J. .ii. r - - L A . W iu W , J U uJ L Vj k .Yc:::::nCIsisrch ScI::3lTliis7eek3 k Woodinigton iMethodlst church te gans it's revival Monday night of May 28tb at 8:00 p. m. The Rev. Mark Lawrence, pastor of the Queen street Methodist church of Kinston will be the guest preach- i Beginning Monday afternoon the Wooding ton church began a week's vacation Bible school. The com munity Is invited to attend both services for the week. - Student Awards O Winning awards at recent com mencement exercises Pink ""I . High . school were: . Mary Alice Heath, tyJping and vuitHuj?; Bonnie Howard, girls athletics; 'William (Blizzard, boys athletics; Lou Ann Davis, home economics; Betty Howard. English; and Fran- cellne Tyndeil, Agriculture. ;. , ; In a departure from usual cus- - torn, two seniors were named vale dictorians. They were Ercelle San derson and Bobby Hick '- - ---' Class mascots ;, were r Maxine Quinn and Charles Harper. . Marshall were Ann Davis, chief, Fiorina Deaver, EJfle Mae Harper, LuBetty Howard, Mary Edna Har per, Lulia Mae Jones and Mary Ella Smith. ,: VlH".-. ' V. Mrs. Herald Rowe Lri,"n Mrs. T. A. Turner has as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. frank Par rot and daughters, Mrs. J. F. Par rot, Sr. and Mrs. Helen Parrott liOnon of Kinston, Mr. and MrsJ i-uiie bermans and Leslie Dawn Senna ns of Ft. Barnwell, Mr. and . Mrs. T. J. v Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Turner, and Dr.- and Mrs. H. A. Edwards of Pink Hill, Mrs. W. C. Sutton and Sgt. and Mrs. Harris of Richlands. Mrs. C. C. Jones has been 111 at Parrotts 'hospital in Kinston. Erskine's r T;ma$i jiiiiipiHiMli Iiiliii wmmm ' ' ' COCA COLA PARTY After a brief re-hearsal at the.! ohurtlh Saturday afternoon' Miss Wanda Tyndall entertained the bri dal party at a Coca Cola party at ner name in ironic mil... icea coca colas, sandwiches and other de licious foods were served. Before leaving Norfolk, the bride was entertained at a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. William (R. Hankel at Phalla Acres. A luncheon shower given (by Miss Emily Sew ell at Ames and Brownley Tea room, also a sfhower by Miss Eva Mae Nee at Carriage House and a shower by Mrs. R. E. Latham and Miss Ruth Howell at the home of Mrs. G. H. Harris. Mr. Linwood'turnef was the hon ored guest on ihls birthday at an outdoor supper, given toy Mrs. Tur ner at their borne in Pink Hill on Sunday evening. About 30 guests attended. ; " j,..; Edwards Flf To Asheville For Event .Dr. and Mrs.1 H. A. Edwards left Tuesday by plane for Asheville to attend commencement exercises at Plonk's sdhool of creative arts from Which their daughter, Miss Betty Bernice Edwards will receive her college diploma. Miss Edwards is expected to spend a Dew daws at home before returning to Asheville Where she will be an instructor at her Alma Mater for a six weeks summer term., . 7 Mrs. Hera'.d Ra.ve Latham, above, Is the former idis Emilelgh Max-.' well, daujuter c; Mr. and Mrs. H E. Maxwell cf P.mk Hill, who was married in a-k.i...eh ceremony at Pink Hill Mej:..iist church Sat- urday afternoon. The groom is the son of Mrs. Howard G. Latham of Norfolk and a reporter on the Char lotte Observer. The couple will be at home at 1101 East Morethead St. in Charlotte aJter June 3. Miss Ercibigh Maxwell Is Wed To Herald Rowe Latham In Church Here ind 5 a is k .tin . .sap-. oo In a settina of simplicity dignity Miss EmileigH Maxwell, of Pink- Hill became the bride; of J Mr. Herald Rowe Latham of .Char lotte, son of Mrs. Howard G. Hafc ris of Norfolk, on Saturday, May 26th ' in the Pink, Hill Methodist church. The ceremony was perform med at five-thirty in tihe afternoon with the Rev. D. C. Boone, pastor at the (bride, using the double ring ceremony. ' ; The Church was decorated Wth palms and sevei)-(brandhed candela bra with floor baskets of white gladr, loli. The alter railing was draped in white and garlands oft fern. Pre ceding the ceremony Miss Wanda Tvndail. olamst. presented a prb- of nuDtlal music including unnntf Mia nflidll niMmlhApil De bussy's "Clair de Luoe."