Ulrs. Howard Joiner, Reporter and Subscription Agent. jt tease iui hits, joiner at telephone 454 lor news v D::;!;f2rs Sfdy lives Of Lee, :;:i:n And Ikory At Regular filing The United Daughters of the con- lea eracy neia us regular tnontniy meeting on January 24th. at the home of Mrs. 1. B. Huie. She was assisted In entertaining by Mrs. Rivers Johnson, Mrs. John Pierce and Miss Alice Blackmore. The president, Mrs. Paul Potter, - presided at the meeting. Mrs. Henry Stevens who is the Dlvlsion- . xi ouue rresiaeni, gave an interest ing account of the recent meetings that she had attended. ; : : The program was in charge of Mr.-N. B. fioney of Kenansvllle, who was assisted by Mrs. Charles Carroll and Mn , C A .. .Wnmv The lives of Lee, Jackson and Mau ry wnose Birthdays are in January were read and diamiawd ; Mr Charles Carroll read speech, by me late Mrs. w. il. Hill on presen tation of crosses of honor. ' - After toe oron-am th hnatoaa served oartv sandwiches anil ta The visitors present were Sara Huie,: Mrs. Luther Beasley, Mrs. Daisy Smith, Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. Herbert Best Jr.. Mm Jpptv newaoia, , ana Mrs. . Claiborne Quinn. - i : .at the Detroit Garden and Flow er Show In 1946. She is an ac credited iudee of both aneclmen oioom ana nawer arrangements ana is connected with the Women's National Farm anil flarfiort Aaawta. Hon, the National Council of State Garden Clulha and Mm Amtriran Kose society. Warsaw Garden Club Hews And Holes Noted Flower Expert Make Talk Toesaajr v.- ' One of the MffhllEhta at thm mid, : winter Garden events will be the Interesting free lecture on flow er arranging at the Moose Hall, Third and race Streets on Tues day, January 29th at 2 P.M., when The Garden Center of Wilmington will present Mrs. Frank Kauten berg of Kalamazoo, Michigan and Richmond, Virginia, who will give B stepMby-step demonstration of c how to make modern and period arrangements - empnasizing line), mass, and line mass details. Mrs. KautenbeFff. r a natlnnallv known flower arrane-er. hnlda th National Council and Michigan State Horticulture .Certificate in JudSinC flower shows, nArtlm iltitr flower show practice, and land scape design. She was Invited to Judge at the Ntaional Flower Show in Washington. rD C. laat mrini She won the SweeDstakea award' tic flowers have alreadv arrived at the Garden Center from. Florida where the arranger anent a rwMt vacation. ' This material will be urcu .iu Hw w Mie UTimemeHLB. hut the major portion of her work will consist of everyday flowers ana shrubs in our Ional oorri&n. The material tn ha usad mill in. elude - roses, gladiola. maenolla leaves, tern, snapdragons, (flower ing shrubs, including our own beau tiful camellias. -: Thi la an Anttnrtiinlfw 4t - j-t- v.. . uv one who is interested in flower ar- uausiug Buuiu miss, saia Airs.. Sallie Birmingham Executive Sec-! retarv of the Canton rnt.r li eating capacity lor 00 to The first1 term honor roll fur the Warsaw High School has been released by J, p. Harmon, Princi pal. -!..' The complete list of honor grade students is as follows: - r Seventh grade girls Sara -Alice Pussell, Lynette Bostie Janice Wil liams. Boys Henry Carlton, H. C. Philips. ' ' ,- . Seventh crradA JTIrth nnnth 1 ! liiria toara Alice Fussel, Carolyn carter, Janice Williams and Lyn ette Bostic. Boys nHenry