- iiniiir1- lit " lira. W. P. 'Bud" Mliler, News, At. Iientativ- ArJ Mrs. Rh Miliar Cebtrcb .c :.;r Uc-Jing Anniversary Jan. 1Ei I t celeDratloa of their silver . Bastor of the Hallavllla PrMhvtor- la: n church. Mr. and-Mr i. Andrew Miller invited guests into the din ing room where refreshments were served from a beautiful appointed table which wa covered with lace over silver An arrangement of white carnations, fern and silver flanked by llshted white taoers in silver holders formed a centerpiece wes-aog anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. l.aluh Miller entertained at their home near Beulaville on Sunday, January 13th. Guests called be tween the hours of 8 and 6 o'clock in the reception room where an cen fire was burning. The central decoration was the mantle which was banked with silvered Magnolia . leaves and llchted uoi in iiiwr candlebra. : Guests r snwt.it sod sliver nosegay! were placed at by Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and Mcn corner. A teired cake emboss received favors of silver bows' and ed ln sreen and white and topped heUa Thev wr. th.n 1 wltn 25th anniversary silver or- t he&tagMlm.?Vw closed of the honored Mr C." 17 w? STm" ffi MrV "nhP-: ftfi! X Mr. and Mrs.Walter Rhodes who .of Mrs. Miller. The cake was serv were attendants at the wedding 25 ed by Mrs. Don SoutherUnd and years ago and Hev. Sam Hayter, , they were assisted in serving mints lz c"'"""' a to tae Eeu lavuie i. VvJ i.. .. A. : Hev. fc.uith woke on the financial condition . of the orphanage. . A large crowd was in attendance and a liberal offering taken.-1 and salted nuts by Mrs. Homer wlnstead and Miss Annls Rhodes. 'From the dining room, guests were Invited by Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Into the gift room, where Mr. and Mrs. Ashe Miller received. Presiding at the register were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller and good byes were said to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller. Mrs. Murphy Thig oen was hostess at large About loo guests cauea auring lae after noon. . , Misc. Shower For Mr. And Mrs. Miller Mssens All:r.d:; Church Sunday Beulaville Masonic Lodge No. 238 attended services ln a body at the Beulaville Baptist Church Sunday nisht. The Rev. B. L. Brown, pas tor of the church was In charge of the service. ZZowerlne in Oriental recently. ... Mrs Harry. Miller and children and Mr. Bud Miller were in Fort Bragg Monday night to visit Sit Harry Miller : i Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aibertson had as their guests Sunday night lor supper, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Aibertson and family of Wallace. Mr .and Mrs. Red MiUer and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Nethercutt, Rev. Walter Goodman and Miss Lou Ann Nethercutt Y.M.V. Had Regular Meet The Woman's Missionary Society Mrs. C A. MUler Thurdy - Mr. and ours. Temple ull spent last weekend .with Mr. and Mr. C. H. Hill liv Marietta. V Miss Battle and Miss Mary Moore of Greenville were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Campbell. Mrs. S. P. Bostic and Mr. Fits Bostlc visited tn Winston Salem and Danville, Va.. last week, v Little Nancy Bostlc of Camp Stewart, Ga. spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bll- Mr .and Mrs. Red Miller and Ibro Bostlc. son Billy, Sgt and Mrs. Arlles j Friends of Mr. Roy Exum regret Aibertson enjoyed s seafood din- to know he U still confined to his rV . "7 i nomeJue to