u - . K:r;i Official Be AlAlfcirlsortf i President Antolne H. Ivinsy a meiriber of the First Counct of the Seventy of the Church cnf Jesus Christ of Latterdsy Saiivts (Mor mons) and President J. B. Price of the Central Atlantic States Mission will conduct a meeting in .Albert son Chapel-at Afcertson fll "'S:30 p.rrf. Tuesday. ',.'.''"'-':.' The guest elders "Wilt be accom panied by Mrs.- Ivins and Mrs. .Price.'. .'' J ;. '"" ' Ivins has served since 1931 as a member of the First Council of she Seventy; which ' supervises the Smith, Glenda Stroud, and Norma Grey Wllmouth, , ) , - -. Grade 4 Kenneth" ByrdV Lois Hillr-Jsmes Howard;-' Bobby - Eott," Nancy Jones." Patricia' Howard, Liu da Sue Howard,- Larry Coombs, Joyce Ann Carter, Maxine Howard, Edna ' Carol Koonce, Grade Taylor, Adelphla Howard, and John Currln Howard. '. ii Grade 5 Ronnie Gen Cox, Kinby Everett. Shirley Westbrook, Linda Spenco, Hasel Smith, BlUle Jean Jones, and Lou Thlgpen. ' i Grade a ? Wenoaah Jones, Edna Alice Smith and Bet Taylor. V Grade 7 T.Gloria Jean Pierce, Norma Ray Stroud, Pauline Sum merlin, Becky Turner and Sandra Broadfaurst -;rr;v..;U;' Grade 8 Winnie Rutin, Merle Jean Howard, Frances- Howard and v. A naUve of UUh, he attended the Juarez Academy of Mexico and the School of Jurisprudence ' in Mexico City. He is a graduate of the University of Utah and studied law at the University of Michigan. He operated a ranch in southern Utah for some years and served as man ager Of the Lale Sugar Plantation in; the Hawaiian Islands.' The public is lnvited4 attend No collections will be taken. HONOR ROLL ..... Following is the honor roll for the fourth period as released by principal Wiley:" ' ' Grade 1 Dixie Howard, Bren da Bostic, L. H. Turner, Rex John son; ; Robert Small, Linda Carroll Wilmouth, Dela Inman, Hilda. Fay Malpass and Brenda Joy Howard. Grade 2 Bertie JSue Cartieer, Carolyn Harper, Olivfa Sutton, Pa tricia Thomas, Ruby Westbrook, Di ana". Howard, Norma Summerlin, and Lawrence Moody. i ' , Grade 3 Mary Every ft Howard, Jerry Johnson, Mary Linda Lee, Jimmy Miles, Carolyn Smith, Car ol Stroud, Gene Taylor, Jerry 'Ev erette, Sarnmie Howard, i Hiram, Lee, Lynn Turner, Helen Grace Caster, Joyce Ann Koonce;. Margie I Grade 9 Lula Mae Jones, Mar gery -Dean Howard and Russell Bostic. ';i---r: - ' Grade 10 Roger Post Hill, Shirley Howard, Betty Howard, Mary Edna Harper, and Carol Ken nedy: ' ,J;:, Grade 11 Lou Ann Davis and Florine Deaver. t . s Grade 12 -' Ercell Sanderson and Bobby Hicks. . . WOMAN'S CLUB The Pink HiH-Woman's Club met with Mrs; L. R. Turner Thursday, March 1. Mrs Leslie Qulnn pre sided. In a. contest directed by the recreation leader j Mrs. Nick Smith was winner:-: 1 Miss Rachel; Hart- grove, home agent,' gave talk on Our Sunday -r Best Dress." -i FFA GREEN HANDS f The Pink fliU-FFA Chapter held its annual meeting March 6 for elevating Green Hands to Chapter Farmers.: .-'i.-? j f , President Donald .Howard pre sided and the following members were given the Farmer Degree: Elwood Dail, Rogef Fost Hill, Jim my Perkins, Linwood Stroud, Char les" Sutton, Franklin Tyndall; Ken neth Tyndall, Jimmy Williams, El- i wood Howard and Kenneth, How ard. -.V- '?.;'. .'j-j.jiw; Qualifications for Becoming a Chapter Farmer are (1) must have held the Degree of -Green Hand year and have a satisfactory rec ord of participation In chapter acti vities;' 2) must , have completed 1 year of Instruction ' In Vocational Agriculture and be regularly en rolled in a Vocational Agriculture class; (3) must be familiar with the state and 'national association; (4) must be familiar with Constitution of local chapter: (S) must be fami liar with Parliamentary Procedure; (6) must be able to lead group dis cussion for -15 mlnutesrW) must have earned" and productively in vested at least' $25;' and, (8) must receive a majority vote of mem bers present at the meeting. '. ' ' RED CROSS COURSE ' l A course in Home Nursing,' be ing taught by Mrs. E. M. Sills, is in progress here. About 14 are taking the course. It la being held in the basement of the Pink Hill' Method ist church. 