CIRCLES I, , tie Katie Hurray Circle met on Monday night In the home of Mrt. Graham; Phillips with Mrs. J. E. Steickland as Joint hostess. Mrs. J. t, Strickland presided, Mrs. Cliff gityton gave ' the jdevotlonal and ym. phllllpa the program. Three members discussed a Misiaon Study Book. The' hostesses served, cake snd coffee, to the 17 memlbers pres ent HM'-'V'lil-'l ;K li--tl;ti(' ' The Annie Kate Powell Circle met Monday-night with Mrs. Allen Porter with Alls Alary Alice Black more as joint, hostess. Mrs. Moman Barr presided,- Mrs, Harlee Jones presented an Interesting, program. The devotional was given by Mrs. Kenneth FusselL 17 members were served iced i drinks, ice cream sandwiches and suited nuts, h: , Mrs Bolick Hostess To Bridge Club . . ,.t ... . ' '-'iff Mrs. Robert Bbllck ' entertained her bridge club and an additional table Friday night at her home. rVix u of known orisrin KOBE & SCERECA LESPEDEZA TRUCK AND "111 I I I'' '.! iV,i-' " ... .. .::.- . : . r GARDEN SEEDS CROTELARIA OATS HYBRID & OPEN POLLENATED CORN -- COKJE 100 WH.T RESISTANT COTTON SEED . FERMATE & COTTON POISON F'C X 'FEED & SOUTHERN BABY CHICKS. Oi: i riiJSWTJf OF CEMENT ON HANTi ' varsaw rarmers Exchange , WARSAW to ."Here's your four bits, pal, YOU go o the sHowf ; i ; ? t ,' rr -: f " COME IN TODAY AND LET OUR SU:i MOM AJIALYZEli11 Locate All Mechanical Difficulties And Find The Correction. SEE GpnbralfRepzir;V6rk Our Rates DE SOTO PLYMOUTH DEALEX KENANSVILLE, N. C. . The, rooms were attractively deco I rated with quince,: Jonquils and ' mniyirm Um XrltnV.aU , -1..V. high and received an apron. Mrs. E. E. Hines received novelty pin for visitors high score. Mrs. Bill Sheffield won second high and received an attractive bos of soap. : The hostess senred coca colas and cheesies during progressions 'and at the end of play served pineapple Ice-box pie -with" coffee. Those playing were Mesdamet Sheffield, Brltt, iHInee, Wilbur Garner; Allen Draughon, Jr., Ed Strickland, L. S. Whittle, Juyce Burton, W. J. Mid dleton, Jr Robert Frederick, John Fonvielle, Dalton West and R. W. Biggs, .v v..--c:ii:.t. ;;n,,- :.!' ' ' " ' '" ' '' ' "' ''; '''-','f GAMES TOURNAMENT ' A good crowd attended the PTA sponsored Games Tournament , on Friday night in the school lunch room with about: 125 present, Mrt.) Seth Hill received hose from Kats Dept. Store for high score In bridge tor ladles and George Penney won a carton-of cigarettes, donated by Available To Duplin Farmers ',.;J 3 a Sl f-' Don't you dare go with- , out adequate coverage. be sure that you are insured for every emergency. r "-111 I US FOR f m t Are Reasonable i r i . -1 ' W w V West Auto Parts. Csnaeta high went to Mrs, Beaman Lashley, who, re ceived a plastic apron from Strick land's Dept. Store. Children recei ving prizes were Fred Bears, Patsy Jo Smith, and Judy Rollins. Mrs. Ida KU won the door, prise, a card table, from QulMWMcOowen Co. Two other lucky- numbers were called , and, .Mrs-. Joe Surratt, Jr., won a pyrex set donated by a bard ware store and Lllie Mae Phillips a bag of flour from Garner's Self service. ! , " .1 flW..V;f:!f , Cake and eoffee Were served upon arrival of players and coca Colas were- later sold. All drinks and refreshments were ' donated through the school. The-building was beautifully decorated. Proceeds amounted to about $70.00. .! . METHODIST CHICLES I ; Circle No. 1 met with Mrs. Sam Powell Monday afternoon with Mrs. D. J. . Middleton presiding. Mrs. Middleton, Mrs. C.. F. Carroll and Mrs, Powell gave the program and Mrs. C. D. Best presented the de votional. The hostess served fruit cake topped with ; whipped cream nd coffee. ; ; ..'i,'.'' .,. Mrs. E. C' Thompson, ', chairman of . the committee to buy an altar set for the church visited other Cir cles and discussed plans with them. Circle No. t met Monday night with Mrs. W. & Lelnbach with Mrs. Hopton Smith presiding. IS mem bers heard Mrs. Leinbacb give the program. Mrs. E. Ci Thompson pre sented the Bible study and gave the legend, of the dogwood tree. Mary llsaJbetll Packer rendered a solo. Plans were made to begin a nursery at the church. Mrs. Leb bach served chicken salad plate, lemon-filled cup cakes, salted nuts Circle No. S met Monday, night with Mrt.