Tin 1 i-!e Vo.7S !.i GslMoro; ' The neMbog of Mis Margaret Dofwnbvg Kornegay to Thomas Jar vis took place Friday June 1 at 8:30 in the ai terooon at the borne of the bride, 1205 East Pine street. The bride Is the daughter of Airs. Hattie Smith Korneay and the late C. Grainger Kornagay of Goldsboro and alster of Mrs. N. B. Boney of jCenansville. Air. Tolson U the aon of Mr. Lula Longest Tolson of New port, and the late L. C. Tolson. The Rev. James M. MoCJhesney, Jr., minister of the bride and bride--groom, heard the vows of the dou ile ring service of the Presbyterian ansa TTucatoc WALLACE . ' BEST Bf MUSIC church. The home was arranged fori the wedding with white floral act rangements and was candleUghted. Tne oride was attired in a navy blue lace dress with which she wore, a pink hat trimmed in blue nylon net Her weddina corsairs was pink roses. Her otiher acessories were navy blue and pink. - ' Mrs. Kornegay wore for the wed ding hour a dress of blue and a gardenia corsaae. , rne ceremony was attended only te mem Den of the immediate fami ly of the bride and three or four of the couple's close friends. iMrs. Tolson is a graduate of Gol daboro high school and Is employed as secretary to Dr. Corbett Howard of Goldsboro. Mr. Tolson la a New port btgh school graduate and is connected wiw tne Wayne Agricul tural work. After a short weddinsi trio Mr. and Mrs. Tolson will be at borne at 1209 East Pine street No announcements will be mailed. WEEK BEGINNING JUNK MTU - IIALF ANGEL Starrlnr Joseph Cosiea and LeretU Yeone- Monday - Teeeday tJl APACHE DRUMS j. - Starrtnr Stephen MeNaUy and CImb Gray "Wedneedar RED RIVER 1 Starrim John Wayne and Meatfeanerr Cllft -Thursday Friday GO FOR BROKE Yaa Jobuoa and Wimer .SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE THUNDER IN GOD'S ' COUNTRY ' Starrinjr Bex Allen TWO LOST WORLDS Starring Jim Ames and Laura Elliot Mrs. J. B. Wallace (Mrs. J. B. Wallace entertained the members of the Kontract Klub on Wednesday night of last week. All members iwere present except two. whose places iwere filled by Mrs. v. a. siuerson and Mrs. J. B. Grady. During play the feosti served drinks and cookies and at the conclusion of the evening, lem on nun and salted nuts were- ser ved JUdh score for dub members was won by Mrs. J. O. Stokes and for visitors by Mrs. J. 8. Grady. the opening devotional. Prior to the roll call of deceased members, Mrs. J. A. Gavin eulogized the late Miss ilaC Hinson, ,. former hon orary . president tne woman i club. As deceased club members names were called the president oinned a white rose in a wreath. which was later placed on. the grave of iMlaa Lula Hinson. Others taking part in tne pro gram were Mesdames w. m. ln- mm. w. . Jinnson. v. a. Reyn olds and Mr. Gardner Giddley, Red Cross aoecial field representative Music was otrmsned py Mrs. John Currie. '-.v..,,,.: Miss Hilda Clonts was presented a piece of silver in her chosen pat tern. '. -v rv , " Refreshmeats of punch and cook ies was served by the members of the Education and American Citi zenship combined departments. Personals Club Meeting The Woroans dub held its reg ular meeting Thursday afternoon at 3:30 in the lodge building. Mrs. E. A. Newton presided. Following a short business ses sion Mrs. N. B. Boney had charge oi the program which was the an nual memorial observance. Rev. J. T. Hayter had charge of c Owl Show. Saturday. FOOTLIGHT VARIETIES , AU Star Cast " . 