i Iluyji. iium' tue suvial iivu( lemon pie and coffee were enjoyed. PERSONALS Tuesday' evening of last week Bin. L. F. Weeks' wu hostess to tier bridge chih; Arrangement! of. Mrr Boutherland, Lawrence jonquil and narclasu were dsed tnd Mary Beth'spent Sunday in In decor, tion. All member, were Greensboro with Mr. and Mrs. Jim present During progressions aalted Newiin, ""tlSJO and Mr.. X D. Kornegay iX tfh Sr ri- tfc'tad with Mr. and Stoke received taiga score prize. Jj w-.i in Nownnrt At the eoncliulon of garnet th.iM'.Arw HowM ta NewPort hostess served lemon pie and cof-' y w , ' - fee. "'"Mr- n Mr1, c- thercutt " ' ' "'" " "' ' Ian4bay spent the week end to BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Leo Jackson entertained at bridge Tuesday . evening :t hut . week. Spring flower, were used,' with tallies and napkin, tearing the Easter notlf. ; (During play aster candle, and nut. were ser ved. High i .core for members was won toy Mrs.- Andrew Scott. Mrs. Emory 5a41e(r received visitor'. Virginia, Mr. and Mr. Carl Powell (pent the weekend with Mt Wooley Kennedy at Parri. bland, S. C. vNtrj. C. G. Brown, Jr., and son of Norfolk, Va '.pent several day. with Mr. and (Mrs. J. B. Grady. . Mis Patty LofUn of Raleigh spent the week end with Mr. W. J. Pickett il.C'S'..;--.;.' - Mr. C. B Sitterson who 'was ho. J , IIOTICE OF.SALE !.J.'r.'r;. . . ;" ;.-' 'v-:"-':. ;.;:': . George Frank Landen, Executors! D. B. Johnson, deceased, will offer for sale at public auction for cash at the D. B. Johnson home place, Vi mile South of Beula Ville on the Chinquapin highway, at ten o'clock, A. M. on the 7th day of April. 1951, various articles of personal property, farm machinery, hogs, etCwJUU including the following: , . One Allis Chalmers Trqcfor '; , and Equipment OneJ949DcdgeCar One 1950 3-4 Ton Dcgs Truck One Brood Sow arid Two Pig Three Brcod Gills V . ' Twenty-five llecd of Geese Several Tkond Toh:ccb Sticks V and vermiform c;aipent.; THIS lttfc DAT OF MAECH. Wi .' J" "."Y George Frank Landen, Executor ; : of P, B. Jo!insont Deceased. GRADY MERCER, ATTORNEY. 4-6-SL GM r t.M l,r i ,,iy vi.ii tiieir parent llr. arid Lira, W. M. Ingram. , Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Wells, and children vent Sunday with Mr H. V.'Well. - - - - ' Mr. Willard Johnson spent sever al day. recently in James Walker Hospital for observation. Mr. Leo Jackson has been a pa rent at Memorial General Hospital in Kinaton. Mrs. Park Prldgen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady. . - Mis. Grace Baker . of ECTC spent the holidays with her pa rents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker.1 Mi. Cornelia Quinn of WCUNC,' spent the Easter holiday, with her mother Mrs. Myrtle Quinn. . ' Mr. Norman Cushman and Mis Jan Caldwell were week end guests of Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Gooding. , Mrs. J. J. Well spent Sunday with Mr, L W, Byrd. ,Mesdame Byrd and Well, visited in Bosetooro and Dunn. " -"'''.5 v . Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Wood and children visited In Gastonia during the week end..-''' 'i''v'-'i'.o Mis Lucy Wells of Scotland Neck spent the week end with Mr, and Mr. J. J. Wells. Mrs. Lola Smith is visiting her daughters, Mesdames Leo Jackson and Robert Holllngsworth. r '' VlsiUng Mr. Leo Jackson at' Me morial General Hospital Sunday were Messrs. C. X. Stephens, Wood row Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown, Mr. and Mrs, D. B. Smith and Mr Lol Sinlt!i.v-vV-v.: ' Mr. O. P. Johnson attended the Superintendent', meeting in Lum berton Tuecday, , V (Mr. and Mr,.. Johnson vis ited in Wilmington Sunday. , ; Kenansville Street ing . , ...... s'vUwAiitj Ue .i . ... i, Iwjfs.'. Wri!s kJ tlte group la playing a gaiue, aiter which . deliciou re-'i freshment. of Ice cream, cake, nut.. and candy were served. All the guests enjoyed a very delightful evening. , - Anr.::r.ce Birth Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ivey, Jr., an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mary Catherine, February 28, at Henderson Crumpler Clinic in Mt Olive. Mrs. Ivey is the former Ml is Elnoro Rouse of Kenansville. , State College Hints To Home Makers ! Look 'on the seamy side before buying new spring dresses or sulU The State Highway Commission has commenced work on the street from Grove Swamp on Highway 11 to the Kenansville business intery section. Plan, are to- widen, place sidewalks, curbs and gutter, just a Is being done from the Kenansville- Cafe on Highway 24 toward BeulaviUe. w-.v - .v'-'- In the process of face uplifting many crepe myrtle trees that were planted several year, ago have been dstroyed which if only they had been replanted several feet back would have enhanced the beauty of the