, . r u ,- e 1 i f ..h. Even t s f ' i- ... .,iMt1,il of tiie lot, la u. .ie 0 - - - N Mrs. Hand r. SoIJi, I prewataUve "a Firm lias J Opening . utton'a Pyrofa Gas and AppU- e Co. of Magnolia, under the . lagement of A. Q. and i uih, held open house Friday and ; aturday in their new dfcplay room ltoated on toe GoMsboro-Wiknlng-ton highway, between the Magnolia Easo Station and the Cottaige frill. Free demonstration of the Magic Chef Gas range -were held by cook ing biscuits, cookies and coffee which were, served. - W. W. Sutton, with the Sutton's Gas and .Appliance Company of Golddboro, was In charge of the opening with Mrs. Grififln, his sec retary, assisting. Other important puests at the opening were Otto Newstadt, District representative of PyraSax Gas Co., Division of Union Canbide and Carbon Corp., Wilson, N. C: W. B. R. Mitchell. Pr., sales represenUUve of Byrant Heating and Eouhxnent Co.. Atlanta, ua.; and Fui Hockins, sale represen tative of the Crosley division, Avco Mfg. Corp., Kinston. In the two day period, about two hundred and fifty people regis tered for a free range. At five o' clock Saturday afternoon. A. Q. Smith's two and a beat year old on, A. Q. Jr., drew the kicky per sons name from the box, which was Mrs. i, Vf. Byrd, crippled lady of Magnolia. Mrs. Byrd was not pre sent for the drawing, but Wade Oaylor, the companies salesman brought her down to see her range. ' She was very proud. Sne has been cooking with wood and she feels that the gas range will make it easier for her to cook. , Picture! were made during the 'opening to be put i the Pyrofax tuaazine edited by tf.e company. The auow loom was beautifully decorated w't:i airang.Tients of spring flowers given by friend. A complete line of Magic Ct ranges, Crosley (Shervador) refri .. senators, Bryant hot water heaters and Haag washing machines are on display at the show room. The com- pany sells gs heaters, Crosley ra dios, freezer lockers, and electric fans. You can be shown samples of rubber, asphalt, and inlaid , floor covering and plastic wall tile. A. Q. and J. P. Smith put down these floor coverings, and also sand and finish floors. They also install all gas appliances. .-- (During this week free Installa tion will be given to anyone buying a not water heater or rang from the Smith brothers If they signed up during the formal opening. . Bride -Eled Supper Guest ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Garrison of Hempstead entertained at a buffet supper Saturday evening May 26, in honor of Miss Helen Brown of Mag nolia and Warsaw. The noma was attractively decorated with sum mer flowers and white tapers. Mrs.NWUllam E. Gattis of Dunn was in charge of entertainment con sisting of several bridal contests. Those enjoying the occasion be sides the honoree were Mr. and Mrs H. Tracy Brown of Magnolia, par ents of the bride-elect; Mrs. Riv ers Johnson, of Warsaw, mother of the bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam E. Gattis, of Dunn: Mr. ana Mrs. Eldon E. Brown, of Rose Hill: Mr. and Mrs. H. McNalr Johnson, of Willard; Mr. and Mr. W. J. Lam bert, of Benson; Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Carr, of Rose Hill;- and Mrs. Bonnie Lee Mason, of Hampstead. Each lady was presented a cor sage. Assisting In the serving was Miss Claudia Taylor, of Hampstead. - The bride-elect was presented a piece of silver in her chosen pat tern ny me nostess. , Mrs. Home Is Club Hostess Mrs. J. N. Home entertained her bridge club and guests Wednesday evening at her home, which was beautifully decorated with arrange ments of spring nowers. Mesdamea L. a. Fusseu ana J. R. Croom and Wallls Trapnell and Misses Elizabeth Gurley and Hel en Hunt were guests, making one extra table. (Mrs. H. L. Pippin wa selub high and Helen Hunt guest high. Club low was Miss Louise Croom, and r SAVES! Free Installation If You Registered At Our Grand Opening Friday Or Saturday, May 25 - 26, We Will Install Free Any Gas Appliance That You Buy From Us This Week. j A Savings Of Approximately $20.00 ONLY TWO MORE DAYS LEFT 4 V 1 Sutton's Gas And Appliance Company AJ Q. Smith and, J. P; Smith 4 . ,.. ,f MarnoLU, N. C. r ... 