RL-s. W. iF. "Bud" Miller, News, Adv. Representative Iijiic Chss 3iV''-v ln;;(ccileaii Mrs. J. B Taylor, Beulavflle school music teavher, gav her an nual music recital In the school au ditorium, Wednesday, May 2nd at 7:30 p. m. .;." .' ,.:'.. 4.; ; "Medals were presented to" Patsy Albertson and Joe Jackson in Pia no, and Ruth Sanderson and Joe Jackson' In voice - , . : Mualc pins tor - ari average of nlnty-flve or more were presented to: Frances Carol Jarman, Vicky Sandlin, Patsy Albertsoh, Pat Nop r!s, BetUe Sue. Mercir,; Angeleta Thomas,, Stanley Pickett, , Sibyl Sumner, Sandra Kennedy, Aynes Lanier. Willie Home, Sally Jo Ke nnedy, Jessie Ann Thomas,. Katie Sue Grady, and Helen Murphy, Ruth Sanderson, Joe Jackson, Sue . rY.- Finest Built Mahogany wish ., 4 .? , Special 3-Day, Sale j l.V .' Only 12 at the ridiculous low price of " ; ; ' Our Reg. Price Is $69.95 ' -1 ' ' $10 Extra (For 2 Mirror Doors See Out Collection of Brass and Copper Decorative Pieces! Prices Ranee From $1 to 13.50 ' 100 f ; 50s DovTt .Dr.Vvers Your Fan H, E. Q0!"!3 ARD.COKPAIIY; . r; OFAVflRSflW ,w Qaiborne Quinn - " EdHines FREE DELIVERY ANY WHERE 'i1 J(V Lanier, Jean Humphrey, and Mike Miller. , . ; . ' Prizes for counting were given to: Mike Miller, Jean Humphrey, Marie Smith, Fay Kennedy, Sandra Kennedy, Jessie Lee Kennedy, El aine Kennedy, Patsy Kennedy, Dee Clarke. Raddle Faye Quinn. Kay Quinn, Jamey Quinn, Angeleta Tho mas, Bottle Sue Mercer, oe Jack son, Stanley Pickett, Leta Warren Thomas, , Minnie Farrdor Brlnson, Vicky Sandlin, Helen Murphy, Wil lie Home, Nancy MlUer, Frances Carol Jarman, Patsy Albertson, Pat Norrls, Katie Sue Grady, and Teet Mercer. . 1; y. r y.'i ' ?: -jr. , . , f, '4$. Prices Up Sell For Cash DELIVER OUR PLANT ; :" ? - YAYIIE AGRICULTURAL WORKS, IMC. V SOUTH JOHN STREET. GOLDSBOBO, N. Cf es ; William G. (Peas)' Batts, S. A completed his prescribed course in basil training at the Coast Gaurd Training vStation School at Gover ment Island, Alameda Island, April 18th and spent a ten day furlough with his- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Batts. - " He ' reported - tof Norfolk, V. where he was assigned to the 5th District Headquarters Norfolk, Va. 4i:..;.cd an aasoi uutut of usetul gifts. , . . . , , Mrs. Hardison Honors Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hardison entertained members of the senior class with a Bar-Be-Cue and picnic lunch on their , lawn recently. The high school; faculty meiribers.hus bands' and wives, and the lunch room staff . were guests. Mr. and Mrs.' Hardison are the parents of Willard Hardison member of the senior class. ; 'The menu consisted of Bar-Be-Q slaw .bread, cake; chicken, pie, potato salad, Deviled eggs, toss salad and tea. . j, A good -time was enjoyed by all Gerald Bafs : 21 Years Old Mr. ' and Mrs. Ernest Batts en tertained . at ' their home - Sunday April 27 honoring their son Gerald on his 21st birthday. A Bar-B-Que and picnic lunch was served on' the . lawn. A white cake topped with burning candles made it lovely center piece. : 'Among'the put- of town' guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Batts of Chinquapin, Mr. and Mrs. : Fate Batts and family of Warsaw, Mr. and Mrs, Grover Grady and family of Kenansville and Rivers Bosttc U S Coast Guard, Camp May, New Jersey. The bonoree was pre Well Earnsd Co ngra in! o lions i ' A beribboned diploma a ? warm and hearty 'band : " shake . . J Congratulations " he's earned in four years of " V ; studying to become a bet- . ' ter man a better citizen..... I 4 fl V " . U j ; : y , J ' And now that he's ready to make his place in society,-we suggest that your graduation gift reflect his maturity. Start a checking ac count for him. Give him with it, the convenience, the safety and the piJde of paying by personal check. Come in and let us help you make arrangements today! , - r " - -V'f ,, 7 r. - f f o V x' n p 0 vi3 C(m!) 1 En jays Tour Members of the Beta Club that visited points of interest near Ash ville and 'attended the Beta Con vention were Mona Batchelor, Jan ice Smith, Mary Alton' Brlnson, Hazel Brown, Nancy MoWhorter, W. L. Miller Jr and Murphy Thlg pen, Joe Jackson. Chaprones were Raybourn Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. ' Bruce Banbee.' Mrs Barlbee Is the clubs advisor. A most educ tlonal and enjoyable trip was re ported. . '' Mrs. Jones Is Shpwer Hondree Mrs. Bob Jones entertained at her home recently honoring Mrs.. Mel ton Jones with a' Layette, shower. 