((.-. -a. a ( 1 Having qualified as admtnlstra , (rlx of the estate of Luther McCoy " Sanderson, deceased, lata of Duplin County, North Carolina this is to notify afll persons having claims gainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed at Beulaville, North Carolina, on or before the 31st day of De cember, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in ar of their recovery. .AS persons Indebted to said estate 'will please make Immediate Pay ment v Obis 81st day of December, 1951. Ida Mae Sanderson, ! :. Administratrix of Luther. . ' " McCoy Sanderson. . Grady1 Mercer Attorney t Law - -SM-oT-G M . , - f ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB North Carolina, Duplin County Having qualified as admlnistra tor of the estate of Paul Kennedy, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina this is to notify ail persons having claims against the state of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Ke nansvllle, North; Carolina, on .or before the 3rd day of January, 1053, or this notice will be pleaded in bar' of their recvoery All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 3rd day of January, 1953. - , " Garland P. King,, Administrator of " ; -Paul Kennedy. Grady Mercer, i "t Attorney at Law ' 2-7-6T-G M ADMIN ISTETOB'S NOTICE North Carolina, , m " Duplla County. ' - Raving qualified as administra i tor of the estate of Henry Faison Heath, deceased late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims t against the estate of. said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned . - at Beulaville, North Carolina, on or before the 31st day of Decem ber, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. " All persona indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay -ment - This 31st day of December, 1951. Kirby Heath Administrator of Henry Faison Heath. Grady Mercer, v Attorney at Law. ' ' ! 2-7-6T-GM ' . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ; Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Hat-" : tie Bell Birch ette, deceased, late of Duplin County this is to no tify all persona having claims : against said estate to present them to the undersigned Administratrix on or before the 2nd day, of Jan uary 1953. or this notice' will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of January, 1952. : i . Marie A. Monk, Administratrix of - Hattle Bell Blrehelle estate 2-7-flT.VBG . . NOTICE OF SALE ' - Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust executed by James Anna Hand and husband, Berry Hand, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOonnoft -..r . . ycrsFisliMarkef , ;a . Ocean Fresh Seafood Direct From The Sea- ; , PRICES ARE CHEAPER , j . (Next Door To AftP) ' ,''".' ' s Both Wholesale and Retail , '-.'" Know Tour Fish or Know Tour Fisherman ' " ' , . " DV Z. HOLLOMAN . ' i . Preo- -' ::, ' Phono 326 1 m . Dressing r , Warsaw. N. C ndl T'ArrSln.VccdW- SASH - y SCREENS - FRAMES CABINETS MOLDINGS ' ' Also Church Pews and Pulpits VAPJAV WOOD PRODUCTS CO. Warsaw " i THE DUPLIN TIMES , Published each Friday In Kenansville, NC, County Seat of DUPLIN COUNTY- - , editorial business and printing plant, Kenansville, N. C. ' " J. T.ZZZZT CXiOr, Entered at the Post Office, Kenansville, N. C. ' as second jelass matter. ' . l! - ' i 'i TIL8F1IONI A . t-?;- i'' Kenansville, 253-6 ,;; : . .,. EXT "CTJPTION BATES: $3.00 per year In Duplin County. Lexwlr, Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson and Wayne coun ties; ..:.:3 per feu outside this area In North Carolina; and 94.00 Per year elsewhere. Democratic J nal, C. ct 1 economic and asrlcultarJ ! ' w 1j, oi l e i.. i un County lie, y, and un u-r and by virtue of tiie Auit.hnHt v vpr.ri in th iintftorsi&npfl as substituted trustee, by an instru ment of writing dated the 8th day of January, 1952, and recorded in I Book Page ,., , in the office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin iounty, oeiauu naving oeen made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and mM rvmt nf Trust being by the terms thereof suujeci w ioreciosure, tne nnoer signed substituted trustee;' will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on I"ridav. Febrturv is. ... ins j k property . conveyed in said Deed n itusi, me same lying and be ing in the County of Duplin, and State of North nrnlln in - - - .... Ult?Sl Township, and more particularly uonra as i iuuows: .. 