. - , .YJU'?'' s I W w' , - - V r- i .mm J j cave a send t oider, 1 zntm 1 Adsj ? tO Mil t to boy,' 'duct for WATER a WELL. : 3TEATED 5TLMATE, 'ION AND E FROM S. 3- INC. -. a t 8 months loyd Heath, ne 217-2. In Warsaw. bed rooms, t water. See Mf KATZ, Warsaw. ED Man t $15 togas e or capital te today.; . ' ; indlerBIdtv nore 2, Md. 'OLD. Color jr and driv- LIAMS, An-! ancriila. ! 'TREES: If rrees better' wUl bo out , Kenans vile NOTICE lifled'as ad. ate of Mrs. leceased, of li Carolina,' ions having Ute to pre-; signed, duly e one year bllcatlon of Uoe will-be scovery.Y , ... ,. , .. to said es Immediate ;, -:f-f February V ': ; Adminiatra Gresham, , N. C. s of bridal loky Moun- et to, - : W nave ; leave :i ,i .. VCL. No. 18, J. P .S:..:r.s C: :.:pzriy IIqiI To 250 ; ! Aie;lAcc.-::.::JC::--V:d!:ce Two hundred and fifty frL ds in the J. P. Stevens Company, duo of ; the naUon't largest textile indus tries which 1 opening a new textile plant in WaUace, were guests f the Stevens Company at a turkey din ner in the American Legion hut In Wallace Wednesday, night -The meeting was ' a got acquainted meeting of friends and officers of the Stevens Company. ; i The Wallace plant will be oper ated by the Carter Fabrics .Divi sion of the J. P. Stevens Cm ?any and will be managed by a native son of Duplin, Milton Southerland, ton of Alexander SoufherUnd of . Wallace. Construction la well un der way on the new factory located between the railroad and highway : n. -f MiHon Southerland presided and acted as toastmaster for the occa sion. Rev. Wra, B. Hood gave the invocaUon. .Mayor Willard Hoffler of Wallace welcomed 'the officers of the Stevens Company and the guests. Every person present was asked to stand and give their I name and address. Mayor Hoffler hn mm sneclal recogaltion to the following: J. S. Blair. Dr. . Bland, Melvln Cording, F J. John on, D. 8. Townsend, Dr. Robinson, , Dr. Cotwell. Roy Carter, D. L. Wells. Barry Kramer (absent), O. C. BUnchard, Jr, W. C. Worsley, and A. C. Hall. This group, he said, was a committee who aided to a ' large extent in securing the loca tion of the slant in wauace. . W. J. Carter, executive vice- president and director of the J. P. Stevens Company, was called on and he thanked the group. for the fine spirit of cooperation shown by the entire community of WaV- . Mr. South erUnd then reeoBu'S officiala proMnt of the fSsrter Fab rics division of the X. PStevens Company who will manage and op erate the Wallace plant. They were: 5 F. & Plnson, manager purchas ing department , (supplies); George Bonn, manager engineering de ' partment; Paisley Boney (native of Wallace), purchasing department; J. A. Mallard- (native of WaUace), manager contracts and allocation ' department: W. T. Stockton, mana- ' ger accounting department and im sistant to the execuuve oiucer, air, W. J. Carter; George Thompson, manager trucking ; department; : John S. Patterson, director Of pub ' 11c and Industrial relations; J. A. White, general manager Republic Cotton MUla and assUUnt general manager of Carter Fabrics, oper aUnf btoup: Gordon Walker, aup- erintendent of Wallace plant; J. A. - Brady, personnel and office mana ger, Wallace plant; John T. Mont . gomery and .Williams M. More head. FoUowlng this recognition Mr Earry C. Carter, vice-president and director of J. P. Stevens "and Com pany, Inc., and general manager of the Carter Fabrics operating group of plants, addressed the group on the subject "Textiles in Your Com- ; munlty". (Next week the Times : will carry a complete text of Mr. Carter's address). , ''':-r--':ii t rollowisg the address the meet- ; ing adjourned. v;'i-v. 7:: LACY WEEKS : EI 2ALLGn 'if lacy Weeks, Duplin Farm Agent Is 1 1 Raleigh today where he Is at tending a meeting of the Board of X ' eators of the N. C. County Ag e i Association. Mr. Weeks Is r tent of the Southeastern i which comprises 17 coun ' tits. '. .:. . "' ' : ' I-''' :r "::iYL::iATiVE5u:;;!A!iY s la the 7th of a series of y summaries of the work of arth Carolina General Assem f 1.31. It Is confined to dls ns of matters of general In ': and major Importance. ;-' . . ' i 1S51 General Assembly has i reaching decisions. Some -ached on the floor this week ':ers reached in committee 1 declvlve floor action next .Itjolnt arpropristlons com- has 0, V-U I ! :'"S-ZX committees 1. :.ye U.J and 1 on most tills before t.em. We the t'r ct ! only recent Introductions n!n eontroversiul loeasures t. Thli clearing of cotn;nIt- t i, tlse sp' 1 ! ? H c ' ( line' t'i'v " y . ' . f - , f -v Cc: LibcryJo Er::.l7crk' ; Miss Dorothy Wightman, Duplin County Librarian, , has been re lieved of her duty as part time 11 ttraflag In Onslow County. Onslow has now obtained a full time Ubra-ftaBJ'-v . ":::.'