About 10 men went to work Tues day morning on the waterworks and many other will be put on at the weather moderates. s The work on C. H. Pope's atore vJat -gone forward by leaaps and bounds but the .weather delays It some days.- Bertice Qulhn. has bought the corner lot from Mr.,P ope and will : soon begin erecting a store there. Magnolia ii taking on hew life. We will tell you more about It later. "" Services Sunday; morning and -. night at Carroll St. Free Will Bap tlst Church and at 'the Methodist Church 6unday nigbtt ' " Misses Sallle, Maggie and; Nell Bowden of Warsaw ' came to see SibrCily 0::nsl!ew Mill At - - '" By MRS MAMIE HEATH Traveling along highway 11 to- ward Kenansville, about a mile from Pink Hill, to the Tight, one observes a new industry which - has recently sprung up. It is the location of a branch of Wrenn Bros. Mfg. Co Inc. of Slier City, N. C. Many years ago, C. C ana Ed- ward Wrenn-of that town, owned " "what was then the-largest cedar manufacturing plant in the world. The output was, for the most part, cedar closets. Edward has since died, and C. C. has how in oper - ation four lumber mills, for the most part, dealing in pine timber " In North and South Carolina. The one near Pink Hill Is managed by ' Mr. Seth King who has more than thirty , years of experience in the ' lumber business. About 35 people are employed, mostly local men. They work under the wage, and hour law and the lowest paid help gets a minimum of 75 cents an hour. The company is in the mark et for timber and the manager says no tract is too large nor too " small for appraisal They, of course, solicit the bulk of timber at the mill. ;, : -. .t ,. , For other information contact Mr. Seth King, Pink Hill, N. C. Telephone 219-6 or the home office at Siler City, telephone 65. MAGNOLIA LIONS ' CONTINUED FROM FRONT Junior class members are Doris ByrdV Joyce Jones, Mary Elizabeth Packer, Lois.Phillips, Inez Taylor, . Van Beetle, -Harvey. Carter, Ben Kennedy, and. Billy Todd. Sopho mores are Bobby ,( Martin, Janice Bostic, Mamie JBosiic, Jo Anne Brltt, Helen Torrans, Peggy Mit- , chell, and Aimie -Grace Gore. DUPLIN COUNCIL r . CONTINUED FROM FRONT assets of Duplin favorable to in- . dustry. Named to the various com mittees are: A. T. Outlaw, histori cal and general .description; M. G. Cording, weather, climate, and rainfall; L. Frl Weeks, agriculture and farm labor; B. E. Bryan, forest products;' A.-'LyiCayenaugh,1 min- ferals and water; If., W. McGowen, County taxes, finance and popula tion; L, P. W.ls highways and roads; O. P. Johnson, educational facilities; Dr. G. V. Goding, health; Miss Doris Bouse, welfare; and Miss Dorothy .Wightman, librarian. Of Immediate interest to the coun eil is to make available speakers ' to explain the Industrial Council to the many , organizations In the county. A speaker for. any club, : organization or church group may ' be obtained by contacting F. W. McGowen. All Invitations for apea- ' kers must be completed by January 2suu,-V;y4,r;.,.-;.;:v.v - In the near future questlon , naires will be distributed through the schools of the county to obtain np to date Information on the skill and unskilled labor available In the county. This in addition to the other Important data will give to prospective industrialists an, inven tory of the resources of Duplin : County. A. , L. Cavenaugh, prominent Warsaw businessman and mem ber of the State Board of Con servation and Development, serves as President Other officers are M. G. Cording Wallace, Vice Presi dent; and F, W. McGowen, Secretary-Treasurer. M. S. Branch and B. E. Wilkins are leaders In the organizing of the colored people of ' Duplin. WARSAW fflGII V CONTINUED FROM FRONT - Bolia schools, gave a very Inter talnlng reading. District Lion Gov ernor Wilbur Pike of Pikeville poke brefly on the purpose of Lion clubs and presented the char- ter to the Magnolia club which was accepted by President Hunt.