1 I 4 1. tic s eurag ty - . Can Thr ' a r f"- 1 can due irora "ir. ... tiA e.i- liiS L -ok .. .vices will use close to 5 milium tna of coat far he&t and power in Uie current s ."Sclent coi re lie iHiivf-rii- J ii e and fccd of Ped uueotly to U. 1 rV a-4 4 n .. " rv 4 (Tan:-1 . Den'tYaif " n ; L Get Your Flues We Supply And Deliver Any Size Set , ,- - ' We Have - . ' Flues t Thimbles -6ra!es A: C: HALL Hardware Co. ' ' " Wallace Ccmel leads all other, cigarettes: by billions! Hty. Kirfrf ImI' . CARNIVAL CALLOOMS 2"5e-15e I nrMf II j if. II 19-oz, bottle 11 Piipf 1 U..P Lbtsrine Large lize 79c , Josc-pn I Of r s ; Fly Spray With DDT ' J H Rec. 65e Size II ObfMH II C:nPer- M . i' . V f fix. t i am ic m . -r- i in - -f w j COLGATE 5 , j. TOOTH ; PASTE 11 ; "1 II V: ""T7 (' 4 , , .. li'fjW-" Si Warsaw. N.C. . .... FRI.-SAT;: C12,S FRI.-SAT. T"l ETS aiMlTll w - OJMrTO 1-POUND SIZE BLACK, BROWN OR WHITC LIM1T r Us . tMvce&f ml 21 vnTCH hazels ; 39 rw-luxe. Full pint P0YJ3ERPUFFS2il5 KERCUROItJiSOWE Q tC03 SACCBARIH 79. Tiblets, Vi or 1-RT-, " " ALKA SELTZER 54. Bottle ol S "hle" - ' ' ' 1- pccxet co::.ss 5. Assorted iz nd styles 1U-0Z. bottle r ce 61 r sr, tablet 1 inen fini Irtl K HI:, 111 SI I 1 A a..' uM" rmviiiM Highway uotnmisauni - j ' UUU.UUW www " ' " ,. i construction this spring on its pri mary bigamy system aumi hundreds of miles :of ,. secondary road paving. ' (More work is la progress than at any time since World War H. f . . The 29 major projects include several million-dollar bridges in Eastern Carolina ana mnnerous ip .1 t nninnliuil tlimilBhJhlffh- MWUinn w . " . four-lane boulevards are under son-J .n.inn in feha Piedmont section BUWM1WH ' -- j-.. with more planned later this sum mer. , , ., t Funds to perforin this work have been made available part through uuiuauuu u ' " way bond issue for secondary road needs, leaving owier hikvj m in A fV.1 nrnminr rrmH work. Governor Scott has earmarked ell surplus funds produced by Increas ed receipts from automobile use Uxes for the primary highway sys tem.' over JlO,uuu,uuu in ui funds have been used on some doz- fwwtnaV nflmaru xyralftcta COH- sidered most urgent by hdigihrway en gineers, xnese lncwue wws w four-! i hidhMM in ha Annttrua?t- Jiwwn tv-. w -v ed between Charlotte and Concord od between spencer ana juernqr m si w yu nsw niMiuiK uv ... w4. Wno Mm Altiec rtf Hkdh Point, Greensboro, Burlington and Graibam on us yu. ano a n" iu- ,i a itm 7(1 hdiween vauuu twtv w .w . -. Bidgeorost and Old port, also a rour-iane t Amami tha tmnnrbint bridtfe nro -T, mwvi -, - leots now underway or about to De gin we the itoltowing: The Roan oke Sound bridge between Nags Head and Manteo, the Xwan Riv er bridge at Bdehton, the Neuse River bnidge-at New Bern, new ly located structure across the Cape Fear river , near Acme In Bruns wick county, a two - lane addition to the Yakfcln river bridge between Phone 532 v i" i r II 1 , , ,; ' ,"''1 - fc-J U( ,srft 4)....... SaViKMsjBssisssaiBBn m I Tooth Paste Z' J $59 95 VESTIIIGIIOUSE RADIO 1 To Some Lucky Ticket Holder In Our Store During Our t Grand Opening' Sale Friday and Saturday ' Get your chance upon entering our Store" ABSOLUTELY FREE . You T.Isrt Be rrcscnt: At Tin Dr--ving To V." ' - ffj ' F! ' J W aeV a CAiLYPSO WAS HOST Friday night to Ruritan officers for a plan ning session on programs for the coming year. Left to rigint are: Dist. Gov. Clyde W. Harris, Conetoe; Gov Yadkin and Forsyth counties, and the Freeh Broad River bridge near Hot Springs, j m v ' i During the past two' years the Hi&uway comnuKslon has paved ov er 6,000 miles of faivn-to-maiket roads under the $200,000,000 bond 1 .ana nmtfnn AnAtW O IWMi mileal of county roads