-' MU.S Wightman has been working In Onslow two days a week for the past two yean and has been Duplin Couniy Librarian for over three years..-' -. ; ;-r) : ., v -.1' ,' :r The change will ' permit more time for Book Mobile trips sched uled for Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays of each week. There were 12 Book Mobile stops when Miss Wightman came to the county and at present there are 43 stops with an additional ten planned. The stops for Thursday and Friday have been too long for adequate service. Mondays and Saturdays will be left open for county work, deliver ing, schools,; specials, etc. The Kenansville Library will be open all day Wednesdays. There are at present five libraries in Du plin County. They are in Kenans ville, Warsaw, Wallace, Falaon and the last one established at Rose Hill. , i-'-fv iJV v":,"-' . A complete schedule will be pub lished later with changes and new stops listed. V- v i' Since July 1207 books have been added to the county library books. Nearly 130 -.iw adult novels have been obUined during the month of February. The total circulation in the county Is 1091. ;ti l a-. wJ VI Ltiiiw- Drive Report A toUl of 3,518.85 has been re ported collected In the 1951 March of. Dimes drive in Duplin -County. A complete report will be avallKble 'next; week. ....JHl,i.,rM Schools reporting are: Calypso High, S51; Chinquapin High, $112. 25; Rose Hill High, f 49.49; Wallace High, $390.03; aqd negro ephoob, $1215.00. The Pin Hook Sunday School contributed $15.00. . ' Report received from townships are: Calypso, $140; Chinquapin, $20.07; Faison, $232.42; Magnolia, 8S.5a; Rose H11L. $245.44; and Wallace, $973.31 - '-J,- LIONS TAKE IN" , , NEW MEMBER ! The Kenansville Lions Club held Its regular supper meeting in Jones Cafe here Wednesday night Rev. Lauren Sh&rpe was, taken In as a new member, f .. . The club voted unanimously not"! to participated In a sponsorship of a fair for Duplin County this year, Unless otherwise notified the mem- hbere will expect to go to Pender for a fish-fry the next regular meet ing night March 14., . . ; LOCAL MEN ? Visn RALEIGH Former representative C E. Qulnn of Kenansville was in Ral eigh Tuesday night and Wednesday where he. appeared before a com mittee of the House of Representa tives in the interest of certain banking legislation. Banker M. F. Allen vlelted Raleigh Tuesday In the interest of the JbilL . evidence that this legislature Is trying to focus on an adjournment date. While that date may not be within the 90 days for which mem bers are paid, there are signs that the deadlocked session dolefully predicted in some quarters Is Im probable, t '... f'; ;-?;:'",":' Roads and Streets "-:' The end of the city street squab ble may fee In sight. On Thursday the (House finance committee held a public hearing on the qui, Hon, and, after some astute parliament ary maneuvering by boih slaes, vo ted to give a favorable report to Senator Powell's SB 120 and an unfavorable report to Rep. Gud ger's IIB 31. Next week should see the House come to a final decision on whether to follow the Senate's KXNAWSV1LLE, Vice-president J. P. Stevens and Company, Inc., and general mana ger of the Carter Fabrics operating division. . i- ;v" Heeds The National Guard wants to en list 60 men from Duplin County to form two platoons of the Medical Company of the 119th Infantry, according to Cap! G. V. Gooding, Commander of the local unit-' . The Medical Company at present is comprised of 212 men;, i3 offi cers, 6 of which are physicians and 1 medical service officers. Among the 190 enlisted men there, are 5 Master Sergeants, 8 Sergeants 1st class, 06 Sergeants, 41 Corporals, 14 Privates 1st class,' 28 Privates, and the remainder sere a Blears, To be eligible for service in the National Guard a man must be be tween the ages of 18 and 39 and physically fit Any man Interested mav do so at the Kenansville Gym every, Monday night , at .7:00 pan, The National Guard has been an Important part of our county since its birth and your country needs every ablebodled man. You will earn good pay -while learning. From $2.50 for a recruit to $10.00 for a Captain per drill You can qualify for retirement pay at the age of 80. Men in the National Guard will not be drafted 1951 Red Cross Drive In Progress County Goal Set At $5,000 The .1951 American Red Cross Drive began