1, V it .eat ' ' i ,i-ven o'clock on the even- ril 6, AD. 30, Jesus ana en apostles left the scene Last supper which tod been d in the tome of, Mark ay) on the outskirts jeru- mtn tn Hm fiarrlPi " nKh - h w arrested about mid - t hv a band of temple officers f i iumian sjiidjij!id4Jy J 1 i wstabeiv flJia'0 as thelS-iMaiJtayWWW; A preiiouajvsssjumitonasl La-jre.iyia-aJhjUaaa j -j i ri.k.Jla1ui(lr r Kirh hsH uwuH In the Dalacj of Caipous ajoout Utvo oeloci. in iiie morning and there was formerly tried HllU WIUUBUUIW J 1 IU dtulli uu the charge of blasphemy against the Jehovah. The examlWatino before the San hedrln awordinq ta I jUp was ftTinilL as f (j t muti me in "11 1 will not believe me, ask.vcci ye will not let me so Herea tertJtin of man ?it on the rwh of Du!Copyff.tif unaersigneq oi estate friRtiltiWXn&t inuhediate" paymeljt tothirideMAed, !'' Jfhn a Fnfteri st'rrin'lstrator'of the estate of Kadhel PfiJavti deceased. Kenaniv ffle.. .aRK:,tt0'l ?. bus il n Adntitilittratev Notice' '- . Th;n(id;'v',ng: Quali fied aAnitorfqth'ees ate of AnaHiiO. ilil, deceased,, late o' Dup!la;Cminn!C:irb-t Hi'tono all pfertOhg Davirig ottfims against said eslaVf.:t,.l:)1' undeKignedi'ii4 q: be'for.e ikjprA'Xl. ism or una nouce jWJaijeBwi4.B; bar ofiitheiX wcovery:; All persons indebted1 to' said I'titat will: please jnake'!rnimetiapaymerif',to',the urdersfgned J f::;.,!', v .'.' 3 '(M hno'.'- j'C-rC. H-ll -. r-; -v'-S ' ' H. fcTaylor, the : imr j T, ii. z. fmmps, a Kenansville. N. C L5-I6MK-ILR J. a r ( t A t saaa a, 1 1?' EXECTJ fTIC' - Having Buaitfied: as Executrix, of the estate. V Jflovd J.t,8triek1and, deceased, late-oi toa Coonty of Du. plin, jNi (rtWariaioiawtiry. all per-m aons iavipgiciaitras against . tha'es- tate.ot;tne..eajd deceased tdexhie.it thef& tor.rMiiWtdeirsaKned' at 'War saw,' North Carolina, off an&efore the 1' latMas,o June. 952, flr 'nioia uuT fi won -rwi .MrUmSi -kit V0 'l! it 3-rim tat iibupwi iiu1' loiayw- ai . .rurereirf. I iir.K - . r. ,-, .... .r, aatXaa aa Art muu tne nnstf icu n.- ims.. -r.6. viu. I S-j.V Wl i'l'IJVP Jil j.'.f prrneToce;rne sra day of m&WWt&S f?t:e wiU erv. A rierAns iirffeibted-to said CULIuRAl 9u i3i-(uT -3 4 t r i vr aJaaa.' .acwa -tMwr ten. r. yiu. 3ii f k1VUJ& 1) UP lai Published each-Frfdayift Kenanevilie, N. C- County Seat of . ,'J n; J agricult ivm ad u 'WW, 06. -Wtfi.- -'U, 'ti a iirn mi ) il! a winru!rrH. - .iii ,itm jKir m .j in 4 le tKMvef l God.'.' Then t,. asfc. 1 1 "Art thou the son of God?" And tie said unto them: "Ye say that I am," and they said: "What need we any further witness tor, we our selves have heard of his own mouth' According to Matthew the High j PriPt spoke first saying: "He hath 1 spoken blasphemy." (Contrary to voting ruie.; . . . :j ... After ternporary adjournment the first session., of-.the Sanbedrin re- assembled a ,t auu weajf' -way toi rre-try Jesiumand fh ahrvillif itt" l aetei mr -mi ' . H Will DV are w tSSihedrinsj'' of bliL ,..Ji4ny again, -e