" At its February meeting, the Cal ypso Ruritan club presented Mayor Ben sellers 01 uaiypso witn a trail er equipped with two 60-gallon drums, and a force pump with hose. There are two ire extinguishers mtt aihA tn fim trallor mnA mnnltf ftf hurireta tar a hrlffade. - ; Along with the equipment was a pump operated from the power take-off of a tractor, or Jeep, ca pable of 200 pounds pressure. , The town is in the process of or- ment. .-:'' :i.r:--d' James Strickland, Boy Scout Lea der,, was presented a plaque with the scoot emblem and pledge. James Loftln made a report on the national .convention held at Roa noke, Va., January 21-23. of the Agriculture committee, was in charge of the meeting and 'pre sented the - speaker of the even ing, B. B. Moffatt of Goldsboro, who brought an interesting talk with a film, on oil and Its relation 10 agriculture. . the absence of the regular pianist Hervey Kornegay, Jr. who is ill. SEE US Before You BUY Squeegee Water Pumps And Replacement Parts ARSENATE LEAD and FERMATE Dust or Wettable fi mmm. HARDWARE Kinston im , i , . r : V,,I i . lial -rot t...4r recovery A.i v lttiWUd to t'ue estate wLl pleas make immediate pay ment. ..'v.',:.-' " This M day of February, IBM. . ', France Alio Qrady Exe ' - cutrlx of Ned T Grady. 8-3HL FAQ ;v-. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified at Ad ministratrix of the estate of Oar land Hums, deceased, lata of Dup lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons baring claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned Administratrix on or before th 18th day of Janu ary, 1692. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; All persona Indebted to said es tate will please .nuke immediate payment. -' ", : ;' .;v- , This XSth day of January, 1931. , ; Lolo H. Hums, Administra trix of Garland Hum estate J-KK. VBO n ones or administration CALYPSO MAKES START Shown above U what citizens of Calypso nope will grow Into a full-scale volunteer fire department, and in the meantime provide the town with some regular means of fighting fire. Several times in the past the town has had destructive fires which could have been prevented with the above equipment Left to right, Junls Strickland, Benjamin Sellers, and Herman Berwick, appointed to organize a volunteer department, A. D. Johnson, who built the outfit, and Mayor Ben Sellars examine the equipment It consists of two 60-gallon drams, equipped with a force pump, supply of buckets and two fire extinguishers. On addition, the rig la equipped with a pump, (under Strickland's band) which attaches to the power take-off of a tractor and can be need with any available water supply,. (Photo by Cletus Brock). ' " The Ladies of the Presbyterian church served, a delicious ham supper The meeting was adjourned with the song, '"Till We Meet Again". , NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of that cer tain deed of trust dated December 22, 1947., executed -by H. M. West on and wife Bachel Weston and re corded In Book 431 at page 518 of the Duplin County Registry., De fault having been made In the pay-J North Carolina ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the owner of the note having demanded that the same be forclosed, the undersigned will of fer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door, in Kenansvllle, Duplin Coun ty, N. C.,: on, Monday,. February 20. JSSU at 0 hour of 12jO0 O' clock, Noon, the following describ ed lands: -"'X 'H';':- SITUATE In the Town or War saw, on the South side of Bay Street and being Lots 13 and 14 aa shown of plat showing subdivision of the J. F. Faiaon Morrisey prop erty, according to plat and survey by J. C. Moore, surveyor, and re corded in Book 218 at page 806 of the Duplin Co. Registry and the same land as conveyed by A. MoL, Graham, Comm. to H. M. Weston, on Dec 1, 1947. Advertised this the 24th day of January, 1961. E. Walker Stevens, Trustee. 