V ' State Public Health Nursing Con - iultant,' Miss Ann Lamlb ad Dr E, Kllng, Master - in Public MOTOR PARK Drive In Theatre . PINK IIILL, N. C. "Carolina's Greatest ' Entertainment Value" Shows at 7:15 & 9:15 pi m. Adults 30 c Kids (under 12 yrs, in cars) Free Health, spent TluiraOayx with the Health Dept to study report. ' i u Dr. Kllng Is assistant professor ol Health Education at .Columbia University" and is making research in planned parenthood Duplin Co unty is one of thirteen counties to he studied in Norm Carolina. - ' Miss Sara Grogglns, Field Con sultant, also r.tlsfted the Health de partment Thursday." ' ' - SUNDAY MAY 6tn ; ' An FUN AT ITS BEST ' 1 Bschslor's Dcjrlilers V - . Starring . J J n GAIL RUSSELL 7 CLAIRE TREVOR , JANE WYATT ? f ADOLPII MENJOU 1 '" Also Western Shorts MON. TUBS. 7-8 (IN TECHNICOLOR) r ' DELIGHTFUL IT IS ' Tea For Two Doris Day-Gordon MacRae Gene Nelson Eve Arden ; i Also Color Cartoon WED. ONLY 9 Once AJhief - ."'"! , it v v i - n " i j . 1 CEASER ROMERO i JUNEPAVOC -j. Also Serial si- Hospital Opens The new Pender County Memor ial . hospital In Burgaw opened Tuesday for the admittance of pa tients .fl "'? :iy-ii!:vf't'r Construction began early In 1950 with completion in April 1991, with cost including equipment of $200, 000. The hospital wad built by the County, the State -Medical -Care Commission , and ; Public Health Commission v; ,., Chief' surgeon is -or.'. A. JHenry Dunn, formerly with the veterans Administration Hospital of Colum bus, Ohio. Staff doctors ere Dr N. C Wolfe, Dr W L Taylor, Sr, and Dr, W. I Taylor, Jr Doctors outside the county will be given courtesy staff memberships','.,. ',.;"JJ,i,,. L, U. Chandler of Raleigh is su perintendent and has been associat ed w'lft- various hospital 'through out thi eastern seaboard i ,i ; , ; - i, fv' ,VV - V '.'.v ., ,t At present fie nursing staff con- slsts of "?lr registered nurses and four nurses aids, Mrs. Viola Wil son s ch'ef r rse and Miss Fran ce B.',.?v"M:taiMi- The hospital has a capacity of 27 beds, 3 JuvjbI'" beds and a nursery with 8 bassinets and an incubator, The w ,bu'1' is furnished throughout., with., modern . equip ment. - Dedication services -will be held May 30th. Details will be announc ed later. 5 ( " J $ jjj , , i THUS. FEL lt-U I ACTION PACKED W ADVENTURE Oh Susanna ' j . : .' Starring . . RO CAMERON 4 1 AllltlAM uuuin U Also MS stooges" Comedy SAT. ONLY M ? 1' DOUBLE FEATURE Oevare Of Blondie Witk 'I-'-. The Bumsteads Also ' " Gone Aulry And The MftiifffiAr With Gene Antry "Get The Motor Park Hablt" . r 1 Hula Drive la Iheatre chinquapin! N. C. WEEK OF MAY Sun. A Mob. Sun Comes Up , v (Color By Technicolor) ' Starring eanette MacDoaald A Lloyd Nolan ;CNew.-7 Tnes. WoAv ,!.; Master Minds w.v: Leo Goreey a Hnate Hall i ''" Short 'Cartooo '-. Thus. PrL . r The Bribe t: (,i::f:?::f -t Starrln t-.s .j Boberi Taylor Ara Gardner Cartoon Sat Only.- .r','.. :...(.. , , , :'4j;i'. ,hjll';f,'ii " Rim oi Canyon ' Gene 'Antry 't Cartoon Serial Short -Sal Only - I.-Vl , ' f "Captive Girl" J , ;j;.'.'