ore the 'haree vah and eoirVfctedB and ormci alter an diourrrment the Court re-assemm- ed to re-try him and determine how he should be brought .before Pilate. In the early morning -of -April 7, Jesus was carried before Poh- ous Pilate who was men stopping 1 1 HI LU1 1UHI Wto rfotJce will beDlwded, tn bar of iJheir recovery. AH persons Injebt- tf to said estate wui ;p5wrnaKe m-JmematepaylmP,i' ;' : -Tnis the 29th day o! May, 1S1. Irene Ma Strickland. Execti t i trix of&e; estate of Floyd Jv E.' Walker :"Sttf cts, Attorney. 1-5-6t E W.S "'-": , NOTICE OPy ADMINISTRATIOIJ ' Having this day quaUttag as E wator undenthe L?t Will and Tes tament of Walter1 WnaTeyrnow de. 'waesed.! Iate1eir'l)uplii County, North CrolJntWs.,is.to notify all -na. hariiu! 'skin's ..against', his said fcstate toresent tbemv to the rirtdefaifne - Ekewrtpr in- writing Jl ami daiar)eo on or owore toe 6h dav kf June,.195af'or' this -no- tice wiir be pleaded In toarTof; their ttfnMtti 'L J?". ' . r a',' tate win pisae ..maice: .immeanii 'ttftvmpnt. Tttis flfch daytof June; ltw.r iir a.; i Tommie wnaiey. txecutor Mr Whaley Estate. ) 12-t-V B G m ; m i r. NOTICE Of SALE UNDER Ar. BT '.IrntttTE OF AUTHORITY as. administrator-of the estate of Raohed P. Davis, de ceased, the undersigned will offer fnr aal for cash at the old res! r u . Hu I dence of Rachel. E. -Davisi inKe nansville Township! , lupllt) Couw-J iyi on saiuraay, nunc ou, itrjx, ai wife hour of 10:00)81 m the feilow- tyl Ang articles of proofrepjyft(r, u Aaii hwho'd wt ird" fir niture of the late Rachel, P. JJavis, deceased, includingJhedla.'ouiltS, stoves, etc. ,' .yrr.- 'And, any; other peTSonali peopei! iy . owned JbjJtachel jpi. Bavis de eeaced.... ,. .,.,,., , Adaertlse4,h.is 8th day. of June, ISVaW I'-'' fu-i:-.-::.'iIi,Tt' Mi .Jli'1'3- i. John D. Potter,, Adinitrator ef ithe estate jf Qachel -P OTisialectF. n. a,Aa-lJlatJJrIey)(la,'5at, n 2t PC'l .;.t ! .1'.; Ulii )"!11-lji'1. 1p4i wiiw : inline aw- t J feu ism !Ut S 1 .!' a .iunr't lI'Ml- '!'''' 1 jo n!tl(iMii tmr-.' I'jilirTilJ awdii i"sil. ia k, Jl iiti;ani,iitu' dUlO'lllll' il III? K lit 'Ult' ,-ii 00 H.V91 '.'i'i LN T I M' E S' n ...mhi- i.i-,.-i..-r,i. ?!rt)tf .iof' Mtr. tlaat snattar. ; v ... '"";rmir' - -;-jiii- j'MHf ii:nl iw.t j..:'i:oii "y"J r . -i i 'i i , u r - i IBll yUU JB I HCOU On inn.mil ni f.lim. illlll Sa a'laaMaaaaaalaaakaaaaaaaaaBalll I I HD9B 1 ' - n . Ji-iKad taiViiii. ChriiLjlfrdlfor a V. rfuiir. 'ii'-vT job . $' ' ifi'" :.C pr,;lyfar DupUp. Coasty -.-w 44; SaiDpsbn' sYn'd Wane taia ; '; ..i.V .JU.-! ..(.. fi.-fJ Tj! 'U thla area, in Npn: Carolina: aotd iv. jJrt!:.v-t- oii.. ixiMirdaf, fnnilajhrHl " ti ';'.'m:' to the material.-dueatltfnal.1 ; -la; it'- U,' ' 11 -i.mb: stt of(JChjpUr)ppuntjr, ., )!",.! J' ' li'tm' -j -;' . i !-.-.i , 1 ro'iiJV'! Wtnt,-'iiJ W' u'iifu1!': iwvi ' . lii"i-' ' ,-ti -! in(.r? -!mi.-,(' i :ti 1 ifn.w I,, in'. t! - .jt-v. w , v.,, J CJaTZ at !G w Hit III ' ,;-3 if ijii , nitiii ' fa I ,it.i-rrr!: !; .