t VOL. NO. 19 Ttiree Fishermen Tailing Drinks Results n ill Pond Two Mount Olive Negro men, Wilbur Baynor and David John Durham, were drowned in - about eight or 10 feet of water. Sunday afternoon when tneir smau iisn ine boats capsized in the old Cook' Albritton mill pond in Wolfserape townshlD, Gordon Merritt, White man of the Bear Marsh section, who oper ates the pond, saved their compan : Ion, Raymond McMillan, also of Mount Olive, from what might have been the same fate, when he res cued the exhausted Negro as he clung to a small tree limb. Sheriff Ralph Jones and Deputy Sheriff Murray Byrd of Faison, in- , vestigated the accident ana cor oner Gurman Powell ruled an in- auest unnecessary. According to Merritt the three ' men were alone on the pond, while be and a companion were standing - on the dam. Merritt said he heard someone shouting up near the head of the pond, 'but figured at first one of the trio had' either bad a bite, or else had hung a fish. In a few minutes, however, he distinguished the shouting as be ing calls for help, and he and his companion used a motor boat to reach the scene. When they arrived they found McMillan clinging by lis finger tips to a small tree limb near where- his companions had i gone down. Instructing McMillan to hold on to the edge of his boat, Merritt eas ed to the .shore where others who bad arrived in the meantime drag ged the exhausted, man ' onto the bank. -- . ' While bystanders went to Mount . V CONTINUED ON BACK 1' Roy Rove Out For Lt. JSqvernor V..' .- f'. - .":"" (Burgaw, Jan. 16, Roy Rrwe, of Burgaiw, Pender County, Veteran North Carolina legislator, proml- nent businessman and farmer, to day formally announced bis can- dldacy for Lieutenant Governor in the Spring Democratic Primary. 1 He said be would conduct an energetic campaign, speaking or appearing in each of the state's 100 counties before the vote, on May 31, " "I solicit the support of all North Carolina Democrats on the basis of my record as a member of the legislatures . during , more than ; a dozen years of the state's greatest progress. . f'The office of Lieutenant Gov ernor Is noe of high responsibility. If elected, I will strive to continue Che trjlition, set by some of North Carolina's most able men, of dig- KENAN MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM r ,r"f AnolLer $Z2Z$ Last Saturday Supt of schools O. P. Johnson received three thou 1 dollars from the Kenan fam ' wards completion of I"an '1 Auditorium. Mr. ..Win. anan, Jr., bis sister Mrs. i Kenan and Mrs. Jemie - a sent yi.uoo each, ibis a total $28 000 the three i towards the building. f . miiy have been very . i i their thoughtfulness f ! t their old t-"n' ' " ? ia receui ! ' ; -stinted . . . . Taking Two County Ranger Miller Issues Burning Permit Order; List County Ranger 1 Ralph Miller would like to remind the citizens of Duplin County that beginning Feb ruary 1, 1952, it will again be necessary to obtain a burning per mit before doing any burning. The following is a copy of Chap ter 14-139 of the 1943 General Statutes of North Carolina provid ing that: Section I. It shall be un lawful for any person, firm or cor poration to start or cause to be started any fire or ignite any mat erial, in any of the areas of wood lands under the protection of the State Forest Service or within five hundred feet of any such protected areas, between the first day of February and the first day of June, inclusive, in any year, without first obtaining from the State Forester or one of his duly authorized agents a permit to set out fire or ignite any material in such above mention" ed protected areas; no charge shall be made for the granting of said permit. Section II. This Act shall not apply to any fires started or caused to be started within five Magnolia Negro Held Without Bond In The Pistol Slaying Of His Wile Ernest-Bright Magnolia Negro, is being held in Jail without priv ilege of bond, as ordered by the coroner's jury, In the murder of his 25 year old wife, Inez, at their home Monday morning about 12:15. According to officers the Sheriff was called from a doctor' office in Rose Hill telling him thoMwas a. dead woman at bis office. Jones sea Psssr Visit indJviseloMilieailiSSfers Duplin County health Depart- ment had as guest from the State Board of Health last Friday Miss Anne