f - to 1 i Mrs. W. g. "Bud" Miller, lews, Adv. Representative --fcnf Announced firs. Lillian XL Harrell of Bur- v has announced the engagement t Her daughter. Blanche, to Mr. '.temple Hicks Hill of Beulaville, f.a of Mr. and Mr. C. H. Hill of iulariette. : y, ; !:; A July wedding is planned. ffiAimnf ' The Woman Missionary society met Monday night in the church auditorium with Mrs. Louise 'Brown member of the young ladles group presiding. Staring In Middle America, program of the month. was dismissed and Mrs. Luia J. . Parker Jed the business discussion. The group was dismissed with pra yer, r '.' r " Miss Lanier Honors Ijs. Perry Williams Miss Betty Jean Lanier and her mother, Mrs. Raleigh Lanier, en tertained in the Lanier home Fri day night, June 8, honoring Mrs. Perry Williams, bride of June. The iltvifMF Hinin am BHrihMl decorated with arrangements of mixed flowers. Mrs, M. M. Thigpen led a num ber of games. . Guests were invited Into the liv ing room where the table was over laid with a lace cover and held a center arrangement of out flowers. Assisting the hostess with serv ing punch, cookies, outs and pota to chips were Mrs. Rita Keefer, Lou Ann Netheroutt and Ramona Batchelor. . The honoree was presented sil ver coffee service by the hostess and showred with lovely and useful gifts from her hosts of friends. - Sixty guest called during the evening. .. l!ewlyWe(li Feted Miscelaneous Party Mr. and Mrs. Tom Batts, bride and groom of May were honored Saturday nght when Mrs. Roy Ex um, Mrs. Ethel Smith, Mrs. Phoebe Exum, Mrs. Ray . .Mitchell. Mrs. Pauline Exum and Mrs. Caroline Johnson entertained in the home of the former with a miscellaneous shower. . . . - - The home was decorated with summer flowers. -t: An umbrella showered' with oao- kages filled with, lovely and use ful gifts was given to the honorees. The hostesses served chicken sa lad on lettuce, crackers, nuts, cake and coca colas to the 111 guests. CIRCLES ' CIRCLE I, Presbyterian Women of the church of Beulaville, will meet Tuesday night June 19th with Mrs. M. M. Thigpen. i CIRCLE II, Presbyterian women of the HaUsYillePresbyterian church will meet Saturday night, June 16, with (Mrs. W. L. Miller. Ma end Mrs. Henry Johnston were weekend iguests of ,Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thtgpeib f 9 i Little Sloan and Lonnie Thig pen are visiting their grandparents in St. Pauls. - -w Villfenis - Bostic Troth Announced Mr. and Mrs. William N. Bos tic annuonce the marriage of their dau ghter, Janice Carolyn, to Perry Wil liams on Sunday, June 3. For her -wedding the bride chose an ensemble of Navy - linen and lace. ' The bride attended Beulaville school. The groom Is the son of Mrs. Peania Williams Blinard. He attended Beulaville school end is now stationed at Camp . Stewart, Ga.. with the U. S. Army. -The newly weds will make their home at HinesyWe, Ga. Ora Lee Home M.F. ALLEI1, JR.j ! General Insurance Kenansville, H. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Home of Faison, announce the marriage of their daughter Ora Lee to Pic. John Forbes Cottle of Camp Ste wart, Ga.; on June 2, in Conway, s. u. .... The bride hose for her wedding an ensemble of navy blue. . The oride attended Warsaw bbtb school. The groom is a graduate of Beulaville school and is with, the U. S. Army in Ga. He Is the so it of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. S. Cottle of Beu laville. i The newly weds will make their home in Ludowici. Jr., u w. j dim, Sr. a i v. j 4 nu : . . Un were among tne invited guests. In ICcnznsvilla Miss Mary Jane Gresham of Beu laville has accepted a position in the office of F. W. McGowen, coun ty auditor in Kenansville. She at tends the Womans College in Green sooro. sne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gresham. ; Prices Up - Sell For Cash DELIVER OUR PLANT U VAYME AGRICULTURAL WORKS, INC. SOUTH JOHN STREET, GOLDSBORO, K. C, Chapter DAR Meets : The Colonel Thomas Johnston chapter, Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution, met Tu'Wy aft ernoon June Stb with Mrs. Ray Humphrey. Mrs. Lou Belle Wil liams and Mrs. Ida Miller were Joint hostesses. Mrs. Harry Vent ers of Richlands, Regent, was pres ent. . . The home was ensuKe and dec orated with arrangements of cut flowers in pastel shades. Mrs. Wil liams introduced the speaker, Mrs. Henry L. Stevens of Warsaw