si f at ' .1 i i County, Court 1 Coxnty Court will convene Mon day, February 4th with a full docket on schedule. 9 week term of Criminal r Court will convene here y morning,., January 28th. - Q. K. Nimmocks will pre-' 9 muroer case. ,w -v 1 w, ' tf" V' ' " -"v- ' . . - " - v., W- X- J VCL.NO. 19 ENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA , THURSDAY, JANUARY. 24, 1952 PRICE TEN CENTS No. 4 ommtsswnets ondaV : Decide Hash Trustees. Meet ital Site The Board of Couotv Conunis- . sionen has called a meeting of the J uupun County Hospital Board of Trustees to meet with the Board of Commissioners at the ' court house here Monday. January 28th at 3:30 o'clock for the purpose of discussing the hospital site. The Trustees and Commissioners will visit three proposed sites, James Sprunt, Bowden and H. D. Williams properties and discuss the merits of each site.' It is under. ood that following this the Board f Commissioners will definitely cide on the site. ' ' ' It Is reported that all the oroiv erty of H. D. Williams from the court house square to Grove swama is now under1 consideratoin. Som ao oaa acres is said to comprise this property. The Bowden site consists of some 60 odd acres and about 8 acres' are available at the Jamee Sprunt site. The minimum reoutrement is about 8 acres. Chairman Preston Wells stated that It was thousht wise to call in the entire Board of Trustees on the matter so that every section of the county wm nave a voice in -ma ing the final decision. :ol Auction For March Of Dimes l!:!d Model Theatre January 3C;h e folks in Beulaville will hold Uoned. In addition to the auction annual Auction Sale for the a wnimt Wt.l ha been nlamd in 'it of the March of Dimes at; the lobby of the theatre with a slsn reading "drop ,a coin and make a wisn." All coins collected in the well will go to the March of Dimes. Lst year tne auction program orougni m aoout fSOO. Everyone is invnea to attend tne auction and to donate something to be sold, lodel Theatre on Wednesday, ary 80th. There will only, be show that night and hnnied--.iy following the show the auc .jnlwlll be held. All merchants and farmers in and around Beula- ,viue (are donating items to be auc- Ecrly Carr Newton, Accident Victim tfizi In Golden Grove Cemetery Here i Earty Carr Newton, age 70, prom- - jnent Kenansvllle resident, was V iUe? instantly in an auto wreck ( on Itockford Bridge over Neuse s uerJ w 4noir County Sunday about noon..,' Mr. Newton was driv- ' i? Jr Chevro16 coach for Coy , Kennedy of Kepansvil)e when the two ? Were going to LaGrange for sSunaay dinner with Mr. Kennedy's ''dauKjiter. ; ' M-.' Newton attended Sunday Sehcbl at Grove church and the . two, departed for LaGrange im j nidiately thereafter. On Rockford jprkjge they -met Ford driven y Raebel Jones Whitfield accompan ied by her sister Jean and Sybil Suggs of LaGrange. The Whitfield ' sister are daughters of Ike Whit field of the Moss Hill section of j Ivenotr County who - is chairman v of tite Lenoir County Board of 1 Commissioners. Officers reported ( that the Chevrolet struck the right i raiang ot tne nridge and the rear ;, i enl, apparently swerved to the t opposite side. The Ford, anoroach fiag from the other direction, ap parently crashed into the Chevro let The impact killed Newton instantly and seriously Injured (Kennedy and the girls. Both cars were practically demolished. , - Kennedy and the sirls were rush ed to a Kinston hospital where it was found Kennedy suffered a fractured left elbow, several brok en riDs. At first it was thought he suffered serious internal injuries but latest reports from the hospi tal indicate he is getting along very wen. jtteports say the two Whitfield girls suffered severe cuts and bruises and the Suggs girl uuerea a crusned ankle and mangled hand. v Patrolmen did not state -Sunday irao was at lauit. The only com ment made wasv that the wreck was inexcusable. X--'-r'' w.W.,,, ; Funeral services for Mr. Newton were held from Grove Presbyterian cnurcn in is.enansvllle, was an eider ,at 3:30 Monday after noon, conducted by his pastor Rev. J. T. Barter, assisted bv Rev. Lau. ren Sharp, pastor of the local Bap tist v Church and Rev. Lloyd Ver- Jat. uiive. Masonic rites by St Johns Lodge No 13 of Kenans ville, wer e, administered at the Krave. interment was in Golden Grove cemetery. Active pallbear ers were R. V. Wells, Lloyd Ferrell, """i aa viarence