!' Starring Johnny W. L 3 Thursday and Friday, May 3, 4 , ' Kansas Raiders Starring AUDIE MURPHY and BRIAN DONLEW Saturday May 5 DOUBLE FEATURE The Cowboy & Indian STARRING GENE AUTRY,,, y. : J ' Also JOE PALOOKA MEETS' HUMPHREY W !f sin. & Mob May 6 A 7 Never A Bull rjomeni; ; '' ';, :." '' STARRING' ', IRENE DUNN and FRED McMURRAY 1 a. 4 Wed May 8 & 9 t 1 " Falhsr-Son FFA Banquet ' !The FFA boys held their annual Father-Son banquet, Friday night, April 20, in the lunchroom at BF Grady. i$ S V' Invocation was given by Lynn Harper, am). Donnell ' Kornegay welcomed the,Dads,: .Hiyvi'V Several songs were sung by the Home Ec girls and Vo. Ag. boys, with music arranged . by Donnie Welta,;'-? ';;'-; ;.'.' Guest speaker' of the evening Was W.' E Debnan, WPTF News commentator After Mr. Debnan' talk, the president recognized the visitors t, s"?"v,.;,.v;' 3 i'i ; Gaston Grady, president, gave a speech entitled "Green Pastures, Their ' Place la ' the Economy , of North Carolina. " : ' '.'I Glenn Kornegay gave the achieve ments of the FFA boys for the past yMrv .,.; f?g?. An Interesting talk on our Adult Farming Program was .given by Glen Kornegay., and Our Veteran FUnner Training Program was giv en by Franklin QttlML :..,-..: .-'J. ., The banquet concluded with the repeating of the pledge to the flag. Mrs. Tovnsenid - Mrs Ituth Teachey Townsend gave; a two paint music recital at the BF Grady school April 19th. She was assisted by . Miss. Joyce Maxwell, reader, and Mrs. Callie Cox, vocalist. a llu,.t fuime U Utunjf accui.,ug to Mrs. Florrie Byrd, music teach er. :.-. .- : r...-; ' Immediately .following the reci tal her parents, Mr and Srs. Gra ham Teachey entertained in her honor the school faculty and friends at a reception in the Home Econom ics Department The' hall was dec orated with lovely spring flowers and more .than one hundred guests were present. y f.-v-'-, Mrs. Byrd, her piano teacher, pre sented her with a gift from faculty members and friends in .apprecia tion of her music ability, and-services to the school as an accompan Istf.' ;rf ' lA-.i i.". m .' j "A certificate of completion in High .school piano was presented by Principal Wells, j v ' , ; Donn Velh Gives MODEL THEATRE y'f BBULAVrLLB, N.C. ; Movies Are Better Than Ever i "Why Worryf See A Movie" WEEK OM MAY 6-8 4 V Son. & Mon. BRIMSTONE (In Technicolor) r,,v.- With Bod Cameron Tnea. ft Wed.,. , TEA FOR TWO (in Technicolor) ' ., : . Starring : , .Doris Day and Gordon MeCrea Than. " BAD BOY With Audle Murphy Fit 30MBA and the HIDDEN -CITY.' ' Sat ' i..,.;,,.',, .t.:.., yt, GUNMAN of ABILENE Starring ' Allen Lane Donn Allison Wells gave a piano recital last Wednesday night before a large audience of teachers, pu pils and friends at the BF Grady school ' V ". ',:'." ',' . . Included in the program were selections from Debussy, Chopin, and Hendelshon. He was assisted by Mrs. Doris Byrd, vocalist At the close of the recital the Mo zart Music ChJb presented him with a bust of Mozart in recognition of his musical ability On several oth er oocassions he has been the re cipient, of musical awards for his superior rating In both secular and sacred music. ' '""',"""": '" ' - Donn is the son. of Mr. and Mrs Hugh Wells. He is In his junior year at the BF Grady school. According to Mrs Florrie Byrd, music teacher, he shows unusual musical Ability and has a promising future as a pianist. -.;'. - ' NEW CANCER FILM " : The new film, "Breast Self-Exam' -lnaUon," f an American Cancer Society , and National . Cancer in stitute project, can help prevent most of the 20,000 deaths from breast cancer of women heed -the warning to examine their breasts 'monthly for, lumps which might mean early cancer. Support this and the many other projects of the American Cancer Society by giving to the 1951 Cancer crusade. 