,a.iAl'.ON The undersigned having quall- g'ed admtmstrator ei tne eswe of llrt K. H. Holland, dwHNd late of Duplin County, this is to noC.V all pmM having claims against said estate to present these to tht undersigned oa or before December 17. 1932. or this actios wiU bo pleaded 1b bar ot tholr re covery. All persona Indebted to said ottato wMl please make ta mediate payment to Um undersign- oa. This tho 17th day of , N R. H Holland, administrator v ox mo oauto ox Mrs. n. n . Holland, deceased, Bowden, XL C. PhlUips Attorney KenansvUIe, N. C. v -l-Xt-flT-ttEP NOTICE OF-ADMINISTRATION North Carolina, DnpUa County. , Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Luther McCoy Sanderson, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign mt nanlauill Nnrth narolina. on or before the 31st day of De cember, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded In 'bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ' will please nuke Immediate pay ment This 31st day of December, 1951. Ida Mae Sanderson, Administratrix of Luther '- McCoy Sanderson. Grady Mercer Attorney at Law 2-7-6T-G M ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Duplin County Having qualified as administra -tor of the estate of Paul Kennedy, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exnimt them to the undersigned at Ke nansville. North Carolina, on or before the 3rd day of January, 1993. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recvoery All per sons Indebted to said estate wEl please make immediate payment This the 3rd day of January, 1952. Garland P. King, Administrator of Paul Kennedy. Grady Mercer, . -.y. ; Attorney at Law 2-7-oT-G M ADMINISTBTOR'8 NOTICE North Carolina, Duplin County. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Henry Falson Heath, deceased late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beulavllle, North Carolina, on or before the 31st day of Decem ber. 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment This 31st day of December. 1951. Klrby Heath Administrator of Henry Falson Heath. Grady Mercer, , jfflgl Attorney at Law. 2-7-6T-GM -NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 'Having this day qualified as Ad- tOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl Warsaw Fish Market Ocean Fresh Seafood Direct From The Sea PRICES ARE CHEAPER (Next Door To AAP) Both Wholesale and Retail Know Tour Fish or Know Ynnr Fisherman D. Z. HOLLOMAN Phone 82f We Free pressing , , , M Wsrsaw. pooooooooooooooooooooooot r 91 Anything In SASH DOORS SCREENS FRAMES CABINETS MOLDINGS Also Church Pews and Pulpits WARSAW WOOD T H ED UPI.I n ttmps Published each Friday in Kenansvllie; N. C, County Seat of , !.-'. ,r. ' ,DUPUN COUNTY- ' V: Editorial business and printing plant, KenansvUIe, N. C. ' , .' , . J. ROBERT GRADT. EDITOR w OWNER "r ' Entered at the Post Office, KenansvUIe,, N. C. 1 as second -elass matter., '' 1 ' ' ' 'y, jf" '""T at 'a."! f ION "Oi'f :X Z' KenansvUIe, 155-8 SUBSCRIPTION BATES: $3.00 per year In Duplla County , Lenoir, .Jones, Onjlow, Pender, Sampson and Wayne coun ties; .13.50 per year outside this area in North Carolina; end $4.00 Per year elsewhere. , ..,..." jv'i-'i.Adiwrtlabig rates furnished on request' , ' A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, economic and agricultural Interests of Duplin County, .J ministi-atrlx of Uie estate of Hat. tie Bell Blrchette, deceased, lata of Duplin County this is to no tify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned Administratrix oa or before tbe 2nd day of Jan uary. 1993, or this notice will be pleaded la bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. .- This 2nd day of January, 1952. , Marie- A. Monk, . , Administratrix of v Hattie BeU BlroheUe estate 2-7-OT-VBO ' NOTICE OF BALK Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed Of Trust BXaculMl Av -Tama Anna Hand and huebrad. Berry Hand, uaicu u am oay oi January, 1901, and recorded In Book 465, Page 107. of the Dunlin Countv Hscrictrv and under and by virtue of the Minority vesica in tne undersigned as substituted trustee, by an instru ment of writing dstMt tha Oth A of January, 1952, and recorded In Book Page ...V., in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness mereoy secured and said Deed of Trust betas- v tha o J -" UIC1CW subject to foreclosure, the under signed substituted trustee, will of- ier tor saie at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door In KenansvUIe, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on Friday. February is taxi k property conveyed in said Deed w lrusi, uie same lying and be ing in the County of Duplin, and State of North Carolina, in Faison Township, and more particularly described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land containing 40V4 acres, more or