W sr Community Choir , Rakes Funds '" ? ' ?- The Community Choir U selling occasional cards, ; stationery, and thank you notes. Orders are being ' taken by Mrs. Ivey Bowden at her home. Phono 2482. Proceeds will to to the Community Choir, - New Brownie Scout Leader Announced Mrs. V. B. Reynold hat resign ed as leader of the Brownie Scouts. Mrs. John Currle will replace her. The Brownie Scout meeting! will be held at the regular time. Bridge Club Meets , The Thursday night bridge club met Wednesday night of last week at the home, of Mrs. A. R. Bland. Visitors were Mrs. J. B. Wallace and Mrs. O. H. McKay. Miss Mar tha Pickett received club high and Mrs. Wallace received guest prise. Lemon cheese cake and coffee were - served, the players. Initiation Ceremony The Kenansvllle Chapter Order of the Eastern Star met Tuesday at 7 JO pan. in the lodge building. The business -portion was presided over by the Worthy Grand Patron and Worthy Grand Matron. Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Gooding. Following the meeting an Inltlatian Ceremony was had for Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Holland. The Valentine motif was the theme of the social hour. Serv ing on the social committee were garet and Matoka Westbrook, N. B. Boney and Walter Hlnson. V ; Birthday Party Mrs. Boy Dunn gave a birthday party for her daughter, Dorothy, and the Brownie Scouts Tuesday afternoon at her home.' Many games were played and birthday cake, punch and assorted cookies were served. Favors of apples and baloons were given each child. ;s PERSONALS ' Mrs. O. P. Johnson visited Mrs. A. J. Dickson in Garner last week end and spent Monday In Burgaw With an aunt who is 111.. ; Mrs. Margaret Tucker is In New Orleans with her husband who has Just returned from a trip to South America.",'- .'.V;1".'."" '? vv Mrs. Matthew Burke of New Bern spent Wednesday night with her daughter, Jacqueline Burke, at the home of Mrs. E. W. Sadler. Miss Marie Wells spent the week end at her home In Rose H11L Miss Jean TyndaU recently visit ed her mother Mrs. E. C. TyndalL ' Mrd, . Amos Brlnson and son Doc" vlblted her parents, the Edgertons, In Wallace Thursday. Miss Nell Qulnn spent the week end at her home In Beulavllle. Mrs. N. B. Boney and Mrs. N. B. Boney, Jr. were In Goldsboro on Monday.' . U t t, Lt. A. R. Bland, Marine Corp Reserve,, will report March 12 to Cherry Point for active duty. ' y Mr, Oliver Stokes is In" James Walker Hospital for treatment " ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Futrelle moVed to Goldsboro Tuesday where he is with the Singer Sewing Machine Company, - - i - Miss Anna Hines went to Durham Monday for the day., - , , 1 . Mr. E. W. Sadler spent the week end at his home in Kenansvllle. ; Mr. and ; Mrs., Cjr Tldlebaum spent the week end at Carolina Beach with Mrs. Wilbur Adams , Mr. and Mrs. J. L. WilUams and Miss Margaret Williams spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Adams. Mr. and Mrs.; W, D." Reynolds and daughter of Lumberton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Vance Gavin. , t Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stokes and Dlanne and Mrs. J.- B. Wallace ahoobed In Raleigh Saturday, n Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady and children spent the week end in Norfolk and Rich Square with Mrs. Grady's sisters. , Mrs. Wslter Stroud and Mrs. An drew Patterson shopped In Golds boro last Wednesday. ' a s Mrs. N. B. Boney attended the UDC meeting In Warsaw Wednes day afternoon. - Mesdames E. W. Sadler, A. R. Bland and D. H. McKay shopped In Goldsboro Saturday. " " I Mesdames J. B. Wallace, J. R. Grady, N. B. Boney, Jr., and Misses Hilda Clontz and Jacqueline Burke accompanied" Mrs. Vance Gavin to Weil's Fashion Show in' Goldsboro Tuesday night' " V'";:r Mrs.: Lester Brlnson who' Is in Quinn, located on her farm, burne J last week,. , - . Jinunie Johnson .spent the week end with: Robert Williamson at StateCollege. -fevC;. ' : 1 . . '.. ,...