. Ecrl Smith u Hostess Mrs. Earlv Smith, wu hostess to the Presbyterian woman of the crunch t their. rXlar meeting on Tuesday night M.s SiUs, president, .resided. MrfcV Jesper Smith and Mrs. Silles presented the Droaram with the weavers as their Living; A attendance was had. The hostess served ice cream so das, following adjourMnenU1;, . , n ,,,, ',. i.i.j v-.V.-r. Mr. and Mr. . J. R... Butts and tons af Wheat Swamp viiiited fee Lovj Everett family on Saturday I. Sooait will be too late. Install burnerh, flue eyes Vu : " " "''i!' -yu'--- and grates. Repair flues. : v . SEVEN SPRINGS i 'i.?i . -h A" v'. - . ', Seven Springs, H. C. ; .i y I '- . r I - inUka tor all lam arumaw my iMong MiaRahoM. TK II aatanlial raimralt, ! J w i and 40,000 U.S.P. nniu af Vitamia D - 1 i I i P pound in MiaRakoaa will Kalp yoar ; v : W v LwrtocW to top condition. )mk produc- ' '. lioa and mtrcKieionwUcl fnaana For your MINRALTONI pat -r-, , y " ; rtqvSrwnvnts - , Hardware Department Kinston 5. S1CJ.S9; : iewm i i ; i "r:S . rr n ; ,... . . - aV'-A r0 rt 1 1 A TiriftfVfi J ri fT r'fs'l ' JSfelssr ! r" ' ..,erior "- ' , C3s Mrs. LA. Turner GueslAfD;r;r" As i courtesy to their mother1, Mrs f T, A. Turner, who left recent ly from Montreal, Canada aboard the Empre.ss of -iFrance iof :the French Canadian lines, ior a tour of Europe, Mr. and Mrs, T. G; Turner entertained at a dinner party 'at their home in Pink HiU. Guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Par- rott and daughters of Klnston, Mr and Mrs. Graham Turner and chil dren and Mr. and Mr. J. MeWin Jones .of Pink H"i S, - Uv'v SUPPLY CO. . r adequala itaily rjunaral and ViUmin L W ' . 't"r O' n s r ,...C3-f The llovcrds Return From Extended Trip ; Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Howard of the Pink Hill section have re turned .rom a combined business and pleasure trip to Wyoming. At the famed Hereford Ranch at Chev enne. Mr. Howard purchased a two year old Bull which cost him sev eral tnousana aoiiars - Joe Jones To Be In Soap Box Derby Joe Jones of Pink Hill. Rt 1 has signed up for the Soap Box Derby which will be conducted on Queen street Hill in Kington at J p, m. Sunday. Returns I Ic.?.e After Visit Here iRev R, E. Brittle has returned to Ms home in Suffolk, Va. following a weeks stay 1a the home of Rev. and Mrs. l .C Boone while eon ducting a revival, at the Nobles Chapel Methodist ehuKb. , Hollx Springs; ? BAchard C. Stroud of Pink HIU who completed training as a High way Patrolman at Clupei Hill re cently has neen assigned to tne Hotly Springs, Wake County area. Mr. Stroud is married to the form er Carolyn Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Smith of Pink HilL They will take np their residence there in the near, future.' , Announce Engagement . Mr. and . Mrs. Woodard Levi John son of Harrell't store have announc ed the engagement of therr daugh ter Katie Hazel to Mr. Carey A. William, son of Mr. and Mo. Paul Williams of Pink Hill. Tfae wedding will take place July 28. - - i : Rev. Boone Is At mg Rev. D. C. Boone la attending a ' Rev D. C. Boone a attending a young peoples Assembly of the Metbodist cburcb at Louiabnrg coW loge this week Accompanying him there on Monday were Shirley Shivl er, ' Hugh Stroud and Tut Waller from Woodlngtoa church and Joyce and Dorothy. Ra Herring from te Woodland cstnrea. v, - ' V, Ilefarriorili ilig ton FrWay. to make a recordfog of tne reading, of me Z3rfl psaun,.to, be used at the opening of the' mo- tion picture "I'd Climb The Jlighr. est Mountaan" .wntcn was. anown at the Pink Hill Drive In Theatre. Mond'ay and Tuesday flight of this 'Mr.''a'nd'Mrs''.W. H. iones.Ne Latla Mae and Biiueiean Jones and Mrs. Ada Edwards spent the week end at their Carolina Beaoh home. Mr. and Mrs. Falson Turner and Mrs. ButfcStroudj were at, Red Springs on Friday. - r .