. r i t j t w I few A popy cwa tit :- J w k J lln. XV. F. "Bad" Rliller, News, Adv. Ecpresentative ...... .u; U.I I.I I Mr. nd Mrs. Resale Kennedy of Beulaville, announce the birth of a on. Morris. May 18 in a Kinston hospital. Mrs. Kennedy Is the for mer Miss Ruth Rhodes of Beulavil- ' ' Miller IIDC Mel The Miller Town HOC met Wed nesday night In the home of Mrs. James Miller with Mrs. Ashe Mil ler Joint hostesses. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. James Miller. Miss Lawson gave an interesting demonstration on "Furniture ar rangement." Mrs. Otis Miller spoke .it If T Lf I 1 XT n xvawiw a.aic, auu ija o. a,um- an MUler on music. -, , fph linmtmmm lrvMl fuitltM aaiAjl on lettuce, sliced ham, pickles, era-!- eiiD cakes and iced drinks. The June meeting will be held with Mrs. Claude Thomas. v. : t Mrs. tlinsen Church Mm W Hlnaon was liostess 4 Tuetday night to Circle I Presby terian women ox toe cnuiro. wis. 1 jt Italia Wmiami arMMed in the albsence of the circle chairman. The kiHm olnaeri witfi nraver. : v Those attending were served ice cream, cake and coca colas by the hostess. .' : yer. " ' ' r ""'--" The hostess sewed toasted nuts and an assortment of cookies with Mrs.Cc!ihl!:r.:rcd Mrs. Johnny Cottle was honor ed recently when members of her family gathered at ber home for a bar-b-q and picnic lunch, cele brating her 59th birthday. A white cake topped with candals made a center arrangement, for the table. n,raenuing wera nr. ami m. D. Cottle and son Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Sanderson and family. Dir. ana jure, wriana sauuciwn, M. ..Mra Unaa PrfHa Mr anil Mr Miltnn fTnttle ami familv. our. ana jnn. r uaseii, jnr. nujr Cottle and Mr. Cottle, DusDana oi Mm hnnnrM Mra. Cottle received many lovely and useful gifts. - lias Ubi DliKiy (Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas en- tnhlnJ at rtwlr hfflnt laat'Week on May 22 honoring their daughter Leta Warren on ner lain wnnu; m.. MMt njtaa attrarliv. iin uwn v"w -7 wers. A birthday cake topped with lighted candles made a lovely cen terpiece. Cake with iee cream, salt ed nuts and coca colas were ser ved to the 2B guests. Celebrates Her ESfh Birthday Af Dinne r t!rsThcmo The Young Ladles Circle of the Beulaville church - met Monday night in the home of Mrs. James Thomas. :..;".'"--!.-;''' (Mrs. Orzo Thigpen presided and Mia jianrntLnnaravaa 14 nr Mra ItlO mas. Mrs. Macon Brown, Mrs. El- wooa uuinn ana Airs. w. r. auuer aHiitad Mrt Tih lumen in a discus sion on "Women Under-girding the Spread of the Gospel" the topic of me noma. (mowing we ncmirjn renortia meetltw? cloned with pra- a.m. ... luMMMll Via if una. nuwt waa uvuwvu L. C. Miller, Bland Miller, Coy Mil ler ana- wea smitn entertained tha hrwna nf the former wilti a ban. o-l ana picnic umcn. A -rliU. aui ailnlr A.V tanth nlmlr candles centered the table and 2001 relatives ana trienas were in at tendance to extend birthday greet hug and best 'wishes. nCc 'Wlnfred Miller, Camp Ste wart, GaM Pfc. ElvU Miller, Camp Perry, Teaes, auss Mosa neue aui ler of Warsaw and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Miller and daughters of Nor folk, Va., were rand children from out of town attending. Other re latives and friends included Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Hayter, KenanaviUe; St. Dickie Bays, Cherry Point; Pfc Tony Manger, Camp Lejeune; Pfc v wnilama nama Perry. Tex as: PKc. Ottia Gerald Miller, Fort Brass; ana nev. wasw n. uw . Henry Johnson Weds Dorothy Thigpen In i Double Rine Rites Sun day May 27, in the Cedar Fork Bap- list cnunon, miss iwrouiy a'hc" hAAaMMA fhat wwrwnm nr nenrv juan ston, USMC of Camp Lejeune and Newman, G. nka Ha k t. TAmnm. oastOT of M.a Ua MK)faltM In aPttifM Of palms, pines and baskets of white gxaos ana jevemew. . Trie weaaing music was reran mi rv Mn. Om Thitzoen and Joe Jackson who sang The Lord's Pra- ii.. -M,1 I la fllHnlV HD1TH. . The couple emerea womnn un attended. The bride was attired in a navy blue crepe street lengm ores with rhlncstone trim and navy and white accessories and carried a pra yer book topped with white or chid, showered with satin ribbons and pom-poms. v ...... fia. aaya RordM Thinen. uncle of the bride and Nonman Huff man ot iinm , sirs. Thlgpen, mower w w wriua, nn an enaemble of Bvy and - I . Mil rnaa I'll! aarfre -wauiaj auu w w-- The bride is te youngest naugn- u, ..a Mn Walter Mearis Thigpen. She is a graduate of Beu- tavuie scnoot ana nam vcw 1 1 -MinaHnar Mm cere- uauwaw " " w - mony the newly-weds left for un- announcea poims. r or uweuu bride lifted the orchid from her bouquet Upon return they will live in Kinston. -.; ':' , 1 i . : --t v. -4. m I w . -i " ' v.". V , 8 i . I Lau jelor and son Ttm y ere Sunday din ner guests of Uwr. ami Mrs. ruacn DiuUa I iii javumuuR. nuiuwu - mr Hallla Alhertann tad Pfc, Charles Albertson has been trans- iered from Turner ait se, tu i n, n m RaWnlr. Va. Thev " - : Y-JT'-Zi. .i.u man aavaral ' IllVfl jam WK wui ha naranta. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. .. Friends of Mrs. Adolph Jones re gret to know she is ill in a Kinston hospital. ; ";. -'' TiaTM iiKia wai !r an Mb vhtcii cuir fined to ber home suffering an at- ISt. and Mrs. Alton exum, oen ny Ray Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton Exum, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas and Leta Warren Thomas SnOppeu lU IVUUHiUU OHUUMaj. . m. mji Hn Kiirwn ljiaier. nui and Mrs. James Miller. Miss Betty Mrs. James Keetfer. CarroU Miller and Jimmy Miller enjoyed a fishing trip and picnic at Swansnoro jasi wee. , it. . I -w- aa-a-iaea BY: VTOA MILLOY 'JiJ u..tl Tula aa aha la klaYWIl to her many friends received many lovely ana usnui gmm. Personals nr. .ml Mn T.lavtd Thomas. Mr. Wlllla Jnnei and Mrs. Pho- iwui .... - - be Pate visited Mrs, Aaoipn jones Mrs. R. E. Quinn of Raleigh vis ited relatives here. , - - . ' ium t n Oiiinn. Oerald. Zona Oninn Mra. ,Lou. Belle Williams and Richard Williams at tended the graduation at WC last weekend. Miss raye vumn vmm titm wmAnwMtm eJass. Miss Betty Gould Quinn is vlst ing Mr. and Mrs. Rolin Thomas in inVWKK, Via. , , . (Mr. and Mrs. Llnwood IVwards and Mr. WUbur Evertoa have re turned to their homes for the sum mer from the Bible college in Na shville, Tenn. ' Wlnfred Miller, Colon Whaley, -i ii u..na rnnk Jamea and At- IM i.l. . - i - - ras Pate were home from Camp Stewart last weeEeno. Mrs. Ruth Harris aiid Mrs. (Mary nesdav with Mrs. John G. Kennedy Mrs. Virginia P. Quinn and son Davey have returned to their home l.tt I. rtK.nal Hill ' Mrs. LIU K. Lanier and Mrs. Si bil B. Lanier made a ouamess wv . . V .411. IHhiiwAlM . Mra Aufcrav Turner and son oc Pin mill were recent guests of Mr. j. D. sanaun. - . CpL Glemt Lanier from Fort Bliss, Texas,. Is visiting his par ents? Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lanier. He win return to Camp Storman, California. California. ; Mrs. James Miller and Mrs. Bland Rose attended the County ,u.ii awtttx Kenansvllle, Mon- T. Ciiwtu aphnnl her at the Bap tist church Sunday a class of 109, omjt thirty short of enrollment. Several visitors mcniaeu mt.n. u. HoUday and family or wtanxngion. rr. .Unal tlha aHult class with interesting ref re races of the olden days as well as tne present. llbe WMU neKI ll S moniuiy nmv l. TKiiraAav tlltfht wittl S ills mov y large attendance Just being seated when, "bang" out une ugnies wen for an hour. Despite this the meet ing preceded as planned with Mrs. Tom Ivee leading Devotional and our president, Mrs. oaeu naynor, in charge of the program. Refresh- Hiarn fiarvpf4 jnnftlsrtinfl Cm U1CUW VV w - pimento cheese aanclwicbes, pickles cooaues, ana ewes, . fman and Bobble Gresham assisted in the serving. Santa Claus could get very Jealous .if he were around when all tne . rouyanoas wbs k.i(I arnund with all the recl- nitanfa oAtHru? ttieir surorise at the close of the meetings. But those who forget? Better luck next meet- lw" - -jsni.i'- . '' ' ' Those hoys who have passed the 38th parallel over in Korea so iimu anav he Hilnklnc thev will be old, gray-bearded men be Cam fcan aaf in fnmm hflml. And may wonder wtiat n s su aoow. nm the women who have been left be- a M.la 11 va A aaa mail time come in and a cheering word from their; loved ones. (.; u fafham ninkn. son o Mr. ami Un Henrv Dixon was home i ma for a faar dava from a training camp In CM. Tne you in fill lad was smiling but already tha amii nt anidier who un derstands the tragedy that may lie before turn, adoux me oasgesi "in ference in humane people since Adam probably is NOW It's US In stead oi Adami from an annual slghtrsselng trip up the country as tar as wasmng ton, D. C, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Sanderson, teacher, and Miss Hall- Those trips are made to fur ther the education of seniors and re very helpful for those who wish to try the fields for vocational pur poses, .'-..- - - A araaV'l RUM a4winl Of HdaDtunS and Presbyterians together closed last rriaay nvsm wion a vewuiui program of the week's work by A good attendance was bad all the week.' . Mrs. Kenneth Palmer of Schen ectady. New York, niece of Mrs. ectady. New lore, niece oi wir. "ljri.imi. . Tom Ives to visiting Mr. and Mrs, the Day was meant to honor, as a r'; V ;r ' - ( Diiriiig ;; ? ( Ycu'll IB ETayo Than. -FrL-Sat 01 This Week OnHBrafulatlona to Mr. and Mrs T 4 Bnkliumi n Splnia. Utah who recently celebrated their 74th wedding anniversary, ages 95 and 93 years of age. Mr. Robinson re- Ohlaf Rlankhnulc'a muf- uigiiw roa -m.. - i derous attacks on helpless people wbJcmnow onngs laugm w hup lions through the movies. The Rob Uialr Ions lives to good living, kindness and a willingness to be good citizens, a goou upi uiaa Plata ami Rllnbeth Morton daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Uarfal fnaa MMaM II tMU mm