L J;rlb !;;7Scci3l Securi! Lc;v Social security now Includes pro-1 employee may count toward old; teetMa for regularly employed 'age end survivors insurance bene' tans worker. Beginning January if its if you are engaged in planting 1st. their cash wage started to emust toward eld-age end turvivors This reeocnltloa Is a step In the direction of greater economic se cutty for people whose livelihood ls gained from their labor on-the ' land. It Is also, a step in the direc tion of eventually lightening the i burden of public assistance costs in rural areas. , It is estimated that nearly one million agricultural workers in an average week may have their earn ings credited toward old-age and survivors Usurarrce benefits ny this extension of the social security law. This estimate includes, in ad- calendar quarter basis. The first ditlon to regular farm workers, quarter began January 1, the see about 200,000 in borderline or semi-j ond begins April 1, the third July Industrial ; agricultural employ 1, and the fourth October U Be- Are Yea Now Covered? ,. . The word "if' is important in the answer to that question. If you are self-employed In agriculture as , the calander quarter Oct.-Dec. a farm owner or farm operator' 1950 can count as a qualifying per vaur work and earnings are not iod. After you have served the covered by Federal Social Security, If you art employed on a farm and. meet certain tests for work regu- larity and cash wanes, your work will be covered and you will come under the amended law. . In general, your work as a farm oooooooooooo For Sale SAS1T. DOORS, SHEET ROCK, ROCK LATH, BOCK WOOL PLASTER, LIME, CEMENT BRICK, MORTAR, PAINTS, TER RA-COTTA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, WHITE ASBESTOS STDING, ASPHALT SHINGLES, ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFIN'? 5 V CRIMP TW FOO i BRICK SIDINC IJiCARTERf WALLACE.' Dr. Emerson C. King Chiropractor j ..... . 10t W. Caswell Si N.C ' :0 P.M. to 6:00P.M. Closed Wednesday Afternoons , IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Prices Up Sell For Cash DELIVER OUR PLANT . " VAYIIE AGRICULTURAL WORKS, INC. BOOTH JOHN STREET. GOLDSBORO, N. C UOOD'S SOUTHERN HYBRIDS Crtd end Grown In Tba Scath 23 Ycsrs Bmr crop are o old story wilk WOOD'S HYBRIDS. V-50 asade bushel an acre for MM Virginia grower. Farmtrt from Mtrylaad to Florida more . tkaa meet the requlrcnwoti of 100 Buthtf Corn Clubs with ; S'ttdt from WOOD'S HY-, RIDS. Thr"s beeauM we breed eur hybrids in eaoh Southern re--giea tm sdapt them agaimt local Ltwct. weather sad disease ad versities ; v-: ' ' Write "A , cultivating or harvesting any fan er op; raising or tenoing livestock poultry, bees, or fur-bearing ani mals on a farm; preparing, prosess-' lng or delivering the crops of that farm to storage or to market; per forming any kind of domestic work -in the farm-foouse or doing similar work anywhere .on the farm or ranch, or if you are hired by the farm operator to do work In the operation, maintenance, . or im provement of .the farm.' , Whether or not your services as a farm worker are covered is de termined with respect to your work for each of your employers, an at fore you can be covered, you must work continuously for an employer during a qualifying period of ane entire calander, quarter. Work in qualifying period, you will be cov- ered in each succeeding quarter with the same employer as long as you continue to work at. least 60 days on a run-time oasis ana earn cash 'wages of $50. After thus qualifying as a regular worker, you will also be covered for the first quarter in which you work less than 60 days if you earn.cash wages of at least $50. In this eventvbefore you can be covered in any' future quarter you must again - serve a qualifying period. How Workers Become Insured You or your family may receive - - , any of the various types of bene- fits provided you are "fully insur-J ed." You are, "fully insured", if you have to your credit at least half as many quarters of coverage as there are calendar quarters be tween Jan. 1, 1951, " (or the date you become 21 years of age if that is later) and the time you become 65 years- old or die.! A quarter of coverage means a calendar quarter in which the individual was paid wages of $50 or1 more for employ ment covered by the program. In T YND ALL FUNERAL HOME IN MOUNT OLIVE PHONE 2303 Home og Wayne-Duplin - ' Burial Association Funeral Directors t Embalmera 'Ambulance Service Day or Nieht MRS M. M- TH1GFEN ttetilavtlle. N. C. - - Representee For WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY r WARSAW N. C . Office Hours: 0:00 A. M, to 12:00 A. M. Thrtt big tart on slrrmg tlalk of m WOOD'S S HYBRID. - Thick, Iflht thick it tut back tn out tat thowinf