- Herbert West with 17 members present ' Mrs.' J. C. Sur ratt presided and Mrs. R. L. Cross no gave 'the devotional. The pro gram was presented by Mrs. Robert West Mrs. Clodfelter was welcom ed as a new member. Mrs. Belton Mlnshew conducted a contest dur ing the social hour and Mrs. Albert Newklrst was winner. Mrs; ' West served apple pie, russian tea; sand wiches and toasted pecans. PRESBYTERIAN Circle No. l met Monday night at the church wrih-Mn. Frank Hair slip as hostess. Mrs.' R. W. Rlggs presided ahd 14 members were present Mm-John Peirce led the Study and Mrs. W. 1. Middleton Sr. gave the program. Mrs. Allen Drau ghon Jr. assisted. In serving a chick en salad platev with sandwiches, rHs, cookies and coffee. Circle No. t met Monday after noon at the home of Mrs. Jerry Newbold with Mrs. W. J. Middleton Jr. as Joint hostess. 12 members were .present Mrs. J. T Gresham presided and gave the study. Mrs. Newbold and Mrs. Middleton ser ved cookies and Russian tea.--"-'' Circle No, S met Monday after- nooifTS" the "home, of Mrs. Robert BoUck with Mrs. Charles Sheffield assisting. Mrs. Sheffield pre sided and 15 members (responded to (roll. call. Dirty i. ii. tunet iea the' Bible Studafter-which Mrs. Bill Sheffield gave the program. The' hostesses served ice box lemon pie and coffee. , m ii i a i.. ii UDCfFJCKTIVEH'S BOARD MEETING Mrs. H. L, Stevens Jr. President, called meeting .of the executive board of the N. C. Division, UDC In Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh on Marob 3. Plans were made for -dl. trict meetings which will begin on March . 27 and continue through April 13, also for the division con ventions to be held : la '- Winston- Salem in October. Members attend ing hMlriea Hn. Stevens were Mrs. Ray Merreilj 3rd Vice president of ViXWAIlT n U J IsLJU jftaH. Ur.is5.c3 Pa Ms We Pa y Hi g h e s t M arket Pricei i iCL .won Oveotcck OPEHATED LY LUI.DY PACKING CO. , f r -r Ciacy Ilaneycutt, Ho Duyer Secty., Warsaw; Mrs. Paul Fitz gerald, Treas., Pelham; Mrs. Lou ise McGowan, Hist, Plymouth; Mrs. Jeannette Biggs, Registrar, Oxford; Mrs. C. H. Bass, Recorder of Cross es, High Point; Mrs. Quentou Gre gory, Chairman of Finance Com mittees, Halifax, After the meeting Mrs. Stevens entertained the mem bers and Mrs, It -P Reeca of W lns- tosrfialem and Mrs. William Dick ens ef Enfield sit luncheon at the Relnlyn House, in, Raleigh ' fr BRIDGE CLUB MEETS .;- i ' v i... v. I 'Mrs. Bill Sheffield entertained Tuesday afternoon) at her borne with two tables of bridge. The home was attractively 4 decorated with spring flowers. Upon arrival guests were served grape sundaes- Coca colas, rltz with cream cheese spread were served during progressions. Mrs. J. H. Hlnes won high score f prize, a box of all occasion cards. Second high went to Mrs, Robert Frederick and she received a cake decorating set r .lMs;;,:' ANNOUNCE BIRTH . Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jordan of Bowden announce the birth of a daughter, weight 0 pounds, at Hen dersonCrumpler Clinic in Mount Olive, March 6th. "Mrs. 