CLAZZIT 1ZD KATE 3: " Two cents per word. Minimum charge of 60c Unless yen have aa account with ns please lend money,, stamps, money order, or check with ads. Farmer: Ui the Times Classified Ads; If yoa haro anything to sell or exchanxe, or want to bay, wo will accept produce for payment PLENTY OF GOOD WATER FROM A DRILLED WELL. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE, GIVING US DIRECTION AND HOW FAR YOU LIVE FROM YOUR POSTOFFICE. HEATER WELL CO INC. RALEIGH, N. C FARM LOANS' Federal Load Bank Long Terms, Low Interest, are available throoch the CUatoa . National Farm Loan Association. See or write DE WITT CARS, Secty. Tress, at CLINTON, N. C. FOR SALE 3 stack pearlne and soy bean hay Disc Section Harrow and several Plows. .. ROBERT FREDERICK, WARSAW, N. C K C" . FOR SALE: Hick pressure 410 Blacksmith Forge called The Champion. Interested persona con tact HENRY J. HOWARD, Warsaw, N. C M2-2t pd. -FOR .SALE- " PIANOS We have a complete supply at new and guranteed used pianos. For a saving just see as before yoa buy. We sell nothing bat pianos. - , , JOHNSON PIANO . COMPANY ... .. 1S3 W. NORTH ST. KINSTON,. N. C NOTICE TOBACCO FARMER See our complete line of Bell's Tobacco Seeds before yon buy. We have each varieties as Bell's No. 1, We, 2, and No. 3 Dixie Bright 101, Jt. and 27; Mammoth Gold: Vir Stsde Gold; Yellow Special A; Im proved Hicks Brightleaf; Golden Harvest 402; and Bolton Special. JAMES MILLER HARDWARE Beulaville, N. O FOR SALE: Massey or .611 Straw berry plants. New ground- rrowa. Call or write JOE FARRIOR, Warsaw, N. C 1-12-5V pd FARMERS SEE ME. I WU1 Save Yoa Money On Your GUANO. A Square Deal To Every Man. v W. E. BELANGA, " 4 '' Kenansvllle. 1-12-41. C NEW SEED ARRIVED. California Wonder and Neapolitan Pepperij Seed have just arrived. Get your seed now. J. C. Rnss, Warsaw M2-4t C FARM FOR SALE AT ONCE 21 acres; IS acres cleared; approxi mately 4 acres fat tobacco; two small dwellings; one tobacco barn; one brooder house; 18 acres grow ing timber.' One mile from Pin Hook. Cash sale. See or write MRS. J. D. MARSHBURN or GUY THOMAS, Warsaw, Rt 2. It, Bd..'?-!.'!-V-.r W::;.;;: NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Ho bart A. Kennedy, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, thla is to notify all persons having ' claims against his said estate to present them' to the undersigned oooooooooooo Far Sale SASH, DOORS, SHEET- ' rock; rock lath, ROCK YOOL PLASTER, LIME, CEMENT BRICK, nOSTAR, PAINTS, TER RA-COTTA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, V.'IIITE ASBESTOS CI2ING, ASPHALT CHINGLES, ALL KINDS 07 r. XiiaU iUUr o-v ".TT "TIT JlaaA TIN FOOFING 1 r ... 4 a W i .titer: , . r;:' v,l .. 1...- v .; measured by tl.3 railrc:. i i j i ';. . county-seat town, is ccl ;i.-.'.ji.jc . i : the devil and some politicians .r.i cert a c. between our town and the people of the county i .. t be enlarged and improved on. . B '.' . As a result of a little agitation on the part cf iths . : Times the mail service between Kenansville, V r saw and Beulaville has been improved. Read t3 V story about the new way pouch being put on. :'i , We are sending a marked copy of this editori to ' - our Congressman Graham A. Barden in Wasl S ton. We know Mr. Barden is very busy but we, bi lieve a few words from him to the right people j(n a ' "I mean it, NOW" manner will get the results, we ;: want Any of you wishing to write him on the Ub-V ject, his address is: Congressman Graham A. Bar-; den, New House Building, Washington, D, C. Administratrix on or before Deo-1 mhr SO 1QS.1 nr thla iuiHm will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment This 29th day of December. 