Lamb, : nurses ' consultant, Miss Sarah Goggins, field director of clerical staff and Dr. Robert F. Murphy, Pediatric consultant. . The purpose of their visit was to Help in the planning ol tne depart ments- activities for 1952. " mr. Murphy put a special stress on the importance of promoting better care of prenatals and infants, em phasizing - the fact that Duplin's infant death rate last year was among the highest in the state 61 J as compared with that of the state which is 34.7. The alarming mat ernal death rate in Duplin County is 4.7 as compared with State ma ternal death rate of 12, Of 1002 births in Duplin In 1952, 5 per cent were delivered in the borne and 43 per cent in hospitals. This statistical fact rates Duplin along with the state average, thus assuring us that Duplin -mothers bad as good as average care at de livery, but leaves an unanswered question as to how much prenatal care these mothers bad,: and bow well their babies were cared for after birth. Recent : scientific studies -, (how that mothers with the proper pre natal care enjoy better health, have fewer birth complications, and give birth to healthier babies, better developed, and with greater resis tance .to disease, ,.., - The Duplin Health Department is working In coordination with For Auditorhan help in completing installation of water works, sceptic tank and dres sing rooms. Any money left over will be spent towards completion of other parts of the project The heating plant has been installed and is said to be working fine. A good deal more will be needed be fore the building is flnaMy com pleted and now that the county has acquired all prr-rtjft iiind it we hope that f i c v J not be t" long : ed J..' I er ii I of i t KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA . THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, County Jr. Lives Sunday Of Permit Agents hundred feet of a dwelling bouse. Section III.' Any person, firm or corporation violating this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not more than fifty (50) dollars, or imprisoned for a period of not more than 30 days. Section IV. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with th'sysrovisions of this Act are hereby repealed. You can obtain burning permits from the -following permit agents: G. R. Ctwan, Beulaville, R.F.D.; Edgar English, Wallace, R.FJJ.; Chinquapin Fire Tower; A. C. Hall Hardware--Store; Wallace; Leland Sheffield, Rose Hill Tower; Farm ers Hardware Store, Warsaw; H. A. Parker, Bowden; Jessie Grice Store, Calypso; John W. Waters, Mt. Olive, R. F. D.; C. E. Stephens Hardware Store, Kenansville: Graham Chest nut Store, Warsaw, RFD.; Thur mari Evans, Rose Hill, R.F.D.; Al vin Smith, Pink Hill Fire Tower; Woodrow Smith Store; M. R. Oats, Faison Hardware Store; James Mil ler, Hardware Store, Beulaville, N. C.i Ralph Miller. . and deputy Perry Smltn called Coroner? Gunman Powell and went to.. Investigate. -"iThey found the woman had been shot through the left side with a 32 pistol and ap parently died soon thereafter. Cor oner Powell said there were ample signs .In the home to indicate a severe scuffle. The woman was pregnant. They had no children. private physicians and midwives in urging all -expectant mothers to begin prenatal care as early as possible In pregnancy. Special maternity ' and infant clinics are held at the health de partment in Kenansville each 4th Thursday afternoon at the health department, with Dr. John J?. Powers, part time health officer in attendance. - Miss Mary Lee Sykes and Mrs. Helen' Ballard of this department attended a two day meeting at James Walker Hospital in Wilming ton last Wednesday and Thursday. The meeting was sponsored by the State Board of Health and James Walker Hospital, cooperating. The purpose of the meeting was to give public health nurses some instruc tions in the most up to date meth ods of caring for premature babies. Mr. J. L. Higgens, from the Divi sion of Sanitary Engineering, State Board of Health visited this de partment last week and assisted our local sanatarian in making plans for a new abbatior in-Duplin. 