1. uKi' - r'h"h tin rm rrn" - Mrs, Jack Grady 1 Mr.1 and Mrs. Shad Kornegay of Aioertauu announce the marriage of their daughter, Emily Lois to Private Jack D Grady of Camp Gordon, Georgia. The marriage took place On April 19 at Dillon, S. C Pvt Grady As the son of the late (Mr and Mrs Sam Grady of Goldsiborp. 3 Center Theatre I MOUNT OLIVE EASTERN CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE FrL Sat May 45 ONLY THE VALLIANT WITH Gregory Peck Son Moo. May 67. THE LEMON DROP KID Boh Hope Marilyn Maxwell Tnes Wed. May S t CRY DANGER Dick Powell Rhonda Fleming Thursday Only May 10th. r VENDETTA Faith Domerque r m? wJriMiM warsavw.c. ovrmr maw j-- mav mm' otiii.-invii ' max v-l mm '"-. wmtm mm . BIRD OF PARADISE re ,,nJ,, ' (Technicolor) 111 If With' - , , With Louis'; Jourdan Sc. Debra Gary Cooper & Jane Greer - - -raget , .',.. 1 .. Cartoon 1 THURS.-FRI ... MAY 10-11 Cartoon SAT. . MAY 12 - DOUBLE FEATURE TUESWED MAY ABILENE TRAIL r; RIO GRANDE " with whip wuson With JohiT Wayne " TIMBER FURY With David Bruce Serial Phone Us For Your Heeds In n',j'ij;.(H yt4;j r'itfw &V'Uk - -..:,;- --'V TloughC: DrossLumbcn .rMk-s , All Kinds''' ' T.lolding And Trim '. Free Delivery Prompt Service . ,i .4 t i 4. JL 1 4 JL. Telephone 2542 ire tc Fri. May 11 & 11 JaE. (lev Commander Legion Post 'The Charles R. Gavin Post No. 127 installed newly elected offi cers Friday night Installation cere monies were held, at the Warsaw Legion Home at 8 p. m. A banquet proceeded the installation and all Legion aires were invited to bring their wives or iguests .District Commander, J. C, Page, was. in charge of the Installation service Retiring Commander Ralph J. Jones thanked the post for its fine cooperation during the past year. The new Commander, J. Ed ward Strickland, received his new office with a pledge to work and cooperate with all leglonaires and expressed a desire f or aid and ad vice from older and more, experi enced members :' Past Commander Jones present ed the Post with photographs of several of the men of Warsaw Township Who were killed in World War II. i Other new officers included A. Banadyga, first vice-Commander, J Paul Hunter, second vice-Comman-,4er W,.EsBartlett, adjutant; Hn 'ry E Stevens, historian;' Ttalph J Jones, service officer; Otis Swin son, sergeant-at-arms; and Ralph Langston, Color Guard In addition, the following Leg lonaires were appointed to the In dicated poatsWoodrow Blackburn, Boys State chairman; E. D. Pollock, grave registration chairman; Willi am B. Boyette, Amercanism chair man; A W. McNeil, oratorical con teat chairman; O C Holland, guard ianship chairman and Graham A Phillips, athletic chairman, Kenansville Elect. Tuesday May 8th The Kenansville Town Election will be held May 8th with voting at Justice of the Peace C. B Sit terson's office ' Registration books are now open at his of fice , There Is only one candidate for, mayor, Amos Brinson and five can didates for Town Commissioner. They are Ralph Brown, Ivey Bow den, Leo Jackson, ' Stokes West brook and $ R. Grady STUDY CAUSES OF CANCER Researchers at a world-wide can cer conference in Paris theorized that cancer results from many rath er than a single cause. Such factors as degenerative changes in tissue are believed to combine with out side agents of this modern indust rial era to cause cancer. Research into cancer's causes is supported by Pen Lm DRIVE IN THEATRE NEW & MODERN Located 1 Mi. So. West of Wallace Thursday .