murpny, J. B. au-oua, Lon Merrltt and J. R. Grady, Deacons in Grove Church. . Ueh survived by two daughters, ptrs. Jack Sitterson of KenansvUle, -Irs. James Taylor of Wilmington "w " son, arr wewton of Wll i. L. Williams of KenansvUle; three u""i a. a. ana sam of Ken iCfiUe and Ernest of Wilmington. . "Larly M mort everyone called urn was almost an institution In wen ville. He was a friend to "I J was loved by alL He wag a oyil f niber of St Johns Lodge, wvi ? s rved every of f ice from y-r to master. In Grove church ie t -ryed as Deacon and In recent ' i as Elder. He was faithful e t e cUrcn and Sunday School. ' r-v..r looked for big things' i.e wets content to go his ; "f doing the Uttle things v i have gone undone or ' ' a chores, that other folks . - overlook. His life was one e service in everything he . Ills wife, the farmer i Wells, of Magnolia died i end he reared his family wit. He was a devoted hus t id father. Early will be one most missed persons In Ken--e. ' . ; .-, .'. i r Health Dep is Kep " Grady "team who took first: uiu nxienuoo iooi laeniuicauon contest. Reading left to right the contestants are: Nick Korneosv nraii cimn..n. Ray Kornegay. Nick and Kenneth, brothers, are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kornegay. - Both are members of the senior class. Gerald is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Simmons and is in the 10th grade. Face Heavy Court shooting his wife a couple of weeks ago bear Beulaville and William McCallop, Negro from Rose Hill, will be tried on charges of murder ing his wife. A total of 57-cases have been docketed for trial or hearing. Court Station last Winter. .Carr I nut nn. WMfr with nnUt . . . i . oruwn, negro me cases iDeing disposed of. of Beulaville, will be tried fori Judge Q. K. Nlmmocks will ooen a week's term of Superior Court nere Monday for the trial of crim inal cases. HiehliBhtlna the week will be three murder cases. On the docket are Henrv Vernon Carr Negro, charged with the murder nF a varrou man .at Boney's Service -1 ' f m " 1 fi,,, artment Shortage aid By Mrs. Gooding The Treasurers' Office of Duplin County yesterday received a cash ier's check from Mrs. G. V. Good ing, wife of Dr. G. V. Gooding, in the amount of $1,430.61. The amount reported by the auditors as missing from the Health Depart ment In the complete audit of that department last year. Mrs. Gooding addressed the fol lowing letter to Ralph Jones: Jan. 23, 1952 Mr. Ralph Jones, Treasurer of Duplin County KenansvUle, N. C. Dear Sir; IN RE: DR. G. V. GOODING Upon information that an audit of the records of Dr. G. V. Gooding tend to disclose a descrepency in funds in the amount of $1,439.61: as Dr. Gooding is in the Pacific Area, and in Military Service of the United States, I am delivering to you a Cashier's Check in that amount. This check is to cover anv and all aiscrepencies snown by the audit. Though I have no way of know ing as to the correctness of the audit, in order that the Tax Payers of Duplin County, may be protect ed fully, I am paying the full amount that the audit tends to disclose as due by Dr. G. V. Good ing. I am paying this amount, volun tarily from my own funds. It is not being paid with the funds of any other person. Respectfully, Mrs. G. V. Gooding It is reported by county officials that the acceptance of this money does not imply in any matter that the courts have not or, will not prosecute. The settlement was made as a purely civil matter. Nor wood Boney and J. Faison Thom son are representing the Goodings. Court House reports are that Solicitor Walter Britt, who approv ed the county accepting the money, expects to present the case to the Grand Jury next week. Last fall Solicitor Britt informed the Times that he hoped to Bet it to tho January Grand. Jury. Auditors have completed work In the Sheriff's department but have not made their report. Grady Cub Scouts Visit Planetarium Theodore Herring Arrested For Liquor Theodore Herring, Gllsson Town ship farmer, was arrested at his home this week on charges of pos session or wmsKey wnen officers arrested him following a raid on his home. - Constables A. R. Marley and John Butts o Wallace, accom panied by a former deputy sbexiff, Riveres Rouse, Went to ' Herring's nomcano xom flim uey ma a search warrant. According to the bheritrs office here, Theodore said "Come on it's here." They found a five gallon jug of whiskey in the