'Mrs. Louisa C. Bullock, from the State Blind Commission, Raleigh, visited this department ' Tuesday in the interest of an eye clinic for Duplin school children. iwo group meetings were visit ed by Mrs. Gordon Kornegay of this department last week with health movies. A movie on mental health was shown at Warsaw P.T.A. meeting and one on the activities of a health department was shown at the monthly meeting of Frank lin Home Demonstration Club. Dr. C. C. Anolewhite and Dr. Coker from the division of local JPiealth administration State Board Viiil Health .were recent visitors to Duplin Couny in the interest of hiring a full time health officer for Duplin County., , Home From Korea . 'Mrs. J. Robert Jones has receiv ed word fro mher husband, Capt J. Robert Jones who has been in Japan that be Is enroute home fro mKorea. Mrs. ; Jones is the former Helen Parker of Outlaw's Bridge. Sbe and their two child ren. Donna Lou and Bobby reside with ber parents at , Outlaw's Bridge. , New Drive Hsulaville What Is said to be the largest drive-in-theatre in Duplin County Is scheduled to open Thursday niaht February 7th. Twfllte Drive- In Theatre, all new in every de tail, has been attracting the inter est of oasainc motorists as it nas been under construction on high way 24 about one mile East of -ljiwlile towards Kenansville. stm covers several acres 1 on f r 1 "tti side Lady, have you lost A Week End.. Bag? .Mondy, the Sheriff's office re ceived an attractive lady's week end bag and a nice top-coat. The bag was -packed with adequate week-end clothing of some, appar ently young, lady. Night clothes, toiletries etc, a dress or two. The bag was sent in by Robert Lee Russell of 507 Pollock Street, New Bern, saying he found it 3 miles East of Rlchlands on highway 258. The bag, it was said, was on the side of the road just as if it had been placed there. No identifi cation was found o nthe bag or clothing. Not even a trade mark or dry cleaner s name or numb er. iZ. THOMAS GREY TORRANS Mr .and Mrs. Ellis Torrans re ceived word this week that their son, Thomas urey Torrans of tne U. S. Navy, was leaving San Diego, California for the State of Washing ton, having completed his training there. ' Thomas leaves with the honor of being the outstanding man of his company. Says his Com- my association with him the past three months, I am sure he will be a, uwTm. and of great service to ms country. I am very proud of him." ",, Home Dem. Women Asked To Write Recipes Of Colonial Days; Stcry Forest Fires Due To Carelessness Forest Ranger Ralph Miller re ports that many farmers are be ing too careless with burning tob acco beds and new ground. On last Friday he was called to five fires. Large fires he said were on War saw Rt,2 Kenansville, Rt. 1, Pin- hook, near Teachey. Anos Lanier's and Walter Rhodes. The Rhodes fire was small. Warsaw Man Buys ' Henry Rivenbark, formerly with the Duplin Supply Company in Warsaw, has recently purchased the business in -Wallace known as Mac's Farm Supply. ' Mr. Rivenbark has affiliated with the FCX and the business now goes under the name of IVallace Farmers Exchange, lo cated next to the Minchow Buick Company, ' The new business is equipped to supply the farmers in seeds, feeds, fertilizers, IbaJby chicks, and groc eries. :.:;': Henry especially invites his friends in the area covered by the Times to Visit his place on their next trip to Wallace. .. Rivenbark' was born and raised In Warsaw and was with the Duplin Supply Company for four years. He attended school in Warsaw. Dur ing the war be saw 27 months ser vice in the army 24 months of which were spent overseas In the Pacific area. He is living In War saw at present but expects to move to Wallace as soon as living quart ers are available, - - In Theatre ThursdayFearj7tIi. A. Y. York, have gone all out toloons and candy will be provided bring the very latest in equipment to theatre goers or xnipun. Farc ing space and loud speakers have been provided for 208 cars with room to add more as the demand Increases. A new 39-41 ft. screen baa been put up. Simplex project ion equipment has been Installed. Four modern aanttary rest rooms have been provided. For the opening night the opera tm i n't? - d orchids for the ' i ' t 250 to ent r a a ore' a J. L 1- bspital Site Selected. (county Purchases Entire IMIome SixeQvM.B. Williams; 31 Acres In Town;Plan School Expansion Dr. Gooding Case Not To Grand Jury Solicitor Walter Britt announced this week that the case against Dr. G. V. Gooding, former Health Of ficer, would not be presented