4 , , e-i! '.,, 't. I JT 4 i , I j Jyr '' ' t - ' t I- If k.n a N sv 1 LLE. UOiVm CAROLINA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, 185 1 1 1 ' 1 ' No. 8 - ? n:::!-.vi!b'$ Liv:!:tk fctli ontkr!'.clOp:nir,D J I i r I '1 1 J The three picture! shown here were made on February 7th, open ing day of the BeulaviUe Livestock Auction Market' An unusually lnrM rrnwd' turned out lor the ? day In spite of rain and more than $10,000 was paid to tarmers. me auction operates each Wednesday beginning at one o'clock, " , Messrs Arthur Kennedy and Car lyle Raynor, proprietor are well pleased with the sales so far. i In the top picture you see, left in rleht. a buyer. Ransom Smith, Carlyle Raynor, "Red" ' Rogers, auctioneer, another buyer, Arthur Kennedy anoT Warren Thomas, ; ; , Middle nlcture is. front of mar ket located on highway just out of town towards Potters HiiL The lower picture. Is scene in . .. 141 Ovar 5G3 Scouts To Meat In Goldiboro Saturday Afternoon More than 500 Divisional Cubs, Scouts,' Explorefs and Leaders are nMed to attend the Annual rniMiclUWlde ' Cook-Out. Court of Honor and Basketball Tournament in th East End School Gymnasium in Goldaboro Saturday. Feb. 24, starting at 1:30 P.M.- -smuts will brina food to be prepared for their lunches before starting the Council-wide basket- hall event Four of the tOD tTOODS, mhA uinn In each county run-Off last week, will compete in a Round ' Robin Basketball tournament. County run-ofr winners were In Duplin, Faison,' Chlpquapln, and Beulavilie; In Johnston, Clinton and Bland High School; in Wayne, Dud ley,' Troop 108 American Legion, Troop 109 First African BaJptlst Church, Explorer Post 113 Dillard High School. After the final game Saturday night a Council-wide Court of Hon or ; will " advance more . than 75 Scouts. ": '" '.. Warsaw Club Mate Plans For : , Fashion Show "9 4 J I I1 ... - . 4 Uf , S. - side market shdwing part of crWd : arouna staus. u-huuj a. ' . ; . ImIvmL HaulaviUe). DR. W. E. CALDWELL 21 Masons Will Be Honored Here llext Friday Night Friday night, March 2nd, will be a night for history in the an nals of St. John's Lodge, -No. 13, A.F. and A.M. in Kenansvllle. Be ginning promptly at 730 U me inHsA hall an Emergent Communi- oatinn will be held at which 21 members of the local lodge wiU be awarded Silver Certificates for 25 years or more of continuous mem bership and service in the Lodge. At this time Brother W. is. uaia nn.ii state Grand Master, will be here and present the awards. Dr. Caldwell Is professor oi Ancieni History at the University of North Carolina and is. a very interesting lecturer. twills 1 " Tc:rn::nt I!ovln Progress Here . . a. . .. 1. ..Im.at' MAnAa. Illl PllhlAnH Vlll The State District "fl" uasneojaa uu.f . Tournament got unaerway Wednes. pUy the winners of the BeulaviUe day night In the Kenan gym with (Bolivia game.v - r. r, ra n ! (ccarturiiav ni tfht. the final game of iwagnoua oawuu. . - . . and Rlchlands barely winning we wuriwuicui, -. tne winners i mib iik-v games to determine, tlur district winner which WiU play in ine siaie R" Tournament to be 'held later. -"Hap" Perry, Executive Secre tarv of the N. C. Athletic Associa tion was on hand for the, Thurs day night games. Admission is 50c per person Tickets are sold at the door. A large attendance is expected for the remaining games. . . .42 ov r Jjover 42-41. - - T. e dates for the tournament ' are 1 .!. 21 through. 24th with two games scheduled each night . Thursday night the, first game tegan at 7 O'clock between .Jack. uiiviUe and Southport. The second , t me at 8:30 between BeulaviUe ;:d Bolivia. (The Times was print ed before game time).; i ; Friday night Magnolia will play e winner of the Jacksonville- 7j; LLC jILATIVE SUMhARY County Court Decisions Rendered I A number of cases were tried and decisions rendered in the Coun ty Court held Feb. B, 9, and 7th with Judee H. . PhllUps presiding. " Nine cases were tried on charges nf auanit with a deadly weapon, ; Thomas Dewitt. so charged wnue publicly drunk, was found