. a. at ' J' , C. The "hold-the-rouch no fault of their enly find themselves In position they've had since j lure convened. In Hal , .' -mary 3. , t..di of income tax returni : y showed - that the state I end the. current biennium i a surplus running anywhere i 15 to 20 million dollars. This v s caused by a terrific boost in income tax returns almost 30 more than last year. " And it seems safe to predict that income for the next two years will te high enough to give the state General Statutes a si i a . . u aA kun atasafrrtl $10,000,000 torought In by 6cotfs Idea and his appointee this year, and likely will Wan a total of $15. 000,000 extra tot the next two years. That means that the hold-the-llners will benefit to this tun of tome $29,000,000 by administration policies In meeting the next bien nial budget ; In other words, It means the dif ference between a balanced budget and deficit spending. - i v ;" ; . ' Hoke County's Representative Harry Greene listened as bill after bill was introduced "amending the He noted that In ir nations)! Umloraa CSttPTUBB: Oantala S:l S:: S:S-a:17. . DEVOTION At. BEADlNQl t:U-lT. . , ... ,. a balanced budget or almost so, at least - - despite appropriations t at are sure to run at least $42r 03,000 .above Advisory Budget Commission on recommendations. Unless something completely up sets the nation's economy, the con servative forces will be able to Justify their refusal to increase taxes to meet state needs. They had planned to pass the recommended " Advisory Budget Commission budget and the reve nue act as was and go home. But school forces got so much support, ilus other obvious needs, that they were forced to abandon that plan. They then issued a statement call ing for increased appropriations to take care of these needs, but claim ed Inflation -would cause enough income from the present tax struc ture to pay the way-' y ' .' t " ' They gamboled that increased income would be at least $42,000,-" 000, feeling that if It wasn't they couia eiiner Diame vn huhmc umu on the Scott administration or else sell the voters on the laea inn uey were trying to stave off Increased taxes as long as possible: Their samile on Increased revenue ap jiareatly has paid off. However, there is talk In legis lative circles that the conservative leadership Is not satisfied, but real ly would rather have a deficit and! iblame it on Scott This, 1 find hard to believe, for two reasons: . 1. Their political position now is reversed, and they are sitting on top of the world by having their prediction apparently borne out . 3. They would find it most diffi cult to pin a deficit on the admini stration, especially since Scott has -.tmiA all iImb tlift Increased -rnnftifiirM ware needed but that . .nn.lla.(. :m pM,nm hill SVTX ZT M. ndment Someone wanted to , kill it but Chairman E. T. Boat of he'd been watching the lawyers change laws around for many ses sions, then plmK---&, iMiU "All I've got to say is that the laws of the state must have been in awful shape BO years ago to need all these changes." ','' . ... -i- ,. ..... -y. . ':'.".:".'. -v : An outburst by Ofeeklenbung's Senator Harvey Morris may result in a (Halifax county local bill turn ing into a state-wide bill. Senator Julian Allatorook of Hali fax introduced a measure allowing County agents and vocational teach ers. in Halifax to lnocculate awine. Under the present law, such vacci nations against hog cholera must be pade by -a veterinarian, but there seems to be a shortage. of vets. '."".v'-.' '. " f , Allsbrook's bill was referred to a Judiciary committee, at his re quest But Morris hopped to his feet and Irately protested, saying it was an agriculture matter and should be sent to the agriculture committee ."where we can kill it" . Allabrook Immediately informed Morris that the bill was a local one, and that it wasn't any of the gen tleman from Mecklenburg's busi ness what the folks in Halifax did. All of which focussed