-. t Returns To Arizona 1 " 'Sgt Jesse L. Tillman who has been spending a few days with his foster parents Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bowman' .Gray Hospital In- Wins-1 Taylor of Kenansvllle Bt 2, has re- ton-Salem is reported to be impro- turned to Tucson, Arizona. Ggt ved. Mrs. M. F, Allen, was called Tues day to her mother, Mrs. Sears, in I Whiteville where she suffered a I Tillman is a veteran of four years In the Air Force. He is an airplane ngine mechanic. - , Jehovch's Witnesses Assembly In : Goldsboro, February 23, 24 And 25. A three-day Circuit Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses will be held In the Goldsboro High School audi torium, February 23, 24; and 25th, It is expected that there will be well. over 700 delegates to attend coming from the 24 congregations in Eastern North Carolina. This Is the territory, this convention ser- I ves. The local congregations oi Magnolia and Pink Hill will be follows: B. F, Grady and Outlaw's Bridge: Rev. L. C. Prater, $250; Kenansvllle: Emmett Kelly, $475; Teachey: Mrs. Charles Hearn, $100; Rose Hill: Mrs. LilUe Bell Brum mitt and Mrs. Herbert Cottle, $625; Warsawi'M. V. Orr, $900; Magnolia: John D. Hunt, $150; Faison: ' J. B. Stroud, $300; Chinquapin: Ms. Best James and Mrs. Leona Ives, $175; Potters Hill: L. M. Bostle, represented by more than 40 dele-? J. Beulavnle: Bob rjemorest, gates. , . '. $400; Calypso: "Needham Sloan, ,1Mrei,Mn 2 Ida, -di M00 Bowden: Mrs. Thelma "Lloyd will participate during the hree BarettX,143 ,WaltaBK., Louis day program. ... Much instruction .... 1nRn mlnrM, m. will be given and some will explain , munities ' will be ' supervised by Miss Annie Mae Kenlon. FALSE LIGHTNING ';. -iiy,-'-- . " 'v'. V - : , - h-- ;,.; n.'f f - i . U -h-h-t .-. Sat - ' ' - ' lira B 1 .v- - . ombre gtripe ' -'V 1 ,.,4.;-vnnAreMaiMl ev'iigcniousNclIyDon A jacket Jrfn 1 : combines a new smooth- , y35 i l f shoulder jacket with camisole-cut t- y$ f ' sundress ..does it in her own parfait-hucd r i ottornan cotton with Evcrglazc crease-resistant : 1 finish. Takes to the sun or goes dancing t "i " Tile or coral, brown and beige, rose and . " ' -u ? ' ' pink, navy and dark red. 10 to 16. tav test 'Saj t VHtl LI VALLACS how to conduct home Bible studies. others showing how they should apply- the Bible knowledge gained by putting it Into' practice In their every day lives. Still others will ; CONTINUED FROM FRONT show how the Bible prophecies j on the eastern edge of town, which are being fulfilled by current world fe, elevated , Just enough to , look events. The Assembly will greatly jover the tree tops and the down aid ministers of Jehovah In Eastern town section, we were awakened Carolina In promoting their un-' Dy a popping 0f our gas furnace, sefttirian education to all people , Almost with the, seconds it would of good Will: in the requirements for everlasting life in the righte ous New World now at hand. , Mr. N. M. Downle, an ordained minister from Brooklyn, N. Y., will beV the principal speaker. Mr. Downie who travels through east- pop on and -off. We looked out the window towards the South and saw. what seemed to be unusually fre quent flashes of lightning. As the light flashed the sky from that di rection appeared 'jet. black. Going across the . house to the western era United States Is a well known ai&e we looked out over town to speaker and an authority in the . war(jg the court house. The sky Scriptures, f The key note speech wouid Ught up wIth a a brll. will be delivered Sunday, Feb. 25th usnt glow one second and the next on the; subject "Surviving This WOuld be blurring pink. Bright, World's End", By Mr. Downie. The iw flashy, flickering, bright, dim, chairman will be Mr. F. P. Eld-j etc. We turned the house lights on ridge, an, ordained minister. Mr. ian(i M the light would flash the Eldridge travels extensively , In eastern North Carolina visiting the 24 congregations twice a year to aid them