2-23-4t EWS ' NOTICE OF SALE Doplln County Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Hay wood Merritt and wife Georgia Y. Merritt, dated the 27th day of July 1950, and recorded in Book 463 at page 109, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Duplin County, North-. Carolina, default ' having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms .thereof subject to foreclos ure, the undersigned trustee will STYLE AND POWER FEATURED III 1951 CHRYSLERS - . javyrWM5WaWBflW)a! 1 1 offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for eash at the courthouse door in Kenansvllle, North Carolina, at 12:00 noon on the 17th day of March, 1991, the property conveyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being In the County of Duplin and State of North Carolina, In Magnolia Town ship, and described as follows: Being the Haywood Merritt house and lot as Is described in a deed from H. E. Newberry anil wife .to W. L. Merritt as recorded In Book 110 page 297 of the Duplin County Registry; and to which reference is hereby had for a more particular description. ' The following personal property is also Included in the said deed of trust: " :' ' ' One International Truck BLD- 269-89249 KB7-66087 20000 160.00 W2T87C 1949 8G : One Kentucky Trailer 8327 20000 160.00 Z980410C 1946, 210 (The above personal property Is de scribed by way of their North Carolina registration " cards). : A ten per cent deposit will be required of the successful bidder aa evidence of good faith. Advertised this 14th day of Feb ruary, 1951. v r,- A. Mitchell Britt, Trustee S-ll-4t RL . : . EXECUTRIX NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali fied as administrators of the estate of Joseph Ida Outlaw, deceased, late of Doplln County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned en or before the 19th day of January, 1952, er this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to aald estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of January. 1981. Gordon K. Outlaw L. B. Outlaw. Administrators of the estate Joseph Ida Outlaw, deceased. H. B. Phillips, Attorney Kenanevllla, B. a m..e immediate payment. This 17th day of February, 1951. r L. L. McLendon, Sr., Ad-'-.': miniatrator of Jeff C. Mc- . .. London. 8-l-6t LXiMcL. . Duplin Register 10,260 Vehicles Mecklenburg County led the State In registration of motor ve hicles during 1950, the Dept. of Motor Vehicles reported. The county's total registration" was 66,823. Guilford ran a close second with 64,898. Wake was third with 56,426. Clay reported the lowest regis tration, 868. Tyrrell was second low with 951. Duplin's registration was 10,260 as compared to the following ad joining counties: Wayne 18,077; Lenoir 11,653; Jones 2,417; Ons low 8,933; Pender 3,950; and Samp son 12,919. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Cora Player Farrior, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this la to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before one year from last date of publication of this no tice, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immediate settlement This the 80th day of December, 1950. N. P. Farrior (Pink Hill, N. C.) 3-16-etNPF ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ... TO CREDITORS :,t The 1951 Chrygkr New Yorker Newport with new fender line that accentuates its low sleek beauty, and massive front-end that typlflea the power and luxury of the new Chrysler line. Intu.iur of the IjuI C; rj- r I,eir lu.aer Newport features rich appointments, extra roominess. Upholstery and trim selections are available in colorful, durable ana luxurious combinations of leather and nylon corL View of the new Chrysler "FirePower engine. Conservatively rated at 180-horse power, the new 8-cylinder powerplant is n 90-degree valve-in-head V-type engine. . Advanced styling inside and out, a new 180-horsepower Fire Power engine and an improved Chrysler Spitfire engine head the list of 73 major improvements in corporated in the new 1951 Chrys ler line. v . Chrysler Division officials state tlmt in no previous year has the division introduced so many major mechanical features,' nor done more to increase the esthetic apiiiil of the Chrysler models. I.r.i ior developments in the new line include an On (low shock ab sorber, standard equipment throi ;hout the line; l.yuaruide hy .lulic-meohnnirnl power sieer inir;. and a Fluid-Torque Drive tonin e converter. T a power steering unit and t a converter are standard t "sent on the Imperii! 8-pas- e n and liuioutmie, and !-. i i i as opi.ioml eon;ment ft - f 'I --.I t i I-,'r The 1951 Chrysler la -offered in twenty-one body styles in the Windsor, Windsor Deluxe, New Yorker and Imperial lines, . Styling Advances : In appearance, the 1961 line fully .sustains the pace of the me chanical improvements. All models have been completely re styled, Inside and out, and each model has its distinctive indi vidual characteristics that make it readily distinguishable from all others in the line. Changes have been made in the direction of fur ther streamlining and the en hancement of sleek, luxurious np pearanee. .. vri . v-: . Styling changes include a new wide sloping hood that helps to increase driver visibility; new