- Friday, May 1 and 4 Mr. Music ' - BInr Crosby and Nacy Olsen Saturday, May 5 Yellow Cab Man ' Red Skelton and. Gloria DeHaven Sunday Monday, May 6 and 7 Father of. the Bride Spencer 'Tracy ind Joan Bennett Tuesday Wednesday, May 8 and I Mystery Submarined v Donald Carey and ITarta Torea ,' COLORED M EVS PVT. DEAVER COMPLETES itf COURSE AT FT. JACKSON Private Davdd Deaver, colored, son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Dea ver, Route 2, Beulaville, has suc cessfully completed an eight- week Leaders' course conducted by the Specialist Training Regiment of the famed 8th Infantry Division at Fort Jackson, S. C. Private Deaver, who was induct ed into the Army last October, la a. graduate of Georgetown High school, Jacksonville, N. C. and at tended A&T college in Greensboro, N. C. Private Deaver's wife, Mrs. Ber tha M Deaver, resides at Route 2, Kenansville. They have one child, James Anthony Deaver. Students enrolled in the Leader's Course are selected from the en listed ranks 'of the Third Army area for the purpose of determining their potentialities for commission ed and non-commissioned officers. funds from the American Cancer Society. Give to the 1951 Cancer Crusade. PROBE VIRUS AS r.t CAXCEBTCAUSE Investigators are ttudlng viruses as a possible cause of cancer. No proof yet exist that cancer in hum ans is caused by a virus although a and r i. ... i r," s : ,i for eats, -,-r's blirt e--. t't. Effective April 29, Trci.i IId. 42 f Goldsboro, Rocky Mount; and north, will arrive at Warsaw at 9:05 p. m. and leave at 9:10 p.m. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD REMEMBER TODAY TOMORROW WITH A PHOTOGRAPH BY . pri STUDIO IN MOUNT OUVE Phone U7-J or 23 PHOT OOR 4 1'H 1 A SPECIALTY COMMERCIAL Have Your Tires Like New Complete Recapping We Also Carry A Complete 'Line of New Tires And Tubes See Us For Your Needs laaislillliaiiiiMgsaiaiIillllllllwaajiiBafiBiaMga , Flakes Safes And Service ' Two Locations Next To Clinton Theatre - College Street 1 1-2 miles out on Wilmington Hwy. Clinton ,s ' i MADE FOR i,fj- a -toreros wits 'wavscix Family-sized, Budget-priced 0: gjl 'v'Sl v jsWiv'';; -k': &' y? -.y:i ' l"- i NEW IN V Has many features you'd expect to find only in higher-priced refrigerators v Mefer-Msor profecfs'afl rp,fl ,ooa ,rom on shopping trip re me nexri , 1 ; ' ' ' v See All Thosei Foafures f . , Ixclutlvo Qiitchubo Trays with ' Inttenl Cube Roloa.se. - - Poreolaln Nyaralor holds more lhaa , y . 9 quarts of fruits and vogotablos. I Rust-roslstanL sturdy shstvoe wilk f ; - plenty of room for tall botttos. . e Largo Supor-trMiw holds eve IVli k . lbs. froson loodi - ' Now, boawHful cabinet oeslga and j - w . m Mir 4 ' f - . vA Vo Thursday Friday, Nay 10 end 11 The Petty Girl'; ' Joan Cm.T I a I Robert f, c -.V - ' r.:t.c:ive,N,c 1 '

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