Cl.arcliCiiCbs ; ? ntinT.E NO. 1 of Grove church met Monday afternoon aC the- home . - r IT .T Auia until nlna mlmi "LrTDresen't. Mrs. Sam Newton nresided over the business session, virs Clarence Murphy had charge j the Bible study which was on J?, 2nd commandment.- 1 k following the meeting a social hour was enjoyed at which time ,he hostess, assisted by Mrs. L. Southerland; served assorted cook- and lemonade. v,:,; xf... the circle.. , ,i, During the social hour the host Ms erved, ice-cream, cookies and drinks. " t rmCLE NO. 2 of Grove churrh met Monday evening In the home 5 Mrs., A. R- Bland.: Mrs. D..H. MrKay, new , nairman, presided, virs. J. R. Grady had charge of the or0firam which was the study of the 2nd Commandment. Following i social hour was enjoyed. ,. THE EULA COOPER Circle met Monday- with Mrs. I. R. Calson. Krs. Amos cnnsun presioea ana change of the program. Mrs. Lloyd Ferrell became a member of ;Mrs.Picket.Card Club Hostess Mrs... W. J. Pickett was hostess to the Thursday afternoon card club. .Visitors present were Mes dames G. R. Bail, D. H. McCord and Harpld Jones. After arrival of the guests the hostess served lem on chiffon pie and during progressi on of games nuts and drinks were served, r High score for club high was won by Mrs. J. A. Gavin. Mrs. G. R. Ball won high score for vis itors. - ' j Personals Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Boney of Wallace attended the Sunday morn ing services at ' the Presbyterian church. ' ' . Mr. and Mrs." R. D. MoCord left Tuesday for Mobile, Ala.,- having spent several weeks with Mrs. An nie Ingram. v . . --. Barbara Mitchell and Marjorie Jones are spending this week at Camp Singletary. " ;. ; ,; Mr .and Mrs. D. H. McKoy and David. Miss Martha Pickett and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Craft spent lastf week at Carolina Beacn. ; - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burgess made a business trip to Goldsboro Mon day. : ttv Mrs. D. S. Williamson ' shopped la Goldsboro Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bennett,' Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Branch and son of Wilmington spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Ivy Bowden. Mrs. L. Southerland and Miss Eleanor Southerland spent the weekend in Greensboro with Mr. and Mrs. Jirni Newlin. -,f .:" Joyce and Nancy Adams of Caro lina Beach are visiting their grand parents, Mr. and" Mrs. J. L. Wil liams. , - " '' ': . Mrs. P. J. Dobson has returned home after a visit in Cherry Valley, 1m. y. bJie v s i i s by Mrs. George Uiies and tiiihiren who wilKspend a few days here. Mr. and Mrs, J.' R.; Grady and daughters spent Sunday with Mrs, Park Pndgen in Warsaw. 1 l Mr. arid Mrs. H. D. McCord, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ingram, Bofoby and Betty attended the graduation ex-i ercises at State College Sunday. i ,..,s. ti'i t-ackett ana Mrs. a nomas - tjuiun and Edna Grace Smith went to Surf City on a fishing trip last week. V . ;. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Williams and son of New Bern have been visiting Mr. and 'Mrs. Jerry Smith and oth er relatives hei'e. They returned home on Sunday. '' Mr. and Mrs. Bryant smira ana Linda Sitterson Is visiting her baiby, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Stroud and f:rm One Brand tiew ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 7.2 Cubic Feet Sells For $209.95 To Be Given Away At 8 p. m. July 7th All You Have To Do Is Visit Our Store And Register No Obligations Attached. nn . On The Corner In Kenansville aunt, Mrs. Taylor : in Wilmington Mr, and Mrs.' H. CI Dall and chil dren who have been residing In Goldsboro have .moved to Kenans ville.' - v Mesdames J. R. Grady ana vance Gavin shopped in Goldsboro Sat urday. - ' ' .' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patterson and daughter attended the birthday dinner honoring Mr., W-, J. Smith in Wallace Sunday. ; i v Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patterson and daughters attended the birth day dinner at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. R. M. Carr in Wallace. Mrs. W. H. Shoular of Klon sq. arrived yesterday to vlst her sis ter, Mrs. Sol Grady In Kenansville, and mother, Mrs. Park Pridgen in Warsaw. ,' 'Jiw . i 1 ,i WORLD'S FIRST;. The first automotive engine were protected hy the maker ofMobHoiL FOREMOST... The world's costliest engines are pro tected by the makers of Mobiloil.