pantry. Herring is. under bond awaiting trial in County Court on Feb. 4th. . Robert Bird Livestock Meeting Here January 29 There will be a one day livestock school in KenansvUle at the Agri cultural Building, Thursday, Jan uary 29, beginning at 10:00 A. M. and lasting until about 3:30 p. m. Five (5) Livestock Specialist -from the Extension Service and the North Carolina Department of Agri culture in 'Raleigh will be here to discuss different phases of Live stock production and marketing. Among the specialist who wUl meet with us are: Jack Kelley, Extension Swine Specialist; Sam Buchanan, .Extension Beef Cattle 1 Kenan Auditorium Presents Stage Attraction Next ant Installed First WeekjHeating PI Localiown Board VofesSupplyW REP. HAROLD COOLEY ' Harold Cooley To Address Farm Bureau Meeting , Officials of the North Carolina Farm Bureau announced here to day that Congressman Harold D. cooiey, of Nashville, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee. will be one of the outstanding speakers who will address their lotn Annual convention, which will be held at the Sir Walter Hotel, in aferTo Hospital; Dog Tax; Parking Regulations ine Town oL KenansvUle board i mwu u.. j , of commissioners voted unani- 31 thVstsThdTheubUcTs T ZriaSt,Weetk ft pr0Vld th,e to cooperate by not double pfrt necessary water to the new hosDi- mo r nriri ,. i. , K. w.T ?r:X "BZLF . au are filled lioT jTZ..a " r ""Iiln we business district motorists tT.x-'.x . w . . """"' opruni , are requested, and expected to Dark Specialist; A. V. Allen. Extension ;. leigh, February 10-13. Animal Husbandry HoeriH.tsT-1 (Mr. Cooley represents the hiuh. n. ; jj. viuessewjurry, juar&eung jy agricultural ourtft Uongression Specialist of the N. C. Department of Agriculture, and John Hunter. Farm Management Specialist Beef Cattle and Hogs will be the main things discussed. Acreages of per manent pasture and numbers of livestock , are growing fast in Du plin County, we need to keep up witn tne new developments and- recommendations to assure suc cess. Every person interested in the production and marketing of beef cattle and hogs should at tend this meeting. We are sure that it will be Interesting and helpful to uvestocK producers. Site. It is understood that the Kite has been narrowed to those three locations. They are in close nrox. imity of the present water tank and We town fathers decided the town was able to provide water to these sites. The oronosal mils for digging another well, installing an additional pump, enlarging the present tank, if necessary, and to lay a six inch water main to the sue. It was ordered that a tax be levi ed on all dogs in the town of Ken ansvUle and dog tags be provided the owners. A tax of one dollar wm be levied against male and two dollars against female does. Mrs, Adele Kornegay was elect ed town clerk to replace Mrs. Vir ginia D. Holland who has asked to be relieved of the duties. I It will be noted that parking n i r 1 t f ! "!ej In Dc;!Ia ? 1 To mmy Brooks of ",;:, J f nires ' t' r rti t totiil of wre' - last year. Xir. reveal tlmt 838' e reportel . taring . 1 t"" T f Judge Olive Out : For II.-C. Governor Judge Hubert E. Olive of Lexing ton last week announced his can didacy for Governor of North Caro lina to succeed Governor V. Kerr Scott. Judge Olive brings tar two the leading candidates in the nee. Senator Wm. B. Umstead of Dur ham was the first to announce. ..Governor Scott this, week an nounced his support : of Judge Olive's candidacy. Local Drug S!:re Relied Sunday KenansvUle Drug Store received a , visitor some time early Sunday morning when thieves crashed out a plate glass window and entered. The Narcotics box was broken into but nothing was found as the local drug store does not stock nar cotics at present Soma paregoric was missing, cigarettes and wrist watches. Lipstick found on cig arette stubs indicated a woman w in the party. '.