Foaied'; 1S27 -a Eastern Baptist , Assoclai-' Court will convene ferre r a two week vhei i first week will be a tonus km was founded la 1827. The first etaiJtional meeting, which to regarded aa the firs annual inlet-, tar of tit Association, was held at Betlah EapUst Church near . the of mi court while the aeeouJ.f It ran Into the second week tU tad with oMl cases only. Jndre Hemty L. Stevens of War saw will preside, , , PMJIa-Saanpeosi Coanty liar a few aaUea tem Turkey, v StXouualJ- VCL.No.18, KENANSVILLE, NOKTII CAROLINA FRIDAY, APRIL 6th., 1951 No. 11 Veed-PieldBii Tims In NbiihCBroliiia'' Tobacco Beds T"r n-rs rn mW:: ; xr Lead ScI:::I C:: ro H:d t r The quarterly meetlna or the : Board of Education was held here Monday, April 2nd. O. P Johnson . was reelected Superintendent for another two year term. Dallas Hearing of Rose Bill was elected Chairman for a two year term.Two committeemen were elected from 'each school district to serve their respective schools for tnree yea committeemen are: Warsaw,' A. W. . Draughm '; and f Sanford Packer;Fa:on, J. W. Warren and . Carlton Percythe; . Calypso, Alex Sandersdn and Jim Grady; B. F. Grady, Alvin Kornegay and Grovtr v Rhodes; BeulavlUe, Mrs.' Ashe Mil lr and b.v Thnm, rKinnii.n!,. Jack Albertion and Homer James; . ?a'' Lois Unier,' Lyman; Lu Wallace Roy x Carter-: and E. ytx.t- and Mrs, , .-, I" Jmes, Deep .Bottom.. v - Falrres; Rom ,Hiil, ; B.B,,, Longest ,tKndav ,re o,.ti-i'. whh . ti. m, x-rice; magnolia, J. W,: ,. Evaos and L, M. Sanderson. BRIDGE LAY CORNERSTONE TO tlEV BUILDING nZf? C' - Y 'Pel Hill M9; Major Sutton, Minister Outlaw'a Bridge Church speaking for the church, Mrs. W.C Sunday April 1st was something Grady of Kinston, President of the of a general reunion for the mem- n. C. Association of Universalist here of Outlaw's Bridge Church and! Women and Dr. Ulrich for the Uni- community and their many friends, rn Kev. GusUv H. IHrlch of CXmcord, N. H., a former pastor, was here for a series of post-Ea- r ter services. A congregation of at least 230 greeted him in the morn ing worship where he preached on "jrrayer" , At noon a fine picnic dinner was spread in front of the church, After noon the cornerstone of the new church was laid In an, impres sive service. Speaking a few words were John E. Williams of Fayette vllle. Dr. Raymond Adams of the tT"tverltv of North Carolina at i There; wilj be, a soil-Fumigation . t. DenonsraUoa.on Mr Fredr Out., v aaws zarm Monday afternoon, April - 9, at 2:00 p.m. B g Root (NeroatodK is becoming a terioue problem In U between BeulavlUe and B, f . the production of tobacco. Mr. Out Grady school near Cabin Wednea law has decided to treat two (2.0' day afternoon at 2:80. ' acres. County Agent Lacy yweeks. aaya anyone Interested In seeing th Fumigant applied to the soil should meet at Mr. Outlaw's farm at 2:00 9 m. next Monday If it should rain 'Monday after noon it will be necessary to post- pone this demonstration. Ldocfion Call For i5 Men Is Issued : The Duplin " Selective Service Board has received an Induction Call for 25 men to report to the Fort Bragg Induction center on , April Sbo. There will be no Induc tion call for May. according to Se cretary; of the Selective Service Board,' Bernic A, Farrior.- :':v.- '1 i i- i , ii .y,- Besses Stale Bar Norwood Boney, Jr. of Greensbo ro, son of Mr. and Mrs. N B Boney i of Kenansville, was notified this week that he had sucessfully stood the State Bar examination and la now qualified to practice law In Month Carolina. He la with the le- ' gal department of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, WEALUTE , :s week the Times Salutes one plin'a best known "educ tors Kiinlsters. " v ' v. N. E. Gresham of Chlnqua princlpal of the Chinquapin . Iiool, is not the oldest man '!n County but is said to be ' r.iplinite living I . t of - t -r to ever have c .!