.J a laM I ' .,lfCiri:y.:: The family of Mr. Joel Whaler 1 xvored him on Mother1 Day May Ulh by celebrating nis Mst birth Uy which was on March 16, but due to Mm being in the hospital on - bis birthday postponed It until he ; was able to enjoy it ,,)" '? ?, f. The house thrown ensuite was decorated In summer flowers mix ed with red and white roses carry ing out the Mother's Day motif. The table held a center arrange ment of red and White roses and a white cirtfaday cake witb red dec orations. .'. :.;''! All of the children were present and most of the (nndchfldreA and aome of the great grandchildren. Guests included, Rev. aad Mrs. Lauren Sharpe, Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Wood and children, Mr. EUU Vestal Sr. Mr. Henry Dail, Miss Ed na Rearns of Kenansville, Miss Pat ty Williamson, Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Englishmen, Burling ton, N. C Mrs. Jenne Stone, Kln ston. N. C. and 1st Sgt Bobby Tar leycMh, Camp LeJeune, N. C. The dinner was served buffet style. The Menu consisted of Bar-Be-Q, Brunswick stew, fried chick en, meat loaf, alaw, pickles, deviled eggs, com bread, cakes and pies, a good time was enjoyed by alL Ckh Hostess a.-.. ' Mrs. W. M. Ingram was hostess to the Thursday afternoon card cliib at her borne. Attractive arrange ments of roses and iris were used bout the room where the tables were at play. V v-'-.-' , Visitors were MeadanjeavG. B. Dail and Andrew Scott . After arrival of guests the hast ss served strarvriberry shortcake and during cam progressions salted nuts and drinks were passed. High score tor club members was won by Mrs. J. A. Gavin. Mrs. G. R. Dail won high score for visitors. Seniors On Trip The sentor classes U Kenans ville and Rose Hill left Monday by bus on a sight seeing tour of Wash ington, D. C. and other points of Interest, They' were accompanied by "Messrs. Z. W. Frazell, Lauren Sharpe, A. D. Wood and Mrs. C. T. Hawes as onaperones. v ' - little uests were lvea party honors. v.. I'.'l "? v After; games were ' played the guests were served Ice cream and cake. There were 23 boys and girls present. " - - Seniors Honored . Af Party Here ; Miss Frances Jean Patterson hon ored ier class mates at a party at her home last Tuesday night, im mediately following the graduation exercises. J.": -"' ', 'fi'ld Arrangements of sweet peas were used throughout ' the rooms. Re freshments of punch' and cakes In the class colors were served. Circle Meetings CU-ele K. 1 : .".V Circle No. 1 of Grove Presby terian Church met Monday after noon at 3:30 in the home of Mrs. Walter Stroud. - '. (Mrs. Sam Newton presided. Rev. J. T. Hayter opened the meeting with prayer. (Mrs. Ralph Brown had change of the Bible study, the first command ment was the theme of study. Aft- er the business session the hostess served open face sandwiches, choo adate cake and drink. Circle No. 2 ' ' ; ' ' ' Circle No. 2 f the Grove church (net Monday evening with Mfea Margaret Williams. Mis Martha Pickett presided over the meeting. Mrs. A R. Bland led the Bible stu- Birthday Party Mrs. Leo Jackson was hostess at party on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The occaasion being Jim mies 8th birthday. Upon arrival the Which was on the ten command ments. Following the business meeting the bastes served sand wiches, cake and drinks. The next meeting watt be held in the home of Mrs. A. R. Bland. Red Cross Course! To Be Held Here ! Mrs. Zara Bixbv of Atlanta. Ga, arrived Tuesday to spend about ten dava here. Mrs. Bixbv will teach an Instructors course in home nur sing which will be held in the home ec dent of the local school next week. The course la soonsored by the Duplin county chapter of the American Red Cross. Class mem bership will be composed of home economics teachers of Duplin and adjoining counties. While in this community Mrs. Blxby is residing in the home of Mrs. N. B. Boney. - , a.