-wirt,- ,;iij--rnn"iAJj-.uiii.M ft! in ,ijiio Fj t-i.v PrMiii1 ii efcttf :i ? -in ',- ''' i-i .r.c'il ia-i-ii. - it . .nt-5 i .Cn'iiei'J-f . K'f.'w:' ,, .-.l-iOII' -'( -iaMftUi-.llflVM' W-.f. j 7 i 'UUiS s f-ife beca.- b. had been asked upon a former occasion when the Pharisees attempted to entangle nun by asking the question in tue presence oi the Herodians. -' Tell us therefore what thmkest thou. Is it laraiiul to give tribute unto caesaror not, - an,jw antwerea. -snow nrarme irijL,u1A.r and they Drought untVtiun a" JjPvrae jMlin County Welf'CeVj lWhis image jmd.joscriptioj puonJUl 7 sas'" .Af a, "N sara," ant wwm YOU are important! Whoever yot are, wherever Jw jtvf.hai ever you. do. yboftfte Importdl t( others, to youre'if and to God. Y9v are the oneilid' only "you" yoi will ever be.. 'vou have, but on life to live, one dspv io, tuuiUi' one aoui ro save, ' ' y The S o n.'4a j schools, of Alnerica are going to ftyt In the rest of thw sum1 mer studjvng Cjtrisr tlan taliLiM atniV h u nj h, jeAtioev f tfM(00J, rr:. shipss and we Jje- 4 y ' --fi gin. thm .week-by looking ar a baslef' principle- wtiichunderliel ah of the Christian "view of CJand Its relationships, Nq. other' tea etang - , "rt.i-- 5K,,-f ii, you can't., believe this simple truth; the incomparable Importance of; each' 1 individual ' person : '.In the whore world. ; ' ,' l, ' n The Image. of God'.' -j. : - Hc OW does the Bible. teach the im portance of the individual?.. - First of aU, by deciaring that man was made in the Image of God. In iMU Ar-rnanTrilnftilnesa. even in " the shabbiest and (meanest of men ,'Vhere'if sttf,aome;tree' it,1$eM B tBV UUUi f.k. sT.lala aa la aajaa.fl btuatm 1 ,Vr 1 rS th."th . t,:; J, T low pwiportionsejjt iei r wi Bei. aido'. - ur lGo the th 's that jTH, Welfare. BoardThas Jte'W 1 " " -"(-ti. y )', . t '' i ; f ' ' .1". r" -Afe cost down y1' ' aj ir injii, n. 1; a .u. ,l t SPEAKS 1 I ta.Aa rA. i inn i " rpfc... nc 4-J Ii i mi I mi I il. in : I "(fca; f 'iM SIttWSST . Caivta wrott that the enlyood fT raaaoi wny wax. .bdbbib oe i win namlea ana da goad to n nc " deserving, av that fyen in ,., Voirat of men, there .Is still, the,; . Image ef .Codi se that wM we : ale. for j sqy mmm w : are -.really n ' doUg fan the. Oa4 whose linage i- p',rWOe;en n rsr 1ST ..Jwi.. Tf'f jsM'T"!1? flw-.-tiBai .ctecniarn f(a ,xnaj j, eguoni , WOo j made youf, And the answer. lavsGod, (.tnada,ma,idiatf hiflga. Evwy 4M baa tba Tigm to giv lUutranswaa Ao thai'-jueatioh. T 'ruO 'tiuifi -i iMiueni irunjaiooa ....,1 . H NOTHER reason why we belim .triavrr tadtoiduU la ImpegO- nt "aajrnrned'- up1 'tn'wrtr8t -I .liaiMl.'erMiWiMtM 4V'Wa'aWai' llt ''VT'reoVerrled-IHat' U.1irahsbmedJ, "lL pMoUa tha'jeWel; :0uqeai yt maaiv.efttj Woe, wn, -are .. ( new. ; i Chrisiiaos ? Surety. vsnoti; i Sou hav right ioaay w.j mm- atnywhere: Christ died for you. If ou cannot Jiay that., then you are rJ ihi ly.riaTwy wfiaayF . n.i ' . . . h us H .uvaajt ia