,1. I t t 0 D::ia Ccmty Taxes .: The assessed valuation of Pre- perty listed in Duplin County f or " ,1950 is 926.923,052. The grand to-f Ul of taxes levied In Duplin County !n 1950 wn $42t,668.8L There are Meadar AprJ 16J . U u e aehedoled ea tike1 couit dn.leL ' ' Ceort will reconvene Tneaday April - April 17to to try another six Isaac : on that day. On ease to listed mm , the motion docket. lodge Henry U. Sterena wiU presW . around 14,W0tx payers in, the 1 'O ' i Ia - l ( f f . ,M I'm 1 ' y .-. . V "- !,:. -ii': ' .:,,,,,, - m "vi.jHS' . u La'' . 5 --if- br. r i. ft ii 1 'I 'H VOL. No. 18, A brand new play, "The Whirl pool"; a three act manuscript wri tten and directed,aided by Prof. James Ives, M. S. is scheduled to i be. presented in the auditorium of the Chinquapin High School April .a4th,195l at 7:00 o'clock. The play .expects to run about two hours and .iorty minutes. 'The Whirlpool" a t tragedy filled comedy full of wit and humor- with a cast of thirteen.. .Hit. Mllloy, author, playing the leading role, all amatures, takes .you back to around 1910 letting- the younger generation in on' the rioood old day", their parents have boasted about. - What happens to tills family shouldn't happen to a dog, but it .does. And the "heartless landlady" aged ninety-eight well you won't -.want.to miss seeing what happens .to ber. Do we have many landlords left like herT Let's hope not ' . .airs..Mllloy, author of many more .flays some presented in this school with credit to her acuity, stuaiea jdsatnatics in New York City for se . years;, played leading role's in seve tal plays. She appeared in such plays as "Susan and God", "Penny " ".Wise'VTEbe Trial of Mary Dugan", "The JDistaff Side", "The Cradle JSong". and many more, with praises .toaaLthe school faculty, to be proud iOf. Played one summer in Summer .Stock In Long Island, New York. Mrs. Mllloy's highest ' ambition is to see her play published. Critics ,ave been Invited from Chapel HiU to -view the- play for possibilities, and are expectedJThe PTA is spon- awrhjg tUeily.". Amplifiers bav VUMmTo. hopes .11. .who iawN.H ... come may hear well. The cast of thirteen will be introduced at 7:30 jMnr a show within Itself. Don't jnlss it No one expects a "Broad vway Production" but a fee under aOc will be- weU spent if you like iun and Uughter. See the play, The' Whirlpool" April 24th at 7 pan. . Beulaville P.T. A , f r v , Enjoys : Play . i Tb BeulavlUe ""PVrA. Vmet Agxdl .9 in the schl auditorium with, the president W. F. MUlef , presiding . A very enjoyable and ' caibidaa jitsy ms rwn by Miss lUm Jsfltaoii Jirst ' grade." Duf ing the busmess - session officers for the year were jelected and tn etaltBd. Jbmm Sillies- was elected to bead 'ihU 'organization with KlrtL EtaHOme dipp, Vice, Pres., Mrs.' B. C. aSdBnwll, Secrectary nd Mrt. Mamie Boggs, Treasurer. lit fi i 1i sim nils were . served In the loach ream Sallowing the meet ing to about 200 members. 0 - Two Breaking in County Saturday Night;$400 Taken Bailey's Esso Station In Faison j wm broken into Saturday aUtfttt while the proprietor was eatt & tug a sandwich ;and 1400 was ta- en from the cash register. The en try was made through a re tar wli dow.l - :,--yt.:r ''V.' The same bight . Herman Bar wick's Grocery, In Calypso was en tered through a rear window. Some small change was reported missing The sheriffs office has several! suspects and is Investigating accord lng to Deputy Sheriff C. L. Nichol son. '. " . - 1 - ' ; - 1 Attend OAR Meeting I-"-. Herman Miller and Mrs. Blanche Abee attended a meeting relations to which the, general pub u wus O. A, k. id Bicnlandi Friday. ' lie is Invited. , ! VJEEIvLY LEGISLATIVE SUMMMf The Revenue and Appropriation .