::nsvi!!a Clrf sr KenansvUlfi Chapter No.' '215 O.E.S. met Tuesday night Jan. 22 and ..honored its Charter members, :- with a very Impressive program. In addition, the Fifteenth Anni versary of the Chapter was celebrat ed. ':-'-f--..-i-, The five Charter Members in attendance were 'Mr. and Mrs. Fai- son MoGowan, Mrs. Pearl Korne- gay, Airs. Thelma Stroud and Mrs. .Ruby Newton. ;: , Miss Bessie Komegay very ef . ficiently ' and graciously gave the history of the Chapter from the time of its Institution on June ll,i 1937. -..'v.s.v:--i-c... . .. .-Id ;' A trio from Warsaw rendered songs in , tribute to the Charter Members end Star Points. Vj Mrs. Thelma Stroud sang a solo in nonor of the happy occasion. Those making up the tritf were Marsaret a Strickland Mm Cteril Ho Mas and Mrs. Annie Hlnton Ha' mon. Mrs. Louise Boney accom-, panied them at the piano. Two vsiitors were present name. ly Mrs. cushman and Mrs. Parker. miring the Social Hour, the re-9 rresnment committee composed .of Mrs. Margaret Westbrook. Mrs. Matoaka .Mrs. Ida Thomas. Mrs. Buth Wells and Mr?. Hazel Hinsoff served delicious t cake,- chicken salad, ' salted peanuts ' and - soft drinks. . , r : The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, February 12 1952 at 7:30 p.m.' All members are urged to attend and visitors are welcome. in Club the NOTICE: The person holding the . lucky H 13 please bring it at once and pick up your $35 Table Model Radio. Lucky No. was drawn Dec. 22, 1951. If no one calls for radio by February 15 it will be sold, r Magnolia Hardware. 1-31 1,T ITCHING SKIN sores or ex terna are quickly relieved with soothing SWISS OINTMENTS from Brewer Drug Company, Pink Hill. 1-31-4T-PD and Watson's tobacco seeds. See us lor your tobacco canvas needs We also feature Woods bulk gai- aen seeas. we are now taking or ders for famous Swift's fertiliz ers. JAMES MILLER HARD WARS, Beulaville, N. C. 1-31-4T-C Federal Land Bank FARM LOANS 'erm Low I Dewitt Carr Long Term Low Interest See.. .Trees. (Mr. Carr goes to P. C. A. Office In Kenansville at 11 a. m. every Tuesday morning.) NEW FORD. For the best deal on a new Ford car or truck see W. Lb Cavenaugh at Kenansville Also many good used cars and trucks. Telephone W. L. Cavenaugh at Kenansville 2133. BABY CHICKS now available . Hampshire Reds Crosses Parmenter Reds, and others. Get yours early. Mt. Olive Hatchery. Mt. Olive. WANTED experienced book -keeper. Permanent position. A. BROOKS DEPT. STORE, War saw, N. C. VAPO-ROQST KEEP BIRDS comfortable, free of lice. Spread Dr. Salsbury's Vapo- hoosi on roost poier. It's easy to use and highly effective. Get Vapo Roost at L. J. Simmons Hardware in Mt. Olive. .... Mrs. Mitchell Club. Hostess The Kenansville Garden' met on . Monday , evening home if Mrs. Louise W. Mitchell with 14 members and 1 visitor pres ent Mrs. ..Vance Gavin, presided and conducted the business session. ' . Mrs. Herman Pippin gave a most interesting paper on "Plants of the Bible". , She named the. various flowers, shrubs, trees and herbs referred to in the Bible and gave Scripture passages where they ap peared. Many of the plants referred to in the Bible are plants that grow in our section of the country. Miss Martha Pickett talked on 'Tlowers For Every Month". Mrs. E .W. Sadler talked on "New Varie ties of Flowers". , The hostess assisted by Mrs. F. W McGowen who poured tea, and Mis. Bess Hines, served dainty sanawicnes, cheese straws cookies and salted nuts, from an attractively arranged tawe. Burning tapers and arrangements of white glads and yellow narcissus made her living room most fitting for the occas ion. PLENTY OF GOOD WATER FROM A DRILLED WELL. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE, GIVING CS DIRECTION AND HOW FAR YOU LIVE FROM YOUR POSTOFFICE. HEATER WELL CO., INC. RALEIGH, N. C. WANTED To buy farm with or without tobacco allotment. Give dull information including price in iirst letter, write to BOX 307 Wallace N. C. 2-14-3T-Ch. LET CS RECAP YOUR TIRES Full circle full cap Fully Guaranteed Work U S. Tire Distributors BRYAN-EDMONSON Tractor Co. . Mt Olive Hwy. Phone 3636 . Goldsboro Your Best Tractor Buy 1950 Farmall Cub & Eqpt. 1949 Farmall Cub & Eqpt. 1938 Farmall F-12 Complete 1937 Farmall F-20 Complete 1950 Ford Tractor Complete 1949 Ford Tractor Complete 1947 Ford Tractor Complete 1946 Ford Tractor Complete 