March first with the goal for the County set at $5,000. The quota for the nation is 85 mil lion dollars to help mobilise the na tion's military and civilian resour ces for security. :?.;'''";'":;i March - Is designated as Red Cross Month with the Duplin County Fund Raising Drive plan ned for- the first ten days of the month.' ' ' ;.i - The county is responsible for the raising of $4,976 for 1951. $2,230 will remain In the County chapter and $2,746 will go to the national quota,. '':. ' - The 1951 campaign slogan Is "Mobilize for Defense", U is this mobilization that necessitates the large sum of money for carrying on the work of the Red Cross due to (1) Increased service made nec essary by the expansion of our arm ed forces; (2) Procurement of blood for the armed forces and civilian defense; (3) Necessary Increase in training In first aid, home .nursing, and nurses' aids; (4) Higher costs of all materials and services as com pared with a year ago.. ; Harry E. Kramer of Wallace is Lccsl Girl Tclss f ; l!:n:rslCcni3st -MUlie Burch, 9th grade, student In the Kenansville School, daugh ierof Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Burch of Kenansville, came. Cut- winner through two elimination contests in the American Legion , Oratorical Contest Miss Burch emerged win ner in the first contest among stu dents in the Kenansville school on Friday, Feb. 16th when she defeat ed Misses Angela Daughtry and Frances Jean Patterson. ' Judges were Mrs. A. D. Wood, Wm. kV Craft and, J. B Grady. , Thursday afternoon she won the county contest by defeating Misses Mary Ann Sullivan of B. F. Grady and Miriam Hearn Sf Wallace. The county contest was held in Ke nansville and presided over by r ' "I L. V'n-i J"iI V-llt J'it- NOST11 CAROLINA FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1951 1 W.J. CARTES Executive vice-president and di rector of the J. P. Stevens and Quad-Coiin Rally Here Scfrday The Duplin, Sampson Pender and Onslow County Quid-County P. H. A. chapters will hold its an nual meeting in KenensvUle March 3rd. Schools representee will in clude Penderlea, Burgaw,' Wallace, Warsaw, Kenansville, VBe'ulavUle, Chinquapin, B. T. Grady, Bichlands, Jacksonville, and Clinton. Three hundred girls are expected. The morning session will begin at nine O'clock and last until twelve. After lunch will, be Installation of new Officers. Dr., Leo W. Jenkins, dean Of ECTC will be guest speaker. Ci iaS Trials llext Week Iff - Judge Hubert Phillips of the lo cal county . court has called for juries next week jn the .regular monthly session, of county court Judge Phillips said the court would probably run three . or four days. He says he is going to sit with them and clean up all cases that have been asked for jury trials. ' ' Chairman, of the Duplin County Chapter., Mrs. N. B. Boney serves as Executive Secretary- Fund Cam paign chairmen of each township, have been selected to manage- the drive In each of the townships. -; - Township chairmen and quota of each are: B. F. Grady and Outlaw's Bridge - L. C. Prater, $250; Kenans ville Emmett Kelly, $479; Tea chey - Mrs. Charles Hearn, $100; Rose Hill Mrs. Llllle BeU Brum mltt and Mrs. Herbert Cottle, $625; Warsaw - M. V. Orr, $900; Mag nolia ' John D. Hunt, $150; Fai son - J. B. Stroud, $500; Chinqua pin, - Mrs. Best James and Mrs. Le one Ives, $175; Potters HIU L. M. Bostlc, $65; Beulaville - Bob Demorest, $400; Calypso - Needham Sloan, $400; Bowden - Mrs. Thelma Lloyd , Bartlett, $143; Wallace Louis Shields, $1050. The colored communities wll be supervised by Miss Annie Mae Kenion. -' The people of Duplin are Urged to support the drive now in prog ress in preparation to "Mobilize for Defense" pive to your ohalr man or mail money to the Red Cross Chapter, Kenansville. - ' Gmm Stodenl ToSp35kllere j ,' Goldfrted Roller)' native Of Ger many and exehange student at the Union Theological Seminary in Richmond will address a joint meet ing 'of thtf Men' Clubs Of Grove and HallsvlUe Presbyterian chur ches at Grove church, here Wednes day night March 7th. 1-e supper meeting will get underway at 6:30. His subject , will be "Church Life in Germany Today",' All men in both churches are urged to be pres enS, .' ' ' "' ' ii.'S BLOODSHED BOXSCORE -'fly On N.CJIIghways ' Killed Fel. 23-28 13 Injured same dateS . .lll KlUed thru, Feb. 28. 1951 , 149 rJUed thru Feb. 2. 