- . It was a jolly occasion with much fun being provoked by the tail fi'i' ters from various clubs. The f .ivlng clubs were represented: w, Faison, Calypso, Kenans- , Clinton, Wilmington and I ::. - prs of the Magnolia club f ; I . ' i D. Hunt; 1st i 'n II. Fussell; 1,. Charlie J. ; : 1 Vire ' :iit, E. R'. .'" , ; -i!J M. I . " vd T. Miss Macy Cox Tuesday afternoon. The family of 3. P. Tucker Sr. gathered home Sunday for dinner to be with Herbert who was leaving for services Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. i P. Tucker and children of Wil mington and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brlnson and son of Kenansville, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evans and daugh ters of Wilmington and Carl, and one or two friends. Mr. and Mrs. Letter Matthla went to Warsaw Wednesday, ' Miss Margaret Culbreth has gone to Goldsboro to 'help nurse her grandmother Mrs. J.'S. Sutton who has been ill several weeks. . Walter Maxwell who has been HI for several weeks Is reported much i Pink Hill Croom; Tailtwister, Herman L, Pippin. Directors: L. M-Sanderson, J. A. Smith, Homer Taylor, and C. H. Pope. . ; :i . ' . The following is a list of charter members: E. R. Carlton, Gerald Carr, Samuel H. ' Carr, Graham Chestnutt, James C. Chestnutt, Richard T. Croom, Oswald Croom, Lucian H. Fussell, J. N. Home, John D. Hunt, Dallas Jones, S. O. Johnson, A. Lanier, Pear lie Lanier, N. T. Pickett, Herman L, Pippin, C. H. Pope, Harold M. Pope, John nie Pope, L. E. Pope, Lloyd E. Pope, Jr., L. L. Potter, L. C. Prultt, James Peyton Boyal, J. H. Rouse, L. M. Sanderson, A Q. Smith, James P. Smith J. A. Smith, Homer Taylor, Charlie JJ. Thomas, M. T, Tucket, Gordan Wilson. BETTER FARMING ' CONTINUED FROM FRONT Harry Oswald of Wallace is chair man of the contest. Members of the judging committe are: L. F. Weeks, County Agent; Miss Hilda Clontz, Home Agent; George Penney, Soil Conservationist A. - N. . Benton, FHA; Dr. Charles Deering, Willard Experiment Station; Marlow Bos tic, Agriculture Teacher; Mrs. Da vid Williams, Mrs. J. B. Torrans, Mrs. Ash Millar, Home Demonstra tion Club Leaders; L. W. Outlaw, former president of the Farm Bu reau; Bob Grady, editor of the Duplin Times; Eleanor Boney, Pro duction Market Administration; and Earl F aires, president of the .Wal lace Lions. r. " ' A- ''. .. Winners in the contest were ad judged on Monday night of this week. Out of a group of 50 contest ants the following emerged as win-; ners: "Sweepstakes' or top win ners were Mr. and Mrs. James Ward of Rose Hill with 1306 points; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Westbrook of ML Olive with 1275; Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Wood of Warsaw with 154; Mr. (nd Mrs. F. Arcuri, Faison; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rhodes, Beu laville; Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Keirs, , Teachey; .Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Outlaw, Rt 1, Mt OUve; Mr. and Mrs. Orion Blizzard, Ke enansville; ? Mr. and Mrs.' C. H. Hearn, Teachey; Mr. and Mrs. Her man H. Quinn, Kenansville; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Blizzard, Kenans vUle; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dixon, Rose Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Roy San derson of Beulavllle. ; ' The contest is now open for next year. Entrants have until March , 1st to get listed., All who are Interested may enroll with the home Or county farm agents or any agricultural agency or the various agricultural teachers throughout the county. ' y : Jurors Chosen The following jurors have been chosen for a .one week term of, criminal court this month: Dave Mercer, J. J. Matthews, Stephen Ray Murray, C. H. Cau dell. Ransom ' Kornegay, Philip Sanderson, James Norwood Ray nor, Sam Blalock, J. D. Evans, Carl R. Wood, Irving Sholar, David Fountain, AUnza Pate. W. L. West