- rf--.OV V.W 'V'.' - J3I.K J1 yjjtt'itfin , ' - j .. SB2S2S3SS5K?i7 JVMWii'i 4 ReVafcrricr Preeches Perklori Revl N. P. Farrio'r filled an ap pointment at the Parkton Presby terian ebiiiwh at 11 o'clock Sunday morning and at the Re Presfcy terian church in the Parkton charge at 8 o'clock in the evening. ; , Personals Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Turner and, daughters had as their guests at their summer home at Morehead during the past week. Dr. and Mrs. Dan Boyette and two children of Abockie and Dr and Mrs. Joseph Bower and Sherry and Joe Brown of Pink HiU. Mrs. W H. Jones and Mrs. Jack Perkins were in Asheville recently to attend a meeting of the order of The Eastern Star. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Sills were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rom Moser In Raletoh.' Young Miss Unda Lea of Tampa, Fla., is spending a few weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs r. Lee In Pink HiU. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Cogglns and sob Jimmy Smith of RoUo, Mo. ham been guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Smith. The party, aosompanied by Mrs. Smith, Mr. EDert Smith and Anert and Robert Smith, spent Sunday after noon at Morehead. Mrs. R. B. Jones had the mis fortune recently of crushing a fing er severely In a car door. Mrs. Horace TyndaU returned Saturday from a few weeks' visit in New York City Miss Wanda1 TyndaU, iwho accompanied ' ber there, remained and will study for juts. Juou j Amaur was in not folk, Va, for a few days to viswt her husband who was recently called back in the navy. ,i, Mrs .Clarence, Jones, and daugh ter Mancy aspect to leave soon for wsnmton, u. u. to visit relatives. iFrank Wiley ia attending summer school at ECC Greenville. He is ac companied eatih day irom bis home in Pink Hill by BlUle Jean Jones, young daughter of Mr.-apd Mra. W. H. Jones who is receiving training for a speech deficiency there. Mr. and Mrs. L H. Turner and family had as their weekend guests at their summer home at Topsail, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cash of Louis burg. Mr! X?orky" Thomas of HUls boro and Mr, and Mrs. Sam Davts and Lon Ann Davis of Pink Hill. Mesdames S. P. Watson and Matt Burke of New Bern were recent dinner guests of the L. N (Turn er family- . , -.. . .--. . MrsXylton Maxwell and son Scot have returned to their home In WanstoorSalem following a visit In the borne of. Mr., and Mrs. H. E. Maxwell. They were accompanied borne by Mr. and Mrs, Maxwell and they, had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs Harold Latham of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs-- Jasper Smith,. Mr. and Mrs. Faiaoh Turner -and .Miss Dorothy Carol Stroud attended the launching ceremonies oi the auper-, liner . "United States" at Newport News, Va. on. Saturday, .. ,. . . , Rev. and Mrs. M. Q. Alexander of Lake.yiew, S,U..were ouesls ,ol Rev. and Mrs. N. P., Farrior on, Monday. - Mrs. Alexander, who is a sister oft Mrs..-Farrior rtmaiMd for a few days visit Rev.-Alexan der b pastor of the' Baptist dRirch at Lake View . - Mr;Jteser HinntnttsI KSigstree, S Ck, and Mr." A. ;Hinnant "of Monks Corner, S. C. were guest of Mrs G. M. Turner and family old Waffneadarv''''- ;'--- "Jackie PerkinSr attended thW ft. 441 - cktb encampment held .at WMfa Lak the Basf week?- -- 1 Dorothy' Carol Stroud. 'Gastoh4 G. Gnwfy, o Apnrady,Pesy Gra dy.'Lmr 11eh; Smith hnd 'Shirley Britt have returned from a young people conference of toe Presby. terian ; church held 'at Flora Mc-i swnaia college, aea apnngsi. ' 1 spent severArdayf recently at Wore head."'