- 1 if luk spent several Uy luJt week wi-i her parents, Mr. and Mm. K. C. Tyn dall.!. -. V (Mrs. Alfred Kof er of New Bern spent the weekend with Mr. E. R. Penney and Mrs. C. B. Guthrie. '; Sunday guests . f Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stroud were Mesdames Sal ly Westbrook, Josephine Str Mr, and Mrs. Remus Smith of Hill Sboro, Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Smith and family and -Mr. and Mrs. Earl Misses Gllda and Gloria Whlt- Vleld of Kinston attended the grad uation exercises here last week. Mesdames J. R. Grady, L. F. Weeks and Miss Margaret Williams shopped in Goldsboro.Sarturday. ' Count Oodljolds MonIhlyt:::lir.g ' The Duplin Board of Commis sioners met Monday in their reg ular monthly session. Except for some special business that neces saltated an executive session, the day was taken-up mostly with rou tine matters. -, v 1 . Gupt of. schools O.P Johnson snd school board chairman Dallas Herring appeared and presented the proposed school budget for the coming year . Home agent Miss Hilda Cloribi appeared and tendered her resig nation and assistant Home Agent Miss AltaLawson was named to fill Personals , - Ella Cooper Circle ' The Ella Cooper Circle met Mon day evening with Mrs. Willard Brdnson. Twelve members .and one visitor were present Miss Nell Quinn had change of the program assisted by Miss Alta Laws on. Fol lowing the business session Mrs. Brinson served strawberry short cake. ' M. F.ALLEN, JR. General Insurance Kenansville, II. C. Kenans ville'g Only Insurance Agency J Mr. and Mrs. Colon Holland at tended the HarreOl-Sasser wedding in Mt OUve Sunday. Onl. and Mrs. Joseob Quinn of Columbia, S. C, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Qutnn. ; flCra. L. Southerland is spending a' few days In Greensboro wMh Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newlin: Miss Pattle Loftln of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mrs. W. J. Pickett and Miss Martha Pickett. ; Mrs. Harold Siverstaa of Clinton rnient the weekend wKh her father Mr. McKay Kennedy. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jackson made a business trip to High Point Tues day. Mr. Jim Hines of Highlands to vlxttlnff in KenansvUle for a few (Mr. jr. B Gradv attended the press conference in Edenton dur- fom the weekend.; t- ,"" Sunday ouests of Mir. and Mffl. JS, B. Boney were Mr. and Mrs. N. Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs.L. P. Mehnert of Chicago, 111. : Miss Winnie Quinn of Columbia, S. C. visited Mr. and Mrs.- C. E. Qutnn Monday. ' Mrs. Bill Eubanks and family of 3 :l'? rJl Cdngrafclations Seniors ...... ' . -' . . or 1551 1 1' V 1 "1.1.1 I r :, v ircrncAii nncAiivci Alnnci i-1 nr" rnT-aiflwa ri fiiti watagmi IUL VIVLMI'I 1ila.MI'l I .1 LH I VlVrfi . i VHITE'S ICE REAM IS THE BEST , -I 1 Keep Some On I bd For All Occasions ' ! ' s t ' I i, "-I" And "7. - J - (' ) DUnne Stokes to at Sidbuhys hos pital in WUmington for treatment. Mrs. Annie Ingram to visiting re latives near Mb Olive for a few days. ; Misses Atta Lawson and Hod Clontx spent the weekend with MUs Xawson'i parents in Onrum. v ' Mrs. Park Prldgen spent Sunday with Mrs. J. R. Grady. Mesdames E. C. Tyndall and Rudolph Hasty visited Miss Jean Tyndall Friday at Rex Hospital. Miss Tyndall to an operative pa tient : i ' : u V - vi-.-.