V -.Among new officers Installed in the Klnston volture of the 40 and 5c.aJ 0itvfs Steamed and on Half Shell WE EIXIVEB ' DIAL 8961 A JhatOLV u v W JU Klnston 8, fun and honor society of the American Lt.km at Howell's Wednesday , evening wre Durham urady and C, S, Thompson pi Al bertsoa ., . . Kins.:a L:!l Those from ink Hill attending the policeman's ball in Klnston Wednesday night included Mr, endj Mrs. -x i. j Turner, Mr and Mrs Frank Wiley, Mr, and Mrs. , James Miles, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Jones, -V a i Mr and Mrs. Tom Davis; J. Har vey Turner, Floyd Heath; Jr, Misses Dorothy Carol Stroud, Polly Wes ton, Elizabeth Small and Mary Nell Kennedy. . T.D;C::rd : . Mrs -Jasper Smith of Fink Hill was named to the board of the Le noir county 'tuberculosis 'association replacing Mrs.' Fountain Parrott of Klnston, at an annual meeting held in Klnston on Thursday evening. , Mrs;TurnerSII:s- osfess ?1 , - - w .INSURANCE AGENCY - , 4 , -all miuds or insubance i.MVva- iwwi"t.rt..( I II i - l, i , L. C TVKNEsW. v1 Pink HU11 Oldest bumrasoe Agency PINK H3LL, sVCU . T. J. TURNS u 400oocoqooooooooooocooo Qnily Distributors InseclicideDusfs? V We Manufacture Dee Aitch ' , , For Control Of Many Insects Infesting f.Tobscco Plants: l' ' a (Newly Set And Growinjj ".T"', ' Budworm,' Cutworm"" Flea Beetle & Vegetable Weevil - y 2, Irish Potatoes Colorado Potatoe Beetle Flea Beetle & Leaf Hopper' t " 1 Write Or Phone Us Your Orders 1 V , 5 ,: Phones 3S48-22S!) " - , Municipal Airport, Klnston, N. C. ' .Mrs. Helen Turner was hostess to her bridge dub at her home In Pink Hill Wednesday afternoon Re ceiving prizes were Mrs. Linwood Turner for club members high, Mrs Clarence Jones for second bridge and Mrs. D. W. Rut fin for low score Mrs Jack Perkus received visitors high. Coca Colas and bannana splits were served. r".V y:.:;' reoary of State. Mr Eurt paid high tribute to Pink Hill for the pro gressive spirit of the community. He centered his talk on government and elections, pointing out that ap parent lack of Interest qualified voters take in our elections. , He used figure citing the small turn out m.tne road ana school bond election.,;, , V'v-..'. ; President John E, . Johnson pre sided over the meeting. Tom Davis Introduced the speaker. Linwood Turner recognized the guest; Pul ley'! Bailbecue place in , Klnston served the supper. ' Attend Tea In Pink Hill Folks -HearThd EureS A 'large group of Pink Hilites and friends attended the annual ladle ttlghLprogram of the Pink Hill Civics club held in the high school cafeteria there last Friday night rv : ;:.'''$ -; -j " Highlighting the program was an address by Thad Eure, N. C. Sec- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee were in Faison Sunday afternoon to attend a tea for Mrs. Marshall Williams on her 85th birthday. Jesse Jones Is : 1 - i Laymen s Speaker;; Attorney Jesse A. Jones of Klns ton was guest speaker at a Lay men's Day Observance at the Pink Htll Methodist church at 11 a. m. Sunday Atty Jones spoke on the re sponsibility of the church to the community Mr, L. H. Turner Is charye lay leader ; SeeUs-; . . Fo Your . , Screen Needs ' -Copper Galvanized 'Screening V: Screen Doors - "2 , Screen iVindovs ' IIAKDWAEE DEPARTMENT ; Kinston . J Turner on Sunday were Mr and Mrs J. E Johnson, Mr and Mrs Lin wood Turner, Mr. and Mrs Aubrey Turner, Mr and Mrs. Jasper Tyn dall. Mr and Mrs. James Miles and Mr and Mrs. John Hood Personals 'inner Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T v Mesdames T J. Turner, Jasper Smith, Earl Smith, Aubrey Turn er' and Egbert Grady and Miss Lula Tyndall were in Beulavllle Friday afternoon to attend a meeting of officers of Presbyterian women of the church held at the Presbyterian church there ; . : -v Mr. and Mrs. J. H Jones, Mrs. T A Turner, Mr Rudolph Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones were in Brunswick, Gal, recently to attend burial rites for Mr. J. L. Jones, who died there on Tuesday. Jasped Tyndall, second district commander of the VFW was in Golds) oro Wednesday night to In stall the new officers