- , No clues have been found. Guest Minister at Grove Church. .. : On Sunday monnins at 11-15 Mr S. Y. Pharr. Jr.. a student at TTninn Theological Seminary, in Richmond, va., wm oe guest minister at the Grove Presbyterian Church. Mr. Pharr is a native of Tar Heel, N. C, a graduate of Davidson College, and To Tour Florida: Production Areas For two straight' years, reserve feed stocks in the United States have gone down while livestock vjmXtm nave increased. . : al District embracing seven coun ties, which in the Census of 1950 showed a population of 401,913, the largest Congressional District in North Carolina. Some of the important legisla tion shaping up the Farm Program which has been enacted during Mr, Cooley's Incumbency in office and during nis membershio on the Agri culture committee ot the House in abides tlie Rural Electrification Program. Soil Conservation rinnH Control .and . the Rural Telephone rxugraro. In addition, Air. Cooley served as a member of the Select Commit tee on Economic. Aid to European Countries, which was set up by the Eightieth Congress to study the preliminary needs for legislation for effectuation or the Marshall Plan. This Committee studied the entire European situation from start to finish and made recom mendations to the Congress. These recommendations became tha baaia I Anv farmer, agriculture worker of The Marshall Plan which was er person in Duplin County inter- uner inaugurated. - estea in tne agriculture production The Farm Bureau officials also, " the State of Florida, particular ly marketing and vegetable produc tion, is invited to make a seven day tour of Florida, February 17th through 23rd, 1952. County Agent Lacy Weeks announced Saturday. The purpose of the tour, said Weeks, is to visit the vegetable and cattle producing areas of Flor ida and observe first hand their methods of production, processing and marketing. "By observinc what otners are doing," continued Weeks, 'tore improve our own methods of production and marketing." me tour wiu oegin at Rocky Mount at 3:39 v. m. Sunday. Feb ruary 17. It provides for an over- nignt tmuman trto to Jacksonville. Fla., arrrving there at noon the next day. The group will de-train at Jacksonville and journey by char tered bus on the tour of South Florida. . .- '.. v, . Places of Interest to be visited are: Beef cattle ranches, vegetable fields. Everglades Experiment Sta tion, lettuce packing plant, Sugar elsewhere. It will be noted that only one side of the street at the rear oi tne court house has com piete spaces marked off. Due to the narrowness of the pavement uniy ine nonzontal line could oe marjeed off on one side. Thi motorists win nnd that there is ample room to park the car so that the rear end is inside the horizontal line. Please park ac- i-uiumgiy, it is requested. On court weeks it is almost impossible to drive through this street at times due to neglect in parking cars. The town has not passed any ordinance with notice mower to en force parking regulations and hopes it will not become necessary to do so.' Attention also is called to care less parking in 'back lots. Please do not park a car where Dassaee nf inner cars is oDstructed Church Sunday Kenan Memorial Auditorium will make its debut Thursday January 41st. ln ,t(ie iield.. of . drama when the famous Grass Roots Coiftpaiif presents Mozart's "School tor Lov ers". The auditorium isn't quite complete but is gradually being completed, in recent weeks the heating system has been Installed and entertainments can now: be given in all comfort regardless of the weather outside. Seats will be placed on the floor for this stage production and the balcony seats will be available. Recently a new $750 curtain has been pur chased for the stage. A large crowd is expected to at tend this first stage performance and tickets are now on sale in every white school in the county. Re ports indicate a very large attend ance from all sections of the county. Kenan Memorial Auditorium is a county institution and should be used by every community in the county. It is not just a basketball court but an auditorium with one of the largest seating capacities uf any nice building in the state. Ine Grass Roots Opera ComDanv of the North Carolina Federation of Music Clubs will present Moz art's comic opera SCHOOL FOK LOVERS in English. In this per formance Robert Bird will double as the director and as Gratiano, one The cub scouts of the B. F. Gradv Troop are making a study of the stars ana moon, at their meetings mis montn, ana on Sunday Jan uary u, tney went to Chapel Hill, accompanied by their parents, to visit the planetarium. Those mak ing the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Smith and son" Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Hess Davis and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holt and son, Mr. and Mrs. Faison Turner and Ben, Mr. Faison Smith and son. Mrs. Christine Williams and sons Melvin and Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Simmons and L. G. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepard and son. Junior Mozart Club Studying Musical Life Of Composers and Artists The Junior Mozart Club of the B. F. Grady school held its monthly meetings during first semester of our school year in our music studio. We have studied different-phases of musical life of composers and 'Bftisten sonf "atfOnstrumental music. '" r We had discussions of ways and means of making better programs in musicianship and music apprecia" tion. A Christmas party was given Dec. 17th. Carols were sung, piano solos played. Jeanette Kelly and Lester Britt sang solos. Gifts by the entertainment committee. Pa tricia Herring and Joan Westbrook received prizes for best piano playing. A recital was given in the school auaitorium Dec. 18th for the ElenV entary grades and parents of music students also attended. Officers are: President George Westbrook, Vice President Rc Marie Herring, Secretary & Treas urerBetty Rav Oulnn Chairman JMarilyn Stroud, Report er Helen Waller. Three Duplin Men In Attack on Enemy Three Duplin Navy men, Milton J. Bradshaw, seaman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brad shaw, "and Bobby M. Teachey, fire man apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Teaehey and Lt. jg) Benjamin F. Cooper of Warsaw, were aboard the battleship USS Wisconsin when she unleashed her first .sroup of "calling cards" on Red forces on the Eastern coast of Korea recently. The Wisconsin dropped the one ton, 16-inch "cards" on enemy in stallations and troop concentrations below Wonsan, in support of Repub lic of Korea and U. S. Marine Corps troops. "EifP(llpnt " uae tio tapm ,ica bf the two young lovers. Mr. Bird hv Anmv was brought to. North Carolina byto describe the accuracy of the A. J. Fletcher to direct his program Wisconsin's gunfire as she inflicted oi opera promotion tnrougnout tne heavy personnel losses and des Grady Chapter Of FFA Winner Of Tool Event By ELBERT GARVEY The B. F. Grady Chapter of Future Farmers of America won first place in a federation tnni irin. tification contest held here Jan uary 10. The Grady team scored 292 out of a possible 300 points. Nick Kor negay, who led the team with 99 out of 100 points, won a power emery wheel. Gerald Simmons, with 97 out of 100. and Kpnnoth Ray Kornegay, with 96 out of inn won a hand drill and bolt or wire cutter, respectively. The Grady team also won the contest last year but lost out in the State finals at Raleigh Th, year the team had a higher score now in his second year at the Sem- f fa'e- ,He ls graduate of Ohio traction to enemy depots, ware- than in 1952 and hopes to do bet- In.m 1 TlniUArCttU anil etnrfiul .tu l 1 1 . . I . i ' W uc wcujT. i.....w.,j avuuicu vuh:c in nouses ana gun emplacements. He comes in connection with the I New YorK with,-, the late Oscar I Mid-Century Development Program "Kle and opera dramatics in New I a a a 1m .1- J - At M . i Vnb jaatleVa I'm,,!- ft TX111 : I I k SaSk ataS aSa, ask aaa alfl stated that many other outstanding national and state officials repre- Huung, AgnouKure, industry and Labor, would appear on the -programs during the four-day session of the convention, which is expect- ea to oe one oi tne largest in the nisiory oi tne 74,ow member state organization. Duplin Sldenfs To Oe Adilioned f Jerciilh College Students of Mrs. W. J. Middleton, Jr., of Warsaw will attend piano auditions at Meredith College, Ra leigh, N. C. January 18. Les Pod olsky, distinguished concert pian ist, lecturer and editor of the "Classic Sonatos" will hold reper toire clasKs and will audition the foOnwlng students, Judy Rollins, I; r Vv,.h, Joyce Whittle, the. y Red Cross Worker Visits Kenansville! ter in the State event, whprp nach prizes are awarded. The Grady team received a Fed eration banner for winning the event. It had studied for the con test by long and careful examina tions of the 230 tools at the school. Rose Hill was second place win ner in the contest, in which schools ticipating. He will present to the discharge from the Army he cal Education and the pressing need ew Orleans Opera Association, AiifirHA! DIa for new ministers in our southland. ,Fort Worth CMe pera Assoc!