have been stahiiiz- ea tor axHweamer travel, xuis won has been cctmpliiwHfl .. one - half of the bond money. Work will continue .on the secondary roa program during the next two years. Meanwhile, Dr. Henry W. Jordan, Highway . Cositmlssfam Chairman, has announced that special empha- construction, using as a blueprint ai . , 1 . . J 1 .. uui. I special survey compieura. vuiky utw year wnron snoweo mm nonui vm- Witts At , frict Olfsrs awn l-istsrssl 'YaFeTuffy' WRIST VATCII 6s5 Pr Ctssk TWu faai , i II fi-VJ Shock Rerittant ai ' ' a Ijlniiuui, ffM.I -V . i Coupon.!! i.i, UMt Tale Tuffy ' V f 1 Wrist Watch ., , ' ' Witt Csupasi ' $8.95 ; J TTTJ Keep Cool J ! ;i $595 , Electric Sat f DAG ..Fans:-.L 8 inch r ' PsrfsclSan COLD CREAM 8-oi. jsr ,,v r 09( o 4St PO-DO ;; suave . cr.EA:.i Lsther brushleii 2 " G0C ' CWf TEA . APom TRU-SSTI Trimmti ltSt . wL.l GLACCZS Flyer style ' 93c ORA-TON TOOTH CRUSHES '. Regular 49c 2 7CC ' , f , .,,- A.k JWaL Ja'LLL aL' Jric Percolater ' ' : . " . , " , $3.S5 Value t3.C3 Moth Balls, lb.'. i. ATOour uorey, jamesvuie; au treasurer Noel Lee, Jr., Washington . v;.: LA. Vxov. nayne uiuwr, wir den; Lt Gov. Thurmand forehand, South Mills; Dist Sgt-atraw Paul Gricc, Calypso; Dirt. Gov, W. H. ollna's tnain-luie highways have ov er $309,000,000 In deficiencies. r: Mrs. Miller anymore. She has never been to a motion picture snow ar a. circus, ir a. circus. , . Zn. nr'a. w KennedV Li-'Tj' W.b.. . ..,, " . mm niun iihAlf WhlblrAtt were born and treated her when she had pne umonia, B srajy wnwn uiucBB, In 1097 Xfnrv nMtk WlllkunS DUT- sed her during her lUneas.' j. ; ; , Mia lual (awlvf, VCaTS het - V. IH nawK . .. .ium,. (imm An4Arfalfia on her BlUSil TTSS 1S T v - -" . birthdays and a score of relatives and mends nave oeen prewsm, mt .iahV.in won hAjd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith and the last one at ror.. ana msu. v . u miUao U vnrv MRnve: She sews on the sewing machine, cro chets, makes quire k8- "" in ii i n rr ann lanni -a tfHi iieu. fxuc says that she doesnt soe ouite as well as sue once ,vsB:ifc. s-' Her grandchildren Wc. El via Miller. Texas; PfOv .Winfred MiW ver, vamp wewrai ler of Norfolk; Rosa Belle Miller, Warsaw; Leo Miller S. Navy; C. A. Miller, J. W. Smith. W. J. MkV ler, Gordon Miner, iiginio uu, rwult iunlr Rsndell ..Mlikr and Wibner West MUler. She has three great sandchildren, Aliskia and Cocdeliia of Norfolk and Billy w Beulaville. . tn. tjriinn hnanl has ealled M- .itHMn': iMttliMAti and de- Da ' iUUICI v- fense industries to use coal for fuel wnenever orcoaMe. st cwpie tell me how to clean cane chair seats. ; A Scrub thsr'aeatstwith hot water, in which salt has been dis-solved-t-a tablespoonful to each Quart oi waver vuu moA in the open air - to coniplete the oryiuEi plan - to cover the shingle roof of my .home with asphalt shingles. Th ' old , shingles art . aJ kmV.n nut T WOUld like to know how the old roof should be prepared to raceive Jhe a mamm atl innae or protruding nails ana ren&u in new locations, alao nailinjj down other . 0 ....v.w a. .k fmm, wn rn nun are missing. SpUt the curled or J .1.. .-J A.11 HMBD watle uuin , the segments. Replace anymuwing .Vl..1 lft am nnM Then, to provide a smooth deck for th; new sningies, "ppj m. ,1 uJni m. hnnefeatn. ICBUiCiUiB wiy. - . . ers" alone the butts of each course of old shingles. at nii tn hund a small ra nge of either concrete or cinder DIOCKS. wnicn www am - IIaa Ia miM ftoncrete eTaVBMWaa mm t ; blocks are tna-)e of. I orWn-f ment. sana ana etci. , j'-- der blocks contain cinuers taplace of the other aggregate. Cinder blocks consequently are l'-hter in weight than conci- i t u have greater insula -u.a o.vuu.es. oooooooooooo For Saldcx SAklt, DOORS. SnEET ROCK, E0CKLATI1, EOCK WOOL,, PLASTES, . w . ? ammva irnAMr, tra Vw V "v LIMIS, .ULiMLX La11Aa. M0HTAE, pa::.tt, TLS ra-cotta ri.