1950 Hasel B. Kennedy . Administratrix 2-10-6L VBG iv's Bridge NEWS Rainilar let SlinHav nlirht rl vice in school building which is oeing usea since the loss of the church by fire last Easter Sundav morning. School reopened Tuesday morn, lne following the hnliriav Sgt Roscoe Prater returned to bnepnerd field, Texas after spend- Ins the holidays with his nnronti Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Prater. Mrs. Llovd D. Sutton and rhlld- ren of Lagrange RFD, spent Sunday wiin jnr. ana Mrs. J. n. rarser. . Mr. and Mrs. Leon Rouse and Miss Ethel Rouse of Bucklesberry were visitors oi .misses r annie ana Sallie Outlaw. L. W. OuUaw, Mrs. Lottie Berger, Miss Rachel Outlaw and Donna Lou Jones visited the Albert Nich ols at Sims Sunday. Miss Essie Mae Outlaw of Wades boro spent the holidays with the home folks. Irvln Manly Outlaw, with the Army at Ft. Jackson - spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M, Li. Outlaw, Jr. Poller - Cullers Vows Spoken Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cullers of Winchester, Va., announce the mar riage of their daughter Betey Ldu, to William Roscoe Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Potter of Magnolia. They were married Dec ember 12. 1950 bv Rev. Ronald S. Wilson, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. J"he bride wore a green suit with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow rose buds. Mrs. Potter at tended Hundley High School and' Mr. Potter graduated in Magnolia Hlffh School and la servinu in the Navy and is stationed at Parris Island, S. C. They spent, the holi days in Magnolia with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Potter. He has returned to his base but Mrs. Potter will remain until the 15th when they will make their home atParria Island. I BOY SENATOR ; rnvriNTTED - FROM ' FRONT a perennial delegate to the State by the convention as an eiecior-ai-larvs for the selection of a Presi dent of the United States, the other elector-at-large at that time toeing another well known North Caro linian th Honorable1' D. Hydeo nalniev of AsheVille. a inwr ainca 1909. having re- iwiii hli education in Duplin and at Wake Forest College, Senator Johnson Is a member Of the county, State nd American Bar Associa tions, and Is a past president of the Sixth Judicial District car As sociation. He is generally regarded as one of the best criminal lawyers in pastern Carolina. Eloquent and persuasive,: and sometimes specta cular, the people have often hurried to the courtroom to hear him speak to the Jury, and he has often brought tears, or laughter, to the Jury and to the spectators. Senator Johnson Is a . thirty second degree Mason and a' past master of bis lodge, a Shriner and a past president of the Shrine club, a member of the Junior Order and a past councillor of that order, and for many years he has been teacher of the Men's Bible Class Class of the Warsaw Baptist Church and, except for illness, has never been absent on Sunday morning. He Is married to the former Miss OUvia Best of Warsaw and they have three sons, Rivera Dunn, Jr., Viv ian Best and John Anderson John son. , . V CCUIJTY COMrilTTEE CCr.'TINXED FROM FRONT Paul Lee, Hess Davis, Alton Out law, B. A. Smith, R. D. Harper. CYr ::.3 C-S: L. I . T'aready, Elmo Maready, Swlnson, Jr., W. R. Clifton, Rufus I R Pjut .."" .--!. ' MAGNOLIA: Elascoe Blanchard, J. L, Tanier, Milton Bostic, Garths Drew, Ear) Chestnutt t ROCKFISH: " - ' W. O. Dixon, C H. Smith, Joe ! wara, jjeignion mm, u. xugn- gmlUu - - ! " 1 . - - vf ; -' .v t ;t'-. SMITH: - Kenneth , G. Grady, Clarence Shepard. Walter Rhodes, ' Ray Smith, Dempsey W. SmKlL ; , -WOLFSCRAPE: . ' Herbert Summerlin, Edd G arris, John Goodson, Andrew .Outlaw, Randall Hargrove. I : GUSSON: " . V .