- : 1 t ' I Librarian Gives - The bookmobile schedule for the second week of April will be Mttn day, the Warsaw Library. Tuesday stops are Mrs. Henley Carr, East Magnolia Club; ' Southerland's Store, Tin City Club;' Mrs. Di R. Sykes, Chinquapin Rd.,; Mrs. Wo odrow Teachey, Tin City; Mrs. Re gier Rockrish i Club;; and ?,,Mrs. Iceland Teachey, Charity Corners, Toe schedule for Thursday -In- eludes Mrs. . Ida Bostic, Chlnqua- School; Mrs.; L. ,C. Prater, OuUaw Br.dse; Mrs, JerreHerring and oiMviiiALiiri versa list Church of America. Mr. Prater spoke a few words of commendation to the people who are building this church and then assisted toy Prentiss Smith and his brother, R. K - Sm. th, , laid the stone. Dr.tJlrich'then lead in prayer and Kev. Hannah J. Powell, who read the acrtoture lesson earlier In the service, pronounced the bene diction. : ',-.W..'4 ; v i The group then assembled m th school auditorium to hear a talk by Dr. Ulrich on our work with young people in West Germany. . .,. '' A fumigation, demonstration for- the purpose of 'destroying tod? , knot wIUhm bald on the farm of Pave Mercer located dn"hlhws Roy Bennett, Extension' Tobacco Specialist from State College will be here- with special equlpmnt to row treat an acre of soil on which to bacco will be planted. An acre will be left untreated t dobserve the effects during the growing season.; - Everyone In seeing this demon- HOLT-SIMMONS TOOPEII HERE Holt-Simmons, " Inc., . furniture, hardware and Appliance store' will open in Kenansville the first of May In the building formerly occu- pled by the (Duplin Mercantile Co.; Inc. The building Is being leased from C. E. Quinn of Kenansville. . ... v--.' i', '' . . if.'- The new business establishment will be operated by M B. Holt and Norman Simmons. Mr.' Holt, ' .ope rates the M. B. Hoit Company in Albertson.' Mr.-Simmons was for merly with . bis brother Leon 3. Simmons In the hardware business in Mt, Olive. . The store Is now In the process jt being remodeled ' and painted vlth the opening planned for the first of May . Eye Clinics be Held llefe and Warsaw S Eye clinics will be held on the (following dates: - ..'- Warsa w white high school on Monday April 9 at 8:30; Warsaw col ored school on Monday April 9,at 10:30 a.m.; Kenansville Health De- I j partment on Tuesday, 'April 19 at - complete the cemetery project, I :s 8:30 a.m.: Kenansville colored scho I A favorable report was made on j ol on Tuesday, April 10, at, 10:30 efforts to get a bill through the i ! a.m These clinics are Hot school legislature . extending the city Ji ' children only. All children are cer- mits. , J " -i tified by the Duplin' Count Wei fare Department These Clinics are sponsord by the Lion's, Clubs In these respective communities. JACOB MYERS IN JAP WATERS ' Jacob Myers, ; seaman, USN, of Rt.l Magnolia is serving aboard , the light aircraft Carrier USS Ba- taan which has been operating In the Yellow and Japan Sea since December 1950. ;. . : During World War 11, the Bata an saw action tn the Marianas, Car olines, New Guinea and the JJa 'U of the rhilllplne ! a. Or;!na"y c ' mV! M 7 ' r fit, r . Recognize this? The Tobacco is pushing its way out of the earth in the plant beds of Duplin, now only tiny weeds which must be guarded against a multitude of hazards before it becomes a head high money crop in the summer. Right now b weed picking time, for any other weed in the plant bed besides tobacco. That is back-bending work done here by Sam Kennedy, with the assistance of Ad die Heath and his wif e. The plants here will be set out in two counties, Duplin and Lenoir, near Pink Hill. The Kennedy farm is near Pink Hill, and on it this year will be planted eight acres of the State's main money, crop. Disease is another enemy of tobacco. Guard now against Blue Mold. - I .. v : , ,. r Post, tlecls levOfficers . Legionaire J. Edward Strickland wast elected Commander of the Cbae. R. Gavin Post of the Amefi oan Legion In Warsaw for the In coming year at a regular meeting of the Post on Friday evening in the Legion Hut. Other officers elec ted were Al Banadya, vice-commander; Paul Hunter, 2nd vlce-coman-der: Billv Bartlett adiiiUnt- Hen. rv RiventMrb M.tiwtH r..irr- and Tracy Brown re-lcted chapUin! These oficera will h tmtoiioH nn Friday night, April 27th. at the an- nual lades dinner when will be held at eight o'clock in the- Le- gion Home. . Commander Ralph J. Jones pre - sided over the meting. , j . - - Warsaw Lions Hear i The Warsaw Lions Club met Mon day night at Fussell's Cafe in re gular weekly meeting. - President iMtri Wmuucer presided. A small i group i was in attendance due to ' the Baptist Revival going on there,,; I 'President Whitaker read several