w J . ...J- k f a I. X.E NO. '2 with 12 present .tiday night witlh their cnatP ;, l ira. Hopton Smith. Mrs. Lena i t ion save 'the devotional and s Bill Lienbach was In charge t the program. New officers were . duriiw the 'business hour. a-s, Lena Carlton, devotional lea der, Mrs. Bill Lienbach, program chairman and Mrs. Howard uwen, KMrotarv and treashtirer, v ' A candlelight renaication tern- i . ' nut T slniiuak !" -was aeia wy i r the new years work. ; . The hostess served a delicious salad plate. ;: - CIRCLE NO. 3 met Monday night witlh Mrs. J. C. Surratt wita Mrs. Joe Surratt as co4ostess. The meet ing was called to order toy the lea der. Mrs. J. C. Surratt with elev en n resent. Mrs. R. L. Crossno gave the devotional ' and program. The tnoic was rwith-Healing in. juts New officers were elcted and ac- rmtpd as follows: -i Mrs. J. C. Surratt Chairman; Mrs Q. J. Sutton, co-chairman; Mrs. J. A. Reckley, sec. and Treas. Mrs. R. It. Crossno, devotional leader; Rec. Leader Mrs. Henry Rivenbarfc, Lit. anH Pub. Mrs. Herbert west. v. A contest was conducted by 'Mrs. B. C. Surratt. The iroetesses served a chicken aalad plate with pecan rolls and iced drinks. y CIRCLE NO 4 met Monday night with Mrs. A. M. Benton with 18 pre sent Mrs. G. P. Pridgen held the devotional. New officers were elec- cd and accepted. Mrs. A. M. Ben ton Chairman, Mrs. Belton Mln shew co-chairman, Mrs. 'Vance Clodfelter See., Mrs. Frank Hdbbs Treas., Mra. Paul Hunter Program Chairman, Mrs. Daulton West -Lit and Pub. Reporter Mrs. Bel ton Minsherw. Mrs. Benton served ice cream and cookies.. k D:;lisl Circles THE ANNIE KATE POWELL circle met Monday night in the home of Mrs. France Fussell witlh Mrs. Harlee Jones as co-hostess. Aln. Ellis Vest, program chairman, was assisted by Mesdames Edgar Pollock, Walker McNeil, Moman Baar, Kathleen Snyder and A. L. Humphrey. iMrs. Ellis West was al so in change of the devotional. .lee cream and cake roll, mints and nuts were served to the 16 pre .Bent. .. " " ' THE 'KATIE MURRAY CIRCLE met .with Mrs. S. A. Jones with Mrs Xill Vann as co-hostess. Mrs. James ;Franklm Strickland, chairman, pre sided over the meeting. Mrs. Avon Sharp gave the devotional and the program was given by Mrs. Bill Vann. Coca Colas, potatoe chips, ipeamits and cookies were served to ' ihe 14 present THE RUBY DANIEL CIRCLE met Monday afternoon at 3:00 o' clock In the borne of Mrs. W. K. Scott iwlth Mrs. L. O. Williams pre siding. The devotional was conduc lad toj Mr. W. D. Byrd. The pro jgrani "Wisdom, Foolishness and iorwer" was given by Mrs.. Kate Herring and Mrs. R. M .Herring. The 16 guests were served devils food cake, nuts and iced' tea . ? THE GEORGE ROLLINS CIR CLE met in the home of Mrs. Da vis Hollingsworbh with Mrs. Ira Ez s ell presiding. For . the devotional Mrs. Frank Thomas read passages from Corinthians and exerts from the talks of Dr. Ranking. The pro gram, given toy Mrs. C. A. Womack was "A World Inside His Heart". (It was the missionary life of Dr. Rankin, who is the executive sec retary of Foreign Missions. ' ' , The hostess served Ice cream and cake. .'t'"' THE ROSA HOCUTT'POWELL circle mei monoay wiin rarj. n. E. L. Wheeless. Mrs. L. S. Whittle gave a talk on The Baptist Grounds in the State" and Mrs. D. T. Cham bers, chairman, discussed ''Needs for change and recreation. Congealed aalad, sandwiches and iced tea was served by the hostess. ylerian it J- CIRCLE NO. 1 met Monday night in the Ladles Parlor with Mrs, James Farmer and Mrs. Robert Frederick as co-hostesses. Mrs. B. C. Sheffield. Sr.. oresided over the meeting in the absence of the chair man. ' t- ( . CIRCLE NO. 2 met Monday aft ernoon with 14 present in the home of (Mrs. E. p. iswere. Mrs. J. t. ure- sham, Jr., gave the program and Mrs. Fred Baars conducted the Bi ble study which.' was the 2nd com mandment. Mrs. Ewers home was attractively decorated with Modon- na llllies, roses, veroena and larks pur. Angel . food cake and cream were served. i, 1 CIRCLE NO. 3 met Monday after noon with 17 present In the home of Mrs. w. j. Miaaieton, sr., witn Mrs. Gib