- TradW tional wedding marches were used, Given in marriage hy her father, the bride wore a gown of white oudhess aatin designed with a bas- oue bodice and a tulle yoke em- broiderad With seed pearls. The full bertha of Chantilly lace formed a cap sleeve and she wore long catin sauntlets.' The belled :Srt extended into long circular train and her fdngertlp veil of illusion fell from a coronet of orange blos soms. Her ifiowers were an arm pou- ouat el bride'i roses. iMias iSaruh Ann Maxwell of Rich mond was her sister's maid of hon or. She wore an orunnal ballerina length model of imported chantilly type lace over antique rose with satin Bash, and martchintg pink san dals. She carried a bouquet of mixed summer flowers in her batr. Ring bearer was Rom Everett La tham of Norfouc, aepnew ox cne bridegroom. Miss Eva Mae Nee ox. Norfolk was mistress of ceremoni es. . . . ! lEsten Corbell Jones was best man and groorrfsmen were Lyon E. Max well of Winston-Salem, brother of the 'bride, and Gilbert MULeoa on Norfolk.-- The bride's mother wore a gown of slice blue crepe with bodice of matching lace, pink accessories and a small lace hat She wore a cor sage of pink rosebuds. The mother of the bridegroom wore dusty rose crepe with a small cnadbing hat and a corsage ox gardenias. Immediately following the cere mony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyiton E. Maxwell greet ed guests tot the door where they were invited into h living room and introduced to the receiving line by Miss' Eva Mae 'Nee. Mrs. Clar ence Grady of Kinoton iw" 'n -gutt room, where Miss Bulb Na dine Howell of Noiuoik, kuuf-ww ter of the bridegroom, presided at the guest book. In the ball way, Mrs. Leighton H. Turner invited guests into the din ing roam where .a color scheme of green and white was used. The table was laid with a hand-env rdidered white linen cloth and cen tered .with the wedding cake, flank ed by lighted tapers and rnerv. Miss Celia Maxwell o: Ulnston ser ved bridal Ices at one end of tne table wihtle Mrs. R. E. Latham. of Norfolk served punch at the oppo site and. Assisting in serving nuts and mints were .ss Jacqueline Burke of Charlotte and Mrs. Kmfh Curtis Turner, firs. Celia Maxwell completed serving the .wedding cake after the brUal couple cut the first slice, h- Liter, Mr. and Mrs. Latham left for a wedding trip so unannounced points. After June third they wlU ha at home at 1101 East Moretwad street In Charlotte where Mr. La- tnm is a news reporter lor ne Olwrlotte Observer. The bride tra veled in a lb'" suit of Honan siA. det; ned w l iFrench "Ml ai4 an or' uai jtm. 4 hat of afii'ee-co. d r trk- ned with forft-' e- r 1. 1 ' r T awewwrles ww e of t.. aiicu e tns and her r- Business Mens Club Miles, Margie Smith, Jerry John-1 Heath, Frances - Harper, Thomas ana orm njyru, ueiia anurpny, luorouny ray- lor, Rena Bell Gray and Edcella Sanders. The hostesses are mothers of some of the seniors. . son, Glenda Stroud Grey Wilmouth. -; I Grade 4 Patftcla Howard, Joy ce Ann Carter, Linda Sue How ard, Adelphla Howard, Bobby Holt, Maxine Howard, James Howard. Edna Carol Koonce, Nancy Jones, Gracie Taylor, Kenneth Byrd, Lona Mae Sanderson, Larry Coombs, John Currin Howard arid Lois Hill. Grade 5 Ronnie Gene Cox. Kir- by Everette, Sue HU1, Billie Jean Jones, Peggy Mitcineil, Jane Rut fin, Hazel Smith, Linda Spence, Lou Thigpen and Shirley West- brook. Grade 6 Hazel Gray. Wanon- ah Jones Clysthia Holt, Edna Smith, Bet Taylor and Uienn auaon. Grade 7 Sandra Broadhurst, Pauline Summerlin, Norma Ray Stroud, Janice Harper, Joyce San derson and Becky Turner. Grade 9 Shelvie Jean Howard and Lula Mae Jones. Grade 10 Carol Jean Kennedy Mrs. Herman Fusseil in Rose Hill recently. , '-, Mrs. Lehman WlUkamS and son Glenn and Melvin were receo vis istors at thecllflfsaf the Neuse and the Goldsboro dty park. Mrs. G. H-Tyndall and Miss Wan da TyndaU left this week for New York