-eported out by the Joint epprop Ellls for the coming blennlum ha- ' atlons committee. ' ; , 11 ve passed both houses Speaker Taylor has appointed a" caieno; tommlttee. and today the legislat ure devoted Its first Saturday ses i n to consideration of public bi 1 :. In the f rn. "e the president pro i 1 as introduced a resolution ; t to adjnrnment sine die 7 at We ' t' at r f r" 1 1 s r. in all pro- 'on will be am- -1-J.iy. Even tJi jry to Stop Cie Captain Bucti Transf arre 25 Promotions Awarded Child Struck By Auto On Kivy. 24 : ' Mary Katherlne Lanier, age 9, white, daugther of Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Lanier who live , 2 m:'es west of Beulaville was struct by an automible - Tuesday afternoon in front of Frank Raynor's house on Highway 24 just west of Beulaville. She died as a result of the accident at 2:00 A.M. Thursday morning. ' She was struck by the right front light and knocked 28 feet down the road. The tire marks showed the car skidded about 95 feet after ap plying brakes.'.': Jack Wright of Charlotte, driver of the car, stopped immediately picked the child up and rushed her to a Kinston hospital. Then he re turned to the scene of the accident and reported to Patrolman J. S. Briley and came to Kenansvllle. ' Justice of the Peace, C. B. Sitter son placed him under a $1000 bond pending the outcome of the child's condition. . '. : Wright said he was driving about fifty miles in fifty-five mile zone. Patrolman Briley , said that Wright was very cooperatlve.cour teouss, eonsiderate.From all reports it appears to have been an unavoid able accident Hew Star Mail Route Effective April 16th April " 16th the Star Mall route will originate in Rlohlands in the morning and come by Beulaville, ar- riving in Kenansvllle about 7:30 a m and will depart from Kenansvllle on receipt , of. the morning mail from Warsaw. Then will continue to Pink Hill.. Albertson, Deep Run.' and fanston and wiU .return .tYmnjjfli,,- ana alsoadd a 4x24 Klttstoif la the aftertiooii . by the i WreW.' ' same, route. ' . '.-r xr , : The' change should . result In People of Albertson and Pink Hill U..4.A. MMs utna thal mall An ! routes receiving their mall on sche dule, v. J,- - i, ,i : i This is a' project originated by the DupUn Time nd endorsed by 'he Duplin County Board of Com missioners, the Kenansvllle Lions Club and the Pink Hill Business and ProfessVJnal Men's Club, - faison Girl Heads X t Universitv Y.M.C.A. . Chapel Hill, April 8?At their annual election of officers, the Uni versity of North Carolina YWCA named Betty Ray of Faison as pres ident, snd the YMCA chose .Bill Hogshead, of Goldsboro as preai- Other YWCA , officers elected: Adair Beasley, DeFuniak Springs, Fla., vice president; "Jane Piper, Baltimore, County, Md., treasurer, Sylvia Nwsom, Charlotte, secre tary; Caroline Hasslnger, Bristol, Va membership chairman; and Joan Charles, Sea Girt, N. J pro gram chairman.,' '.:;' The YMCA elected Bill Burkhold er, Eagle Springs, vice president- Burton Rights, Winston-Salem, sec retary, and Bill Marsh, Thomas vllle,, treasurers :v..;,'. .-' Installation ceremonies for' the YWCA officers will be held In Mv, The YMCA officers will be lnstall- a later this month. Dr. Poteat of Carolina To Make Address Here ; Dr. W. li Poteat, Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina will be the guest of Ihe Kenansvllle Lions Club at a ladles night at the local school Wed nesday night, April 25th, for sup per. ', ' ..... , Following the supper. Dr. Poteat will. deliver an address In the scho ol' auditorium on Russian-American The Revenue and Appropriation lesplte concentrated efforts by a ecided minority, attempts to Ihcr Mse ihe appropriations for public ichool personnel and state employ ees met with defeat. RepRoyster's propossl to grant, school people an idditlonal $13 a month aad state mployees $22.50 Instead of $15 a tint 'h was rebuffed by a vote of U to ?1 In the Senate the closest vt ( i'to 19) cmi.e oa aa -.1-f t I " 1 ty T'n: -' r AV -m;k , , . , v.y f, . f - r . n KENANSVILLE, , T ft rf ji Capt Wm. M. Buck at Warsaw who has been commanding .officer Company. M, Warsaw National Guard, since it Was started April 14, JD47 has been transferred to the Third Battalion, 118th Infantry ,and assigned Battalion executive. officer This promotion was effective Apr il 1st. Second Lt. James F. Miller of Warsaw will take ' command of he comoany until Xts .James F. Str ckland and Henry Merritt