Buck as co-hoetess. Mrs. C. Page gave the Bible study and Mrs. B. C. Sheffield, Jr., gave the program. : . The hostess served marble cake and punch. ;. - Mrs. Potter Is Club Shower Hostess Mrs. Paul Potter was hostess Wed nesday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock to her bridge club. Lovely arrange ments of spring flowers - were in the living and dining rooms. Mrs. J. P. Harmon won station ary for high score and Mrs. L. S. Whittle was awarded- e vase for low score. Mrs: H. L. Stevens was given crocheted pot holders for vi sitors high. Upon arrival the hos tess served coca colas to the follow ing guests: Mesdames Stevens wmuie, Har mon, N. A. Mitchell, KODert BiacK more, Allan Dranugban, Sr., and Mrs. George Penny. ' ,t ' , " v At 3 o'clock Mrs. Potter honored Miss Helen Brown, bride-elect with a china shower. Miss Brawn and her mother. Mrs. Tracy Brown, of Mag nolia, were given' corsages of sweetpeas. Individual cakes -decor ated with bridal mot If fa and ice cream molds were served, after which the hostess led the way into the dining room lor punch. The ta ble was very attractive covered with an imported linen cutwork cloth centered with an arrangement of white lillies, daises, larkspurs and sweetpeas. Mrs. J. T. Gresnam pre- aided over the mi nan bowl. . The bride - elect was given gifts of ohina. . Additional guests were Miss Brown, Mesdames Brown, Gresharn Herbert Smith, L. A. Beasley, John Best W. J. Mlddleton, Jr., Laura Denton. R. D. Johnson, Walter Bridges, and Mrs. Mavtle Williams, Cake And Pie Sale Friday Afternoon Circle No. 3 of the Presbyterian church wilt have a cake and pie sale Friday afternoon in the War saw Drug jstore from, 4 until a o clock. ' ' ," ., '. '. . Mrs. Benton Bridge Mrs. Arthur Benton delightfully entertained her bridge club Thurs day afternoon. Attractive floral ar rangements were used throughout the bouse, . -;" - , - Mrs. Yancey Smith, was awarded bath powder for high score and Mrs Albert Newklrk won greeting cards for traveling. ( .; t t '. During progressions the hostess served homemade chocolate fudqe and coca colas and at the conclu sion of play ice cream and cookies Those playing were Mesdames Paul Kitchen, Herman Holligaworth, La- wton Albertaon, Albert Newklrk, Milford Quinn, Moman Baar, 'Yan cey Smith and the hostess, v. Mr. and Mrs. Ed H)nes spent the weekend at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kornegay vi sited her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Best and Mrs Paul Berry visited Mrs. Best's sis ter, Mrs. F. S. Royal In Chinqua pin Sunday, where they entertain ed at a birthday dinner honoring her father, Mr. B. H, Turner, on his 74th birthday. ; Mr. and Mrs. James Farmer spent Sunday with his parents in Mount Olive. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sheffield and Mrs. B. C. Sheffield, Sr., have re turned home after a week a Top sail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brown and Mrs. W. B. Kennedy are staying at Wlhlghtsville Beach this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Britt, and Mr. and Mrs. Caswell Moore spent the weekend at Wrightaville Beach. Mr. and Mrs.. Johnny Moore of Wilmington visited her mother, Mrs W. J. Midleton, Sr., over the week end. . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russ has as their guest Miss Frances Thomas, i Mr. and Mrs. James Mlddleton left for Elton, La., where they will visit two weeks with their parents. Mr and Mrs. Ben Cooper are vi siting her mother, Mrs. Floyd Strir ckland. ' ' Mrs. John AB&rson Johnson The marriage of Miss Helen Lou ise Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tracy Brown of Magnolia, and John Anderson Johnson, son of Senator and Mrs. Rivers Dunn Johnson of Warsaw, took place Sat urday evening, June 2, at 6 o'clock, in the Magnolia Methodist ohuron. The vows were pledged before uie Rev. Muriel K. Glover, pastor of the bride. The church was attractively dec orated in a garden scene with the use of white gladoli, snapdragons. and carnations in white floor oas kets with a background