in expanding their public preaching activity. .;" -T Two ministers' from this area will have; a part in the program. F. C. Wilson of Magnolia will give a 20 minute taut "Participation With Demons Forbidden". This Will be on Sunday afternoon, Another ordained minister, John F. Cochran also from Magnolia,- will direct a 15-minute Song Service 'and be chairman of a variety of experi ences to be given by several minis ters of Jehovah's witnesses. This, also will be on Sunday afternoon. The Assembly will open officially Friday Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. Throughout j Saturday and. Sunday Jehovah's Witnesses jmd their friends will! listen attentively while suggestions and Bible instruction are given to better equip them for their Christ Ian educational work. :-' 'h -. The climax of he Assembly will be the talk Sunday, Feb, 25 at 3 p. m. on 'Surviving ' This ' World's End": No collection will be taken nor are there ever any collections taken at any of Jehovah's witnesses'- meetings. All persons of all beliefs are being cordially Invited to attend this special talk. j , ; ' RED CROSS ' ; r :' CONTINUED FROM FRONT ; drive begins. March 1st and-will be concentrated in the first ten days ' of the month. . The 1951 Fund Campaign Com-. W Chairmen . and goals for each township were announced as FLOWERS " ; f- FOR ALL OCCASIONS Mrs. Clarence Murphy Phone 248-1 - Agent Mt OLIVE FLORIST lights would almost dim out Yes, as you expect, our thoughts flashed to the atomic bomb. This was a few days after the last atomic bomb explosions in the Southwest. It wasnt exactly a comfortable feeling", yet we reasoned it could not be that or more than just light ning would be flashing."' .-. v..,.- r :' '"v :- , We called the telephone operator in Warsaw She saw no such goings on in the sky there. After thinking, a little more on the subject we de cided to call Ralph t Applewhite, Tide .Water's -trouble shooter in Warsaw. Ralph eased our nerves very quickly-when he told us lt must be two high., voltage power lines coming, in contact with each other. He said a Company truck was already on the way as other Kenansvillltes in town bad been awakened by the same lightning and had called him before we did. J We then jumped into our car and drove towards the court bouse. As we approached the down town sec tion we saw the last flash through the trees as the main switch in Warsaw was pulled. Two high power lines in front of the Baptist church here had hit together, burn ed apart and fell to the ground sending arcs of fire and light into the sky, f r U; v.n'if ;;; The next day, some of the fellows who went up town to see what was going on, said they got very little sleep the rest of the night following the two hour excitement Howevet we were fortunate to hit the bed and begin snoring again in a short time. " ( DEFERMENT , ' CONTINUED FROM FRONT File within ten days afterTfotice of Classification is mailed, a j-e- request for personal;' appearance before the Board, if desired. Such a request Will be granted if filed ' within ten days, but only one ap- tke cf ... , ..A i.i vii a 1-. days htur the date of mailing cf the Notice of Classification. This applies to the notice mailed after either the original classification or the notice' issued after personal appearance before the' Board. Mr. Outlaw pointed out that observance- of these .simple rules would give everyone assurance that the local board was fully informed ft the facts which might have a hearing upon the registrant's classi fication, He added that persons who wish to discuss a case with the Board should request an appear ance at the proper time and not attempt , to discuss It with indivi dual Board Members . outside of the Local Board Office He pointed out that such practice would save time and that the interested parties, could then be sure that all of the Board ' -Members had . complete knowledge of the facts which they' wished to present. He stated that the