Dcrone Good Lookla1 DULUTH, MINN. In 14 degrees below xero weather even Kover stays in doors. He too. U amazed at the marked difference a Twindow, insulating window can make' in a. home.- When this home was being built a quick cold snap came after the Twindow unit on the left was installed. An emergency installation of single plate glass was made on the right window. The tremendous difference between double-glaring and ordinary windows is apparent. The Twindow, being a double glased unit, does ot fog up and freexe because of a hermetically sealed air space between the two panes of glass. Not only does the air space make clear vision possible, but its high insulation value cuts best loss through the windows, which means a lower fuel bilk - Philathea Class Meets With Mrs. ReveUe The Philathea Class of the Bap-' titt Church met Thursday evening with Mrs; Fred ReveUe with Me, . 1 IT- a t 1 dame Charles Yager and R. P, Wood, co-hostesses. President Mrs. W. Y. Vann presided. The Scrip ture was presented by Mrs. Ken neth Fussell, and the teacher Mrs. Kathleen Snyder led in prayer. After a business session refresh- menu were served in the Valen- tine motif, mere were 27 present. : "America. The Beautiful" and a, Mrs. Ira Ezzell was remembered .new musical bingo game was play with a kitchen shower to replace ed. On the program were: Lib West, some of what was lost In a recent I Sylvia- Gooding, Cebron Fussell, fire at her home.. , Judy Rollins, Barbara Stencil, Shel- SMITH TOVtlSHIP v Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson, Misses Sadie D. Smith and Marlyn Stroud spent Saturday in Rocky Mt Mrs. Raymond Russ has returned to Portsmouth, Va. after visiting her mother Mrs. J. A. .Smith. Mrs. Hugh Smith and infant son have returned home from Klnston hospital. " . . . -i.i NEW TURNER Horse Drawn - Cultivators Just Received If You Need One Get It Now. SEVEN SPRINGS SUPPLY CO. Seven Springs, II. C.; FQLLU $15.00 . Rare; , $38.19 CHEST OfM . i ' - ' $49.04 VwOoL ACE : S15.60 1 Luuii LAMPSt " flla.ua ILAnC DRAWERS; t - , ' X 1 RUGS ,. ... .1 7-WAY t SOFA EED8 $29.85-' .: $3.S3 ' A - ' $77X9 '" $4.a FACTORY LABELED $69.00 QUALITY $14.00 LENOLEUM. t X It $29.00 BEST COIL - INNER SPRING MATRESSES J '' " BUILT WARDROBES HARD SURFACED RUGS tZD rr.:NGS $33.88 ' ' J $43.50 - ' K $3.3 ? flifS $695.00 FINE 9-PIECE . . $249.00 MODERN ... $149.00 WASHING $i:?.C MAHOGANY ,-K. t-PIECE BEDROOM . MAC: :NGS WITH I FEXTST DINING KGGII SUITE " SUITES CKLY - S-YEA!l CUAjtANTEE) ' CHr.Cr 1 1 .:ZTTZ3 " -J w Music Club Meets With Lynn Veach The Warsaw Music Club met on Wednesday : afternoon with. Mist Lynn Veach at her home near War- saw. Mrs. W. J. Middleton Jr. pre- man a A theft nraHMm m ltiA T At sented the program on "The Radio Music of Today," Selections to be played on Feb. 19 broadcast of "The Telephone JHour" were discussed. The program will present special music for young musicians, and. ellib members were urged to listen,, The The meeting opened wit singing Miss Joyce Smith was home for the week end bringing a girl friend with her. ; : Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Smith was in Deep Run for the week end.;" Mr. and Mrs. Troy Smith and sons, and Miss Penny Smith shop- ( ped in Klnston Saturday. ) t Quite a crowd attended the fu neral of Mr. Johnnie Smith last j Sunday. . "' -.-"'r .? . ? ' y Mr. and Mrs. Fltzhugh Smith of j ML Olive spent Sunday with his I mother -Mrs. .' Johnnie Smith. -' TO QUIml S 1st AlullVEnSARY SALE OIL,, COOK STOVES, Bargains Throughout The by Jean Jones, Patsy. Kornegay, Lynn Veach,. force Whittle, Charles Hales, Gale and Sally Newton. Val entine refreshment were served. Penny Branch HDC Meets . ; The Penny Branch HDC held a meeting' Wednesday - afternoon at the clubhouse With Mesdstnes Dav id Carlton and Raeford Bostie as Joint hostesses, Mrs. Robert Davis presided. There were 21 members and one visitor,- Mrs. Harry -Phil-lips, president of the Lanefleld Club. J. V $ : s ( : W , :v v: ' A 9 demonstration on milk des- I serts was given by Mesdames Bob , Btanchard,. Moseley Phillips and Cortes Blackmore. Mia Jean. Tor- rans conducted a contest and Mrs. Ormond Grice was winner., Coffee, cake and toasted, note, were served. Girls Auxiliary Meets The Girl's Auxiliary of the Bap tist Church met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Thomas. Miss Ross Garner brought the de votional. Leaders, Mesdames Allen Draughan, Sr. and W G. Britt, di vided the; girls into, three groups and assisted them in their work on the "Forward Steps." Following this the, hostess escorted the group to a local drug store for refresh ments. ',1 , . FHA Daughter-Mother 'I ' Banquet Held In Warsaw ' The Future Homemakers of Am erica of Warsaw entertained at a Mother-Daughter banquet Wednes day evening in the Lunchroom.1 . Covers were laid for approxi mately ( 70 persons.