11 Circ! NO. i met Monday night .s. R. a Sutton. Mr. D. J ton presided and gave the iiaL Mrs. Sam Powell and i. Claude Best gave two chapter! t t'.e new study book, "The Chrla- t i's Vocation". There were Bint j .embers present and one' visitor. ( : CLE NO. S met Monday after- ooa with IS members preaentJHIaQ nary Alice Whitfield was cc-hot tess. Mrs. Hopton Smith presided. The devotional was presented by X'rs. E. C Thompson. The topic was "My Church", and -.she read from 1st Timothy. Mesdamea B. T. Hobos and William Leinbacb. rendered a ' duetThe Church la One Foundat ion". Mrs. Thompson read an ar ticle entitled "My Church'', by W1I lian Henry Boddy. She closed with a prayer. There waa no program but two chapters of the new study bookThe Christian's Vocat!oa"was given ty Mrs. Sam Powell. The hos tess served pecan pit with whipped , cream jf. -'jl' V -''y.i , .: ..... ":';.'vf; -. . Orel Ne. I of the WSQSmet i Monday night with Mrs Matole Waters. Mrs. Joe Surratt presided. Mrs. O.P, Prldgen gave the de votional and followed with prayer. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was sung in unison. Mrs. M. A Smith taught from the new study book,: "The Christian's Vo cation" The circle bad its market basket sal during the social hour. Frozen fruK salad, fits, nuts and coffee were served. I . ' . C:;!isl Circles ' The Annie Kate Powell . Circle ' met Wednesday night at the home V of Mrs. Stacy Britt Mrs. Thomas Rogers co-hostess. Mrs. Moman Barr preslded.There were 18 pre sent Mrs. Barr gave the devotional. Mrs. Hinant Askew, program chair man was assisted by Mesdamea Bill Knowles and Arthur Humphrey The program closed with sentence prayersThe hostess served peach shortcake and coffee. , - The Ruby Daniel Circle met Mon day afternoon with Mrs. Paul Berry and Mrs. W. D. Byrd, co-hostess. The theme of the devotional was tervice" and splendidly brought cut by Mrs. Alien Draughan, The r-r Tram was presented by Mrs. I 1 1, Mrs. Robert Blackmore and I i. U. O. Williams. Mrs. WllUams ri de4 over the 13 members pre- The hostess served pineapple u- Je down cake and rusalan tea. t;-..t ' ?e tried pur best to get the o- ther Baptist circles but were unable ' to t j Tuesday night. We want all the ohurh and circle news but it is eoesary that we have the write ups in the office in Kenansvile by Tuesday night, Please ; call Mrs. Phillips as soon as possible on the morning following the meeting Thanks. Editor. Presbyterian m Circles . Circle No. 1 met with Mrs J. W. Farrier Monday evening with 12 : members present. Miss. Nell Bow ,.ien preheated the B.je a.uilj "In troduction of the Ten ' Command ments'. Instead of a program plans for the new year' were discussed. , MrsJR. W. Riggs presided. The bos' tess served a dessert plate and sandlwches. " 'J . t V ! ' '.., ' -! ... Circle No. I met with Mrs. Her-, bert Best,Jr. on Monday afternoon The Rev. Jerry Newbold conducted the Bible study. After the business meetng Mrs. Dee Gresham presen ted the progrenten"Higher Educat ion". Mrs Gresham presided. The hostess served1 a frut salad plater .. Crcle No.i met with Mrs. Jerry Newbold ' the new chairman with Mrs. J. H. Hines presiding; There were 9 members present Mrs. New bold conducted the (Bible study JMrs W. M. Buck gave the program on 'JT gher Education". . The hostess served strawberry cake. K ni: ' VE WAIIT YOUH HOGS Ji . a V Highest t 1: I f i J Er.!:r(:ins Cllj On. Friday evening Mrs, . Emer-I son wones entertainer ner club with a session of brdge at her home Hydrangeas decorated th living room where the game ' wis held. For high, club score Mrs. Belton Minshew received hand ltlon.vlai- tors high, a bath