attention on the AilsorooK out. Anoiner measure calling for identical pro visions for Carteret Craven, Green, Jones, Lenoir and Onslow counties was Introduced as a result and other senators are planning to in clude their counties, in such a bill. If Morris had kept quiet the Halifax bill probably would have gone through with no one paying much attention to it , Morris got In the news again last week. The Joint finance Committee considering a revenue bill How Sin Begins Lessen for April . MSI n ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Katie C. Gresham, deceased, of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before one year from data of last publication of this notice or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will pleasa make Immediate settlement H , . This the 21st day of February, A.4 W. Gresham, Admlnlstra- ' l"? Mrs. Katie C. Gresham, "estate. Beulavllle, N. C. 4-20-8t A WO -Op- ; ;ru UO ONE can believe in sin who does not believe In God. That is. no one can believe that sin is real unless be believes that God. is real. For tb .meaning of sin Is re ligious; it cannot be understood at all apart from God. Tor sin means co ins; contrary to the will of God. Sin may not consist of "doing" anything, of course; it may be only wishing or thlnkini a a a I n s t Cod; or It may be Foremast refusing to do, or neglecting to do, what God wants done. - . A thing is not right just because nA will ( k iuuiM MA K a mere proclamation, make murder C on or before the 8th day of .i. , i i . n... 'ir.uk , mco M tui. .i in v Suw aua uKuQi-iuYW wiijlcu. out . ami uit w uie mm wui kre God never will a thing unless It is ' pleaded ir bat of their recovery, right or forbids It unleu it is ,'aU persons indebted, to said estate wrong; one reason lor uus is tnai he Is creator of all, and so knows what Is best for every creature. To go. against his will is to go against one's own best interest - North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to George Frank Land- en, the undersigned at Chinquapin, N. G; or Grady Mercer, Beula vllle, N. C, on or. before the 26th day of February, 152, or this no tic will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; All persona Indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment' V: This 26th, df of February, 1051. George Frank Landen, Exe ,r ," cutor at Andrew P. Paul. Grady Mercer Attorney at Law-, 4-6-61 OM ' :yj - NOTICE OF SALE ,, .fla The Superior Court K State of Nerth Carolina? '':''' County ef Duplin. , Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court ef Duplin County made in a Special Proceed ings therein pending entitled, "SalUe Thompson et als against John Jones and wife Bessie Jones, being case No, 2437 Special Pro ceedings Docket", the undersigned enough rvenue to pay the way. If they should, for some vitriolic reason, attempt to push their luck Jul of the potential political gain .caused by the unexpected boost in revenue would be. lost dually, nq legislator that I have taiied to expected anything like a' balanced budget with the $42,000, fc00 added spending. They thought revenues would be higher than tlmated by some $20,000,000, but o-d not believe that increased reve nues and surplus would come with in $10,000,000 to $19,000,000 of bal ancing OUt : ' ' Siiaw's report could mean that the session will be over within , two wee ks, the aim of the conservative Naders. .yVv' Ironically, they will have a plat-San- plank of Kerr Scott's and an appointee of bis to thank If this Happens and the budget is balan- It Is true that income generally is up. But is also is true that-Gene ,aw's dogged determination to collect every dime owed the state, pius th Inovatlon of speedier meth ods of collection, plus a refusal to .et anyone off, is responsible for ute greatly increased income. ' There already have been 3,500 xuore income tax returns than ever k .fore. Shaw has clamped down on evaders, nicking one big textile manufacturer