brook, Henry Sullivan, J. H. Rhodes, Dewey Lanier, B. V. Byrd, L. C. Miller, B. J. Norris, J. E. Sheffield, J. Graham Beece, Kelly Hardison, Marlon Quinn, J. W. Chestnutt, C. C. Trott Ross Her ring, Willie Br Bottle. -, Perry Raynor, C. McL Batts, T. A. Patterson, J. J. Kennedy, C W. Lane, Jr., M. B. Pope, Jr., Eddie Rhodes, Jesse B Brown, J. E. Grady, W E. Davis, H. E. Wsrters, B. D. Merritt, J. B. Kelly, A T. Blanton, James O. Herring, L. H. Usher, J. F. Rackley, John Edward Lanier, H. C. Grady, D. L. Cole, Willie M. Futrell, Paul Goodson, E. C. Wilson, Robert Grady, I. V. k'Sulllvan, Jesse Bryant Roberto, James JS. wesiDroox. Grm' ' Cf , - v. J::;; LL1 :;l The following Jurors have been drawn to torve in the February tflrm of County Court commencina I.IonJ.iy, FcUuarjr 6iU: worse.. ,' ' Lawrence ' Potter has Uioa charge of the hardware store of C H. pope. . ' . Mrs. Marie Chestnutt and-son Edward and Miss Macy Cox went to Hose Hill on business Friday. Miss Almeta Edwards spent the wees: end with her sister Mrs. Amos Johnson In New Hone communitv ' Mrs. Ben Jenkins is visiting Mrs. Teachey Bivenbark In Kenansville. -Mrs. George Bennett and grand daughter of Warsaw visited Miu Macy Cox Monday.,; . Kev. and Mrs. J. P. Boyal have returned irom visiting relatives during the holidays. - .. . ., M. B. Kornegay, Marion Lanier, Roland J. Smith, LeRoy G. Sim mons, Lloyd H. Lanier, Walter J. Stroud, O. D. Brown, Vivian Rog ers, L. R. James, F. D. Hall, Wm. R. Sholar, Offle Hill, S. J. Sowell, H. C. Cooke, O'NeUl Britt, LesUe Kennedy, K. G. Sloan, S. V. Mas sey, Oliver Henderson, D. R, Sykes, G. C. Brltt, David B, Johnson, P, M. Cavenaugh,' H.- M. West, and Edward Brown. Warssv f!:scns Hold lns!:l!:!;:.i AlLedi:si:;;!if By MRS GRAHAM PHILLIPS The Installation ceremony . for the officers of 1S51 of the Warsaw Lodge No. 677 AF&AM was held Tuesday evening in Fussell's Bes- taurant following a dinner at 6:30 observing Ladies Night, as Is ob served annually. The, menu con sisted of a fried chicken plate, pie and coffee. ''w'iVi j The welcome and introduction of the speaker for-the evening was given by B. F. Hobbs, retiring Worshipful Master. Invocation was by R. V. Phillips, retiring Chap lain. Norwood P. Parker,FM,PUD GiijOL, of Clinton, delivered the Masonic address. " -t7 - Installing officers for the occa sion were James L Reynolds, PM PUDGMjCL, of Clinton, installing officer, and Dr. H. W. ColwelL PM, of Wallace, Installing Marshall. Officers Installed for the ensuing year were: Worshipful Master, Henry C. Merritt; Senor Warden, S. A, Jones; Junior Warden. O. Y, Hollingsworth; Treasureiv -James F. Strickland; Secretary, Q- J. Sut ton; Senior Deacon, F. D. Bartlett; Junior Deacon, Graham Phillips; Senior Steward, A. C. Lockamy; Junior Steward, Henry Bivenbark; Tyler, H. P. Pittman; Chaplain, Sanford Packer. ,v, . Henry C. Merritt, newly Installed Worshipful Master, expressed, his appreciation for the honor bestow ed upon him and said that Masonic Ideals were the answer for these trying times.:; .:, Arthur Apple, PM.GL, presented the PM Jewel to retiring . Master Hobbs and stated that In four years Hobbs had never missed a meeting of the local lodge. ' . PM Sterling Marrlner presented Installing Marshall, H. W. Colwell, a gift expressing appreciation for services rendered to this lodge. Colwell accepted with gracious re marks.' Following the installation cere mony Masons , adjourned to the lodge hall for communication. About 60 attended the dinner and service. :y.:.-s--'--yj : . Attending from out of town were Norwood P. