DY: VIJA r.IILLOY , t ,-orary homes f-' . w. .Nathercutt of Beulaville, Mr. of our own "tuvl, J Mr. Henry Scott ox Beulaville, the facet of even alo . .-.p-ion Earl Mdbley of Rocky ML 1 1 i with ilwme. The way Whils a host of friend nd rel- : i s boys have to plead and ! nves dropped toy to wish Mrs. Will ,t look of desperation on i ianu a lone YOUNG --old an, -j to find a place to live. Gifts and -well wishes were numer- thAni llvlmr In nothlna out. - . V : V . a rat hole axe taklni ed t " Mrs. Warren Thomu and ton . . - 1 1- At. - a! n ( vwirl 1 T A Apt out ox tneir payvnvu wvj Twuua uci , parenia air. ana Mrs. u. p. Park er and relatives. adly what they need to eat some of them have to drive . to camp, at if that wasn't sough, while somt of the landlords gobble their mo J never bat an eye. Then e cases he has to come beck a practically hysterical wife lug for grocery money. And ven help the man with a child t-r t--'f V':':V;:;'r';'V V:''f;' ;S It should be a prlvUege for any " Tprlcan to help these boys out rucy are not here by choice, many t i tl.em, and you know what would iarnes IF they didn't reportl : " 1U WM3 met In the Baptist church last week with an Increase f several new members, 54 In all. Devotional was led by Mrs. J. C i.'orrl while the program was led ty lira. David Piner. topic, "Go f ilclcly and Tell". Considering the thousands of Baptists over the Kation and the crusade of the Bap tist people, and Polyanna. well, it looked like 'Santa" had arrived with his reindeer. Refreshments vera served and the time had been veil spent All Interested persons. . 11.11.. I 1 4 . J 4. -t.-4 ' meetings each Thursday night fol lowing the third Sunday in each month, 7:30. ' , , Airs. J. M. Williams celebrated her 09th birthday Sunday at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. James Mobley of Lyman with a re union with her family. Her child ren and families Mr. and Mrs. Lee Zldbley of Beulaville, Rodney Mob ley of the home, daughters Mrs. G. D. Koence of Fayettevllle, Mrs. Mrs. lHaywood iHall and1 two chil dren and Mrs. Guy Rhodes visited Mrs. T. F. Sanderson last week. While there they, couldn't resist getting some of her lovely axellas Mrs. Sanderson has in her attract ive garden. ' . . - . ' . ; Miss T. J. Kennedy and Mr. Mar vin Beal of Wilmington visited last week end with Mrs. V. Milloy and got a glance of the rehearsal of - Whirlpool" which is now in pro duction at the high school. Mrs. H. L. Wilklns has returned from visiting her sons stationed In Blloxi. Mi., and Calif. She flew American Air Lines and baa only praisa for the hostesses of those plane. She enjoyed the trip and visited Miami Beach, Atlanta and many historical spots while on her journey, and she certainly has that took now -- of a real tourist! Mr. Wilklns? Oh, he stayed homo and kept the home fires burning what else could he doT Mrs. Wil klns took a train back oh, and that 'Soot" Mrs. Jannio Hockett returned last Saturday from James Walker Hospital where she .underwent a major operation there, and Is re cuperating nicely. Her' many frie nds wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian . Teachey of Rocky Mount are home visiting with Mrs. Teachey parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joda Bos tic, and others of her family and friends. -.- Mr. and Mrs. M. Beach of Len oir is home visiting with Mr. and THE D U PLIN TIMES taMlshed each Friday' in KenansvUie, N. C County Seat of DUPLIN COUNTY . , Sdltarfal business and printing plant Kenansville. N. C. I. KOBEBT GCAOY, EOITOB OWNER ",; . Entered at the Post Office. Kaoansville, N. C ' as seeooid class matter. TELEPHONE $ ''yf'.-' ' KesBsvflle, t5M 'EQBSOUPTION RATES: $3.00 per year In Duplin County Lenoir, Jestes, Onslow. Pender, Sampson and Wayne coun ties: S8JM per year outside this area in North Carolina: and lfCl Per pear elsewhere. ' - VV'f' :: . -. - '- ; v Adrertlriiis' rates famished on reqnest A pemocrstle Jonrnal. devoted to the material, educational, economic and agricultural Interests of Duplin County, r ' " ' Mrs. G. IF. Landin over the Easter holidays. Mrs. Beach is the former Miss Myrtle Landin, who was for many years on the school staff here. ; Miss Ruth Lanier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lanier is home for the holidays visiting and tak ing time ott from her work as nu rse of the City Public Health Dep artment in Charlotte, We