for $250,000 that he d gotten by without paying be nause of lax interpretation of the ux laws in the past His iron-clad k.orcement oas orought in at least ,000,000 extra this year. . ; But what hurts the conservatives most is the fact that Scott's cam .a:ga plea for investment of state idiiZs 'i a campaign issue which i. mj credit with electing the man i.om Alamance -- likely will be the Cabarrus remarked that the amend ment's sponsor wanted a hearing and that they perhaps should show him the courtesy of listening to him before taking action, r, : Morris immediately sounded off witht "we haven shown anyone else any courtesy in this committee, why should we show him (the am endment's sponsor), any." f The amendment promptly was killed, v . ;-,. : The Appropriations sub-committee apparently recognized the need for treatment of patients at Dix Hill (the State Hospital at Ral eigh) instead of mere confinement. They wrote a blank check for hiring of pyschiatrist-surgeons "with no limit on salary" in order that they might get the best Perhaps in a few years, we can begin to be proud of what we are doing for our mentally ill. .v.' S''V.:'v';v The Senate's biggest publicity seeker even took advantage of a Easter holiday and some oppo sition to execution' of two men on Good Friday to grab the limelight After hearing some folks say they didn't think executions should be held on Good Friday, this senator introduced a bill setting Good Fri day as a legal state holiday. He ad mitted that the bill would probably prevent executions on this day In the future. He also la an ardent opponent of Kerr Scott, who re fused to postpone the death date, and this same senator is errand boy for a politically-minded banker and merchants' association officials. . .iW-rtz-i-k l 3. 'ii' I ' Odds and ends: Reports Indicate that insurance companies are kick ing back to small' loan agencies a toothsome share of exhorbltant u.f rence in a balanced budget policy charges made by the loan tn 1 an unbalanced budget 1 :.'s biennium of Idle funds, plus ( -'. j g of interest on bank de will bring in a total of nearly ; 3,000, That will go in the sur to start the next biennium. . i there la no reason "why such .;t won't bring in at least 3,000 during , the . next two i of which adds up to an extra sharks . . , At an Insurance com mittee bearing, State Banks Com missioner Gurney Hood said one of the state's biggest bankers wss con- netted with the loan shark racket . , . Two daughters of Beg Harris, Senator Willis Smith's daughter Anna Lee, and other Junior Leag uers are drawing down good pay as clerks in the Legislature . ... 99 of the lobbyists are ex-legislators. THE DtJPLIN TIMES ..bUshed each Friday la KenansvUie. N. C, County Seat of DUPLIN COUNTY . Editorial business and printing plant KenansvUie. N. C . J. ROBERT GRADY. EDITOaV OWNEB ' Entered at the Poet Office. KenansvUie, N. C as second class matter. , ,'' tiLirnoRi KatuuMnrUle, t:9-i rnON BATES; $3.C3 per year In Errl'o County. C low, re'!J;T,'r T"o rl tT: " i r rf eutcUe Cia area in Korta Cnxala; and ; t tli.'Kuera, .' :'' ' Sin on the Outside r. ttOW does sin begtnT . The Bible says rtn bas been en this earth as long as people have lived here, ', But the story of the temptation In the Garden of Eden Is also a parable of how sin always begins. As Dr.. Brunner says, Adam's other name is Everyman. Nw we eaa see la this story that sin came late the world became there eame a sas;gea tkm rrern the eatslde. Not every Uiinr la this aalverae Is new geod; there ' It aatMled at work, as well as pre-Ged. There are farces at werk that de net Gad's plans te saeoeed. If this seems hard to take, at least It cannot be denied that a great many sins would never have been committed without some pull from the outside. A child who goes to school for the first time will pick up. In a few days, habits and language and attitudes that shock the parents. They wonder what's got into the