re turn in July, from Associate In fantry Company Officers School at Ft. Benning, Ga., Since the first of March there have been - about 25 promotions in Company M. They include-. Henry M. jBrown, 3tl, . Warsaw, sergeant first class to master ser geapt; Isom Lanier, Rt.l, Warsaw, sergeant first class to master ser geant; Robert C. Best, Warsaw, ser geant to sergeant first class; Ce cil A. Bostic, Warsaw, sergeant to sergeant . first class! James B Elixon, Warsaw, sergeant to serge ant first class; Raymond W. Riven bark, :. Warsaw, ' Rt.l, sergeant to sergeant first class;James R. Best. Kenansvllle, . corporal to sergeant; Bovee W. Boyette. rt.2 Warsaw, corporal to serjgearrt;Jaiil3.3erry, Warsaw, corporal to sergeant; Eu gene. Carlton, rtl, Warsaw, corpo ral to-sergeant;Robert L. Gore, rt 1, Warsaw, corporal to sergeant; Earl C. Davis, rt. 2, Warsaw, cor poral to sergeant; Marshall R. Jones, rt2, Warsaw, corporal to sergeant; Lamon A. Mathis, War saw, corporal to sergeant. CONTINUED ON BACK Belle Oil Company Expands Building- The Belle Oil Company of Pink Hill, James J5;le manager, is pro ud to announce that they are now in the process of enlarging the sto re, and warehouse facilities. The addition to the store wlll.be 22x80 feet, adjoining the? present ' This wide awake electrical ipp liance dealer features'. Frlgidaires (please see adl.Coleman "Heaters, Duro Water Pumps, Barton Wash ing Machines and a general line of smaller appliances. Also has -a com plete line, of bathroom, kitchen and plumbing supplies. 'They are Usee- used plumbing and electrical con tractors. : ;. . i : . .. -i . Dr. Phillips Warns DtrWIm Dog Owners T Vaccinate Dr. W. A. Phillips, veterinarian of Wallace who to also the official rabies Inspector for Duplin County warns all dog owners to .prepare to have their dogs vaccinated as re quired by law. -1 Dr. Phillips says there has been a large outbreak of safeties In Pen der County recently in which a large number of animals died and an unusually large number of pe ople had to take the rabies treat ment So far no epidemic has been reported in Duplin. . ' Dr. Phillips will have a schedule of places and dates throughout the county published in the Times in the near future. .:. '' ' He also vaccinates horses . and mules for sleeping sickness. ?; Pink Hill Civics Club: Plan Annual Ladies Night Thad Eure Be Speaker The Pink Hill Civics Club -March meeting was held at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hut in Pink Hill. Plans were announced for the an nual ladies night to be held in the Pink Hill School lunch room April 27th at 7:30 P. M. - '.'-". Secretary of State Thad Eure will be the main speaker at the ladies night" f vv: James Johnson made a brief talk orl Boy Scout work and showed verjTlnteresting sound film on sco uting. Jack Rider, Chairman of the iLenolr County Welfare Department made a talk on the work of the de partment. . V. ' ' i.;. : -Various committee reports were heard. Dn H. A. Edwards commen ted on the splendid work being done by the organiztation which has a total membership of about 70. Bob Grady, editor of the Duplin Times was guest of the club. , '''' . . '' Ilallsville Church VVomen'IIold Meeting Circle number 2 of the Hallsville Women of the Church will meet Sat urd.iy night at 7:30 with Mrs. Ottis rni'-r. , : . .,';.---,' :. : NORTH CAROLINA , Dedication of Altar Set at - f " if J8" : At special .dedicatory exercises on Easter Sunday in the Metho dist church ' in Warsaw, Rev. R. L. Crossno received and dedicated a pair of solid brass flower urns donated to the : church by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thompson. These urns were presented to the church in memory of Mrs. Thompson's father, the Rev. C. H. Cavlness of Siler City, who was a super-anuated Methodist minister, and in Memory of Mr. Thompson's mother, Mrs. Sallie B. Thompson Ordination and Installation Services Rev. Hayter Grove Church Here Sunday night Mr. J. T. "Sam" Hayter, Jr. who has been serving as pastor of the Grove and Hallsville Presbyterian churches since last summer, will