Carlton illtos. - Seventh erade TirmiMm Lynette Bostic t Eighth grade fourth month Girls Ann Blanchard Marie Brock, ,ucy iwnn, Edith Bitter, Reba i , ... a Suula, Pat Hutbard ami Lnirley Shine. n - , toinih Grade Fourth Month Girls Betty Mozingo Peggy To rans and Joyce Whittle. Boys Ronald Rowe . f'v. '-.': Ninth grade term Girls Betty Mozir and Peasv Ton-ana.. Bon Bonaiu Rowe. - ; - Tenth ffrariAlTniirth Month Girls Nancy Houston. Boys John .Tenth grade Term Girls Nan cy Houston and Molly Hipp. Boys John Steed. a-,. , . i Mitchell and Mamie Bostic. L-. . Twelfth Grade Fourth Month uu jo mary juuzaoem . i'acicer, Joyce Ann Jones and Barbara Rowe Saufst Barbara StanclL Kathryn Twelfth Grade Term Girls Mary Whalv and Pat HuhharJ I ru...u . . T ' ,rtHA2'rLll -we am Jones Blanchard, Lucy .Dunn. Barbara' ua .,,. . . i-.i. 'The Home Gardner' Is llame Of Hew Hub Organized In arsan Recently WARSAW, N.C. Suests will be mads aviiioht t k. Moose Hall, which the Garden Cen ter is rentlna for thta Mrs. Kautenberg't visit si being made ooaslbla hv Educational Foundation and the Garden Center of wnmtnotn- Local Garden Club Member Rmk in Whiteville On Januartf 93rd In thA Iiahu a; boo Mrs. Auen uraugnon Jr. a group Sunday-Monday, February 3-4 ml Drums ' (TECHNICOLOR) With GARRY COOPER and MARI ALDON 4 Tuesday, Febrnary 5 Jungle Book Wednesday, February 6 My Outlaw Brother With MICKEY ROONEY and ROBERT PRESTON ... Ana - My Other Brother Mrs. Edwin P. Ewers and Mrs. E. C. Thomnsnn nut Hh tk- Whiteville Garden Club in Whlte- Ire y, January 17th where Mrs. Thompson gave a program on Alter Arranffemanta fll,tra..t v I me uw set irom me Warsaw Meth odist Church. Pope Plus camel lias aim LiananftaA flnuiaHnn the flowers she imnmui n v,. occasion, were chosen because they lc uonung at tnis sseason. Forty four members were present and de- iiciuux mrpsnniAntB m.am - i , Crocus Peeking Through ' crocus which were plant ed DV th Wav.fi... 1 .i . in (December are now showing signs of life. Lets all tn, look out and not .n.i. u - " u4i V . U117UI I Serial Thursday-Friday, February 7-8 The Raging Tide With SHELLEY WINTERS and RICHARD CONTE Cartoon Saturday,. February 9 South Of Caliente With ROY ROGERS And Masler Minds i i ii n nil n wvr i II 11 II I I ui ive-iii I Theatre of women met tn nrnnlu a sard en club .choosing for their name "The 'Home RardAnara" - i t;. The ground work for this meet ing was una wnen on January 16th Mrs. W' J. Tavlor waa hnataaa tn Some OrOSnepHv mAmHAra and a four members of the Warsaw Gar den Club, invited to help with the preliminary - discussions necessary for forming a new club. , - Offkwra for th njuur JtltiH an tn be: ,. , President, Mrs. Daulton West, Vice President, Mrs. Jerry New boldr Secretary, Mrs. James Nor wood West, Jr.; - Treasurer, Mrs. B. C. Sheffield Jr. The Daffodil waa uluian (n V. Club flowar and Hia mraj.. - - -. was. w. v. imucr day afternoon in each month was scieeiea ior tne regular meetings. iw nostess servea a salad plate with cookies and coffee. of Mrs. Bonnie Brown is a patient at the General Memorial hospital in Klnston. . . a7adt PrlvatA ITlnvd -TnnAa who attended college at Clemson, S. C. is spending several days with his parents sax. ana jars. r.. ti. 4 ones. I Mrs. Belton Mlnshew and Mrs. Irene Martin recentlv vlaited Mr jeweu isiajpass in tnnton, ' . . Mrs. Herbert L. West and son Alfred, spent last Thursday in Jack sonville wnere wey viaitea ,Mrs. Ruby Swlnson. ' :!'