02EEBS Hula Drive In Theatre CHINQUAPIN, N." C. WEEK OF JUNE It Sun. and Mosu MILKMAN Starring Donald O'Connor and Jimmy. Durante . Short and News ' Toes, and Wed. SHAKEDOWN . Howard Duff and Brian Doolevy Short and Cartoon -,,-- - Than, and Fri. WYOMING MAIL . t (Color By Technicolor) . Starring Htevea MeNaUy and Alexis i Smith Snort and Cartoon Sal Only 4JEYOND THE PECOS . t With Bed Cameron Short, Cartoon and Serial , MODEL THEATRE BEULAVILLE. N. C. Movies Are Better Than Ever "Why Worry? See A Movie" WEEK OF JUNE 10TH SUN. and MON. MR. MUSIC Starring Bing Crosby Also Selected Short Subjects TUE. and WED. CAPTAIN CAREY USA ; Starring :: ,f r ; i Alan Ladd, Also Selected Short Subjects ' ' (Miss Lottie Williams of West Vir ginia Is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. n Williams Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCord of Moble. Alabama are visiting Mrs. Annie Ingram and other relatives In Kenansville for a few weeks. Mrs. Park Pridgen of Warsaw spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gradv. "V. v ,;" '' f, V ' Mr. and Mrs. Bumpsle Guthrie visited her home in Sampson coun ty on Sunday. " CpL and Mrs. Joe Quinn of Ft Jackson, S. C, spent the weekend with their Barents. Mrs. Mattie Bryan Feagle of Cha ttanooga, Tenn.. visited in Duplin county Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Boney and Janet Boney attended the wedding of Mrs. Boney's sister in Goldsboro on Friday night Bobby and Maude Wells of Clin ton spent the weekend with their grandfather Mr. R. V. Wells. They were aacotnpanied home by Bar bara Mitchell who will spend sev eral weeks with them. Emory Sadler visited In High Point last week. Mrs. E. W. Sadler spent several days In Raleigh this week. Bobby Ingram of the University of North Carolina is borne for the summer vacation. Billy Ingram of State College . ws home for the weekend. - Mesdames Louise Mitchell, F. W. MoGowen, L. F. Weeks, J. B. Wal lace, Halite Daugbtry and I. C. Bu nch are attending summer school at ECC. . (Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Gavin spent Sunday at Swansboro. Mrs. C. S. Williamson visited Mrs. W: C. Caulder in St. Paul and also visited in Raeford, Fayette ville and Red Springs the past week end. Sunday guests of. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kornegay were Mrs. Bill Fu- trell and son of Goldsboro, Mrs. Andrew Howard and son of Phoe bus, Va., and Mrs. Emmet Howard of Scotts Store. Mrs. F. W. McGowen spent Thur sday visiting relatives in Hope Mills Miss Mary Beth Southerland is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newlin C 1 t i -? lias returnea to v. -ii, l. C. having spent several dys with her parents. Mrs. P. J. iMMon ana rar. ana Mrs. Arnold tMbson of, Wilming ton are visiting Mrs. George uues In Oterrv Valley. . X. Mrs. Sam Newton nas returned home aftf- spending several days in uunnam wion ui. ana xnn. ma Mr. and Mrs. Eugent Crowell of Clsyoiont Del., Miss Ruth Sander son of Beulaville. Mrs. Myrtle and Miss Kathryn Qulnn spent Mon day at Myrtle Beach, S. C. They were accompanied home by Miss Cornelia Quinn who spent several .dava there. ' Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wlllard and children of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Svkes. i--.- Mrs. uaroid Jones ana 4uiius spent th; weekend with her mother Mrs. Newman is moss Htu. Mrs. Newman accompanied her home for a few days visit ' Mr. and Mrs. John Wlllard and children Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sykes snd Miss Mary Lee Sykes spent Saturday at Carolina Beach. Mevdames Tw Bowden. J. L. Tuc ker, Elmore Bell and daughter Pat ricia shopped in lunston aaturaay afternoon. Master Nicky Bowden is visiting his grandmother Mrs. W, P. Bow den in BuMUfw- this, week.