vaaj aaing; armca am r i u f . cnsng-eUcaliebaceSf (eacbeta arklb r. !" amlraraM etithiraUaiH. tt-te.tMi the SMDel Urecr'reel M all. UiWUiiu.MVa ra ih 4 01 fMr teatMeril; tfait 'strrhs'' woeeeJKwaeai-amiil ,mi ;. Tha,U.,po UnUd,ispeL1Ajid1P) ,une who takes H acriously can aoi with scora on any Uvrng aeul. Jesue fcasl'-wxiajj tagnalnat scorning ! e!'hm"1ae Warut'Wiee"let h nerChrirtan Ida'gei -fnto1 bt tila hymna-Ur' iruch W.'wo' aa I ,Tnav W.BOf.a Bcrtnturjal 10JB, J" . il - ' diei foa man... , . ., A r ., ill -in; .tlrtaar IV fbl Thett What? Christians .uo pot Peed even aa much . argument, aa this to , mske them believa in. th. worth of the individual; they are isufflcienuy convinced by th attitude of Jesua HlmseU; Nobody twild think- set out)y about 'Jatus' treatment1 of chUdren. or hls parables about the lost sheep and the tost Son, 1 with out Coming ty th satae conclusion. ajBaatlaai aluasis ssi Wba latbta actla thla: arbV J a-a-tihi- 4n.ui.tu.' thia tern -w hat U thla, dQUUt ta aar- ryrtoTia are ttiorT IrripdrUnt Thanl j. jinytblng, eM h, the worldi Thlg y ,no means .goes wiwpu saying, tot .the vaorld of ewr time leWddiarf and raddled tartftotherv and? contrary Ideaai'M for Wttanc that man'la' :only Wn arnmat or that' M la'i'lniply 'he ' "'-VJt W:the'-;a'iii"m(Ji or that a i a lii'(eonitfs fio-n' Wg.ta.mr' !' or hi race.' or his baiUi account, ' ?alnat all these mistaken views it" rTjtiann-muat.i stsmliii Ermlv !" atl-'Nt- 9-,'tnmt t ' " I vou cannot say that, then xou are I . II nti m ha nnj thorn Ulrl la.. will ' By Mrs. Thelma IX Taylor Superintendent of Public" 'Welfare of Duplin County ... vvpuBLIC WELFARE -"niiiwicTDATinu WhftaaWment'-' total '43iis jAr $1.00 oUtif w-'ia: 4 (M vlJespent tot adiilrrisftrai n iately 0 per cent of It. Therefore, when one sees a list of county ad ministrative exoend 'ur , , Aaerecy it can be rememfceaed thtf lily t9tr4afaia aotk.fmM ty funds Administering four Public lid- ilfirfeiilitorthe d-to- toav-Baroianantl- -itoalM Jf3ofiersirwTter,v tine ; sejvaa 4.- WlOt cs for begin iO:iiame- whi:h t WeHareJ' nonsVt as- i tneir nort fn e mil 3T mnS taf jenfo; c-3 Of wolv .iture loard ; cons, 'ity in'. nroigram, money snoth assist Vief perintt i itshe , tian an a.v :o taj.'payi ropr! 19 n ne 3ible i ds tax. istance paver only It. Is tneir s au gram,. i iiidivu. by app. the re us which haveiir ja et tip Ui ' Thee are; very': f have fcot ' seen cow i&nced pa lUre, The until a'. ance stat might turn and i direction and agai stop theni, and so clirecflion. JLet us U and f "ulations as arounti the Welia e law : p'.e . who .ng , ftiT a oneway n. They another ce; will . i n. every ? e laws a. fence rtment The w- vers in the are like the cimeriheri1thTea"thej,iJS' fence the laws and regulations stop ll,.m,.nJ .ki a..4-k. Somepeoplei feel as.did'.this mani!.':m, u.v, r -vi Jordan Assistanee fan. his . father,: Ha' r- mc4f.A -. 'tJ '.. nnnll nrl KnTn. 1 f hA ftthMi VWUPilUanilant MnA . clv M tn him Thu mi.. c... penntendent new. That.