work In progress r lt .Doears with technological ad vancement we succeed In destroy ing what i given us by nature. Mrs. Louise Mitchell " Gives fiano Recital About 30 guest, enjoyed an ev ening of music at the borne of Mr. Louise Mitchell Saturday, March 10. Barbara Mitch jU of Kenans ville and Maude and Bobby Well. of Clinton presented a lovely pro gram of piano "music Selections in cludedv composition, by' Bach, Haydn. Schubert, a group of mod ern pieces by the American com- 1 Congralulalions J. J. BARDEII . Stock Yard Sale Every Tues. 1:00 P. M. j i m &p . . CD, j ;, - ':''VV L" ' ' . ) m - hi- " - 7 Air1 ' :' I ' i ' ' Look for a (tralght, mootb, ev en warn, with stitches not too long to hold securely. Avoid any garm ent with puckered or wandering stitches or loose, unfastened thre ad dangling. Make rare seams are wide en ough for possible alteratlons.Wlde seam allowances from 1-2 to 9-4 inches on plain seams we less like ly to fray than -those which are cut t0O loo.. - si;' ri"y;.J-i Note how seam edges are fin ished. French team, in which all raw edge are turned under and stitched and are about V Inch wide when finished, are recommended for sheer -cottons or rayon which fray easily. - How seams hold de pend also on bow the garment fits. Comfortable-fitting clothes put less strain on seams. Those that are too . tight may pull any seam, however good the finuh. C r r.if How to Palio Simple peeii ; : TastQ Simply Delicious 7" 4;- V An r may to drnt up dmvU to pleoM your family or impmt . your fueia i$ to mid m gamUh of pun fruit pmmot Jor color ltd flavor max. TouH kve the fruit-fragrant, old fashioned lusciqusness of Ann Page Pur Preserves. They're made of juicy-ripe fruit simmered with granulated sugar. You never tasted finer! Ann Page Preserve are sold only at AP. See what delightful fruitines they give to this easy, taste-tamptlng recipe. FRUIT CREAM TREAT i Prepare -1 pkg. Ann Page Sparkle Vanilla Pudding aa package direct. Cool. Whip cup cream; stir into pud ding, reserving spoonful for top. Turn Into serving dish; garnish with lady fingers, Ann Page Rasp berry or Strawberry Preserve and cream. 6 serving. ... Otf US3 Noels' - 1 Francis Fowler Oakley, store keeper, third class, U S N, son of Mr. and Mr. John B. Oakley of 1221 Washington, Greenville, and huaband of Mrs. Margaret Hayes Oakley of Route 2, Beulaville, 1 serving aboard the destroyer es cort U89 Norri. which recently returned to the Atlantic, having (teamed 75,000 mile during the put eight months. . 'v-v '- - The Norri. was on round the world cruise last July when hos tilities broke out in Korea and ma de a 13,000 mile high speed dash to the combat zone: " : ' ' Oakley entered the Naval ser vice June 30, 1944. Army Security Agency .... Now Accepting Men .. ..; .. For the first time since April 1948 the Army Security Agency will accept men i r enlistment in v.. j 1 this area. Sgt Emery G. Murray, liicluw of the Wllmingtoa Army & Air . Army t. ores Recruiting Station said today ment o.. that five men will be accepted vllle V.n from the 31 counties In the Fayette-' terested r Subscribe New To The New v DUPUN TIMES Dr. H. V. Cohvell OFTOMaTTRIST -'l-t Eye Ex mined. Glasses Fitted. Next Door Te Cavenaugh cnevrolet Company . Permanent Office la . ' -WALLACE. N. C Have we jot you covered? II not, be to come in soon becavcti ' our policy is the best policy. "Maybe he doesn't lile J. j. BARDEII STOCKYARD ' &ON HIGHWAY 117, WARSAW . , HAS A COMPLETE . LINE OF FISHING TACKLE, RODS AND LEELS SRE. US FOR . J WASHING MACHINES DEEPFREEZE UNITS WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE ATHLETIC GOODS Watch and Clock Repairing Hines Auto Supply In The Theatre Building . BILL HINES, Owner 'f WARSAW -4 GAS - OIL - tQS FUEL OIL 1 Ve Extend Our Congratulations And Best Wishes For Success to ; J. J. BARDEII And The J. J. Darden Stock Yard ' Located On Highway 117. . , ' Sales Will Be Held Every Tuesday At 1:00 P. M. We also extend a welcome to all farmers to sell their hogs, cattle or .any kind of livestock in Warsaw and say Warsaw welcomes them to the town. 1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FANCY: GROCERIES AND MEATS AND WILL BE , . GLAD TO SERVE YOU. (C(Dimgirattualaitfoinis 'Stock YairdT Sale Every Tuesday 1 O'clock WHEN IN WARSAW SHOP AT A. BROOKS CLOTHES FOR ALL THE FAMILY L Brooks, Inc. Warsaw's Leading Department Store 3C ... ? COME TO WARSAW AND SELL AT J. J. BARDEN STOCK YARD Hogs Cattle - All Kinds Stock Sale Every Tuesday 1:00 P. M. Quinn-McGoven has just received New Furniture bought at the market. Come in today. " 1 QUIMcGOWEN FURNITUPiE CNMPAI H . ' rJFTJNERAL DIBECTOBS AMBULANCE SEBVICE 5. A.. t 3- I" P2- 8 i Q.tB v' WABSAW "I 7. T1

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