who spoke on History of Duplin Coun ty. Mrs. Stanley Koorace gave the secretary's report. The hostesses served iced drinks, cheese crescents and frozen dessert. The next DAK meeting is sche duled for September. Miller Brothers Getting Older Family Gathers Messrs James and John Miller were honored Sunday when mem bers of their families entertained at the borne of the former. The oo cassion being their 35th birthday. A naroecue and picnic dinner was served on the lawn of the old J. L. Miller home. The dinner is an an ual get-together of the family. A white and pink cake topped with ping minature tapers was used in the center of the table. Approxi mately 60 people attended. : . CHURCH WOMEN .. b . The Women of the church met recently and studied Missions in the Belgian Congo. The study was led by Mrs. Ethellne Cupp. Mrs. M. M. Thigpen, president, presided at the business meeting. Mrs. Lou Belle Williams gave the secretary's report An offering was taken for the Congo, cake and punch were servea. . Henry Browns' Banquet Hostesses Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown and daughter Marie entertained the senior class of Grantham school recently with a formal banquet and dance at the 2 o'clock -club. Class colors, red-and. white were used in the decorations of red roses, white giaas ana omes throughtout the club. . Miss Marie Brown Invited the guests into the dining hall where fried chicken, f reach fries, toma toes ana leuuce, roils, see cream, cake and tea were served to the seniors, faculty members and their invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Jer- ; REFRIGERATOR T& -l p A ' n y iff !! tlTie beautiful new n , Plenty of space and the right kind of cold for keeping foods safe from one shopping trip to the next. mm master Refrigerator Near zero cold for 41 lbs. of frozen ' foods in the full- width Super-Freezer Chest. miliar Plenty of usable pao for safe stor age of all your verydoy foods. ' f i Twin HydVatort keep 3 J bushel of fruit ' andvegetablesfresh ond crisp for day. V,' 3 (!.eie feahiretlA'anew Tilslnl elwie-griUee DeoUMsy Gotclwbs) .reel snehree Ice Trey v1SMi.ft.efs'- sir ' wk nsp I'm Mr. Kenneth Lanier of Mobile, Ala spent several days last week with bis mother, Mrs. Lila K. La nier. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas of Wilson spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jackson. Lt and Mrs. Larry P. Bos tic and family of Camp Stewart, Ga., spent xast weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bostic. Little Mary Frances Bostic remained for a lower visit with her grandparents. iMrs. Lila K. Lanier is visiting Mr. ana Mrs. Morman Williams in Raleigh. Miss Mary Jackson of- Favette- ville spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jackson. Mrs. John G. Kennedy and Mrs. Clifton Quinn made a business trip to Kinston Wednesday. 'Mrs. Bill Bostic and Billy Bostic nLi ri i W auu mis. ouuuy mown nave gone to Norfolk for a visit of several days. Messrs. J. D. Bandlin. Harry Home, Jim D. Sandlin, Aubrey Tur ner and D. W. Brawn enjiyed a fishing trip to Sneads Ferry re cently. Sgt. Fitzgerald Bostic of Camp Stewart, Ga., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bostic. Friends of Ralph Thigpen are happy to know he has returned to his home from the veterans hos pital in Fayetteville. . , . ,. Messrs. Raybourne Kennedy and Bernell Miller and Misses Doreen Nethercutt and Dianah Eubanks went to Topsail Beach Sunday. irar. ana Mrs. Bin Hussev. Jr.. and daughter of Wallace. Mrs. Mar-' garet i;ampoeu and daughter. Bun ny of Fuquay Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fountain of Jacksonville and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brinson of Ke- nansviile visited Mr. and Mrs. J. a., urinson Sunday. . . . ; . Mrs. Aubrey Turner and aon r nax ntu spent Thursday with her mower, Mrs. J. u. Sandlin. . ; unr. ivae Mauawell remains a patient in a Fayetteville hospital Misses Lenan Frances Alderman and Kate Muriel Boggs and Messrs Eldridge Thigpen and I. J. Quinn and Richard McDowell merit Sun. day in f lorehead. ,.i . Pic Alfonzo Quinn of Fort Jack son, S. C, is spending some time witn nis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Quinn. " -.v-f ;.' - ; i Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Shaw. Tem ple Hill and A. F. Shaw , have re turned to their home