, on school bus route; THE DUPLIN TIMES Published each Friday in Kenansville, N. C, County Seat of DOPUN COUNTY Editorial business and printing plant, Kenansville. N. C. J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER Entered at Hie Post Office, Kenansville. N C. ax second class matter. TELEPHONE Kenansville, 255-6 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per year in Duplin County. Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Pender. Sampson and Wayne coun ties; tSJJO per year outside this area in North Carolina: and 4 00 Per year elsewhere. Advertising rate furnished on reqnent. : A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, economic and agricultural interests of Duplin County. ' XlSort Carolina bA 2 tobacco barns, one pack nous. AU other crop acreage wanted. In Kenansville township. .See or write C. H. Holland, Bt-1, Kenansville, 11-24-21. POV H M,-y-. t r -. . -e 2, 12-1-21. 1 1 plenty of good water from ; a drilled well. 1 write for illustrated ' ' booklet and estimate, ' giving us direction and v . how far you live from .... your: postoffice. - heater well company, ind raleigh. n. c FARM LOANS Federal Land Bank Long Terms, Low Interest, are available through the Clinton National Fans LoW AaaoeUtiah. See or write ' DE WITT CASK; Sooty. Tress, at CLINTON, N. C, MALE HELP WANTED: Man with ear wanted for route work. $15 to $20 In a day. No experience or 3 . PIANOS V ' We have a complete supply of new and guranteed used pianos. For a saving : Jutt see as before yos buy. We sell nothing bat planes. ::-t. ?':: r'-.y JOHNSON PIANO COMPANY 133 W. NORTH ST. . 'V; - KINSTON, N. C Li.L.4 ,L.ZT, Warsaw. 12-9-41 C NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND ' UNDER MORTGAGE TAKE OVER PIANO! Small spinet piano with standard keyboard. Case and interior In ex cellent condition. Guaranteed 100. Party with good credit and able to assume several monthly in stallments can purchase. No down payment required, Don't write un less Interested. ' Write CREDIT DIVISION, Box 889, CONCORD, N. C. 12-1-3 C ,- 4- ; . Mr :.,f ShJiU'ilimii ' J t fc.oat. voasaSSSJoaSaSBBBS i"Ns ., , . i f . t,' isvsiae ji tie Mil t from IrwMe yoer hawse Y lMf roll ir htr awnings te twit your seedf. . -: Catch the whrtar son far light ' r;nd warmth 4 . that oaf direct ' 1 ummT heat with vantllatad sliada. Tailor) ta fit all wln daws, porch t, fMrtlo. Taar ' choice of colon. ' for compM Infaiaiatloa tame ' la to , f lopfcaae or wrMe ' far oar fro fH -color f ol dor, BR 00 KB A UK Insulating And Roofing Co. '" P. O. Box 83 Phone 2S0S 307 Vance St. Clinton, N. C BRICK. LIME, MORTAR, DRAIN TILE, DOOBS, PLXWWOOD, AND MASONITE ON HAND. BRING ME YOUR JERUSALEM SEED. 1 J. C. Russ, 'WARSAW 12-15-41 FOB SALE: One new 8 ft. Cast Iron Bath Tub, complete with fix tures. Will sell for $50.00 cash. See or Write - - ' MRS. WILLARD JOHNSON, KENANSVILLE, N. C. 11-24-lt. Pd. , , . FOR SALE: Two hornless Poll Hereford bulls. Full blood from Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage executed by L, L. Brock and his wife Maggie T. Brock to J. J. Barden, Jr. mortgagee, dated December 30th, 1946, and recorded in Book 438, page 97, of the Duplin County Registry, default ' having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said mortgage, being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned mortgagee .will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door In Kenansville, North Carolina at noon Monday, Decem ber 18th, 1950, the property con veyed m the said Mortgage. The same lying and . being in Duplin County, North Carolina, and de scribed as1 follows: ' - Beginning at ah Iron stake forty feet west of the line of D. S. Wil liamson, W. R.: Bryant place, and a corner of Jessie Davis land and runs North 2 E 