1950 .' ' 123 I 'ared tferu Feb. 28, 1831 E: :':nf crmsrs Plan Sorbs T 'aafes To Study IkgnoliaVins District Basket The State District 2 Class A bas ketball tournament concluded Sat urday night in the Kenan gym after four nights of hard fought games to determine the district winner. Magnolia was victorious defeating Oriental In the first game with a score of 64 to 42, and came through the semi-finals with a squeeze of a two point lead over Jacksonville. The final game Magnolia played a hard game against Beulaville. em erging with four points to win the district tournament, Magnolia Centers the Regional Class A Finals which are being played this week in Roseboro, Magnolia is scheduled to play the second game Friday night. - The tournament was fouowed with much interest with attend ance increasing the last two nights of play. . . ' "" , The first round of the tourna ment was played Wednesday night between Miagnolia and Oriental with a final score of 84-42. High scorer for Magnolia was Jack Carr, captain, with 32 points and best defensive player was Austin Baker. Oriental high scorer was Bill Ma son, captain, with 25 points and best defense was Paul Movess. v The second round was a heated game' between Rtchlands and Do ver with a final score of Eic Wands 42 and Dover 41..Rkhftnds was off to fast atart with a score of 27 to IS with Dover trailing by 12 points at the half. High scorer for Rich lands was Billy Smith with 12 points and best defensive player rJohnny Reid. Charles Barrow with 16 points was high scorer for Dover and their best defense was Leslie White. CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE - Tobacco Allotment Is Wsshlngton, Feb. 27. QuoUs for flue-cured tobacco will be in creased 5 more for 1951 than those previously announced. . The Agriculture Department or dered the Increase today and simul taneously announced an increase of 1 for the burley crop over crop' marketing quotas previously announced. - The new Increase will give Du plin farmers approximately 3,000 more acres or a total of approxi mately 23,000 acres, of tobacco for 1991. "V:rv , New marketing quotas for flue cured ate 1,297,000,000 pounds meaning that allotments for most flue-cured ' farms will be 1496 greater in 1951 than in 1950. The 1951 quota aet earlier was 1,235, 000,000 pounds. The flue-cured allotments will total about 1.120,000 acres, com pared with 1,069,000 previously an nounced and 968,500 last year. , - ' The increases were made, Secre tary Brsnnan said, to assure ample supplies under the defense emer- fiency. f .'. He said a higher level of indus trial activity is expected to in crease the demand , for tobacco products. . :..,: ' "As a consequence," he said, "the department wishes to be on the 'safe'; side.'' :;v;fV'X.r r. I lecal Service Sta; thiges Hinds ' ; ' MdLendon's Esso Station, owned and operated by the Ute Jeff Mc Lendon, is now under new manage ment. W. F. (Bill) Williamson took over the station tins week. Mr. Wit llamson announces that the station will continue to operate about like it did before except that It will re main open later In the afternoons and be open on Sunday afternoons. Mr. Williamson, or Bill as be better known, says he prom" es to Dive the best and quickest service posutUe. He wUl continue to sail anil r-'-i r-.r.:-i C'l Farm Trends in il CPL. ELBERT HOUSTON son of Mrs. Pickett Chambers of the Wesley community who recent ly sent a number of pictures taken in Korea by he and some of the ,GX's over 'there. The pictures show some of the horrible results of the fate of some non-communists in Southern Korea. See pic tures and his letter to his mother on an Inside page. 6P&Y To Sponsor Fashion Show The Business and Professional Women of Duplin County will sponsor a Fashion Show Friday night, March 9, in the Warsaw High JScbool Auditorium at 8 ov eloekV aav Mrs. Bell. HUnant's dancthjt pupils wity take pant (n toe program. Other musical attractions will also be presented. A good at tendance Is urged. PTA To Have Games Tournament The Warsaw PTA will sponsor a games tournament Friday night, March 2, in the School Lunchroom. The hour will be 8 o'clock and the admission will be 50c. Proceeds will go toward the Lunchroom pro gram and Visual Aid to Education Program. A grand prize will be awarded at the lucky number draw ing and other prizes will be given for canasta, bridge and other games. Coca colas will be on sale. Dessert will be served promptly at 8:00 o'clock in order to give those who wish it longer to play. Come out and enjoy yourself and help the PTA at the same time. . Warsaw Woman On Wefare Board Mrs. G. S. Best of Warsaw last week received notice from Raleigh that she has been named a mem ber of the Duplin County Welfare Board. She