lllneu. , SJSSSSA U Utioned Mrs. W. H. Wilkin, of Battlmore. Mr anrt Mm K I. 7r01 n4 M " 1 " T" children. Linda and Jack, of , Su"e.f,f!wn" Greensboro spent the week end wltn ber parents; Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Jackson. . Friends of Mesdames Ashe M& ler and Neil Smith regret to know they are confined to their homes with an attack of flu 3 flWiJir WARSAW, N.C. Sunday and Monday, January 27-28 Pandora And The Flying Dutchman , , . (technicolor) ' -h with ATA GARDNER and JAMES MASON ' Tuesday, January 29 1 1 Thunder On The Hill with CLAUDETTE COLBERT and ANN BLYTH Vednesday, January 30 1 with YVONNE de CARLO and EDMOND O'BRIEN Serial (technicolor - ; hursday and Friday, January 31-Febuary 1 Bright Yi with ARTHUR KENNEDY and PEGGY DOW 1 , Cartoon ' : rif: aturday, February Z . Double Feature Oklahoma Justice County Fair with JOHNNY MACK BROWN 30000000000000000000000 o . -ygj. H SB SST . o o o r"SEED MTS " . ! Certified Arlington Bu. $1.90 o Fulgrain Bu. $1.45 o Kobe Lespedeza 100 Lbs. $18.95 ; SEED POTATOES Certified Maine Blue Tag Red Bliss White Cobblers 100 Lbs $6.45 100 Lbs. ....$5.95 O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooi ENEMY'S Hardware Department , Kinston, N. C. O O O O. O O O O O O O O O O o p o o o o o o o o o o . . . ,,, .ti zr i i ' iviy. -ana jrs, wu xnigpen were of the BeulavUle Baptist church I recent vl8itors of Mr. and Mrs. met last week for a regular meet- m n w,i.in. n r.viiu Mr. and Mrs. Ottls entertained' KdZfL C "St M- ! Mrj, d'oufn. Mesde" Mrs. Nonwood MUler and Rev. -.'.. Wwartt.inWiimington. Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Homer McKelthan ln Southport, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bernell Miller of Wake Forest CENTER THEATRE Mount Olive, N. C. College Is spending several days with his . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ottls Miller. Redden Thomas of Wake Forest and Miami, Fbu, will be bur guest, v.rv,::.-;.. ' Announce Birth ' Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ralev of Columbia, S. C. announce the birth of a son, Leonard Standi, Dec 24. Mrs. Baity is the former Iris Jones of Beulaville. Attending the Golden wedding Sunday January 20th of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jones of Fountain town were Mrs. Willie Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Miller, Mr and Mrs. Ottls Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Flave Mercer. Sam Havter led a number of games. ...u;lw-u""".,ui : Mrs. L. D. Sholar of Goldsboro The hostess served sandwiches, r.c: visiting mis. oiue uaicneior. cookies and soft drinks. The hon-.Bwm?B r"r. i Friends of Mrs. J. L. Powers of TeWX. Sr ,ey regret to Wow-she U very ful RiftS. Cpl. Miller is stationed at Lange- ly Field. Virginia and Mrs. Miller is the former Miss Lila Nell Neth ercutt. -i '. v-r-1 ", " ' : F.H.A. Met Friday Orphans Visit FiW. Baptist Church ' Rev.1 and Mrs. S. 'A. Smith ac companied six of the girls from ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Thigpen and family visited he rlast weekend. Mrs. P. E. Thigpen, Jr. spent several days here enroute from Camp Stewart to Fort Dix, New Jersey Sgt. and ftty-s. Rheuben Earl Thurs. Jan. 31 Samnenn And TlAlilah The F. H. A. club met Friday Camo Stewart to Fort Dix Niw I ve-.o. turning in uib nume fA.uuuiuii.-9 jersey Hedy -Victor iuuiu. sjuiiunuM ouuvuu&ics wcib i 'sgi. ana 'jyjrs. Kneuben Earl LAM AAR MATURE scjveu bum wuiwu iuc iuusiucbs mercer nave oeen visiting their Newsreel was oiscusseu. '-parents. Mr. and Mrs. Flave Meiv SuH.