front fenders: new curved bump ers and massive bumper guards; new front and rear ornamenta tion; new fruit- that are distine t ' f r H "' ': pw fft r '. r :i T l . it 1 belt molding that now completely v encircles the ear. " The new wrap-around "dear bac" window is now used on all models, increasing rear-window area by 201.7 square inches or 80 per cent as compared with 1950 ' models not having this feature. Accent on Beauty ' - Length of the ear is accentu ated by the new front fender line, which extends further back in the . front. door panel. A distinctive turn signal and parking r light combination is found on ' each model, and the span between the " headlighta has been increased 8.5 . inches, better to outline the width of the ewr,,;HJrxi'vi-i'r.-' I Interior styling ' includes im provements in upholstry and trim with an nnusuaKyi wide choice of materials that are the jnot Iwriouf al tst- 1 t'.zt t . ' ? l."S ??' : .' " Having qualified as executrix oi the estate of Ned T. Grady, Ute of Duplin County, North Carolina, this Is. to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, the former home of the deceased on or before 23 day of -2A ''Hisyi W ocrsllta... r irfeii yti rlia rt!;;;i txi wtm y chjYc:ou::d t so convenienr o lew in cost . One Way RALEIGH, N. C .....:.. IM RICHMOND. VA. AM WASHINGTON, D. C 6.15 NEW YORK, N. T. 11JC5 COLUMBUS, CA. , 19J5 COLUMBIA, & C, MS JACKSONVILLE. FLA, 1U5 CHARLESTON, 8. C 4.76 CHICAGO. ILL. .....- 16J5 CLEVELAND, OHIO lSJtt DALLAS, TEXAS ..:.- 2X4B AUGUSTA, GA. Z 8.78 BALTIMORE, MD. 9.79 MACON, GA. Jt8 KENANSVnXB EUS STATION Havltig qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Jeff C. Mc Lendon, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons fatvlng claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the 'undersigned at 1123 Bartlett Avenue, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, on or before the 23rd day of February,' 1992, or this notice will be. pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons' Indebted- to said estate will please GEO. P. PRIDGEII Plumber STATE LICENSED PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SUPPLIES BATHROOM EQUIPMENT HOT WATER HEATERS WATER PUMPS KITCHEN SINKS Watch For Blue Mold Lacy Weeks. This tobacco piu.t disease can be controlled by spray ing or dusting with tDlthane 27-78 or Parzate) or ferbam (fermate). It should be remembered that these . treatments are preventative mean- ' ures and , treatments should be started when plants are about the size of a dime. Growers should get their spraying and dusting equip- ment out, repair It have It ready for use when spraying season arrives. The Ledyard Vault Precision Built Proof Age AIR-SEAL Manufactured by SMITH VAULT CO. KINSTON Consult Your Local Funeral Director The season Is approaching when Blue Mold will be with us, says m GIVES FAST QELI0F whrt COLD MlSCRlUtTRlKt V Phone 473 WARSAW, N. C WILLIAMS VUNERAL HOME ' . BlRr Tradaa ' Undertakers BnAabaen Ambnlanee Bervtee Heme at Mt Olive Snrlal Aase, tlU - Mt Olive. N. C 30 RKMKMPER TODAX TOMORROW PHOTOQB APR KRAFTS STUDIO IN MOUNT OLIVE Pnenwa B17-J er Z38 PltOI OGR m A SPECtALTT s , COKS3GRRCIAI. V 1 WATCnzi CLOCKS WATCH RANDS RINGS ON ORDER BspRirintr Watohes, CtoclES, Jewelry TTSTCri K0UIE3 rrts vzzT&xnmt c rt " "-ft Donuts Make It Easy To Make Desserts Delicious DonuU havt alwavt been popular for breakfast, in lunch &. "4 between meali. These versatile favorites are wonderful, too, dressed wen mwu. j ..u,.w - up" in quick, easy-to-make desserts (as illustrated above). Especially recommended for flavor and freshness are Jane Parker Donuts. Dependably fresh, be cause they're dated fresh right on the package, these plump, golden brewn nuggets arejbeing- enjoyed at the rate of ovef 2 million every day. For real dessert treat, try donnl DONUT SHORTCAKE-Split doOT into Z circular naiveg. riace nau in serving dish. Add fresh or canntfd fruit then other half of donttt. Toj with whipped cream and. cherry, T.I. suJnrtMl . . .HwlVI nKne-eutinff wbatt made with) Jans Office Supplies AND EQUIPMENT DESKS, CHAIRS, FILING CABINETS LEDGERS, BINDERS, SHEETS and INDEX John II. Carter Company KINSTON, N. C M. F.ALLEN, JR. General Insurance Kenansville, N. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency COME IN TODAY AND LET OUR SUN MOTOR ANALYZER Locate All Mechanical Difficulties And Find The Correction. SEE US FOR General Repair Work Our Rates Are Reasonable Service Motor Company DESOTO PLYMOUTH DEALER MAIN STREET KENANSVILLE, N. C.

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