to the Grand Jury this week as ex pected. Mr. Britt said he had hoped to nave it prepared and ready but heavy court cases in the winter and since Christmas have not permitted time for sufficient preparation. He hopes to be able to present it to the April Grand Jury. Marley Merritt Not Guilty Of Killing Father Marley Merritt, 15 year old Mag nolia white boy was exonerated in the killing of his father Creto Mer ritt in Superior Court here this week. A jury was called but never empanneled for the case. Judge Q. K. Nimmocks heard the evidence in the matter and ordered the plea of nolo contendre which had been entered by the boy's attorney, be struck out and a directed verdict of not guilty be entered. Judge Nimmocks said he had never had a case before nim just nice tnis one. Quoting the law that a man had the right to protect his home and himself he said the boy was protecting the home and his moth er, as well as himself, from a drunken father. . Evidence showed (tithe mother and the boy had been fctjhreatened by the father at other g Rimes. When the boy entered he house on Saturday night, Jan. 12th, be found his father unmercifully beating up his mother and he see ured a gun and shot him. I By PAULINE OUTLAW Mrs. J. B. Torrans, President of the County Council of Home Dem onstration Clubs of Duplin Coun ty, presided over their meeting Friday afternoon, January 25 in Kenansville. Mtrs. Billie Blan chard acted as secretary. Mrs. Mary McAllister, District Agent, discussed the new ventures of the clubs for this year. All persons with recipes of the Colonial Days are 'requested to give a copy of those recipes with a human in terest article to the Foods leader of the local clubs at an early date. The Times would like copies to publish. Those selected will go in a Federation Cookbook. we are urged to sell and buy stamps valued at 25c to support the Unesco Gift Pan to send a Home Freez er Unit to the .Philippine islands. Each club woman is urged to enter the Rural Home Essay Contest and the Homemaker's Creed Con test. The essay is to contain less than, two thousand words and the local winner's essay should be in the . hands of the County Commit tee before June 1. w - The women have a treat in store February 14 when Paul Green au thor, and lecturer, will speak on his recent trip around the world at the Second Annual Conference on International Problems to be held in ChapetHlll. Mrs. Torrans reminded all wom en to keep the accomplishments record in the back of their club books for the period of Oct. 1, 1951 to Oct. 1, 1952. She appointed Pauline Outlaw as CounbiciuP tytly Pauline Outlaw as County Pub licity Chflitiman. Local clubs are asked to serve on the committee of their choice for the District Meet ing to be held in Kenansville this Spring. - Everyone is Invited to visit the Civilian Defense Exhibit in Pep pers', Warehouse in Winston Salem February 1, 2, 3, Admission is free.-.' - .. ' ' CONTINUED ON BACK Opens In free to all children. Mrs, Archie Lanier will be In the bootb selling tickets with York and Lanier taking them up at the gate. Mr. Humphrey of Rlchlands, an' experienced operator, has been secured, to run the projection ma- ' For more details about the thea tre and opening nights' program see Twill' - Theatre ad on an Inside pa?. atch for the weekly sche dule i week on the theatre page ia t . . .Ia Times - . 1952 PRESIDENT AND MRS. J. ROBERT PRICE of the Church of Jesus Christ of i the Central Atlantic States Mission. Latter Day Saints who are leaving) Church Group Bid Farewell To Mission President And Wife At Colfax Meeting Snow Was Pretty But Tough On Kids It was tough on the kids as well as some older folks with kid's ideas Tuesday when old man winter brought a nice snow fall to Duplin. In Kenansville snow began falling about mid-morning and continued pretty generally until well on in the afternoon. At times large flakes would come whirling down and at others small snow drifting in the wind. But warmer weather the night before brought rain apd it didn't turn cold enough to freeze the ground before the snow fell. So all we had was a pretty snow fall not enough sticking to turn the roof tops white. Tuesday and Wednesday nights brought hard freezing weather. I The thermometer in Kenansville each night registered about 18 de grees. Carnival Man Goes Free Irvin