- ' Melvin Powell, Carl Kornegay, J. E. Westtorook, Norman Smith, Jo Watr. .'.'!. : ISLAND CREEK: W. A. Hanchey, Henry Carter, Watus Harrell, B. F. Brinkley, Thomas Cavenaugb. 'I; KENANSVHXE: , " ' O. L. Holland, W. A. Jones, J. T. Grady, Preston Brown, D. L. San derson. LIMESTONE; Leon Brown, Coy Hall, Ransom Smith, Earl Tbigpen, George Sum - ner. ' - ' ' ROSE HILL: Ira Fussell, B. G. Teaohey, Hix Bradshaw, Henry Kissner, W.- V. Jackson. ' ... i-: i WARSAW: Lott Kornegay, Moseley Phillips, Percy Gavin, R. H. Best: R. V. Phillips. .!'-. V. K. JernJij J Buried William K.t Jemlgan, B9. died Saturday at 11:40 p.m. at hi home near Mt Olive after a long illness. Funeral aarvipM wara raniliiMajl from the hapel of the Tyndall runerai iiome aaonaay at :ao p. m with the Rev. Hubert Pane. Pentecostal Holiness minjster of Clinton, in charge, and burial was in the Thornton family tpmetery near Newton Grove. Surviving are Mrs. Jernigan, the former Susan Raynor of Sampson County? two sons, Claudius , of the hqme, and Ray of the home community; three danehtera. Mrs. Louise Boone of Faison, Mrs. Elvie Jones of Mt Oi lve, and Mrs. Elmer Guy, "Warsaw; two sisters, Mrs. jjoia xnomnaon, Raanfnrt. and Mm Flora Sullivan of Calypso; and 17 grandchildren. Malh C:!l Dies SLoMwaily '- . r ILT-MKan (Vhl Hall Hit nf tha iu b tuv twin yet T S'dmmerlln Cross Roads commun ity died suddenly oi a nearx suaca late Monday afternoon at the home of a neighbor, Napolen Best, whom he was assisting' , with a farm chore. Furleral service Ware conducted Wednesday a 3 p.m. fmm the home of ills daughter, Mr Ronnv Outlaw of Mt. Olive., Rt. 1, by the Res. George Lane,; Adventist minister. Burial waa in, the Garner family, cemetery. Sur vivlng are hi wife, the former Harris Bennett of Duplin: three sons, Joe of Mt. Olive, u. 2, . Jonn W., of Kenansvllle, J. D of Mt Olive, Rt 1; three daughters, Mrs. Outlaw and Mr. Erman Best both of Mt. Olive, Rt 1, and rs. Jack Kornegay, Goldsboro, RL . L -Mr. Bell was a retired farmer.., ' Cleel:r.'JI!::::r Mitt I..-.:.-- Cleveland Harper, 6, pronJP farmer of th Pink Hljl e died at the home of his daug Mrs. Horace Lee in Pink; IU1 at 10 p.m. Tuesday followlr? a ' illness. He was the son cf the 1 Thomas and Jane Horwa i ' Funeral services were 1 J it p.m. Thursday at the r Vf ii." in Cunningham Cemetery Bun. Rev. Stephen t Will Baptist minister of 1, officiated. f Surviving are seven d: Mrs. Favmond JonBS, ? r I -.i liKe lftUle T I , , Tyndall, I.:.'S Deep Kun, I -9 1 t . r. -J w, Renlamtn L. McCullen. 81. died at his home on r aison, Rt 1, Satur day sight Funeral services were niwliuiMt Monday at 2:30 to.m. from Carr Memorial Church by the Rev. Claude snowden oi new ton Orava. Burial was in HlRcrest Cemetery, Newton Grove. SurW. ving are bis wife, Mrs. Etta jornan McCullen: four1- daughters, Mrs. Johnny Sutton, Faison, Rt. 2, Mrs. Nancy Cox of the home, Mrs. Rob ert Murphy, JJewton Grove, Rt 2, 'MrsTc. B. Farmer, Rose HU1; five iZ, l Paul and Henderson of the ome, Bennlt and Hosea of Newton Grove, Ralph MeCulien, ml uuve, Rt 3; 38 grandchildren, three great indchildren. Last Rifos Tuesday Mrs. Altno Mzrecdy : Mr.' Alma' Lanier Maready, 79, wife of John-Maready. died at her home near Beulaville early Mon day morning after a brief illness. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Rev. Ruben Jones of Klnstoiiv Bur ial followed in the Lamer xamuy cemeterv in tiie Lyman section of .yiis county. In addition to her hus band she is survived by one daugh ter Mrs. Eunice Penny; three son, T.ufnn navior and Roscoe Maready all of the home community; one stepson ZoUle Maready ana zu grandchildren. Sterills Scbsl ' In Ch:::! rt 1 Th annual school for Sheriffs conducted by the Institute of Gov ernment met Jan. 3, 4, and 3th. At tendlne from. Dunlin were Sheriff Rainh Jones.' 