Mrs. Maude T.'&aZZ. KeFrtaU .il!:r.:rcd I'dxnfry and Mrs. L. K. AVaerman of ! Mil 'entertained the Magnolia r claw and member of the ckib with an outdoor cbk , . y Tuesday night at Rose Hill. 1 ,e 18 present had a wonderiul V i.e singing songs they had learn e i l ..ring the test school year. They j- - enjoyed having Marilyn, tbe j tmsn'e daughter, entertain j n several lovely pieces that aha i played In her senior music re cuwl presented at Wake Forest Uat week. ' v- Mrs. Avln Powell Mrs. Wlllard Brinson and son Hiram and I Mrs. J. P. Smith and daughter visited Mrs. Powell's and Mrs. Brinson's sister Mrs. Sd Evans and brother i. P.. Tucker, Jr, in Wilmington last Wednesday. GbCfcibAf -Church Sunday ' Regular church service will be held in the Magnolia Methodist church. Sunday night, June 8. at 8:00. The Magnolia Glee dub will render special music. . . - Mr. and Mrs. Marion C. Sedberry of Army Chemical Center. Mary land, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Croom. . . ? Miss Lucille Hunt visited her, sis ter Miss Helen Hunt and brother John Hunt and wife over the week end. Miss Lucille and Helen Hunt attended tbeir slater Alice's grad uation exercises when she received her degree in law irom line univer sity of North Carolina last Mon day. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Grubbs were dinner guests of Mr. , John R Croora Saturday. - ' " , ' Mrs. Claude Sunday of GateevlUe visited bar father, J. A. Smith for a few days this week. She also vi sited her father, J. A. Smith for a few days this week. She also visit ed aer brothers J. P. and A. Q., Je rry and John Smith and wives of Magnolia and Bay Smith and wife of Harrell Store. (Mrs. Bundy. Mrs. J. P. Smith and daughter Linda visited Mrs. Ernest Quinn at Potteraville, Tuesday. They spent Wednesday with Mrs. Doc Smith at Carolina Beach. On Thursday they1 visited another aunt Mrs. Eugene Carlton of Warsaw. (Mrs. Ed Evans and daughter She lia of Wilmington visited Mrs. Ev ans father, James Tucker and her sisters Mrs. Willard Brinson and Mrs. AWin Powell for a few days. faNier-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. John William .evens. ;." Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Chestnut and children Sandra and Jimmy ROSE HILL NEWS ;.AIdeiian Tohcksonville Mrs. L. K." Alderman will leave for Jacksonville, Fla.. Monday to cstudy choral directory at the Jack sonville college of music for a few weeks. Mrs. Alderman taught mu sic and was in charge of the Mag nolia glee club this past school year.; -.. , ,c '.' " i, : Friends of Mrs. Loney R Xanler will regret to learn she is a patient In James Walker Hospital in wu-j&lngton. Iter, and Mrs .A. D. Wood have left for Watford City, North Dakota where they will visit Mrs. Wood's parents. ' Mrs. Zavistovski Honored At Tea Mrs. W. H. Saunders and Mrs. R. s. Troy paid compliment to Mrs. W. H. Zawistowskt Wednesday aft ernoon at a tea-shower at the at tractive borne of Mrs. Saunders on Center atree. Before her marriage recently in tbe First Presbyteria- an cnuron ia wumington, urs. Zawistawski. daughter of Mrs. W. B. Herring and the late Mr. Herr ing. : Tbe borne iwas arranged with a profusion of beautiful spring flow ers. CM special interest was sn ar rangement of pink roses and blue larkspur which centered an anti que table. Mrs. Saunders greeted tbe guests at the door. Receiving with Mrs. in L. E. Pope Furniture Company In Magnolia Houses -Lots -Farms See Us Fo r Your Nee&f The I3M.M limit pec. acre ett your tobacco has been eliminated this rear. Get year Hail Insurance From Us Today . , Stcut Rc:!ty Co., Reciters Sales Rentals Insurance FHA And Mortgage Leans Phone SMI Wallaee. N. C vr" Don't Vait Get Your Flues We Supply And Deliver Any Size Set We Have Flues -Thimbles -Grates A. C. HALL HardYareCo. Wallace , Zawiatowskl were her mother. Mrs. Herring, and Mrs. Troy. The faon- oree wore a shoulder corsage or white