-'. . Attending the graduation exer cises here last week were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Smith and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. May of Pink MU1, Mesdames Robert Carr, Jes sie Southerland and W. M. Riven bark and son of Wallace. ' TYNDALL FUNERAL HOME IN MOUNT OLTfR ; '""PHONE S30g Home eg Wsyne-Doplhi - Burial Aswciatlen ' ' ! Funeral Directors Em banners Ambulance Service Day er NteM ..,... n 1 FLOWERS r FOB ALL OCCASIONS ; Mrs. Clarence Murphy Phone 248-1 , ..u Agent Mt OLIVE FLORIST ' ; e c . r j ' - I .ird and was duly quU&4 ; The foUowing road petitions were approved: ; " : A road In Falson Township from highway 117 at Newsome's store to Friendshlp-Falson roaa at Aaoner A new road from the old Falson colored school, to the new Falson colored school , . ' ' J B. Wallace, DupUn Service Of ficer, reported assistance in to 74 veterans-jrV ' Tax collector Gilbert Alphln re ported $444.21 i, taxes collected during the month of ApriL , - Chemical thinning of apples in the Northwest has given a 15 per cent increase In yield at a fraction of the cost of hand work. That area chemically thinned 20,000 acres of apples at blossom time last year. "Farmers received 6.4 billion dol lars from the sale of farm products during Ue first quarter of 193L This was 18 per cent more than In the same period last year. gS- AI1D . in 1 .1 ! BnyhMii't low wtj fart mm a saving nj trip -ail yoa mv ai ax tra 10 aaeb way aa a raaad-tria tloksM RALEIGH WmwiNGTOK -WINSTON-SALEM GREENSBORO ' RICHMOND, Va. WASHINGTON, D. NORFOLK, TA CHARLESTON, S. C . COLUMBIA, S. C. f BALTIMORE, MD. CLEVELAND, OHIO ' om a. . Wy Tifs 91.95 $3.55 1JC5 2JC5 4ja 7.75 s.7a e.7 4 M 8.10 6.75 12.15 ' 4J0 8.10 4.70 tJSt 8.85 10.20 7J0 13.90 lsjeo 27.4a c. CHICAGO, ' ILL. -r 16J5 fM " (Plus C. eVTax) KenansvUle Bus Station. ' Phone 233-1 ' t i!! isl ii! M and announcements. .' Each distinctive invitation i inennograpucu w i to 6 ' cbina-wbite vellum paperi v '. b S0fra7.OO lOO tor flOJSO With double envelopes jiving yoa fine raised lettering , thavt apeaka of tba;. highest quality A ' JZ' - larvUaud Lm,l - : . .v A iV. S IB. Also Tnatrhinsr recet)tion carda. response cards, thank 70a cards at home cards and informaW Come in today and make yone t ..choice from our , ''Flower Wedding tine" catalog. , tVork Guaranteed v . r.' SEE OUR ATTRACTIVE SAMPLE BOOK LOW PRICES QUICK SERVICE mPaJCrosley1 fln. faul Crmuej' AUP-JGoJer Mt. Paul OoJ J, t ,fHundref Of Selections To Choose From . t ' THE WUFLM -JIVES J KENANSVILLE,'.! , . if,.,'- 1 " . -ai Skji 'aaasel ft ii V-p E3v7 COST ! :"' ffJ The new Chry!r IlMnUpbsrioal ' Cocnboatioa Clumtxw, baart of the fineat car arii'iia built today. In this doma-topped araa, jrott aaa the only idaal ooenbu' on chamber ... the otlf way to Jva!o full comblf Vm, full eomprasr on, iu.I work and value from evaqr diop at fuell ' ' With ao many engines claiming newness . . . , how can we call FireTower the only new type ' engine today? The answer's very simple, and ; one you ouht to know before you invest in a car. The fact is that engine "improvements" happen '" every year ... but a basically new motor car , engine is a very rare thins. And Fut Power is , the moat basfo new development since Chrys ler introduced h!Ji-con?pre3&on in 13241 To get to the heart of the matter, just go to the heart of the enjlne . . . the cc". L-"tion ,' chamber where the spark fires rj'i I M roT'tr. Here Gsy,,' r Iwirt you '' z ro car baa fcait Ir ...a ' " ! c " " ticac ' -...fu ;: i r " ! ' c ' f ' t 1 1 r ; r ... t finest engine , ever put . In an automobib. far more energy than h could in any ether car. What thia means to the man at Firepower! wheel is impc.L!a to t-'J you d you take that wheel yours: !i TktTcwit't 1S3 horse power can oufpciform any oiler engine on the ' road, even on regular cade gas. . ' Temember, too, tixi Curyilar now offera the woa "rous roaJ-easa of new. Oriilow shock, at c ci t era with twice the ahock-absorting , , po r of ? ( ' - . . . and tl.a c-;!-Uv - : a-' 'jtC " ' 1 1 f l"j ' -jide power seer .'. .h t:. ;.j txxZ2JLM l Ca woik out t ct t" I Yiri csi I r.". for yiwtr 7 how C 'rl i(' - lj- t r- ''-zVe ty. f : : C" i :.r "T v n

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