City where Miss Tyndall will study at Julltard- school of music for the summer. , Miss lMe Korw L. . ; negay a J i."r. at'id i Simmons of GMboro 1 i vlslUog Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Le gay in St Simon Island, Ga. ' Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ilolden ot Greensboro spent .the weekend i the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Jones. Their two sons, Rmifin and Clifford whoh ad been visiting here) for two weeks returned wwh fr. Graduates ECC Receiving a BS degree in exer cises held at ECC on Monday in cluded Evelyn Kornegay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Kornegay of A'jbertson, Miss Kornegay is spend ing a few days at home prior to her marriage to Mr. Layton Coch ran of Roibersonville, which will take place May 31, in Greenville. Personals Ft Bragg Hospital 'Cpl. William F. Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Howard of Pink Hill, formerly stationed at Okinawa, is in a station hospital at Fort Bragg recovering from a broken pelvis and fractured back. onors Lee Hodges, Mr. Bill Harris, Mrs. Grace Harris, Mr. John Wilkerson, Mr. Al Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Latham. Mr. David Kdberson, Mr. John M. Latham, Mr. David Rotoer- son, Mr. John M. Patterson, Mr. W. A. Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MWDenmott, Miss Mary West Croc ker, Mrs. Martha Pond, Mr. Milton Ferrell and Miss Eva Mae Nee, all of Norfolk: Mrs. W. E. Hoeutt, Mr, and Mrs: Harold Jones, Goldsboro; Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Turner, Jackson ville; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowers, Washington; Mrs. Lambert Morris, Mrs. Cecil Norrls. and Miss Vera Robinson, Atlanta; Mrs. D. J. Don arson, Mrs. Daphtne D. Quinn and Miss Pesurv Donerson. Dover: Mr. and Mrs. Lyiton Maxwell. Winston- Salem; Miss Sarah Ann Maxwell, Richmond. Va.; Mrs. Bessie Grady, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Harvey, Jr., and children, Mrs. Charles Gra day, Mr. Lester Grady, Miss Celia Maxwell, Mr. 'and Mrs. Morttimer Maxwell, Mr. John Watson, Mrs! Charles Nash, Jr., Miss Ann May and Mrs. Joyce D. Wooten, Kinston; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Major Sutton, Mrs. Marie B. Terry, Mrs. J. D. Grady and Miss Marianna Grady, Albertson; - Mr., Clayton Rouse and Misses Lon Ann and Ada Ray Rouse, Rose Hill; and Miss Marjorie D. Brittingham of Balelgh. . y- AFTER RE-HEARSAL PARTY Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Turner en tertained the LathanvMaxwell bri dal party immediately following the ra-haanal osi Friday eveains. The home, en-suite, was decorated thre nrhout ..with .seasonal .flowers. Guests were invited into the dining room where Mrs. H. E. Maxwell. mother of the bride, served bridal cakes centered wrUn a ring with Pinkie and Herald Inscribed above and below, while Mrs. H. D. Harris, the grooms mother, served punchJ Party sandwiches, nuts ana mints were also served. The table; was centered with a five-pronged can delabra with pink roses arranged therein. The bridal couple were presented their wedding invitation set in a sold leai xrame, oy we host and hostess. , ' The ' Pink (Hill Business Men's clulb observed Ladies night at a meeting held in the cafeteria of the school on Tuesday ngiht. Mr. Linwood Turner was master. o cer emonies. The guest speaker, Mr. Hugh, Supt. of Pitt county schools, was .