rosebuds which was a gift from the hostesses. She also re ceived from the oostesses. crystal In her bridal pattern. Mrs. Herring, wore a shoulder corsage of nnx roses. The dlnlnc table was covered with a hand-embroidered white li nen doh. A crystal punch bowl was placed at one end of the table and an epercne filled with white llllles. sbasta daises and gypsophel- la flanked by crystal eandlebra was at the opposite end. Mrs. L. Clayton Herring served rtch and was assisted by Mrs. C. Faincloth. Jr.. and Mrs. W. H. Fussell in serving individual cakes, salted nuts and mints. Mrs. D. B. Herring directed tbe guests to the gift room where they were received by Mrs. John A. Moore. Mrs. H. G. Ward registered tbe seventy five guests. Goodbyes were said to Mrs. Horace ruaseu and Mrs. Hugh Johnson, Jr. Bride -Elect Guest At Coffee Hour Mrs. Earl W. Brian and Mrs. L. A. Wilson entertained at a coffee hour Friday honoring Miss Jerry Norton, bride-elect, at the borne of Mrs. Brian in Raleigh. Receiving with the hostesses were the bride- elect and her mother, Mrs. J. W. R. Norton. Misses Barbara and Shir ley Wilson received in the dining room. The hostesses presented tbe honor guest with a corsage and a gift of silver. Mary Ann Barden Is Meredith Grad. Mary Evelyn Barden, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bar den, Rose Hill,. was awarded her A. B. degree in primary education with tbe related field of study in social studies at Meredith college Monday. She bas been a member of tbe home Economics club, the Freeman Religious club, the Education club. tbe glee club and the Atroteton Society. She was elected honorary Soccer Varsity her sophomore year, and served as summer sohool stu dent, government president. . She was chosen as one of the two senior representatives to May court and won the senior superlative of Most Stylish. She also served as sec retary of ber class this year. As a part of the requirements for a North Carolina A - grade teaching certificate, she engaged In student teaching in the Third Grade atioy- lan Heights In the Fall. - - spent Sunday with Mrs. Chestnut's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. utuu Mrs. John R. Groom and Miss ir.i.r. !uWui a hridffe nar- ty given by 'Mrs. Seabron Blair In Wallace last wee. , -Mrs. Pauline Todd and daugh ter Paula spent tbe weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Jones. Little Paula Is spending am time with Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton Chestnut. v ' . Mrs. Dallas Jones ana mrs. butt on Chestnut visited Mrs. Jones' IwfW nmmlH Itaravtak of Mt- OHve at the Veterans hospital In Ftayetteviue woere ne is enwaujr 111, last Thursday. Mrs. L IV Pope visited ber dau ghter, Airs, James sari u New Bern last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and sons Jimmy and Mike brought her home and spent the weekend. Mrs. Alvln Maready of Chtnqua pen spent a few days with her fa ther Leon Wilson. s ; -. Mr. John R. Croom attended tbe GOOD JOBS FOB I2ICI1 SCHOOL GRADUATES Miss Mary Ann Fussell. a member of toe asb aonooi immh u -rived to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Fussell. . . - Mesdames E. L. Lanier and A. B. Lanier visited Mrs. Loney R. Lanier at James Walker hospital Friday. Mrs. A. R. Teachey. Misses Bob bye and Lyda Teaohey. Mrs. Gra ham Fussell and Miss Lois Fussell spent Thursday In Wilmington. Mrs. Jerry Smith and chldren of Fort Worth. Texas, arrived last week for several weeks visit with relatives here and in Baleigh. ui. Bira mt ShirleV Wil- son spent the weekend with Mist Dot Smith at uarouna . Friends of Mrs. Ed Cunliff will i. ut.wtui n irnnw Mhm under went an operation Friday morning inasc louis noapiuu i . Mm Oinllfl be fore ber marriage was Mist Betty Wilson at Hose nm. Daphne Bordeaux Graduates! Daphne Ann Bordeaux, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. A. B. Bordeaux of Wallace, was awarded her A. B. de