child. Her playmates meanness bas got into her, that the nub of it - Sin en the Inside BUT the fact is. we can't blame , the situation aa if the situation were the sinner. Not every one who passes a' bar-room door (eels ad urge to go inside. Once In a while a bank clerk skips out with a suit case full of the bank's money.' But the money was there all the time, and no other elerk became a thief. If It were simply , the alsaatiea ' that snakes the sta, then every bank elerk weald be ee Cle- aa the worst and every asses a bar weald smI pasa It bat ge Inside and gee drank Joat Hke the bama whe eaa't paaa a bar-ream deer. No, there la something on the In side of us that pushes toward sin. WhaUls it? The story m Genesis may offer a good clue. One of the New Testament writers put It this j way: "A man's temptation Is due to the pull of his own Inward de sires, which can be enormously at tractive." (James 1:14, J. a Phil lips translation.) "" Sin Beforehand THERE Is another ssd feature ot sin that stands out In the Gen esls story and in the story of Every man. That Is, sin almost never looks the same afterwards as It did before. ' Before the sin. Eve sees the for bidden fruit as beautiful and de sirable; afterwards - in sham she hides sway from God. Living with herself, with her husband, with God, Is no longer the pleasure it had been. However sad or horrible sin may look when we see It In the cold light of Afterwards, when we see It beforehand it always looks attractive. : ,1 - V. v ' la the last stages ef am, to be aura, M may be eaiU different; a man -may be eearfht ta the grip af a habit ha hates, aad ae . one aaa call him wars aamea than he aaHa himself. Bat la the aeaiaalai s af sla, few If any yersea see aayUuag repaMva er bad to what they are abeat :.'. de.'-;Vv"v- V':,;-.,'- , v That is why '1 do ss I plesse" Is a fatally bad rule for living. If you do as you please, sooner or later ou will Dlease wrong, and down you will go. Adam and Eve did ex actly as they pleased, and lost their paradise. But if we take as our rule of Ufa what Gad pleases, even If we never reach perfection w shall always be pointing m the right direction. .,;..... - ir.,.ri,M lst kf k atvMM C mi -"-. Natlaaat C-U r f. l nr- -C Vhrtmt la IM V 4- t.,. ! lanlu, fcawaMS hf " ' They take advantage of this to cir culate among members on the floor despite the fact that tlw M ' ylng law proh3its Just this Thr t who still hope for some acl' i ott senatorial r -'striding an f 'X it Senator T ' Young of I. t, ehalrra ef t.e cemn"f -.- ADMINISTRATOD'S NOTICE v TO CREDITORS ? ' ; Having qualified as administator ! of the estate of Joseph E. Foster, ISr., deceased, late of Duplin Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against' the. estate of said deceaxed to ex-; hrblt them ta Joseph E. Foster, Jr.. the undersigned at Beulavllle, N. Commissioner will on the 28th day 01 April, iyoi ai or aiooui ine nour of noon on said date and on the premises of the Courthouse in Ke nansvUie, North Carolina, Duplin County, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tra-', lot or parcel of land lying and be ing In Warsaw Township, Duplin County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Being the tract of land formerly owned by Laura Thompson a wid ow by deed dated December '15th, 1011 and registered in the office ef the Registry of Duplin County In Book 136, page 476, reference to which J hereby made. Adjoining the lands of Willie Fussell and Miles Brown and oth ers, BEGINNING at a stake in the - s Softly And Tenclerl A quiet man is Beard around the world .1 Tiahari wet bund bum the sick fm. Dwigkt ' t, Ummij, U tmmfliM Wh kU Mimd IS,00S,eS : bnaaart aa tw wilt, aJ piftta Us Ims (r- ' v m. A a tlina iafcb early filtk wtifi tmttU tm : ta lull. Is wm Dmwbtr, !, aai mU, bM viM sua kwl cm I NertlfwiJ, Maj, tnm ki hm : " la Rut LWwfaal, OUa, t fav wpmi t W aaa Whe, wltfc Uasr In D. iaafcor kad "ndanl ta aafa : latUaal Ml by a