-statement deal about the erai puouc some. wiinrv. i vm anli. ,h.l ipie learn; that: Public assisiiance ia not governed y '.he will cf a work. er but that the samelaws, iregula! tiohs, policies and procedures eov. em the jprograirnt and we are ao pltcable to every, person who.,pc .pJies.,reardss of his ri"e creed. wortniness or what nt It Ja h" srvi;vij;iaws.and.,ireOTlsrtkin. c?0 .rPerei.terAssn lihrt ti 8i-oeing spent as tne peaaueJ . Maybe shewiU.V! :2ZrffT'r-' : explains,, a . -greg;.," r??i,5Vp: opinion, of tSie geiw -ji ,j P f- . . 1 1 ne.- of Wiiom thlnkj Lmmmtt.ii I ' "faj .: la granted-. accord- rClIllJi . . j iiL4aavvi' of the worker. This- ' If fdS OKaieaM putJi -VrCttare aw1tiSut tt -i Uiey wisA U.to Je uenU i'H)i,., ... ne geeqna.iresppnsS)tity.af tke) Board, and. the staff, k ba th imm. m m we.BenmunKy.,wioa ajw,n m assisunce ana services. Therefore it..ls fittlnst since, t this coinniuciity woo are -in neaa ni aMintanra) anri. aerwicesJ.ThWqrerft Is ftttio eiaee needs of everv ncrann h rnnalrlan. aiuiarMtBiMiBaaiiaaiiaaj'jBaTQtVj' study of every person's cir ,CfWQstances withdu lNsrsqrJai;,1jiIJ. person must tereited fairly tnd WWWH1 tihJUinJU.f.lwaUnL ,iuim iunria.,aa.iunn. finwu.ra ant neededthe perQte ia reduced, of the.pblaf Wedfare,rogranrliifT Public, iwluallv forms Jiia ominionby what, has happened. Ia- the caseof abc person he , kwa vrathjanBthwiv; m uib many wno, come to. tne we-, fare ;jrfrtce, '.tie.. fakes' no "t,Urre? to .VPHarte hae? prclialMy' Mwa'TOU of Jews and had -hear of ' the in. Cideitt wlttt th Pharisees Wei.theyr .iriea lO-enTWagieiriim y questions, and exaimined htef as follows'"" ' J'f; fVwmi htM STuf ,K : lUla'l j8u'amret'HffioU' sayest 'it,'- lAccorainc to St. John and St. , inUiuiew ne Teprrexi' "'My kingdom M not of this worldV' Which, He J between hmsetf arid ' Caesar, land Plate then asked: "Art-thou a kin then?" Jesus 4-eliaf' lnrttim tnr. beautiful meaningful Words ci JiwH a lure ox the earth: "Tthml aavt 1 , OOPnilaTOQ! tVT Xnig CSUSe Came 1 witness; unto the truth.' 'Everyone "vii M HIVUHl tfcail mat - ;or -tne truth heareth mv voice, inn . );... inn Pilate .thereupon beHevlrag' that lesus war .-to enemy (vi Caesar went jit to-ithe irsbtole-and pronounced v'rtnri'.racqufttBl. as1 follows "I find in Him no fault at all.' , -i After : heartrag ' the - acquittal ; "lrl siience tne ' jews resolved to pre vent His releaae and they began at once ia irame new accusations. , - "He atirreth op the peci?l teacb Jw. throughout Jeiwery beginning J ifcm uaiuee-se-iiMsi 4ren?rthen(,the4tene srorn vrajiieevmstrace." intended to ! Jtenerat. antM.cation of Klh tre. i and to ehil - 4 poison me mina ox tne la. painst the prisoner by tellln" late that JeT Cftileft.. oe' the Gal ..j.i ivrve -anu i rdy mountaineers who feared pettier Borne or 'J and Viey v . , e firr-' r . nenrs' ol ,i.-' . I"ilaf"' a'cravrn'oe'1 i i t s Cms and ' r 'r" -af t t .