towel, went to Mrs. Albert Newknk. For traveling Mrs. Irene Martin won dish cloths. Durng the game the hostess served cookies and Iced drinks. The hos tess served strawberry shortcake at the concluson of the game. Playing were Mesdamea Mlnshew, Martin, Newklrk3onne ' Thomas.) Moman Barr, Matte Torrans, Forest Mar tin and the hostess. Sale at Kinsfon The elevnth annual coastal plain Fat Stock Show and Sale for beef cattle and hogs will be April 11 in and 12th at the. New Carolina Ware house In Klnston. ' ; All livestock to be exhibited must be approved by the county agent. Agent Weeks stated that , anyone who wishes to enter and has not contacted him to do eo right a way.The rules and regulations gov eming the show may also be ob tained from the county agent. The show anu saie is sponsored jy ; ue- agricultural committee of Drs. Baddour Open Offices Husband and wife Opened Joint Chiropractic offices at 112 Faytte- vale Stret in Clinton rcently. They are Dr Roberf Baddour and Dr. Eleanor K. Baddour. Dr. Robert A. Baddour is the son of Mr. ana Mr. C. C. Baddour of Clinton, formerly of Warsaw; Mr Baddour has been coneoted with the Cates Pickle Co .upauy for a num'ur of years. r. Robert A. Baddour graduated .rom the Cllntin High School and attended the Univrsity ot North Co roLna where he completed two years of general college work.'"' ile entered the Lincoln Chire- practic School in Indianapolis; Ind where he met his wifefib Eleanor K. Baddour, who waa prviously from Philadelphia. ., , The two doctors completed the jtandard iour ' year chlrapractia. ourse ahd received their degrees both remained In Indiana to com- plete their Internhip at the Lincoln CUiropractic Cl.nic and take post graduate work In advance' X-ray ;Lnd .diagnosis. ':.:..$ WARSAW PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jenkins and. on Johnny and Mr. and $ Mrs. Vance Gavin of Kenansville left uduiiuay tor Wilmington, Del., and Philadelphia. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strickland ahd.family have purchased the home of Nelson Carlton at 406 N. ujim Street, formerly occupied by ir. and Mrs. J. W Straughan. .They will move the'ir resilience there after redecorating. Dr. and Mrs. Straughan have moved into their new home on mi. Street. " Mr. and Mrs. Keneth Brock have moved from Warsaw to Rocky 'Mt. Mr. Brock is with the Postal Trans portatlon Service and has been transferred to this new post. He has been with this service for the past five years since being dischar ged from the Army Air ,Corpi where he served in Airfield Con trol Service in - Europe , durint World War 11. ; i Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hollings worth Goldaboro and Mr. and Mrs Harry Hollingsworth and children of Durham, spent Sunday afternooi with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brock; V Mrs. Letha Middleton of Warsaw and Mrs.' Clara Middleton of Kin jtoa spent the week end with Mrt Wi Hawkins in Richmond. 4 i riarket f. rices; I. Miss Sue Whittle Is confined to her home with Measles. : ' i.", E. E. Jones, now located in Sa vanah, Ga., spent the week end with his family. Mrs. George Rollins who has be en a patient at the Btptlst Hospital la Winston Salem for the past se veral weeks, returned to the hom of her son, Glenn Rollins on Sun day. ( - Bride ll:.N.:fcd Mrs. John Bennett West, recent bride, was complimented on Thurs day evenng when Miss Belle Korne-' gay entertaned at a miscellaneous shower in her honor at the Korne gay home on Chelly Street. About 20 attended .all inUmate friends of the honoree. Jonquils and other spimg flowers decorated the living room. Upon arrival each guest was presented