11 . ' ' J , ' ' ' HEBRON SERVICES , Regular' 3rd Sunday afternoon services at Hebron" Presbyterian Church Sunday;1 March 18,-at 3 p.m with Rev. n. P.; Farrior offi ciating. The puBUc la invited. ,, IOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PricesUpll FdrXash,:?' DELIVER' OUR PIANJ V -: WAYNE AGRICULTURAL PRKS HID. SOUTH JOHN STREET, GOLDSBOKO, N. C. 000000000000000000000000 It li INSURANCE' AGENCY . . . J. " -ALL AiNDS OF INSURANCE 4 f " L. C TURNER, J, ,.. .! T. . TURNEE Pink Hill's Oldest Inswanee Agency r . PINK; HILL. H. C. 5j BRIDGE HOSTESS Mrs. 3. M. Jones was -hostess to her bridge club at hefhome Wed nesday '' af ternodn; Early spring flowers decorated the living room where tables- were set for play. Mrs." Horace Tyndall was winner of high prize, Mrs; Linwood Turner received second highland Mrs. T. A. Turner received, consolation. Mrs. W. H. Jones scored high for visitors and also received a gift Mrs. Linwood Turner was winner In Bingo. . ;;' .. , The hostess served coca colas salted nuts upon arrival of guests and later Ja the afternoon she served a delicious congealed salad course. .',u.,:., MRS. JARL ELLIS BOWERS. I March 3.' In a candlelight cer emony Saturday at 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon,' Miss Fannie Grey Worley, daughter of Kr:and Mrs. John Alton . Worley of Pink- Hill, became the bride of Jarl Ellis Bow ers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bowers of . Washington JX3. in the Pink Hill Presbyterian Church. The'RevJTJi3,arriorj)astor of the bride, officiated using the double ring' ceremony. .'':...;. A program of wedding music was presented by Charles Stevens of Wshington,planlst,and Mrs .William Gain of Walstpnburgol- Oist ''V ", t ';,',;. -- The brlde,glven in marriage" by PERSONALS Miss Emileigh Maxwell of Nor folk spent the week end at her Lborn here. -She had as her guest Miss Eva 'Mae Knee, also of Nor folk. ;-Vt iif J Dr". D. WV RUff in returned to Chi cago. Thursday -following an eight day leave at Kirhdme) here! " ' Mr. Hajwey Turner has been In Raleigh this week taking the State Bar examination.31 He is a graduate of the State University Law School. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowers visit ed in Pink Hill Saturday enroute to their 'home In Washington, N. weddings. The bride carried a bou quet of bride's roses centered with a whit purple throated orchid. Mra. Charles Parrish of Smith field and . Mrs, ; John O'Connor of Riahlands,.. slaters of the bride, were her only attendants.They wo. re dresses of twilight blue faille with matching mitts' and braided crowns fashioned of blue faille wi th net -They carried American Be auty roses tied with satin ribbons, The bridegroom's best; man was his father and ushers were Char lie Boers, brother of the bride, groom, Graham Elliott, Ralph Ho dgesjr. and JJMax Roebuck.all of WashingtonjI.C. ' RECEPTION' V After the ceremony the parents of the bride entertained the wedd ing guest, at an informal reception received at the door and Introduced the guest ; to the r receiving line which" was- composed' of Mr. and Mrs! J. A.' Worley, parents of the brifle, the bride and 'groom, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bowers, parents of the