-The "Valentine motif was carried out in heart shaped ' programs, place mats and candlelight. Each place was ap pointed with a red or white plastic pin box, bearing the guest's-name. Corsages were received at the door. xne i nouse. messing - was pro- nounced before the meal, which con slated of blushing ; apple salad, baked j chicken,' dressing, giblet gravy, candled yams with marsh mallows, , graden . peas, Harvard beets, hot rolls, hot coffee, Iced tea and mock plum pudding. The wel come To Our Mothers , was given by Thelma Swlnson and responded to by Mrs. N. A. Mitchell. Special music J was presented by Misses Betty Phillips . and Ross ttamer. The Warsaw FHA chapter song was then sung. Miss Stella Herring, chapter president, was mistress of ceremonies. An emblem Service was presented by i Misses ' Herring, Elolse .DalL Helen Sutton, Patsy Kornegay, Joyce Ann Jones, Jo Ann Britt, Ruby Davis and Peggy Mit chell. After the benediction the emblem song was sung in unison. The banqliet was prepared and served by Mrs. Kathleen Snyder, homo ec. supervisor, and members of her department, assisted by Miss Eula Powell and Mrs. Emma Cham bers. v Mrs. Burton Is t . ' Bridge Hostess ' Mesdames W. G. Britt and Ed Strickland were invited guests on Friday night when Mrs. Joyce Bur ton entertained her bridge club. Mrs. Maurice Jordan scored high and received a coffee container. For second high Mrs. Robert Frede rick won a bridge set Mrs. Britt waf remembered - with a yellow diaper shirt. .Cf'tt:1 ' During the game players enjoyed party chicken salad and cheese sandwiches with coca colas. For re freshments the hostess served cher ry tarts, whipped cream and coffee. Playing were Mesdames Britt, Jor dan, Strickland, Frederick, B..W, Riggs, Daulton West, John Fon ville and Mitchell Brltt - 2 BURNERS ONtY Store r Ask, , Your Neighhor .i . i i - n . Bridge Cluh Meets . With Mrs. Barr Mrs. Momom Barr received mem-4 hers ot her club and other visitors ' Tuesday evening for a bridge sess- Ion at her home. First breath of spring ana unna.fiuwM uwwav- ed the room where the game was held.. : 'V'-;V'- -, ' For club high Mrs. Laughton At bertsoa won a shredder and for visitor's high Mrs. A. M. Benton received hostess napkins. Travel- Uri 1- WTU.L V..' mmw t l , . 1 iUMML. . U1K Vim, A WIS uvw wwu to Mrs. Y. L. Smith. During the evening potato chips and coca colas were served. Late; ihe hostess ser ved frozen ribbon cake, salted nuts, and coffee. Players included Me dames Aabertson, Benton, Smith, E, E Jones, Herman Hollingsworth, Robert Lewis,, George Clark; and the hostess. V,-,:.v, l'-,;, SISTER MRS BEST DIES IN K3NSTON " Mrs; Irish MltcheU Davis, wife of William Dudley Davis, retired realtor of Klnston died of a cere bral hemorrhage at her home there at 5:30 p.m. Monday. Surviving are her husband; four sisters, Mrs. Harry Wooten of Klnston, Mrs. R. H. Best of Warsaw, Mrs. Howard Ford and Mrs, S. C. Sitterton, both of Klnston; one brother, Courtney Mitchell of Klnston; and a num ber of nieces and nephews. She was the daughter of the late Lavinla Perry and Adolphus Mitchell of Klnston. She was a graduate of St Mary's In Raleigh and Notre Dame School in Baltimore. She was a member of the Colonial Dames of St Mary's Episcopal. Church and headed the NY A in Lenoir County for a period prior to last year..,, , IViltfVli VMIIIMll S hi 'J Iwi kill Ted PMpot, seaman, USN, hus- $8.C5 in we top pnow mi pa : n in iua iuum. can go below to the cocktail lounge while flying direct from New York - to London or Paris. On the overnight flights to either capital, delicious meala and complimentary cocktails are aerved-enrouto at ne additional coat. Winter rates, now in effect, offer a substantial saving. Thousands of people wait for the flrst coaple of months of any year to visit Paris. London c other European dues. The photo shows a capacity crowd on a Pan American World Airways "Strato" Clipper enrovte direct to Paris, while the lower photo shows how berths are made up. A crew of nine men and girls fly the clipper and serve -the passengers. This flight which leaves New York in the late afternoon and arrives in London or Paris, the next morning, represents the last word in airborne luxury. 