less, In Faison Township, Duplin County. N. C. known as the "Henry Wright" place on State Highway No. 40 about 3 miles South of Faison and now In the possession of James Anna Hand Mil IMmufoJ .1 . .. r, " u noru oy tne lands of Willie Thompson, I. Fai- nn lanl. U.K. . i : ' . luoiMi xaison. Lion Ad ams and Robinson land; on the East by the I. Hill land; on the South by the lands of L. Thompson, Ike Falson and others; on the West by the lands oOJary Ellen Thompson, Jjf,1?0"' Sam Thompson and State Highway No. 40. Said tract ... . ai-uvuiariy de scribed according to a plat thereof DramiriM fw f n.. t f. "J ius, surveyor, taItPecener, 1934, as foUows, to BBCmmm at a stake on Hlgh- )I?y wn,.40 L corner J" the lands Of Willie Thomnmn nA North 75 degrees 15 minutes East 11.6 poles to a stake; thence North poles to a stake; thence South ht degrees 27 minutes East 18.90 poles to tke; tnence North 75 Je grees 30 minutes East 13 poles to 5-J,Sa:thTe.North 88 poles to a stake; South 83 degrees 15 jntoutesjBsst 28.52 poles to u.oa poies to a stake; thence North 87 decrees 25 mlniif w- 00 rl,? e8rees Wh Ies t0 ' 8take: thence South 83 degrees 45 minutes East hJL!!.V f: thence North 8 degrees 15 minutes West 10 poles grees 45 minutes West 39.7 poles l nignway; thence Npth 13 degrees 15 minutes West 34.68 pols along the State Highway "tii.g U1B same lands as described in a Deed nf N. C. Deliver Wood Work" PRODUCTS CO. ai i 1 COv , i. ... j,,cft s Dupi 1. .-yt JU. . -y. v A ten car eeut a -oit will be required of the suoccsnAiI. bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertbjed this the 10th day of January. 1932. Albert A. Corbet v ' ' Sultuted Tnastee V':i. - .rThortoa Bldg. - Smitbfleld. N. C J-14-4T-A. A. C. N4TICS OF SALE -UNDEB AND BT VIRTUE of an ABVOTIONAI.- BKAOINOl SUtthra Born Again Lessen for January tt, IMS IN many places one often hears the expression, "born again Christians", As a matter of fact, there are no other kinds. If a person is not born again he is not a Christian.-'''.' . The first birth to of the natural self, the awakening, so to speak, to this natural world. . The second birth is of the supernatural self, the awakening to the spiritual orld, the beginning of "living 'unto G od." Sometimes this new 1 birth comes very early in life. Dr. Waffield. a vary conservative theologian, used to I L J Dr. Fertmoa think that tha second birth might in some cases actually come before the natural birth. (See Jeremiah 1:5). ; A man may become very dis tinguished, may be a great scholar, and still not have been born again. Nlcodemus Is a case in point He was a maa who had everything, as the saying is; he was a judge in the Jewish High Court, a man both wealthy and respectable. But he had not been born again. God Is tha life-Giver THE English translation of John 1:7 has given many persons the idea that being born again Is a duty. Now a duty Is something that you ought 'to do, and mat by your own choice you can do it you will. If s up to you. But (taking the teach ing of the Bible as a whole) being born again to not a duty. It is tha act of God. i What Jeeas was saytng (as the Greek ef Joba t Indicates) is , the II ta aeoeasary, tt Is la. dispensable, ta be bora egata. ! The a eaa be ae development, ae fewtfc, la the spiritual Ufa aalsss there is somewhere the : ; beglnsleg ef that Ufa. Tea mast have eeea bera enoe ta aider , te see the sunshine. Tea most be been egata la aider to see God. ; The seed which we sow in Held or garden must have the germ of life in it or it will never grow. But no farmer can give life to lifeless seed. God alone to the life-giver, in the first birth or in the second. Turn; Fellow SOME people get this far in their thinking and then they become discouraged. "If only God can give life," they think, "what is the use of my trying to obey him? If God takes the first step then all I can do is to wait for him. No matter how much I want to be a Christian in my heart, I may not be able to, for God may not see fit to make It possible for me to do what I want to do." This to a mistaken thought John Calvin, as Is well known, was a very Strang bettever ta predestination. As paster ef a" large church, he bad nam bars ef -people ta bis centre fatten who . bears him tolklng abeet predee tinaaon, the doctrine that we are ta God's hands and that spb Meal life' eaa eome only as be himself begins tt ta ear seals. ; They would ask just about, this same question: I want to be a Christian, but how do J know that God has chosen ma? I want to be a Christian, but how can I know whether X have been bom again! Calvin's answer was a simple one: If you really want to be a Christian in your heart, that to a sign, the very best sign, that you have been born again. ' ' "v '- Torn Fellow ' IN the Bible, the commands are "Turn"; , 