letters from people In and away i from Warsaw expressing appreciat-1 ion to the club and enclosing cash donations for the 'work belne done5 towards improving tne town ceme tery He' announced that at. ' next week's meeting the Town Board Will be present to accept the new cemetery plots from tbe club. ' Lions Bill Hlnes, Walker McNeil and f .Woodrow Blackburn Were named as a committee to work out a program to raise funds to help Ginning Report I r The latest census report shows that ' 1,042 bales of cotton : were ginned in Duplin County from the crop of 1950 prior to March as com pared with 1,624 bales for the crop of 1949. COIPLETES t ,'THAINING , Pvt. Jiimes L. Page of Kenans- v ' o en'ered the Army on 3 ' first pictures of the 1951 tobacco crop in Duplin. I war saa msk Act To Extend -City Limits Innauguiuted last year by the officially adopted it, " requesting the Jayceei and given added 1m- the necessary law be enacted. Lion petus this year by the thriving President Earl Whitaker, Mayor G. Lions Club and backed fey the Ro S Best, Lions Robert Lewis and tary Club and Business and ff 't Chief of Police Coombs left War fesslonal Womens Club the town saw right after the meeting and of Warsaw has asked Duplin repre- carried the resolution to Raleeigh sentatives to pass a bill through where the bill was Introduced on the legislature permitting the town Tuesday. The act gives the town to ex i i "city limits and to in- ' Board the right to extend the city elude twa iyn cemetery. I f.i ( The Junior Chamber of merce mao urvey last W , proposed expansion and the Lions club under the leadership of Earl I wn;taer,carriea tne matter Before ! tbe own BoMd Monday s night Meeting with them were reepresen ' tativ trom & Botar'r Clut B&pvr Club and the Jaycees. at bte meet- I town amorneey waixer Elevens drew up a resolution and the town PINK HILL PAVING MORE STREETS A paving program is underway streets,of which only the main st here which will' hard-surface all Ireet i was paved previously but one or two dead-end streets ' Mayor Coombs said the project within the town, according to I was expected to add materially to Mayor Chris Coombs. I the welfare of tbe town. Rain pre- ,The program, started last Frl- vlouslw muddied the streets con day ,has been dalayed by Inclem- ideratoly,- creating a general nui- ent weather but is expected -to be finished in a few days. The Clawson Lawrence Const- auction Company of Augusta, Ga. doing the paving for tha town at a cost of about $12,000, which wui be iii.o from tne ton budget. ' Pink Hill has about two miles of NOTE: This U (he lith oi a series- of weekly summaries of the work oi tne iviortn uaroiina General as- sembly of 1951. It is confined to discussions of matters of general interest and major importance. ; Committee versions of the Reve nue and Appropriations Bills are before the houses. Since last Sat--) urday another flood of local bills nas veen inpoaucea, committees have discharged large numbers of public as well . as local measures, and both houses are facing swollen calendars. While there is a growing effort to close this session by next week end, cautious, observers, still see little chance for sine die ad- P: :ht Rcvi "1 Rrv" "i will be conjjet sville E.rti'tt t net v , . WEEKLY; LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY j Legislative - limits one 'half mile in every di-Com- rection from the present line and to take over ana maintain the-town cemetery. When this is done War- saw will again Jump into Its old place of leadership in town populat ions in Duplin. At present Wallace Is . slightly ahead of Warsaw as shown by the lf.50 census. It is es timated that the new population W.u'M 1000 more than the present r-N ves it. sanca. - ,ii;-yy.:t - , Pink Hill has now Joined the ranks ' of Kinston and LaGrange, the only other incorporated "places In the county, In having 'the major part of Its streets paved. LaGrange completed a Similar project sever al months ago.;; .v.': journment berjre Abril 14, Revenue and Appropriations The General Assembly settled Its money problems, this week. The Revenue. Bill passed the' House and can receive final Senate Action as early as next Tuesday. One un successful attempt ' was made to amend the bill in the House and there is little reason to anticipate that It will be changed in the Sen ate.