John Talmage, carnival worker, who has been in jail in Kenansville since the week follow ing Armisitce celebration in War saw, wast freed this week when the Grand Jury failed to return a true bill of indictment against him. Tal- madge, reportedly from New Jer sey, thanked the Sheriff for all he had done for him and said every one in Duplin had been very nice. When released he asked permissoin to spend the night in jail as he had no immediate plans. He visited the Times offices and expressed his appreciation to the public in Du and Deputy , plin and especially the sheriff and Deputy Sheriff and jailer Oliver Home. He said be had gained 20 lbs. while in Jail on the good food served him. He was locked up on charges of abducting Evelyn Blackburn, young Warsaw high school girl. When the case came (before court the girl nor her father wished to prosecute so it died for lack of evidence. Hospital Trustees Meet llexfVeek The Board of Trustees of the Duplin County Hospital will meet In the Court House here on Friday night of next week and formally organise. A chairman will be elect ed and various committees will be appointed. Regular meeting dates will be decided. By-laws of the hos pital require that the board meet at least once every three month. Probably a major subject of discus sion at next week's meeting will be a program of membership drives for a Blue Cross Hospital ization insurance. ... . PRICE TEN CENTS By MRS. MELVIN POTTER Sunday January 27, a mission conference was held at the Col fax Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Colfax is located 11 miles out of Greens boro, N. C. on the Winston-Salem highway. President J. Robert Price and his wife, who have pre sided over the Central Atlantic states Mission for the past four years, have been released and a new mission president and his wife have come to preside over this mis sion. The chapel at Colfax has beir. built since President Price came to this mission. It is a beautiful building and beautiful flowers were arranged for the occasion. There were over 1000 in attend ance at the first session which be gan at 10:00 a.m. and over 1100 at the second session which began at 1:30 p.m. Of this number 175 were missionaries. The Central Atlantic States Mis sion includes North Carolina, Vir ginia ,and part of W. Va. The mis sion is divided into districts and a district president, presides over each district. Talks were made by these district presidents and also by others. During the second session Pres. Price read a letter he had written to the Fir s t Presidency of the Church in Salt Lake City Utah asking them to consider the build ing of a Temple in this mission The Church now has 8 Temples and those who have seen these Temples or pictures of them will agree that they are very beautiful. . Pres. Pricj was known as the little dynamo. He has really had a building program underway and under his leadreship there have been 26 new chapels .built or are under process of being built. Just before the second session of conference was closed Pres. Dav id Hyatt .first counselor to Pres. Price .presented President and Sis ter Price a book from the mission. It includes names and home ed dresess of all missionaries who have served under their leadership and many pictures of new chapels and a brief history of the branches and districts in the mission. They will always be remembered and CONTINUED ON BACK i!t About Mr. Williams Mr. H. D. Williams of Kenans- endeavored to get something start- vllle all of his life has been a pub-led. lic spurted citizen. He was one of the promoters of our public road system when it was in its in - fancy. : - .. . When the question of a site for The Duplin Story arose Mr. Wil liams gladly donated the site, free of charge, and was a loyal sup porter of the Pageant. v . In working out a trade with the County Commissioners on the hos pital site he said he was giving bis office building, situated just above tne Spring, to the county for use by the County Library. It wijl probably be moved. : i. ' . . Several years ago be says be received the idea of a Countv Hos pital and convalescent homo and No. 5 After about two hours of discus sion and visiting three approved sites in the town of Kenansville for the new Duplin County Hospital Monday afternoon the Board of County Commissioners decided