4 mm HXwm T Y srVfrnrtm ' yUCn ivw wwmm " wwn Mrs. Trapnell won the floating prize. Mrs. FusseU was presetted a double deck of cards aa retiring club member. ... Coca colas were served during play. - ' ' After a came of cards was en- Joyed, Miss Louise Croom assisted Mrs. Horne in serving strawberry shortcake and iced tea. , ' Personals Mrs. Mary Emily Bailey of Bur lington visited her mother, Mrs. Maude Kin last -week. Bromley Pope of Columbus. Ohio visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellle Pope last week. miwm wall v. ,uf Hone ti ter Suzy, of Kinston, visited Mrs. Gellier's grandmother Mrs. Flor ence Home and Aunt, Miss Betty Horne, last weekeend. Mr. and Mrs. John W. smith vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith for a few days. i Fred Pickett spent the weekend COLORED HEWS SOIL CONSERVATION CONTEST Negro fanners of Duplin County are again advised that the Associ ation for the advancement of Negro County life is sponsoring a south wide Jamboree Soil Conservation contest The date of the Jamboree which will be held to Handoock county, Georgia, has not as yet been set, but will be sometimes in August, the winner will be noti fied. A prize of $100.00 will be a- warded to the state winner and an additional $50.00 to the southwide. The state winner: must submit a report oi not more than 900 words telling what she soil and water con servation problems were, wuat was done, who helped, amounts and kind of material used and what the resudts were. Score cards are avail able at the Negro county agent's atliee In KenansvUle and must toe submitted to hls office postmark ed not later than midnight, June 13, 1951 according to R. E. Wilkins, the Negro County Agent. Farmers should feel free to ask help of the Soil Conservation service tecnnl' with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herring of Calypso. He played baseball for the Calypso team against Mt. Olive. (Mrs. Allie Rogers, is spending a few weeks with her son Theodore and wife in Washington, D. C. : Mrs. L. H. FusseU and sister Miss Elisabeth Gurley left for their par ent's home in High Point last Fri day. Mrs. FusseU will remain with her parents until arrangements can be made for her to Join her hus band Lt. Cdr. FusseU at Patuxent River, Maryland. The Magnolia peo ple wUl miss the FusseUs very much and hope it won't be too long before they can come Dace to tneir home. .y:.-y. : .V ' , Mrs. Robert Burns visited her father Joe Baker for several weeks. She left for her home in Springfield N. J. Tuesday. - (Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pippin Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hooks of Fre- mnnf mnA Mr. ami Mm. BqhUS Cor- bln and daughter Suzanne of Wa shington, D. (J. (Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rich and son of Richmond, Va., spent last week witn nni parents. , Miss Martha Dall of Maryland nent the weekend -with her mother Mrs. L. D. DaU. -'v;:;,v'1 The guest of Mr. and Mrs. Al nnuu.ii mrut lanM P Tucker VUI 4 - . I Sunday were Mr. ami xuro. muiara- OillWIli HUU Blu v vUle; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tucker Jr. and son Jimmy and daughter Ellen Shaw oS Wilmington; Mrs. James Brown and son Jimmy; and Mrs. Pearl Croom. . , n - Mr. and Mrs. Herble Halburg and daughters HUda and Jean of Goldsboro visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. v - - ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wells of Wal lace visited her brother Tom Qulnn Sunday. mnA iur Wnrrla J. Andrews. Jr., of Chase City. Va., were week end guests on uur. ana ran, juuu v. Hunt, - i, -: ' ' 1 " . Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Potter and m Mr, ParlAv visited friends and relatives in Wilson last Sunday. UoDert wiieon, son Mrs. E. C Wilson is at home on u. i. wifh h ttSU and bas to leave the last of the week to re- port back at Hhode isnanq. clan, the soil conservation district supervision and the extension ser vice. ;., .-A-is.r. fe- v,' WILDLIFE CAMP Negro delagates from aU over North Carolina counties where there are Negro County agents be gan wildlife camp at Whispering Pines near Cary. North Carolina, Monday, May 28th. The camp will last through Saturday, June 2nd. Pethual Hall, member of the Ke nansvUle 4-H club wiU represent tv mil n tl v. Wilkins. Nasto County Amnt has leDarted. Courses in Wildlife and nature iwiU consUtute m. -tty. in uUWnii ta recrea tion. Hall is preparing his Wildlife record hook and insect mounts to be presented at camp. In 1949 Du plin County's Ben Miller, also of the Kenansvuie cnio was xcroicu State Wildlife Champion. urloolw imr MVRTA The Negro Home Demonstration Club of Warsaw met Monday May 22nd at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Davis and was en joyed by all.., , The following serve as officers: Mrs. Blanch Gist, vice president; Mrs. Rrihecca Davis, secretary; Mrs Lonnie's Open Air Fruit Market Specializes In : . Fruits And Ice Cold Watermelons Drinks Vegetables Cookies Nabs Lonnie's .Open Air Fruil Located North Wallace Highway 117 Houses Lots t-Farms j See Us For Your Needs 1 The $300.0 limit per acre on your tobacco has been eliminated this year. Get your : j Hail Insurance From Us Todsy , t. Stout Realty Co., Realtors Sales Rentals Insurance FHA 'i And Mortgage Loans Phone 5641 Wallace, N. C. Mr. LucUle Barnette, reporter; inua. samnm - The window treatment was very i.. .1... it fha lim ot the uiunnuuf. . - meeting refreshments were served. Magnolia Water Works Project Progressing : m. iuronnl auater works - are proceeding nicely. The frame work for the water tank Is almost com plete. . .. People weten wun openea mwu You would think it was the tra- peeze in a circus. i The tank is located behind J. A. OMito. .iwl r-mMnv'f aiorA .and in the vicinity of Quinn's Grocery, the Barber Shop ana urug ouxv. Magnolia Lions Hold Fish Fry At Pond The Magnolia Lion's cljb went on a fish try Wednesday night at DaUas Jone's mlUpond. The public inuitAii and a lares crowd at tended. Tickets sold for a dollar each the week before ana tine mon ey will be used to buy equipment for the firetruck. . .;.-. :. By Tm-t Ki.iiNJ :.v' When we asked a veteran angler what he thought of the nenrt fluor escent lures, he replied that they were better than plain ones some times. Other times they werent as good as regular ones. ; , enced fishermen had expected. But some of us were more gullible. There -were great expectations based on the fallacious idea that the more visible a lure, the more lrrestible to fish. But veterans know this isn't so. Sometimes bright gaudy ones are best; some times the duU inconspiioioufl ones produce fish. , j - It was suggested that Ouoreecent lures might reflect certain rays vi sible to fish MK not to man. now Mrtrmv mnu AnlrW T8nt eXOeri- metvts by English bioligisU seem to prove that man see one same wwvc fengths we do. These biologists say ivk maM Mlnrt ami liven abades exactly as humans. This lsnt so sunprlsing since we nave roucu we same eye structure as cneirs. AngUng editor Jay Lucas 'sug tmoA mm maist Mnaklsr tSids Doint: What normal fish foods are fluores cent lures seem natural to ishT However, wa know that most fish at all times, and the most choosy at most times, don't seem to give a lann what Dm M.llm. All a flah usually asks Is that the thing be of M.l-JK1a -t-a mnA .anm tHvil . . i v Should one use nuorescemsT so far as our two chief species of game fish bass and trout are concerned, It seems highly unlikely that we'U ever find a lure that will be effective at aU times. Both of these fish are extremely change- dictable only