be ordained minister and form ally Installed O pastor of these two churches at a tveclal service to be held at the Grove Presbyterian ch urch Sunday, AprU 15th at 7:80 p. T.h ordinattdn and Installation will Ut-wmdneted hv a asocial com mission appointed for this purpose by Wilmington Presbytery at tneir last meeting In Clark ton on April 10th. The members of this commis sion are the Rev. Jerry Newbold, WarsavOMdrman; the Rev. Dr. William Crowe. Wilmington; the Rev. Millard Simpson, Burgaw; and'suling Elder R. V. Wells. Ken- M. M.Thigpen Dies ; In Beulaville Murphy Jd. Thigpen, age 64, died suddenly of a heart attack while picking out seed corn in a pack house on bis farm near Beulaville late Wednesday afternoon, after several imnnfh of Jlecllnlng health., Funeral services , will be con-; ducted form the Beulaville .Baptist Church jfiiflay Afternoon .at 3 o' clock by the Rev. L. A Brown, pas-i tec, awwiirsi jkcw. a Goodman, pastor Beulaville Pres byterian Church and- Rev. J. L. Powers of St Pauls, a former pas-j tar. KsrM irM fee In the Thigpen family cemetery near Beulaville. Far a " ai yaars 3m ihas; served as deacon af the Beulaville Baptist Church, a town alderman active member el the County Board af Welfare and Farm Bur eau.'; :-: 'v: " "-. He is survived by bis wife, (the former Mildred Adams ef Cedar Town, Ga.; one daughter. Miss Ca lesta Thigpen of Raleigh; three sons. Orvis M. and Orro both of the home. Win f red B. af Belbek eight grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Duplin T. B. Association Sponsors Musical Health Program ' Mr. Judson Gregory, manager of the Wallace' Radio Station WRRZ, announces, that "Melody Of Life", a series of musical health programs will be heard over staiton WRRZ each Friday at 3:30 pm beginning with Friday, April 8th., and will run for thirteen consecutive Fri days. , ;,"v:s; This program is prepared by the American' Medical Association and Is being sponsored by the Duplin Tuberculosis Association. ' ' Each program will be IS minutes in length, with musical selections of one of the, great music masters with remarks en his individual he alth problem, and bow it could ha ve been relieved today. Example: Brahms, cancer; Chopin, tubercu losis. ','.-"-r ."'-V: ; '..;'"' .;':(. Mrs. Gordon Kornegay, execut ive secretary of our local T.B Asso datloa, states that these programs are recommended, not only for tV'r health eduontionM value, but are ' '.rumental l i t . Jtl.lng arp ! i cf V e ) 'c r..ter to i f r :. . . . " . FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1951 Warsaw Methodist Church i , of Chapel Hill. Both Mrs. Thomp son and Rev. Caviness passed a way during the past year. Thewomen of the church, com posing the three circles, completed the altar set by presenting the cross, a pair of candlestickes, and two collection plates. These were also of solid brass. Rev. Crossno dedicated each piece belonging to the set indivi dually in a most impressive ser vice. ansviUe. The Rev. W. B. Hood, Wal- n w m a wv lace, and Ruling Elder An drew H. Miller, Hallsville, will serve as alt ernates to this commission. The Rev. Eugene L. Daniel of Atlanta, Ga., has been Invited to nii-Hrlnntjt In the mrvlee and ""! preach the ordination sermon. Rev. Hanial U former ehanlaln in she fc. S.;4nny. Mv.was mit0 misuonary m Korea uii we eac break of the war in "that conn try. He returned to this country with his family last December. He is the brother-in-law of Mr. Hayter. ' j Rev. Mr. Daniel will also preach at the morning service at Hallsville. The public to cordially invitee to attend the service. Local Citizens Provide School Fire Hydrant Provisions nave been made by a few citizens in Kenansvllle to pro vide for the continuance of a four inch water main to the school bull ding in order to provide for a fire hvdrant for' protection. The funds were low and these citizens raised several hundred dollars in order to put in.the fire hydrant. Picnic Dinner at Hallsville Presbyterian Church Sun. Members of the Hallsville Pres byterian ' Church announce there will be a picnic dinner on