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. James I. Beynolds of Clinton; Dr. and Mrs. H. C. ColwelL Wallace; Leslie Bell, Kenansville; and Jlm mie McColman, Newton Grove, for merly of Warsaw. - Office Moved' ToRcbbh : Professor Jasper L. Memory, Jr. of Wake Forest Collage, has an nounced that the offices of the North Carolina Merit System Coun cil will be moved from Durham to Raleigh when adequate space is available. The office has been lo cated in Durham since its establish ment in 1937. The exact date of the transfer Is not known at present GRADY P. T JL TO MEEET MONDAY r : : The PTA of B. F. Grady School will hold their regular meetisi Monday, Jan. 15, at 7:30 p.m. . r A program of Interest will be presented.' Pc;:i!!::r Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 29 Souihe eastern hog supplies were mu smaller in this holU3ry-i';oit ,n ! week, and prices ran ' 1 f i ! 1 cents a hundred pour, i I ' ' r i S Memphis to as n , 'i n " er t I.-aslivUIn. TI.o 1 , i: 1 t f t f ' f r: ' ' t .,''! ery, ) to I . !; I . j ; . $21; I mphis, t-.:.l3 to i .. and Louisville $20.23 to ; t Richmond, tcp hog price was ( J. 25..'. . . . Tha aou,:ern cat"a and ca" movement ' was seasonally very light Combined arrivals at six mar ket centers totaled 12,300, compar ed with 19,000 head a week ago. Prices trended $2 to $1 a hundred pounds higher in Georgia with the most advance occurring at the close of the-. week.. :: ' ,,: -'v; .. . Most broiler, markets had a steady to stronger tone. Prices ranged from unchanged in North Georgia to about steady in Central North Carolina, but were a half cent to 2 cents higher In Mississip pi and the Del-Mar-Va area. ' Friday's closing prices In Central North Carolina mostly 20 cents, wit. a few tales at 22 cents. , DHi. Prii:::r; 1 IVvJ IlkVaa! fmmJ" . A ' honor 'grade prisoner", at State Prison Camp 306 on the Gor don road. New Hanover County, es caped one night last week. Camp officials reported that Earl Pope, 31-year-old Duplin county na tive was left to fire a boiler which heated the cell block. He escaped between the 9 and 10 o'clock checks one of the prison guards said, v Pope : was serving a - four-year term on morals conviction In Dup lin County Superior Court r 34333 1!av Drivers Licaseslssd During 195hv A total of 421,368 driver's licen ses were issued to motorists of North Carolina during 1950, the Department of Motor Vehicles re ported today. . January was the month of largest issue with 52, 782. December ran second with 36,485. Of the total is sued, 343,348 were operator's lic enses Issued on new applications. . Revenue from issuance of. licen ses amounted to $92,434.06. . .. SAFETY IMPORTANT ; TO FARM FAMttJES' ;' Getting work "safely done la '6V Is a resolution for the new. year suggested by L. F. Weeks, County Agent ut Duplin County, Safety, he says, is not only thoroughly practical but of great Importance. It can be carried out by the whole family with benefit to alt " Check farm and home to locate and remove all hazards. ' , ; Be cautious in handling farm animals. ..'.V ; ' And, he says, regardless of the emergency, do not permit children to operate or ride upon farm mach inery. - .;'rrT ;', V: ;;v;,-;':;,;.r'i', ',;' InAlberfson Over 15 shots were fired In a shooting late Sunday afternoon In Albertson , Township resulting In bullet wounds to four persons. - Involved in the shooting were Helon Lee, Adolph Garner, Ray mond Garner and his two daugh ters, all colored. The argument began over whiskey and each of the men returned to his home, all within a mile radius, for a shot gun. Adolph Garner, In the most ser ious condition, received about eight shot wouds In his hips and legs, Raymond Garner received wounds la the arm and leg, one of, the young girls was hit' three times and the other one received a leg wound. None were hospitalized. ' Helon. Lee, uninjured, was ar rested by Deputy Sheriff H. J. Summerlin and placed In the Du plin County jail for holding under $500 bond to appear in County Court' ,-:- , :v,.- - f All three men were tenant far mers. Adolph Garner it the tenant of Lewis W. Outlaw, Raymond ear ner, tenant of Leroy Simmons; and Helon Lee, tenant of Bodolph Sim mons. . ' ' a The local Lions' Club met in reg ular session Wednesday n' ' t in Jones' Cafe here. I'ost cf t f r enlng was taken up in ( ' : a prospective ba.,'. .' U i i i tween members of t s 1 1 i and menders of' t!;e I" FFA class. 