guilty of simple assault on a female. Judg ment was suspended on good beha- tiAr and navment of eosts. Helen Lee tried on fwo charges, of ADW was given two lo-month terms in th mnntw iall to run concurrently. J. C. . Moore on the same charge was suspended for two years on good behavior and payment of $15 fin. .T.mM Williams cnargea wun engaglhg In an affray and assault was suspended for two years ana n.vmnnt of lis fine and costs. Raymond i Garner ' and Joe Dealer were both found not guuiy o r.h.r- f ADW. V. J. Hill and Irvln Lee Hill both eharged with ADW and tresspassing had Judgment sus nonHiul for five years on good be havior and payment of costs, Tom Stokes charged with ADW appealed n finnerlnr Court with bond fixed at $250. The court found Pat Will- lams not guilty of assault wnu wea pon. The largest number or cases dealt with possession of non tax paw ... : I- 11TI 111 .wi nh over Oil At a regular suDDcr meeting of the B&PW of Duplin County Mon- iv niirht nlans were made ior wis iiuh to be hostess for the district meeting to be held in Warsaw on April 8. One Hundred peopie now nut nf town are exoected to attend. Various committees were appointed to work out details. Other Business Olscussea penaiuru io-iuc " Ji koolrthe Mub li gfciietheiq AtoanSOO copies wm go on mic .,nnn n vnihnletion The P&PW "r- t t- --. . . . niiH alao abonsor iu Annual rasn- ion Show in March.. The committee for this is Mesdames Jerry ew bold. Stacy Brit and Mlrt'Mary -Sykes....-!-?r '" t'y ,, Miss Mary Alice Biacumore too a letter from the state president in regard to the Radio broadcast the B&PW is sponsoring, mis prog . . . ..iwl L . .Ula BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT The Duplin County Basket ball Tournament will be played In the Kenan Memorial Audito rium March 1, 2, S, 5, and 1th. Each of the two white school baskqtball teams will partici pate in the tournament with the winner being determined by elimination. Admission, will be 25c for children and 50c for adults. Tickets will be sold at the door. Pink Hill Doctor vmmmmmmm. mm mi n Vj It is believed that the presenta- Uon of the 21 certificates . will break the state record. f , , c.in-uiF iii ha served -. on the first floor at 6:30. There will be no supper on Thursday nlgnt marcu 1st, the regular supper meeting. It is hoped that a large attendance of members will be on1 hand to onorkhe Grimdf Master and the M eertlfleate recipients. . Work Continues Here Thru' Spring Dr. Orval L. Phillips, Director, Bureau of Field Service, East Caro lina Teachers College, Greenville, has announced that extension work will be continued in Kenansvllle during the spring quarter. The course fhat will be offered is Geography 330 - People of the Earth. This course acquaints the teachers with the subject matter together with appropriate teaching procedures for the elementary school. The course can oe taxen oy people needing ueograpny r -----330. The course can also be counted or past two years. as an education course. This is an under-graduate course but may also be taken by people desiring credit toward the renewal of ceruueates. The class which will be held in the Kenansvllle High school build ing will begin March 1 at 4:30 p.m. It is important that those Interested !n this work be present at tne nrsi meeting.- : .' . . i.. Killed On Highway ? Jake Hill, 42 of WarsaV Bt 1, vnioH fiiinilav eveninl when IU".- " he stepped from-behlnd on-coming t,nn inta the natn oi inurswu ...m w u--a Mn NAT nptwark tkia; v.tnhoinV mv. ri The body WHS Wllltuc lie ax va wu - , jvcivu--v - . t Saturday from, 12:15-12:30. - ? dragged 35 feet and. the car stopped ; Mrs. Kathleen Snyder, cnairman wuhin 75 teet accorainu w oi International Eelitions Commit--tee is in charge of the program. She made an Introductory speech hofan. nrpphtini Mesdames a. , Hnhhs. W J. Middleton, Jr., and Miss Helen Brown, who spoke, on work of the United Nations, ecuss Brown gave "What It Is" - Mrs. nnM "What It Has Done" and it is False Lightning icares kenansvllle 2 an