-r:, lae: tile, wiirr. : ArzrTc: ; 2INC, ACrilALT en: 3LT lliunc: C7 ; 3l:. r rrrjc;, 5-v . cr. :p iu rccriNG .,'.'.4, . FT'WiafiWr fp ' 4 JS tT.lsk tnailvftsnrt JA Clair. ThUTlTian Griffin, Williamstoni and District Sec. a C. SeUare, Calypso. A con ference was held and the Calypso clu bentertalned at a dinner In the evening. About 70 attended. Coiiip Scholarships oiui-w nMim fA .PfwictA 1. and 3aa.C7 iiwns wt 'T James Guy Reevedle, Jr., 18, Con way, hve been select ea m rwi schlarstakis to Hh Amerksan Youth "m" - . , ' .- Foundation ueaaersurgp wauu Camp at sneuoy. u,?, "' Hl.-iiBM'SflwrtUlg to 1 : narrui . sjsw-wa. ws ' state 4-H club leader at State Oei- lege. ,, ,,:: 1 , ' "o , The Johnston icoutaty gM and the UnrfMiMMnn AniltvtV hoV IWP-TK SO- lected for the .awards on the basic of leadership abilities aesnonstraiieu l a-U 1,aK wnrSr TlhA u4tlrnhk)a. valued at $150 each, are awarded by the Danxoron sounaauon ana we nauwu w - . DMum uriii trtirAiwI Mwi namrm July 0-August 12. Reveille wlU at tend August 18-10. V " DmAa A mmhAT. ttf ttw State 4-H club has been a 4-H member since 1945, During that time he i ami in rwM,lrv UAV VWI' . , caif. healtai improvement; sjarden- W, aaim ana n wnf, J lAA',lAl.b nAMMls. "Ha was State winner in home beautifiicatp . . " , . a a - ion in ivw ana wea wwaraca uiv ,A 'miallnnAl . AW rfklllfl rWrXTTAU At rhiraAA Ha alan rapAlved tlOO scholarship district winner In better - electric memous. n s ..aI ,aa AnUtf n IiIa Inns) club for five years and as president os sne county vouncu iw ui w. iurt t.lu. a ajtf mAmlr ilnm 1950, has completed projects in clothing. , food preparation, safety, ful mMMMMflMI uH ItffV&f A AAtvtAtW log dome : nwrwgement, pouMry and tree MenttfUntion. Ibis year s-Uai 1st vi-Afc-lilAij Afkf MlllirU iVHU UV aSi fM. VSSUClit wuv ndl and secretary of the State 4-H Council, in aduiuon to wuming co- IT Vamm 1,1 lIlA.. 'TMAM1A A tA J iiyHA. - " health improvement tor .several years, sue was state cionumj oem- oustrauon winner in ino ana suite beaim queen in ivoui 3L n . lib ' YOUR mmiriage; In 3CA 4 j,.; ' IOUREIICWEWiar'A . ii i ,..a Faithful CONTRACT tl ' r-i k3v loved . ' i r tt " r " r " r i 1 ' , , I X ' 1 " , - J ? , - ' , r ' ' k ,f, ' a- r-.-- """a ' i n o o v. of ixch C!Ttcr,iGu:3c!If itve-Walar AcMeal Proridei urging, penetrating currents of hot, , sudsy 'water that get clothes really clean - gently 1 Clothes are in water all the time-not half in, half out x ; New ftyBail See ho this np washer fits into titciient. utility , rooms and taundriesv la ctose to the waU. AU controls are in easy. , asieitach.'-';',':'.'--'.i V-.r:;0 ;" . 1 Ixtra Hlsjh tasssl Orylntl Fripdaire's Rapidry-Spin gets clothes far drier than most other washers. Many clothes an ready to iron at once. All are lighter. ... ' .-, 1 , . , . .. . aii.A. i-.iJa Auil PUakCFiiI TJfrtlimPnrcelahw ' nit-steel finish protects against rust, ao? 1 toadies. Ueaas as qulcklr. eauiv n v Page Koni2'; Jniifcfe' J. C. Page, Owner Wcr-ir.', ! !. C. IT e 312, Marriage ts . often likened to the construction of a '' building. Upon the secure and sturdy foundation Is built your family, your home, and eventually your retirement. Financial securityglves yon the materials with which to build a happy life for yon and yew ones. Save regularly here. t, 1.; 1 . 'Ait T-, Exclusive Friglda.tr , Select-O-Dial I PrMelect the DTOoer waBh ing time on the Select-O- . Dial-set It once and the-j Frigidaire Washer does all j the rest. i V 4 4 t ' 'n.f I'll 1 'i.V o $304.75 1 ,fg.i