-'a-l-ha' :.S .an; fy at i - (.. r e I r .1 A jm k cafit frar that till ana raaag. "to Social Vorkar JaaMa Black. Jut aaotha tacrait far hit Sunday yoinj naoplat aociaty. Ska llvad ea tha trackaabi whaa aflaa eallad. hafor day at Cm a oa tha brokaa dowa mn booja. Of court aha would coma to ' atrfd ba rhara tha uaai 9uuaSry.""Tllff a titjt jliTaJB ('jri Uij J CX ta. ' 'W tnr a taw ataar liara, ilavf w rail it yonJtr, -aUrl, faSaigi'aaaii a Wi aiwraaiiaajiar. tn '":'f: t etermiiie lie i that bewon-'dd'ordbelKi' eri&neiatirfioT- cud noti. -ei' elhrtfjUity require- la aiiil .-.thinker Hi ; terms of the": utents he6.Vel sULiea?rhey wouldnt, Am butsundilrtg::at; of speakers ;i nitty it t me :rr aigeik-y respects' Is-'being line uf& accordlng.t F. 5 ?. .'Oh Hofnth Ar.An.liAaTiflalU., - ..vo.ot 1 : w. mwoVam OUin- the rialnts of CoTntiaentialitv and o tiaioanr-irteoaidn program pftn-. ten has.-aforinaKofrthat Mr. PuH Wng leader and secretary of Farm lie does,titflw out. Theriefds4 and Home Week.? Classes will , e otir ,crit reinaldsn the outsio"hel(l -spectal subjects,--and vhe looking in. ;,nvJiUev. we remain, on latest wiodels of farm 'machinery ; the lnriaeucj-Jput'.-'''-,'-.--.k 'ty9 WU be c'exhEbiJt ToaMuardpi6T expeirtuis'.; Social and recreational feature ei wellks pttoic Interest, trained, ifuauxiei i oersonnel is needed. As- siptance, Aittnlnlstration nas naa to ibf remfived' ff6jvpolitical patrqn afe ana poss bly dracriminatioo'a ralnsr alltrJhlo racenients. Person- . V r L - . . . . . . t . is selected under the mcr-y Ktt.i tlUCatll pjan aiccoraing to tne qur s set up by the merifcsyst,Sfhers planning to seed Ladinb iciL Salaries are paid ao- f r pastures this fall should have with tfie Merit Syateir,'Sa, Aary-BC- Tfiis prpyMes for reu. .es .:"(! perxta. U'l ' SBX1 creases . irt contifjt.it lipon -. i ' ' 'ri II --1 T.i.i V VVIIVNV Farm and HtoeCWfeeM iaitati-'I linl Mranf unHUh 1- twanAoA tW uvj .raT thousandiiTali.lHe &afin' man t wWitoe hel'tHN. C:,Xon .field. aUidies. conducted, iby. Btattt -Colteget' RalaJ' vfromtMonwi luiy su. nrouao ioyr'Aai- 30, tWIIiaa.ttaaartatl 'tfvaa -juii, iui-.w uwin jiic iTiietne' for tills 'iraajs iprooTaMl Fwill be Tor Better; Rural sad! FaW wily Uving.'i.-.FaWtly prrlems) - J InCludtnC ) Jeod. - BiielteR olothtaao. I savnga n& aeourttyuieaklt nd meoicai care ana recreation iwiunies aoi4uuias otn sne- mnmtnvo w,1 I..I..U, iimm iui.li iijB m ijm.hiu ii ;iu; mn w nun mn ',?sr"g iflr 'la' alu:n .Hill Atiim . uvu - r.ua .n& iiiwii m ..nuife- WlaVKaUi . . .-ill-' d'TTl I JeT.