1." re d.-I, " 1 1 1 ' posed (jnie will be ter. A committee ct a Allen, Z. W. Fr- : r Grady was named iy i local clu'j et t" e i: " vntlon ft r ' i C t ) he I " x : V. .. x i 4 ' i . i T-'plln .0 recer. 'y c " S ter a t.Hree-ycir sei to the , this week e 'flaw J Lt pre J voik on f tr' r.'Jier . i t'wo;.k tt i x L .ariff J f (" t j t on Kon- d.y J. 1 1 . a 1 Into the o::-e : .ve Ll'J up with the e: ...on t:at ne am not uxe the1 kind of work he .was doing. The reason for. the surrender is that when he completed serving his term of three years for assault with deadly weapon, for which he was convicted in Duplin courts. another charge, lodged against him over three years ago of set ting booby traps in an efifort to kill a man whom he alleges was pay leg special attention to hit wue, was given action. .; i When his term was completed in Franklin County the local sheriffs office went for him and -jailed him here on the other charge. Later Guy- Griffin of (he Potter's Hill section stood his bond in the am ount of $300. James went to his farm to work. Not being satisfied there or lured away for other con siderations, he left the Griffin farm and went over Into Jones County where he was' employed by an il licit liquor manufacturer, accord ing to Sheriff Jones. He It now in Jail awaiting trial : r . Crc:!yn Saspp AraArrd:dllia" . Investigations by the office of the Sheriff of Duplin County led to the arrest of Roosevelt Harrison January 5th in Boss Hill on charges of breaking Into tlx stores in Duplin in the last two weeks. Harrison, a 32-year-old negro, was released on December 16th from a three year term for breaking and entering, in Sampson County; ' ! He admitted breaking Into all six stores and at the time of hit arrest had in his possession $15.47 and a flashlight taken from, the Duplin Grocery Store. . ? . Also arrested was Melvin Hatcher 15-year-old negro of Rose Hill, named as' his accomplice in three of the breaVina, , ; ' - Both negroes are now In Jail awaiting trial In Superior Court . Harrison is under a $2,000 bond and Hatcher under, a $900 bond, -j rThe first entry . was made on December 28 In. Warsaw. The Vets Service Station was entered by re moving the glass from a side win dow and $12 was reported missing. This was followed by two break ins .In Magnolia Jan. 2. The Bose Hill Hardware was entered by breaking In the front door with a 2X8 piece of lumber, Several poc ket knives and S3 were missing, The same night James Fussell's Grocery .Store was entered by re moving the glass, from the side door and $8 in allver was reported missing...' .-ri'-'-i; '"' ' ' The next two robberies were re ported Wednesday night in Mag nolia. Cbestnutt's Grocery was en tered by removing the glass from the door but nothing was reported missing. The M. T. Tucker Amoco Station reported the glass had been removed from the back window and $10 was taken. .;;."' r--r The last of the break-ins occur red Jan. 4th when the Duplin Fork Grocery, 3 miles west of Wallace on Highway 41, was entered by going under the store and pushing up the floor boards. One flashlight and $15 was reported missing. Harrison had been an. immediate suspect because r of , the similarity of the break-ins to several in this area three years ago, but could not be arrested until substantial evi dence could be secured by the sheriffs office. . ' V,'--- ':.'".""' v, NOTICB Of ADE3NI3TKATI0N HavlngHhls day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Ko bart A. Kennedy, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons havlr . claims against his said estate to present them to the unbars!"