in ihe morning. At our house This should have been written last week but we ere 40 eroded tat sDace it was omitted along with several other stories and ads. How ever' we believe it Is good enougn tn nuhllsh even at this late date. , It happened two weeks ago, about CONTINUED ON BACK FAUK Dr.' Joseph H. Bower, above of Martlnsburg, W. Va., recently ar rived in Pink Hill and began his medical practice on Feb. 5, In the office formerly occupied Dy ur. D. W. Buffln. Dr. Bower and his wife are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones in Pink Hill until their home is completed. Dr. Bower was educated at the Medieal College of the University of Virginia and interned at Beth esda Naval Hospital in Maryland. He has been resident physician at the Newton D. Baker Veterans'. Hosnltal In Martinsburg. W. Va., Red Cross Drive Begins March 1st. The County meeting of the Am erican Bed Cross was called to or der in the Court House Friday evening at 7:30 by Harry E. Kramer with invocation by Rev. M. K. Glover. "'. .... tt'" The speaker. JJsvid. E,Jsjser, Camp LeJM4eiSf .-intjJ, y. chairman. Krameri H f& -jm; wors: ox im. mpmnii v Home 'and Abroad4Mr.iMarfon Everett, "Tield Bepresentavc; lor the ; district spoke on the blood program oi the Red Cross-f 4 ? ,. Mrs.i tr B. f Boney., ipxecutive Seeretary of the County Chapter, announced - the Red Cross Drive quota Of $5,000 for the county. The I CONTINUED ON BACK. v 1 Z: This Is the sixth of series ! " weekly summaries of the work ct the North Carolina General As t ...Uly of 1951. It is confined to t scussions ol matters of general interest and major Importance, " -: I , Despite a marked Increase in ac t y in each house last week, the 1 . ""ess of the General' Assembly c I J not be measured; to concrete t -is. Less. than 20 of all bills m -i, i-.ired have received final der f n, and scareely one could be ,i significant leglislatlon. a lecUlaUve hostility toward f .vernor's Doerara has been as- 1 by most observers, only e action on state aid for city a could be termed revealing the novernor s radio ap- the people will strengthen ve s'!i'rc"t for his program i to I e f 1,rni'np i. .'if ' : "i - S ' t 1 .t PO C mht tli.'it j s' 1 f r c "y streets .ier to mun Rari wniiasier. The accident was investigated i... DotrAiman Whltaker. Sheriff , 1 Ralph Jones and Police cmei wi Coombs. The coroners Jury ruled the accident unavoidable. The in quest was conducted bypecial Coroner F. J. Thomas. ' y i 1A111 d Do- mA Uinlo fractures of the right Thirty-nine Duplin Teachers Receive Certificates In Education Ail Workshop Reoinnlns- on Tuesday. Feb. 13 and running through Thursday, Feb. 15, the teachers of the county had the opportunity of participating in an Art Workshop conducted by Miss Lillian Nunn, Art Consultant of Binnev It Smith Co- oINew Mr. Middleton. ''What ino" Mr. Snvdar closed the pro-. Vllnarai services were con-'- . " oi. gram with a few of her views on,j ducted Sunday afternoon from 0pp0rtunity to get a broader me uujci;. w-, " yuinn-MCHjfuweu Uu- " scope of Art Education in tne use i nf materials and the planning ana teaching of school art mrougn ac tual participation where projects were carried through to completion. Ilrfht anlno Mrs. Grace Vann made a plea for the Fund Drive for the League For Crippled Children. Twenty three members were present. wn! Hoy To Get Deferment From i Service 0 Selective Service registrants oi wun poKBBMiwu . - - r i this county snouia oubbi vo whiskey.; Frank Williams charged r timple rule! In presenting " their .1.1. fnf tYta nurnnae of I . . tl rjmA Ui' Tint. nnaed to diversion of existing high way revenues for this purpose. The Senate has passed 5B izo wnicn, as amended, would Eive the cities We ot the present gas tax and place streets forming lints, in me state nrimarv and secondary road sys tems under the Highway Commis sion. This action, the governor Charges; is false economy, will weaken the primary; highway pro gram, might undermine the rating of North Carolina securities, and win not nrovlde