- Mrs. Nora Shaffer la visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Bouse In Klnston this week. . Mr. Joseph Wert of USN station ed at San Diego, Calif- Is spending-) a few days leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. ri. M. west. ; i x,iu Lyrd Nturaed to Roc ky i. . iiut s;-ir spending the week wiuli her ftwnlly. '' Jerry Robert Holland spent ue weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Byrd. : J . oars. Dunum uraoy is spenoins some time with Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry F. Gray in Pennsanken,-N. J. - mar. ana jars. w. u. anuu tuiiw Mrs. Edith Grady Sunday after noon. " ;' '":V. r.'Vf --i' ' Mrs. Leonard Grady and uaston attended the home coming services at Tlalev Chanel Suiuiav. Mr. Durahm Grady was dinner guest of Mr. and -Mrs. it. a. uates Sundav. Rev. N. P .Farrier Was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grady Sunday. Mrs. Douglas Tdwnsen, Editn By rd. and Gaston Graoy attended a bar-b-que supper Wednesday ni0ht at Ha Mane Kornegay s. line sup per was in honor of the class of 1951. , i Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Townsen spent Sunday at Carolina Beach. rector, announced that boats and canoes are In good shape to make the -waterfront actmues at camp enlovsble this season, eagle scout, Maurice Edwards will be in cnarge of program activities at camp. Mr. Tavtor and his staff will move to camp Thursday. June 8 and re main there for the season. : Dist 4-H Federation At Douslas School June 8 - The Southeastern 441 District Federation will be held at the Dou- alasi Hfaah school June 8. 1931. The fourteen counties comprising the southeastern district will compete during the morning in team dem onstrations. The teams tmat wiu re present tuupun in tne event tor wc boys are Robert Simmons and Chile Hargrove of tne Warsaw ar. cu. The slrls team demonstration will be presented by Marie Sharpless and Esther Ree Pickett ox tne cnin quapin club. These teams were win ners of the county elimination held last March. one time or another. HOME DEllf. CLUB MEETS The Warsaw. Home Demonstrat ion club held it's second meeting June 1, st the home of Mrs. I. L. Smith. There -were five new mem bers present . Mrs. Peterson "gave a demonstra tion on bow and where to oe Ar; milk, and how to prepare it. She kIso discussed many ways to get the right amount of milk Into tne boy. After tUe esrrtir t rrt,. ... j were served the hosts.- The next meeting will be 11 June 29 at Mrs. Blanch Gist's hmsi at So'clock. v ;. , Any new members are invited to Join.' - . - 'SnBscrlbe New Te The New. . DUPLIN TIMES r THUBS.. ONLY - PAH) IN FULL ... v with ' Lizbeth Scott Abe Selected Short Subjects Mr. Ace . ' Starring ' 'v Georfe Raft Serial Ne. 8 SAT. Across th Badlands With Charles Starrett . Serial Net, 8 c MOTOR PARK .;.,PINKHnX,N.C. "Carolina's Greatest Entertainment Value" Shows at 70 & 9:30 p. m. Adults 30 1 Kids (under . 12 yrs. in cars) Free SUNDAY JUNE ItTH . Heart Warmint Drama II '': i: Starring . f' Wm.Bendix Allen V i Martin, Jr., Also --Western Short Thorsday, Friday. June 1, 8 Emergency Wedding Starring Barbara Hale and Larry Parks MON TUBS 11-lt Story of the Fighting Women Of The West The Dalton s fi' Women iff .... . . Starrlnr Pamela Blake June Benbow Tom Neal Lash Larue Al "Fuzzy" St John Also Color Cartoon and "MGM Story". SMITH TOVIISHIP Mr. end Mrs. Paul J. Smith of Rocky Mount spent the weekend with Mrs. Lizzie Smith and visited other relatives here and in Pink Hll. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Qulnn and children spent Sunday with Mr. Clavton Smith and family. Miss Hilda Grace Wiley of Deep Run spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Smith and Miss Pennle Smith entertained number of friends at a fish stew at their home Saturday night. