Csss - Smiih Wedding Solemnized In a solemn and beautiful after noon service, the marriage of Mar garet lone Smith and Charles Lind bergh Bass was solemnized in the Woodland Methodist Church of Al bertson on January 19 at 3:30 o'clock with the Reverend D. C. Boone, pastor of the 'bride of flclat- Wv'.V'.'i'fU,,:ii"::''' V''' " - ' Palms, caldelabra, gladiolas and an arch made a beautiful setting for the wedding scene. - iBrldal music was rendered by Kyan G. Kornegay of Greensboro uncle of the bride, and Miss Ruth Sanderson of Beulavllle, pianist, "Because". "I Love Thee," and "The 'Lord's Prayer " were sung by Mr. Kornegay. White Satin Gown. V The bride was given in marriage f 300000000000000000000000 i Proven o How Available In () C) O o o Kenansville Area By iSa.EBiKicEDrLir & V ) f v. f f Albertson, N. C. Contact Him For Your Fertilizer Needs ROBERTSON CHEMICAL CORP. WILMINGTON, N C "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOb 30000000000000000000000 - ' (SES1T . I - We Are Now The Best of Domm ostium r n:i(r .ty of Soda Cal Nitrate K X 111 Be Glad To Serve You At Any Time! - jj by her father, Harley Burton Smith of Mount Olive. The bride's dress was a lovely white duchess satin, with an off shoulder outline of lace with a net yoke, and tight bodice. It was pointed in the front and back with long sleeves ending in points over the hands and a luu length train. She wore a finger tip veil at tached to a Juliet cap of latice work satin ' and carried a nosegay . of ! white roses centered with a white. orchid. ' The iMaid of Honor was Miss Mary Cornelia Smith, sister of the bride. Miss Smith wore a gown fashioned after the bride's of green satin featuring an off the shoulder neckline with a net yoke and full skirt She carried an old fashioned o o o o o o o o The Albertson, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Handling Fertilizers 'Nitro and Ammonium 6 i-.-.r, .'.': mu iiisppjnc-s nil of Iwenansviiie, ami .os i (ilred Kornegay of Mount Olive. Eddie Thomas Bass, Jr., brother of - the bridegroom was best man and ushers were Vernon Jackson, Jr., and Dan Bass of Momeyer. Mrs. Harley Smith, -mother of the bride, wore a navy blue crepe dress with navy accessories and an orchid corsage.'"- Mrs. Eddie Thomas Bass, mother of the bridegroom chose for the occasion a navy blue crepe dress with black accessories compliment ed by an orchid corsage. The brides traveling costume was a woolen crepe dress of royal blue with black accessories. She wore the orchid lifted from her bridal bouquet- . -4 ; Following the ceremony ; the bride's parents entertained at a reception w the onurcn recreation department . After a short wedding trip, the couple will make their bom In Nashville. , The bride Is a graduate of B. F. Grady High School, and Park View Hospital School of Nursing. She now holds a position .with Doctor J. C. Brantley. The bridegroom graduate of Spring Hope High School served with the U. S. Navy during World War II. He Is now farming. r Waccamaw Bank's Stockholders Meet WMITEV1L(LE, Jan. 18 The Waccamaw Bank and Trust Com pany, with branches In 10 South eastern Nortn Carolina towns, gained more than three and one half million dollars in deposits in 1851, stockholders of the institu tion were told in their annual meeting this week. 'Executive Vice President C. Lacy Tate told stockholders at the Hotel. Whiteville that "your bank is now serving over 25,000 deposi torsan increase of over 100 per cent in the last decade." Stockholders authorized ' the board of directors to Increase the number by three if they thought such an increase necessary. (Reelected as directors of the bank were Dr. H. C. Sadler, of Whiteville, C. L. Tate of Chad bourn, J. S. Bowers of Whiteville and Raleigh, W. B. Lennon of Fair mont, B. L. Nesmith of Tabor City and Glenn F. Ttrole of Chad bourn. Tate told the stockholders that the bank's , capital stock was in creased from 200,000 to $300,000 during the past year by the trans fer of $50,000 from surplus ac count and the sale of $50,000 in new stock to present stockholders. Shares were Increased from 20,000 to 30,000. Listed at the meeting as one of the major developments of the year was the establishment of a new branch of the bank in Beula vllle. Tate said that the people of thn ftMllaarilln nmimiinltv '4hm ' Justified their request for bank- j lag service ay the volume of de posits placed in the Beulavllle of- Our - "policy is the best policy,'' so don't delay come in today ' for com-; plete : expert "advice and' information .