are pro ud of Miss Lanier's accompllshm- :' Mr. J. C. Wallace of Burlington brother of Mrs. Pete Brinkley Is borne visiting with Mrs. Brinkley and his parents Mr. and Mrs. Adr- on Wallace of Wallace. , Mrs. N. E. Greham and some of her family spent soma time in Goldsboro last Friday looking at some of the iBaster sights. Her dau ghter, Elva accompanied her back home from Mt, pilve where she is employed on the..cnool staff. ' Mr. and MrsvJ". JU Qulnn and 4a mlly spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs, L. Hunt of High Point N. C. .H-.C-y rl; V;;,; Mr. Howard J. Qulnn of Burl ington, son of the late Graver Qu lnn spent several days here, with friends and relatives during ' the Esster holidays....; Mr. and Mr. Dennis Sullivan, who are making temporary home with- Mrs. Vida Milloy attended Church in Jacksonville Esster Sun day. Mr. Sullivan is a Marina Re servist . ,;'-.; '. ;:v! The Easter Bonnetts here last Sunday rang to a pretty number of 110 in our Sunday school, at the Baptist church.' A wonderful mes sage by our teacher, Mr. W. B. Hubbard was eloquently delivered concerning Easter and it'smeaning. The children enjoyed a delightful egg hunt on the church grounds later. '. -i;-,.'.;. - V-v.- A well delivered sermon was heard at the Presbyterian church Sunday by Rev. Z). Lawson of the Union Theological Seminary of Richmond, Van a student there. Chinquapin , welcomes these ; stu dents . who so - faifhfuBy spread the word of God. ; p. Tis' said, "A boat toots the most when in the thickest fog," but the Chinquapin people in producing The Whirlpool" has everybody talking about it It's thought to be one of the best "tragic comedies" presented beret im a long time. The first of Its kind to be written by a native of Chinquapin, certainly. So, the play is about "Forgotten Peo pie". In order to have "seemingly" forgotten people see the play, something new is introduced with it Anyone may bring one, two or any number of old people - feeble ones, ..who . can stand to sit 2Vt hours Free. Date to be announced soon:.'-" 1 V ."' ' -.-:V". The Home Demonstration Club held iU meeting this month at the home of Mrs. Edwin ' Futreal. A number of Easter songs were sung and a special treat was the song "My Little Irish Rose", sung by Little Kay Sanderson. Discussion on Homemaking & Beautiflcation was read and described by Mrs. Kate Futreal; lecture toy the class j.t mill u . . , it .'- t.er will be t;,i 1 .. . cf t-e town if everybody don't got that new mall box bow Give the man everyone looks so patiently for each day a break will you and get that nice shining mall box fixed right away. ' .:: Miss Alta Lawson, assistant borne agent, gave an interesting .discuss ion on how to spend your husband's tnoney! Who's : got any money T Anyway, It was brought out that It is Imperative- thaf a wife should know her husband's business in the event of death and security of their children, etc :. ' ,?,,: ' A radio program over the air Is in the making for some clean-up project which you may be listen ing for soon, by our president About 30 members were present and some visitors. Refreshments were served at the close of the meet The seniors of CHS have selected their mascots for the year. They are little Jean Dail, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dail of Wallace, RFD and little Oerylon James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jsmes of Wallace. Senior Banquet will be April 13th.-: rW:r.pj Mr. George Carter of Mars Hill id Charlotte is spending some time with bis sister. Mrs. A. L. Ssnderson. ,, - , lo::g ridge A. T. Tyndall of Washington, N. !C. wlU preach at the Holiness church here Sunday- evening at 7:30. There- will be special singing with' string music ..,..