'Jordan Is the former Aleatt Parker of Bow den. ' ' -: ; BAPTIST CIRCLES , : All Afternoon (Baptist Circles met at the church at 8:30 In con nection with the Week of Prayer Meetings being held every after noon throughout the week. PERSONALS Elbert L. Matthis, 2nd class gun ner, is stationed in Sen Francisco. His wife left , by plane Thursday to Join him. They expect to return about April 18 (when be gets his leave) to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Matthis. '; Mm Eula Lee Brltt has. been confined to her bed for several days with illness. ' i ' Mrs. Ed Strickland left Wednes day to visit relatives m Florida. ; Mr. and Mrs Charlie Sheffield and Mr. nd Mrs. Bruce Carlton of CUnton spent the week end at the Sheffield Cottage at .Topsail Beach. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Frederick of Rock Hill, S. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick during the week end. Sunday guests of the Fredericks were Mr. and Mrs. Na than Frederick of Kinston " Mrt and Mrs. E. E. Hines spent Sunday at Carolina Beach. ' . J. F. Strickland U confined to his bed with cold and sinus.1 - -Mrs. Glenn Brown attended the Junior Show at WCUNC last week wbUe visiting Misses Bette Hufbsm and Mae Brock. . .. Miss Nora Blackmore is con fined to her bed. - r Mrs. Moman Barr Is able to be out after being Ul for the week. ; Mrs. Clarence Brown visited her son Clarence, Jr. In Winston-Salem last week end. i Henry Stevens, III, is recuperat ing at home after an attack of measles' and .complications. Mrs. H. D. Hollingsworth and sobs? visited her sister Mrs. C. D. Branch in, Bladenboro during the Mill . . . . , Mr. and Mrs. tf. A. Mitchell and family vbfited relatives In Fairmont Sunday. r jJWEIIAVEIT, YOU WILL NEED IT "GARHERl C0ALC0MPAI1Y ' WARSAW YOUH HOGS Aro.;:J:y: Thrcaoh In Hospital " 1 Mr. Joel Wnaley, one of Duplin's elderly gentlemen, Is in the James Walker Hospital in Wilmington for treatment As soon as he Is able he will undergo aa operation. -Mr, Whaley wlU reach his 83rd birthday on (March. 19th, His fam ily say, they will not celebrate his birthday this year as in the past, Kbnfrett Kliib Mrs. C. B. Guthrie was hostess to the Kenaatvllle Kpntract Klub Wednesday evening, of last week. Potted plants and spring flowers were used in decoration. Mrs. M. r. Allen Jr. was a visitor. High score wss won by. Mrs. J. B. Wallace and Mrs. Allen, was presented a gift The hostess assisted by Mrs. J. O. Stokes served a sweet course with coffee. PTA Meets The local PTA met Monday even ing ta the school auditorium with Mrs. Holmes Rouse presiding. The annual report was given in brief. Miss Anna Hines presented Emory Sadler, Cordell Johnson and, Aud rey Alphln who played piano sel ections. After business Mrs. E. V. VestaL former president installed the aew officers who are: GUbert Alphln, Pres.; Mrs. Holmes Rouse, VlcenPres.; Mrs. Tom Qulnn. Sec.; Mrs. Edwin Register, Treas. A vote of thanks were given to the Curtain Committee for the new stage back drops. Girl Scouts The Girl Scout group met on Tuesday afternoon of last week in the Home Ec Dept with Grail New ton hostess. During the- business plans were made for the 39th birth day of Girl Scouts. Mrs. B. A, Newton assisted by Gail served ice cream float and cookies. .' ' the Eastern Star field their" reg ular meeting Tuesday evening of last week. Worthy Grand Patron and Worthy Grand Matron Dr. and Mrs;: G. V. Gooding presided. Rollowing the business sn initia tion ceremony, was held for Mr. Louis Wessbrook followed by a social hour at which tuna pound cake and salted nuts were served. Announce Birth I Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bostic an nounce Me birth of daughter, Etna Fav. March 2nd. weight 5V4 founds, at Jamea Walker Hospital in Wilmington. Mrs Bostic is the former Miss Elna Ore Brinson of Kenansvllle. " '' ;-t-- ' ANNOUNCE BIRTH J Rev. and Mrs. M. K. Glover an nounce the birth of a son on March 6th at James Walker Hospital la Wilmington. Mrs. Glover is ths former Miss Erma Williams of Ke nansvllle. .v. RESOLUTION " 1 OfJBbespect MRS. LAURA MOORE GAVIN ' WHEREAS, We the members of Kenansvllle