from Caro- v.en of i w 1- a are vn,.,' i her parents, Mr. aiiJ Mrs. Ivy eiiier- CUtt. : Mr. and Mr. J. E. Keefer and Mis Betty Jean Lanier shopped In lunston Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gresham and Miss Mary Jane Gresham visited Mr. and Mrs. Blanch ard Fuliord in New Bern Sunday. Mrs. Pearl Sandlin spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Quinn In Wallace. . Mr. J. Dj. Jackson made a busi ness trip to Kinston Monday. Mrs. Elwood Quinn and son Da vid have returned to their borne from a visit with Mr. and Mr. Kolin Thomas in Ludlwigi. Ga. set. and Mrs. Carlton Sandlin and daughter Sherry of Camp Ste wart, Ga., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin. Sherry remained with her grandparent for a longer visit. .. -. "-- -'-' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Humphrey and family spent Sunday at Topsail Beach. . "' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller and ton Billy, visited relatives in Wal lace Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Thiooen are visiting relatives In Raleigh. - ' Little jay Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown of Kinston is visiting hi aunt, Mrs. Edward Brown. ,-: -w ;,;TlH'vt. . .;. I Mrs. Orxo Thiaoen and daughter Ada have retored to their home following a visit with her parents, kov. and Mrs. J. 1$. powers In St. PaUl. ; ,. -:t - -.;.:;.;. wua. Aaonui Jones is still a na- uenr in a lunston nospitai. . Mrs. D. C. Fussell of Penderlea spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cottle. r- -, . Cpl. Glenn Lanier left Friday for Camp Stoneman, Calif, follow ing a vjslt of several days with his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lanier.- Miss 'Betty Jean "Lanier spent last weekend with relatives In Gold sboro. .-.'i Mrs. Cronley Hanchey of Wauch ula. Fla. is vistlng Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sandlin and other relative in Duplin. ' Sgts. Billy Maurice, Dave Snyder Gene Sam and Cpl. Howard Clark were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sandlin. Sr. Miss Madeline Cottle of Greens boro was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cottle " imt. and Mrs. W. S. Jones. Mrs. Harry Home and family enioved a sea food dinner in Sneads Ferrv OUIKWy. i - , .... (Mr. and Mrs. Roland Norriss ae. companied Mrs. Raymorne Batoh- eior ana Mrs. John Forbes Cottle to ueorgia last weekend. Mrs. Mamie Batrars. and Mr Wll. lie Fedora shopped in Kinston Mon- aay. , Mrs. J. D. Sandlin and Sherrv auu jurs. Auorey Turner and son spent Sunday afternoon at Tonsail n t. Mrs. Lou Belle Williams nnH Mtit "Lou Jackson attended the Sineer sewing class in Goldsboro Thurs day. Mrs. Richard Bostic and family are spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Zaba Albertson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Ashe Miller are spen ding several days in Ashevllle. Little Cary James of Wallace Is visiting Mike Miller. Mr and Mrs. James Miller and family left Tuesday morning for Baltimore, Md, where they have an appointment at John Hopkins hospital for; their little son Jimmy. Mrs. Lawrence Henderson has returned to her borne in Rose Hill following a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Batchelor. " : . - - Miss Patsy Quinn' has returned to her home following a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill in Cam den, S. C. v Little June Miller 1 visiting Mr. ana Mrs. BOHDy srown in Norfolk, V. ---V ' Mrs. Vance Clodfelter of Warsaw spent Monday with Mrs. J. G. Ken nedy. - Mrs. Zollle Batchelor U visiting n. u. onoiar in uoiaaooro.. Mr. and Mrs., A. L. Cavenaugb of Warsaw were guest of Mrs. Lu- la w- r,arier.'JJ.'--" ,'r '' Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Brown of iNoraouc, va.. and Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown were, Sunday dinner guests ox Mr. and Mr. William Bos tic. .,. .--,-... -,." ,(--.