1 j , t,, - --.! ii i '; . All that certain tract or parcel of land containing i iOMt.. acres, more or less, In Faison Township, Duplin County N. C. known as the "Hervrv Wrhrht" vilsoa m Highway No. 40 about 3 miles South of Faison and now in the possesslon'of James Anna Hand and bounded on the North by the lands of Willie Thompson, I. Fai aon, Annie Mella Faison, Lou Ad ams and Robinson land; on the East by the I.' Hill land; on the South by the lands of L. Thompson, Ike Faison and others; on the West by the lands of JJary Ellen Thompson, Ike Faison, Sam Thompson and State Highway No. 40. Said tract of land is more particularly de scribed according to a plat thereof prepared by C. Beems, Surveyor, in December, 1934, as follows, to wit: ..''-''.',.' " - ''-'1 - St . i BEX30NOTNO at a stoke on High 1? corner in the lands of Willie Thompson, and runs North 75 degrees 15 minutes East 11.6 poles to a stake; thence North 13- degrees 15 minutes West 30.32 poles to a stake; thence South 87 degrees 27 minutes East 18.96 poles to a stakej thence North 75 de grees 80 minutes East 13 poles to a stake; thence North 68 degrees East 15.9 poles to a stake; thence North 9 degrees 30 minutes East 20 poles to a stake; South 83 degrees 13 minutes East 28.52 poles to a stake; thence South 7 degrees 6 minutes West 139.68 poles to a stake; thence North 87 degrees 25 minutes West 22 poles to a stake; thence North 1 degree 45 minutes West 28 poles to a stake;' thence South 83 degrees 45 minutes East 10.S poles to a stake; thence North 8 degrees IS minutes West 16 poles to a stake; thence North 83 de- Sees 45 minutes West 39.7 poles a stake on the highway; thence North 13 degrees 13 minutes West 34.68 poles along the State Highway to the beginning. , -The above lands being the same lands as described in a Deed of Trust to W. n.'Mrnihnnv Tnrfu and signed by James Anna Hand and husband, Berry Hand, as re- curueu in tsoox 974, page 380, of the Dtmlin Countv Retriotnr A ten per cent deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. . t . Advertised- this the 10th day of , ' Albert A. Coifcett " ' Substituted Trustee ' V - Thorton Bldg. ' V Smithfield,, N. C, 2-14-4T-A. A. c"-' " ftp ' - NOTICE OF SALE . s,., UNDER AND BV VTBTTrn! order nf Mia Simorlnv r Aias4 f9 Tia plin County in the special pro- cceuiogs: -in tne Matter of B. W. Jones and wife, Ina Jones, et als", the undersiffned Mmmlninh... -.m on the 13th day of February, 1852, j.s;uu noon, at tne courthouse -w.w w w w DOORS EDITOR OWNER t Cm material, educational, ; "t ef Duplin County, i i, and more par- t., .irlv oesci bed as follows! iiix-aT TftACT. BEGINNING at a maple in Bear Branca and runs South 12 East 160 poles to a stake, the corner of Lot No. 1, in-said di vision: thence East 74 poles to a pine; . thence North 12 East r 135 poles to a bay on the run of Bear Branch; tnence up tne run to tne beginning, containing . 75 acres, more or less. i 1 SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING : SCRIPTUBEr Luke 7:M-SO. m ,-i " ..DEVOTIONAL JlKAOINQt Puln . Understanding Lesson for February 8, 1953 pEOPLE are like books. Some can read them, some can't7 You can put a thing down in black and white and still Some people will not under stand, ' simply be-, cause they can't read. If a person is illiterate it makes no difference how plainly a book is printed Or how big the type is or how clear the : author's Sentences. So a per son can be read by some of his neigh bors, like a book in Dr. Forcmaa plain English;, to , others who are lust as close to him (close, that is, measured by a foot-rule) he might as well be written in Egyptian hier oglyphics for. anything they can make out of him. ' - Sf;'M'-'':'. ' - ' : Strange Dinner Party TRUE of all men, this was and is true of Jesus. Luke tells of a din ner party where he was a guest, and puts the spotlight on three per sons there: ; Jesus, the host Simon, and an un-named woman. ' The woman was not supposed to mere; she Just wandered in off street Not that she was a stranger, exactly; she was well enough known in the village so that the host knew what sort of woman she Was, even If (being a respecta ble man) he did not know her name. Like all guests in those days, . Jesus had takes off bis sandals ' '! 