of the Golds boro post ' , J. Harvey Turner returned to Chapel Hill Thursday night where he.will begin his law practice after being sworn In during" court ses sion in Klnston on Monday. ' Kenneth Maxwell of UNC Chapel Hill was a' weekend guest at his home.'':'"' ' v .. ' Mr. and Mrs: E. M Sills visited Dr and Mrs. Warren Crumpler in Mt Olive Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Heath Spent Sunday in Raleigh Howard Smith of the U. S. Army was 1 guest of his parents here be? fore being transferred from Camp jQordon, Ga. to Camp Polk. La. He expected to visit briefly with his. sister, Mrs. Charles Saunders and Mr. Saunders in Waco, Texas, i. t Mr. and Mrs. J. A Worley spent the .weekend in Washington, N C guest of Mr and Mrs. Jarl Bow ers. , , . . Mr.' and Mrs. LJH. Turner and Becky and L H. Jr, were at their summer home at topsail , -Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor of RldMands were-guest of relatives here at the Weekend. a - 'VislrUng Mr. Thsd Komegay, a patient at the Veterans hospital in Fayettevilie' Sunday were Mrs. Kor negay, Mr. and Mrs. L C Souther land and daughter Sandra Kay, L G. Kornegay, Mrs, Hattie Davis, Miss Bessie Kornegay, Mr. and Mrs Leroy Simmons and Mr Warren Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs .Tom Davis were guests of relatives at Swansboro Sunday. Attending Ladies Nlgdvt meeting of the civics club here on Friday evening included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rider, Mr. and Mrs E J Nobles, and Mr and Mrs. Guy Hargett of Klns ton. V Mrs. D. W Ruffln and Winnie and Dave Rutfin, Billie Jean Jones and Mrs J. L. Johnson were at Topsail ueaen on Sunday. Mr and Mrs J. F. May and Mr and Mrs. Alton Tyndall were War saw visitor Sunday Mesdames T. A. Turner and T. J Turner spent Monday in Raleigh - llcrper - Spulherland Community News Prelect Ycjr Crcps l!;v; Viih m i . ,' See Us Today Don't Wait Until It Is Too Late jf .ft. - v , In Pink i Mr and Mrs. Arnold Guy of Kln ston visited Mr. andMrs. Rodney Harper Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Grey and Mr. Geddie Jones of Mt Olive visited Mr and Mrs. James Southerland Saturday evening, ' Mr. and Mrs Ludlow Turner and MtSa Kittle Sutton of Jacksonville were guests of Mr and Mr William Sutton on Sunday, Mr. Sutton Is spending a few days with her son and daughter in-law. Mr and Mrs Mark Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer on Sunday, Mr and Mrs Harold Davis Mr and Mrs, Harry .Smith, and Mr. and Mrs,' Aronld Guy of Kinston were guest of Mis Sadie GuyIr. and Mr J. E. Smith of Deep Run and Mr. Frank Jones of Deep Run spent "Sflndsy with Mr. andMrs. Harvey Harper - ;,. . Miss Richard Hill and baby of Mid-Way Park were guest of her sister Mr. William Sutton on Thursday. ' Lennie Harper and Shelby Jean Southerland attended the Spring Bailey of P.YJ. of the WUimlngton Presbytery at Wilmington on Sua day. ,-. ' (Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Harper and Phil visited the Motor Side Perk at the Cliffs on Sunday afternoon near Seven Spring. - Mr. and Mrs. Willi Harper and Ruthle Ann were guest el Mr. and Mrs." A. B. Southerland of Keoen svllle, RJJD. on Suodey other guest that called in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker Mr and Mrs. Bllli Baker of Kenans vile and Mr. and Mrs. J. L . Grady and Mr and Mrs. Garland . Murvla of the Community. , Mrttiday Party Mrs. Haywood Merritt was hos tess to a lovely birthday party giv en in honor of her small daughter Psulette who ws 4 years old on Monday, April 30. There we a lov- ly blrKhday cake with 4 pink cand les centering the table with eight places set and eight little pink, white and yellow nut cups filled with Mints were given a favors. The hostess served Ice cream and (take. They played games and all wished her a "Happy Birthday", The little guests present were Betie Jean and Nancy Jeanette Grady, Jewel Fay and Yvonne Murvln, Edward Lewis and Tommle, Caro lyn and Kathle Grady. ' 'MW)tr Jl..v rifjiir Just Receive J Shipment ', j x i t" V ! 