I. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Outlaw -vis- niglit v. . c Garner of T,. 1. f r 1 r j ri .-""""v ' ' i . i I M lted Mr., and Mrs. Jesse Bell on Grady Sci.uol. Sunday. " - Oscar Sutton srent Saturday Have You bad your spring ch'ckup? L u .i vJt U U. -Li. w "3 J-.-. .J k - t t ) ; I ir i - " ,r r f r.' '.' a v.j i Players for two tablet o! bridge ...wax-enterUlne4.whM-tos.-JT- J. , Smith ni hostess itrf her rlde clt at her Home 4ft Pink HlU-dn Wednesday afternooni Bowls of spring flowers were used to decor pate the rooms., Mrs., D.Bpf'firi, -feeceiyed (top score award, Mrs - Helen Turner the award for cecqnd '.' and Mrs! H.' A. Edwards . received 3 FOR- Fcrm Supplies AND, , Repairs CALL 021 T. A. : Turner Comply . " IN pi:::c niu Tumer .Turner INSURANCE AGENCY -All MNDS Or INSURANCE : .. . fink Hill's Oldest Insurance Acency PINK HILL. 000004)000000000000000000; L P. TVllDALL'S SOUS T " HAVE IN STOCK . : - Cole Dislribulors and Planters ALSO FArmaf a anrl Dilhane ' :' - M VI IIIHIV Blue Kibbpir Feeds' Fish Meal ; 40 Per, Cent L P. TyhauiFs Sons - pinknm . , NEW - TURNER 7s. M l .aa1. ' Horse Drawn l- S j J; Just Received One Get : : consolation trofchy. The hostess ser ved a congealed salad course. ,. ' . v. ,'",'.,' ' ' . ','l'"' ' UU -lla-; If v watM?':- .,..Mis. Sailie Westbrook-was hos testf tO about 39 guests-and friend at a dianer.in observance of' her 70th tiirthday at her home on Eas ter -Sunday, The dining table was centered with a three tiered birth day cake holding 70 candles". Out- Pflr-towtf "guests "included"." and' Mrs. K, 3. SmiU;)Sr and Jr., of Hillatoro, Mr. ad Mrsjvalter Stroud, -and sons . of '. Kenansville. Mri; Westbrooli was also hostess to 18 Boy Scouts of Troop .No., 40 for supper. The boys were camping over the' Easter weekend at helr huCnear her home. Mr. Billy Smith, the Scoutmaster was also- her guest -v! '; - attends Tea ttendihr a" tea ' honoring Mrs. Jarl Bowers', - the former Mis Fannie Grey Worteof Pink Hill was given by Mesdames, JQ, Frank Bowers . and , Marlon Johnston Jn Washington Saturday afternoon in cluded Mesdames J. A. Worley, Charles Parrish, J. M. Jones, T. J. Turner, J. F. May, L. H. Turner and T. A. Turner of Pink Hill and Genuine Stump Sound Oysters Steamed and m Half Shell WE DELIVER DIAL S961 PULLEV'S BARBECUE . Kliiatom '-' K. C : f Supplement .. ..; it. Cultivators . If u Need It Now. ";:ly co. : T . Hi ..'- ii Mrs. John O'Connor of Richlands. Mesdames Worley, Parrish ' and ux;onnorwere . In the receiving line, c i , . ' y Engagement Mr. and Mrs. J. K. West of Gai land have announced the engage ment of thelr . daughter, Hilda riocutt. to Mr. Remus John Smith, Jr. of HUlaboro. the marriage. tc tajce place June 17. Mr. Smith, son of Mr. and Mr. B. J. Smith of Hillsboro is a gcandson of Mrs. 5allle Westlbrook of Pink Hill. Pink Hill Wins Tv6 The Pink Hill baseball team de feated South wood School In Pink Hill Friday afternoon, 11-1, behind the five-uit pitching of George Howard. He fanned. 14 Southwood batters . while .Southwood pitcher A. C. King 'was walking 8 and stating out five, Pink HiU stole 10 base, during the game. fcvPjok; HU1 defeated Seven Springs Jieie- inesaay oy scoring a S to 4 victory with the tying and winning runs coming In the 7th inning whei George Howard; blasted a honu run with one man on base. Dr. H. A. Edwards spent the week end with relatives In Greens boro, y - yrv v Mr. Graham Turner went to Lexington. Ky., Friday night to at tend funeral services for Mr. Har ry Calvert, to be held there during the weekend. Mr. Calvert, a promi nent tobaooenist, was the father of Mr. Joe Calvert, a brother-in-law of Mr. Turner. Mrs. H. A. Edwards, Mrs. J. K. Smith and Sharon visited Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Sandlin Jr., In Beulaville Saturday. . " Mrs. Leslie Sermons of Ft. Barn well spent several days recently with her daughter Mrs. Graham Turner, y sMr. anil Mrs. J. D. Grady, Misses Marianne and Peggy Grady and Lo Jean Smith were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Grady in Alexandria, Va. Mrs. E. R, Maxwell has returned home from Parrotts Hospital in I Kinston. ' v 1 50for7.00 lOOforflOJSO With double envelope andtutue i ii I'll . 1IIII aO ij ; v:. V . , Y 1 K. Y ' L - J Mrs. Jack Perkins spent the week end with his mother at Roberson- Dr. and Mrs. 'Bower attended the Azalea festival in Wilmington last week. y . . Howard Smith, stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga. spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith. . ,:: . Mr., and Mrs. Sanford , H. Lee of Pikevllle were guests of Mr;. and Mrs. S. M. Lee during the week end. .Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whaley and Mrs. Jennie Stone 'of Kinston were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jones Smith Sunday. . , .' ; . ... , .' The Junior Class of Pink Hill presented a play 'entitled "Meet My Wives" In the school auditorium Friday .evening. Members of the :ast were John Robert Spence, Lottie Belle Howard,' James How ard, Harold Johnson, Lou Ann Da vis, Lois Hill", Florine Deaver, Catherine Hill, BiU Zadc Williams, Marietta Quinn and Milton Bostic. Larry Bostic, stationed in Va. recently visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. (Vance Bostic. ' : Mr. and Mrs. Sam , Davis and Miss Lou Ann Davis attended the Easter services at the Planetarium n Chapel Hill.. . N . ' Mrs. and Mrs. H. C. Turner ipent the weekend with her par ents In Oxford. . , . Mr. and Mrs. Joe' Davis, Mrs. L. H. Turner, L. H. Jr and Becky Turner. were, in-Wilmington Sun day to see the Azalea gardens. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Simpson and children of Chapel Hill were I Harper - Soulherland Community Hews Church services will be held at Harper-Southerland church Sunday night, April 8 at 7:30. Everyone is invited to attend. Rev. N. P. Far rior will do the preaching. Mr. and Mrs. Williafn Sutton and Lynn were week end guests of Mc and Mrs. Richard Hill at Midway Park. i, , .' ;v- " ' Mr. and Mr. James Southerland and children visited Mrs. R. - L. Summerlin at Summerlln X-roads and Mrs. Florencee '. Houston at Warsaw Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Ballard and baby of Richlands were week end guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harper. " Mr. and Mrs. Coy Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer made a business trip to Warsaw Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tyndall of Jacksonville spent the week end IMITATIONS and announcements,,. j "'erweamnB - , vzj Each aUtinctive invitation thermographed on 25 rag china-white giving you fine raised lettering that speaks of the. highest quality. 5 1 1 Also matching reception cards, . response cards, thank you cards, at home cards and infonnals. Come in today and make your , " choice from our - , , . . ? Flower Wedding Line" catalogs Work Guaranteed . r SEE OUK ATTRACTIVE SAMPLE BOOK LOW PRICES QUICK SERVICE V 'rcN Of rdfetioBS To Che e Frori 1 , 7 m " r " 111 " i i qier Miss Lou Gray Wallace, dau ghter of Mrs. J. T. Wallace and the late Mr. Wallace, of ALbertson, be came the bride of Pvt Leslie M Teachey of Fort Bliss, son of Mr and Mrs. L. J. Teachey of Rose Hill March 8, 1951 in Dillon, S. C. recent guests of relatives here. Misses Peggy Jo Stroud ant Betty Jean Davis have returnee to WCUNC following the holidays. Messrs. Ruf us Swain and Ken neth Maxwell, students at UNC spent the week end here. Mr, 'and Mrs. Derapsey Smith, Mesdames Sallle Westbrook and Belle SWtnfeon and Avert and Robert Smith visited In Wilming ton and Wrlghtsville Beach Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs. Rodney Harper Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Potter and Mrs Telford Potter attended a banquet in Kinston Saturday night. ansTSlfctea ..Visited Mrdft .Mrs. Harviy Harper Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard Souther land and family visited Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Southerland of Kenans ville RFD Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coombs of Pink Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Mrs. A. B. Southerland of Kenans ville, RFD, Sunday. ' Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Brewer made a business trip to Kinston on Monday. A number of Warren County farmers , are seeding alfalfa and permanent pastures this SDrlni!. vellum papery r Yar efaolee Of SIXTEEN ladlvldual TYPE STYLES The mott ,. popular . . telactiont Mm. Paul Crosier flirt, faul Crodeg U P.J CULy Mr. Paul CwIett SMITH TOWNSHIP Mr. ' and Mrs. Fltzhugh Smith and boys also Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Smith spent the weekend with Mrs. Johnnie Smith and family. Miss Sadie D. Smith is visiting relatives in Wilmington this week. Mrs. Alvln Smith.Miss , Wilma Gray Smith and Mrs. Kenton Smith attended the stork shower .n Deep Run Saturday night. "Mrs. Aubrey Smith has return ed home after visiting her mother .or a few days in Washington, D C Miss. Penniee Smith visited Mr. Clayton Smith and family Sunday afternoon. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Smith vis ited Mi-s. Lizzie Smith and other relatives here this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Ivey Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Smith Sr. Saturday. Mrs. Ann Smith has returned .lome after spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Ben No! en of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and children, Mr. ad Mrs. Kenton Smith went to see the Azalea gar dens at Wilmington Sunday. Miss Bertha K. Smith and Gary Smith spent the week end with Mr. and Aubrey Smith and Miss Pennie Smith. Miss Pennie Smith served a de lightful dinner Saturday. She had a work spell to build a tobacco barn. There was a number of men that went. Mrs. Johnnie Smith and children shipped in Kinston Thursday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith. Mr. Kermit Williams of Texas spent the weekend with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams. Mr. Williams is in the Air Corps. Mrs. Johnnie Smith and Nell visited Mrs. Lizzie Smith Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill Sander son went to see the Azalea gardens at Wilmington Saturday. Mrs. Leslie Quinn and Frederick visited Mr. Clayton Smith and fam iy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Smith and son, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith spent Sunday with Mrs. Jonnnie Smith. i Mrs. Johnnie Smith and Gracen spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh Smith in Mt. Olive. Mrs. Fred Sackett and Mr. Clay ton Smith has been sick in bed with tfc? flu for the past week. Mrs. Henry P. Hood, spent Wed nesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Smith and Miss Pennie Smith and v. sited other relatives. The 8th grade of B. F. Grady went to Chapel Hill last Wednes day. ..They, all enjoyed the trip., Mrs. Allen Stroud and children of ' Albertson visited her mother Mrs. Maggie Smith Sunday. Leslie and Thomas H. Quinn went fishing Sunday. LONG RIDGE Mrs. Luby ivlannlnj of near Kin ston visited Mrs. David Gardner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Dail of Sum merlins X-roads visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kornegay of Caiypso spent last week with their children in this community. Mr. and Mrs. David Jones and Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Jones of Sa recta visited Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Kornegay last Friday. Those attending the District Sunday School Convention at Sa recta Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Bennle Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sutton and Mesdames D. R. ana Jesse Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Marvelous Sutton of La Grange' visited Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sutton Sunday. Mrs. Hazel Hargrove spent last week with her brother and family, Mr. Wile Singleton at Beulaville. Peggie Outlaw spent last week end with Mr., and Mrs.- Jesse E. Bell of Rones Chapel. BUILD WITH FOR STRENGTH FIRE SAFETY ECONOMY ' DURABILITY CLEANLINESS BEAUTY EASE OF ERECTION "Built To A Standard, ' Not Te A Price" SMITH CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. KINSTON, N. C. , n W 35 ticikt bin ,11 Where it will go... 17c WASHINGTON, D. C. President Truman, requested' an td ", tional 870 million dollar appropriation for development- of atofi.c energy, part of which will be used to perfect atomic-operated aircraft, ships and power generating facilities. The president made this disclo sure in his budget message to Congress in which he said that, "$1,227, 000,000 will be spent for atomic energy development in the cominsf -1962 fiscal year. Part of this will be financed out of left-over funds." The diagram above shows where the money comes from and where it will ro. :. j, wn7 (? PLUMBING 107 E. GORDON ooooooooooooeooooooooooo II. C. CONSOLIDATED HIDE CO., 1KC. GOLDSBORO,N.C. Foot of Waynesborough Avenue One Fourth Mile From New No. 117 Truck Laneu Connecting Wilson, Raleigh, and Mt. Olive Highways; If called immediately, we will pick up dead cattle, mules Mid hogs '. " FREE OF CHARGE JUST PHONE COLLECT GOLDSBORO 1532 OR 2330 Highest Prices Paid For Hides, Skins, Fa! and Raw Bones. iOfiOflOfiOfiAAAfiiKlOODOBAAAOA Office Supplies AND EQUIPMENT"? DESKS, CHAIRS, FILING CABINETS LEDGERS, BINDERS, SHEETS and INDEX John H. Carter Company KINSTON, N. C What About Your Future? Don't Rely On Chance Let The First Citizens Bank Take Care Of Your Finances. Prompt, Efficient Service At Little Cost To You. First-Citizens Cr.:;!i c5i Trust Ccf -:;y ' PIIIK HILL, I!. .... ... ,'! . . SiMiri 'U ,' 8 r fnVnnS r-- and HEATING KINSTON

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