a permanent solu tion of the street problem. White the governor does not advocate nhmittins a tax Increase to the people,' with the 194? secondary road bond issue as a precedent, ne has said he Is not afraid to carry it to the people. . With SB 120 on Its way to" the Hiuiu the atreneth of the gover nor's position is due tor's positive test. The House finance committee ha already voted to report unfav- oraWy E8 2S32 which Would place exclusive responsibility for all city. ' i in the Highway Commission with possession for the purpose of sale was suspendea ior wo yer on payment of $200 and costs. Ralph Batts charged wttn possess ion was luspended for two years natrmsnt tit 13S and COStS. ROJ CONTINUED ON THEATRE PAGl Grqdy FFABoys : Defeat Pcr.-iribs ; Th n j1. Grady Vocational Ag- -j - .t,..nia soi first nlace lh the annual Future Fanners Par liamentary Procedure Contest neio ir.nfncui Hlch School Febru- ary 14. Thirteen teams in Duplin and Pender.countres were eugiuw . .nH!niitA Bnva ComDOSlng the Grady team were president, Gaston Grady, vice president nick iworne- onu -Rennrter Kennetn nay gay. treasurer .iDen ,uiv,y, tary Larry Harper,, and aoviaer - It., www""' ' , ' , ... District, and State contests will be held later. tn the Draft Board. Mr. Out aw. Chairman of the Duplin Coun jr Board, stated ' that:; registrants ind Interested persons could help Jie Draft Board and themselves if ihey will- observe the following three suggestions: 11 Present in writing a sUtement of all facts M..h thev believe will entitle the .slateraht 1to$ deferment .This should "be presented i"at- th. time h niioillnnnalre IB reiurneu. auj subsequent change, to status that might w . warrant,. reciassuiiau' should be reported" Inj writing. r2) CONTINUED UH llext Week Ve Honor 4-H Clubs ' National 4-H Club Week will be observed throughout the United States during the period Marcn to 11. according to L. R. Harrell, 4-H leader for the State College Extension Service. The 1951 theme "Wonting u- .i t...nPM TTnderstandlng", will be stressed In all special actl- CONTINUEP ON BAiw which V 1 al ia:!:J la Ifcrea Last Sunday Mrs.. XteUt.JV Dall th. Kf-Att'a Store section recei ved a telegram from the War De partnir. t informing t-r that her . tii,ert nail, haa been killed In Korea. Letters wi l iollow giv ing more details. Kls ' '.her was the Actual teaching was done by Miss Nunn through lecture and demon stration foUowed Immediately by participation in the work with ma terials applied to specmc wb;ui problems by the teachers. The whole theme of the workshop was -"Learn To Do By Doing." Teachers' receiving certificates for completing the 15-hour work shop were: BeulaviUe School - Miss T.n Reiie Williams. Miss Katherine Waller, Mrs. E. H. Cannady; Mag nolia School Mrs. L. H. russeii, Mrs. Bettle B. Hawes, Mrs. Made line E. Smith; Calypso School - Mrs. Hilda Sutton, Mrs. Geneva Byrd, Mrs. Lorelle Martin; Chin quapin School - Miss Mary F. Hall, Miss Effer Rickelct, Mrs. Hazel Brinson, Mrs. Ida Mae Sanderson, Miss Worth Lanier, Miss Eugenia Quinn; Warsaw School - Mrs. Edna McLamb, Mrs. Magdalene Standi, Miss Nora Blackmore, Miss Helen Brown, Miss Myra Douglas Butler; Wallace School . Mrs. Evelyn Knowles, Mrs. Priscilla Sanderson, Mrs. Elizabeth Covington; Faison School - Mrs. Dorothy Dail, Mrs. Mary P. Ray; Outlaw's Bridge School - Miss Sallie Outlaw; B.. F. Grady School - Miss Madeline Cars- well, Mrs. Louise H. Wells, Mrs. Eftle Outlaw, Mrs. Josie Smith, Mrs. Henrietta Grady, Mrs. Nini M. Garner; Kenansvllle School -Mrs. Angerola Daughtry, Mrs. Flor ence Currle, Mrs. Mattle W. Sadler, Mrs. Nell Weeks; Rose Hill School -Mrs. Steve Mallard, Miss Lillie Teachey, and Mrs. Wm R. Teachey. I ? 'ft & ever L. - . -T. .v. tpuetQr. Mi.. UUlsn 1 umhU of Dvplln County .re .ow , TT " tar Wt,r .ho held at Kenansvllle High j She is l graduate of Duke and Col and hat taught In Durham. rhotoJ Lincoln Fn,v 1 If a lc r tax Increase were p before It K3 331 lets rr'-n . -

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