1 Chicken ralad on lettace, ' rltz, nuts, cake and Coca Colas were ser ved to the 29 guests during the social hour. ' Mrs. Jones was showered with an assortment of lovely and useful gifts. ; ( . ; y , . ( 23rd Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sandlin Sr. entertained at their home Sun. April 29th honoring their son Nor man Jr. on his 23rd birthday. Shar ing honors were Mrs. Henry Brown of Goldsboro and Judy Quinn of Chinquapin. ' The home thrown en suite was decorated in mixed summer flow ers. The table held a center arran gements of flowers am a white 2 tier cake with red and green decorations and lighted miniture candles. The dinner was served buf fet style. Guests Included Mr. - and Mrs. Jack Stillman of Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Quinn and family of Chinquapin. Mr. and Mrs Jerry Teachey and Bernard of Rose Hill, Sgts. Gene Sams and Bill Maready, Cpl, David Glenn Of Ft, Bragg. Mr Elbert Smith of Pink Hill, Mrs. Eleanor Stevenson of Jacksonville, Miss .Esther Ray; Maready and members of the Sandlin family. Norman Jr. received many love ly and useful gifts. . y (Friends of Mr. Clyde McDowell regret to know he is serious ill in a Fayetteville hospital. ' Mrs.John Hargett and Mrs. E P.Thigpen Sr, made a business trip to . Goldsboro recently. Mrs. Marion Bratdher, Stanley Bratcher, Perry Williams and Wal ter Goodman fished at Topsail Wednesday, . ,Mr. and Mrs. Les Brown and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J E Teaohey of parents, Mr.and Mrs. J G Kennedy Mrs. J. O Miller and Mrs I A Hodges of Kins ton visited Mrs Lula Q Parker Sunday. -., .. . .. . i.; Misses Janice Bostie, Betty Jean Lanier, V Lou Ann . Netheroutt, Messrs. Walter H. Goodman, Perry Williams and Stanley had a beach party and picnic at Topsail Beach recently. :", :?.-'C:-' (Mr. and Mrs Earl Thlgpen and family were recent shoppers in Kinston. ; ' j Mrs. James Miller.: Mrs. Ashe Miller and , Mrs. Herman Miller .attended the. Federation Music Meeting in Kenansville Monday at the Agriculture Building, Miss Mary Jackson left Monday for DUlion, S. C. following a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J D Jackson, , Mesdames OrvU Thlgpen, Orzo Thlgpen and Murphy Thlgpen shop ped in Kinston Friday. Mesdames Ashe and Andrew Miller attended a Women of the Church Meeting in the home of Mrs T. J. Turner in Pink Hill re cently " Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hill arid children of Wallace wer. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Ijfob Jones. ' Mrs. Eleanor Stevenson and Lt. Wall of Jacksonville were recent guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Norman Sandlin. Mrs. John t Thomas is recuper ating at her home following a ton silectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Warren and children; Phil and Ray visited Mr. and Mrs. J G Kennedy Sunday ', Joe Wilson, USN, Norfolk, was a weekend guest of his mother, Mrs. Russell Grey. Marion Stanley Bratcher Jr.. S A completed his prescribed course in basic training at the Coast Guard Training Station School at Gover- nient Island, Alameda Island, Calif. April 18th and spent a ten day fur lough with his parents, Mr. and jars. Marion Bratcher.. He . reported te Norfolk, Va. where he was assigned to the 8th District Headquarte-s, Norfolk, Va. '.1 'm i w ' Packets Scarce Only a few of the 3.60O ten pound packets of seeds for