-Mon. Jan. 27-28 Callaway Went Thata way With Fred Howard MacMURRAT KEEL News and Cartoon Tues.-Wed. Jan. 29-30 Rhubarb With RAY MILLAND Cartoon and Sports Hula Drive In Theatre '$ CIHNQUAPIN, N. C. Sunday Monday, Jan. 27-28 "Annie Get Your Gun" ' Starring - . .. Betty Howard BUTTON KEEL . ' News After the roll call and the min utes the treasurer, Janice Smith, gave the financial report. The pro ject committee,, for the years pro ject, suggested the donation of a wardrobe for the Home Economics department and the redecoration of the girls dressing room at thej gymnasium. . This was unanimously approved by the members present. 'Also plans were initiated for a party and a talent show to be held in the spring. Evelyn Penney was elected reporter .since the former one resigned. Tuesday Wednesday, Jan. 30-31 "Reformer & Redhead" Starring June Dick ALLYSON POWELL also Short & Cartoon Thursday Friday, Jan. 31 & Feb 1 "The .Frogmen" , Starring Richard . Dana WIDMARK ANDREWS also Cartoon Saturday, February 2 "Outcast 'Of Black Mesa" Starring CHARLES STARRETT , Also Serial Cartoon V Short MODEL THEATRE BEULAVILLE. N. C. Movies Are Better Than Ever "Why Worry? See A Movie" . WEEK OF JANUARY 27 Sunday Monday e Here Comes The Groom Binr ' Jane CROSBY WYMAN . Also Selected Short Subjects Tuesday Wednesday ' Cattle Drive Joel Dean MoCRAE ' STOCKKWELL Also Selected Short Subjects Thursday . SPECIAL One- Show Only Auction For March of Dimes starts at 7:15 Darling How Could You John ' ., Joan LUND 1 FONTAIN Also Selected Short Subjects Friday. . . Submarine Base ! ' . AU Star Cast : .'Serial No. 5 Don Daredevil Also Selected Short Subjects Personals Mrs. Clifton Qulnn and daughter Jo Anne of Chapel Hill were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs: Leon Qulnn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ken nedy., ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Q. Watson and daughters of Smlthfield spent Sun day with Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown. Mrs. Watson and daughters remained for a visit of several days. Mr. and Mrs. A. L Cavenaugh of Warsaw visited Mrs. Paul Parker Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Miller and son Jeff made a business trip to Goldsboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ehvood Kennedy were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brinson in Kenans- ville. v.- Mrs. Vera Bostln, Mrs. Perry Williams and Miss Margaret John ston visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Motor Park Drive-In Theatre PINK HILL, N. C Where The Whole Family Goes To See Good Shows - Telephone 2841 cer and Mrs. Clarance Thieraen. Sgt. and Mrs. C. A. Cattany of Midway Park were recent guests of Mrs. Mattie Bradshaw and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sutton. Frl.-Sat. Feb. 1-2 Hong Kong (In Technicolor) With V 1 Mrs. Mllford and sons of Warsaw STA . Ronald Saturday' ' . ;' . :' Heart Of The Rockies with ROY ROGERS. Also Selected Short Subjects o o o o o o o o- o () ) o o o o o o o () r 9 PLOW LINES PLOW TRACES COLLARS -. v " BRIDLES tN HARNESS v GRUB HOES ' f-trAXES-.' RAKES CEMENT' v' MORTAR 1 , SIDING WINDOWS OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO o O O o O O O o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o () .1,5 - BACK BANDS LEATHER LINES , HAME STRINGS ' . DITCH BANK BLADES; 4 . . POST HOLE DIGGERS ": SHOVELS . , . ' liANDLES, all kinds ' . .. sr. v pttcH FORKS , t ::til U ROOFING' , SHINGLES ."'' ,y rv,tu f-s cs doors ": ''. - GLASS! D. U. Sunday, Jan. 27 Kafy Did It Starring . Ann " ' Mark BLYTHE" STEVENS Comedy: Joe McDoakes : j And Cartoon Mon,-Tues. Jan. 28 29 Captain Horatio ; iHorfiblower ; Starring 1 ' " Gregory Virginia PECK MAYO " Comedy 1 fiarly Bird Do6d It, And Cartoon Wed.