'and-ya recllnhtf on the conch ' I beside the dinner table. This i woman stood behind him and t! , wept. Her tears feel en his bare j ; feet and she wiped them dry ' with her long hair. Jesus, at. first paid no attention, but the host was-scandalized. How could Jesus -take it so calmly? How could he let such a-woman touch hunt ;,H,.;,.v ' J"' : ! The conversation that went on, as Luke reports it, between Jesus and Simon, shows that the poor woman of the ..street understood . Jesus' heart, , while the leading citizen, whose house it was, did not under stand Jesus at all. One could read Jesus, the other found him a closed book. Why? A Door Barred THE MAN could .not read Jesus' mind , and heart because, for one thing, his own mind was made up as to the kind of person Jesus ought to be. He supposed Jesus was the same sort of person as him selfproud, sensitive, careful of Us social standing, . unwilling to asso ciate with , the 'lower classes,' wanting to be respectable much mora than he wanted to be helpful. In his mind he carried a ready made pattern of what a "Prophet" outfit to be, and ro when one who was greater than all the prophets sat at his own dinner table, he could not see him for what he was. His eyes were Blinded, be could not read Jeans, the door to ( nderstandlng him was closed. -Bo had never learned so read the kind ef language : which Jesus' Ufa wrote large.- ' Then there was another reason why this , man could not "see" Jesus. It was bis own pride, Simon looked down on Jesus so much that he could not even treat him with ordinary polltenesst A Door Open BUT the -woman understood. She did not know an there was to know about Jesus. And stul she un derstood the depth of his heart. The door et his heart opened to her abe osold read the clear writing ef bio spirit. She under. ' stood him because she was hum ble. She did not try te 0t bim into her pattern; 1b his presence she knew, as the host Simon did not, that bis was the true pat tern ef life and hers the false; ; She nnderstood him toe be- - cause of her love. . . .; And so in spite of the Immense difference" between them, . there flowed the light of understanding, even before . a 'word had been spoken. She could read the bright word FORGIVENESS which to Simon was only a blank. -' " And So Today . f . r) this very day. some people can read Jesus while others cannot .And in between are uncounted peo ple who can read him only more or less dimly as through glasses, that are not clean, or through the smoke of a city twilight - v But it Is still true that pride and prejudice not only keep us from reading the lives of those around us, they keep us from reading the mind of Jesus. . " it tfl stffl true, that humility and love are the great teachers; they fhow us how to read the lives of tuuie around us every day, and best or- all they teach us how to read the word "Forgiveness" in the r ' " d heart of Jesus . . which - t rf Cod. ' .':'',"'.. ; : hMnulnalUiiAni- , H, Sund.r Sckd Lain. K 0 1l a l . 1 1 n u -to a si ! ; x.Kiice V t.t t i pules to a pine: thence Nui'th 12 Kast 135 poles to a bay en Bear Branch:, thence down the run of said branch to a small drain thence up that drain to the begin ning, containing 56 acres, more or less. -'':.;'.-'- i:':::y-:.:K--:'---''" . The above two tracts of land be ing the same lands as described in a deed to Enos Jones as recorded in Book 209, page 83, ofihe Duplin County Registry, 'v-..."-.-r;'-'.- EXCEPTING, however, from the above described tracts of land the following lands: "" . FIRST ; EXCEPTION: BEGIN NING at a stake, B. W. Jones' corn er near the tobacco barn and runs South 15 West 20-94 poles to a stake; thence North 8644 West 65-Mi poles to a stake in C. Jerni gan's line; thence fats line South 12 West 44 poles to a stake, his corn er; thence as his ottoer line about East 132 poles to a stake; thence North 40 East 21 poles to a stump, thence north 30 East 11 poles to a stake la the edge of the path and in a drain; thence North 58-16 West 84 poles to the beginning, containing 39 acres, more or. less. And being the same lands as de scribed in a deed to Enos D. Jones as recorded in Book 307, page 55, of the Duplin County Registry. SKCOJNU EXCEPTION: BEGIN NING at a stake on the run of Bear Branch- and runs South 15 West 75 poles to a stake near the tobacco barn; thence South 68-16 East 84 poles to a stake in the edge of the path in the drain of a small branch: thence down that drain about North 62 East 50 poles to the run of Bear Branch; thence up the run oi said orancn about 136 poles to the beginning, containing 41- acres, more. or less. And being the same lands as described in a deed to B. W. Jones as recorded in Book 193, page 383, of the Duplin Coun ty Registry. A ten per cent deposit will be required, of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. . Advertised this the 9 th day of January, 1952. H. E. Phillips E. Walker Stevens ' Commissioners 2-7-4T-H. E. P. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an order of the Superior Court of Duplin County, in the special pro ceedings: "In the Matter of Paul Howell, Guardian for B C. Howell, Jr.", the undersigned commission er will on the 13th day of Feb ruary, 1952, at 12-00 Noon, at the courthouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidden for cash that certain tract of land lying and being n Glisson Township, Duplin County State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the old Railroad bed of the Enterprise Lumber. Company in the run of the Meadow Branch and runs the center of the old Railroad South 62 East 62 poles to a stake on the Gaston Kelley, Sr. line; thence as his line South 42 West 54 poles to a stake in a flat or bottom, former ly a sweet gum; thence with Kel ley's other line South 24 West 85 poles , to two red oaks, on the South- side of the public road; thence, along , the road south 75 West 24 poles to the run of Bul lard's Branch, thence up the run of Bullards Branch to the mouth of Meadow Branch; . thence up the Meadow Branch to the beginning, containing 25 acres, more or less, and being the same lands as de scribed in a deed to B. C. Howell, Jr. as recorded in Book 411, page 511, of the Duplin County Registry. Subject to a lease on the above lands which expires December 1,' 1952. ,--y:W.;.. A ten' per cent deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertised this the 11th day of January, 1952. " . i ' H. E. Phillips, Commissioner 2-7-4T-H. E. P. ' NOTICE OP SALE - UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AUTHORITY as administrators of the estate of E. J. Dail, deceased, the undersigned administrators will offer for sale for cash, at the resi dence of the late E. J. Dail, de ceased, in Kenansville Township, on Saturday, February 2, 1952, be ginning at the hour of 10:00 A. M. the following articles of personal property: j . -All household and kitchen furn iture belonging to the estate of E. J. Daii . . . AH farming implements of every type and description belonging to the estate of E. J. Dail. i All hardware left over from the old E. J. Dail store. One Chrysler automobile. ; One Ford truck. - ,: : Advertised this the 12th day of January, 1952, , G. R. Dail and i 1 Alice D. Powell, Administrators of the estate of Wirite. or See Us . About Our . ' Air Fire-Safe Long -lasting Lovr-Cosf LITH-LITE use Sr.ilTH Concrete' Pre:'::i:l5, Inc. '!n-on, N. C. Phone 341 e 5 " 1 to a f ' n-' iri i I i" i 'He, ii. C. .1. L. 1 i , s, Attorney Kenansvillej N. C. 1-31-3T-H. E. P- ' . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 'The.' undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Willie James Murray, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them, to the undersigned on or before the 12th day. of January, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. ' This is the 12bh day of January, 1952... Nathan C. Murray, "Administrator of the estate of Willie James Mur ray, deceased Rosehill, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. 2-21-6T-H. E. P NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of Joe Hill Teachey, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of January, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. vAll persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the under signed. This is the 12th day of January, 1952. D. H. Teachey. Administrator of the estate of Joe Hill Teachey, de- ceasea itosehiU, N. C. H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville,-N. C. 2-21-6T-H. E. P. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having quali fied as administrators of the estate of E. J. Dail, deceased, late of Duplin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 12th day of January, 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment to the undersign ed. This is the 12th day of January, 1952. G. R. Dail and Mrs. Alice D. Pnwoll Administrators of the estate of E. J. Dail, deceased H. E. Phillips, Attorney Kenansville, N. C. 2-21-6T-H. E. P. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Stephen J. Wil liams, deceased, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beaulaville, N. C, on or before the 10th day of January 1953, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of January, 1952. Mary M. Williams, Executrix of Stephen J. Williams. Grady Mercer Attorney at Law 2-21-6T-G. M. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION : Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of J. D. Bostic, Sr., deceased, late of Du plin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said I - vAvacm. uicui iu liil un dersigned Administrator on or be fore the 21st day of January, 1953," or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es- tw Wilmington Coca Cola " - . ' ' ' ' " ' H Bottling Company . "k. Wilmington. N. C. ' it? II I V. -tj&Ljy-ks - : : J. I mv? S. ?rf, Jr ........ , ,,,....t;f. ,. . ., . :. , . ,.. mi ' : "t , .'- i . fc- L..