that It txttnit 3 tntktt btjond tkt lip frtttet' tiff It from fwi(. - AREA YEltOW r WHITE Coastal Plain.j Piedmont....... Upper South.. S-240 S-2T1 V-51 S-360 S-352 V-125 We alio have other popular WOOD'S HYBRIDS, and s full line tt mTtiA hvhrid and onn-Dolll- Bated cornt adapted to your lection.' for Descriptive Folder E rr- V7.f-U - t. - .PITCHING HORSESHOES Is an oldsters game, but evidently these young folks of Faison High School don't think so. pitching is Carolyn New ton, a Junior. Her partner on the far right is Ron ald Bell, a classmate. Others are ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade students. . ' . . . (Photo by Lincoln Kan), no case, however, can a wage earn er be fully insured with fewer than six quarters of coverage. He is fully insured in every case if he has at least 40 quarters of cover- age; when he has 40 such quarters to his credit, he can never lose his fully insured status.. ',;'' '.,,.' V ' . NOTICE , In The General County Court State of North Carolina Duplin County BRUTUS KORNEGAY VS ELIZABETH HALL KORNEGAY The above named defendant, Rlivahnth Hull Vnitan- Ill ... WUillSfittjr, YY III l IC notice than an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Duplin oounty, North Carolina toy the plaintiff to secure an absolute di vorce from the defendant upon the grounds that the plaintiff and the defendant have lived separate and apart from each other for more than two years, next preceding the bringing of this cause of action; and that the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear in the office of the Clerk of the General County Court,, in the Courthouse in Kenansville, North Carolina within thirty days after the. 19th day of March, 1851. and answer or demur tothe -com plaint in said sotion or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said Com plaint? This the 14th day of February, R. V. Wells, Clerk of the General County CourJ 3-9-4t. LAW ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified" as ad ministrator with the Will Annex ed of Mrs. Ada Pickett, now de ceased, late of Duplin ; County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against her said estate to present them to the undersigned administrator on or before the 14th day of February; 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This February,14, 1951. Milo Pickett James, Admin istrator C T. A. Mrs. Ada ' Pjcltett. 3-23-Bt. VBG ' - ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having .this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of J. C. Norris, -deceased, late of Duplin VarsavJish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINORS OF LOWER A PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS .(Next Door to AtP) 4 Both Wholesale and Retail Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman . . . WILLbi BAKTLETT . FREE v Phone WE " JRESSING WARSAW. N. C , DELIVER , t.ro Build to a STANDARD ' l;ot to a PRICE!." CONCRETE PRODUCTS , INCORPORATED ; . Phone 3412 " Mnston, N. C. County North ; Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within one yfear from last publication date of this notice or this notice will be plead- All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 17th day of January, 1951. ' ' J.'L. Norrls, Administrator of J. C. N orris estate, .... 2-23-6t. JLN NOTICE . OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In The General County Court North Carolina Duplin County GENEVIVE CARTER McNEMAR Vs. HAROLD McNiMAR Notice is hereby given that the above entitled action has been in stituted in the General County Court . of Duplin. County, by the plaintiff against the defendant, whertin the Plaintiff seeks an an nulment of the marriage bonds heretofore existing hetween the plaintiff and the defendant, upon the grounds as set out in the Com plaint filed fn this action. The de fendant is required to be and ap pear at the office of the" Clerk of the Superior,. Court of .Duplin County, in Kenansville, Nprth Caro lina, on the 5th day of J-Jaroh, 1951, and to.: answer or demur to the complaint which has been- filed in said office, on or before the 10th day of Marsh, 1951, or the relief demanded in said complaint shall be granted the plaintiff. . -. ' This the 5th day of 'February, 1951. ' - R. V. Wells, Clerk " " v " t Superior 2Co,urL 3-2-4 1. RDJ -ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE - The undersigned having been ap pointed and duly qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of W. T, Rackley, deceased, al persons hav ing claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of January, 1952 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said Dr. H. W. Colwell ' OPTOMETRIST ' . Eye Examined, Glasses Fitted. . Next Door To Cavenaugh Chevrolet Company ' Permanent Office In ; -. WALLACE. N. C. I estate will please make immediate payment This the 17th day, of January 1951. - . - . t C. C. Brown, Administrator of W, T. Rackley, deceased. 