the gro unds Sunday immediately follow ing .regular morning services. Rev. Eugene L. Daniel will preach. The .public is invited to church and to dinner. Come and bring a basket the ladies say. Pledges Honorary aTXPjexnily Miss Helen Grace Baker of Ken ansvllle has been invited to join Beta Kappa Chapter of Pi Omega PI at East Carolina College,naUon al bptB educatknn honorary fr aternity. Students are selected who have- outstanding scholastic recor ds la the department of business education. The pledging ceremony will be April 18th with initiation if members later in the spring. :' . . Guest Speaker Methodist Church Here Sunday . Walter F. Anderson of Raleigh will be guest speaker at the Ken ansvllle Methodist Church Sunday April 15th at the 11:00 AJVI. service His Subject will be "A Sustaining Faith for a Disturbed and Troubled World." . Dr. Anderson is director of the Bureau of Investigation, North Ca rolina Department of Justice.. He is an outstanding Methodist layman and also an outstanding North Ca rolinian, i . : -'' ' He will teach a men's .Sunday Scrccl Class in Kineton before com ing here Sunday. t A large crowd is expected and Rev. Glover advises eome early. r' siArrfii:'.Y;. F. C ' '.? t ' r '" " Car Strikes Mule Flips Over Car Dick Newsom of Faison was traveling , along highway 117 near the overhead pass at Calypson Tues day night when a mule wandered into the path of the car which was going about 40 miles per hour. As soon as Newsom saw the mules he applied brakes but the impact of the front of the car threw the mule over the top of his automobile, lan ding him in the rear. By the time the car was stopped the mule had disaappeared. Newsom inquired a bout the mule at the farm of Al bert Martin and the mule was fo und in the barn in a sweat. The mule died several hours later. Dr. Blair Speaks District Nurses Thirty nurses attended the Four teenth District Nurses meeting in the Agricultural building here Tues day night, representing Cumber Harnett, Sampson and Duplin Co unties. Mrs. Agnes Kelly of Fayette ville presided. The speaker, Dr. J. S. Blair of Wallace, was Introduced by Miss Mary Alice Whitfield. Dr. Blair's topic was "The Future of Medicine" with particular emphasis on the ne wer drugs. Delicious refreshments were ser ved the group by the nurses of the Duplin County Health Department. Henry L. Stevens 111 to Ooen Law Offices Here Henry L. Stevens, 3rd, of War saw, will begin practicing law in Kenansville in the ofices formerly occupied by his grandfather, L.A. Beasley, who has practiced law in Duplin County for over 50 years and Is regarded as one of the out standing land lawyers in the state. He comes from a family of promi nent men in the legal profession; the son of Henry L. Stevens, Jr., re sident Judge . of the. Superior Court in" this district uUl f uncle? E. Walker Stevens Is a Warsaw attor ney who served for a number of years as County Attorney.'. He graduated from the Univer sity of Nortn Carolina and received his LLD from Wake Forest Law School. He is a member of Sigma Nu, social fraternity, and Phi Alpha Delta, national honorary tow frat ernity. He served as a First Lieu tenant In the United States Marine Corps snd to In the reserve. He passed the North Carolina State Bar in March. At present be to a resident of War saw where he was bo , , Pink Hill Family In Auto Accident Robert Holt Pins Hill banker, was driving north on the Klnston highway Sunday about 6:45 when his car collided with another car making a left turn off the high way. The other car was driven by Isaiah Kernegay, Negro, of Trenton rtl. The colislon sent four people to the hospital and. caused almost $1 000 damage to both cars. Holt cashier of the First Citizen Bank in Pink HiU, his wife and small son "Chuck" all suffered mi nor bruises and cuts and were hos pitalized overnight in Klnston. Usher Earl Barfleld, Negro, of near Trenton, was ridins with Kor negay and receited internal lnju- ries wtticn wnne not senous now . - ... . j.. ... may grow worse, it was, reported Patrolman Seth Thomas is con tinuing the investigation. 