- AWdrUCU 00006 uuu nwu vpera vruua, snreve-i :. . ' Colony Opera Guild. Mr. Bird has DIV. IN THE FAR EAST PFC jit a n d Pender counties suns manv leading ralea .with th wm;m ti eimTuu, t.. i " - v . . u. nnU V. A.UU IC A , same companies as well as with the Chinquapin, N. C, recently was i awuu vpcra iriuia. uuring tne awarded the Combat Infantryman summer he directs the Opera Work- Badge for excellent performance shop at the Eeagle Music Colony at of duty in Korea with the 1st Caval- Dcnroon iaxe. ew York. For.rV Division Brverai summers . ne nroduced Miss Mary Carruthers. of Golds. boro and Atlanta visited the fin. plln Coimty Red Cross Chapter operas for Television Station WRGB Jean Jones of Warsaw, Sally New ton, Anfela Dauirhtry and Call f.ewion oi 'i.enanvLle. : I here Friday, January 18. Miss Car ruthers is temporary field rear. sentative for Mrs. Marion Everett who has been transferred to At lanta, US. :,!.; :sy !.: A business meeting? will be held at the local 'Red Cross Chapter room, Friday, February .. . Jesse, Fussed Gals Promotion While serving with the 3499th Mobile Training Group at Chanute Air Force Base, HI., Jesse R. Fus- seu, uhaf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. Fussell of Route 2. Sam Hill, N. C, was promoted to ser geant. Land Ranch, Tamlaml Trail pack-; ing nouses, r on Buyers,' research laboratories and many other Inter ested locations, y .v. ; -;- February 7. 1953 is the deadlina for reservations, Weeks said. Any- uae inixeesiea m niaxing tnis TOUT is requested to contact Weeks st the Agriculture Building, at his esrfit $qi? le convenience. in Schenectady, and made many appearances on tne same station. Mr. Bird is also well .known as a concert and oratorio singer and can oe neara aauy over a North Carolina radio network. This performance of SCHOOL FOR LOVERS la belns- aoonanred by the Duplin County Schools. i?ccets are on sale at au the white schools of the county, and sell for $M and $1.29 Including tax. There will be a matinee performance In the afternoon for the school child ren, and a full night performance at 8:00 o'clock. This is the first time opera has been brought to Duplin County. Many have the Idea that all opera is spoken in a foreign language and, a a lortn ox entertainment the av- The badge, a symbol of the front line fighting man, distinguishes the combat soldier from rear area and service troops. It consists of a miniature replica of a Revolution ary War flintlock rifle mounted on a blue background and suDerimooa- ed on a wreath. , Simpson ls serving as a member of the 5th Cavalry Regiment, a part of die 1st Cavalry Division. Pvt. Hall Starts Basic Training Aberdeen Proving Ground. Md.. January 17- Pvt Gordon Hall, son of (Mrs. C. M. Jones of Route 1, Kerr has started basic tra'n'ne with wUl be proving n'week" ' Opera is good entertainment that anyone can enjoy." A School For Lovers" Is all spoken In English. Opera lovers in Duplin know what to expect and those who are not familiar with opera should take this opportunity to find out what it is all about . Treat yourself to some real entertainment by attend ing this event next Thursday night Training Center. - Upon completion of his eight weeks' basic training, Pvt Hall ex pects to be assigned to one of the many Ordnance schools In which he will receive specialised training. The current training consists of Fundamental Instruction In Infan try subjects and applying class room theory In the field. . 1951 Plates Must Be Gone by Jan. 31 Raleigh A reminder to hurrv nn and get your new license plate came irom tne Department of Motor Vehicles today. Last vear'n plates become invalid at the end of the 30 day grace period midnight January 31. So far, Commissioner L. C. Ros ier said, there have been only 500, 000 new tags sold, leaving roughly 800,000 to go. With the deadline n Sarins motorists are solr.iz to have to hurry up to avoid the' rush of last minute buyers. The 1032 tags have been on sale throughout tne Mate since uecemoer 1. Tag sales are conducted in Ra leigh five days a week, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm. Seventy branch offices phis the Winston-Salem Auto Club also retail the new tags. Only one . license plate is being issued this year and it ls to be attached to the rear of the vehicle. With Welfare Dept. Mrs. James S. Murphy of Ken snsvUle has accepted a position with the local Welfare Department She will replace Miss Doris Bouse, bride elect of the month. .

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