1 J ...... Krc- ...i. m band of the former Dollle Sander son of Fiison, is serving, at the Nor folk Natal Shipyard, Portsmouth, Va. His duty-station is one of the oldest and largest shipyards where Navv ships go for. periodic "facei liftings', overhaul and repair, and f or Installation of new and spsclal equipment J. T; U fa IIW In Ftiscn John Thomas Lane, 68, died Frl day night at.Ws borne near Fair son aftos an. Ulness of several months. Funeral service were held Sunday afternoon at 1 JO o'clock at the Free Will Holiness Church in Warsaw by.Re Hubert Whaley ot Greensboro Burial was in the PeR family, cemetery, near Goldv boro: r" . : '.'.:.. He Is survived by his wife; three daughters,. Mrs.-Peart Jones and Mrs. Ellen Andrews both of Falson, and Mrs. Little Holland of Turkey; four sons, Robert of Bowden, James of Durham, Carson of Raleigh, ana Ruffin of the home; twenty-one grandchildren and two great grand children, - 7 Two registered Jersey heifers were given to 4-H club boys In Jan uary. William Quinn of Kenansville 411 Club, received a heifer from J. D. Carter of Beulaville, and SUn ley Harrell of Rose Hill Club re ceived a heifer from Duplin Dairy of Wallace. These heifers were the second and third Jersey heifers given to Duplin 4-iH members by the Duplin Calf Chain sponsored ty the Duplin Dairy in the past three months. The other heifer went to Remus Creel, Jr., of Out law's Bridge 4-tf Club. The Dairy Calf Chain Was started by Duplin Dairy in 1048. Each boy receiving, a heifer returns their first heifer calf to the County Agents to be placed with another club member. J.W.OUINN FUNLHAL TUESDAY , J. W. Quinn, farmer of the Pot I tors Hill section died Monday at his i home following a short Illness. The funeral was held from Limestone Advent Christian Church at 3 p.m, Tuesday with burial in a nearby cemetery. Rev: G. W. Sheppard of :j -i .-..'w.. Wilmington officiated. Surviving are his wldow Mrs. Mamie Kiven bark Quinn; two sons, Alton of the home and Bobby of the U, S. Air Force; two brothers, L. H. Quinn of Blackstone, Va., and C L.iQulnn of Pink Hill Rt 1) and three grand children. M& HAVE.- Market Beans. All Truck Garden COMPLETE FEEDS BABY CHICKS . . POULTRY SUPPLIES FARM SUPPLIES LOCATION; Highway 117 ( WALLACE i i m Els? p osnHir; b 4 wrsf turwo oi IWfUlUtf... wm,tvnNO A tour Qieck the colors in Ford's new Luxury Lounge Interiors. They're . custom matched with outside colors. Check the dozens of other new fea tures. New Automatic Ride Control blots out bumps. Automatic Mileage Maker squeezes - the last ounce of power out of every drop of gas! And . 1 ullfc. -J i . Vi- E. Melntire who d.t J fc. in a Gainesville,-Fla. ho . a short lllne ' were b "M Plain Presbyt day afternoon 3 o'C .. -1 a.. t C .fs 1..e fu- neral was conducted ly Lev. W. B. Hoqd and Rev. F. M. Lain.. Mrs. Melntire was the widow of the tote . E. Herbert Molntlre and a sister, in-law of Mrs. John B. Boney of Wallace. T'Y I. " . JFUNHnAL LL . IN MOUNT CLIV3 , 1 PEC-.J 2::? Home og T7syne-D"r Burl. 1 ' "" - Funeral D! 1 - T Ambulance ! ' t 1 1 T 'So:r.jCfi!:ii Steamed snd en Half Shell i WE DELIVER DIAL S.9U : BARBECUE ...... ..... ........ Kington - Lespcdaza Crop Seeds ,5, V( ' , ' Oft?: : ;t Seeds V! - LINE ) TV? 4 - ! ,!'.ii st V 1) 4 -3 (J ! JK 'J s t Blocks Nor& Of Stoplight Mi v"t:j4 ;1 H't 1 i t V new Fordomatic gives yoi the flrifst,,, t ft most flexible automatic drive ever !: i S i ! ir "v, y t k .. i . : 1 ,,! ! i 1 .'14. t. ,: "i 5t5:' 3)1: U i 't, . ft f !M3' it u' s "1 1- ' h " 'i ii 71" . ' -i As TIII3 IS AN -EVENT YOU WONT FCr.UT HI MANY! A YZASL,. $E:flu::;:w;:3:(x " " ; Oz"i Orha 17.23 DELIVE3Y AirHTIIII!" F ! I i ft v..,t :;'. CSD YOUK FEIZNDLY r'JH. : I i t

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