Chapter No. 213, Order of the Eastern Star, do sincerely mourn the loss of our beloved sis tor Laura Moore Gavin, who left this life on February , 1951; and, WHEREAS. Our Chapter has been blessed beyond measure in having her as a member for many years; ana, . " WHEREAS, Her Inroad experi ence, good judgment, ana wise counsel proved mast valuable to our Chapter and to the community-at-large; and,. - ' ,.;, - '' i WHEREAS. Her Interest and un tiring efforts In behslf of education snd the development of youth tnaae a fundamental and lasting contri bution to society, and, . WHEREAS. We feel that we are better for having bad bar fraternal love; now, " THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLV ED, That we bow in humble sub mission to the will of God, ana w thankfulness for her useful and In fluential life of service to kind: i .... That we extend to her tanuiy our love and heartfelt aympainy and remind them that a Father's care la always over them; That our Charter be draped In loving memory of our sister, and, That a copy of these resolutions bo sent to the family of our sister, a copy be spread upon the minutes, a eonv be sent to the Dupun limes. snd a copy be sent to the Tar Heel Star News for publication. ' Mrs. Mary C Southerland f, ;;. Mrs. Ruby O. Newton - .: F, W, UcGowea LOCAL GIRL MAKES, DEAN'S LIST, WCUNC i Greensboro, N. C. The Dean's List, naming 335 students who made superior academic records during the past semester, has been released by the registrar's office of Woman's College of U. M. C.- I ncluded in the list is Miss Cor nelia Qulnn, daughter of Mrs. Myrtle Qulnn of Kenansvllle. Mrs. Lauren Sharps has accepted a position in the Register of Deeds office. ' Mrs. H. L. Pippin has resumed work in the Auditor's office. ' . MA- Hubert Brown has been confined to his home with pleurisy. - Miss Eleanor Southerland of Clinton visited her mother Mrs. L. Southerland during the week end. Mrs. J. E. Jerritt of New Bern spent Friday -with Mrs. P. J. Dob son. ; J : ' Mr; Eure Johnson who has been a patient at James Walker Hospital has returned home. Mr. R. V. Wells, Mrs. Louise AT s aU SHOW SPONSORED BY B & P VOMAIIS CLUB Warsaw High School Friday Night, March 9th SEE sf7V r "The Best In oooooooooooooooooooooooot s ' - '-Your Lady; Whether a Young Four, Forty, or Eighty . . ; will step lighter, feel brighter ,when 1 she is wearing your Easter Corsage. Onr Flower-By-Wire Service to Uses far away. ' .o Warcav Flora! Cof MAIN STREET 4 .vw lJ" Mitchell and Barbara spent Sundays with reUtives. to Wilmington. - Mr. and Mrs, O. P. .Johnson visv? ited her aunt near Burgaw Suaday. ' - Mesdames Walter- Stroud ond ' Andrew Patterson shopped in Kb stonr Wednesday, (Mrs. E. J. Naxelrod visited rela tives in New Bern part of thU week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patterson visited In Morehead City: Sunday. Mrt N. B, Boney, Jr, of Greens boro spent the week end with his fsmlly. - Mr. Wade Gaylor is a patient at James Walker Hospital in Wilming ton.. . : , Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Xornegay were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sanderson and daughter of Pink HiU. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Johnson, Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs J. R.Grady and daughters, Mr. Z. W. Fratxelle and Miss Margaret Williams were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. BiU Browder in Wal lace. Mr. Gordon Kornegay and Miss Lou Jackson of Beulaville visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kosnegay San day. Mrs. Vance Gavin, Misses Martha Pickett and Jacqueline Burke shopped In Goldsboro Saturday. THE 3 Ready - To - Wear" ForThe EASTER PARADE kweeawt dtdivery , WARSAW, N. C rhenesu MS SSI ,

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