f J VII l: I let TIiiTsday The Women of the BapUst Chur- cn met Thursday night of last week In the church. The president Mrs. Sidney Hunter presided. The : votional John 9: 1-4 was led by Mrs. Tyson Dobson. Topic "God Is Mov ing,, Who Can Hinder, "Look At today's World," by Mrs. Margaret Hunter. "God Invites our coopera tion," Mrs. Lula Parker. "We Must Work With qod," Mrs. A. L. Brown afterwhich meeting closed '. with prayer. - t " Pprsonals Mr. Jewel Gresham of Goldsboro visited relatives here Sunday. . Mrs. McDonald Rouse and dau ghter of Rockineham recently vis ited Mr. - and Mrs. Gardner Ed wards. - , . Mrs. Lawton Albertson and Jerrv of Warsaw visited Mrs. Larry Bos- ... M. F. ALLEN, JR. General Insurance : Kenansviffe, N. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency j How Is The Time To Buy At Neil Joseph's During Their CLEARANCE SALE A BIG REDUCTION ON COATS SUITS DRESSES AND HATS When In Goldsboro Be SureTo Visit1 Neil Joseph's Shop tic and fam..y ,.. uy. , Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Sandiin and Jimmy spent the week end In Rose Hill visiting Mrs. H. S. John son Sr,';' .- Charlie Miller,' USN, of Norfolk spent the week end with his mother Mrs. Kite Miller., -.Mrs. Gladys Proctor of Raleigh spent several days here last week witlther mother Mrs. Lizzie Brown. j-atue Douglas Clark has return ed home after Undergoing an ap pendectomy at Memorial General Hospital in Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Edwards spent a- few. days Jast week at Ucrakoke. , , --Mesdames 4 Mattle Bradshaw, and Christine Kennedy shopped in lunston. Mondav. , ... Friends of Mrs. Lizzie Brown r- ret to know she is ill at her home. Billy Gresham of UNC snnt th week end with his father Mrt Wal ter Gresham. - . . Mr, and MrsHenrv Home re cently visited Mr. ana Mrs. Raiper J-ove in Charlotte. ; . ? Mrs. Ruth Jones. and Mrs. Oz ell Jones shopped in KInstoh on Tuesday. " , " -- , . Mesdames Richard Bostic. Larrv Bostic, Scott Smith. I. J. Sandiin Jr. visited Mrs. Law ton AlWtann Tuesday in MemoriaLGeneral Him. pital in Kinston. Pvt Leon Lanier of CamD Stew art.-' Ga., spent the week end here witn his parents Mr. and Mr A '. chie Lanier. :;v , Adolph Mercer. Coast Guard . hf Wilmington, spent the week , end with his parents. - Dr. and Mrs. P.-L. Norris have returned from Cross Plains, Texas after an extended visa with rela tives, v . . , , , - Miles Albertson, USA, Washing ton, D. C. spent the week end with relatives here; ' ? Si Ml i I'M I Kfit 1 i - - ys ii;..; 1-1J7 ft!., i, a a Teachey estute line; tneiiLe as t s, Bonham line South 5 West 2'..,j feet to the run of Island Cretk; thence as said creek as it meand ers to the beginning, containing 2ZVt acres more or less. - But this sale will be made subject to all prior encumbrances Including tax. " , A deposit of 10 will be required of the highest bidder. .,: TJhis 5th day ,of January, 1951, r Vance B. Gavin, Trustee. 2- 2-4t VBG J ' s ' . " - ' , : ( " 1 ' - i ii . , ii "'. ' ; One-fifth of a child's meals are eaten at school. I- .. H i pai Watches, "WT If t," cuNuiJiAii Eugene vraig wins c wayne vino.; news " Sentinel la adjudged the winner of the 19 Disabled American , Veteran cartoon award for The For tten" which emphasised ' 'remembrance of diaablel tetaranib L'" uan 50 pnblished cartoons appeared in daily pew"spera tssi.-Jt the United Statea aa a ) contribution to the VA& ... Stanley Bratcher am Gerald Batts arrived at Alamede, Calif, where they will betatlonert Mr. Coy Mercer returned home Tuesday after undergoing treat ment in Memorial General Hospital in Kinston. " Miss Jeanneane Thicroeri nf win. ston-Salem spent the . week end with her mother, Mrs; E. P, Thlg pen. " " ' ' - Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Oulnn nt Chapel Hill spent the Week end nere witn relatives. Miss Bobbye Williams of Clinfnn spent Friday night with MisaJac queline Williams, , . - -. . ' Mr., and Mrs. John. HargeU of Trenton visited Mrs. 15 p Thio. pen Sunday. , Charles and Hallle Albertson left last week for San Antone, Texas where they, will be stationed at Lackland Air Base . , - Meetings & Socials ' : To Be Held ' ?; In Beulaville The Young Ladles of the Presby terian Church, (Circle No. 1) will meet Tuesday night at 7:00 In the home of Mrs. Charlton Sandiin. ' The p. T. A; will bold their reg ular monthly-meeting Friday night at 7:30 In the school auditorium.- ' The Ladies Auxiliary of the Free Will Baptist Church 'will mrt m Friday In the home of Mrs. Grover ,; The Lions Club will meet Friday night in -the School Cafeteria. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND " ' UNDER DEED OF TRUST " .Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained In a certain deed of trust executed hi d m Evans and wife, Garland Evans, aatea the 28th day of November, WW, and recorded in Bonk. ana. page 103, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Duplin. Countyj nortn uarouna, default having been made In the payment of the Indebt edness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high-' est bidder for cash at the court- 1 . 1 ' -J . , : . , i. I. 1 house door In Kenansvllle, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, on the 7th day of February, 1951, the pro perty conveyedv In said deed . of trust the same lying and being in the County of Duplin and State of North Carolina, In Island Creek Township and Limestone Township, and more particularly described as follows: . i , ( , i ' Tract No. 1: BEGINNING at an Iron stake in Ross Parker's line and running North 15 West 34 poles to a Ughtwood stump, Ross Parker's corner, thence North BO West with Chesley Williams' line, 19 poles to a stump,, his corner; thence North 9 West 28 poles to a stake. J. T. Nethercutt's corner, thence his line South 72 West 83 poles to. an Iron stake, his corner, thence South 5 East 45 poles to a Ughtwood knot, known as the blackjack eorner; thence South 15 ' West 24 poles to an Iron stake; thence North 70 East 120 poles to-the beginning, containing 40 acres more or less; being lot No. ). allotted to Emma Ha-nchev in the reDort of the Com mittee in. the division of the lands of Nelson H. Williams, deceased, which renort of .Committee is re corded in Book 362, page 439, Reg istry ol Duplin County.. , Also a oneourth IY undivided Interest, in the following tract of land: 1 BEGINNING at a stake on the run of Island Creek, Mattle -C. Teachey 's lower corner, and run ning thence as his line North 85 East 1265 feet to the middle of the MR. FARMER When you think of TRACTORS and F' " " MACHINERY think of JOHN DEERE, t! reliable economy product with 1951 stream " improvements - - - i - - r We can supply you with the one row TZz ' "M", twd row Models ''MT'' and "B". Ask us L? a demonstration 11 ;We, have varied stock of traded-in mer chandise including Riding Cultivators, Wagons, Horse Drawn Discs, Plows, etc - - - If it is a mule you have been thinking cf, our stock is one of the best in this section - - - Air fVtlonian Vinm im ...o i Tr.UM Tt.' C.I i 1 i i nui M VIU MU1UJ OCIfCa" man, in Mount Olive and Vicinity. . N ' r A T , illicit c; clinton, n: a " ': i - . JOHN DEERE TRACTORS & IMPLOIENTC PflCl---'-'-;- make these Advana-Do2ighTmdto 'I T Great Features Everywhere You Look . . - GREAT ENGINE FEATURES . Single-Unit Rear Axle Housings . 4-Spaed SynchroMssh ' . Urge Door Openings ' ' ' Two Great Engines . New Twin-Action Rear Brakes Transmission n hi md.H ' Ail-Around Cab VTslbllltv N ' .Valve-In-Head Efficiency ifc-v . Wide Rangs of Springe .SZtHMOMtvO. Blue-Ram. Combustion , - New Dual-Shoo Parking Braks l....... - ' oSmSSi ? Power-Jet Carburetor " , . "r -.w . - GREAT CA3 AK3 BODY fc ' .Perfected Cooling ' . New Toroue-Axtlon Brake. FIATL'SEJ . JT! - -.'' " ' " Speclallxed 4-way UibrlcaHon '. ''''. New VenUpanes In Cabs i, I a? u .. Thermostatic Heat Control i Foot-Operated Parking Brake . Flexl-rddurrtTcab ' gJ Fh M , CanvGreund Cast Alloy Iron Platons m J?'?'?' '"""'''' . Improved Full-Width Seats ' rnVulated Panel Bodies ' . ' CSEAT CHASSIS FEATURES f ''"!S-ioii - EyeLeveli' Seat Assures Proper v ionXKIe, Runaiul RinMrm.. - ' , V . . . Full-Wldlh Gravel Shield . " :?ATwW - -A A On-P.ec.Fender. ' ; - ' ;,-,.; 'v . . I ... ..) t t - V.. J BUS DEPOT '' 1 . ' i ' I "II mori offvioirrs m usi tham ahvIothii trucki as n. ?. ) ,U -3 t Ml :; :: .'cns flo Driving or Parking Worries - rrcqucnrocncJuics..iVloro Comfort.. Loss Cost , i-"Going Greyhound" means you will ' f " enjoy all the advantages of highway " transportation. Driving strain and ' v; "tension are eliminated, leaving you , ifee to enjoy the luxurious, smooth ; .riding comfort of a t?? Greyhound. . " . On long or short trips, frequent, well. ..; timed service often saves hours of your time . . . and Greyhound's low , fares will alwfj save yoa money. To Jt '. be brief, you'J. rtlax as you see, as .,?rou ru travel Creyhound! GrjjYircLTp TrrLt.aNAL c V j y VuKENA&SYSia El'.l 'STATION i - Budget-Whe Fares jr , i Shopping Ti;.m cr YSJb . . . f - ' i 1 - Oiid 1 W..y 1'.".. '7 ' WINSTf J-SALrri 4.S3 7.13 GREEAC"Gi.O '. 8.70 8.7) - CHAELOTTE 5.35 S.r BALEIGH 1.85 3 ' 7 , WILMINGTON,..! 1.25 tSZ . . . and Dollar-Saving- Fares ' N To AU A CKTCAC.O, ILL. 15 T5 .' MIA? I, TLA. .'. 1 new xr :, n. y. i ,

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