gree in business with related fields of study in economics and sociology at Meredith college Monday. She has been a member of To morrow's Business Womens club, the Glee club, YWA and served as sophomore Marshall of the Philare tia society. She was one of the two representatives to the May Court her freshman year. Mrs. InaMurrell Gets A. B; Degree Mrs. Ina Gresham Murrell, dau ghter of Rev. and Mrs, N. E. Gres ham of Chinquapin was one of the 133 seniors graduating from Mere dith college on June 4 with the de gree of Batohelor of Arts. Mrs. Murrell attended the Beula ville High school, graduating from the later in May of 1947. She en tered Meredith college in the fall of 1947 and has been a student there since that date. She iwas mar ried in August of last year to Mr. Marlon Vann Murrell of Jackson ville who himself graduated from Wake Forest college with honors on the same da(e as the Meredith American Legion State Convention Mrs. Gordon Lupo and daughter Janet of Charlotte, visited Mrs. Lu po's sister, Mrs. N.T. Pickett and family Tuesday and Wednesday. Bob Burton, father of Mrs. Lupo and Mrs. Pickett returned to Mrs. Picketts where be will remain for the summer. He made his home with Mrs. Lupo during the winter months.; vv; k nr. m-.A .M-. Ti Vnnm nf White- vUle visited bis parents Mr. and Mrs. am jrope msi sjuiumj. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Pope of ,111 riHil Ail narnta Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pope last weekend. , The guest ot tar. ana mn. a. ju. Pippin over the weekend were Mrs. Virginia Boggs and son of Green Sulphur Springs, West Va., Mr. J. R. Boggs and son Tommy of Har rodsburg JCentucky, and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Boggs of Sanford. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pippin visit, ed Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Hooks, Jr. last Sunday. college commencement. ' Mr. and Mrs. Murrell will move to Wilson this week where Mr. Mur rell will assume duties of Assistant pastor in the first Baptist-ohurch during tbe summer. Tii3 YuwT Power Oifici:! Retires George D. Conant, commercial manager of the Tide water rower Company, retlrtd from active serv- .health It was announced by a spo kesman ox the company toaay. - Connant bas been with tbe power company for 13 years and bas been actively employed in the utility In dustry for over SO years. He went to Wilmington from uote waies, Fla.. where he was associated with the Florida Public Service Com pany. He is well known throughout Southeastern North Carolina for bis civic work and activity in industrial development." ' ' His duties with the Tide Water Power Company in industrial rela tions and commercial work will be' assumed by R. P. Andrews, Vice president of the company. TYNDALI., FUNERAL HOME ' IN MOUNT OLIVE PHONE 2303 Home or Wayne-Duplin . Burial Association Funeral Directors Embalmers Ambulance Service Day or NUht Houses - AND APARTMENTS" : . For Rent .Warsaw And 1 Kenans ville , f A. J. STRICKLAIID PHONE tS . VfARSAW, N. C Personals Mist Peggy Reid. attractive dau- ehter of Mr. Carl T. Reid and a graduate of Greensboro college, has returned home for the summer Miss Reid plant to enter Northwes tern University next fall for fur ther study in dramatics. Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Teaohey, Mrs. Evelyn Ground and son, Allen, are spending the week in the Sheffield cottage at ToptaUJIeach. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Alderman, Mrs. H. C. Marshall, Miss Katbrya Bland and Miss Peggy Ward at tended Miss Marilyn Alderman's piano recital in Wake Forest Mon day night. Miss Alderman was hon ored at a lovely reception immediaT tely following the recital. Misses Carolyn Robinson and Frances Dickson bave finished their freshman year at ECC and are borne for the summer. Mrs. W. H. Saunders has return ed from Red Springs where she attended the celebration of atomni Day at Flora McDonald college. She- was present at the luncheon pro gram whion featured a inaiiet aance. Miss Anne Clark returned Friday from Clarkton- where she spent a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Clark. : Mrs. Ida Hau of Charleston. S. C spent tbe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wiln. Mrs. Arthur Fussell and children Adelaide and Kay have recently Joined Mr. Fussell in Weldon where they expect to make their borne. Mr .and Mrs. J. Howard Cottle, Mrs. Graham Fussell and Miss An ita Fussell accompanied Miss Kath- ryn Cottle to Greenville Sunday for summer sohool at ECC. M. F.ALLEI1. JR. General Insurance, Kenansville, II. C. Kenanaville's Only Insurance Agency or waitlna to b fHoel ft) lb U. Si'APJ.lV U. G. POQCG , ' Q ftislaStjfntf ? ' C,W(1 r'y rcci1 trairurj. Ears it GEO. P. PniIaZII Plumber STATE LICENSED PLUMBING CONTRACTOR . EAT- t r y IT" 1 J t , an o 1 1' , . me bi-"- is Ue -e .H and Mrs. W iiliaun E. Ciitoa of saw, and a recent graduate of Vi aaw high school. ' , The bridegroom is the son of . and Mrs. George Hudson e T key, and is now studying Civil . Sneering at North Carolina S1 SjegTfcurlng World War II, served with the U. S. Army. Immediately following the mony the couple left for a wedd trip, after wtoJwh they will m their home in Washington, D. t , for traveling Mrs. Hudson iw a suit of petal pink linen with iwi aacessories. . , .-.-' Ushers were Bill Carlton, Jr. i David Hudson, brothers of the bi and groont ( . - ; i ' -' 4 1 ,,4 K "V MRS. ELWOOD HUDSON Miss Claudia Elizcbih Carlton Is Wed To Elvood Hudson In Johnson Church Riles On Juna 3rd. foUowing the Sun day morning Worship Service at Johnson's Baptist : church, ; Mitt Claudia Elizabeth Carlton became the bride of E brood Hudson, using the double ring ceremony. Rev. Paul Mull was the officiating Mln- pW tn me wedding Mra. R. M. Brock rendered a program of nup tial music, ber sister. Mist Betty West sang "Because." t At tbe conclusion of tbe ceremony Mr. Robert Hudson, cousin of the groom, sang the benediction. LaslWeefeS Mystery Blast ip G:tsExp!::tfcsi ' WILMDJCPON, me 1 quiet of the coastal asea Urt nl bringing. deluge of lctuirirgt pbone calls from an area 20 n across, iwua Aick with officer at Ci Lejeune and Cherry Point b brought reports ttoat ey were ducting no operations Involving plosion that could be heard .wld.acersjdde. A similar blast rocked the i about two weeks ago but auth Ues were unable to, discover cause or location. , ' " Xbe blast was distinctly bear Kenansville ' and ; other r Dui towns. t T FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Mrs. Clarence Mnrpn; Mt OLIVE FLORIST 1 t Sutton's Gas And Appliance Co. Magnolia, N. C. Prices Up Sell For Cash . DELIVER OUR PLANT i' AGRICULTURAL WORKS, IKC. SOUTH JOHN STREET, GOLDSBORO, N. C ' . (j" ' j I F, jayaa as S my wy isjp ' M &GrL I saa ,4 tlfJO ( 1111 t M f 19 1 I y t 111? ifCZ, m -n - - I v .... .j. i d'l i fc gg I, J ,15 tail BBtdeMeaWetaaa - ! f 1 , 1 Kiel 0AC-11 Defrosts itsc'J ti 1 . i 2 to 10 cbofosf CIVCS you r I "Core-Tree" Automatic DefiwsMncjl Nothing to turn on or off-nothing to watch -no thing to empty; This 1 Shelvador defrosts itself -while you sleep-in 2 to; , 10 minutes!' . i 0 0 1 I VI VeVantYourllcas i Cnyiits Days Are. JIciw-j-s 'Zsvs&l Ttl a, rx U--'.'.l 5 p. el VTe Fry K'-;est r.I;:ltt Frkes :i I;. Ii- SJEPMCEyOVZTlKIP - m REFRIGERATOi CrMley's Worlcscrver Design gives you twice as much v "N "BW w,5h branoVntw ON the door.' Afl space at tb.,conv W 1 Zt And AU These , tth - , , cwtstve ywr fat exetKenee. BufferSae . i. bnepanmt -criepers" . , l tntd holder . . . tbe famous oejeyngmeeraa , f -w - RIecfrosaver unir-Mcna oy a nveyesx.wsaTaniyu fThetwTedoy-Shelved Of moaeis, price anu wwum , Interior Styling. t ;'V7V.: ,'-r y'f r u V fconesf fc!ev thc4-n you've seen eni prlcH fhg ne ' YeVa rvr I t:'..?.vl .. t " J .. If;. .'. v ?! j I - x 2. ( if t t"M