(introduced : by JWr. jonn Johnson. His speech was full of humor end was most entertaining. Sunner was served to about 125, Including a number of guests from Kinston and Lenoir county. LUNCHEON ... Out of town guests Joined the wedding party at the VFW but for a luncheon given by the. bride's sister, Miss Sarah Ann Maxwell on Saturday. -s. : - The., table was centered with red roses and gypsc-phllia with white tapers on either side. A delicious oufet of fried Chicken with ac companying dishes was served. V Earl Howard, Mrs. Leslie Quinn and Mrs. Bruce Howard entertain ed Jointly at a party Wednesday evening, May 16, in honor of the 1951 graduating class at Pink Hill school. The building was decorated with attractive arrangements of spring flowers and dish gardens. iDanclne and Barnes were enloy- and Mary, Edna Harper Grade 11 Lou Ann Davis. Grade 12 Bobby Hicks. ed. George and Donald Howard were winners in a contest. The hos tesses served sandwiches, ' cookies and cold drinks to the group. The 20 seniors who were honored guests were: Sallie, Bonnie, George and Donald Howard. Frances Quinn Grace Smith, Barbara Stroud, Hil da Hill. JMWby Hkiks. Wil" M- bert, William Blizzard, Elizabeth Tyndall, Mary Aiiice ana uan Mr. Clarence Jones has returned from a meeting, of Purina dealers in St. Louis. Mo. Howard Smith, stationed with the U. S. Army at Carrp Polk, La., is spending a ten-day furlough at his home. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Sills and Mrs. Frank Lee spent Sunday at Topsail. Mr. and Mrs. Jarl Bowers of Was hington, N. C. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Worley. Principal and Mrs. Frank Wiley and Scotty have been visiting rela tives near Ba th. Mrs. N. C. Davis and Miss Bessie Kornegay were guests of Mr. and ID) AMUTS N. C. Runners Shelled and Treated 29c Lb. HARVEY'S Hardware Department Kinston Protect Your Crops Now With Mail Insurance See Us Today Don't Wait Until It Is Too Late L. IP. TyimdaM's Sonus In Fink Hill Yearly Honor Roll At Pink Hill School . Following Is the yearly honor roll for jPlnk Hill school as compiled this week by school authorities: . Grade '1Bdtiby Small,4 Rex Johnson, Brenda Bostic, Linda Ca mi WilOTwuth. 1 and Fay Maine-. Grade 3 Norma Grey Wihnouth, Mary Evelyn' Howard, Margie Smith, Mary Linda Lee, 'Helen Grace Carter Carolyn Smith. Lyn Turner, Cam Smith, HirankLee ana jerry ovkcuo. Grade 4 Linda Sue Howard, Joyce Ann Carter, James Howard, Edna Carol Koonce, Larry Coombs, Nancy Jones and Patricia Howard. Grade B Bet xayior. , 'ry . Grade 7 -Becky Turner. , r , Grade A Lula Mae Jones. Grade 10 Mary Edna Harper and Carol Jean Kennedy. -' ! Grade 11 Lou Ann Davis Grade 12 Bobby Hicks , r Get Licenses Marriaae license were Issued in Kinston recently for Bruce Willi amson of Seven Springs and Mary AlJca Heath of Fir luu. Miss Heath a 1991 graduate of Pinfc Hill high school is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heath. Mr. Wil liams Is the son of Mrs. Bessie Wil liams of Seven Springs. Honor Roll Given : Following is the 8th period hon or roll for Pink Hill school as re leased today by Principal Frank S. Wiley: - : - ' . Grade 1 Bobby Small, L. H. "vmer. w Johnson, Dele Irrman, Linda Wihnouth, Hilda Fay Mal- (muw, Brenda Joy Howard, Janice Lee, Brenda Bostic, Betty Mitchell, Annette Pierce and Dixie . How ard.-: , - ;, . ' Grade 2 Patricia Thomas, Oli via Sutton, Carolyn Harper, Betty Sue Carter, Joseph Mencel, Ronnie Holt, Norma - Summerlin, Diana Howard, Jean Carter and Jackie Blizzard. - ' Grade 3 Jerry Everette, Carol Stroud, Sammie Howard, Carolyn Smith, Hiram Lee, Mary Linda Lee, Lynn Turner, Mary Evelyn Howard, Helen Grace Carter, Gene Taylor, Joyce Ann Koonce, Jimmy HARDY -IIEVSOM lnin::ii:!2 Dvlivcry & hj!:!!:!icii ' 6" Flues (stove p'?e) with 5 It.galTanized stacLs a!;:ove barnl ' " ' IHGII IN CONVET.IzrJCE LOW IN OIL . corwUr.?TioN. .t , ' V IlilailisBsllM 1600 Wtbj 750 WstU Heretofore Ou Special Eleclric Waier Healer Bail OMKc Per KWH For All Residential Eleciricily Used In Excess Of 209 KWB Applied Only To Double-Element 'Heaters! NOW! tUUMkawiaataaWi HfATlN4 fUTMIHT This Special Rale Will ' Apply .' To Single-EIemen! Healers Wten: Healing Unii Capacity Does Not Exceed 20 Wails Per 800 Watt . To 1500 Watts Gallon Dr When: The Size 01 The Healing Element Is 1503 Walls Or less. 1 Examine 7onr Electric Ualcr Iloalcr--V If I! Confornj-To Above Iloonlblipns i i ws a wiute orchid with t r- Croat' . , 2Sir 5tr To r:::!d UrCSi Hi:! , '3!"::nco. r

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