'V Free V'"l Baptist pre aut;:u Christmas pro 3 a nun ter of little toti ery attractive; three of e just r rce year old, . missed a word. The lar en and teen-agers made impresive. The costumes e setting added much to .'y of the program. y nlgH another service id in ti same church with s in the , ber t ; Tur rest of peace. A j short talks and r gave a powerful y mr. ' 3 add night the -. : r "u,. i will fill his reg a. l.iit and Rev J. P. i v 1 rr""X ln th Baptist ch t nday coming and night. -;.., -py Kew'STear to all our hews r sU in all our papers. ' r: V e could not get our news writ t ) for t ie past' two weeks. So f iutii. i came and Christmas v . t", and not a bit of news we t . we'll tell you 'some things how t. -m. b wi ri i Iced of or I Cone true tion . . , . i T ? 'orms of unusual violence havs s:d several areas of the nation ,-i iecent months, causing heavy, t -. erty damage. I prooted trees.i r -' iked utUjty 1 s and the de fbiiuction of buiJ s indicate the f- t intensity of tiie winds whldta f ve accompanied these distur h ces. - s x -1 A I 1 . $ 41i .ln.ni J.Mafla fn t . dhuij ui . ' ic r ' ' IU WUUHW u IF ous spctions d onstrates the ortance of s i'ii4,construction ie enectiv r 1 a it could be , va m any r e way. Well- ructed l. ngs generally t ained little c . f-age. i ltiis was e?-fnily true in the !rne of roofinj'. .Vvi ile-sotne 'rtof j-t. rge is to be e.- -ected when fr. as rise to hurricane force, ,i . erly applied : roott showed e effect of the severe buffeting v received. Is fact, storms re i that roof -damage can be Really eliminated through r aDnlicatiun ; unless ' the pr- i are so strong that they de- I -pin 1 ii tne Duuaing liseu. u 1 here are any weak' spots in ' -of dfck or in te application, ioo ngr ruJ to the deck, , i velocity Vviuds are likely to . e trouble. An unsound roof is t as vulnerable to the storm's rts a poorly-rooted tree or a i which is insecurely anchored foundation. . formance in areas " where' i winds are prevalent has d that asphalt4 roofing' n supplies about 90 percent i.ie nation's roofing require is gives good service when erly app1 ed with the tabs nted dm- ft. '. i . - t '. V. onstruction of a good roof be s with a sound deck. In apply ssphalt strip shingles, it is anal that the deck be sound, t and smooth.' Proper prepa-. ii in t ie c .se of new construc-)ncluu-s in underlayment of t si.ii" 1 felt. When re r, it i is not necessary ovet ec 1 roofing material ; tue existing roof deck ii and. will provide good for the nails, used in ; the new roofing. How . ' face of the roof should r prepared to receive v ; ngles. so is Important Six ; . ' e used in each strip i square-butt shin- . "f .d, and the nails 1 ; enough to pene t deck by at least c f an incK , i own the tabs of recommended in place a daub of ment about the f t. piece under the uosed portion of and press the tab i will prevent the g under the tabs, u -phalt shingles m with clips and j ngles also are x types give highly rvice when exposed Hi ning doors be e can be saved nrely with a p lumber, iiii't mejta i3 made by isoti ti, three . -oiith and 12 a of wood. i i window : i, lustration, ' ijuIj. . iff iw..VTO" VJ ' "' V...JOH '"- O . :,sv A . that took place, but will try not to take .too muchjpace. ; -; ' Guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wilson were their daughter Mrs. Harold i Martin, Mr. Martin and boby Gary of Birmingham, Ala., and Mr., and Mrs.: MassengUl and Pattle of Goldsboro. Supper guests Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith were Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Smith of Baleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Bay Smith, Mr and Mrs. Eugene Bland -of Harrells Store and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith of Mag nolia., i .-j H.t -'V,. r-1. .. .'j ': Dinner guests of Mrs. Sallie Tuc ker Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Mr, and Mrs; Eugene Bland of Harrells Store and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Martlno of Fayetteville ? Dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Florence Home were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Home of Goldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Horne.Halph Home and Mrs. Neil Galliers and daugh. ter of Klnston, and Mrs. V. N. Home and Miss Betty of Magnolia. James Spell of the Army spent Xmas with his parents.