as to wl.en hell sUXe not as to wnat a u iu. . -m..m - -u thi add w to? To precUely what most , of US had evnrri " - , l or , v the i ,'t u s ;. t it W..J be to., Lull to tvjf oa ta at aU Evevthe tlnyatate o Thailand Slani) purctoaslng coal In the iTnitfd State- n i litttto Deaths MRS. BLANCH SANDLIN Mrs. Blanch Sandlin, age 65, wife of James Ralph Sandlin, died early Saturday.morning at her home near Beulaville after a lingering iUness of about two years. Funeral services were held at her home Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by the Rever end F. L. Goodman, pastor of the Beulaville Presbyterian church. Burial was In the Sandlin family cemetery near the home., She is survived by her husband, one dnu jMar ,mv T? n Mpneer and three grandchildren, aU of Beulaville, and one brother, L. L. Sandlin of Kins ton. , . ' ' . .- i (: . 'Mrs. George Albritton, Sr. of Ca Ipso died unexpectedly at 6 o'clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Herring. Her death was attributed to a heart at tack. Funeral services will be held sometime tomorrow afternoon. At press time complete plans had not been made. ; v .' - Sh la siirvlwH hv id children: Johnny, George and Benny Albrit ton; Mrs. Ed Herring with whom she lived; Mrs.- Adrien DaU and Mrs. Edwin Patten., r, 5 . MRS. LULA M. DATL ' AUTna Imilm M Tkatl. 40. died May 29th at 4:43 at her home in the Scotts store community, ne had been in ill health for three year. Surviving are her husband, TViHann rinHl nna inn. C R. Tlait and one daughter, Flora Lee DaU, ail OX tine name; one uromer, ruiwi Pateat Mt Olive; one aster, Mrs. Maggie Thompson of Mt. Olive, Rt. 4. She had been a member of Bear Marsh Missionary Baptist church for a number of years. Funeral ser vices were held Saturday in the Wilkins family cemetery near the home. : ; ,- ' THEME FOR STRAWBERRY DAYS- So Versatile. . So G:d-o-d Ice Cream ... the dessert of many h faces. Serve it as it comes from the : ; i, y.A i "v-v ,V -' . container or with' tempting choco- . late sauce, fruit or marshmallow . . . , Ta make a dessert success story that's ; sure-fire in any hotisehold? .. And ice cream the way we make it is ; health food. Only top quality ingrev dients are used ingredients that v WtV-' udd to eyeryone's fundamental daily; h J (. : ff ! F f CMfe. t .4t r I t ... ' j .!:U-. . food requirements. Get some for; to- ' - b i i i ' " ' i ' 1 . 3': ''m J:-' y . ... ..; .... , . , .. . t, fr , ' night's dinner! ' , ' ' . mm 1 1 CARD OF THANKS - We wish to take this method of thanking our friends for the many expressions of sympathy and kind ness extended us during the recent illness and death of our father, G. H. West ,"vv - ' " The Family ' ' One out of every three cars on U. S. railroads is a coal oar. ' i Si-it htf -i' i V for Slrenglh ; :FireSfely oCleeiiiinoss Economy ; o o "Built To a Standard, rn iui fitc . r . Wherever summer plans take you, you 11 go In style and cool comfort in the BALL-BAND Shannon. Flower bright , . . sephyr-light . . . and so right for every occasion. Buoyant "Duo-texture" platforms and com bination cork and rubber soles . i t and the beautiful Fabrics uacd in the Shannon are tcrubbable. . i l BV BALL-BAND KRAMER'S Dep't Store "Air Conditioned For ' 1 l Your' Comfort" ' . In Wallace i : i Make You rt lev; Home Complete plP P Pr '' P . ! t A ; -" P 'Py P '- ''P P- Your Old Home Lovelier By VayiDf Furniture From Our Store : 1 ' -. . .... .. t L E. Pcp3 Furniture Magnolia , Buy Your Groceries at . .r,,.' '''' Overalls Feeds At Homer Taylor's : General Qrctendise; Magnolia" WELCOME To -. 5. '.',:' s .!".;k; 'it.-, Hija-nuitir Thursday, Friday, Saturday ahis'ee!) STRAWBERRY "9 Lit ft tiPPhi -. Shop In The Many Stores Here For Money Saving items - Merchandise lbs Been Priced Lov; ')P;ylip Especially For This Event. Hi Branch BahHncj Trust Comauy ( ? 1 ' "Tl-eC-ferxccufcrV

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