wildlife plant ings remain to be distributed, Clyde P Patton. Executive Director of the Wildlife Resources Commission, an nounced today. f y As one of the Commission's pro jects for restoring wildlife food and cover,1 packets of mixed annual seeds have been distributed to far mers throughout the state- - who agree to cooperate with the wildlife program In planting the seed mix tures in odd corners' of land and along field borders to provide food for rabbits, quail, and other small game species. The remaining seed i packets will be sent out free of i charge U l. . s o.i come-4'lrst-serve basis. 'More. than 10 million pounds of organic fungicides were used In ftte United States in 1950. MRS M. M. TIHGPEN , Bealavme. N. C. ' Kepreaentattve For WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY , WARSAW, N. C. j ; Wallace. Mr Lewis Garvey Is confined to his home due to illness. Mrs Adolph Jones and daughter Kate, and Mrs. L. H Thomas shop ped in Kinston Saturday. ' Miss Jeaneane Thlgpen of City Hospital Winston Salem spent last weekend with her mother Mrs. E. P. Thlgpen Sr. V Mr. and Mrs, Roland Batchelor and son Timothy were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Casteen of Rose Hill. Mrs Ruth Sanderson spent last weekend with her husband, Gard ner Sanderson in Wilmington, Del-ware; v Rev. and Mrs. A L Brown spent Monday in Smithfleld with Mr. and Mrs, D. L Watson and Mr and Mrs John ' DalL Mrs. Brown and Mrs Dail left Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown in Charlotte. Mrs. Clifton Quinn of Chanel Hill is spending the week witri her Dr. H. W.Colwell OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh . cnevrolet Company . ,. ; Permanent Office In v ' WALLACE. N. C. oooooooooooo For. Sale SASH, DOORS, SHEET ROCK, ROCK LATH, , ROCK WOOL,, PLASTER, LIME CEMENT' BRICK, MORTAR,, PAINTS TER RA-COTTA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, WIHTE ASBESTOS u SIDING, 'ASPHALT SniNGLES, ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING, 5-V CRIMP TIN FOOF1NG , BRICK SIDING f, "Did you knock. Kilroy?" Mind iw we cut in here to say that if it's' ihsur-' ance you want, we . have it? Don't delay -call on us right away. IE Month Of Graduation Parties V8& Serve $ & j dOn ' ce Uream Make Your Party A Success With Always Delicious While's Ice Cream lee 7 Mice Cream r And Milk Company WILMINGTON, N. C. America's Largest -Priced LMZGIEST! with off fh xrro riding as that ceiiMfl from its extra tin and wight LONGEST in the low-price field a full 1 97s inches with the added meemsm ' of comfort and style that its length provides. HEAVIEST in the low-price field a tolid 3140 pounds with that big-car feel of road-hugging steadiness! WIDEST TREAD in the low-price field a road-faming 58 inches between centers of rear wheels for stability on curves and turns. Most length. Most weight. Most width where it counts. They all add up to extra comfort and riding ease . . . extra value for your money. And here's the surprising factl The Chevrolet line actually costs less than any other in the low price field . . . Costs least, gives mostl Stylelint Dt Lux 4 -Door Sedan, shipping weight. ) vurs fl V.I.IB mil w M , R L -J-. I j i First and finest in the low-price .field i - TI.V.E-PROVCD : :,,- . c -. Aeteaetls Treassslssles) Th Flmllin D lux 2-Daor Sedan (Continuation ol tlondari equipment and trim ATd. (rated It dtptndmi on oroilobillly of araterlalj FINEST! with all then fecrrurets ' and advantage found In no other fow-prlctxf i BODY BY FISHER UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE JUMBO-DRUM BRAKES SAFETY-SIOJfT INSTRUMENT PANEL e PANORAMIC VISIBILITY. POHsMA AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION . . vv Cemblnattan of Pawerglld AutamaHe TnMimlieioiv and . 105-kp. engine optional en De Luxe moMt at extra coA , J . " ' ' MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTtiZR CAR! i .4 7--, riyjM2v Co. Warsv; Mote o.