r r OX's Met ; Thursday p.m. At the home of Mrs. Fred Baars on Bill street the James Kenan chaiptec of the United Daughters of the Confederacy held its regular meeting at three-thirty .. o'clock. Joint - hostesses were ' Mesdames , John Best, W. P. Bridges end S. E Hines, Presiding over the twenty members was Mrs. N. B. Boney 61 Kenansvllle. Miss Mary Alice . m.v.orr Real Estate , Phones: Off. S12. R. 892' ; , WARSAW, V, C. 1 i Sales and Rentals' ' Town and Country Property' , LISTINGS SOLICITED Anything In ' " ; SCREENS ( FRAMES - CABINETS MOLDIN'S Also Church Pews and Pulpiis WARSAW VOOD Warsaw X n1 l i lit ni l 3 the -fcaihres ' " " " " kww.fcJi I. II iiini'ii mi iwtf iirf immB SUN, MON JCL1 M The Malm I With'Gene Tierney and John Lund :.;' CARTOON - TUES. JULY S Big Lift With Montgomery Clift i and Paul Douglas Wf CARTOON r'.' WED. JULY -f' DOUBLE FEATURE Three Desperate , Men f With Preston Foster ' t Movies Are Better! Than Ever U ' Why Worry T See a Movie ! . :, . Beulaville, N. C. f , FRIDAY JUNE 29 Bring The Kids To See- Sniss family Robinson The Family That Ontdld Robinson Cruaoe 1 ' Starring THOMAS MkTCHELL ; Serial Chapter 10 . . - SATURDAY JUNE 30 Starring GEORGE MONTGOMERY , ELLEN DREW A Top Notch Western Plus A Cartoon And Serial ... . . SUNDAY - MONDAY 1-2 . ! . y . , . . -GitirJad:"" ' ' " - i " (In Teohnloolor) r 7 Starring ALLEN LADD and MONA FREEMAN .1 Color Cartoon and News Reel '. ., , -. r - TCDAY - V.TDNESDAY t'g l "hie Pet re 1 l, . .. ... ...... .y w And B'.aekmore presented the program, The Jef ergon Davis Highway. Del-i egates were appointed to Attend the conventions to be held In Aahevlle and Wnston Salem. They "were Mesdames' C. A. Womack, Vf: J. Mddleton, Sr., Fred Baars, L. S. Whittle, N. A. Mitshell, Miss Black more and others. A commute was appointed to work on the UDC Magazine. 1 ' in the- llvlraa room o! the Baars' home, arrangements of Magnolias. gardenias -and. a mixed arrangement of gladioli were used. The dining table held a centerpiece of red and white gladoll with blue hydrangea, fruit decorated the buEfet and cle metls the serving table. - . , The hostess served pimento sand wliohes, reception cakes and tea. Is 7 Years Old On Saturday afternoon at four o'- clock young Miss Connie Frederick daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert- rrwimM s.ipraAi hr uwanifh birthday with party at her home on tium street. 31 friends at the. honoree assembled for games and celebration. '-, Vood Work" PRODUCTS CO. MKO'Malland With Marjorie Main THURS. FRL JULY 6- . On The Riviera (Technicolor) 'i::' With Danny Kaye and y-1-? Gene Tierney ,5 CARTOON ' SAT. 'JULY 7"; DOUBLE FEATURE Fighting Kangaroo Kid p With Jock O'Mahoney I j I Iv. 3-4 . . v t - .' The dining table of the Freder ick home was covered with white linen cloth and an arrangement of gladioli appointed one end, while a two tiered birthday cake decorated wif.h mink rnsetiuds and ereen leaves was placed at the other end of the table. Gladioli were. also used in the Uvlng room, v Guests received favors o! ball oons in the shape of baby chicks. : Upon arrival coca colas were ser ved and after many games were enjoyed tee cream' and cake was served. The honoree received many usful and attractive gifts. Rites June 17 (Miss Eleanor 'Margaret Dail, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dail unit .T r Garrltv. son of Mr. and Mrs. Emory iGarrity of Warsaw were married oh Sunday, June 17 in Dillon, S. C. The (bride wore na- vy blue with white accessories. Mrs. Garrlty Is employed with the Warsaw Shoe Store in Warsaw and Mr, Garrity with the Warsaw Motor, vesnpany, ,j . ,v. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Rob ert Lewis entertained members of her,, bridge club at her home on Plank street. Seasonal flowers dec orated rooms, where, guests assera 4led for the leame. A china teapot was won by Mrs. iMoman Barr for chub high. Mrs. John A. Johnson received ash trays for visitor's htghi For travel- Ming' Mrs. A. M. Benton won note- jf or refreshments Mrs. Lewis ser ved angel food cake and during the game served -coca colas and pota toe Chips. .Players were Mrs. Lewis, Mesdames- Banv Johnson, Benton, J. W. Straughan, V. A. Standi, Laugh ton Albertson and Albert Newkirk. M OT P R P ARK Drive In Theatre "Carolina's Greatest Entertainment Vaiue" , Shows at 7:30 & 9Mj?. m. Adults 30 c Kids (under 12yrs. Wears) Free-; SUNDAY JULY 1 Battling Bozos of Co. B I Breakthrough m ;r'i.':;'.;::';' : Starring DAVID BRIAN JOHtf . AGAR- FRANK . loyejoy Also Color Cartoon & MON. - TUES - 2, 3 j f (In Technicolor) -Wonder, Musical . . , j. , The West Point Story i Starring -. VIRGINIA MAYO, " 1 : GORDO McCRAE i Doris Day - -'o .JAMES CAGNEY. Also Color Cartoon ' WED. ONLY July 4 A Holiday Treat With The Bumsteads ' : Also Cartoon and last of Bruce Gentry and 1st chap ter James Bros. Serial. THUR.FRI5.6 r" Big Western Adventure : !v Dodge City ; . , " Starring : ERROL FLYNN ANN 1 SHERIDAN OUVA DEHAVILAND Also Color Cartoon SAT. ONLY -7. Double Feature. ; Give Out Sisters With , ; DAN DAILEY I Also Marshall Of llcldorcdo With JAMES ELLISON RUSr.I .L IIAYDEN THE DUPLIN TIMES Mrs. Jones Club, -Meets , Mrs. Jones Members of Mrs. Emerson Jones' club met with her on Tuesday even ing for their regular bridge session. Upon arrival ; the hostess served fresh peach ice cream and devil's food cake. During progressions icea drinks and potatoe chips were en- joyed. Mrs. M. A. Smith won visitors high. Club high ajid traveling went to Mrs. Mattie Torrans. Playing were Mesdames Paul Ki tchen. Albert Newkirk, Emerson Jones. Irene Martin, J. D. Davis M. A. Smith, Mattie Torrans, ana Miss Mamie Eethea. Mrs..Riggs Entertains Mrs. H. W. Riggs entertained her hrlrtffn club on Tuesday eveni- p her home on Pollock street. Sum mer flowers were used In the liv ing and dining room where iguesls were entertained. Upon arrival the hostess served Iced lemonade and throughout the evening cups were replenished. v. ,. . "v- , For high scoring Mrs. Ed. Hines received a crystal vase. Ash trays went to Mrs. Mitchell Britt for traveling..'-',. '. : V v . .. At conclusion of the game the hostess served lemon pies. Enjoying Mrs. Biggs hoapiUltly were Mesdames Hines, Britt, Bill Leinbaoh, Robert Frederick, W. G. Britt, Maurice Jordan, Joyce Bur Jon and. John Fonvllle, vl; Has Sammy Godwin, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Godwin celebrated, his fourth birthday with a circus par ty at his home on Chelly street. The young guests were enter tained on the rear lawn of the God win home. The green and yellow drum-shaped birthday cake cen tered the glass top lawn table. It was surrounded by minature clowns Favors consisted of clown hats and whistles. Refreshment plates held ice cream cones, decorated as clown faces and animal crackers. Danca .Thiatre WALLACE BEST IN MUSIC WEEK BEGINNING JULY 1ST I Can Get It For You Wholesale Starring SUSAN HAYWARD and DAN DAILY MONDAY r TUESDAY. Mating Season JOHN LUND , THELMA RITTER Wednesday; Double Feature r- .-..isowery, usaixanon . , Starring the EAST SIDE KIDS' f .And -, ,.V. - Hands Across Rockies SUrrinr WILD BILL ELLIOTT THURSDAY ' ' ' Thirteenth Letter Starring LINDA DARNELL and CHARLES BOYER FRIDAY Night Into Morning Starring- RAY MILLAND and .'JOHN HODIAK SATURDAY Doable Feature - Snake River Desparadoes ..And ,.- -4 V Bodyhold ii Owl Show, SATURDAY Hot Rod S tan-in JIMMY LYDON and ' GLORIA WINTERS , SATURDAY JUNE 30 Double Feature Hills Of Oklahoma With REX ALLEN :"":::::. :. And 'v.