cards for writing bridal recpes. Games were enjoyed be fore a pink and green fruit basket laden with gifts was presented the bride. She received many lovely gifts. ;..V;.t .:. :.';;:;'. -. ; I Tne dining table was laid with linen cover and centered with an arrangement of plnx carnations. Punch, cupcakes, iuuils ana nuts were served informslly.The hostess ut a&usted by her mother, Mrsil -k-.cjy and Miss Maths Bostie Picket,- The wedding of i Miss .' Fannie Woodward and Mr. Bland Pickett, both of Warsaw, was solemnized on Friday, March 29th. The bride wore a gray gabardine suit with black ac- CeabtM Ms, not WMiai ,tu ' wiut - contrasting trimmings. Mrs. Pcsett is tne da ughter Jurs. Margaret jtei- mo., waul and tue'iaie David L. Wood- ward of Warsaw, fane is a fornie. faculty member of the Kuuto. business man of Warsaw. The couple will reside here. Applewhite-Pope Vows Said Miss Grace Pope of Winston Salem, daughter of Mrs, Lula j Pope and the late W. P. Pope of tioug Isiana, N. C. became the bride of Raiph Applewhite of War r saw in a ceremony in the First Bap tist Church in Winston Salem on Saturday, March 2-ita. Taa rtev. Ralph A, Herring officiated: Mr. pieaite u a native of Delco 'and U at this time manager of tits Tiae Water Power Company office .a warotf w. The couple will be' at uOiud .u WttiorfW. .... if Birth Announced ; ' Mr. and Mrs. Francis FusSell of Warsaw announce the birth of a uaugnter, Nancy Lynn, on Friday March 23rfl In the Sampson Me morial Hospital. Mrs. Fussell and aaugnter j returned to their home in Warsaw on Monday. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage licenses were issued by the Register of Deeds of Duplin County to the following white cou ples: V;,V;. ,. ,y ., t,. " 4 Ellsworth' Herman Dall and Mel ba. Ellen King- of Duplin; Oscar Thomas 'Carter and Grace Ellen Salmon of Duplin; Jeffrey Carlton Tames and Pearl Elizabeth Norris f Duplin; James H. Fountain and "-rina ThWroen' of Duplin; Elbert Holmes of Duplin and Evelyn Tal ton of Wayne; Harry Fountain and Mable Brinson of Duplin; C. B. Guthrie, Jr., of Duplin and Iris Dix on Daughtry of Sampson; Tom Hil and Mrs. Fannie Kelly Hill of Du plin; John Jackson and Kathleer Warren of Duplin; Joseph W. Sum ner of Wayne and. Velma Brinson of Duplin; Julius S. Sandlin and Thelma Brinson of Duplin; Louis Galloway and Sudle Klrkman of Green; Ray M. Williams, of Union ind Patricia Ann Wusou of Dupai VISIT B PL-IMPLEMENT COMPAHY, IIIC. .1 i: I FOR II II - FERGUSON , SYSTEM TRACTORS f t AND IMPLERIENXS , a; -CARE LOCI TRANSPLANTERS rLCCEIAYO TOBACCO CURERS BeauUful azaleas ringed Airlie lake at Airlie Estate near Wllmlne- '' H MISS HELEN LOUISE BROWN'S PARENTS, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tracy Brown, of Mag nolia, announce her engage- ment to John Anderson John- , son, son of Senator and Mrs., Rivers D. Johnson of Warsaw. The wedding will take place In June. . ..; . .' - Tuberculosis Meet Be in Greensboro : . More than 200 doctors,' nurse.' and Tuberculosis Asoclatlon , work era are -expected to gather on Ap ril 17-18 in Greensboro to disenss methods 'and means Jt continuing the ' fight against ' the r "White Plague". The occasion in the an nual meeting of the North Carolina uoerculosia Association and ' -Its medical section,' the North Caroli na Trudeau Soc'ety, and the sei- lon will get underway at 2 p.m. on the 17th. " ';.;-; ;.v Following the official . welcome, by' Mayor Cone of .Grenaboro, the 'afternoon discussions will center a round caseJfinding services and the community aproach to Tuberculos is control. Taking part in these dis ....v'- w.u W. cd) fiiia,ng ser vices,: Dr. Robert