1949 Oliver 60 & Eqpt 1949 Oliver Cleatrac Tractor 1949 Leader & Eqpt. 1937 John Deere B on steel 1942 Ford Coach , 1939 Pontiac Sedan ' Plows Disc Harrows Equipment Your Ford Tractor Dealer . . BRYAN-EDMONSON Tractor Co. Mt. Olive Hgwy., Phone 3000 Goldsboro NOTICE. For overeating full ness, or bloating gas try a bottle of TAYOO, the indigestion reme dy from Brewer Drug Co., Pink Hill 1-31-4T-PD Card Of Thanks The family of the late Early Carr Newton wishes to extend their sincere appreciation, for the kind ness shown in thAr recent bereav ment. , The Family Womaiis Auxilary Met Monday A general meeting of the Womans Auxiliary of Grove Church was held Monday afternoon at 3:30 at the church. In absence of the presi dent, Mrs. waiter Stroud, Mrs. J. Av Gavin presided over the ibusiness session. Mrs. Lawrence Southerland had enrage of the pro gram wnicn was on world Missoins. A goodly number attended. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brinson and Hiram spent Sunday in Wil mington with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evans and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tuck er. Mrs. N. B. Boney attended the U. D. C. meeting in Warsaw last mursday. she was accompanied oy Mrs. Li. a. Beasley and Mrs. Herbert Smith. Mr and Mrs. N. B. Boney Jr. and son of Greensboro spent the past ween ena witn Mr. and Mrs. N. B, Boney Sr. Mr. C. E. Quinn who has been patient at Sampson Memorial in Clinton returned to 4 i ... uluait WBS aisO UacJ i 1 i l.jrt to save his life, but he Wed i respond' . . .. T In the meantime Merrltt; using a rake, located and brought to shore the body of Ray nor. - It was under stood that neither Raynor nor. Dur ham could swim. ; vu '' v McMillan told Merrltt that he and Raynor were in the boat. and that Durham was In another.- The fishermen decided, Merrltt quoted McMillan as saying, to take a drink of whiskey, and it was while the boats were together that they cap sized. .'r,K'J-:-M.t- ,-;- ..; Scene of the accident was tow ards the head of the pond about 50 feet north of an old dam site. 1... ' NOTICE, MR. FARMER. We have a complete stock of Bell's FOR HIGHER PRICES fnr vnnr pulp wood, small or large tracts. I Hospital see JOHN D. BRADSHAW, War-his home Sunday afternoon. saw, . u., pnone 598; company agent Camp Manufacturing Com pany, selected cutting and State Forester service furnished. 2-7-4tpd. DIISOU MOTOR I I COMPANY 1 U4 Lis iM- II IU I k1 mi iniua ri i m vniw v. nil hi PrtPril A T V TXTTrTrriTT'O Kill III, vuiMinuui in vii;0 111 III Vni! TA CfP TTIt HI S mMPIFTFIV )JFW 1 1 1 i t ' m m m m m i mm. u m iii i a iy i 1 1 in ,rr ii ii miri H -UTtnuy) sezz ;m j on M ' ! ! February 1st fli J , I a ! ; , . . . - . , I I ., v -., ' ',,,'.' ; 'ii- r '. ; - . ;.':;..: ,i 1 ' '. t ' ' I , , ' ' t iL I " ' ' ' t , ' ( oo ; : 'i : I ' - . Mrs. I. N. Bowden and Mrs. J I. Tucker visited in Burgaw Saturday aiiernoon. Messrs. Robert Franklin WH. liamson and Jimmle Johnson left rrlday to enter Presbyterian Jun ior College in Maxton. Mrs. N. B. Bonev Sr. and Mm N. B. Boney Jr. and son visited relatives in Wallace Saturday afternoon. Several meoole visited Mr Mis Key Kennedy in Parrotts Hoknitai in Kinston, during the week end. He is improving nicely. Mrs. G. R. Dail and Mrs. W v. Craft visited Mrs. Lee Edwards in lunsion Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. J. O. Stokes and Dianne made a business trin to uoldsboro Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker re turned nome Sunday from a visit to Delias and Tyler, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. -Grady and Margaret visited In Wilmineton Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Snookv Tavlor and children spent the past week end witn Mr.- and Mrs. Jack Sitterson. MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE MURPHY nooular Kenansville couple who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at a reception given in the social room of the local Masonic lodge building Sunday aiiernoon. Approximately zio persons attended. . Mr. and Mrs. Murphy j Celebrate Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Murphy and daughter Gail, Donald Murphy, . all of Kenansville, and Mri D, B. Murphy of Penderlea father of Mr. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boone of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boone of Norfolk, Virginia, pinned favors of silver bells on the guest. Serving nuts and mints were Mesdames E. C. Tyndall, E. A. New ton, Wiley Booth of Kenansville and Misses Kay and Edith Murphy of Penderlea. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Boney of Wallace presided at the register while Mrs. Daniel Williams of Rose Hill served at the gift table. Others assisting in serving were Mesdames K. E. HoUingsworth, E. V. Vestal .Ralph Brown. Leo Jackson and Mary Southerland, and Mesoames N. B. Boney and I. N. Bowden were hostesses at large. 'During the reception, piano selec tions were played by Mrs. Louise Mitchell of Kenansville and Mrs. Ralph Carlton of Wallace. Good byes were, said to ,Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Johnson. Approximately 275 guests called. On Sunday afternoon. January 27, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Murphy, re ceived guests at the Club Building from four until six o'clock com memorating their twenty-fifth wed ding anniversary. The club room was beauttifully decoratetd" with pine, trailing sml- lax, white gladioli and white car nations. White tapers were inter spersed among the flowers, and glowed brightly on the table which was overlaid with a white linen cloth. In the center of the table was an . arrangement .of white gladioli and carnations bordered on each side by silver candelabra with white tapers. A three tiered wedding .cake with miniature bride and groom was placed at one end of the table where Miss Minnie Boone of Wallace served indivd ual cakes. Mrs. Swift Rnvkln at Brooklyn, New York, served punch irora me opposite ena of the table Guests were greeted by Mrs. Wal ter Stroud and introduced to the receiving line by Mr. and Mrs. Joe wens. In the receiving line were the honorees, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. James S. Church Group ': : CONTINUED FROM FRONT loved for their wonderful work and services to this mission, si' , President C. W. .Naulder and his wife of San Francisco, Calif, are going to preside over the mission now. , They are a very . capable couple and are already winning the love or the members In the mis sion, .-v..'.,,; ,vn '.: :,.:,.:;:, -, Last Thursday night a business meeting was held at the Albertson Chapel (Duplin County) - at which ires, and sister Price and Pres. and Sister Naulder attended. - The Albertson Branch plans to build lovely new chapel on highway 111. They hope to begin construc tion sometime in February. Albertson was well represented at the conference Sunday. Those in attendance included Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Harper and family, Mr. Rodolph. Harper and some of his family, Miss Margaret Harper, Mr. carroii Haymore Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Potter, Miss Sarah Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Deaver and family, Mr. Pete Deaver, and Mrs. Furnie Harper. , . - Alfred Harper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Harper, and Wal ton Harper son of Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph. Harper, are serving as full time missionaries in this mis sion. They have been out since last February and expect to serve for 2 years. They were present at the conference at Colfax families were very happy to see them again. President and Sister Price left Tuesday to return to their him in Phoenix, Arizona. ' - T 1-2-1 1-2-2 Ta DODGE -TRUCLIC ; . We Can Save Vou Approximately ; ; 5 Per Cent On These Units If You Act Now, ' 1 WUI Trade Or Sell - .' (SiLin)SE2(n) MSD1TEL .- Goldsboro, N. C. 1 C Home Dem. Women CONTINUED FROM FRONT Mrs. Walter Rhodes. District Chairman spoke on the Home Demonstration Club Building and request eacn or us to pay one dol lar towards this proposed build ing, v . ;,,,- ... Hospital Site CONTINUED FROM FRONT County and without cost to Mr. Williams. The consideration for all of the property is $22,500. The Kenansville School . which has. been needing additional land tor several years .will get several acres of the land. This will leave ample land for the hospital, nurses nome, ana neaith center. Thus, the site of "The Dunlin oiory, me Ampmtneatre in which A miracle in a corn field" toov place is to become -County-owned property. Duplin Countv is the 1amtt county in ine state without a hos pital. We have