-;''" . (Mr. ndMrvJjniesJtUes,-aJd on. Mr. and Mrs,, J. .M.. Jonv Mr.'-ana -Mrsy -iu. rxurner sons and MrsJJohnny HoM" children of Greensboro -have . vacationing "kt the J, M. Jon mer h "nKiini. ivfiq, a,Jv lllV rr ff foi ST ..'.' .-.-' , I .,''; Ill ii 'mj 3 f ' ' I BEAUTY LEADS THE PACxl 1 ' ' ,) IN. (I l II l l nil .1 I l iii ii l.i , 'l, k.. . -i- .' . ' i ,. t '( -.'!'.".' ;ii'tr r "- ;f ! -n1 S'lk'.'iwmiuiiimi immmwiiii;'jiyiw.iiimf wi.M'.Ml'f'VL""'iy vuwxvypiisimiamvtty wstyvfyl lr''- " ; r y-.. I,- r . - " ' v -" ( t . . ' ! - ; I I " '.I. Oi l i Charming IiMKenaaolia Sfdwf Q hw Loretta Toeaf with David A. Wallaea, prosidant, Chrysiw Livision, in the ChrysUr New Yorker eonvertible in which Wallaee paced the racara to what turned eat to be ' the fastest "600 ever drivaa with, Lse Wallard eaptarmg P prhM ' DMMMy with a bUalag-avaraga-spaed of 128 miles par hour. , ' . ; t " t i . . I V JksorrJaed ffyepctr; Ka-aiiee. ka-auee. . ka-auee'"' screams thr Scissor-Tailed Fly catober as he rises Into the air. So noisily does he ean that you aught think he was. trying to warn his mate of danger. But his barsh notes . m LL.JH.,,i ' I uiw Nut b aw buuv . JWlth.aacb'ka-auee''.tbe Cyest- cber riees another notch spward. Ai me. same ,ume, 4)e.opena ana oiwbos bis long. Sender 6aL Watcb ing the performance; you can easi ly imagine mat you are seeing a pair of scissors- held 'with points downward . and tateadiip ympping siwavrTheir owuei1 keeus them busv whether he is rising into ahe airT or dnxpping mward- tbe gnwpd. : There , ,), tnornepts,-, though. wnen me.fiycatoner-n is tail. ft , Always '..hangs . stlU .. a when he perches atop a busbar osat iwe nwiie -tJctssorrTSiiea iryCM- iat I TteM wH-h a tmiWtt ! 1 AH D equi PI E UAWt ri r a.. j- i , i - - ! SllaJulij 'iJ 'HaaMS ' " - -, - flT 87IJrJ99 yv Mi J r-r... 'H I r l J'Vm -I hla aides; and beneath hU talL. Al most bidden under tba gray- on his head i is a tiny patch of red. He is from thirteen to ftfteea inches long, including a tail that meausres up to nine inches. The female Is amali er and a hit duller In color.' ... The summer home of the flycat cher, says the National Wildlife Federation is from Nebraska south, ward through Kansas, Missouri, O klahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and Met ice. It spends the winter months in Central America. ' i When they are in the states, the flycatchers like to Uve in the open country. They wsnt a few trees a btarUrsurt fcevhidjng places, but td use-as; lookout perches. They abo, build their nests in trees -boutSTte'M ground.' ;The home of a flycatcher family Id Miwleaalv nut toiether. but the building oaatediala-are soft pieces of plant sabers. It U- .warm, com fortable neat in which to lay five small, CTeamy eaihach-arrspot teawiujtjruwn. y. , y .j ' It would be risky for a maraud ing hlrdj to bother, the. eggs, be cause j thattfcatieher likes nothing DRter man w aun m m isi'to afid chase leeway. In fact, the bird with the scUsors goes' out of his way at .times te Jease and pester other buds. It Is nearly arwaya in joh, thougW and no harm Js done. VJUlehe may irritate bis leather ed' neighbors now and then; the StistorJraued flyoeteher 'U- a! irea) help to fanners. According, to the National WUdUfe' Federation, "he has a big appetite, tor, attasahoppem crlckeU and beetles. Despite his name, he eats few flies. Bametknes. he goes, to the ground; in seaiW of InsectSk'bat mot Wtw ?ie cason es them 'While theyrare huplng Interesting Information on other wiMiife aDeaaa.befclbtalned by (u v ':; O 'r J'.'t i . .rrt.iiti)i : fijj ttD agbpQ jt(tai.'ii . 