F. Young, Hall fax County; Dr. A. Lt Ormonde Hi ckory; Dr. E. E. Menefeejr., Duk" Hospital; and Mrs. Lois Durham r Raleigh. Community ap'roach to 1 ; berculosis control, Dr. Edward C MoGavran, Dr. John J. Wright an Mrs. Isabelle K. Carter, all fro: 'the University of North Carolln and Dr. S. B. McPheeters, HealU. oficer of Wayne and Sampson Co unties -. The remainder of the' progran promises to be , very educations and well worth while,. , Mrs. Gordon Kornegay of our lo cal Tuberculosis states that plan are being made for Duplin Count: to be presented at this meeting.. Robert J. MoConnell, Syracuse, N Y. and Nannie Pearl Kornegay, Du plin, ,!;, (.'. ' Licenses were issued to Pearlir Willis and Ella WUson of Duplin and Leo Whitfield and Josephine Jones of Duplin, all colored." 'I 4 - 1 ton la Just one of the many azalla spectacles in Wilmington. The flo- thurch Women to UexlYeek The Women of tl; Church of Wiim.ngton Presbytery will ' hold their sixty-third Amial Meeting on April 12-13th. The women or the Chadbourn Presbyterian : Cuurcu wm oe Hostesses to the Preabyter ial The Executive Board w.il con-' v uu on lUiursaay afternoon, 2P.M. j v Reot.Pt. uml iw. heard coverina idepsrtments of the work of the s wmn nf th nhii.h Sunner -will be served in the Asembly Room of the church at 6 PiM. to members of tne iecutive Board: soecial euescs ' ' aud speakers on the program. iSpeaxe- fon : op- ng session : Thursday night iH ' Include: -rs. l... -au., Synodical resident, Mrs. Henry t). Haber an, Board of World Mission of the .tev. L. A. Taylor, Presbytery's -Executive Secretary, who will present the Epistle of James which Is the A'ble-ioook study for Presbyterian women during 1951-42. The aer- vice will close with elebration of the Lord's Supper.' conducted by tev.' D P. McGaechey, D. D. toge-1 Sheep numbers also increased ther with members of the session In the State during 1950. The to of the Chadbourn Church.: ' ', tal at the beginning of last year 'The business session will recon- was 39,000, and at the beginning vene at 9:30 Friday morning, With transaction or business there will bei inspirational talks presented i welWcnown .leaders v ln' Kvarbras fields, "of religion and 'education. Followed, by the lunch hour. The Annual Meeting will -' conclude with the eletctlon and installation of Presbyterial officers for 1951-52 T Yi'ID ALL ; FUNERAL HOME t ' Df MOUNTLOLIVE " , PHONE 2303 Home eg Wayne-DupUu 1 ' Burial Asaoolation - Tuneral Directors Embalmeni Ambulance Service Day or NIcM M.F.ALLEN, JR. General Insurance ' Kenansvi N. , Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency ' .'. IN ; 250 t i $120 , $130 ': - 150.. , . Duoont finish . ; 9 x 12 Genuine . Solid Mahoanv Solid Mahogany Bedroon suites, i " .... , . . ;, Strickly .Modern.;; ; Axmmster Rues .Mr Corner Cupboards , Buffets ' , $450 - $ 2507 irr 820-' f $100 i 4 niece Genuine 7 c " r.5i-'V .,',,, 4t I 4 piece Genuine ; ;5 mece-Pine - Pair Victorian ? SoUd Map e - Mahogany 18th . .4 ' . . .. . "u , . ' Dining Room Suites Ladies and, , , .,., n n , Centurv Ced , . s ' , kl-.- 4 .:.:- " , Desk Can be j .t , w ' , , (sj! J' dents Chairs VV:if ' ,'. ' Room S-ltes . i ! t ' " t ir ttscd " any room ' 'J 'v IJ r- r , , .$50 ?i'f U , , . i j , ' .n--y. . , , ;J-r W.nn...- , .' 