aaiiim waU." . . ' V, :. WUI taawria Taiaiaila1! gift f anaW aai StfT .,'..wa aMtcaa4 wk "a fia caanatar 4 alaaaritjr, ana. ' alicity aad risamaaiiai." H mil Us irM MS at , 1S at ta ( f U, sad IS yMeS later, wail rtaaf hr at aettaa'l Caaaarratery af llaaia, aaaa eat with : "Gatkrrlag Skalb by SeaaW Th hit aw the V.iWatiea fraai acit t Var aad rataand forma far ' . the yeatkral tfour whe left tW Genaaay ta fartkar . .hit aiaiieal adaaadaa aad rataraaj t writ "My lliail : a tS. Old OkJ" aad "VaaW th hioaaiit Sky." v , '. Riolag th ann af taaM aad ferteae at 49, tb aaOi- , ' "auaaaral laaiaaT aaat tagaal Ua haak aa. aaialaf '''' will please make Immediate pay ment, v iw-vj ':J.'1"..-'' V This 9th day of March,, 1951. ' Joseph E.NFoster, Jr, Adminl v strstor pf Joseph , .roster, :;Sr.v,WA'm.,v.-;-'.. Grady Mercer, V , ' . Attorney at Law. , 4-26-6t. GM i " EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Having qualified as executor of the estate of Andrew P. Paul, de ceased, late of Duplin Ctfunty, i s , ftatlaat ad taraai hit aaa ta writiag hyaaM. Ha ' : SOfTLY AND TENDERLY : ai a anub atera, mhUi earn aabliaUea 1 for anarch aoaga aad baankt a twa harai wagoa. Waila . Saakar, with to Tmr ti-a aaald ha haard a ; wma a-tins t tha awianwaf ia Saiarica aa4 hamwit Will laamptoa wat driving hia tram af boriar ia Oiuat ' ad abfUg hi awa hrna ia rami haaaaa. aa he leaad a aiaaa ha altnplf aaloaaad , th , an an hi ' wagaa aad played hit awa aaeompaaiaatat te hit "Lard Ma Otatlr Haaaa, rather, "Tk.ri'1 a Great Paw Caaaaa" aai "lata It All the Warld te Ma.' A thar I aaat Tiall, ftaltaatt hy th thaaitad anaaajad dewaa i Meady tawdaat - trail . te Saakaf aiaaiaa WUI ,i ThT't "ieftly aad Teadorly Jna la Callfn,'" j 1e ach nrast iat SeaUi Africa aad wa traaWa hjj la Hawaii. ... - Threegh th deer af hf tick ream, Dwirht U Moedw . , : baerias doctara' ardart, cha driag avangturt acnaiaaeai : ; taat a b aaauttea. raaoiy vmajag cov ara ai ww .. , -t hy th haad, ka raid, "WUI. I weaia ratar wrre-- : - art iliXl- , Uftly W tnJrrli Jmt k ntUmg, CM'.ng fr-ym W far aw; . ., Mn, aa tkt ftrttU Ba'r awHag W wttrUmf, i,-;'. ValeUug er yea ead er aw. -."'.- ...,. t .--- - v.-'''' '.' ) Vby aaeafa1 an tarry aveaa ami UaHmg, . , : ) ftig r yea aad r mr Vby tbouli wt Uutr ad kti aet Bat mtrcUt, . , Utrdn for yam aad er mtt Frjar a ferteg, th wmwnf ml SenrVgv y tmhtt fnm a d frtmwtt 4'f' geadmn art gatbarlat. VrtJa er aeajiag, Y Caaweg far yam ami far . '.. vaawag jar jw mmm ,w, ,. v. v, OU far tea wamitrmtJava Ha am f ramhedf f y tramlud far yam ami far mat'- : ' ' ' '" ." " Tta ma Im tead, Ha kaa many ami r'a . tariam far yam ami far a. 4 Mil . V t" -X- Itf'llKa'" trfnsjt'Tl jiatl MORE and: ; BETTER COTTON U1CUIAI If Af JfOT r hocltriot blight tea h ilefpad Angular leaf spot bacterial .blight boll rot, vein blight or1 black arm. These are all names for the same thins:, and they all rnean bad news for you as a cotton grower. -The , blight causes death of seedlings, de foliation or loss of leaves from the plant and shedding or rot tins of bolla. It all add up to less cotton per acre, v As the name shows. It Is caused by bacteria. The terms live in the seeds, and grow up in the cotton plant to cause various harmful results. Clearly the way to wipe out this disease Is to plant disease free seeds. You can make sure that your cotton seeds do not carry the disease germs by kill ing the bacteria ' before you plant, using an organic mer cury dust. You can, do this on our own premises, or have It done by the seed treating serv ice ot your local gin or seed -supplier. The chemical costs, less than 10c "per acre. Other control methode Include delat ing of seeds with sulphuric add or by hydrochloric acid gas. These are harder to apply, but ' .also effective; " v - Cccauke wind-blown rain spreads bacteria) blight readily, from one Held to another. Its control is a Job that all the planters in an area should do together. Otherwise one