1 Watch For Arts and Crafts ....'.'. In Kenan Auditorium The newest feature of the Dupl in County, educational system is the Arts and Crafts exhibit being held this year on AprU 27,28. and29 This event will turn Kenan Mem orial Auditorium in Kenansvllle, into, a veritable art gallery that will draw widespread interest and support An added featurs of this year's exhibit will be the Visual Aids section, made up bf the work various teacher have done to en liven' their teaching program. . ',., . -i- r ' Don't forget to plan to attend the "Music in the Schools" program Friday night AprU 27 at 8:00 o' clock In the Kenan Memorial Aud itorium, The presentation, will In clude numbers from first grade through High School, 800 boys and girls will put on a program desig ned to give an idea of the place music holds in the school curricu lum. - .; ,,V v:.-'""'..i .;.",", 1.. ".,' v ' ? - - - r i ft r:' County BF W Hostess To 7th. District In Warsaw Batchelor Found Dead In Ditch David B. Hamilton, a 71 year old batchelor, was found dead and badly burned Tuesday night. He lived with his sisters on a farm in Kenansville township. When he u.a not return home they went to look for him. He died of a heart atack as a result of the heat and must have fallen into the ditch. Acount of funeral can be found elsewhere in this issue. Warsaw Citizen Commits Suicide Edgar Donald Williams, age 59, of Warsaw committed suicide Sat urday about noon by shooting him self in the head with a pistol in his room at the home of Miss Betty Loftin in Warsaw. No notes were left and the only reason advanced by members of the family was that he had been dispon dent for some time. Williams was a magistrate in War saw and for a while served as town tax collector. A few months ago he. left Warsaw for Greensboro where he has been spending some time with his sister. He returned to War saw the early part of last week. Funeral services were held on Monday morning at 11 o'clock at the Chapel of Forbis-iMurray Fune ral Home in Greensboro with inter ment in the Green Hill Cemetery there. He was the son of the late Wil lam Henry and Mattie Williams of Duplin County. He is survived by bis widow, the former Eva Faison of Faison who now resides in Tex as; one son E.'D.,Jr., of Denver, Colo.. 'e JW)t. Elizabeth of. Baltimore, Md.,ind one slster.MUs Mattie Williams of Greensboro. Results Are Given i F.F.A. Judging contest The Kenansvllle FFA won 3rd place in a beef cattle and hog Judg ing contest held on the Parker farm at Chinquapin this week. In the con I test Beulaville took first place and Long Creek-Grady in Pender Co unty took 2nd. In a dairy cattle judging contest at the State Test Farm in Willard the Kenansville team placed 10th place with Burgaw and Wallace taking 1st and 2nd places respecti vely. Thirteen schools composing the Duplin-Pender FFA Federation were in the contest. Thousands Enjoy Visit With Stars It has been revealed that 122,994 persons enjoyed visits with the stars at the Morehead Memorial Planetarium on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel HIU last year. Only the Hayden in New York attracted lar ger audiences, according to the re tiring director, Dr. Roy Marshall. Showings are held each evening at 8:30, with Saturday and Sunday matinees. Admission is 50c for ad ults. 18c for children. .. Installs On Thursday evening March29, The new officers of Beulaville Ch apter No. 237 Order of the Eastern Star were Installed in an impress ve and beautiful public installat ion service held at the Masonic Hall. The Chapter room was beautiful with its floral displays of Easter lilies, Jonquils, greenery and ligh ted candelabra. Mrs. Olive T. Kennedy, the ret iring worthy- matron opened the. meeting. Welcome was given to Mr Jessie M. Henly.Worthy Grand Pa tron, Mrs. Reta Henly, Past Grand Matron, Mrs. Maude B. Foy, assoc iate Grand Matron, Mr. Clifton Knowles, District Deputy Grand i Patron and other visitors. , 5 Miss Ruth Sanderson sang a solo, "Memories'' Mrs. Olive T. Kennedy made her retiring address. Mrs. Callie W. Miller -gave tribute to