- GuesU of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Matthis were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Matthis and family.of Clemson, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Powell oi Richmond, ;Mf. and Mrs. . Hollo man 3 three sons of Newport News. Mr, Ben Merrltt of Wilmington visited here a few days. Better AN EDITORIAL SERVICE DEVOTED TO HOME AND Army Re-Roofs for Defense i he of the important jobs in . the rehabilitation of army camps has been the re-roofing of many of the buildings. .rTbis scene at Camp Roberta, ' near Paso Robles, Calif., is typical , of what has been going on at var ious training camps which have "been reactivated since the- na- tion began to expand iU military services several months ago, after the outbreak of hostilities in Ko rea. The workmen are applying asphalt strip shingles, the same material used to protect the ma ' jority of .American homes. Either in reconditioning old . barracks ' or - constructing . new - ones, .asphalt shingles offer ad vantages which the armed ser vices consider important First of v all, speed is essential in prepar. Planned for Ci'i'tRlnlng six rooms with an If Uf f ec I lfe !-J cai aee. this house is weii- -a vo a corner lot site, xne mures excellent circulation i all rooms accessible from the f. -t entrsnce hall. It has been eiect"d as I'lan No. 205 by Amer ican Builder magazine, 30 Church t, hevr York. Service rooms, such as the kitchen and parage, face the street front with tne living room and dining-room toward the rear, storage area is provided in the attic, and a full basement con tains space for all utilities and recreation. ) Separating the living room and dining space is a free-standing i ; I 'J" 1 1 - ;'-'r !--.;. -.. ; d& - ii br. r bo ' (Mr. and Mrs. Bennle Rich and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rich vfaitari Mi and Mrs. Grover Rich in Durham! week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Edwards were Mr. and Mrs. Wadkins and daughter of S. C. Mr. , and Mrs. J. A. Rouse spent Monday with relatives in Dunn,' . Miss Minnie Joyney . spent the holidays in Faison with relatives. J. P. Tucker's guests were J. P. Tucker. Jr. and family of Wilmlnff. ton, Mr. and Mrs. WUliard Brlnson ana son oi Kenansvmie, and Carl Tucker of Wilminrtnn ; ; ' Norwood Baker of Charlotte spent the week end with his par ents. , - Allen Turner has gone to Bryson City to become a member of the State Patrol force there. ' v - Guests of Leon Wilson and fam ily were Mr. and Mrs. Mnnr and children of Greensboro and Mr. ana Mrs. A. W. McNeUl and chlld- renof Warsaw. His ann Herman Pf S. C. came but will leave for the army, next week.:, kxr, kh. Mrs. Marie Chestnutt and daugh ters spent the holidays' with Mrs. Hattle Cavenaugh. . j .M Mrs. CO. Chestnutt and child ren spent Monday and Tuesday with her mother Mrs, Addie Bliz zard of Beulaville. -ft' S v.Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Woodruff and baby of Memphis, Tenn. spent Homes Make : Better ' Communities 4 Wide World Fhatt tag quarters for the thousands of men who are entering the Armed Forces every month through Se lective Service, and for National Guardsmen and ReservisU called back to active duty. Asphalt shin gles can be applied quickly, wheth er it be over old roofing material oi a Duuaing Deing reconamonea, or new construction. Fire resist ance also is safety factor which cannot be overlooked in protect ing the lives of thousands of men closely-quartered in cantonments. As the nation's Defense pro gram swings into 'high gear and the Armed Forces continue - to grow toward the goal of 3,000,000 men set by President Truman,' a corresponding increase will be re quired in the bases operated by each of the Services. ' Corner Lot Dooxcase ana cnina caDinet xour. feet high. If desired, this unit can , be plnced against the wall, making one l.ir- a '" shaped area of the two roui'is. - i Ov 1 dimensions of the house are fid ieet six inches by 40 fet six inches, including the garage. 1 The roof of lire-resistant sipioUt shingU-s is the key to a pl- n? color scheme, in a blend Imi uhi I izing with the white clapboard siding and with fixed blinds on each side of the windows in a suit able accent color. ' (Detailed building plans for this house are available i"omAm"-,!i ImkhI.t, 30 Church tft, M k 7, N. Y. i.eler to I'laa No, S..j.)-- Co. ... .1 v ...j parents and Mrs. L. C. Squires during the holi days. ' : . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Branson of KanapoUs were guests of Mrs. Hettie Wilson. - . Mrs. Ida Blanton of , Willard spent-a day last week with Mrs. Nancy Klssner. , - Mr. and Mrs. ft B. Register and son, and Mr. and Mrs.' Forrest Croom, Mrs. J, Wanly and Paul of Wilmington spent Xmas with Mrs. R. F. Quinn and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Basfcv.