- Current estimates of the reve nue it will produce plus the expect ed surplus for this biennium Just about balance the appropriations recoramenued in the bill which emerged from the subcommittee CONTINUED ON THEATRE PAGE CORRECTION ' .. . In last week's listing of Masons receiving twenty five year certifi cates the name of Dr. G. V. Good ing was Inadvertantly ommitted.We are glad to make the correction. A. C linn, gm of JTr. '. r n(f it. 2. v and iimt ft First Aid Course be Here A Red Cross First Aid course wil be given in Kenansvill Mon day and Fnday nights, April 9, 13, iu and 20tn, at the Court House from 7:00 to 10:00 P. M to all per sons tmeiesteo. in learning i.rst aid. The course will be taught by Rev. A. L. Brown of Beulaville, certi fied Red Cross instructor. An ex tra class will be held April 23rd t for those who miss a previous les son. Included in tne 'course will be a supplement on tne atomic bomb. Those completing the course will receive ceruncates. All p.sons should avail them selves uf the opportunity to learn first aid but those who have had tn standard or advance course are urged to take it as a refresher. Evangelistic Week fo Begin at Historic Baptist. Church In 1827, one hundred and twenty-four years ago. Eastern Baptist Asociation was organized. The first organizational and annual me eting ot the Asociation was held at Bemah BapLst Church near Tur key. Next week-April 9th-13th will be "Denominational-Evangelifctic We ck" al Beulan church. Rev. J. C. Conoly is pastor of the church and he will be assisted during tne weeK by the following ministers: Monday,9th - Rev. J. V. Case, "Mission and Evangelism". Tuesday, 10th - Rev. A. W. Greemaw, "The Doctrines of Our Faith". Wednesday, 1 1 th - Rev. C. H. True blood, " Our Denominational Enter prises'; Thursday, 12th -. Dr Roy R. Mc Culloch, "Stewardship and Church .juport". ' :'. .-''.- ., Friday 13th - Rev. A. L. Benton, Salvation What, How, When?" Services will start each evening at 7:30 o'clock. Friends near-by and from afar are invited to attend, and the public at large will receive a cordial welcome. Beulah hurch is located about four miles south of Turkey..-' r1'..'-- laMeetMoiday ; The B. F, Grady School Parent Teacher Asociation will bold its re gular meeting Monday night April 9th at 7:30. - v r Vv. r""on's ! irsl cl.1" 7 Strange Unimal There 1st an animal, or rather the corect name Is unimal on the desk of County Af ent L.F. Weeks that will he of interest to the farmers of Duplin. As a matter of fact it is a most un usual looking productive animal The ulnmal la a dairy milk cow, a rooster and a hen, a pis and a sheep. The head Is that of a cow, the shoulders are the fleece of a sheep, the rear end is a pig and rear feet are the feet of a chicken. It also has wings as well as a rooster's cone atop of the head.But of most importance is that this since unimal produces milk.ham hot docs, butter and eggs. We are sory that you can't order a unimal today but the one stgcu Weeks has is made of plastic, but he states he is at work on tiie real thing. ev. bain Succumbs The Rev. Franklin M. Bain, 60, Presbyterian minister of Rose Hill . died of a heart attack at the manse in Rose Hill Tuesday afternoon He . was stricken Sunday morning just after he completed conducting the morning worship. Funeral rites were conducted from j the Mt Zion Presbyterian Manse in Rose Hill Thursday at 11 a.m. I with burial in the Raeford cemetery at 3:30 p. m. A graduate of Davidson College in 1916, he was also a graduate of, Union Theological Seminary of Richmond, Vs., and he had held pastoral, at Accomac, Va., Lilling teclKUttrad Rose Hill. Ha ser- ved the Mount Zion, Oak Plain and , Teachey Presbyterian churches in the Rose Hill group. He was a nat ive of Wade. Surviving are his wife, the for mer Lola Leach of Raeford; three daughters, Mrs. E. S. Johnson, Gre ensboro, Mrs. R. E. Shadwell, Jr., St. Louis, Mo , and Gladys Bain of Greensboro; a son, Franklin M. Bain, Jr., Pope Air Force Base, Ft. bragg; five grandchildren; a bro .her, L. P. Bain, Fayetteville; three sisters, Mrs. B. W. Williams, Aut ryville, Mrs T. S. Melvin, Aber deen, Mrs. Claude Dudley, Fayette villt. PEN-LIN Theatre Open Hear Wallace The new