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Smith and boys, Mrs. Jerry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Smith and sons. Mr. snd Mrs. Alvin Smith and family, Mr. Alton Lee Smith, Mr. Qraham smith, Mr. Clayton Smith and Edna Grace Smith, Mr. Johnson Smith and Mr. Leon Smith. Miss Sadie Doris Smith spent the weekend with Mrs. Herman Page and children while Mr. Page was on fishing trip. Miss Marylin Stroud Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Corbett Williamson in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Fred Sackett and Mrs. Tho mas Quinn and Edna Grace Smith visited Mrs. Leslie Quinn Friday afternoon. Miss Elaine Stroud spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and family. Mr. Gracen Smith is visiting his sister Mrs. Raymond Russ in Ports mouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith and children and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Sheppard spent the weekend at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith and boys, Mr. snd Mrs. Willie James Smith snd children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Baysden near Warsaw. There is Bible school at Smith's Chapel this week. A number of chil dren are attending. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith and son, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Smith and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Smith and Miss Pennle Smith went to White lake Sunday afternoon. Miss Sue Smith is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Stuart at Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Smith and son, Mrs. Johnnie Smith and Nell visited Mrs. Graham Smith at Deep Bun Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs .Graronn Smith an nounce she birth of a son on May 35th at Parrotts hospital. Mother and oaoy are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Smith and son spent she weekend In Deep Bun with Mr. and Mrs. Tnurman ma. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Smith shopped in Klnstdn Saturday- The Smith's auxiliary met with Mrs. Troy Smith Friday night Aft er the meeting Mrs. Smith served refreshments to the croup. PLEASANT VIEW The annual Vacation - Bible school was held last week at Pleas ant Vlenj There was an average at tendance of 89. The workers in' the school were: Mrs. Leonard Grady and Mrs. J. H. Byrd, Beginner De partment; Mrs. Robert Grady and Miss Mary Anne orady, Primary Department, Mrs. Ed Fordnam, Jr. Department; Rev. N. P. Farrier, Pi oneer Department and others who helped the teachers. The school was closed Friday afternoon with a picnic supper. ' Outlaw's Bridge The AUW will meet Saturday afternoon June 8 at 8 o'clock with Miss Sallle Outlaw. All members are urged to attend the meeting. Rev. L. G. Prater filled his reg ular appointments' In the Klnston and Woodington universal! ft chur ches Sunday. t- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Frank. Outlaw spent Saturay night and Sunday with relatives in New Bern. Mrs. Katie Outlaw was visitor In Raleigh and Wilson several days last week. The young adult class will meet with Mr. snd Mrs. Vingil Sutton Tuesday night Misses Sallle and Pauline Outlaw are visiting Miss Essie Mae Out law at Wadeaboro. Miss Mattle Outlaw of Snow Hill Duplin county, spent last week with her neice, Mrs. Ross Sutton and Mr. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Outlaw and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs, Hubert Lewis in Golds boro. . HDC club members attended the county federation In Kenansville Friday afternoon. Mrs. Prater and Miss Sallle Outlaw received rib bons for their flower arrangements In the flower snow. Mrs. J. Robert Jones snd chil dren visited relatives in Fayette ville several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols and Dennis Nichols spent Saturday night with Mrs. Lottie Bergen and family enroute to Miami, Fla.Xew- is and Miss Rachel Outlaw accom panied them on the trip. Little1 Miss Sara Ann Scott of Thackermines, W. Va., visited in the home of her aunt. Miss Fannie