'ToUow":, ."BeUeve"; ?Obey"i If we have not been born again these commands fall on deaf ears. If they stir our conscience, tt they make us respond, then that to a sign we have been born again. ;' Then can't Wtett when Jre' ' :f are, born -saalnT, Certainly we can teUj just by being sure. V "We know that we have passed ' from death ante life, because we love the -brethren," ' aid the' : same apostle who recorded ' -f Jesus' conversation with ' Nice! i demtis. i:-:;':1; lX'S- ' f': ..v"' . We wish 'very much'' we yknew Whether Nlcodemus ; himself was ever born again, but students of the Bible have never agreed on this.' And the reason for the uncertainty is that Nlcodemus never did come right out.r".f' .'fi;:;,.' -"r Ws know Matthew was born again because he turned his back on his former life and followed Jesus. We know that '. Nlcodemus said some kind things about Jesus. We know that after Jesus . was dead, Nlcode mus came through with a handsome contribution for the funeral. Was that only late, or was it too late? ; (CoavrlrM ISfll bT Olvtaloa, ChilNtlnn fdufal'on. Ntitlnnrtl ) tmim few t-- F 2232lLamialaaSaliiilslaS 8CRIPTUBX1 John :1 ai t!4B-S 1S:3S 4S Jone s 1 . 3, i.,a Jiv 1, .at t." tueuuttfi . ie j Cuirnuias.oaers w on the U.a day of February, IS.-, at 12:00 Noon, at the courteous door in KenansvUIe, North Carolina,- offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being In Glleson Township, Duplin County, State of North CaroUna, and more par ticularly - described as foUows: tKRST TRACT BEGINNING at a maple In Bear Branch and runs South 12 East 10 poles to a stake, the corner of Lot No. 1, la said di vision; thence East 74 poles to a pine; thence North 12 East 139 poles to a bay oa the ran of Bear Branch; thence tap the run to the beginning; containing 79 acres, more or less. f'i SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a maple at the head of a amaU drain and runs South 30 West 24 poles to a stump; thence South 40 West 21 ploes to a stake; thence West 98 notes to a sine: thence North 12 East 138 poles to a bay on Bear Branch; thence down the run of said branch to a small drain thence up that drain to the begin ning, containing 86 acres, more or less..;: ,!'-. .'H' ; ,-. The above two tracts of land be ing the same lands as described In a. deed to Enos Jones as recorded In Book 200, page 83, of the DupUn County Registry. " EXCEPTING, however, from the above described tracts of land the foUowing lands: FIRST EXCEPTION: BEGIN NING at a stake, B. W. Jones' corn er near the tobacco barn and runs South 19 West 20- poles to a stake; thence North 86-Vi West 69-Va poles to a stake In C. Jernl gan's line; thence his line South 12 West 44 poles to a stake, his corn er; thence as his other line about East 132 poles to a stake; thence North 40 East 21 poles to a stump, thence north 30 East 11 poles to a stake In the edge of the path and in a drain; thence North 98-Va West 84 poles to the beginning, containing 30 acres, more or less. And being the same lands as de scribed In a deed to Enos D. Jones as recorded in Book 307, page 99, of the Duplin County Registry. SECOND EXCEifTiON: BEGIN NING at a stake on the run of Bear Branch and runs South 19 West 79 poles to a stake near the tobacco barn; thence South 98-Va East 84 poles to a stake in the edge of the path in the drain of a small branch; thence down that drain about North 62 East 90 poles to the run of Bear Branch; thence up the run of said branch about 136 poles to the beginning, containing 41-44 acres, more or less. And being the same lands as described in a deed to B. W. Jones as recorded In Book 193, page 383, of the DupUn Coun ty Registry. A ten per cent deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertised this the Oth day of January, 1852. H. E. Phillips E. Walker Stevens Commissioners 2-7-4T-H. E. P. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an order of the Superior Court of Duplin County,' in the special pro ceedings: "In the Matter of Paul Howell, Guardian for B C. Howell. Jr.", the undersigned commission er will on the 13th day of Feb ruary, 1092, at 12.00 Noon, at the courthouse door in KenansvUIe, North CaroUna, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being n Glisson Township, Duplin County State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as foUows: BEGINNING at a stake In the old Railroad bed of the Enterprise Lumber Company in the run of the Meadow Branch and runs the center of the old Railroad South 62 East 62 poles to a stake on the Gaston KeUey, Sr. line; thence as his line South 42 West 94 poles to a stake in a flat or bottom, former ly a sweet gum; thence with Kel ley's other line South 24 West 89 poles to two red oaks, on the South side of the public road: thence, along the road south 79 West 24 poles to the run of Bul lard's Branch, thence up the run of BuUards Branch to the mouth of Meadow 'Branch; thence up the Meadow Branca to the beginning. containing 29 acres, more or less, and being the same lands as de scribed in a deed to B- C Howell, Jr. as recorded in Book 411, page 911, of the Duplin County Registry. Subject to s lease on the abeve lands which expires December 1, 1892. ri A ten per cent deposit wUl be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. ' Advertised this the 11th day of January, 1992. H. E. PhlUips, Commissioner 2-7-4T-H. E. P. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF Write or See.Us l: .About Our All Fire-Safe Long; Lasting Lou-Cost' VITA-LITE Concrete Jlcusc SMITH Concrete ..Prci!i:clsf.fcc. !jn, N. C. Ft" IH.JBVIi .nil 1 -a Vi I. O i.. 4 ju. J. iW,., : i-4.-"sd, in KenansvUIe Tow- t.-, on Saturday, February 2, IS.i. be ginning at the hour of 10:00 A. IX tne following articles of personal property: - Ail household and sutcnen rurn lture belonging 4o the estate of E. J. DaU. -. ; ' All fanning Implements of every type and description belonging to the estate of E. J. DaU. .. All hardware left over from the old at J. DaU store. One Chrysler sutomoblla. One Ford truck. ' Advertised this the 12th day of January. 1992. O.K. DaU and Alice D. Powell, Administrators of the estate of E. J. DaU, deceased KenansvUIe. N. C. H. E. Phillips. Attorney KenansvUIe, N. C. 1-31-3T-H. E. P. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ' The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of WUUe James Murray, deceased, late of Duplin County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of January, 1993, or this notice wUl be pleaded In -bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate wUl please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This is the 12th day of January, 1092. , Nathan C. Murray, Administrator of the estate of Willie James Mur ray, deceased Rosehill, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney ; - ! KenansvUIe, N. C. 2-21-6T-H. E. P NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION nnrieraiffnpfl havfna quali fied as administrator of the estate of Joe Hill Teachey, deceased, late n juupun uounxy cms is to notify aU persons having claims against said estate to nrcuutnt tham tn undersigned on or before the 12th aay 01 January, laoa, or wis notice wiU be pleaded in bar of their re covery. . AU nersons 1nrihtri tn said estate wUl please make lm- mediate payment to the undersigned.- .'.,.,., This is the 12th day of January, 1992. D. H. Teachey, Administrator, of the estate of Joe Hill Teachey, de ceased Rosehill, N. C. H. E. PhUlips, Attorney KenansviUe, N. C, 241-6T-H. E. P. v-X- NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION '1 - , The undersigned, having quail- nco as aaminisiraxors ox tne estate Of E. J. nail. daraiiaH 1at DupUn County, this Is to notify all jEravna saving claims against said estate to nmaill than, n tha, i.ma. signed on or before the 12th day 01 January, 1U03. or this notice wiU be pleaded in bar of their re covery. AU persons indebted to said estate wiU please make lm- meaiaie payment to the undersign ed. xasz? U tt I2tb day 04 January' G. H. DaU and Mrs. Alice D. Powell Admlnistratnna nt th . w u ciaia v E. J. DaU- ituMiuil H. E. Phillips, Attorney 111 - MM. V 21-6T-H. E. P. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Stephen J. Wil liams, deceased, late of Duplin County. North Carolina tht. li 4. notify all perspns having claims ""u, " emaxe or saia deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Wilmington Coca Cola Bottling Company Wilmington. N. C. . S I , I J ' . fee Xturltn Ce lt f yeses camellia has become very popular in North Carolina and entnuasasts have spent a great deal of money on this fine lowering snrun. uniu he gains experience the hard way, the beginner should understand some of the fundamentals concern ing the culture of cameUias. . . In the first place, there Is a great deal of difference in hardi ness of varieties. . wen 01 a una Greensboro to Charlotte, only tho hardiest v varieties should be tried and even they may need protection. There are varieties that bloom in tha fall, some that bloom in winter and some in spring. For the east central section of the State, the varieties that bloom In the fall and spring should be most satisfac tory, although In mild winters the winter-olooming varieties may give mwwi ta Camellia flower buds are much more easily Injured by cold than the plant itself and, therefore, the buds may drop prematurely after severe weather, even if the plant shows no Injury. Near the coast many of at BeaulavUle, N. C, on or before the 10th day of January 1993. or this notice wiU be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate will please make ' immediate payment This 14th day of January, 1992. iMary M. Williams, Executrix of Stephen J. Williams. Grady Mercer Attorney at Law ; " 2-21-6T-G. M. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION . Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of J. D. (Bostlc, Sr., deceased, late of Du pUn County, this is to notify aU persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned Administrator on or be fore the 21st day of January. 1993. or this notice wiU be pleaded in bar of their recovery. 1 1 ' All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. , , , This 21st day of January, 1992. J. D. BOSnC, JR., ADMINISTRA TOR OF J. D. BOSTXC, SR. 2-28-6T. V. B. G. O o o o o o o o u o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Auction Sale All Bring Us Your Surplus Mules Good or Bad We Have Buyers For All Kinds Bring Anything You Have To Sell All Grade Cattle 3 to 6c lb. Higher Than Last Week . Mules and Ponies Private Sale Every Day l: lOpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQU O o o o o o o o o o o o o To KenansvUIe Magnolia Pink Hill Ml Olive Bldr. Loan ooooooooooooooooccoooodooooccoocoor 'y i ' , , lu:;:k - duild:::g supplies . J t - e wlulrUooulng and n.ore tend- er varieties may be grown success- Camellias wiu grow u u sun, but semt-snaae u aesirawio. (Plants on northern exposures, or otherwise protected from too mucn winter sun wUl ceneraUy stand more cold than wiU those oa south ern exposures. Too mucn winter sun will cause eariy piant growu activity which wiU make the buds more susceptible to Injury from severe freeses. , Soils for cameUias should be well-drained and acid in reaction. A good soli may be buUt by mixing equal volumes of fertile topsoU and old sawdust or peat In transplant ing camellias they should be set sUohtly shallower than they were originally, then thoroughly watered, and mulched with a to 3 inches of nine straw. ' i: .. ;riS--'. For more" complete Information, write the Extension Garden Spec ialist N. C. State College. . , , College Publishes .'52 Farm Outlook What does 1992 bold In store for North iCbroUna'a nearly 300,000 farm families? -, r ' Specialists of the State College Extension Service have put their heads together end come up with a. summary of he State's agricul tural outlook- for the new year. Their findings are included in. a l&page publication called "North Carolina's 1992 Agricultural Out look," copies of which may be ob tained free from the local county farm or home agent or by writing the Publications Department, State College Station, Raleigh. . - Basic data In the booklet were taken from publications of the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Agricultural Economics and from the "Farm Report' of the North Carolina Department of Agricul ture. .Y-.,v..:...A ' The situation and outlook state ments were prepared by Mamie Whisnant home management spec ialist, and Dorris D. Brown, farm management specialist both of the State Collese Extension Kanliu The recommendations presented Tor Farmers Auction Stockyards Good Run of Mules, Cattle and Hogs Each Thursday at 1P.M. Kinds Farm Equipment Each FARMER'S AUCTION STOCKYARD Northern Edge of Town - Wilson Highway Help You Own Your Own Home , . ' ' J A StateHWide educ gram on enrichment t' i wiU be conducted in I.ji. . lins in - 19.iV accordln g t : Buth Current, State home t stration agent for tha State t. . s Extension Service.. .. Miss Florence Cox, Halifax C-1- ty home agent since 1942, has t cepted s one-year appolntiu' t extension nutritionist to con ' : the program.' which has been f j tlon of New York. ?" (Miss Cox developed In Halifax County one of the State's first pro grams -aimed at improving corn ' prodjucts used) for human con-; sumption. ' , r - 1 In her new post she will work, closely with corn miUets through out the State as weU as with agron-'' omlsts, entomologists, and othery personnel Of State College, the North Carolina Department of Ag- r rioulture, and other agencies. A native of GoldSboro, Miss CoxC noias a 15. a. in name economics from Guilford College and an M. A." ' in sociology and economics and' science at Fremont - and RockyU Mount high schools and LaGrange- ' CoUege in Georgia, and served ae; home agent in Polk and Hertford, , counties before gonig to Halifax. .: in X948 she was awarded a rer. tiflcate for meritorious servkw hv. " the National Home Agents Assoc iation, une nas held a number of I Offices In district and Ktaia nro.n.l DOOOOOOOOOO cm , n nninrr visVs r. riuuu Plumber STATE LICENSED! PLUMBING CONTRACTOEl SUPPUES I BATHROOM EQUIPMENfT , HOT WATER HEATERS WATER PUMPS , Kitchen srmrn I OOOOOOOOOOC( Thurs. 12 O'clock M O O o o o ( () o o 7 0 Calypso Faison i Warsaw Assoc. OA 4 "1 V ) t f i' 1 , 1 , .VI If.1'.' ' ( " A.

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