over 41,000 people in the County who may at some time need hosoitalizatlnn. Dmufil less of the great need, the success ox me nospitai depends upon the full cooperation of all of the citi. zens of Duplin County, and upon our interest in humanity. .t -The architects Leslie Bonev and sons of Wilmington, will be. here Saturday with site engineer to plan the Williams property site, including plans for future develop ment and expansion of the Ken ansvilel school. The Commission ers have recomended that the old Spring be included in the overall plans with the idea Of possibly de veloping a park around and ad jacent to it Present thought is that two new streets will h cut through the property; one continu-' wg me present street on the West side of the Court House in a North erly direction, passing about along side the present H. D. Williams home and extending towards Grove swamp to the West-of th krhnni house, turning East around Kenan Memorial Auditorium and inter secting Highway 11 between the auditorium and Grove swamp. An other street might be built between this, new street and Highway 11 somewhere between the school house and um Elmore Bell home, practically bi-secting the Duplin Story amphitheatre. It is expected these two streets, or one, will be paved and sidewalks constructed. The thought is that the property should be so planned as to allow expansion of the' school , hospital, and other public needs for 50 to 100 years to come. The Commissioners stated that if It was found necessary they would buy more land West of the Williams property which has been offered by the Bowden estate for $350 an acre. This will be determ ined by the findings of the" archi tects. The commissioners say they are visualizing a future srowth of the county seat town and a srowth of the 'county In such measures as will require -considerable ex pansion over the years. The gen eral idea seems to be to secure as much property as can be antidp pated now while it Is available to assure that in the future the Pub lic needs will not be cornered by privaxe property owner. . CENTER THEATRE Mount Olive, N. C. bunday-Monday Feb. 3-4 Flame Of Araby Maureen jeff O.HARA CHANDLER ' L-arvoon and News Reel Tuesday Feb The Lieht Touch . - urang-er , ANGEI.I .cartoon and Sport Wednesday T febT TlThimder''bn''Tieffiit4 uauaene ' wuiiskt BLYTH Cartoon and Sport Thursday , vlhi I'll Never Fonrot Vmi Tyrone power . blvVh ...ur-oamraay ; Feb. 8-9 ,rlsion Before Dawn Richard BASEHART ; . MERwS 1 n'n rNT,rrrir'----",i-ririiifi'i Hi a. 11 III ;;:in POWER . A great new valve-in-head engine provides over . 20 more power for bigger, tougher jobs. A big increase in torque gives you more lugging power. in ECONOMY A new air-fuel system provides the engine with a ' cleaner, cooler mixture . ; . to increase engine life and provide more work from any grade of gasoline. ...in PERFORMANCE You can quickly prove to any farmer that the . Ferguson t "30' with Ferguson System Imple ments, meets more of his farmings needs more of CAROLINA TRACTORS, Inc. W. Brantley Sutton, Mgr. , Mt. Olive Hwy. Phone 2898 Goldshoro, N. C. - ' Three Fishermen CONTINUED FROM FRONT Olive for doctors and an ambu lance, Merrltt and EJ O ' Hatch Jr.,. began the search: for the two men whom McMillan had said were "gone." The butt end of a fishing pole was seen sticking up out of me waxer, ana when it was pulled up , the body of Durham came with it, one hand clutching the pole. Hospitalizatioii DO YOU HAVE HOSPITAL IIISURAIICE? WITH THE PRESENT HIGH COST OF HOSPITALIZATION, CAN OU ' AFFORD NOT TO BE COVEBEDr ; '' J: Come In Today And Let lis Explain This Policy To You. Coverage Begins The Day You Enter The Hospital. u .lib VuwJ ' r.ij :iis.jv jV,';';'t,v - , ''"''1 ;-"' ' :' - V s --V ".',-f mwm & mm 'life ::ce ' ageixy ; All liids cf InsTCce, Firii lli;i, II. C. BACK FROM HIGH POINT. .. . And, As Usual, We Are Happy To An nounce That We Purchased Some Of The Newest and . .' . Finest Furniture r.lade In The U.S.A. AND AT LOWER THAN USUAL PRICES! ? Plan Now To Dress Up Your Home , i ; ;Add New Color , fortahly With , : Live More Com "FURIIITUIIE FOR BETTER LIVIIIG'1 V . FREE COICES v,V ..r,, w.r I ' '"" ' 1 1 1 REPRESENTING VHl Be Served All Day. H 2 'STATE r.TiFl v. T' -N r' J9 r.T9 4 . ' k. ... ' "4;.;-; ';' , f )

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