6 poles to an Iron stake, thence North 79 V4 West 20 2-3 poles to an iron stake in the edge of a ditch; thence South West 6 poles to an lroq stake on AS. 0. ?? liiiIIUVJ m - AAUC, VUGUkC South 79 Vi . East with the D. S. Williamson and Jessie Davis line 26 2-3 poles to the beginning and containing one acre more or less. The highest bid at first sale hav ing been raised 10 the bid at second sale will start at $158.20. A ten percent deposit will be re quired of the successful bidder as evidence of gqod faith. ; . This the 18th day of November, 1. ). ' J. J. E .4(.1, Sc. A. M. Britt, Att 12-13-4t. JJB , , NOTICE OF BALK la The General County Court,. North Carolina, ; . Duplin County. STATE - TS JOHNNIE PARKER r" ; PECANS WANTED TOP MARKET CASH PRICES fpAILV FOR ALL VARIETIES Andrew & Knovles Produce Co. .. Mount Olive, N. C. . "5: Telephone 2491 ' ;.v..; By virtue of an order directed to the undersigned from the Gen eral County Court of Duplin Coun ty in the above entitled action. I will, on Monday the 4th day of December, 1950, at 1:00 P. M., in front of the Duplin County Jail, Kenansville, N. C sell to the-hlgh-est bidder, for cash, oae confisca ted' 1949 Frazer 4-door sedan. Mo tor No. FM 12209, Serial No. F499- 008990. ' This the 6th day of November, 1050. . f ' Ralph 2: Jones, Sheriff . i DupUa County.,' 12-l-2t.,!",- . ' ' . ' l"' If rc?. SALE Due to circumstances beyond ou control we are forced to close ou our business The Duplin Mercan tile Company is a well estahllshe and profitably business, located I the most desirable spot in Kenan.' vllle. We must sell at once: v DujlinMereantile Co. In KENANSVILLE. N. C. r SubscrUb Te The Times OOOOOOCCOOOOOOOOCwGOJa CAPS FUSE Carts, Wire Fencing, Nails, 5V Galvanized Tin, Roll Roofing, Stoves, General Line of Ilardware,; CrosleV Shelvadore Refrigerators, All Kinds . i - v Stock Feed, Tobacco. Seed, Light Bulbs, Clay , ! I Brick, Brixment, Work And Dress Shoes, Heavy , ' ' : And Fancy Groceries, Boots, Overalls, Sliirts, , .FerUlizers, Collars, Bridles, Plow Chains And Hundreds Of Other Items Needed Around The V ''s--y :' I ' " ' . ' ; - : "Home And On The'Farm. ; - T7 0A. UUO It wv i T l J - ' or .afoW .VM 1 LBSl B . ' . '- f Of I Or alSSo. k V V . 5V AT T77 1 1 . -ir;1-;.1". "7"1 ' y TWO PRIZES TO BE filVEN AVAY FOR THE GIRLS FRANKLY, WE ARE OVERSTOCKED ON ST I GLITZ OIL BUR N IN G ; .-"' - i , ."-."if i .' This heater will heat a small 1 " home. Output 54,700 B. T. U. ', ' Original price on this heater was $102.00. For quick sale, u we offer this heater ' for ADeaiilihilM SOME LUCKY GIRL WILL WIN A 27 Inch OLD FASHION DOLL DRESSED ALL IN PINK NYLON AND RUFFLED BONNET - MAT 'CHING PARASOL AND . GOLD SANDALS. REAL HAIR. RETAILS FOR $49.50 No Buying - - No Puzzles f JUST REGISTER NOW ' . AT . BELK S TOYTOWN j v ANY BOY OR GIRL UNDER It MAY REGISTER BUT MUST . BE ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS - rr . . ' i f RULES - 1. ANY BOY OR GIRL UNDER - ' 12 IS ELIGIBLE (Except faauU ' . lies of persons employed , hy . BeUfr-Willlams). 2. GIRLS WILL REGISTER FOR : DOLL BOYS FOR THE BI- ' i CYCLE. - 2. CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOM PANIED BY THEIR PARENTS. : 4. EACH CONTESTANT MAY , REGISTER ONE TIME ONLY. (Any person registering snore than 'one time will not bo eli gible to win). B. REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE 12 O'CLOCK, DEC 22, 1950. FOR THE BOYS .V'.' i. HsndsCdie Bicycle f . X - BOMB FQRTUNATE BOY WILL V ? -' WW A rD AND WHITE 2i to;;.,, r: s . high (-CYCLE WITH (TSArNE 't v- wsraLs. - ... - 'Sj I t ' VALUED 'AT -' ' REGISTER NOW - Do Not Have To Be Pregent ' d?jui::g 4:C3 oxlcci; c:c. iu ' Will Be Announced Over Station WR2 Catoi-y tlcrning ' ' -j r p 7 H ("7 n fl A ' ' '"'"" i W a L Jk ''ojU ( . 1 . i .