- lAhy let engme aire carooa, au, ; VY moiBture and dust) rob your car s , engine of power, waste gasoline, dam- Let us drairi your crankcase every 1000 miles refill with clean, fresh Mo. ' biloil for Triple-Action performance I -Yes, Mobfloahal oil quali- . lies man. uw i 1 a v t engines need, ii s OJUt-OCM, ukvci - r.whv accept lessf i I 1 - t-known bra.. J t-f motor oil imub ' eglobe-r.'.rir llyr '""onsl f gent . . f ' 5. S; Class Enjoy;. ; Weekend At Beach The intermediate class of. the Baptist Sunday school enjoyed a weekend party at Carolina Beach. They were accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Lauren narpe, Mr. and Mrs. Colon Holland and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brinson and Mr. and Mrs. i. O. Stokes. V v ns Mrs. PSvul Stephen honored ner daughter Nancy at a party Satur day afternoon. The occasion being ber second birthday. After games ttie little guests were invited into the dining room where they were served ke cream and cake. ' Nancv received many attractive gifts. There were 12 little friends present. , -. SMITH TOYIISHIP Mr. and Mrs. Flbhugh and sons of Mt Olive spent the- weekend with Mrs. Johnnie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stroud and family and Miss Sylvia Bouse spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Smith and family. , Mrs. Bertha Smith and Sadie Doris and Marilyn Stroud spent a few days in Rocky Mt with Mr. and Mrs. Corbett Williamson. Mrs. Lai la Westbrook Has return ed home to Klnston after spending a while with Mrs. Bertha Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Smith and children. Miss Wilms Gray, Bertha Kav Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stroud and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Ken ton Smith spent Sunday at White Lake. . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Best and chil dren of Calypso spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Smith. - Mr. FltzhuBh Smith and -Mrs. Johnnie Smith visited Mrs. Gor don Smith Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Smith Sunday nlfiht Mrs. Johnnie Smith. Mr. and Mrs Leland Smith visited Mrs. Llnie Smith Sunday night. Carolyn fpent: Sunday, at White Lake. "'; ::'' - cc.uitVs Presbyterian church held their Bible school last week. A large number of children attended each morning'.' Bible school ended Friday morning In which they had a picnic dinner. Every one enjoy ed the week very much. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. N. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Best had supper Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Bry ant Smith, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stroud and Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Smith, Mr. and Mrs. FitzhuiKh Smith arid Mrs. Joh nnie Smith visited. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Smith and Miss Penny Smith Sunday afternoon. Miss Jean and Joyce Smith of Albertson visited Miss. Nell Smith Sunriav afternoon! ' - (Mr. ana Mrs. Aitorey smica anu Miss Penny Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smiu. Sunday ni$nt. Dobson Chapel The regular church service was held here Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. : . ijx Friends and relatives of Mr. Bertha Register will regret to learn of her sickness. She is a patient in the hospital at Wilmington. Ward Rouse of Wallace and C. C. Rouse of Wilson spent the weekend with their parents here. Miss France si Bland has been visiting friends In Alamance re cently. . WUlls Brown is now home with bis parents after completing a col lege course at Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rouse and family were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. C Ivey, Jr., and daughter of Summer lln crossroadsSumfay. Morris Brown of Wake Forest is now at home with his parents neiuMna the summer vacation. Mrs. Maurice Wortiy and daugby ter Sandra, who have been vuiung in Georgia nave returned. The Girls Auxiliary of Dobson Chapel mer with Miss Barbara Brown last Monday night. A very good meeting was held and en Joyed. . ..... We have lust compietea uwo ween of Dally Vacation Bible school. There was a very good attendance each day. Commencement exercis es and a picnic supper were en joyed by. many Friday afternoon nd night. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Scott vis ited In this area Sunday. Deen critically ill. . . . . i He is survived by. his wife; the former Mis Nancy Waller of Dup lin county; one son, Adrian, J., of Calypso; three daughters, Mrs, J. T. Flythe, Mt. Olive, Mrs. T, E. Holmes, Goldsboro, and Mrs. ui a Fountain, , Jr., of t Tarboro; ( one prandson; three brothers, Henry, G. K., ana urnesr mil, an 01 ive ansville; four sisters, Mrs. Joe Par ken Mount Olive. Mrs. George Kor negay, route 1, Mount Olive, Mrs. IxUrman roweu, ivenaiigvinc, - mm Mrs. W. N. Gilbert. TreuUin. , ,,'' j Services were held Tuesday aft er noon at So'dock froiO the home.' TbfReBJ Jnpajoj;; pi, the Presbyterian church officiated. Interment was in Wayne Memorial park on the Goldsboro highway, i MrrDail was in active" member. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Dail, of ; the Mt Olive ' Presbyterian church for the pat 30 years, and was ah elder In the church when he died. . - Honorary pallbearers .were el- (iers, whiie a .. v a deacons of the ci.i.iv i. Deceased was a successful farmer of -the. Rone ChapeL section until his retirement several years ago, when be moved to Mount Olive. . , He was born and reared near ; Kenansville. the son of the late New machines are now being de veloped to combine Into one opera- . tion the four steps tken in the un-, derground mining of coal. John B. Dail Dies In Mt. Olive Home John Bryan Dall, 75-year-old re tired farmer, died at his home on Breareale avenue in Mt Oyive Mon day morning at 7:05. He had been In declining health for the past three or four years, but had not MRS M.J. TH1GPEN BeotovUIell. C. : Kepresmtatrte For WARSAW FLORAL COMPANY WAMAW. HVC " Sell You" produce Trade Your Friendly Neighbor The Mt Olive Produce Market Is Selling Beans, Cukes And Other Vegetables At Top Market Prices. Market Will Remain Open Throughout Entire Season. .,'.. The Following Mt. Olive Stores Invite You To Visit Them For Your Needs When In Town. Make Mt. Olive Your Saturday Shop ping Habit. Progressive Super Mkt. Fancy Meat and Groc, Self Service Kraft's Studio Albert's Soda Grill A. C. Hatch Garner Brothers L. J. Simmons Hdwe. Patterson Brothers Whites Stores Inc. English and Oliver Clinic Drug Co. r It " ITrB 310 E3prif. ( meW YORKER NEWPORT V"i N .i 1 1 ' if 1,1,1 1 v -Vv7"--"'"- ' r' . "tr izshmjs -Ti ; rz i If s always interesting to hear about f uture- innirinor nxneriment. with new tuner eneinea to run on new super-octane fuels... someday. . But ' ifs even more, interesting ' to bear ' today's real life, ortth-hihway talk about .". Chrysler's new super-performing FirePower ' engine, FirePower takes any regular grade , gas you care to buy'. ; . and adds its own . new mechanical octanes to the power giving octanes of the gasoline itself. The result is 180 horsepower performance such as no other passenger car built in the U.S. . today can equal. If you haven't driven Chrysler FirePower yet, your Chrysler dealer invites you to do , so now. Ifs the most revolutionary engine in 2? years. It offers highway satisfaction and safety such as you've never-known. ' And ifs a sounder engine other ways than, any other on the road, Its new design keeps it; almost completely carbon-free. It is smooth and quiet . . '. but also rugged I and strong and free from need for great attention and repair. ; Now remember that this same new Chrys ler offers you the new Hydraguide power steering . . . plus the amazing new rough- J road stability of Oriflow shock absorbers ? . . . plus Water-Proof Ignition, and Vacu Ease Chrysler Cyclebonded super-brakes .... then come, see what we mean when wo ' say the car of your tomorrow is right here , for you to drive . . . today, and tot year to cornel , .... g7 r-VvV - Ai ? - Sfdriuid9 iwju'ar (HI Crown Imptlth, optional m ztra mmt mm Mhmt Imptlal antf How Koc wtfcJu ) . ... ' ... j J,. . ,. 4 ICO IIOnSEPOVER H.'. th. .w Umiimrhrlnml Cntnrttimtlim Chambar that's th. htt of Chryslar FiraPowM. Its nw, dnigiwd-in t 'aa W - hurt of Chrytler FirPowr. Itt nw, dmipwd-in . j ."-.. . .. : J fy npcTX engine ever. put m an , automobile COLMY 119 V:,JAr.iES: ST. .A 1 l. . : civr, ir. c. M I