-l ' at I i aaai 1 1 hurt aT -fyl- aur tut-jbUTj So iAly :. a(uil. ,il-tr i3 Xiii utSJhiinvrr J 1 ' . A gW ten yod that ' "i" um ?ar at ajnyjfrfc aa Ford Victoria, But come in i -i kand 'Teal Privet this For beauty is more than akin jdeep. You'll fed the amooth Ak)aaUo,je;,.!a.lr"iAl..,...,, tha comfort of Ford's "AuVmatie'PcrJre Cfr.tA?"v :::Anyoy'uk1ir' ' thwt, atW "t, ' - -CetlUe of the aubwnsue. ,-- drivBi. :S''?a: .mill, n -IS Ki.l. in -1 1 npiiaw fa a- ' 11 BBB ill w aaaa ' "It. gfi-1Hr .a. I aW" af f M? m ., Jf.'W .V" ' - wt ,'; urwaaatm a-auaT .1 r.ii i . -i T- ------ aTr-r aTirr m m - nr s w" -r'a.a-' SA" ' nrV il 1 VJW .Ai'ii tut"inT'hcM'j I'.iMti j.i .ttia -WMt 2 t a . i -'y 7j ft n r r"i4a - - . w www rWyYW'ri liPff'J' Jwsav ).l'. .la9 u5 ll.U 9iiiivit j( ftloito oftilu VI arflMiVaar,iJ fi, vnKiA JHst-iuV i-Trt:C- ei. i-fJli aat ?Ti$M$& '?Ws fatIuf4!S . j' iiYrlfla, jff nll i"fC.l aaVaa, fr W Bi t ! -Sa. - - - - - "' " '' ILV BalafTlUkaVt.V aaawa-- - I mil I - . 1 hijt rTV t,L BeVla jTrtX 'MlflrTTI Wt Urtfi Itb WW. I f- M.WKTft-fiF Slfil - r.. JL.i v ui inrni i ir.-.fc asser" ..... ,UtTUWl 'A W Till -l!ilv;v .11 aiiM-uVci t ''"J ' 1ino.il.. .i 1 i " ... n ( '!. ; - vi mn Diiiailiimoil "mnmm ----j.w..- Jt S . -ti ;-i 1 ". ,-: .rnv.:r:'- 'fjin ; l.iif iii-j.nil icw .norlt iiJiijin'- .n.i:t;iiK ii.i .s. ,i, .- ni m-Hliiinliti-itu'i -Jiiu- tuofJKlMi'nit aiIt utRV', - --, 1 r ' 1 1 'lir " : f uii mo iii- tt i-'il lnv- r.uiul u uu- ; k: it,.- .- i . ( TrVi-rrrgnrg'YTffT.T-r; . 't "-iiujJjj !aaaaaatr ..(4ti,t.5 ;'lt', -ii i,."iii- " -i, V i ift t ' 7 j W nr'i'l h'"i i i ii ' IS-' - 3- little girl fails to anstr "Kfn ber k Wkad elsag th mm ef kie -"ait lf. But the witb,jaT7,haart. BMua to at B"i't J. iall caller -h- .-ia ft I walk. goib It1 t fit - ,i fail to an !t ant "V - pant jr aaii . Vk Mhtm ba (ot .-v Baaata was mora than tha aaraa roll. ' School daM aad tba othar aida of tha tatra al aha BMidat taacj tha piano aad wto i i . u:. aswiiw. I them dowa ox a bibkaa dc than to araalc Black coilactad ' hit poiau' into a li-'i Sunday school. Sha book ha called "Jong, of the Sw!." Ia tn boc' h t'-t rllraa-vaiai lulm ha i'ciifljrivWBal Btatia want to aanrer ta her aama. IT all fiowa ;i,ll ' Itt mt labor for from tbt a wbM oW of And tkootl TO fr larra. ia;' a: w ,bS! rJ -a, y pany, Cnloaaof plaice o the, ljuraj Clrcii in a iuunitv. also will- be femphasizet, . in,ciuoi,g . roup jingimg in w sie fcy-'churoh -Jcholrs and -county. home deimonstratlori choruses, Dave 1,... - .nniul In. Autl, , aithiitcf been yianned for ; eacn everyng; w v i, i i ,n ii - ri ' ,t oila ."tested.' earfyf in thersum- i'r4s.ill.eait'1heWto.rjy " a jnapii .-report Joa-i soil intf grvtf.-gseri ?ihorv-t!)jrieto in tea limt and fertiMwt iH.py , A recent, summary; otseH.;'test results sh6AWitoaUaiTOfrroul)T out the -Staitf'are seeding pastures on fields that are aenerally.vmore LKid aind-af avipwer fertility: levei ,tlran'.ol!.jc;.ap'iano'0ieea)4;aa-. fathers j neei ctilar ttacf, laha.3M tAfa mnrl thPViWill rMVV aci ferUliier recornrnendAtiona bv-, Baa.A. -J.iSV (it,-it" liWtaO- onxi niameis4orrapiB-4nairu)e, oixUirierl from asountw; geu, voca-d l.ttonaw i egrloulhirei ri.teeiattecav c&W - Canscjtioa SarvTice perse imaittK w A.uOKSeSvDr eynwritimi jo-.-we - Fll Instmctjons oJ.akrrRa(irpnL TC'rv t" - I,, r .1 Wtajhf- .v.t... 1 name is called next day Marabody left a konta. E wy Sunday afi! at )i t v, v ka lor nf f fon r . 