Members of the Board are doing their' best to determine the proper classification of - each registrant and that they earnestly request the cooperation of the 'public. ,1. ,' HONOR 4-II CLUB I CONTINUED FROM FRONT vitles to be held during the week, p' Accomplishments of the nation's Club members last year set a new record, with 77.8 per fent comple ting projects in. farming or home making, Harrell says. ' Club : boys and girls produced 100,000 acres of garden, raised 9,000,000 chickens, and 1,000,000 head - of livestock; grew 900,000 acres of food crops, and canned 16,000,000 ; quarts of fruits and vegetables.' They made their home more attractive and liveable by im proving 650,000. rooms, making 850,000 arts and crafts . articles, beautifying the grounds of 120,000 homes, making 2,200,000 articles of clothing, and planning, prepar ing .and serving 20,000,000 meals. Some 310,000 members kept personal achievement records, 510, 000; participated In fire and acci dent prevention, 360,000 conducted soil and wildlife conservation prac tices, and 150,000 carried out for estry , projects. ; ' ;v Nearly three-quarters of a mil lion 4iHers carried on special health activities, and 300,000 had periodic health examinations. Many served as junior-project leaders, conducted recreational activities, and served' their clubs and com munities in other ways. ; ' - Ivvo.WarsawBoys Enter Service V . Lattie Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Williams, left Monday for Lakeland Air Base in San An tonio, Texas, where he will enter the Air Corps. Lattie or "Sonny" as he is also known, was a student at Campbell College until a short time ago when he enlisted in the Air Forces .-, i ; t Charles Jones, .' son of : Sheriff and Mrs. Ralph Jones left Monday for San Diego, Calif r to enter the Navy. Charles was a member of the Senior Class . in , high r school and played on the basketball team. SUPT. JOHNSON g ATTENDS CONVENTION Superintendent of Duplin Coun ty Schools O. P. Johnson is attend ing the National Education Asso ciation Convention being held in Atlantic City this week. Mr. John son accompanied other superinten dents from this area. -.,, r tt l We're pretty sharp when comes ta helping ' you solve your insurance, prob- 2 lems. Don't hesitate; I Investigate."' "No. no, Kilroy, juttfU elderly ladiatr i F The fifth induction call for 50 men has been received by secretary if Selective Service, Bernice A. amor, xne men. are aue to re port March 6th and will be select ed from those having passed their physical exams. , ' NEGRO RETURNED FROM PHILADELPHIA - ... Sheriff Jones and Deputy Sher iff Perry Smith recently returned David Leach, Negro of Faison, to Duplin from Philadelphia on the charge of assault with a deadly Weapon with intent to kllL Leach had an argument with Wil lie Bryant Faison in his pool room In Faison In March of 1947 and shot Faison with a 38 caUber pistol and fled. He was located In Decern- 1 her 1950 serviiif a sentence In Philadelphia for carrying weapon. Ob completion of hi term he was turned over to Ouplia author!. Ues following extradition. Leach Is now awaiting trial In Uia County Jail In the April Superior Court, ... - DOMESTIC SQUACLE - In a recent domestic argument MattieFiclds Graham of near Sar- ecta threw lye water InUHber bus- sand's face re-suRJr-g in serious Jondllion requiring hospitalization. Ie Is now rrlwl f the hospl al having I t l a j;ht of his li? t eye but it I s I' might the left ye is l.'i gwi i "'.'on. , f "a I i 1 1 , e county and I1 ' x 1 " t on a warrenl for .. t. i a i r n. Unlversalist women from Du plin are expected to attend an U. W. Institute Day in Rocky Mount Saturday, Feb. 23th, according to Mrs. J. H : Parker of Outlaw's Bridge. Mrs. Parker urges a large attendance from Duplin. . The Institute will convene at 10 A. M. In Glenwood Hall with the President Mrs. W. C. Grady of Kinston presiding and leading the devotional. Business and Music will follow immediately. At 11 o'clock Mrs. Ruth -Privett BeU will dis cuss, "The Contribution Church Women Can Make. To. The Youth Of Today", to be . followed by a general discussion on AUW pro grams. Lunch will be served at 12 noon. , , i ; . 