; II Qotprls Hero 5 o i iiei: . x l.A thai ,'v Hfifll T rMtA Roberta of Atlanta, PresidTnttoV DaiiDavl. making plan, for the Home Nutag .; V ierMting annual rep- Course which will be composed of 'd. Interesting . k- .m rf ) krhoala. were given by Uu , various com- ' - -"21 to 23th. ' 1 i . lee chairmen, v . " . Uiiams president of Rose HiU -, .inh. also vice chairman , r the Uth. district of N. C. Fed eration of Womans Club, installed Wis. E X.tfewton,"new president I r the coming year. Mrs. vavu v s presented a dish garden In be half of the club.for hex" services. Mrs, Mary Lou Hemtri of Ft Tragg presented certificates to the jiiembers who recently '-took; Ins truction for Red Cross Staff-aids. Receiving certificates were: Mes dames Sara Newton, Z. A. Newton; V. H. Reynolds, Dan Davis, Myrtle K. Qulnn. W. E. Lewis, Altoa Payne and N. B. Boney Sr. ThU being Mrs. Hendrix 3rd. visit to Duplin County, "Mrs. Boney presented her with a gift of appreciation. The observance of the 27th anniversary of the club was held. During the social hour surprise stork shower was given Mrs. V. H. Reynolds. Refreshment of punch and cake were served. v'VvKr,:'! ' ' O.E.S. Meets Chapter MS OES held its regular meeting Tuesday nigm louowra j Installation of new officers, rniiawina routine business the chanter reopened for Installation service. Past Patron O. V. Gooding Milmi the meeting to. order and presided over the ceremony with h. following ladle as Installing - rtf Miss Bessie Kornegay, Marshal; Mrs. Sally TyndaU. Chap lain; Mrs. Mattie Sadler, Secretary; Mr. Thelma Stroud, Warder; Mrs. Belle Smith, Conductress; Mrs. Kate Qulnn, Treasurer. Officers Installed were: Mrs. Mary J. Dotson, Worthy Matron; P. W. MoGowen, Worthy Patron; Margaret Westfcrook, Associate Ma tron; A. C. Holland Associate Pa tron; Edna E. Brlnson, Conductress; Kathleen Snyder, Associate Con dutress; Ruby G. Newton, Secre tary; Lucille Bowden, Treasurer; iteiri Knaneuv. Organist: Mrs. Louise Wells, ' Chaplain, Mrs. Louise Boney, Marshal; Adah, Mary Fulford; Ruth, Mary Alice Black more; Esther, Celia Stroud; Martha, Matoaka Westtrook; Electa, Nannie Sue Westbrook; Warder, Thelma Murphy; Sentinel, Emma Lockamy; Flag Bearers,; Sally TyndaU and ' Alice Rogers. i i Music was rendered by Mes ,darae Thelma Stroud and Thelma armon. y1' i-vy-V' Ccntcrat Klub Mrs. J. O. Stokes was hostess to the Kenansvllle Kontract Klub on Wednesday night of last week. Jon quils were used in decoration. Mrs. C. B. Sitterson was visitor. Mrs. Vance Gavin received high score prize. Mrs. Sitterson was remem bered with a gift. During the social hour the hostess assisted by Di 'anne served J assorted sandwiches ' and drinks. ;vi,?v'J "$.;T&. Vice-iPresldent, Mrs. G v- Good-Lntf- Secretary. Mrs. Ralph Brown; Treasurer, Mrs.' 'BiUie Lewjs;, His torian, Mrs, A. T. thjNf..f;f . Coinmittee Chairman; Spiritual Growth, Mrs."rJ. B. Boneyj? World Missions. Mrs. L. outherland; Church Extension, Mrs.' John 'A. tag; iLnnuitlesf Relief,' Mrs.' YeK non Heynold Stewardship, Mrs. Billfe Lewis; Assemblies Special Causes, Mrs. A. T. Outlaw. V : wvi Th toymen of Grove cJurc'n Veld an executive 'meeting: at he rhuFrhv Mondav ..afternoon."-Mrs. Walter Stroud presided. Plans were c: Mr and liars." Amos Brlnson and Dock spent the week end at- Gull ford ColleEe. ' '"'i?, 'i . '.'S'k ; ' t ''''. Mri. Lawrence i iSoutherland scent the week end with. Mr. and mm Jim Newllh In Greensboro.- Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Casebolt of Mr. ana jmts. . jKmey-apeui tka hipth srt a i the weeK ena who r. ana r. Th. jt. M.h 27 N. B. 