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams of Raleigh were weekend guests ot Mrs. josepnine u. Kennedy. i . nl at I. limir lie.e, j .s. 1 -a L, riel received her A. i o. ee i i marv education with delated stu dy in fields .of religion, sociology and aeoeraihy. v ; ' Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Quinn of Chin quapin were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Edwards. Miss Bessie Sandlin of Jackson ville spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. I. J. Sandlin,. Sr. , Friend of Mr. Leonard Gallag her resret to know her sister. Mrs. Carl Ulrtch is ill in the family hos pital in wuanuco, va. r , i . (Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter and Mr. and Mr. Henry Rvenbark of Warsaw, Mr. and Mr. J. G. Ken nedy and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Quinn were at Topsail Beach Sun day. . , Beulaville Boys Graduate UI!C Pharmacy C ourse Two " Beulaville boys received their BS degrees In Pharmacy at the graduating exercises of the Uni versity of North Carolina in Cha pel Hill last week. They were W. W. (Billy Gresham, Jr. and Lloyd Milton Whaley. both graduates of Bf'-viiie hiah school. Billy is the son of A. Walter and the ittie Louise Crawford Gresham of Beulaville and Milton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ohnle Whaley of Beulaville. .. , . .. Milton is married to the former Nlta Murriel Baker and they have one son, Donald. He has accepted a position with the S Points Drug Company in Hayes-Barton section of Raleigh. ,. . : .- ( Billy has accepted a position with sisseue urug store in Wilson. Among those from here attend ing the graduation exercises were Mr. Walter Gresham, Mr. and Mrs. Onnie Whaley, Anne Gresham, Kate Boggs, Judy Muldrow, Mes dames Gardner Edna Edwards, S. A. Pope. G. S. Muldrow. J. D. San dlin and M. M. Thigpen. ' Russia's coal reserves, while in excess of one trillion tons, are ap- Eroxbnately SO per cent of those i the United Statees. , . More than one and a quarter mil lion ton of bituminous coal were shipped from the port of Rochester N. Y., to Canadian ports last year. Mrs. M. M. Thigpen of Beula ville left Tuesday morning to at tend the Farm Bureau Leaders tra ining school in Raleigh. Mrs. Thig pen be been elected a publicity chairman for the Farm Bureau from this district. She was appointed by Duplin Farm Bureau president Le- Roy Simmons. Her nusDana, tne late M. M. Thigpen, was very active in Farm Bureau work.. 1 -Mrs. Thigpen was . accompanied to Raleigh by Mrs. P. E. Thigpen, sr., and niey are staying at the Hotel Sir Walter. .-;,At .,.pr;. Invitations Issaed .. -e Mr. and Mrs. Toble Mercer , request the honor of your presence at the marriage : ::",.' .. of their daughter 'iX,? 1 ' ' ' , Naomi '.4 .;t & ' ' To rr-: Mr. Bryan C. BaU of Kinston, N. C. on sunaay, the seventeenth of June at the Cabin Free Will Baptist . Thaiik You 14 Bituminous coal mining In the United States Is an industry of i some H.'OuO mines of commercial size located in 30 states. i A coal-carbonization product 1 now being used as the starting point for making, synthetic Corti- " -sone, the mirvwrle dmig. IfL.s.J SEVERAL WAITRESSES Experienced preQrerred but not easentUL . - , I4v I -BARBECUE ' . ' WE DELIVER DIAL $961 ;..v Kinston - ' ' v ''"' v''1 '-':y;..y : . -vi.-,.v; i Tet your beU go. Kilroy. We'll get you uorner one.., ..- I'v'v'' -r:- trr,. -J- ,;-?! :; -ii ,,-.v,, li.i.w TahehihoRczjs! .J But drive in here first for a service job that'll assure you a summer-ful of drivia fleasure. V;.';.'v:;Vu-'.':','';i'';; r '. - We're always ready to service your car, give you free road maps then send you breezin' along ! , Kenansvills . I:, You might be in an accident any day . are you sure that you , have adequate cov-: erage for any emer- ' gency? 5. Remember, that fate .plays no ', favorites. ' "Mom'sAheadofYou,Dad" ... She read that laundry ad months ago and . - '-; . , se;. . ', ''- ' '". ' ' '' '. . '' - i .v-''-' - ' i'-V' 'W' V-"' a ' v has been sending our wash there ever since. She says they do expert work and are reasonable too. Weal Laundry & Diy Cleaners . , ! ' ' . - V - . t t-.4-... -.fi. rt..-rw -.-y v')pfir'''V--'jr-wA";. ' , ''s RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING i a Wilmington, N. C. ' for i?J '' "Our Trucks Rim All Over Duplin" Atez cr389f:x& of fa u o n 1 J 7 S1C1.99 ' 5 t 1 '' 1 siooi ku, .... r r 4 I. ' ' J ' V- '" i: , offora yoa) conven- ' - ience f alore codnwrbai- f anced 1. J, -table-top height, " . lift-out basket, automatic in- - terior liirht, thermometer and r3 Ci.'.' ij .h. ;''ca.ft. wxe.. rfottoInr'iearrent-conervfng Thnftmattcr Unit carries a 5 year protection plan. Come In and see If otpoint Food Freezer in 8, 11, 1) and 23 )

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