- ! In Old Missouri With The WEAVER BOYS New Serial: Pirates of HJfh Seas ; SUNDAY - (MONDAY Three Guy s Named Mike r Starring JANE WYMAN and VAN JOHNSON 1 TUESDAY Outlav Gold Starring JOHNNY McBROWN WEDNESDAY Tvo Veslis With Love Starring JANE POWELL , RICARDO MONTALBAN The party was held from 10 un til 11 on Saturday mornm?. Aiw.. 38 were present. Sammy, received many attractive gilts. f : Correction Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth Brock are now making their home in Rich mond. For the past five years Mr. Brock' has been a substitute clerk on the AOL railroad. He has been jwe.moted to regular clerk in the Postal Transportation Service. His un is irom Richmond to Hamlet. !M r Rrf iSv Earl Hudson, before her marriage June 17, was Miss ptel'a Elizabeth Herring,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L,. Herring oi I Warsaw. Mr. Hudson is tne son oi Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hudson of Turkey. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy McColman of - Newton Grove announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday June 21 in Samoson Memorial hos pital. Mr .and Mrs. McColman are former residents of Warsaw when he- was stationed here with the State Highway Patrol. Personals Mesdames Robert Frederifk and WwrA Strickland spent Monday in Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Britt are spen J'n tlhis week at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. Roibert Lewis is confined to her bed with a knee injury, the re sult of a fall received Friday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hines spent the weekend at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Martin ana children and Mrs. W. P. Crawford of Raleigh spent the weexena wun Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baars and Mrs. .Inhn Frederick. Mrs. Edgar PollocK return ea sun day after spending several days in New York City. She was accom panied Iby Mrs. Emmet Pollock of Augusta, Ga. Mr. Hapton Smith spent the week end with his family at Surf City.- Mr. and Mrs. E. Walker Stevens are spending two weeks at their summer home at Surf City. Mrs. Ralph Best, Sr. is a patient at Duke hospital. Mrs. L. R. George of Kinston spent several days recently with her daughter, Mrs. Graham Phil lips. Mrs. Chester Sunday of Raleiigh is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Jones. Miss Barbara Standi returned Tuesday a.ter a visit In La Grange. Tree fanners in 30 states have certified their thnberlands for per nanent forest growth and use under the American Tree Form Sys tern. . i, ,-, The American Tree Farm Sys tem, started in 1941, has now spread to 30 states. - - ' ' ' I! if ii . A. R. KORNEGAY ? S Aibner Rudolph Kornegay, S3, died In a Klnsion hoip.tal Thursday june 21 after several weeks of ill ness following a cerebral hemoraga Funeral services were conducted at 3:30 p. m. Sunday from the home of a brother, Wui.e Kornegay in Pink Hill witn a D.scjp.es of Curist min.ster ot ctting Bur.al follow ed in the L. r Tynaa.l cemetery v.ej.v the home. Koniegay was employed at the Kinston fost Ofi.ce lor the pas. j.gnt years as a pji-ee. pott clerk. exior to tnat h taugnt sciiool for a number ot jear a:'.d served as school pr.nc.pa. .n Omu, 'Vai. aooro a.id Ouuws Bridge. He was a graauaie il Atiam.c Christian college. He was the son of Mrs. Lettie Tyndall Kornegay and t..e lt.ie a J. Kornegay a.;d v.as born in the i'ink Hili section. Surviving with his mother are live brothers, Roy of New Bern, Vvn.ie ana Sam oi Pink Hill and Edgar and Joie.j... oi Deep Hun Kornegay was a member of the Gordon street Chuic.i o. Chris, and oi tne Baraga cats Oi taa. church. RALPH W. OUTLAW Ralph W. Outlaw, 4ti, aied of a heart attack in Fayetteviile Wed nesday at 10:15 a. m. Surviving are his .wife, the form er Helen Garner, Duplin County, a son, Reese, in the armed forces; a daughter, Mrs. Donna Wool.ord, Fa yetteville; parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. V. Outlaw, Outlaws Bridge; 3 brothers, Milton and Alton of Sev en Springs and Alvin Outlaw of Kinston; two sisters, Mrs. Herman Outlaw and Pauline Outlaw of Out laws Bridge, and a grandchild. Funeral rites were conducted In Mt. Olive from Tyndall Funeral Home ohapel Thursday at 4 p. m. iTnivc--i!ist