1st Deputy Sheriff Perry Smith, "and Special Deputy Sheriff A. R, Brown, me program inoindea tudv and discussions which are essential and important tO Sheriff. .;:w;;'r .. ' v ZEFFIE RICH 81 DIED TIIURSDAlT - f ; 7m hSc8. II. died at iiu home on Wallace Ri. 3, Thursday morn ini at s is .'after a long Uloes. Funeral services wer conducted Friday u at 3 pjn. from the home. Burial was in the. Blsnton Ceme tery with funeral services In charge of Rev. Turner of Watha, assisted by the Revs. W, B. Hood of Wallace and K. D. Brown of Burgaw. Mr. Rich Is survived by hi wife Mrs. NeaHe Rich; , two sons, Fred - and Charlie of the home; one daughter, Mr. George Powell of Wallace; and five grandchildren. , . RsVe'VcllsMlcnd Si!?iCI:rkScha i .The School for Clerk of the Su perior Court given by the Insti tute of Government will meet Jan. 10, 11, and 12th in Chapel Hill. The program will cover statutes and duties of Superior; Court Clerk. The school Is primarily for the 17 new Clerk oi tne superior Court and serves as a review for old clerks. R. V. Wells. Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County plans to attend tbeachool this year. Fc:rt:;nlnM in lallW Jailor O. A Horne reportel in fail. .14. on charses of krunk- tallna arid court costs as ot January 1st 1951. The first day of last year there were nine in jaiL ,,." sv-,,,- : Duplin County tobacco producers have been advised by the County PMA office that those who do not nave reaerai irop uauiuto ju J: Ides In force to protect their to bacco investments can now appiy to add this business principle to ;:.elr plan. a i...', :'J.. 1 1 A Federal Crop Insurance policy t jrotects the bolder Investment in tatacco production against iom aom risks such as weather, insects, 3113 plant diseases. The premium I I 'M larjucr y,jr " - t' protection represenia a numa I Ucrcase In operating costs in orotr i vO proieci uis utuucjr vested In crop production agai loss. It plugs the gap in Ce f rrl cperauon uai uyciia v ' !i crcD disaster strikes a I v '. s oitl not only the expec" "t 1 t f e lnvP';tmpnt ss v ... . j - Ml in t , i: a i i. f- uiiavi-..,. .j ...,.. 4 la t ;-:3r,w wht-a tLe riuduciion e;.. is in an entire area may be struck down by Mother Nature. The farmer who hn th cood fortune to never have a crop disaster has seen it happen to other farmers whose methods wara luat ai cood as his so he knows that "It can happen" on hi With the Federal Crop Insurance program, Duplin County producers have the opportunity' to build basic protection to their business enter prise which will contribute mater ially to the soundness and stability of their farming operations. This all-risk protection of their invest ment is not otherwise available to them. MARRIAGE LICENSES v ISSUED IN .DECEMBER Marriage license Issued by the Duplin county register of deeds were Perry James Straughan to Sara Hunter, Deei 22, Duplin; Wen dell Evans to Annie Laura Riven bark, Dec. 22, Duplin; D. B. Tea cbey to Alice Fussell, Dec. 22, Du plin; Milton. Glenn Wetherington to Josephine Gardner Watklns, Dec. 23, both oi Lenoir; Marlon Carl Williams to Shirley Maureen Lanier, Dec 28, both of Onslow; and Fred Swlnson to Hester Deaner on Dec. 30, both of Duplin A license wa issued to James Robinson and Lucille Moore on Dec 27, both Negroes of Duplin. STILLS CONFISCATED DURING DECEMBER Four stills were confiscated by sheriffs In Duplin County during the month of December. A gasoline drum type still was destroyed on the Llslee Torrance farm In Warsaw Township Dec. 6. The still was not In operation at the time. , . - .