mw tended trip to New Bern and Jack sonville where they were guests m Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Morton and other relatives. Sat ami Un. deal B. Dixon. Jr. Haaaraa. New Yortc who were married May 17 and taking ad vantage of the short leave, spent part of their time wimuor. ana Mrs w Max-tan ami nnuv nere. jviao Tisttlng the Mortons last week were Mr. and Mrs. b. n. uixon oc new Bern, parents 'of Mrs. Morton. Watch out and aoa-t -over-wu- aa n aaaaHier" for BUT llTl- tation and bhies. When one's cran ky with husband or wife and chil li rn it anav mean we need a thoro ugh checkup by our physician to see of we're up to par. me cam be lived In a day. stay relaxed mm av(M tl WArk AtOlm AT rest wwhkhever is needed! An old say- ins. "A treasure is not aiwaya a .nyl Sia.4 a Man! ta Vnn a treasure as worth remsmberi . so U good neaim, ana m anuiiy iu be casm ana re--"- ana get mi aawinnlhliaa. t 'Vaa A Greyhound ous joled with tu at luit naviv tMiinra rnm uifl xi. Sthool returned last Thursday night Ives this week along with their two children, Carol and Billie. Mrs. Pal mer Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B D l.nU alater laf Mn. IVeS. , . jr. J U. .1. maw .ajtaia iwaa iiiieo nci aia Mta m , tMt in Clinton recently who has heen verv ill with flu. (' ! ' Mrs. Bill Brant and Pvt. Brant left last week to visit with Mr. Brant's friends in uimer, . ior . wMlr an tMTOre DIM lUe Uu for the west coast. Mra. Brant ex pects to return to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pickett when her hus band leaves the first of June. Last Wednesday, Memorial pay! Here's hoping commercials will ne ver take the place of the sentiments re- nier lum Aiea so t ' but the sales of t hem o-ouil mind us of what we ewai -eei - The HDC met tnis weea: m ra home of Mrs. P. A. Maready with large cre(d attending. Miss Law son demonstrated picture of fur niture arrangement. Mrs. Waiter. Rivenbark discussed topics on soo ther's Day, refreshments were ser ved, one visitor was present. WATCHES CLOCKS ' WATCH BANDS ' RINGS ON ORDE -Repairing Watchea, Clocks. Jewelry PRESTON HOLMES DTJFLEf MKRCANTOJB CO KKNANSVOX IN We Weflcflpffiae un IT i A Wallace gitrawtafy 3BIGDAYSTHISVEEK-THUR5DAY,FRIDAYAIID SATURDAY. MAY 31, JUNE 1 AIID I Brady's Shoe Store in Wallace has been modern ized loadd to your shopping comfort and pleasure. Brady's again offers a wide selection of in-season bargains for this big Strawberry Trade Days event. wonderful buys ottered you Seethe tractive prices you'll always fi t's 'Si TI7 Tl lnA!b:rtn:.ts 01 Our Store All Sn.r Gccds And Spring C::ds 4. Aria, ..x. ' .... 1 . . For This Big Event 1 . i..--. day night In the egricuiture build . Mesdames Ashe Miller and Her man villa., mat with Mia avnmen of the church in Falson, Monday night. Mrs. D. q. Watson ana oaugmerB nf Smttlhilelil visited her. Barents Rev. and Mrs. A. Ju. Brown xnurs- day. . . Alien Quinn of camp stewan, Ga. spent last weekend with Mrs. Oulnn and ' his oareota. Mr. and Mra Sewell Oillnfl. r Misses Dinah Eubanks and Dor een Nethercutt, Mesdames O. S. and O. M. Thigpen made a -business trip to Raleigh Thursday. Mrs. Corbett Weston of Pink Hill visited her mooter Mrs. vauie Whale laa week. iTVi W f . Nnrria Veaara Oarl nnrne Sfflwuit Maiatim and RaV mond Mercer attended the Memor ial Day auto race in lnfliarajpoiu, Ind. v - Messrs, Ernest Batts and Marlon Bratcher and Misses Betty Jean La- nlap aiul Hazel Rronm vial tail Gar. aid Batts and Stanley Bratcher in Georgia last weekend. . . - JLf lH iim laAain nt iTavetta. viUe is visiting ber parent. Mr. and Mrs. j. v. jaoxson. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Norriss spent Sundav in Greenville with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Whitehurst. ' Mrs. S. B. Kennedy and family visited her parents Mr. and Mrs Rrfd Janea Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barbee and son of Rlchiands visited Mr. ano Mra. T. V. Dohaon Sunday. JMm-Am ratfret Sa knimr ttiat Messrs. J. T. Miller, Clyde McDow ell and Raion itiupen remain a natlant In a Favettejvllla hamiiaL .Mra ArnKart RiwMel mmd daumhter of Jacksonville are spending some time with Mrs. Roland Babcheior. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Jones. Jr.. of Mltin Park- Mn A I lira Jone. Mrs. Phoebe Pate and Mr. Atlas Pate attended the birthday din ner of Mrs. .Macy Mallard in Pol- liwkavllle Suratav. ' ' - Mr. and Airs. J. u. inemercun ml inn of Kenanaville. and Mrs. rialav Maflumai vlaUad Mr. and Mrs. Homer Howard in New Bern .Qtwwfav. - ... ' v. . . iFrierMia of . r. waiter Mercer reoret to know he is ill in a Wil- agt. rioy uamey was uorne mm namn RtaruMrf last weekend. 1 ' nura Hnmar MAK1Tnan HU mourn of South Port are visiting her par ents . t v. and Mrs. a. i b. I.lft.u Jamie Oulnn haa returned to his home atom a trip to New York.': "'""v-f"- Friends of Jesse Brinson regret to learn he Is ill at hi home uf- iferlnar' from a anlder bite. . rj.l. Messrs. uarence wwnea m TTill Bnawa PienM. fklvrn MeTCer and Arthur Kennedy have returned from St Louis wnere tne anena Sfraving Time TV. mtrmmi WOta la Bk tOT HUmMr- . I wmrm in thia hich- wedge sandal that's Just slender strips of Milan straw cries erosa lng over your vamp, jwoaircoot, White. Only $3.95 Pleated I-Mla ankle etraB twinCS Brettily obout your ankle Just .1-4-11 ml a eniil mmfflM sandal . with pleated side. . High- wedged and versatile, nuicner unen of aaaay-ooiored atmnge, lemon and Ume, also wmie. Ikaaa aaBI anainQsecii- nd a! Brady's! Let's . :M ? . Gather Arid Pretty : mem aai aa $3.95 Let's rather knots this hua mM mm! ftitatrJiaa ale . rawalHIflaMal aaBalal With buf or party manaers, a yea kike M. Nice hlgk wedge. Im Rainbow tesv ed fuchsia. yeUew, violet and Ihne. Asso wuie. $3.95 Rings On alai aMna Mi her feci and rings on her toes . . . and shell bel pretty whenever ane goes sua ain.ai.iMjitnr aandala of l.athar anal the effect UWUWW . - . . Is atunnwg. Rainbow onsea meson, and lemon. Also wwie. $2.99 And ... and nothing much more to these barefoot sandals that create nnMe a wnnderlul effect. Their comfort . wUl . explain ..why . the faaaaaul Innk-alik footwear long ago! Many kued melon, lime, green and yeuow. aim wmw. Like Yalking Barefoofa. $2.99 . Just as cute. Just as young, Just as comfy as walking barefoot when you're wearing this twin-bockied! ' casual of supple leather. Toes, oat heel out, style law Tangeriac Ahw white. , , $2.99 nn :::.( ' i mm r ; 3 i , i - i ed a roHtry mewiTw;. a M. TIHGPEN i ',. ' tenlavCSoa' N. C. "Year Shoe V C"