.) Mrs. C. D. Frederick Jr. recent ly visited relatives in Mount Olive. ; Miss Annie Ross Williams return. ed from Greensboro where she visited relatives. . i : Mrs. N. A. MitcheU spent the wees; ena witn Mr. and Mrs, Ben Teale in Charleston, S. C. J v Mr. F. H. Fussel and Mrs.'H. A. Parker are spending the week in Greensboro visiting Mrs; W. D. Fus sel : ,a ',. Mr. Ernest Hussey has returned from Tenessee where ha hat hn on business. Miss Bettv Phlllns scent the wapV euu in runsion. Miss Alma Humphrey and Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Byrd have left for a montns visit to relatives in Mis sissippi. , -j j ;. ' 'i " Miss Sue Shine and Miss Jean Miller spent the week end with mrs. norwooa oosuc or TiorioiK, Va. : I :- y - ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blackmore and . children of Winston Salem wero week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Will Blackmore. , (, t, Mrs. E. C. Thomson and Mrs. Edwin P, Ewers met witlb. the Whiteville Garden Club on Jan. 17th. where Mrs. Thomson gave al program on Altar Arrangemei -lustrated by the altar set fror) t s Warsaw Methodist Church. K. -- Pius Camellasand Japanese flow ering quince were usea iw tnc w r.t,nnr , vnrHr four members were? present at this meeting. ; Jerrv Joiner spent the week end with B. H. Oates Jr.,' in iNew Bern. . W f MiU lTanaan on ft . HjlltPhtaa. ixii a. iicnia uuou wu --o - . Ann r9 UUtm I rwrtiTi omnf . I the week end with her grand par ent, mar, ana .mrs. a. i. xvuaa. Mew Officers Installed At American Legion Auxiliary Monthly Meeting The Woman's lAiiYillarv of th American Legion held its regular montniy meeting last Thursday nig, we Z4tn. at the Legion hut The president. Mrs A Banadvn. ipresiaea. xne nign light of the evenjing was the installation of the new officers. Taking part in the installation ceremony were the following: Mrs. Henrv T. Burln- ter of Wallace who is the Com mittee leader of this district. Also Mrs. Norrls of Wallam who la ti. oresident of tho unit In Wiiiu Congratulatory speeches were of- a ij . . tt . icreu uy jars, nenry l,. Stevens and Mrs. Grace Vann of Clinton. The nffloAra Inatallad ova . w ... u , AUi- lows: t President, Mrs. Al Banadyga ui t Bison; vice president, Mrs. Ed Strickland; Secretary and Treas urer. Mrs Frank- Havalln, rh.nl.ln Mrs. Robert Winders; Sergeant-at rras Mrs. ottis Swlnsome. Mr. Rd StrliVland .u . Auxiliary with the sum of twAntu five dollars. Plana for Pnnm n. five dollar . Plana fnv Dnn. Day" to be observed in May were discussed.. ,.,-..,.., . . ... iDUrlnff the AVAnlnS a daJInf.,,. chicken banbecue supper was enjoyed. Hula Drive In Theatre CHINQUAPIN, N. C Sunday-Monday Feb. 3-4 "Take Care Of My Little Girl" Starring Jean Jean CRAIN ' - PETERS Also Cartoon and News Tuesday-Wednesday - Feb. 5-4 "Summer Stock" '.- Starrlnar Jndv ' ' ' ' ' riA. 'Poppy GARLAND KELLY AUV VHMWn I ' .'. I? fi If ,'. j! 1 V IUI It ; f ) 1? in! li ,A i tl . 