field planted with untreated seed might re-Infect all the others. It. will pay . every planter to stamp out bacterial blight , In his fields. Planting seed that has been mercury dust-treated will not only reduce this dhV ease, but will reduce seed decay and damplng-off ' (sore shin) organisms, too. day sessions have been held with only a presiding officer present Newspapermen have had to make the motions to adopt the previous day's Journal and to adjourn. But the record shows that "Senator So andso"' made the motions Maybe the third strike is out, but two previous Legislators have tried to get elevators put In the capltol. Both the 1041 and 1945 General Assemblies ordered the Board of Buildings andGrounds to put . in elevators from the first to third floors "if feasible". These laws still are on the books, and still the Capitol has no elevator. Despite the fact there is ample authority to build a riding-cage in the Capi tol, all the lawmakers can think of to do is pass another law wheth er we need it or not. .J!. .!. WMIJJ OflThc Hocord r , t:,on PaidDyCjcclr. 'Pay All Vf-rr'"i Vj CL r.:C:t Vi.: : c. .-9. 1 Blackmore , line by an old path and runs west 21Va poles to a stake, the Hoyell Best old corner,-1 thence along A. Phillips line north 25 east 116. poles to a stake and dead pine, on his line and on the north side of the new road path; thence along the north side of the new road path, .. north 80 east 2044 poles to a stake in the edge of a pond, north side of new road: thence south. 23V4' east 118 pole to the beginning containing 15 acres more or less. , . Terms of sale Cash.- . ; -; This the 22nd day of March. 1951.. " . - v , Latham A, Wilson, j " - ' - Commissioner 4-20-4t. LAW ' ' ' ; against his ssld estate to present them to the undersigned adminis tratrix on or before the 10 day of March, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded lh bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment . . . v .' , 'This March 0,'195L Jobmie Agnesa Smtthv Administratrix of Jntwti!a Smith, Deceased. Sobacribe New To The New S-' ."V DOTLIN' TIMES i NOTICE Ot ADMINISTRATION . .The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Abba E. Herring, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to nafy all persona having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 16th day of March; 1952, or this notice will be plead Jn bar of their recovery. t All persons indebted to said es tate will 'please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of Marsh, 1051. . Benjamin E. Herring, Ad- ; - nlnlstrator of the estatt L ; of Abba E. Herring,' de 1 ceased, Mount OUve, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney KenansviUe. N. C. 27-6tHEP NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of John nie Smith, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is- to notify all persona having claims ; Available :To ; Doplin Ftrir-ors F C X SEED of known origin KOBE & SCERECA LESPEDEZA TRUCK AND GARDEN SEEDS -- CROTELAKIA OATS HYBRID & ; OPEN , POLLENATED CORN COKER 100 WILT RESISTANT ; COTTON: SEED FERMATE jft. COTTON .POISON F C X FEED &f SOimiERN BAiIy! CinCES. , , PLENTY OF CEMENT Oil HAK1X . Vari-av Farmers Exchanm WAKSAW r ,4 T ' . 5 (. 1 ., a- , . T X It won't be long now unrijt you'll be Vondering; how to get your plantinj done when there's still more plowing ; ttad harrowing or 'wishing the ma tiure would haul itself when the Ug ' . , , : ' . -ttictot busy or watcLin the weeJj grow ia the ccra when the hayL'j can't wait! ; , , -S a ' iii a t: TTIJi a Erw a.. rake at 3 miles an hour 71. haul faster t. za. a team. You ca a sray, pump I waicf, tlrive an tlevator, flow snow, ' mw wood, shell corn, and thtX Led, '-" TLe Tarciall Cub ".ves you ost tha ; V F"cr t3 1 tl&t last teasa.' ';Zirzilmz3'i!t .-Ml-wt::il:l ii 'T".' "j c!L' "j, .i Cx c !i js-af r j'J ii .! 13 i'5 c." '.!cr- ' -lii,' j'yta ex t. " r

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