- , A submarine type still 4n the pack house of Will Ashforce was capturred while in operation. Will Ashforce placed under $200 bond for appearance in County Court A gasoline drum type still wa destroyed at the trash pile In War saw. The still was not in operation. A submarine type stilL-was .de stroyed on'-Lawton Smith's farm in Kenansvllle Township. No ar rest were made. " ' J Of P filings Jamea Paris Brinson and Grace Bosell Narris cited to County Court by, Patrolman Earl Whi taker on eharaea of careless and reckless driving resulting from a collision at an Intersection in Limestone Township resulting in $250 damage to each car. ?;. . ' VraA Vaiaon his Wife. Vera Gertrude Faison, for aban donment and non-support, unaer $200 bond to appear In County Court . '. Patrolman J. S. BrUey cited Preston C. Fussell to County Court for driving without operators lic ense. -i -Clarence Dixon charged by Dep- j; II i . a :. . I. f i MHtte!. . urn V' . V . ; - - -- v ' 'i r i . ..i J. i-'.i i.:. 1 tl,. s s : iu. t K" l r. ; r for i. uiscswon and trar porting of non-tax paid liquor for tie purpose of sale, Placed under $200 bond to appear in County Court. Deputy Sheriff W. O. Houston ar rested B. Graham for possession of non-tax paid liquor for the purpose of sale, to appear in County Court with bond set at $200. . ..; Albert J. Jenkins, Jr. J cited to County Court for speeding by Pat rolman T. G. Brooks. Willie Charlie Stroud also cited by Brooks or no operators license. ) ' . I MIMal j(l'."oi jfaali'fatl VVIllVllJ nc;:r:JhCn:iS Register 01 D:; Js A. T. Outlaw, Duplin county reg ister of deeds reported the largest collection for office services in the history of the county, Tuesday. The office received a total of $9,162. "The collection Is the lar gest In the history of this office. Every year has shown an increase," he commented in his report to the Duplin county Board of Commiss ioners presided over by L. P. Wells, chairman. . V v ' .' All services to veterans were for no 'charge. Cancellation of mort gages which is the big Item of work was given for no charge.- A new : : ,r tii ma -m wr CARTS, WIRE FENCING, NAILS, SEED, . ; , ROLL ROOFING, ALL KINDS OF STOCK L ' ; FEED, TQBACCO SEED, CLAY BRICK," ' ' ; - WORK AND DRESS SHOES. HEAVY AND "J , FANCY GROCERIES, SHIRTS, OVER- ' U ALLS," FERTILIZERS, COLLARS, BRI v DLES, 5-V GALVANIZED TIN, STOVES, , " ' - GENERAL LINE OF HARDWARE, CROS- ; LEY SHELVADORE REFRIGERATORS, 4 f LIGHT BULBS, PLOW CHAINS, BOOTS. k , -. i fc. M Qzmm - . KENANSVILLE f : ( . As The Hour Glass Turns To Run Off AnotLer Year, The WACCAJIAV BANK Is Prepared To Serve The , People Of Duplin In 1951. ,. f-n ' - ' r- f ry r'l r-y r - - ) n ' jr;..7f j.' . - . -J aa.aa Vw.,4i , r' cit ixcrrtANCE coepcsation ' , son towiijLlp. It vi. i E. Alphin, Jr., tx c ported a total of $il,l , ed In -December., i J. B. Wallace, service reported on the 87 veterat i ; during December by lettr , views, information on e job training, claims for I G. I. loans, insurance, h ration, farmer' training, c tient treatment, and general 1 mation. Executive secretary of t" association, Mr. Ruby C. 1 gay, reported on her work c the month. Twenty-nine visits v made, and 27 office Interview. 3 talks were made. Seal sale w still in progress. Civic and in ual helpers answered the call I c needs from the patients of t i sanatorium.. ; . . BLOODSHED EOXSCCr , On N. C. Iligbway Killed Dec. 2Jan. l , Injured same date Killed thru Jan, 1, 1951 KlUedthru Jan. 1, 1950 ' Injured thru Jan. 1, 1951 Injured thru Jan. 1, 1950, 11 127 1 7 -19 3 URtlitvt j. ' JTd Hundreds Of Hems ; Heeded Around TI:d Home And On The km ) 1 - . r t, i : I : a, I'.'s. .: j i p i r.:::;s r I ;, ' - : two ' j prct. .'.' si. Cf i J f ' er v. ' 1 a 1 r - ; ;l ' ",( I J. V'. V'.i' i-en, r n

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