oastnr, Rev. L. C. Pra ter officiated. Burial was. in the .aiiu.j ccme.ciry. MRS. CARRIE D. MAY Mrs. Carrie Davis May, 65, wife of J. B. May and a native of Pink Hill section, died earlv Tuesdiv. The funeral was from Garners Fu "eral Home in Kinston at 8 p. m. Thursday with burial in Maplerwood Cemetery there. The Rev. N. P. Fa rrior, Presbyterian of Pink Hill, of ficiated. A daughter of Mrs. Laura .Tones Davis o. the Pink Hill see, Hon. Mrs. May resided in Wi'son for 25 years before going to Washington in 1945. Surviving are her mother; her husband, J. B. May of Washington, D. C, a daughter, Carrie May of Washington; two brothers, Thur man D"'is of "-' v-mt and Ru dolph Davis of Pink Hill. "PETE" WARD James "Pe:e Ward, ol. Drummon dsville section farmer, died while on nis way to a doctors o'fice in l a Grange Tuesday at 11:30 a. m. He had been in declining health for two years. Surviving are his wife, the form er Marie Potter; one daughter. Rose Mane of the home, six sisters, Mrs Fred Hill, Mrs. Winnie Thompson, Mrs. Mary Stroud, Mrs. judw FieMs, all of Seven Springs; Mrs. E. W. Sadler of Kenansvllle. Mrs. C. H.' Baker, Wilson and j number of nephews and nieces. Funeral ser vices were held from the home on Rt. 2, Seven Springs, Wednesday at 4 p. m. Elder Rudolph Harper of the Latter Day Saints officiated as sisted -by the Rev. Wesley Price, Free Will Baptist minister. Burial was in the family cemetery. A. B. BAINS A.I B. Bains, 70, of Warsaw died at a Clinton hospital Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. after a brief illness. He was a tobacco man in Wilson for a number of years. Funeral rites were conducted irom the home Thursday at 3:30 p. m. with burial in Pinecrest cemetery. Surviving are his wife, the former Betty B. Hill of Warsaw; two brothers. J. R Bains of Wallace, O. B. Bains, Spring Hope; three sisters, Mrs. Joe Pierce, Spring Hope, Mrs. W. L. Mo rris, Wilson, Mrs. Nora Fertig, Char leston, W. Va.; several nieces and nephews. GEORGE L. BLANTON George L. Blanton. 79. died at his home' in Wallace Tuesday aft ernoon. Funeral rites were con ducted from Wallace Baptist church Thursday at 4 p. m. bv Dr. Eigene Poston and the Rev. Kenmit Wheel er and the Rev. J. E. Lanier. Burial Hula Drive In CHINQUAPIN, N. C. Week of July 1 SUN. and MON. WILLIE COMES MARCHING HOME Starring DAN DAILEY and CORINE CALVET News and Cartoon TUES. and WED : THE BIG WHEEL Starring MICKEY ROONEY and THOMAS - MITCHELL Cartoon . . . THURS. and FRL - TOKYO JOE Starring HUMPHREY BOG ART and ALEXANDER KNOX . Short and Cartoon I PALOMINO Starring JOHN COURTLAND and BETTY TYLER Cartoon, Short and Serial. Theatre was in Rockfish cemetery. Surviv ing are his wife,- a daughter,. Mrs. Edith Willard, Wilmington, a grand son, two brothers,' H. B. and Jud Blanton of Wallaces : v yi:- v mmjsmmjsmfEJSJsmiEjmEnL NO OTHER GASOLINE CAN MATCH THIS PROOF! Non-professional drivers in 32 latest model American stock cars chalked up an amazing 23.923 miles per gallon in this year's grueling, 840-mile Los Angeles-to-Grand Canyon Mobilgas Economy Run . . . prccf that you can improve the performance ofyoi:r car, too ! DO WHAT THESE DRIVERS DID! For top mileage keep your car in tip-top shape use Mobilgas or Mobilgas Spe cial, and drive sensibly! Drop in and see us for Friendly Service! Sill - DRIVE IN- 7 DRIVE IN SEE US .TODAY- Strickland Oil Co. , Phone 418 Distributor Insure your vacation savings in our bank each This is a guarantee year. Start TODAY ! Branch Banking And Trust Company The Safe THURSDAY; JUNE S3, 1 Some 3,000 farmers in this coun try grow tree over and over again oa the 'same; land for contiAuing wood crops under the American Tree Farm System' v,- ,i Warsaw, NJjC. v-J. now by putting a small weeek. for a happy summer next' ! 1 Executor THURSDAY and FIKBtY MRS RL M. THIGPEN heuiavtlte. M. C. F Representative For t: nr m '7 Wallace 0" ! 4 m

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