1 ' I III I J Thursday, Friday, January 31, Feb. 1 Flame Of Araby Starring MAUREEN 0'IIARA . ; and JEFF CHANDLER Saturday, February -Double Feature Follow The Leader With East Side Kids Also Mark Of Tha Lash Starring Lash LaRUE and Fuzzy St. JOHN serial Also Sunday, Monday,7 February' 3-4 Texas Carnival Starring Eser WILLIAMS and Howard KWT Red SKELTON and Ann MILLER ' Tuesday, February 5 - PeWn Express Statrring Joseph COTTEN, Corinne CALVET . and Edmund GWENN Wednesday, February 6th A Special IlifeFor AII Kids', ages 6 fo 69r Admission 16c Pcspb Us. O'Ucra Starring Spencer TRACY, Pat O'BRIEN, - Dianna LYNN and John IIODIAK PINK IDLL, N. C. Where The Whole Family uoes To See Good Shows Telephone 2841 Sunday, February 3 ur Barry SULUVAN Also: Cartoon Comedy Monday and Tuesday February 4-5 , Ho Man Of Her Own Joan BENNETT Also: Cartoon Mrs. R. L. West Is Honor Guest Mrs. Robert L. West, fnrmprlv nf Warsaw, was hnnnr (Timet nn Tuoo. day night when Mrs. Sterling Mar iner entertained in . nor nnnnr ar a bridge and canasta party for form er club members and frienda nf Mrs. West. The lovely oartv was neia at me nome fo Mrs. Daulton West With Mrs William Tavlnr assisting. Beautiful dripd flnral irHnna. menu were used in the living and dining rooms. An unusually attrac tive comDOte nf fruit uaa alan in the living room. , Bridge guests for the evenine were . me ; jwiesaames , uraham Philips. A. M. Benton. .Paul Klfohln William Leinback, Ayon Sharpe, E. L. Jones. Fred Baara. and Rdar Pollock. Mrs. Pollock waa nreasntad a North Carolina Rardpn RnnV tnr ciuo high, and Mrs. Paul Xitchin also received a Garden book for Visitors high. ' Those clavlne canasta were Mrs. Robe. Best - Mrs. Q. J. Sutton, Mrs. Mosley Phillins. and Mrs. D. L. Carlton. Mrs. West waa crlvsn' perfume and Mrs. Carlton received bath powder for the canasta high score. Mrs. Mariner, assisted hv Mn William Taylor served a delicious salad plate with coffee. Private Joshua .Tnnea Tr mho t... been spending several days with ms Darenta left snndav tnr Tn..io. iana. - . . . - . Mr. ana Mrs Tt I. Matthia spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Deane Grove in Leesburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs T. W .trail ht t ... renburg spent the we.ek end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A Nnuririrv Miss Jean Newkirk, a student at Carolina, spent the wf ek end with uer p,arents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Newkirk. ; T 'Mrs, D. W. Maready, the mother Thnrsday-FrUUy Feb. 7-8 "Father Of The Bride" Spencer r Elbabeth TRACT TAYLOR 2 Cartoons A Six Day Special AT diLm soil?, r-3 r Saturday Feb. 9 ; "Warpath" . ' Starring Edmond . n-Bn O'BRIEN " JAOr.FR Also Cartoon and Serial 5 lbs. Sugar ...... 50 lbs. Pure Lard..............:. $8.39 LARGE SIZE, POPULAR BRANDS ' (' Washing Ppvder ...... .::...........:.29c Carnation Milk, 3 fall cans......43c 2 Bread or Rolls 29c Premium Franks, lb. l....58c Pork Chops; regular cut, lb :53c Dressed Fryers, lb. ...i........ ...56c Cheese, lb. :.i..49c Bananas, lb. .....12 l-2c J. Ellis Vesf Prop. Danca Theatre WALLACE BEST IN MUSIC ' Week of Feb. S Henry MORGAN Sunday The Well Barry KELLY Wednesday and Thursday reoruary 6-7 , "Try And Get Me" Thursday-Friday, February 7-8" .La r.n it: Starring John GAEUDLD and licHey VINTESS CI . Frank LOVEJOY Also: Kathleen RYAN Cartoon rr Friday and Saturday February 8-9 Double Feature ' "Callle Queen" And if.i r- lIU HUM luinsds rr "Good PietarM Never Dia They Just Play Away" Announce Birth 1 Mr. and Mrs. David J Vllnaf HoV of Rose Hill announce the birth of a aaugnter, "XMancy "Nan" Isa