-"?';.',:-'!.t,..:r-r'- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. More and daughter Mrs. Ethel Moore and children, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bass. ...: . GuesU of Mr. and Mrs. Leffel Turner during the holidays lnclu ded Mrs. B. H. Whitehead, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Turner and Don ald Turner of Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Turner and daughter of Bryson City and Mr. and Mrs. M, L. Dall and children of Chinqua. Pill, . CELEBRATES 81st BIRTHDAY . .The 81st birthday of Mrs. Lessle Powell was celebrated In the home of her daughter Mrs. Laura Mer rltt on Saturday and her daughter Mrs. Lester Matthews put her bir thday money In the jar at S. S. on Sunday in the Baptist Church of which she has' been a member 61 years. '-l?::uiz I' -, V 'f ARM BUILDING New Furniture , Combines Beauty, Strength, Long Life Combining beauty with the qual ities of permanence and strength, hardwood veneer represents the highest standards of craftsman ship in the manufacture of fine furniture. :' Many of the" unusual wood pat terns to be found in modern fur niture could not be produced ex cept through the fabrication of hardwood plywood and face veneers. Wherever wide surfaces are used, either flat or curved, hardwood plywood Construction gives the most satisfactory results both in attractiveness of the wood grain and durability. . - Apparently some people have the mistaken idea that hardwood cheer furniture is inferior in quality;' The truth-is-fhatuoud veneers are unsurpassed m beauty, strength and stability. Crotch, burl and stump wood which provide the most beautiful wood figures could not be utilized otherwise L because of a tendency to crack ana sput u usea as soiia pieces. 'Applied in the form of thin face veneers on hardwood plywood 'panels, these fine grains can be utilized to the - utmost without splitting or chipping at corners and edges. This explains why 75 percent of all . wood furniture exhibited at leading furniture shows in Chica go, Grand Rapids and New York were of hardwood veneer. It also is the reason hardwood plywood is used extensively in the manu facture of television and radio cabinets. ;- " The Federal Housing Adminis tration has netted a profit, of $161,480,89.1 in sixteen years. ' Remodeling, . Home Repairs Due for Boom While new home construction will be down from the 1950 peak; building authorities agree that re modeling and repair business will boom in 1951. Severe credit restrictions im. posed under the Government's Regulation X limit the construe, tion of new homes, but thera la no effective deterrent to the repair and remodeling of existing homes ana iarm ouuaings. The Federal Housing Authority continues to pursue a liberal credit policy in insuring loans bv banks and other lending institutions to finance rerjairs and remodelins-J The FHA insures loans in amounts up us 92,600, subject only to a down payment of 10 nercent and repayment oi the balance in 30 months." '.. . Government officials obviously recognize the Importance of keep-; uik nomes in aooa remr. espe cially at a time when new cod-! struction is being restricted. ! Actually, the owners of older, homes who have been wanting to1 remodel or make needed repairs now will have a better opportu-! nity to have the work done. Build ing mechanics have been engaged! largely on new construction, and! new homes have consumed the. bulk of the. building materials available... : ':.... i I ..Take roofing, for example. Me-, chanics and materials should be available for lonff-deferred n- i roofing and repair Jobs. The as- j pnan roonng industry is malclng every possible effort to meet the' unprecedented demand for its products. Shipments of strip shin gles exceeded 3,000,000,000 squares for the first time last May, and have been in excess of that flmre every month since. i THAWING FROZEN PIPES Do not attempt to thaw frozen pipes until they have been ex amined for cracks and splits. If there are any cracks, they should be repaired or the pipe replaced before thawing begins. -. ' Lc.-.r LojJ . do Uuii-'c You-as You have bitted us with .health and strength: to enter into another year.i Dear Lord we thank You for th blessings, You have bestow ed upon us. Now If it be Thy. Holy Sweet' Will, God bless our country ancf our! hoys, especially the ones who are tt jghjing on foreign soil, Watch over them Dear Lord, keep them from all harm; and, O God, If it be Thy Holy Will end this war, and do help us to pray more earn est and take the hatred out of our hearts and love one another as You loved us so we can have peace and happiness ' on -earth forever more. We. ask it all in Your Prec ious Name A-men. "i By: Mrs. Francis Taylor RjUte- 2 Kenansville. Work Begins On Water Works Work began Tuesday on the wa ter works,, and Clarence Pope be gan work on enlarging his store. He recently bought the old post office and lot and is making the building wider and longer. J ' By TED