to purchase the home place o H. D. Williams. Sites offered for the Duplin County Hospital were: E. A. New ton site on Beulaville Highway 8 acres, price $4 000; Ben Stroud site on Beulaville Highway 6 acres, price $6,000: D. S. Williamson site on Chinquapin Highway 8 acres, price $6,400; D. J. Murray site on Warsaw Highway 8 or 10 acres, price $1 000 per acre; C. E. Quinn James Sprunt School site 7 fr-10 acres, price $6,000 and tear down one old building and remove an other; Bowden, Heirs, J. J. Bow den home site 64 acres price $15, 000; and H. D. Williams home site about 31 acres, price $22,500 and remove house. On January 4, 1952, Staff Mem bers of the State Medical Care Commission inspected each of the sites that had been offered. On January 14, the State Medical Care Commission recommended approv al of either of three sites, viz: the James Sprunt School site, the Bow den property site and the H. D. Williams site. The Town of Kenansville had agreed to put water to either of the three sites tentatively ap proached by the State Medical Care Commission, and to enlarge the Town wat retank and put down I another well. 'ine estimated cost or a sewer age treatment plant Is $10,000. The cost of 8-inch sewer outfall is esti mated at $2 per foot. Monday afternoon the Board of County Commissioners met with the Hospital Building Committee and the Hospital Trustees. Thir teen members of the Board of Trustees were present and one member who was absent sent In his vote. The three sites tentatively approved by the State Medical Com mission were discussed. The Trus tees and Building Committee in spected the sites and afterwards were each asked to recommend their first, second, and third choice of the three approved sites. The '.ally of these recommendations showed: James Sprunt School site, first choice 7, Second choice 5, third choice 1; H. D. Williams pro perty first choice 7, second choice 7, third choice none. After discussion the Board of County Commissioners decided to purchase the H. D. Williams pro perty for the hospital site in ac cordance with Mr. Williams' offer. The original Resolution appoint ing the Duplin County Hospital Building Committee provided that "The Board of County Commission ers, with the advice of the Hospital Building Committee and the Execu tive Director and staff of the State Medical Care Commission, will sel ect the site for the County Hospital including relating facilities." TWr WilUnmc' cito that uroe col J ected by the Board consists of about 31 acres of land, and is his entire home in the Town of Kenansville. He reserved all of the trees and timber on that part of said tract of land lying in the Grove Swamp; with the right to cut and remove the same from the land at any time prior to the 1st day of Janu ary, 1960, with the usual rights-of-way and other easements for the purpose of cutting, manufacturing and removing said timber. The offer further provides that Mr. and Mrs. Williams reserve to themselves and to the survivor of them a life estate in the house in which they now reside, together with a lot not larger than one hun derd and fifty feet square sur rounding it, all of which house and lot shall revert to the County upon their death as aforesaid. It is expressly understood that said house may remain at its present site, but if it shall be found to in terfere with the most desirable use of the remainder of said land for the purposes for which it is beini purchased, It may at the election of the County be removed to any other suitable place on said land with like use and revsilon as above set out, the cost and expense of such removal shall be borne by the CONTINUED ON FRONT Then when this hospital build- ing program developed he and Mrs. Williams took an interest. They 1 first offered to give a tract of land 150 feet by 1000 feet for the hoe- i pital site, and coupled this with a statement that they would sell any part or all of their home sit if needed. Mr. Williams said that he would like to be able to give all of the site but that be was not a wealthy man. - - ",- v Mr. and Mrs. Williams are mak ing a real sacrifice to give up their borne,' but feel that they are be ing compensated by the thought of .doing something for their county and of relieving the suffering of our people.

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