belle Kilpatrlck January 27, 1952 in James Walker Hospital in Wil mington.' Mrs. Kilpatrlck was Miss Eva Sanderson of Wilmington. . Mrs." Newkirk' Entertains Mrs. J. A. Newkirk entertained with two tables of bridge last Fri day night, the 24th. Her homo was lovelv for the nvasinn arlv amrlnv flowers being used. -: .. Those playing were the follow ing: Mesdames M. A. Smith, J. A. Rackley, Moman Baar. Y. L. Smith Lawton AUbertson, Robert Lewis, i nomas Kogers and,' Miss Nora uiacKmore. , Two high score prizes were alv en. Tne winners thaaa man Mrs. M. A. Smith and Mrs Moman Baari Each was given a,jar of crab w - iiwwion AiDerxson won the travelins orize and rarolv. eu a nyion ziower. , ;- At the end of play, Mrs. Newkirk Served Oartv Undnidphaa and anlrf uui appie juice. , y a,,.. Rfohard BASEHART Monday-Tuesday Fixed Bayonets Michael OSHEA ; Wednesday Double Feature Heritage Of The Desert RUSSELL HATDEN -, Son Of Dr. Jplrvll ' ' Louis " t w, . Patrirl. HAYWARD r. MEDINA Clifton WEBB Thursday-Frdiay Elopement '. - TAnne FRANCIS Saturday Double Feature Overland Telegraph ' TIM HOLT TV - ' Prviate Snuffy Smith EDGAR KENNEDY OWL SHOW , Fin ' William ' , o BUM PBirVS . . DOtlfllJls Announcement ;I HAVE PUKCHAS3&D THE BUSINESS, FORMERLY KNOWNx AS MAC'S FARM SUPPLY I WALLACE, AND NOW OPER ATING IN THE NAME OF WALLACE FARMERS EXCHANGE. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FCX FEEDS AND SEED, BABY CHICKS AND OTHER FARM SUPPLIES. ALSO COM PLETE LINE OF GROCERIES. . ;i HENRY RIVENBARK ' , f Formerly With Duplm Supply Co., in Warsaw any mroe than necessary because once oroa;en, uie Dioom tua will not oe xormea again IOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG a"4 ............ (: : , .. aa o o o o o o o o o o o o o ( o , Call Us For Your" Baby's Vitamins -Phone 521 Sunless days mean less vitamins' for your baby. When the doctor prescribes them, take advantage of our well stocked supply for the family. A Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Warcav Drug Co. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o c : MODEL THEATRE ! f BEDLAVILLE, Jft CV Movies Are Better Than Ever $, "Why Wonyr Sea A Movie" ; : ' Betinning Sunday, Feb. Snndsor. and Monday, ' , ' A Place In The Sun Eusabeth - . ... . wM. . . ... . - ...... aeieetea short Subjects Tuesday-Wednesday, Feb. 6- Belle Le Grand ' ! - With JOHN CARROLL ) AIs Selected Shorts ' ; Thiindjay only; Feb. 7 Red Badere of Courage Starring GARY COOPER M Selected Short Subjects ' .Friday, Feb. , Mark Of The Guerilla Aa Outstanding Cast , Serial Chapter . . Ratnrdav B-.i. a ........ . Thunder In God's Country ' Fwrrinr - " KEX AIXEW-- Specials Sugar-.. .....I.. .......5 lbs; 47c- -Sugar; ' - -"'io Washing Powders ........................... large 29c Washing Powders .:....l......;.:.........;:l.gianf 79c Carnaf ion Milk .... . ....large Kc. . ' AnOlhGnMesAtAGratSaWTo " 1 : Your Shopping Budget. !" - ' " . r. - ' ; r ' ' Dealers For SWIFT and VcX f", . V ?r , '' y ? T '0 l ' ? Contact Us Before You Buy. i'Z IfrS sfP Can Save You Money!. '. ?;:yy'W! " 'f'"? "aaaaaaSBSaajajaa :y 'A;''-- ';V:J (p..6nd.LE$PEDEZilil xWallac'FaMers-';. . Vc!!:ief II. C. WE CLOSE EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON WARSAW, N. C -vy s x Vy v- w w 1 F w 1 ' V- Vjr X-f W t

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