Pen-Lin Drive-In, lo cated one miie south-west of Wal lace, derives its name from Pender and Duplin Counties which it was uunt to serve. The Pen-Lin is the newest and most modern drive-in in Eastern North Carolina and is equipped with the finest in sound and projec tion equipment available. The Drive-in is owned and oue rated by E. C. Sanderson. The equ .pment is operated by his brother H. J. Sanderson. The drive-in will acomodate 200 automobiles and has a large conces sion stand as well as modern rest rooms. The screen ie 42 x 38 feet and covered with glatex and all sound equipment Is RCA. The Pen-Lin Drive-in is here to bring to the people ef Duplin and lender Counues the best in movie antertainmnt in th comiort of iinr automobiles. WALLACE STOP LIGHT SAYS STOP ' A traffic light recently Installed on highway 117, a block from the light at the intersection of the high way and the main street, has been surprising many motorists, leading to the inevitable question "How long has this been there?" Usually leaving the driver with a twinge u conscience wondering how many times he has driven through a red light not knowing It was there. Road Competed The State Highway Commission completed 23 miles of road work In the Third Highway Division," t and one-half miles of which cen tered In Duplin County. '' y, During the month hard-surfacing wai finished on the road from r !-s Core via Concord to te l C ' 9 f ' - An Important one-day " District : Turkey School will be beld at the Walace High School next Tuesday April 10th beginning at 10 a.m. The program includes specialists form N. C. State College, Genetif . Poultry Department, speaking on ' Selecting Breeders; Dr. J. W. Kelly -Nutritionist Poultry Dept., discus sing B-12 and Antl-Blotics; Dr. B. F. Cox, Veterinarian Poultry. Dept. speaking on Blackhead Control,and i. W.llerrick, Jr., Extension Tur key Specialist, discussing Range vs Confinement Management The meeting was arranged with, the coperation of L. F. Weeks, Co unty Agent and T. M. Fields, Agri culture teacher in the Wallace scho- ol All persons interested in turkey production are encouraged to at-, .end. Warsaw Election , Be Held May 8th The bi-annual election for the Town of Warsaw will be held onf Tuesday May 8th, according to Mayor G. S. Best Registration bo books are nbw open and will rem ain open through April ZSth Fil ing dates for candidates will 'close on April 21st. Arts & Crafts Here April 27 and 29th April 27th through 29th are big days for the schools of Duplin Co unty and for every school parent and patron as well. On these days there will be held in Kenan Me morial Auditorium in Kenansville an ArU ,nd Craft Every item the work of boys and girls In Duplin County schools. k. : rn sviHou ntohi Anrll 97Mi at -- 8:00 p'clockiTaround five' hundred schoot wiU present the program "Music In Vur Schools" ih Kenan Auditorium. ' Read the Times for more infor mation about the music program and make plans to attend Mrs. Hinnant's Dancing Class Give Recital Next Week Mrs. Belle Hinnant will present her dancing classes from Warsaw, ., and Faison in a recital on Thursday . . April 12th at 8:00 o'clock in the . Warsaw High School Auditorium She is also bringing a seletion of . talented people .from Mount Olive, Zebulon, Farmville and Wilson.Ad- mission will be 25-and 35 cents. The recital is sponsored by the War 'saw P. T. A. 'District Nurses Meet Here Next Tuesday The Fourteenth District Nurses meeting will be held at the Agri cultural building Tuesday April 10 at 8 P.M. Dr. J. S. Blair of Wallace will be guest speaker. Approximately 50 nurses are ex pected to attend the monthly meet-, ing of th district comprised oC Cumberland, Harnett Sampson Duplin Counties. r . Gaston F. Grady of B. F. Grady School is the Duplin County win ner in the speech contest "Green. Pastures, Their Use and. Manage-., ment", sponsored .. by the North ' Carolina Bankers Association; with the Agricultural Agencies. He won out.over contestants from four oth er schols In t 9 contest held in Kenansville. T contest next mo : ves Into the a? contest composed Of representa; ties to be helJ received a ce f 5 in cash f r ' oi cont" first i from ten coun- i sonvllle Vs A i" ' ' ' 'V , i ' 1 V if ;

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