of greenery including Southern Simllax and palms. White ornamental candlebra held cathedral candles. - - - Mrs. W. J. Mlddleton. Jr., of War aaw rendered program of nuptial music prior to the ceremony. In cluded in the renditions were Beet hoven's 'Moonlight Sonata," Cho pin's "Etude in e". "Smllin Through and All the Things You Are." Mrs. Middleton accompanied Mrs Dixon Wood, soloist at Rose Hill, who sang, "Oh, Promise Me" and "I Love Thee" by Grieg. The tradi tional, wedding marches were used and during the ceremony t'Clair de Lunaf was softly played. y The bride, wearing a .colonial type wedding dress of white silk marquisette, entered with .her fa ther, who gave her In marriage. The gown was .styled with a bertha ed ged in wide nylon lace, a fitted bod ice fastened in the back with a row of tiny lace covered buttons, and long fitted sleeves. The beufiant skirt which extended into aviull train, had added beauty la .the pan niers which adorned at hip depth with dual rows of wide ay lea lace. Her French veil of Illusion was full length and was attached to a Juliet eap of seeded pearls. Sh e carried a white satin bound Bible topped ft XJou CZre Gorcliallu gJo dttend formal pening of of lie cJide VUater Po jfth & .Ghestaut Sts., Wilmington, Ti G lay & ' -ty fat," VVvV- : :-VtMtt';l." l9 une err me 14, 1951 ;. ' , : '. wt pi- . ' ' ' ' ""'""" ' ' " " ' - . . t vM .-, I l . 1(.ut :j I' ' HaJ h' . ''". ' 4 ' K n ''iHV v.- K'.P-f-'i- -4 L- -.' I ' " v '' 4 ' V I ' - . 1 ' - . . ( " . ' ' 'A" ' 1 .( ' ',ir-. '.'.'' ' ,', 1 ' . .-a. A.,,.v(;.j.,(m...i.,-., xikT'.?-"- ' i " 1 1- i .'.rv"-' ' v yi4 " jt' j : ' Ski-f C ' . . -.ji.,Miwi,(....Vv:.. 1.11 ';,,:U;-: - - " H '"' 1l'- ' '.'"'"' ' ' '. " ."''.. ' . -,;'. ', ': ' witn a winite throated orchid on a foundation of illusion from which cascaded a shower of white satin streamers In which were knotted minature white blooms. r '...: Attending the bride was her sis ter. 'Mrs. William Gattls of Dunn. She was gowned in a lavender mar quisette dress over taffeta, with fit ted Dodice and bouffant skirt A lavender cap and mitts completed her ensemble. She carried an arm bouquet of yellow roses, wine lark spur and snapdargons. - , The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Vivian Best Johnson as best man. Ushers were Rivers D. Johnson, Jr., James Norwood West, Willis E. Bartlett, Jr. and Eldon Brown, brother of the bride. Honorary bridesmaids were Miss Myra Butler, Miss Lois Godbold, Miss Virginia Easley, Miss Alta Lawson, Miss Geraldine Johnson, Mrs. Eldon Brownr Mrs. Rivers D. Johnson Jr.; and Mrs. Allen Drau ghan, Jr. They wore formal dresses and carnations In their hair. . Mrs. Brown, mother of the bride, was attried in a dress of dusty rose crepe and wore a corsage of atep- nanotis, Flour d Amour and pinocc hio roses. The groom's mother cho se a mauve lace dress and wore a corsage of champaign cymhidium orchids and stepbanotis. ,', CAKE CUTTING " Mr. and Mrs. H. MoNalr Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon E. Brown entertained with a cake cutting at the Johnson home in Willard for the wedding party. ' - Tne nome was attract ivelv decor ated in white summer flowers, can dlelight and wedding bells. After the first slice of cake was cut by the bride i and groom-eleot the guests were served wedding cake. and ice crema. ' '',KECEPTM)W i.'l-' Following the ceremony the Bar ents of the bride entertained with reception at their home. Mr. aad cair i ,1 1 ... . . i. 1 and J is. O. P. J u .1 of J ;nai vllle introduced lama to ti.e recei ving Une, the groom's parents. Sen ator and Mrs. Rivers D. Johnson, Sr.,' the bride and groom, and her matron of honor, Mrs. William Gat- tis, Mrs. O. C. Miller, aunt of the' bride, and Mrs, Paul' JUlanonard or Wallace presided at the punch bowl Xlakes, mints and nuts were served by the honorary bridesmaids Mr. and Mrs. Eldon 1 Brown pre sided in the gift room. Mr: and Mrs. Edd, Harris of Greenville invited the guests to register .Goodbyes were said to 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lambert - i';;-, r'i'l Immediaely after the reception the bridal couple left for a wedding trip. For traveling the . bride wore a suit of light green Irish linen with white .linen, accessories and the wmite orchid lor her bridal bou- QUet T'j-,., i i::v:i-'ti'f'"-: The bride, a graduate of Magno lia High school and EOC at Green ville, Has been a member of the Warsaw High school faculty for the past three years, -ft The bridegroom: attended Gen eral Motors Institute in Michigan, He served with the U. S. Air Force during World War II. j Upon their return from their wed ding trip, the - couple , will be at home in Warsaw- where Mr. John son is employed by the Warsaw Mo tor Company, i , n Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Albertson visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rlvenbark in Rose Hill Sun day. ;;; .,sy;.f '!;'' Mrs. 'Hubert Middleton accompa nied mt. l. s. wihittie to Richmond Saturday where she. will visit her daughter. , . . f . Mr. O, P. McArthur of Clinton spent. Sunday with the- Powell sis ters.' .':.. .,: . . Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Straughnhave returned home after their vaca tions. (;,-. ,:t:.,.,,y.A .- i. n:4v'V-'-MiT'v The Powell sisters went ta Sev en Springs on Sunday. ' (Mr. and Mm. Fred Rovelle visit ed relatives lp "Washington, D. C over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Edaar Pollock and children spent Sundar at White Lake. a- Judge and Mrs. William T. Hatch of Raleigh and Mrs. G. L. B. Pen ny visited with Mr. and Mrs. George renny over the. weekend. ;' .-. Despite severe winter Injury, to apple trees in some western cdun ties sand spring frost damage to both peach and apple blossoms throughout most of (he State, pros pects for North. Carolina's apple and peach crops are good. BANISH PIMPLES, ACNE. V- .BLACKHEADS! - - X ' jrpPr ADOLESCENT KIM "n ' TU r HIimW Ikto BfdlclM (MP alu iawraVMMni .jn Jmt m fenr days. 1r. Ik tUmrl Tkm at aatllaa WUar aaaoanoM aae aria. . . . smut dratiriate m mmt UOt, mm ar artfctk to- ' .,; ; Warsaw Brag Co, Warsaw '. Vr ' Clarka Drag Stew, Waniaw - Ca-HU1.. 1 "Iff if ? , i MISS LOIS MARILYN GODBOLD Is the dailglu ter- of Mh and Mrs. CharUe AadrsW Godbold of, Warsaw, who announce her engagement, toJames ; Norwood West J Sson of Mrs. Anna West and the .lata Mr West also of Warsaw. The wedding is planned for early falL- - (i a ; Yell-Drcsscd SummcrtImo, m m Salads Needn't be Expensively Salads are so popular when they're '. Ann Page Salad Dressing orM iS u uVto diair best with onnaise. Arrange on salad greei dSSSS Annage Dssin! See . surround wi tomato wedg lorT'ursclf . .Ttry this thrifty. , Garnish. 6 serving., nifty recipe.., i, - 5. V Ann Page Salad Pressing, Mi Sea Spray Salad: Combine 2 rape onnaise and Jrench Dressing 1 '7nbTc.5kod flaked fish, S tbspa. made of lino salad oa and oO JtitOchovM; choice ( UiattsM ptoUrlk 1 ch7P1d green pepper,! finejwju'? . Jfl 1 ecp ciknpJ. calory, 1 tsp. salt, they're thriftily priced to save 3 dasn Ann" ttge Peppt L cup money. Sold only at AaP. aVaM u-. - 'Ann Poo Aim roo : SAUitTbRESSING fl MAYONNAISE FRENCH DRESSIN , . Qt Jar 59c -:J- Pt Jar S9o S Ox Bot 19 , : katyoura&p, ' r--'::v . : Closed 8 p. as. Saturdays i ; " CR! Vorsaw Fish Market I S AN0 MAINTAINERS OF LOWE3 : Ji:'';f -OthJWholesale and Pftill :f: -j!':: A ;. Know Vour Fish or Know Your Fishman " , rC "A "-"ITsW!f'-V-Vs.'V',( Phone 328 PJ-.t,, WE DRESSING - WARSAW, N. C.y i-.H DELIVER ' 1 . . : t SaaMaaaTamaaa V ( K ' Z . ! ' ' ,'' -,, , ... , :.. , 1 ' ' k , U ' 1 . 'I ! IV - . r ' , ' " "- ' ISbw ' . r iaaajajaaw , , vaaaaaaJ: " ' ' "" ' , r" 1 ja : -. r &r . ., ...... ' :L7 -s "" '"' 1 1 " , " .'.!..... i 'i H ' M ;:; I.' ' 1 f: )4 1 r . t I av-rir 1 I . '.,.., . . . . "j : Panl afhn a choioa of 6-8TAH 01 MTAR IXTRA Cub aiiowa (added cort) toe top arirun eaaa, aabty and uMumcy. I You rlVE I'NET Evrix xztx v " Tor J Trucl Tower Pilot . . . as " -' etrated by ECO drivers in the net' -;Tt JT ' I'onomy Rvm!4Tl'7 j " ' 1 ! " t a (' ' r ' . 1' Lb

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