'Boney Jr. In Greensboro. . . . . uMi r.n. a ah iM rm i Meaaimn ju. r aueu iuu m Casebolt Is the former Miss Susie O. Stokes shopped In Wilmington Burdette Lee of KenansvUle. Thursday. Sunday guests of Mr. and: Mrs. M. F. Allen Jr. were Mrs. M. F AUen Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. James t Allen of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Bland spent the week end in Quantico.Va. Mesdames . Clarence Murphy, Walter Stroud, E. A. Newton ana N, B. Boney attended the Installa tion Service of . the Eastern Star n Beulavllle Thursday night.' - Mr. and Mrs. J. !M. ,Bma.m Goldsboro, visited' Mrs. Nora Shaf fer SundayY :-,-,' -v:'- tr-'" Messrs, John Curfle and N, a. Boney attended the barbecue dlnr nr at Griffins in Goldsboro on rfiowday night,"glven fo the David son Alumni, i ' j:,:",.,-- :' jlktteMlni tbl fcle 4anc- at the fUarh Saturday nisht were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brlnson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter,. Stroud,. Mr., and JAni Andrer! 'Pattersod," and 'Mr. and Mrs ira. Grady and children. b 'esdanis Nor Shaffef; Marga ret Tucker, Harvey mane ana sou. Miss LH Shaffer, Mr.- and Mrs. Ivy Bowden and, Nicky visited tne Azalea Gardens in Wilmington on Sunday. . tf; ' f. Too Late For Last Week i , Mrs. Wilbur Adams and daugh ters of Carolina Beach spent the week' end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. L; Williams, va ; i- ; Mrs. D.: CI': (Buddy) Williamson and son have returned to Winston Salem after several a ays visit with Buddy's parental They were ac companied home by Mr. ani Mrs. Harold Precy the of Falson. , " Miss Jean Tyndall of Rex Hos-1 Swanaboro Tuesday to district pitel pent a .couple of day this , meeting and luncheon of the UDC. week with her Darents Mr. and r Mrs. Vance Gavin amended, a Mrs. R & TyndalL ; ; 0 ' i ( meeting of the Hospital Board In Mr "Bobby Ingram, of UNC at Goldsboro Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. McGowen were called to Laurinburg WecV nesdav because , of the illness of her brother-in-law. -' ,', IN RECITAL ..l a i solved his ! V lem during t y 1 i. k f. ie winter. 1 - "A' delightful evening of piano music was enjoyed by aboyt thirty guest at the home of Mrs. I. C. Burch on. Tuesday March 27. The program was given by Millie and Mary Sue Burch. Numbers inclu ded compositions by Bach, Mozart, DeJbussy,,Deems Tayl?r and other composers. After the program . a social hour' was enjoyed, and del icious refreshments;, were served. An Ashe County farmer, Ed Hartsogv . says one acre of silage vas the, most valuable trop grown ,n fcr, 1. vpr Hi' nrirl th- Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guthrie, Jr., were honor ed at a buffet supper by the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Silas Daugh- highway. A number of relatives and Chapel H11L spent several day friends enjoyed the hospitality. this week with his parents Mr. and The couple were given a set of Mrs. W.M. Ingram. ;. j.;-.-i-k. china by the hosts. j Mr lnd Mrs. Vance Gavin ac- of Warsaw to Philadelphia. Mr, Mixed spring flowers were used profusely throughout the Brlnson home Thursday evening when Mrs. Wiley Booth honored Mrs. Charles Guthrie, Jr. recent bride,, with a miscellaneous shower. Games and interesting words of advice were given by Mrs. Morris Brlnson, with Mis Mary Waters and Mrs. Amos Brlnson being given corsages of handkerchiefs as the lucky ladies. Mrs. Booth assisted by her mo ther served Ice cream, party cakes, nuts and mints carrying out the bridal idea. Climax Of the evening came when the bride was present ed a gaily decorated rabbit filled with many beautiful and useful gifts. The hostess' gift to the bride was a corsage of violets and a piece of crystal In her chosen pattern. Church Women Gavin stopped In Wilmington, Del. to visit his niece and nephew. Mrs. P. J. Dobaon returned home Friday from Cherry Valley, N. Y. where she scent the nast several days with her daughter Mre. Geor ge Giles. FLOWERS FOB ALL OCCASIONS. . Mrs. Clarence Murphy ; Phone M8-1 . , Aient Mt OLIVE FLORIST "flov, :ss foe A 1 1 ' O c c "i s I on s ( At m - p '"V ''IN iaNSTOn'T.: f jln Pink IT!!1. Tel Prices Up SbN For Cash i ni r nrrn rTT" rT l uti ti,,r i -m 'I 7ayiie aghicultuu vjruCSri::c: SbUTH JOHN STREET," G0LDSBOB6; jN C." : ,'. before you aeciao oil any other car "T y Tl - j ti on' iii 11 : , .'