-Thurs. Jan. 30-31 ; Bad Boy .;: ' Starring AUDIE MURPHY Also Pete Smith s Specialty HARDWARE AND BUILDING MATERIAL v Fri-Sat. Feb. 1-2 ' Double' Feature-- Red Desert Starring Don 'Red Barry 1 - And . ' - Kill Or Do Killed (C A IP II If A g U li! it: A n l li Danca Theatre WALLACE BEST IN MUSIC Mve-fe Theatre Wallace N1GHTLT BEGINNING AT thtf TWO COMPLETB SHOWS Thursday-Friday . : Jan. 24-25 "No Highway In The Sky" James Marteate STEWART DIETEICH Satsurday Jaau Z dble Feature) "Inside The Walls Of Folsom Prison" STEVE COCHRAN "Texas Terrors" DON "RED" BARBT WEEK OF JANUARY 27 Sunny Side Of The Street Frankle Billy LAINE DANIELS Monday Tuesday Decision Before Dawn Richard ' Gary BASEHART MERRILL Wednesday Double Feature Return Of The Rangers And Jungle Manhunt Thursday Friday Barefoot Mailman Saturday Double Feature Marked Trail And Ghost On The Loose Late Show Disc Jockey Sunday-Monday - Jan. 21-Zg "I Was A Communist For The FBI" frank Dorothy LOVEJOT HART Tuesday-Wednesday Jan. 29-St "Walk Softly, Stranger" JOSEPH COTTEN and VALLI Thursday-Friday Jan. Sl-Feb. 1 "Raton Pass" Dennis Patricia MORGAN NEAL DIAL 3330 FOB EXPERT Locksmith Service PASCHALL'S : REPAIR SHOP JJM W. NORTH ST. KINSTON, N. C. -" FARMER FRIENDS: We Sell: Double Feature Saturday, January 26 Colorado Ranger -Starring JIMMY ELLISON, FUZZY KNIGHT, RUSS HAYDEN and RAYMOND HATTON Also Triple Cross Starring JOE KIRKWOOD, JR., JAMES GLEASON And CATHY DOWNS Sunday-Monday, January 27-28 Week-End With Father Starring VAN HEFLIN, PATRICIA NEAL And GIGI PERRAU Tuesday, January 29' Crazy Over llerses Starring LEO GARCY and The BOWERY BOYS Wednesday, January 30 Mark Of The Renegades Starring RICARDO MONTALBAM And CYD CHARISSE Thursday, Friday, January 31, Feb. 1 Flame Of Araby Starring MAUREEN O'HARA and JEFF CHANDLER ooooooooooooooooooooooooi CECIL A. MILLER General Insurance Beulaville, N. C. Office At Brown & Miller Co. O o o o o o o F. S. ROYSTER FERTILIZER V. C. FERTILIZER NACO FERTILIZER Old Reliable Field Tested Brands (No Better Made) Buy Your Fertilizer Early And Avoid Delay in Later Deliveries COKER'S & BELL'S TOBACCO SEEDS A Full Line Of Field And Garden Seeds Here For Planting Time Plenty Best Grade 4 & 5 Yard Widths ' In Tobacco Bed Covers Ready For Delivery I We Will Appreciate Tour Business. C. E. QUINNCO. KENANSVILLE General Farm Supplies S ,X"X"XKxxX"X":X"XkkX"XKxxX":xx:xW"0:I ooooooooooooooooooooooo Used Tractor Specials Allis-Chalmers Model C Includes Cultivator, Fertilizer Distribu or and Corn Planter. $795.00 Ford Fergusons Model 9-N Ford Tractors Model 8-N ' , $845.00 We Can Supply You With Any Model Used V t ' : .. . TRACTORS JENKINS-JONES riOTOR COMPANY CAROLINA Building Supply Co. 1410 W. Vernon Ave., Kinston. Phone 4681 KITCHEN CABINET ACCESSORIES FLOUR BINS SUGAR BINS DISAPPEARING POT HOLDERS DIsaDDearlns Towel Holders V O DISAPPEARING GARBAGE CANS O SPICE SHELVES O VEG. BINS Just What SHE Always Wanted JUST RECEIVED CARLOAD 12" ahd 38" sheet: ROCK TV' Phone 4702 Ki--n, N. C KPISTQN, N. C. , n . C. Tractor Dept..

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