1aa 8ot 'i fot, a," to ap omar cruig n ail Suaday School Black loJ to a!y . oatry. Ka nid tuat tha wordt for - "j . i. . .1- j wr cdjh so cum inwMin.iiN, . that afternoon, Tit aight faa act aiuia lull bt'jn s lluli UlrtniBCT' eaw dtau, t tbt lfatrar dawn W aJii Si. Vy ta Wl -Jhrn!.- ' asn tkt aaj ' 1 : oVa aan migat tjn""-i SrlasaV '. Warl WorHr in carTi'orJl oiT fatlB it aoo. !lid fi fomdtr, 'U it low ieets are given on the containers of Agriculture, Baleigh. ;! iti ' VinsMafcliltein'J JUNE 20, im A, registered Jersey t-pfm o owned i by- BUtmore farms.CWltimare.'v'N Cljbakjair tained the top milk production of the Jerte reed f or cows 12 years old ah dver 'ort Register: of Mem test, -auojit. an :f-;,r. t iw i:lW-oWj' Marks ' Firm OpheHa, prodttcea n;97i' los.ei miiK-con-- : 1 W HV, oruisaoc , m, pun. . -laaji j iaajaaMSwai.il' st J, 1 1 . 'r, Absolutely Free" Of Cnargei.. - .-.r 't3-; Phone1 Collect; G6lflsborf 1532 or 2330 irCCOIISOLlDATEOHIDEfeige: ;Vi rir:-.,.-.!- J tut i-JW' ji.U l'.l .liiJIJrt teMraT aw I JiJaffWB'irr , Ki I - a." :.1uiasr iWrfl VOL I lit?;i.iie! 'ti arm i tfWrNto, tfMifittoterfi ' ' im&tf. r i V .' a j -t X ; ,: '. J . .i U'l,, ffll 5, I ' A tv 8 t't pi uductiou is gen erally , considered to be aj proxi mately at 6 years of age. After this ape the production of most- ' cows sues on tne decline. The fact ' that thiv.rarw arhlfved a bread titJa. record at .an age over twice that . generalyv condiered to ;be hte atmS' timum Is especially signiiicant. by Harry'TOarks. Summepynie,.GSu She hasUeen. 'elVeh'arl oflrclal.b'oe , -la-a-Haaw. M a 9 Hill-lal ta FOB ALL OCCASIONS jttwJow Mrriarpn,ffi TVTnrphy l . Phone 248-1 ' Agent Mt OLIVE FLORIST . '' . pooooooofloddfr ISTTSHEET-I ckIath. iSASH. -DOOB M(yMxk, Mints, tkk '- i i idtf '.)! j.ii:,l.li'j r.f !.. SHINGLES. .ALL KINDS ,ir3i.'-irttdl.-iH'- --.'.iK i'1'v.. 4, , ,' i crii4;tiNv. roovixt m ...;!'..' I - ... V .i. .-lit!-" '.If- iJIGARIERii ALLAClV.N.-:tV'-i:. : i--. . Li : 'nti ; J ttulil'I-ll ..-inn j'lil yaviiJ a?ll-?iS W X ll lrUCK r 'Ja'. , jliti.f t" Vl'U'Urt f inhjnava JJtT!''Wi' ut( limi'.n '4"4 i ju. i".muji ... . ' .n : . i.' '.;-.-- '..,-ai.i SC1 u Jul i lily -tiilii-'.HiT:' -twiuT It l-:-iU'- lliw. il-trt.nn'it flKK-VallitUrf mi' mis. tfllHttl.t' il miir. .i-jifiie. ji' ;;w. jtiiu -rWT n .'i;irX jrtu. !f.-n.ijjai intiJWrli-.v wtf W-'.;b '1vi j 'imiw it . iu? t l-l'l.t. WiWo;fi,'i',u; WWW H 'd mm ii'i-K tilf t:. f 11 -WI .-in ihrt. ..I . 'mt v,.i.':a-, j lie tti.n.,;. ii ii fct-.). . no 4 ... !(; II ..D.IIICt. i -,..;CH-.4. . .'1 ill : It, ;llli;'t I l . , ' if .' i ii Mill-Hi ., lilt tns . ill! ', u: - ,1j v :u: ,l II IT") 1'lIW, i"lliUI'l,l "I .!' y im mi , ii -.-.', ;i'n -ir. :.li i.l - i . aiKv. ( -l a ir, 2-' ' l.X'v ,".i'i- W ' ! V!:, 1,-Jvr L . Jji ' l J- llt - I ni I. im.. . "1 1 r r. . in -1 I, r" ;hi,Iiiii. .11 , . - :

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