RESTING One evening Innes McCal) got to Baseboard . Heating Does Efficient Job Tests conducted by the Na tional Bureau of Standards show that the baseboard mhtm sys tem is well-suited far basemeat- less houses. repcorU Amextcan Builder magaztne. - . This was found to be tntirfie- icause the heatmc system H In stalled above the floor. The testa, also showed that baseboard heat ing provides better comfort at the floor level then, most other systems. The nisfazme points out, however, that this type system also can be used in houses hav ing basements with the boiler located below the floor. Increased use of baseboard heating systems in low-cost hous ing gives added significance to the resuUs of the tesU conducted by the Bureau, a unit of the V- S. Department of Commerce. . The Bureau found this type of heating system to be efficient, clean and economical, says Amer ican Builder. Baseboard heating involves a minimum of air move- i ment. Another advantage is that the heating elements not much thicker or higher than a base board are almost entirely re moved from the useful area of the living space. Results of the tests Indicated that comparatively small tem perature differences existed be tween the rooms and between different levels in the same room, according to the publication. Compared to the performance of a gravity hot water heating sys tem with conventional thin tube radiators and the boiler in the basement, the baseboard convec tor was found to provide a more even distribution of temperature between floor and ceiling. 'Hand Test' - i Aids in Finding j Gliimney . Trouble A simple "hand test" will help determine whether the chimney of your home may be in need of i attention. If the chimney gets too warm lor you to place a nana against it with comfort, the Na tional Fire Protection Association says the chimney definitely is a are nazara, Na time should be lost In cor recting the condition which causes the .chimney to overheat. The NFPA emphasizes the urgency of the situation with this admonish ment: "Act immediately if -your chimney is too hototherwise the chimney may act first; with se rious consequences." Overheating frequently results when the chimney is in need of cleaning. This is dangerous be cause tne accumuiatea soot in mo chimney may ignite, making an Intense fire which spouU flames and sparks. Periodic inspection is advised to make certain the flue is in safe condition. ' . Fire-resistant roofing, such as asphalt shingles, provides protec tion for your home should a chimney fire occur despite the precautions taken. An asphalt roof, approved by the UnderwrnV ers ijaDoraiones, cannut dled into flame by sparks which may fall on It. , ;.;. . Variety Offered v In Wood Veneers Numerous varieties of hard wood veneers are used in the manufacture of hlsh cmalitv fur niture, television and radio cabi neta and wall paneling; nearly one quarter of which is cut from trees native to North America. American walnut, red and white oak. red sum. birch and maple are among the popular do mestio hardwoods. AQ hardwood face veneers are prized for the iwuifi oi uieu- natural wuvu grains. , Montana harvests more than 3 million Christmas trees each year. One hundred years ago on Sept 10, two men in Memphis, Tenn. were issued a patent on a cotton picking machine. . - wondering about the whoppers that must have been hauled from North American lakes and streams in the last century. What were the biggest fresh water fish that had ever been caught regardless of the method and their game sUtus? r So be wrote hundreds of letters. What he found was astonishing. There are no less than 8 species that have been taken exceeding 100 pounds! Here are a few records he uncovered: ' .' " In 1902 two Wisconsin fishery biologists disentangled a large mus ky from their net, managed to weigh the creature, then remove its spawn and returned the fish to water. It was a 102-pound female that never was taken again. 1038 produced two record fish, a 110-pound catfish from Lake Law tonka, Okla, and the other a 126V& pound Chinook salmon caught In a fish trap near Petersburg, Alaska. As to the largest fish caught in fresh water that was the Ore gon, or Pacific or white sturgeon which spawns far inland. In 1911 Nephi Purcell landed the heaviest Oregon sturgeon of which we can find positive record. It came from the Snake River in Idaho. Purceil used a large hook about 7 inches long, baited with lampreys. The setline, a 7.16 inch rope, was dou ble hitched to several green willow stakes, with slack between. A gun ny sack, weighted with rocks and tied to the line with twine was used as a sinker. When Purcell finally got the big sturgeon near the shore, he waded in waist-deep and shot-it with a rifle. Loaded in a 