-.J 1)5 W : ,. Sprlnr Fashion Forecast , ' Fashion forecasters tell us K will be a season of wearable fashions this spring of 1952. In other words, there's enough newness in clothes to make women want them but not enough to shock us. - Biggest un animous development is in sleeves or rather the lack of them. This spring it will be either ; short sleeves, or no sleeves, making your handbag choice particularly im portant. Prints are back in a big way. Knits, either hand or simulated hand, have come in from the coun try and go to the very best places in town. And lace is so good it's even being shown in tailored day time suits. While suits are as Important as ever, there's a tendency toward more dresses this spring not Just sports but daytime dresses, many of them in the flattering coat style and a lot in prints. As far as coats go they're in every length separate spencers, to waistline, hipbone, wrist, on down to full length. Take your choice. Only Just remember that one handbag can't possibly go with every one of them. Suit the bag to the outfit. Feeet Are Foundation Of Beauty. If you've been waiting with bat ed breath for your baby's first stop, chances are you've felt the urge to hurry her along to her feet by dandling her upon the floor. Con trol these impulses, urge the ex perts, if you wish your daughter to grow up with lovely legs and with strong, healthy feet which will car ry he - rcomf ortably through the various activities demanded of a modern woman. PLEASANT VIEW Mrs. Teachey Is Circle Hostess Mrs. Graham Teachey was hostess tate will please make Immediate payment. This 21st day of January, 1952. J. D. BOSTIC, JR., ADMINISTRA TOR OF J. V. bostk;, 5K. 2-28-6T. V. B. G. Auction Sale All Bring Us Your Surplus Mules Good or Bad We Have Buyers For All Kinds Bring Anything You Have To Sell All Grade Cattle 3 to 6c lb. Higher Than Last Week Mules and Ponies Private Sale Every Day c vOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA Mofii&y To Kenansville Magnolia Pink Hill Mt. Olive Bldg. Loan Assoc. oooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooo ! LUMBER - BUILDING SUPPLIES -'.v Wilmington r H. C. to a circle meeting of the Pres byterian, women of the church at her home Thursday night. Circle chairman, Mrs. J. H. Byrd was in chargei The program which was on the 9th Commandment, Thou Shalt Not Sear False Witness ag ainst Thy Neighbor, was presented by Mrs (Ruth Townsend with sur vey article by Mrs. Robert Grady. The meeting closed with the Mis path, after which a social hour was enjoyed. ible Study Mrs. H. A. Edwards of Pink HIU will teach an Extensive Bible Study on the "Book of The Epistle of James" at Pleasant View church ! Tuesday 29th of January at 7 o clock. All are invited to attend this study. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hardlson M. F. ALLEN, JR. General Insurance Kenansville. N. C. Kenansville's Only Insurance Agency . HIGHEST MARKET PRIftFS PAin , 0. wsw sr ai m saaj WeMW sn Wm I f FOR MINK AND RATS... Bring Or Ship SOt ISAACS-GEORGE CASTEEN CO. , Tht Big Furniture Store On Center Street j Goldsboro, N. C 3E Farmers Auction Stockyards Good Run of Mules, Cattle and Hogs Each Thursday at IP. M. Kinds Farm Equipment Each FARMER'S AUCTION i STOCKYARD Northern Edge of Town Wilson Highway ommmutMMmKmmtKk Help You Own Your Own Momey r i lr bat.. Mr. and i i. . - y . ; a son of Lunger' m u "eu .-. ana Mrs. Durham Urn ,y inimlay. . -Miss Emma - Chancers of Kln ston spent' the weekend v h her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Chamb ers and .attended church-services Sunday, night-- 1 ' - - - Miss Elsie Byrd of Rocky Mount spent Saturday with her father. Mr. and. Mrs. J. H. Byrd and at tended the Smith-Bass wedding at Woodland Methodist church Satur day evening. Mrs. J. -H. Byrd, Edith Byrd and Donnell Korne gay attended also. '' :j i Mrs.: Bettle Outlaw of Outlaws Bridge community is spending some time with her daughter Mrs. Durham Grady. ;:-v;' i -;; Miss Hazel Kornegay of Golds- fooro and Raymond Grady of Seven Springs visited 'Mrs. Edith Grady Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Durham Grady met Mrs. Henry Frederick Grady and Pamela Sue of Pennsanken, N. J. at the Raleigh-Durham air port Sunday night They are to spend some time with the Grady's. - ' Hens on North Carolina farms laid more than a million eggs in 1950. ' More than 300 commercial straw 'berry growers in Columbus Coun ty have placed orders for plants of the new, high-yielding AlbrHton variety. Them To Us. Thurs. 12 O'clock BBaaaiaBBBBji o o o o o o o o o o o o Home Calypso Faison Warsaw o o

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