23-6t. CCB ,.k . - SPORTS AFIELD By TED RESTING Among those who hunt and fish, the gentlemen of the old school believe in keeping the women at home. Members of-the new school believe in taking them along. Ted Truelblood stands between -- it's nice to -get out with the fellows occasionally but it's also nice to take the women part of the time. I have known men who took their wives along and let them do all the campwork. That's a mis take. Cooking, washing dishes, ma king beds and all the other chores she has to do 365 days a year don't suddenly become fun just because the room is canvas and there is smoke in her eyes. r 5 Trueblood's wife really enjoys camping. Their outfit is one rea son; it insures their comfort re gardless of the weather. Her clothes are another reason. Many women swear off the out-doors after one unpleasant experience ,4 resulting from" poorly chosen garments. Her boots 'are the same but lighter and on a - woman's last. They are eight inches .high. She has a pair of rubber bottom pacs for snow,. She wears , boy's , vyop'l shirts because they are, warmer and more comfortalble than those made for 'women and have pockets with mm UU&UUV VWUUL ts7fni fhnnnflf for 7 HP! H You've never seen 14-to 2-tonners like these , --unsurpassed in horsepower engineered with new "big truck" features-for years of extra life. . COiaiparc! faaini upon featurt In each laiU vldual model felft yoo why CMC Is your but toy! 9 ORfAT NEW ENGINES . UNSURPASSED IN HOKSEPOWFR in iHf v 10 i-roN nucK hcio ' ROTATINO) FREC-VALVI - ACTION (or longorvalva llf,' nor powor . ' WIDE TWIMACTION -. HYDDAUIICS with coolor-adlng -' rear drum , ; SEPARATE TRANSMISSION - HAND BRAKE Heavier front axies v SYNCHRO-MESH TKANSMISSION ' TOCCO-HARDENE0 , CRANKSHAFT v - Mll-MESSURI IUBRICATION ot oil main bsKiringi, rod boormgt and pltfon pint i ., . . " - . , c-J 'cd ell up.v has a pair of waterproot KliaKi nu wet weather. Riding breephes are no Kood for hik lng because they are too tight around the calves. She wears a Stetson with a three inch brim most of the -time, but has a cap with ear flaps to, use u;hin sets down around zero. cl... 1.0 o wktornrnnf '. iadket for 7JI .1 J M I . r hr nnn ,nf down for cold Weather. She also has and" wears it when it is cold, Jong wool under- . .. ... T : 1 .. PhAAn wear Of tne Desx quauiy. v wool scratches, . Hn'r. euns add fishing tackle are js good as her husband's, but llght- 3t. She has been careiuuy iauj.ni 'low to use them. . . -; ' " . Stories such as hers have proved to me that a normal gin or woman ha both the interest and ability to become a skillful angler-, hunter, and camper.i And one who isr I can assure you. will always be more k-err r.wi r i t u v. ,jrJtm m Dccificrn LIFT-TYPE No matter how much you dise and . barrow you can't correct a poor, plowing job. So why not get a plow that gives you a good job in the first place? ": This Dearborn MoMhonrd Plow can bo attached to a Ford Tractor in ono minute, lifts and lowers by the tractor's Hydraulic Touch Con trol. Deslffncd to givo you even depth and clean, well-turned fur rows with a selection of sines and : . bottoms to lit every soil condition. Henry Tractor .CLINTON to fimteW n 1i AIRRIANE-TYFI MAIN 4 - ROD BEARINGS LIFETIME WEATHERSEALEO "SIX-FOOTER" CAS NEW VENTIPANE CONTROILEO VENTILATION CHOICE OF : SMART COLORS . RECIRCULATING' BALl-BEARINO EASY-TURN - ' STEERINO GEAR ' NEW NON-OLAU INSTRUMENTS HUSKY 33-AMFV - " GENERATOR CIRCUIT BREAKERS hutoad of fusoi 1 1 , awirtsK--'". Ai. TO t. Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix" of the estate of G. B. Kennedy.' deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to ntifv all tiersons having claims ; against the estate of aid deceased - - . tn pvhlbit them to the undersigned , at Beulaville, II. C, on or before the 8th day of January. 1932, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. ; This 8th day of January, 1951. i" Christine J. Kennedy, Ad ., " ' . minlstratrix of ; G. B. "-- ' r Kennedy. , , Grady Mercer , t ' Attornew at Law 2-23-6t. GM ' " - ' good farming starts with good plowing PLOW Phona or - Mmi la with your parts anS aervie problelha. Or Just drop In and ps the time of day. -We'd like to know jroa nd your farm betlor. Vann Company (k C UGHT MEDIUM HfAVy WODEIS Mod in tfro wUort rarlity of tnglnchauli body ccmblnalhnt to III erary trucking naidl WEST M0T0H COIJPAtlY COLLEGE ST. WARSAW, N. C. J Yy rfo htnit on i Mti uati, wlh y T( ; " ; j

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