12-foot dray wag Cozy, Easy Hardwood veneer furnishings and wall paneling in handsomely-grained blond oak lend warmth and beauty to this cozy living room, as shown in American Builder magazine. The matching furnishings and woodwork, were constructed hy Edward A. Frecour, Oshkosh, Wis., builder who nses hardwood plywood and face veneers exclusively in all types of furniture, fixtures and paneling made in his woodworking shop. Wood Veneer Lends Beauty To Modern Stores, Offices The streamlined beauty and efficiency of the modern store and office reflect both the genius of the wood fixture industry and improved methods of hardwood plywood fabrication. Without the wide diversity in large plywood panels, pointsr out a u. s. Deoartment of Com merce report, it would be impos sible to nroduce many of the fix tures which make today's stores and other business places so at tractive. Paralleling advances in the manufacture of handsomely-figured hardwood veneer furniture and wall paneling for the home, the development of new furnish ings for the store and office has resulted in large-scale moderniza tion among the nation's business establishments. "The heavy, baroque style of a past generation has given way to streamlining," the Department of Commerce says with reference to store modernization. "The flexibil ity of design which the hardwood plywood panel offers makes the transition riot only possible but Center Island' Aid to Housewife Jl!!.HIllM!-H.W.WW The center "island" saves steps in this kitchen, illustrated in American Builder maeazlne. Run ning water is available on both sides of the island which divides the kitchen into separate work areas for food preparation and cleaning. The distance between the range and counter pn the food preparation side, or the dishwash er and counter on the opposite side, is only about 42 inches. The convenient arrangement provides ample working space, another ad vantage which the busy housewife will appreciate. ' t H . REMOVING DRIP STAINS , Drio stains, found under win dow sills and door frames, can' be removed by scrubbing with a cleaning solution composed of one cup of trisodiumphnsphate in a pail of hot water. Then rinse off the solution with plenty of water. on, its tail dragged the ground. They weighed it at the town lum ber yard. The verdict 1,900 poundsl ; . ' This year's national corn eron may exceed 3,000,000 bushels. -n. (:. . farmers r malnff iiiffl to seed Ladino pastures. .To Relieve Misery of, Duplin Times KENANSVILLE N.C. I to Maintain of woods and their availability easy. Plywood has a definite place m every step, wail cases, count ers, floor tables, fitting rooms, lounges and restaurant and cafe teria tables made of hardwood plywood are better looking and tar more durable than their mas sive predecessors." Hardwood plywood plays an important role both in new work and in modernization and remod eling. The application ,of curved panels to store-fixture work pro duces greater stability, beauty and space economy. Plywood's strength in all direc tions, together with its unusual ability to hold fastenings, make it possible to build fixtures in sec tions which ( "n be assembled or taken down ". i:h rninimum effort. Store layoius can he c'n-i';oJ or displays rea.rr.r; : ". at '.i'.'.'i ial. mm ' Q My kitchen sink edge is cov ered with aluminum, and when I stand against it my apron and dress front gets black. How can this be prevented? A Liquid wax, applied period ically, is recommended. If cloth ing still becomes discolored from contact with the sink edge, you might try roughing up the alumi num with steel wool and then ap plying shellac., , Q 1 have been unable to find a small leak in my roof. How can I locate it? , ---j t;t i,v' A Examine the under side of . the roof in bright daylight. When . you - find the spot where light ' shows through, put a piece of wire or a sliver of wood through the . hole so it can be located from out . side. It your roof is worn, how- . ever, other leaks can be expected to develop shortly and it would ' be economical to put on a new roof rather than to attempt to patch the old one. Asphalt shin- . gles usually can be applied right over the old roofing material. t Q Some of the windows in my home are difficult to open and then, once opened, require con siderable effort to close. What a causes uus, sua now can uie con dition be overcome? . ' A There are several causes of -sticking windows. Hardened paint In tha tfmnvM In w)ilrh thm urtna f SMH MMV HUM dow- slides mav hm rMnonsihls. i- ' and swelling of the sashes or Darts ' of the grooves is another cause, , , The sash can be made to slide more easily, however, by rubbing paraffin on the grooves. :

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