i. JJ.n A. Eoyette, . -aw celebrated tiful dinner. The a were present: ,,, J. Euyette end mmunity, Mr." and i i e of Seven Springs nd Mrs. Elvln A. Boyette atul family, .also Riiss I.aebel A. Boyette of th home. At this writing Mr. , and jMrs, Elvln- A. Boyette are on the sick list with the'fW: Misses Betty West nd Mae Brock of WCUNG were at home during the week end. 1 "- J SELL YOUR LIVESTOCK With 1- 3A J. J. BARDEII STOCKYARD HIGHWAY 117 SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1:00 P. M. ; . SeeUj For Your Grocery Needs 1 SAVE MONEY El. & P. Groceteria a a; a ;jva wa A w SATURDAY LAST DAY OF OUR SALE ON RUGS! HEAVY WEIGHT 9 X 18 LINOLEUM . , , . '.' FELT BASE RUGS " , ; f ,1,1 $12.95 Values fob only $9.95 V . t ,. $47.95 VALUE Hit WOOL FACE.BUGS FOE $29.95 ONLY, . . WOOL FACE THEOW BUGS Mly 84.88 . Tilt ASPHALT KUBBEB or LINOLEUM T & C ONGR ATU L ATI 6 tf'.S' TO MX. JIM BABDEN ON HIS NEWLY OPENED STOCK - .' '. .'; VI'., JL, v.,.- ' , 1 .; ;'V . j' MARKET! WK WISH HIM LOTS OF SUCCESS! ; R. E. QUIIII1 & CO. of Yarsaw C.QUINN ED BINES Jiible Class Meets ' ' The SalUtf- E. Johnstone Bible Class met Monday evening with Mrs. C.1 W.Surratt Mrs. R. West presented the devotional. There were 17 members preset. Mrs. H. H. Hipp conductd the Bible study. Mrs. B. C. Sunratt directed a words contest, of which Mrs. Belton Min shew was winner.. Mrs.. B.C. Sur- ratt presided over the business and Mrs. G. P. Prldgen was oo-hostess with her. Frozen fruit salad, open- faced sandwiches, cookies and cof fee were served. 1( , Hostess To .Club (Mrs. Robert Lewis received mem bers of her bridge club and visitors Tuesday evening tor bridge at her home on Plank Street. ' Club high, e box of party napkins went to Miss Mamie Bethea. Mrs. Y. L. Smith won -visitor's high, score pads and also won traveling prize, amaryllls bulbs. During the game the hostess Served' Old Lon don cheese cookies and Iced drinks. After tallies she served a chicken salad plate with coffee. Bridge Hostess " . Mesdames'Ed Bines and Charles Sheffield were visitors when Mrs, Robert Frederick entertained her club at a session of bridge at her home on Gum Street Friday even jig. Jonquils . and other . spring flowers were Used In decoration, v Mrs. Robert Bolick was high scorer and received pink hydran gea. Mrs. Mitchell Britt won sec snd high, a set of dish towels and cloths., . ; v '. 12 , Iced drinks and cheese curls were served during the game and later he hostess served hot fudge sun daes.; i Miss, Betty Phillips spent . the week end In Klnston with" relatives. , Graham Phillips, Jr. of Klnston spent the Easter holidays with bis parents A:A:-fA ft ' Hugh Carlton -of Wake Forest College spent the week end at his home In Warsaw: ;A a t - A , ' Misses Laura West. Evelyn Davis. Anne West, Sue Shine, Mary Lou Phillips and Mary Lee Jones, of ECTC spent ; the Easter holidays at their home In Warsaw. J Kenneth Farrior of Wallace, on leave from the Navy, bad dinner on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Farrlor. ' . Bill Kornegay of Gastonia spent Easter1 holidays with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kornegay. While at borne he and his sister Patsy, visited some places of Jtls torloal Interest In Wilmington;" Mrs. Stacy Britt' and daughters. Betty and Jo Anne visited Mr. mad Mrs. Stacy Britt of Wilmington on Saturday. '. , . -J A Sunday for Ft Banning, Ga. where they will take special army train ing., They expect to be gone untlT the middle of July. Their families L. J Miss Mary Ellis West is the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs J. Ellis West of . "Warsaw. Her engagement to Robert McDonald Brock, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Brock of War saw is announced by her parents. The1 I wedding V will take place in April. ''''' . " ' .' ' :t- ' i la Boyette, Mrs. Fannie B. Scott, Mrs. Matthew Hanchey and