groom, and Mesdames Char les Parrish and John QXtonnor, sisters of the bride, who were at tendants. Mrs.. -J. F. May directed guests to the gift room where Mrs. Johnny Holden presided. In the dining room Mrs. T. A. Turner ser ved bride's cake from one end of the table and Mrs. J. M. , Jones presided at the punch bowl atha opposite end. Nuts and salted pe cans were passed. Mrs. J. K. Smith presided at the register and good byes were, said to Mrs. H.. A Ed- March features eggs and apples, Miss Hilda : Clontc, Duplin Home Agemy said this -week. Protein foods llBted as plentiful Include 'frozen fish fillets, cottage cheese, broilers, fryers, peanut butter and heavy turkeys." .. ,.... ..,--: tv; . i Lettuce, Irish potatoes, and sau erkraut are the vegetables on the list. There will also be plenty of processed citrus fruits, Along with liberal supplies of honey. JUST RECEIVED i ' J AAA IfVvJ' NEW EASTER SUITS . , . Prices To Suit Ton TOM R. BEST V 119 E. Walnut St. - GOLDSBORO ' her father, wore the wedding gown their weddings. It was fashioned wards., About 200 called during the. 01 wute supper satin witn uttea evening. bodice. A bertha of satin and lace . n' tne evening the 1rldal over marquisette yoke gav an off- couple left on a wedding trip, For the- shoulder effect The dose fit- traveling the bride von a suit of ung sieeves enoea in caua uiy po- . !peri winkle blue wdtlh matching ints over the hands and the full ik 1 otheI. tceessories of black; and irt had a traln.Her fingertip veU the her bouquet, of Ulusion was fastened to a coro-l Mrs Bowerl i, , graduate of net of seed pearl necklace which Flora (Macdonald College and Is at Is an heirloom of the bridegroom's present a member of the Washing family." The pearls were the bridal i ton nw. School faculty. ' . V Genuine Stap Sound Oysters Steamed and on Half Shell WE DELIVER DIAL S961 mim J v BARBECUE , . , : . Kmston ' gift of his great-grandfather to his bride and also worn by the bride grooms grandmother, his mother, sisters and brother's bride at their C. Mrs. Bowers is the former Miss here."'": y EXECUTRIX NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Fannie Grey Worley.- They were married In the Pink HOI Presby terian Xhurch on -March- Srd,--- Mrs. Herman Fussell and dau ghters of Rose Hill were recent guests of Mrs. Hattie Davis and Mrs. W. G. Kornegay. v Mesdames H. A. Edwards and T. A. Turner attended the French Gill wedding and reception in GoldsfooML-Saturday availing. , Melba Kay, small daughter of Mr. v and Mrs Wlltard Westbrook has been ill at Dr. Sldbury's Hos pital at Wilmington . ; j ' Mr, Reuben King Is recovering from a recent Illness. , ' ; Miss Polly Weston who was hos pitalized in Kmston for seveeral daya is recuperating at her home Office Supplies , AND EQUIPMENT DESKS, CHAIRS, FILING CABINETS LEDGERS, BINDERS, SHEETS and INDEX Jc!:n II. Ccrtcr C If Pturaa 'KLNSTON, N. C Having qualified as executrix of the estate: of Ned T. Grady, late of DupHn County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims" against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the Undersigned, the former home of the deceased on or before 23 day of February, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate 1, I 1 I u 1 a. & Will piCHW. wu .imuicuiaw J ment - -' . ' This 18 day of February, 1051, ' Frances Alice Grady Exe- ( Mr cutrix 0f Ned T. Grady. 3-3IMR. .FAG ' , . A ' . , t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Mr: and Mrs. I. J. Sandlin and children of Beulavtlle were guests f Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Edwards on Sunday; ; v v ' . :::m-: -''- ; ': VFW AUXltlARY ' The VFW Auxiliary to Post 8514 met; for election of officers and other routine business on Monday nigHt at the post home. -Mrs. Lois Johnson' pr'esfdea'. TOiie" to Illness; Secretary Mrs. Jane Inman was un- . r-.,,,.... .. . 