1 1 k i i u i i i a ''A 9i , m W , V J J t M 5. ( i SMITH TOWNSHIP Smith Township News . Mr and Mrs. Thomas Qulnn,Mms, Fred Sacket and Edna Grace Smith visited In Wilmington Sunday. t Mrs. Melvin Stroud, and Elaine. fisited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith Sunday night ' Mr and Mrs. Herman Page spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Carol Jones near Wallace. . Mr and Mr Milton Stroud and gmf-spenT Sunday "with Mr and Mr. Audrey Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill Sanderson spent Sunday with Mrs Bertha Smith. Mrs. Ruth Stroud and Dorothy Carol visited Mrs. Belle Swinson Sunday. Mr and Mrs Leland Smtth visited Mr and Mrs Woodrow Jackson Sunday. Miss Pennle Smith spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Raymond Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Smith visit ed Mr and Mr Bryant Smith Sun day. Mr and Mrs. Graham Smith spent the weekend with Mrs. Smiths par ent. Mr and Mr Luther Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fltahugh Smith and aon spent Sunday with Mrs. Jonnle Smith and Family. Mis Sadie Doris Smith and D.L. spent the weekend m Wilmington visiting relative. - Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and family visited Mr. and MrsAubrey Smith Sunday. : . Mr. and Mrs.Clayton Stroud and children visited in Klnston Sunday afternoon. ...,..... ' Mr. Clayton Smith, Fred Sackett, Johnnie Smith and Raymond Smith went on a fishing trip to Topsail Beach Sunday. - ' ; . Mr. and Mrs. Willie James Smith and children spent Sunday with an aunt near Raleigh , Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Smith Jr spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stroud. . : , , , for Strength I Fire Safely Cleanliness Economy Beauty "Built To a Standard, Not To a Price" SMITH! - CONCRETE Products, Inc. Kinston, N. C Phone 1412 Oik. Insurance Protection , How ::,;J',:"; Don't Gamble Yilh Your Year's Profit . See Us How T . Turner & Turner " Insurance Agency ' ; , Mrs. Christine Williams, Off. Mgr. v . Pink Hill. N. C. ,T. J. Turner L. C Toner. Jr HARDY -IIEVSOM TTIbaccD) Immediate Delivery & 6" Flues (stove pipe) with 5 ft. galvanized " stacks above barn. HIGH IN CONVENIENCE LOW IN OIL CONSUMPTION Cash or Terms SEVEN SPRINGS SUPPLY CO. Seven Springs, II. C. wesoneri , ) Out raw's Bridge ' Mrs. Lottie Bergen and Miss Pauline Outlaw Attended the kun ty. council home demonstration clubs held In Kenansvllle , IMr. and Mrs. M X Outlaw and Mrs Manly . Outlaw were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. Albert C Outlaw at Cary ;.;;,.' ev and Mrs. L. J Prater accom panied the youth group to Shelter Rock for their rally April 27 and 28th .:.'v ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker' were among visitors t Smith Chapel cuurcn Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols of simms spent Sunday with L.J W. ouuaw ana family , y(s ,i, , Mr and Mrs. Jesse Outlaw. Jesse Jr. Misses Tannle and Sallle Out law attended a birthday dinner at the ihome of their uncle Blackledse Harper near Woodlngton in Lenoir county. ''"..:,', i.;--.,,-. -A'V. Rev. Maurice Cobb. BUI Wilson and Hiroska Dan, students at the University, Chapel Hill, were sue&t of friends here during the week end. . , Several front this 'section1 were norg spectators at the horse show i I t. O'.lve Sunday .ernoon. i j nr. r, r 'irt- ' ' n, J . -ft Jonps 'Hi irm -W-! F-Z i 'V war j ZZ , 4 '-' i 'I a? KV Mk i .... J i ( f J V w. If." -Her& real speed ibrjast cooking 9 Bacon and Eggs In 3 minutes 09 Piping Hot Soup for four in 3 minutes - Afhmoon Tea for quick pickup' : 4 In 2 minutes. j ;: j ( " . , " 4 1 ' O Fresh or Frozen Vegetables front s a cold start to steamlnsj hot In 3 minutes . . ... "j. , ! NEW MIRACLI SCALED OVEN J Keeps the best 'where it belongs . . i INSIDE the oven. No disturbing sir 1 J currents . . . perfect baking results in ANY rack position. So, get a new -- .0.1 7 GENEROUS TRADE IN . . . ALLOWANCE , ' ' ' Tide Wttcr Power Co t Tt" . K i i .i Jfc" '. i ' ; 'k ' ' 1 "lT . 1 i - . " ' "' ' '. 'X ' :' ' 1 ' ,!.V ; : 'Jf :'

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