Oua law recently. Work is progressing nicely on the new church as the roof goes on this week. The evening program wlU feature an address by State Senator Rivers D. Johnson who will be Introduced by James F. Strickland, local busi nessman and civic leader. All 4-H club members and leaders are cor dially invited to attend. Rev. Newkirk to Celebrate 41st Church Anniversary Rev. J. Mc. Newkirk will cele brate his fortv "first anniversary of the pastorate of Faison Chapel Mis sionary Baptist church, northeast of Warsaw, on the fourth Sunday in June. The celebration will consist of a whole day's program with reg ular preaching service at 11 in the morning. Dinner at 8. A short ohll-drens-day program will follow in the morning service. Rev. J. M. Grimes and his Six Runs choir will feature the evening service. WILDLIFE CAMP The Sixth annual Wildlife camp sponsored by federal Cartridge Corporation was held last week in Reedy Creek State park. Pethual Hall, Kenansville -H club mem ber represented Duplin County. Courses included tree identifica tion, Insect study, hawk and owl study, game animal study, timber thinning, swimming snd crafts.. It was a wonderful experience, says Pethual. All 4-H members should aspire to attend Hie camp at NEWS AMONG THE COLORED Camp Carver Ready For June 10 Opening Camp Carver staff completes plans for camp opening on June 10. Scouts and Explorers still have time to get their reservations in for the first and second week of camp. Camp Carver will open 1:30 p. m. on Sunday, June 10, announced Wil liam Carl Taylor, Camp Director. James Everette, Waterfront Di- REMEMBER TOD At TOMORROW WITH A PHOTOGRAPH BY KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOUN1 OLIVE Phones 217-J or 230 PIlOIOGKM'Hl A SPECIALTY COMMERCIAL ' Saturday Double Feature Pover River Rustlers With Allan "Rocky" Lane , Also - Pioto! Packing Llama Sunday And Monday Wilh Cc2 ITavwood and 7r Londigan M.l- t. T " T ' V. :y ArJ 7c-V -"-y I-;. :d oooooooooooo For Sale SASH, DOORS, SHEET ROCK, ROCK LATH, ROCKWOOL PLASTER, LIME, CEMENT BRICK, MORTAR, FAINTS, TKR RA-COTTA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, WHITE ASBESTOS SIDING, ASPHALT SHINGLES, ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING, 5-V CRIMP TTN FOOFING BRICK SIDING WATCHES CLOCKS WATCH BANDS RINGS ON ORDER R e p a ir i n ? Watches, Clocks, Jewelry PRESTON HOLMES DUPLE MERCANTILE CO IN KENANSVILLB Hii.es' Ice Cream Is A Tasty Treat For Any Party The Next Time You Are Planning A Shower Or Bridge Party Plan To Serve Brick Or Bulk Ice Cream ... From PANES H(CE CISUEAM (CdD. Kinston, N. C. Ask Your Grocery, Drug Store or Service Station Z. J. CARTERS SON WALLACE, N. C. QOOOOOOOO' . WED. ONLY U In The Navy Starring ' Bud Abbott and Lou Costello . Also Serial and Comedy THURS. FBI 14-15 (In Technicolor) ; Bird cf Pcrdise Starring , " , Jeff Chandler Debra Padgett Also Color Cartoon SAT. ONLY IS Double Feature . ll:!I)7;::JVcrl:!!3$ WKh Hoozler Ilotshots - . A!se R::.:::.C::ic:n ri:r Ci. WARSAW, N.C. SUN. MON. JUNE lv-il WED. JUNE IS Double Feature My Forbidden Pas! Forbidden Jungle Callle Queen With Ava Gardner and ' Robert Mitchum Cartoon . 4 , - - ? With Drake Smith TUES. JUNE IS Vii, Codings j C-ilisADrc: It 4 a . 1 THUBS. - PEL JUNE 15-15 Double Crossbones :.;' fTeetudeeler) With Donald O'Connor and Helena , Carter - W Cartoon "' BAT. JUNE H ' . , - , DenMe Featave T'jr-1 C. j' r r :t Men's Slacks -$4.95-$10.95 Arrow Shirts -Dress and Sport Jayson Shirts-Dress and Sport Dobb's Straw Hats Anvil Work Clothes Jantzen Bathing Trunks Arrow -Hanes-Fruit of the . Loom Underwear Smart Belts and Suspenders Ties - Cuff Links Tee Shirts - 79c - $1.99 s Dept. Store Liberman We Qoth The Family - V::!!::e V.

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