Miss Ella Brown all of Rose Hill, 1 MR. FARMER: Bring Your Livestock To J. J. BARD EN STOCKYARD IN WARSAW Sale Every Tuesday, 1:00 P.M. AND FOR THE BEST IN MOTION PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT IT'S THE DUPLIN THEATRE Warsaw Entertains Club 1 Thursday afternoon Mrs. James A. Hines was hostess to her bridge dub at her borne on; the Warsaw Kenansville highway.' An array of ipring flowers provided setting for he three progressions. Mrs. Joyce turton was high scorer and re elved a recipe book .of salads, iecond high, an Easter basket, went o Mrs. B, W. Riggs and Mrs. F. A. litchener won traveling prize, also aid Easter basket (Miniature Easter MskeU filled with peanuts were erved during progressions. At con tusion Mrs. Hines served a chick ;n salad plate with coffee. '. Saptist Circle Meets ; The Katie Murray Circle met vlonday evening With Mrs. Alton 3reenlaw with Mrs. George Hop ilns. co-hostess. Mrs. J. F. Strlck- : JOHN RICHARD PATE r John Richard Pate, 76, formerly of Mt Olive, died Thursday, Match 22 at 7 p.m. at the home of his son, Allen Pate of Jour Oaks, Rt 2, after a month of illness. Surviving are Mrs.1 Pate;, one son, Allen" ol Four Oaksl one daughter, Mrs. Ruby Barwlck, -Mr. Olive, Rt 2; two brothers, Dan of Rt.- 2 Alt. Olive and Sam of Summerlln X roads; one, sister, Mrs. Austin House of Mt Olive; 7 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Funeral, aer vices were held in the chapel of Tyndall Funeral Home, Mt. Olive Friday at 4:30 pjn., conducted by Rev. R. C. Joyner, pastor of Salem Advent Christian Church of which Mr. Pate was a member. Burial was in Maplewood Cemetery Mt. ouve. ' . vn y.; .x, '..y,:; JAMES H. . HOLUNGSWOETH , James' Henry,' (Jim) Hollings. worth, 09, of Falson, Rt 1, filed early Friday, March 28 at his home after tour years of- ill health. Sur viving are his wife, the former An nie Williams; two sons. R. C of Newport News, Va.', and H, B. ol Falson; one daughter, Mrs. J.- R. Flowers of Falson; six sisters, Mrs. Silas Tucker of Warsaw, Mrs. Flon nle Pollock and Mrs. Clarissa Jack- son of Wilmington, Airs. Hattle In- Keppa Epsib i Martha Ann Smith, daughter of Mt. and Mrs. M. A. Smith of War saw, has been elected , delegate to the National Convention of Kappa Epsilon Pharmacy sorority-of the University: of North Carolina. The convention Is April 6th In Des Moines, Iowa.. ( , ' ' , J V"'- ' ' : WE SALUTE v CONTINUED FROM FRONT series of pictures and notes on outstanding Duplinites whose pic-j ures were msde for the Times by the Woltz-Allsn Studios . a few months ago. We have a about SO pictures to run and hope by the time these have expired w can have Woltz-Allan back In Du- ilin to make more pictures for us. Leona ji.olhas, Winston-SalPm. L.'ptut llo V J PLENTY OF GOOD WATEH .. FROM A DRILLED ' WELL. , WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED i BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE,' , GIVING US DIRECTION ANI HOW FAR YOU LIVE FROM. Vt ' H . r"OSTOKiriCK. . HEATER WELL CODING. MALEIGH. N. C 10 grandchildren and three great crandchlldren. Funeral services nd presided over the 11 mem- ' were held at the home Stnday at : DUPLIN-PENDER "ROADS" A road project In Duplin and Pender counties Is included In the State Highway Commission's, let Ung for March 29. ' ;'. s The project to be financed under the $200,000,000 bond issue calls for paving of 18.8 miles from the end of pavement at Northeast Riv er via Sloan and Pin Hook to the Duplin-Pender county line; from NC 58 at Cowan Store via Sholars Mill to the Pender-Duplin county gram and Mrs. Fred Britt of Mt ' line toward, Pin Hook and from miu. nit Mm Rert Dison. Turkey: NC 8S. 1.4 miles east Of Cowans The Rev. and Mrs. Stephen A. Smith .celebrated their1 25th wed ding anniversary the 24th of March at their home in Beulaville, with many of their , in and out of town total of : trienas calling; ; f ; , ; f ' Mrs. Walter Rhodes greeted the guests, and presented them to the receiving line which included Rev. and Mrs,, Smith, Rev. and Mrs. Er nest presham of Chinquapin, Rev. and Mrs. M. L., Johnson. of Wilson and Mr, and Mrs. B, C.Smlth of Sanfoi'.