was named by the State Board of Warfare and will succeed Mrs. John D. Robinson of Wallace whose term expires on April 1st Mrs. Best's appointment is for three years. Wallace Man Attacked; Robbed Duplin Sheriffs office reports that Oscar McMillan, 60 year old Negro of near Wallace, was-attack-ed and robbed last Friday night near his home in Rockfish Town ship. Deputy Sheriff Nicholson said that night Chief Hocutt of Wal lace called him last Friday night and he and Deputy Oliver Home went down and arrested the two accused robbers, Rowan Hicks and Theodore Boykln. They were giv en a hearing before Justice of the Peace L. R. Brown In Wallace. Mc Millan charges they attacked him when he went to Hicks' bouse toi buy a drink of whiskey. He said they struck him over the head with their fists, knocked him into a ditch and robbed hun of $23.00. He then went Ho Wallace and re ported the attack. , " t Justice Brown bound them over to county court under a $300 bond each on an assault and robbery charge. Htekt it out under bond but foykln to UU tAjaU.,- In Csnrt County Agent Lacy Weeks and his assistants and corps of workers are holding a series of meetings among fanners In the eounty at which time reports will be given of the Duplin County Agricultural workers. The workers have made a detail ed study and analysis of the agricul tural situation and trends la the county. They nave developed a Long-Range Farming Pattern de signed to better utilize labor, land and other resources la a more pre fltable manner as a means of bet ter living. This program and other timely pieces of farm Information such as, Pasture development and management Tobacco bed insect and disease control, Japanese Bee tle quarantine, the Emergency Cotton Program, and the new Dis ease Resistant Varieties of Tobacco will be discussed at the following meetings: Rose Hill School, Monday, Feb. 26, at 7:30 P. M.; Wallace School, Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 7:30 P. M. Rockfish Community Bldg Mon day, March 8, at 7:30 P. M. Warsaw School, Tuesday, March 6, at 7:30 P. M. Faison School, Thursday, March 8, at 7:30 P. M. Calypso School, Friday, March 9, at 7:30 P.M. Magnolia School, Monday, March 12, at 7 JO P. M. La Place Community Bldg, Tues day, March 13 at 7 JO P. M. Chinquapin School, luraday, March 15 at 7:30 P. M. Beulaville School, Friday, March 16 ta 7:30 P.M. B. F. Grady School, Wednesday, March 21 a 7:99 Pt K. . f . KenansviltsV seneo(tuln ' Inarch St at 7.30 Pf- ''- ' Potters Hill School, Friday, March 23 at 7 JO P. M. A new Pasture Movie filaaed here in North Carolina will be' shown at each meeting. Plan now to attend one of the meetings nearest you and keep posted on the new discoveries and trends In agriculture. Wreck Impact Loses Front Wheel Cleveland Gresham, young white soldier of , Fort Bragg, miraculously escaped with nothing more than a gashed forehead and cut left leg last Saturday night when the 1938 Plymouth he was driving crashed Into 'a parked car along a road near Sarecta. It bit the car so hard it knocked off the left front wheel from 'the hub of the. parked auto. When; .officers stopped looking late in the night for the wheel It still had nt been found. The Plymouth he was 'driving was a total wreck. Officers said Gresham was driv ing alone on the road when he hit the unoccupied parked car which belonged to Earl White. He was arrested on charges of driving without license tags, reckless driv ing and property damage. Duplin Marine Shoots To Kill Lauded For Service Washington. D. C. - Marine Pfc Herman E. Godwin, husband of , Lucy E. Godwin of Rt 4, Wallace, '' was presented with a Letter of Commendation, with ribbon and combat V", by MaJ Gen. Oliver P. Smith, Commanding General, First .Marine Division. : The Letter of Commendation lauded Godwin for his excellent service in the line of his profession while serving with Marine wea pons company during operations in Korea. . While his company was proceed-' , ing In (envoy through a steep wall- ed ravine, it was halted by an ene- 1 my roadblock and subjected to ene my small arms and machine fun fire. Godwin, serving as a machine ; gunner, displayed great skill, cour age and confidence In the perform- t ance of his duties. -'v,:-' ' Without regard for his own per sonal safety, he put bis machine gun into action and returned accn- -rata and effective fire en the emw toy. Els actions materially aided hla company successfully to repel tilt tMnsy ttci, . , r r?i tu-u jyj, ti i::a

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