7..-. able to attend. Mrs. Janle Turner substituted for her. The district meeting to be held in AprU at Wash ington, N. C. was discussed. 'Mrs. Christine Page and- Mrs." Lottie Smith served the group. - Mr. 1 Bowers attended the Cita del for two years and graduated from Eastern. University in Balti more. He is a veteran of World War II and at present operates Bowers Insurance Agency in Wash ington. , , - . . CAKE-CUTTING ' Mrs. J. M. Jones and Mrs. John ny Holden entertained . the Bow-ers-Worley wedding parity and put of town guest at a cake cutting at the home of Mrs. Jones on Friday evening, after the bride 'and groom cut tha first sUce,Mrs.. J.- A. Wor ley served the gdest,'Mts'. T. A. Ttfrnei poured punch'' Mesdames Linwood Turner-and .James Miles assisted the hostess.in entertaining. ' The U. S. Department of Agricul ture's list of plentiful foods -for FLOWERS FOR All Occasions At . Dudby's IN KINSTON ' 'Mrs. L Jijurner , Agent. , , In Pink Hill. Tel 285-1 The Ledyayd Vault t I.J, t.'l I- V " Precision Proof I BuUt " vV 3 Age . .. Manufactured by SMirn VAULT CO. KINSTON " t Consult Tour Local y',.-. Funeral Director c 11 0 . n i Si. NEW 4 TURNER. norse Drawn Cultivators jJust Received;- K Yofl Need? One Get It Now1, s II ' 1 'V" vrt. k if (i i ;t t 1 Havinarthls day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Cora Player Farrior, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before one year from last date of publication of this no tice, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. -All persons Indebted to said es tate will pleas make immediate settlement This the 30th day of December, 1950. ' ' N. P. Farrior (Pink Hill, N. C.) 8-lMt NPF REMEMBER TODAV TOMORROW 1 ; WITH A PHOTOGRAPH BY It 1- k.1 I 3 .- ,t i sn?,;o-: IN Mor:n OUVE . PhonM 217-J -or 23t r gMgHHgBBSlHBSflBiBflMIIHBSSSWaHV - ' , s ,r -.-. - 1 .t "-K "1, 'v' """" ' ' "''" ' -','..;-' V... fc ...assssssw- ..jwatwuMUDoowW ir i ' v- n t:-ki-, s e.-' The Smart Wwr :. ' i S,L s. '".I : . ' i' " SEicii s::k;::Ds supply ca. A n . A l LA Ri: ltTY ' -t,' - t. KorrllnvaHon of itandard qulpnwnf ? and him Iflvtirat it dtptndtni om trntlabUily of aiataWatJ Yes, J :";3-DrL"i Crckcs . extra wail extra jssfd another rt. why morm pop buy Cbvroft than any offir carl j czz. 1 C i. j, Jen Yoa and your family will enay tpectal saftty in Chevirolet for' '5 1 - America'l largest and finest low-priced car. j You'll knoW this the minute you tes( its new, more powerful JumboDrum Brakes-largest in the low-price field! f? They're, extra smooth," positive and safe; they provide' maximum stopping power with up to 25 -less driver effort; they combine with' many other ChevnR let safety factors to give you tf.e fullest, measure of motoring protection, . - - - -.- And you'll enjoy ft special kind of per- formancd and driving ease in this car, too. For k's the only low-priced car that offers yoa your choice of a mighty 105 h.p. Valve-in-Head engine, teamed with the time-proved Powerglide Automatic Transmission, for finest no-shlft drfv ing at lowest cost Or the brillluht stand ard Chevrolet Valve -in -I lead engine,' teamed with Silent Synchro-Mesh Trans mission, lor finest standard diiving at lowest cost Come in, see and- drive itl' A("ICA'S ir--'j ai:d r;-T , r . ., 1 r y j. 7 'Combination of Powerglide Automatic Traiumistion mtiri 103-h.fi. inglru optlotial On Dt Luxt modtlt at'txtra COM, J V 4 U - - . it,. ,;0

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