-';,,;-..., rA color theme of green and white was used; The living room mante The dining table was attrifctlvely centered with a greed and white three-Uered wedding cake topped with miniature bride and groom, flanked by crystal candelabra; ; ' ,v Mrs. Roland ' Thomas 4 served green and white cakes, green and white mints and mixed nuts. Mrs: Georgia Thomas served green iced punch. y- Mrs. Warren .Thomai received In the gift room where many lovely gifts were? displayed. Mrs. Wilbur Everton presided over the register. - Goodbyes were said to Mrs. Wil liam!' D. , Thlgpen. Approximately was" decorated with green baby Ivy H00 guesU called during the cven- na wnite carnations with crys Ing. "5 r ' jers present and brought the de rational. Mrs. Bill Vann presented the program. Strawberry shortcake and coffee were served.';" ' PERSONALS ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baars spent Tuesday in Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kornegay of Goldsboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick. : . Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bundy and family of Raleigh spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jones. Mr. Ed Sheffield has returned from James Walker Hospital after examination and treatment and is Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frederick snd family spent Sunday with Mrs. Marvin O. Smith In New Bern. : ,; . ,. - ,- ;. . ,-,.k , Mrs. E. B. Hlnman of Winston Salem spent Che week end with her daughter Mrs. J. D. Davis. Misses Anne Edwards and Jo Anne Hendrlx of Greensboro and Bill Pate vf Erwln were week end guests of Paul Berry Jr. ' Mr. and Mrs. BUI Leinbach and son were New Bern, visitors this I week end.. 1 ;' Mrs. A. B. Balnes is ill at her home. She has been confined since Wednesday .of last week, y ;. Miss Neil Matthls of Chapel Hill spent the week end at home. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Straughan and family spent Easter with rela tives in WalUce.'''rv.I:;-V;v" J. F .Strickland and Henry Mer rltt, officers of Company M, the local National Guard Unit left on will Join them later. ' 8 pjn. conducted Vy Rev. Dennis Kinlaw, pastor of the, Falson Meth odist Church. Burial was In the Falson cemetery. - HAROLD D. RACKLEY ' Harold Dexter Rackley, 80, died suddenly of a heart attack In Mag nolia late Wednesday. March 21st after being In declining health for ' several years. , Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Magnolia Baptist church by Rev. Royal, pastor. Bur ial was in Magnolia Cemetery. ; He is survived by his wife, the former Louise S pence of Klnston, and two daughters, Shelby Ann and Bonnie Jean Rackley all of the home; his mother Mrs. Bessie Rackley of Magnolia; One brother, Charles H. Rackley of the U. S. Air Force stationed ; In , England; two sisters, Mrs. C. E. Bowman of Store via Maple Hill to the Pender- Onslow county line, including roe Webb School Road. - r ' Low bids received at the letting win be revised by the Commission at its next regular meeting on Aprl 3. 1 ' f i !x' 'ri'v xt;n . ..e Warsaw: Fish Msrliel ? If CREATORS AND MAINTAINERS OF LOWE3 : PRICES ON QUALITY SEA' FOODS, but. '- 1 (Next Door tbA8cP; Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman mm VAM4VMMAS1 DRESSING. 'Phone 328 r WE ''WARSAW, N. C, - " DELIVER '- , ENTIRE STOCK AND EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. - :y:. '-.? ' G. R. DAIL, KENANS VHXE. and.' ' -v. .'. -,- .' FOR SALEi One 1959 Mode Phil co Refrigerator, 1 eubio feet. Repossessed. $150 cash. See M. F. ALLEN at WaceamehM. Bank In ; KenansvUle. : W.kK, ?.''yh':S::, -9-2t pd. ; '.."