4-T !f ( p,'fr ' - Scrir I f( r '-y .'4 t T-"'e Corner bo C.'s ' Mattresses;,; r ,-r ' Cu -jV. ' wers will be at their best this wooa ! nd and next ana-the many gard , .. whii h rtpw to the public. N. C LEADS SOUTH' t SOUTH LEADS NATION IN LIVESTOCK TREND . Led by Tar Heel farmers, the :, .t wilt states are increasing the! livestock numbers faster than an; other section of the country. ' mis is pointed ' out by Jack Kelley. in charge of extension bus- Vni'W - 4r OOl'W'e,. WHO the 18 South Atlsntic and South Central states increased cattle num bers by over two Billion head In 1950 for an 8 per cent increase, orm Carolina Mimcn urn r- tter. They added 78,000 head of cattle to their herds to bring the total numberas of January V tc 788,000 -an Increase of 11 per cent from a year earUer. -j A ', The average value per head , for all cattle on Tar Heel farms as of January 1 -was $120, an increase of $20,30 per head from January 1,1950. ; 4 The number of hogs on North Carolina farms increased ; 1 per cent during the year, with the num ber . estimated at 1.131,000 head at the beginning of this year. To tal value of swine was 30.4 million dollars, an increase of 18.0 per. cent, of 1951 lt was yas 'more IVtmM than 40,000. '' I .- WILLIAMS VITNEKAL BOMB ,.. h'.i amy nw , 4V UMertaiiers. pmnaimen -. " Ambulanee Serviee ' ' . ' j Home of ML OUve Bvrtel Aaea Phone 2261 St MC OUve. N. C 4 WATCH E8 rt.OCKS WATCH BAvns ' RIN ON ORDER : Re pair in? tVatctMie, Cloeka, Jewelry .1! f PRESTON HOLMES lUPLOT MKKCANTILE CO IN KENANSV1U.E sCmsT J-LL.aaX ULLlilL ORDER TO MAKE SPA" CE FOR SPRING ARRIVALS The ; Negro, County Jwlde P.TA meeting was held at the Douglas High School In Warsaw on Sunday April 1st at 2 p.m. with Dr Rose Butler Brown, director of the Grad uate school of Education at the North Carolina College, Durham, as guest speaker, u'.'r.. y ; Dr. Brown was Introduced to the audience by Mr. I. R. Barcliff, prin cipal of the Chinquapin High Scho ol. In her address she stressed the following points; the failure of the parents in the community to get together and set up standards for their children, thereby alleviating in later life the confusion and frus tration that often occurs as the re sult of teaching these standards The ' spiritual aide of rearng children for a better peace for all was also stressed. A child Is a child Until he reaches adulthood then from that point forward they are to conduct themselves as adults pby alcally, mentally and spiritually. ' Everyone in attendance left the auditorium expressing their grati tude to Dr. Brown for such an in formative address. A large part of the Increase was brought about by the purchase of Western ewes by the State Depart ment of Agriculture. '. , - i ;; ' JUitfiy L REMEMWER TODAY TOMORROW P H O TO O R A f Mj KRAFT'S : STUDIO in Moinvi n.ivK Pbesyw 2I7-J er 2St' PwOltMKtfin " A KPPftaiTV 'X roMMrttns.1 ' . ( w 1, . - V..T .. -- . Warsaw Fish Market CREATORS AND MAINTAINERS OF LOWE3 , PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS . Next Door to A&P) ' ftb'oiestu v, " Know Your Fish or Know Your Fishman ,';:'r' W y at.. I : D. Z. HOLLOMAN I FREE , ; : Phone 326 a , . .WE ;DRESSWO''. WARSAW, JN.-; dBLXVIBJA.: Lira I.IarJlO'V.'niian -on and I .Vs. W. B. 'Grady, both of Weslpy Cha pel community, are In theluemori al General Hospital In KlnstonJUrs. Willlahsoa is suffering from larya. , gitla and shingles. Her condition Is slowly improving. Mrs. Grady la awaiting an , operation. $ j V. S. Fanners bad 18 tihes as many trucks and tractors In 1950 as in 1920. v"M-v Easy-Te-Usw MINTIO PATTIRNS ' DlracMM hw ( Mdi Sioplklly PRINTCD . Panwa ilww y, WHAT IT IS, WH( IT OOtS, WHIRE TO AO. f JUST IT, and WHIU TO MATCH - IT TO ITS MATt , Sm tw wide stUcHM eT MMrt ? tyht In Dm imw Simplicity Pot- , Urn Catalog el peltsra' A. BROOKS " INCORPORATED Warsaw's Leading Dept. Store ' t Have we got you covered? It not, be sure to come in soon because our policy is the best ' 1 policy. mm r f.

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