-"i i - I'M t. i '. ' : ' ' tK (" "' -.1 r I I0T0R COMPAMY The Women of Grove Preslby terian Church held , their annual meeting March 26 in the Sunday School building here. At his meet ing t roiiowlng officers were In stalled for the new years as fol lows: . v.'.:.--f President Mrs. Walter Stroud; Building Materials . Sheet Rock, Doors, Window?, Asbestor Siding, Weather stripped window Units, Paints Nails, Asphalt Shingles, V-Crimp Galvanized Tin and Aluminum, Varnish, Locks, Screen Doors, Brick, Hinges, Blocks, Mortar Mix, Lime, Lumber and Moulding. All kinds of building i. material. Creosoted Fence Post and Foundation Timbers. PHONE 534tTOR WRITE! IV BUILDIII&SUPPLIESIIIC. RTi'2, HI-WAY 41 MST ;WALLACE, N. C. The Home of Low Priced Building Materials NO OTHia CAR rides lik De Soto. Pick your own bumpy "test route" . . . then feet how those amazing new Oxiflow sbxabeorber eliminate bumps and bouncel , NO OTHia CAR is more fun to drive. De Soto's new high compression engine is bigger, toore powerful than ever. Tip 1 Toe Shift with Fluid Drive let you drive without shifting. And no car in America has bigger brakes! ' , NO OTHER CAR gives you such value. Just compare De Soto, ! feature for feature . . . and dollar for dollar . . . with any other car at any price. YouU pick-De Soto! 'J " - - - H ' fmDSSCTOand SERVfCE t-' Main Street r- Kenansville, N. C. Den'l miu OROUCHO MARX l Vm Ul Yoor lff both Radio and TV tack mk U NBC stalwas. r 3 f C:0. P. PRIDGEU Plumber STATE LICENSED PLUMBING CONTRACTOR; , SUPPUES , BATHROOM EQUIPMENT " HOT WATEB HEATERS WATER PCMPS KITCHEN S1NI3 " Phone 473 WARSAW, N. . JOOOOOOOO For Sale II, DOORS, SHEET 2 CK, ROCK LATH, :i:woolw PLASTER, 1, CET.1ENT' BRICIk, TAU, PAINTS, TEll TA F1TE, DHACI a, AsrnALT ' 3, ALL KINDIT i, 5 "I F00F1NG UK LuuL:auiuuLjLJ . ' . , . , " - vLiU; Uu Jooo -"Jm y j-. ' ' - vs."'.. .,.'.'..'. -.- Received Hogs, Paid Cash For Them Yhen Nearly 90 Per Cent 01 Markets In The . State Were Closed Up. r'-m Wallace Stockyards is open for business everyday except "preaching day" Sunday. We feel that the public, ALL OF YOU, have helped to make a well balanced market " for sellers, buyers and operators alike. A place where sellers and buyers meet and exchange stock for ready cash. : An' If you continue to support this market, we the operators will do our very best to make it an even better market for you. There has been some inquiry about com mission on top hogs. We wish to say that we have not charged any commission on top hogs , for well over two years. , . " A F03 SALE EVERY DAY r-i ri WE BUY EVERY DAY. v';-" Sales Schedule Every Thursday, , Mule Sale : 1:00 Hog Sale : 2:00 v . Cow Sale - : : 3:C0 .) Sheep and Goat 4:30 Private Sales Daily V ' c Wt have arranced with the WaUace-Clintoa Bntodoastlnf Company to ti ron our hog market and other stock news at 12:19 Mondays throufk Fridays of each week Hope that you will listen.' . Tbsnks. -Join In with ns and let's make this part of Eastern North Carolina a ' real stock country with a rood outlet WALLACE, j 0 ttrtner vniir linr nnv dnv nt niirht. (It at night) call and we will be at the yards. Night , , i $ I watchman will be at the yard all night and , can call one of the managers. . . . ; - , . " We want to thank the merchants and businessmen of Wallace and the surrounding , country for cooperating with the yards and . , ' cashing checks for the people after banking'' . hours. It is a great help for all concerned and "J we would like to take this opportunity to rec ommend to you our good merchants in this section of Eastern North Carolina for honest ' - dealings and niga quality of merchandise. ( T03 AUCTION TIIUHE3AYS ii -1 L i 1 f"' TO 1 tie t ! ".-"' i -J