- A ' " ' 'tl: i The Readers Digest 8 mouths lor f JL.vu. ana itin. vj pink Hill, N. C Telephone 217-2. ' FOR SALE: ';;.v Dee and shallow Well Pumps. Jet and piston types. One sllghtl used deep well Jet pump at a bar fain. Plenty fittings. Also One new Dining Room Suite, . a little shop worn, cheap. y k -.-y , ... '.tvy-ii, J. R. MERCER hnP:-r&ri BeutavOle, N. C. 3-30-2t C.: ,"'V;: ' ' CAR SHEETROCK ROLLING. Have In Stock: Cement, Mortar Cement, Masons Lime, Finish Lime, Wire Fenoinjv Roll Galv. and Tin Rooflnc. Shingles, Grate Barn and Flue Eyes, Doors and Windows. V -VVv J, C RU8arsaw. ; The General County Court State of North Carolina, f County '.of Duplin, t . JOHN W. ANDERSON . t i -fl;': '-'"'VS." "i'''' CONSTANCE T. ANDERSON 'The above named defendant will take notice that an action entitled 'as above .has been commenced in the Oeneral Court of Duplin Coun ty by the plaintiff, to secure an absolute divorce from the defend ant on the grounds of two or more years continuous separation, next cause of action; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the-Clerk of the General County Court in KenansvUle, North Caro lina within thirty, days after th 27th day of April, 1M1 and answer or demur to the complaint that has been filed In said action, which is now Id the office, of the Clerk. or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the said complaint, '..H -tXJ $ This the 27th day of March 1051. ' ;.:pl' , R. V. Wells, CJerk .of j , ' .General County Court L. A; Wilson, Attorney. , , 4-2 !Mt LAW DEATHS OOOPOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOt J v vV-.''::: ;,'OR HEALTHY .PLANTS ;'-;;;: lA Use -- Prevent Tobacco Blue Mold y-. Du Ponl ''Fernatc ');;':;'v,iaii Off Blue Mold Before' It Starts -(VvU In a few damp, cold days blue mold can ruin your plant bedi.; The sure way to protect against this invasion is to Start early v 'h "Fermate" fungicide and protect your plants, by using ft r-jularly. X dm as a Kprar or inwt ; .,, er way, Termate" gives Wecti've protecUon agalnsi' Hue Fer- 1. Start when plants are the size of a dime, nad use arly twice a week and after every rain until plants y to transplant so blue mold wen't bave a chance io reriii "5s- witfi l:",- i 1 1 fume-freo ' sasr- flowing, synthetic rubber emulsion woH finish JOHN W. WESTBROOK : . Mr. John W. Westbrook of New ton Grove, the father of Mrs. Al bert Smith of Albertson, died Sud denly at bis home there Wednesday of last week. Funeral services were held Friday t3 pxa. from Pleasant View church and burial was In Hiltarest Cemetery with full Free Masonic, rites. ',j .:'""'jT"' '; R :r; K', ;.; v.' 'SEAVY L. BROWN ' , Seavy Lloyd Brown, age 83, of Rose Hill died early Monday in James - Walker Memorial Hospital In Wilmington after an Illness of Several weeks and two years of de clining1 health. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 3 p.m. at the home by Rev. J. V. Case, psstor of Rose- Hill Baptist Church. Eurlal was in the Rose 11111 Cemetery. " He 1 survived by his wife, the f f"fr Agnes Ko'we f I ' r !- r n T ''" ' G Sprcd AuBC fTZ. $1.5 1 (...'. - 1 $5W - '.. mi -n . --- " - - - - i i 1 (.JPETOJ. lafggft , - . ' ' (, - 1 , .v. . '-n1 ' . i , Jr J7- II - ' - , . " v- ' " - , I " In ' " ' ' ' ' 1 - ' '' 1 " ;' " '" '"'"':' 1 '' ; k--" ' j A u ' Yl i. T7 -1 .-s .:"--Jt-s'ip-'.'.- 7.w's-:''-1. ". -- ,!.'.,.-; ( J ,-V.' ' I jo I Jo J .wW UU Iwwv-- eL. I ,.Ww , HIT f " 4 .. - v m US ' mrt rs i" . v v It Why wo till sprinaf-trriD SKVH dries In 20minutes; pc'u.f a room m on ovenhtg or, J mm Hthesomenls"s?IMoe.r" i haioro'l 14 beau:::, I r- "; i mixed colon. Poss'.ive w;. ' ' Li tn;ty guaranteed. 4 -;-.;-;;;' '.' . r , . .7V, . I."? i '. : vC.J 1 t , I t.ij U I ! v L ...4 I V. J ,L vj :,iir.: ? -tl -i cjb:::::::.::;,:. i ' V 1 - j S v -J i. "J 1 1

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