? J Administratrix on or fcf to V"- ember 23, 1C31, or t '1 1 9 v be pleaded In bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment This 29th day of r ,1. . . Hr 1 ;:. t- nt;, " Ai:... matrix 2-104t VbO Lll. iCi.. s v. ' . .. ; iraxwell 'r Tr r s, 'a. "nd Lt 1 '' '. ! r. ' f f I'r. ar.i I .s. ,. I. 1 e i::u, h.s t 1 1 ' ed 7!'it 1 t ) 1 f I.".. 3 v :i t v "r3n of V.'o:M 1 1 1 1 i. - L ' nr.x , - t Ral"-1, b- 'te r at luiion 1. !)' ii Durham, t d"i:.i r ct . w tiul 'a i v a . grort'i 1 t ici-.'. of ' X i '. . Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Lt Bouse is married to the for- mer Miss Ann Dields of Southport, C. They have two children; Jo Ann S years, and Jeanne 11 months. Classified CLASSIFIED BATES: Twe cento per word, minimum charre of 680. Unless yea have an account with u please tend moneys stamps; money order,. nr eheek with ada. Funara! N ttse the Times Claaalfied Ads; If you have anything to sell or exchange, or want to boy, we will aocept produce for payment ' 5-PLENTy OF GOOD WATER FROM A DRILLED WELL. WRITE. FOB ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE, GIVING US DIRECTION AND HOW FAR YOU LIVE FROM YOUR POSTOFFICB. : HEATER WELL CO; INC. 1 ' RALEIGH, rN. C FARM LOANS Federal Land Bank Long Terma, Low Interest are Available through the'CUnte Nathaal Farm Loan Association. See o write : DE WITT CARR, Sect?. Treaa. at CLINTON, N. p. FOB SALBs.. a High pressure (1$ Blacksmith " Forge 'called The Champion. Interested persona con tact " t,- ' ' HENBV J. HOWARD, Warsaw, N. C 1-ll-ttpd. ' ' , -FOU SALE - PIANOS , - We, have, a complete supply at new and gvranteed used rlsnns. For a saving Just ace us before you buy. We sell nothing , but pianoa, . . .' . . JOHNSON PIANO COMPANY .133 W. NORTH 8T. KINSTON, N. C m FOB SALE: Massey er 61$ Straw berry plante. New ground grown. Call or. write - JOB FARRIOR, Warsaw.' N. C l-12-5t pd - -:;: r;.:;v:-r,i-F.r; FARMERS SEE ME. I Will Save You Money On Your GUANO. A Square Deal To Every Man. ; W E. BELANGA, -V." KenansvlUe. . 112-4t C ' Lb, Pel , il . t . IN PINK fep.t 1 I ,4 . Ti.e n: V" -rz Yr Ads. " t I r 15. i v. x ia i i " .- ttf ' ' ' -' k-ii.-ACC g r - 1 -vsi l.J ui - - Members of the Dixie $1000 Per, Acre Club met at the Kinston Air port Wednesdsy night Jor a barbe cue chicken dinner and their first annual meeting. i-: r,' Certificates of award were pre sented and orlzas distributed to ' more than 80 members from sur rounding area, . , Leo Harvey welcomed the mem bers on behalf of the sponsor. Dixie uiemicai vorporauon, ana explain ed the purpose of the club which includes the dissimilation of ln- fnrmAtlnn tniftfiriMl in hrlnff ahnut the improvement 01 growng flue cured tobacco. 'A prize contest was announced by Don C. Flowers, Sec-Treas, and maoaaer of the- Dixie Chemical Corporation, for members in wnicn prizes will be awarded to those papers on "How I Raised Tobacco to sea ror sivuo vtr Acre in in ju. First prize will be $1C3 War Sav ings jkwu; we secona, a ).j uma and third , prize a $25 Eor :. The winning papers will be selected by tnree tooacco speciaasts. tnairmau Of the judging committee is II. R. Bennett Extension Tobacco, r;-ec-lalist; Dr. Vf. H,Colwell, lead of the Departmentof Agromy. and J. M. Carr, 'assistant Director--of ; the Tobacco Experiment Station in Oxford. ' . . Floyd, secretary of the N. C. - Va. Plant Food Institute on the subject of 'Better Farming.- NEW SEED ARRIVED. CarrrnU Wonder and Neapolitan Tt;?er Seed have Just arrived. Get your seed pow. - v J. C Buss, Warsaw" MMt C - . MALE HELP WANTED . Reliable man with car wanted to call pa fanners In Dnp:.'.i Cwy. Wonderful opportunity. $:3 t 5' .J la a day, Ne experience or 1 ,1 required. Permanent Wii; 9 t y. ; - McNESS COMPANY, L, ,t C, , Candler Bldg Baltlttiore 2, I I I-19-2t Pd. JUST RECEIVED Carlo 1 C Have in stock Mortar Lime, No. 8 Boll Tin, Cc Roil , Rooflnr, Doors, Drain Tile, Few Bolls etag.-. ' J. C. EUC3, 2-2-4t C - O Cw, KILL !.:":" . . ... ,r , 1 M F, fl t w w L J

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