-:f-:: - Easter services were well attend ed.; Indian Springs quartette sang several numbers at the closing ser mon Sunday night j Margie Sutton spent the week a mule Saturday and broke his arm. lie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Walker,'-' s- The weather was heavy in this Section Saturday afternoon with wind and hail. The frame of a new tobacco barn on the farm of Mrs, Nora Jackson was blown down and some trees uprooted: Some damage was done to early gardens. ' - .' Relatives and friends will regret to learn that Arthur Coltrain got his left emow sawed open with. a cut-off saw Monday morning at the home of Marvin Brock. He was rushed to Dr. Crumpler at Mt Oiivo' where it took 7 stitches to :vuse tie Wound." '' , :'. . - -ft'-.v-'.yj'":: Mrs. Horace Brock. Sr, had a near serious accident. Saturday hlgM when she cut her . left arm with a butcher knife. It required 8 stitches to close the wound. Tommy Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Coy itiUl cut two of his. fingers in a planelng machine at B. F. Qrady school last Friday.; i 'y. ,. Mrs. John Kornegay's condition remains unchsnged. Rev. Wesley Price of Long Ridge church has announced that the re vival services would begin Sept 16. He announced this early so as not to conflict with neighboring churches. v '-i' 'Ar i Mr. and Mrs. Tommy White of 'Henderson visited Mr.; and , Mrs. Otis Rhodes Sunday.. - Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sutton attend ed the Houston family reunion at Holly Ridge- Sunday, f i.- Rev. rand Mrs. F. E. Jones of Sarecta and Mrs. Clyde Walker of Woodland spent Sunday with Mr. xt , , v ut t . ,-e - C......r vu.l buly speak five s. tenule OuUw. " BL ;ds during the revival, which Mr., and Mrs. B. IL butlaw of will be Monday through Friday Mt. Olive visited Mr, 1 and Mrs. . night, and another minister will be Woodrow Thlgpen Wednesday ! invited to continue the revival for night S:ri3S Scmcl (Speeial To The Tunes) ' A series of special revival ser vices wiU be held in the historic Northeast Free Will Baptist church beginning Sunday night, April 8, It was announced by Rev. Anble H. Carter, pastor of the church. . Guest preacher will be Dr. Wit Ham H. Carter, mlnhrter of the Edgowood . ' Evangelical ' Baptist Church, Goldsboro. Dr. Carter con ducted revival Services in the Northeast Church When be was only 13 years of sge snd he came each year during the month of September for seven year In suc cession. This will be his first re vival since those days, although he has spoken in the church on sev eral special events. Dr. Carter Is II. u. - last Tu Jay f r i e lng Station, In San Du C. BLOODSHED BOX On N. C. Highways Reiki safi Derhan ten days or two weeks. i The Northeast congrogaUon has been In a building program for the past several years building one oi the most beautiful brick churches to be found in rural Duplin Counts. The congregation is one of the lar gest of any rural church in this Motion. The church is located on the highway between Wallace and I ! tS.r ) SOBSCRIBK TO THE TIMES Killed March 16-lP. Injured same dates ; ' : Killed thru Mar. 19, 1051 Killed thru Mar. 10, 1050 Injured thru Mar. 19, 1931 Injured thru Mar. 10, 1950 4 181 203 198 2.414 2,314 Building Materials 5 Sheet ltock, Doors, Windows, Asbester hi&mz,; . Weather stripped window Units, Paints, Nails,- Asphalt Shingles, V-Crimp Galvanized Tin and ; Aluminum, Varnish, Locks, Screen Doors, Brick, Hinges, Blocks, Mortar Mix, Lime, Lumber and v Moulding. All kinds of building ? mateiiaL ; Creosoted Fence Post and Foundation Timbers. . PHONE 5340 OR WRITE u , : BUILDING SUPPLIES, HX. ' RT. 2, III-WAY 41 EAST" WALLACE, N. C, , The Home of Low Priced Building Materials , 2Z Cole Corn Planters AND Fertilizer Distributors ON HAND I. J. Sandiin Co. BEULAVILLE 1 h You Can Get II At , "... ..... . ,.ti. . t.,.,: , i.. . v- hirnpr s OIL CURERS U - - t '' ' " .' ... ; ,(., - , BARII , MATERIALS . 4 TOBACCO Tnnrir I IKUtlU HI I I TOBACCO V , TVIHE T. A. i Turner Company PIIIK HILL ' j r- -y r sassssssstJSssiasMW'.--. .. " n' miw imn. ..m...TMM - .-i.,..-..-- . 2C orantSiJi UVUUJlilil i3 IN KINSTON'S NEWEST SHOPPING CENTER ( 5 ON NORTH QUEEN .STREET , Friday;. &:aturdayi March 30th. and 31st. - Open 10:00 A. M." f ft AND FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. TO 9:00 P. M: .. U BE SURE TO REGISTER FOR ONE OF THE THREE MAJOR PRIZES You Do Not Have To Be Present To Win : i . Just Register And You WU1 Be Notified 1. ONE GROUP OF TABLES (2 end tables, 1 coffee table) y BOUDOIR CHAIR J s ; ' a , 3. PAIR PLAYTEX SUPERFOAM PILLOWS - $12.95 ea. ) . ' : Refreshments Will Be Served To Everyone I SGnp X Located on N.. Queen St: across from Emma Webb Park KINSTON 1 Don't Be Too Disappointed If You Didn't Get That Easter Outfit That You Had Counted On. Ilov Here's An Opportunity lo Buy rrom An Abundant Mock At U UU Ut Vti k M tai WA 'Vh' - vw h4 kJ m4 fc J u A tw d Ik V ' SW i I u M ' ' s 1 f 'j ...... ... . , v Oni n'-' V ' ' . ?X

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