'i4r7v.j Kilo J i ,rt-' ' .lit t.fffl 'S(;.LV. :' ' - fu,i W . 4 t - Thi. u inr the man trying for M,nttim4o- ctcktrout--eB files tUI Decora we member that trout aren't !Plet ni vu,t , thev bre shy, timid. So Hmhtlv and don't let them see you. ' 1 Rut Mie first step is to find them, Themost jteherally productive spot and . Uia most - easily fished is a narrow tongue of current entering a pool from a awiut, shallow stretch. Th itrreatest amount of food will ae concentrated there. And .trout will be watching the current ready to. dart and grab an enticing mor- If you can cast down there, well and good. But you can get Just as many trout by merely stripping line from the reel and letting the current wash the fly down to the SOOd SDOt ,r. ' .' " -'-:,v.'--A'( "- It calls for almost a sixth sense to hook a trout with a fly drifting naturally .on a slack Une. Jason Lucas cautions begin rnSrs to remem ber this: Wen-wonting tne-tly, Keep the rod tip low, with leader, apd Une straight fronj tlyvtarod grip' where the Une passes tiader aritiger of the right hand. Let the line slip in and, out under that linger. . and youtU be in.trpuble. .iji.Ko'.";. fiH,v "si your'ief bamlf io thero tip, to gtve'the fly. little JkgiclM. When your eft hand, get too far, reach 'nut and take a fresh hold behind that forefinger,' forming a t" Ynnr 'mri with the si, Thut wbena fnwt -pn -fv , ,vur ouaors 'lavl- iuui -iusuxii-ly nd before he can turn. It's pur rt ex action vto, Jerk) your hand and a .the hook. .U . yj hT1. t rion't give a hard Jerk - k 4ukt IK ie tug does it As soon as you've ho ked him, raise the rod to the v tical, to play him against Hs fuil spring. To do this, you of course let line slip freely undei Vhnt finger of the right hand; when there's enough out, a gentle pres sure of the finger against the cork grkp stops It, or causes a - mild brake to slow hkn. A small trout fit played by stripping In Une with me leii nana, a mg lisa can Te handled best by. playirtg htoJrom, a ingle-aotienreel. . V . j ; t Tj y,7! RESERVED seat TICKETS, LW-W MANTEO, N. CTo handle the many requests for reserved seat tic kets to opening perform aces of Pnrt?reen's symphonic drama The Lost Colony, the drama's local box office manager ha, been very busy during the past several days. Every Indication points to one of the most successful openirg .weeks In -the history of Lost .Colony, said BU Hardy, general manager i this week Requests iar reserved seat 4k u have -aet only Come -from neanuy points in North Carolina and Vir gdnla but from -distant state Inula' ding. Texas; Indiana.-Georglr, Art xoaa, Mlwisslppi. Alabama and sevs "iMiii Turner.k ::..WaraeV.V - - iA ftfift CJ ?jV . - . ' i' . - - a..a, a. .T . awwi rtj... .. -..-AiJwaiiaaew" 1 lYa.ron::roTo --ri If i- Usnll lUVMllvil no8nidoPaV5iiifsl aaiw VII . . i ' -. ' ('?! I'li jftpl.-JT51!j J. VSI?" rtSfalKS j;ltf isvl . : Safe With Checks. ; . -i 1 aul i i i which . o ii .-ii lit.. .. Water-' su. ,,.T ..! i here J a SO, came frumi far oif Korea, from a hopeXul CL.viho.ia eKpecting a -siunmes, leave in which.he plans to vacation on trie vaca-'on i'amous ilr;Valtei : Theledd-Vait. J Precision Proof" :L-I BuUt, 'J&,Age AIR-SEAL i ' MaaufSktured hy i SMITH VAUtTCO.' ; : KINSTON ,vi;;v r - Funeral Director P . i - 0Firc$: Cl::nlir.2$$ , (J..,, , -j . "DuJt TftaStanflatd, Not To a Price'! CONCRETE i:l .r..f 5 N. --behe in PWcH,- Inc. 1 T. ITangcj, i J : . 1 - i,, ' i f y...'t ' Hi.T.'JVlftV . Vf.'bla?'"7' i-s' 6 liij'aa.t.flT ififwi1.-. .' W If.lt. P'W.lTH') I'll" I If I "Vi j av-.'I - I iffwauwffvi mil"" i 'iisiaa ms a a i.i t"r

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