the, retiring worthy matron and presented her . with flowers. Mr. Le-:lle Kenneiy, worthy patron ma de bis ir'tr'-t speech, Mrs. Ken b' "r at ' : -e introduced the i and requested Beulaviila No. 15 Lucy Rhodes Duncan of Smith field, State Membership Chairman, was principal speaker at the annual meeting of the seventh district of . the North Carolina Federation of Business and Professional Woman's Club, held in Warsaw on Sunday, April 8th. The meeting: was held 1 in Grammar School Lunchroom with about eighty attending, rep resenting Klnston, GreenvUle, Mor ehead City- Beaufort Mt Oliver Goldsboro and Midway Part ........ Mrs. J. P. Harmon, DupUn Cou nty's Club president, presided. Mrs. Alton Greenlaw rendered the invocation, after the singing ot "God Bless America" in unison. Luncheon was served at noon.. Mrs. Robert L. West of Warsaw gave the address of welcome, and the re sponse came from Mrs. Hazel Jord- ' an of Greenville. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs Helen Parrott Lonon of Klnston gave the roll call, minutes and treasurer's report Out of town guest recognized we re Mrs. Ernestine Simmons, presid ent of the Smithfield Club, Mrs: Willis Johnson of Clinton; Mrs. Chester Walsh of GreenvUle, assis tant recording secretary of the State B P W. and Mrs. WUUam P. Easley of Farmville. Mrs; ; M. A. Smith of Warsaw gave a reading aa. part of the program.. Beulaville Town; Election May 8lfr The Commissioners of the-Town of Beulaville met this week and ac cording toMayor S. P. Bostic plans were made for the town's bi-anual election to be held May 8th at the" I. J. Sandlin Company Store. The registration boks will be op ened April 21st through 28th at which time all persons not regis tered are urged to do so in order to vote in the town election, ' ' Mrs. Irene Carroll was appointeoT" Registrar and April 28th designated, as challenge day. , W. F. Miller is the only candi date for mayor. The present mayor,. S. P. Bostic wUl not seek reerect Ion. Present town commissioners fU big are: Archie Lanier, W. D. Browns and Gardner Edwards. Other can didates for Commissioner are Ran som Smith, D. D. Sandlin and An drew Jackson. Judges for the election will be S. H. Qutnn and Mrs. S P. Bostic and T. F. Craft, alternate. U.D.C To Meet in Witttle Home, Warsaw, Next Week The Kenan Chapter of the U.D.C. wiU meet next Thursday afternoon April 191b at 3:30, In the home of Mrs. L. S. Whittle in Warsaw with Mesdames N. A. Mitchell, N. Ba Boney and J. R. Grady Joint host esses. All members are urged to he present. DISTRICT FHA MEETING a two-day district meeting of all Farmers Home Administration em ployees for this area was held lit Goldsboro March 27 and 28. Those in attendance from Duplin County were Arthur M. Benton, County Su- . pervlsor, Walden M. Hearn, Assis tant County Supervisor, and Mrs. Grace R. McNeill, office manager. Ways and means of assisting Far mers Home Administration borrow er families to do a more successful Job of farming was the theme, or? discussion. i .' ? ...' I astern-Star . New Off Ecers ( Installing Marshal, Mr. Clifton Kn owles, Installing explain, Mns. Thelma Murphy, Installing condu ctress, Mrs. Ruby Newton, Install ing secretary and Mrs. Louise Bon-, ey. Installing organist The following officers were in stalled: Worthy Matron, Callje W: Miller; Worthy Patron, Ashe MiU- j er; Associate Matron, Fonnie Mae ', N. Miller; Associate Patron, Percy C. Shaw; Secretary, LudUe M. Ml Her; Treasurer, Walter Rhodes; Conductress, Macy J. Thomas; As sociate Conductress Dollie M. Mir ier; Chaplain, . Olive T. Kennedy Marshal, Dorothy M. Thigpen; Org anist, Panme M. Rhodes;" Adah, Sarah S. Mercer: Ruth. Kathleen L. Shaw; Esther, Louise H. Brown; Martha, Ore Lee Kennedy; Electa,. ' Mary S. Mercer: .Warder. Effie TL Mercer; Sentinel. Leslie Kennedy.. Mrs. Callie V. TlUler accepted' the gavel as i y matron m. :! made a short a ? t f accept "!,v. In honor of the y matron l..s! Fonnie Mae 1 'mj "Stir of? the East" and ; i her v.: red roses, b?r -, Towr ' ret'; the year. Mr. i r, v :, I .rf' made a A .,. ,.,,.,i,.i.:,.