1 . ; In the afternoon the meeting will reconvene at 2 o'clock at Glenwood Hall. Mrs. S. V. Wllkins of Rose Hill wlU lead the deyoUonal, fol lowed by music. Miss. Alma Louise Murchison will deliver a lecture,' followed by an informal tea.; ' - Glenwood Hall Is the home of Rev. and Mrs, Skeels in Rocky Mt and is located at 105 West Haven Blvd. Visitors will be welcomed to the meeting. - ' CHEST X-RAYS ) The Chest X-ray clinic- will con tinue to be held at the Health De partment . each Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon.. ; SQUARE DANCE ' The V. "F". W, ot Pink Hill will again sponsor a square dance every Saturday night from 8:00 'til 12:00 P. M. at the Pink HiU Hut The Smith Band of Beulavllle will fur nish the music A small admission will be charged. ... , ..... 4 . ; - "PAP" SITTERSSON IMPROVING ) C. B. 'Tap" Sltterson of Kenans vllle who has been suferlng ser iously with' Arthritis at his home here took a definite turn for the better Wednesday night' It was feared he Would have to be taken to a hospital for treatment He hopes to be out in a few days now. J O. STOKES IN HOSPITAL '! J. Oliver Stokes of Kenansvllle. was taken to the James Walker Hospital Monday afternoon -for treatment and a rest Recently he Injured his head while alighting from an. auto. Doctors said he suf fered a slight concussion. -He is expected home In a few days,. ,CLA,cc:r:;:j i : . . Two cents per !. i charge of 50o. V.. i 3 an account ni.j 11 1 money stamis, "or check wlti '.. : 'j Use the Times t: -;M yon have an; t or exchange, or wat . we 'will accept prod . payment " PLENTY OF GOOD FROM A DRILLED "WRITE FOR ILLUS1 BOOKLET . AND E31 ! GIVING US DIRECTK HOW FAR YOU LIVI ' YOUR POSTOFFICE. j HEATER WELL CO. t . ' RALEIGH, N. I ; The Readers . Digest for S 1.00. See Mrs. Flo Fink Hill, N. C. Telephon HOUSE FOR ' RENT Ii Large living room, two 1 large kitchen, bath, hot ' oreaO .' MRS. SIMOI f,it'lr'',,-''t'' Jw -';L :'- t-zs-u trr""'rm"": MALE HELP WANTEI with car for route work.' In day. No experience required. Steady. Write t; l Mr. McVey, Can . BalUmi 2-2S-2t pd. " LOST: LADIES BILLFC red. Containing ' money er's license. Reward.; ' t MARGARET WILLI ; : ditor's of flee, Kenai It '..,,;-.- FOR SALE: PECAN 1 you, want any Pecan Ti see me at once. Time n the last of March. W. E. BELANGA, S2t Cn:;''(. .. ADMINISTRATOR' h EURE JOHNSON. IN HOSPITAL Sure Johnson,, the old master painter from Kenansvllle and Beu lavllle, Is . reportedly back in the hospital Mr. Johnson recently suf fered a heart . attack. We don't know his condition at this writing., j " ' ' ' 1 , . Cheap chickens seldom - cheep; long." Buy better chicks. - ; Having' .this day qualli mlnUtrator 'of the estat Katie j C., 'Gresbanv, dei Duplin County, North this is tb notify all. persi claims against said esta sent them to the undent verified, on or before from, date of last pub! this notice or this notli plead in bar of their ree . :.V' ? f All persons" indebted. 1 tats will 'please make i settlement." .';"'i '' - . This the 21st day of 151..". .;,; j I - K W. Gresham, A t f tor Mrs! Katie C. I ' estate, Beulavllle,. 3-20-6t AWO ' ' There are 675 miles paths m the- Great SmO ' tains. AlIIIOUIICEIIEtIT t t r -It has become necessary for me' to close Beulaville Soda Shop. As much as I regret '- circumstances are forcing 'me to : leave Ce f vville.:;"i P $J; . : , - I iwant to thank the hundreds who t patronized the business since I have been c; g ating it J sincerely regret that I have to h Beulaville and my friends. ; ; V ;'' 'p-'j:"--'" f '?4fr'''4-." '' ;' .' -r'"!; ' .W'o- 1941 riYwOUTII COACH r.rcuiLT rr.0M burIpes; to cur.irn NEW MOTOX XZW PA I11 T JC3 r.: . irTr'rcD inside

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