- on your needs. . ,' A.L.Ccivcnaugh .. General Insurance . - Organised 1920 Phone 424 Warsaw, N. C ' Paul B. Potter Associate End Chronic Doslnfll Ragain Normot Kagulariry This AB-VegataMe Woyl Taking hanh drags for constipatioa cm pomsh ro braullrl Their cramps and griping dUrapt nornul bowel acooo, make yon fed in need of repeated doting. When to occuionslly fedconidpated, get pnlk but mm relief. Tike Dr. did. II'. C . Y aMMM mrrm'tnA in Svfttfl Pepsin. lt-rfrtAA.Noflt,oohih drags, ur. uiaweu s coaaun u of Senna, oldest and one of the finest tens luncires known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Luatrre tastei good, acts mildly, brings thorough relief tmfiidh. Helps you get regular, ends chronic dosing. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. 31 lS ( "One soda and three straws" The Negro Duplin County Quart erly Home Demonstration County Council met Friday night at the Kenansville School. Miss Alee Hall of the Smith Chapel Club President presided. The meeting was opened by sing ing Faith of : our Fathers, after which the Collect of Club women of America was repeated. - Included In the business were selection of delegate committee, for the State Council, plans for Achievement Day, Leader Training Schools, and Farmers and Home makers Conference. The highlight of the meeting was a very Impressive candle cere- Uegro 4-11 Council In Kenansville School; Iknie Oificers The Duplin County Quarterly 4-H County Council meeting for Negro 4-Hers was held last week at the Kenansville School at 7:00 p.m. with Sen Miller, president presid ing. The highlight of the meeting was the installation of the newly elected Officers and a panel discus sion on parliamentary procedures. Mr. A. G. Williams, principal of Beulavllle School and local 4-H teacher of the same, conducted the Installation ceremonies. The ne wofficers are: President Vice President Albert Quinn Ken-1 The next County Council saeet ansville Club; Secretary, Loretha'lng will be held the' 2nd Thursday Eddie Woodard Beulavllle Club; in March at the Kenansville SchooL OUTLAW'S BRIDGE INTENDED FOB LAST WEEK Begular 4th Sunday services at eleven o'clock Sunday School at ten o'clock. All are invited to at tend the services. (Lewis W. Outlaw attended a Soil Conservation meeting in Durham last week. .Wv.,r- Community Club held the regu lar meeting in the school audi torium Saturday night with M. L. Outlaw presiding who called the club to order with song service and the chaplain Rev. L. C. Prater cave the devotional. Mrs. Ernest Dupree, Sec. read the minutes fol lowing the business session. Mrs. Bert a Criel directed the program flee." A meeting of the board of di rectors is expected to be called In the near future. : - R. L. "Bob" Patlpn, Morgan- ton educator and widely - known humorist delivered the main ad' dress of the evening.' He deplored the ant of war and Dointed out that the United States had spent tnree-couruis oi a trillion aoiiars in World War II. Tate's report to the stockholders included a tribute to the late presi dent of the bank, K. Clyde Coun cil of Wananish, who died on June 24, 1951. Mr. Council, prominent in state political circles, served as president and chairman of the board of directors of the bank since its organization in 1926. WHEN Tononrtow If your Ii3Gu:3 system is 11 YEPIS.GlBcr more Yhyn:tS3YS . im zrj r.:::iYv:!j n 11 y, 1 YEAR HOUND HOT WATtX . Test Bight from the sama wait -'A ;:.'t: MOM HEAT ROM IBS RIB. More complete combustion ' G.E.'s unique method of ' "atomizing'' each drop, of to. gaats irfrt fit afags let OJ. Vp r sswa, gehebalC )EiEctr.i: tf S) a. . .. .. ,. - I ' " " - mmn Installinv t!iA now niters. The new officers are: President, Marie MaiCalop, Warsaw Club; Vice PresWent-iah , Hill, Chin quapin; Assit Sec Edna Wallace, Wallace; TreasurerIrene Powells, Wallace; Song Leader- Alee Hall, Smith ChapeL Home Agent in Sampson County Mrs. Dorothy T. Hargraves, Negro conducted the Installation cere - mony. v-v Seventy-two officers and lead ers representing ten Home Demon stration Clubs were present. The next County Council will be held on the 3rd Wednesday night in March at the Kenansville School. l!:!ds Qisrferly M:cl 1 Best 'Warsaw Club: Treasurer, Clara Williams Warsaw; Song Leader, Verona Kenan Kenans ville; Allen Winley Seulaville; Re porter, Nellie Wright Warsaw; Recreation Leader, Swanella Boney -Warsaw. , :. . Included in the panel discussion were the procedures to follow in conducting a club meeting, how to make a motion, obtaining the floor and voting; Thirty-three 4- Hofficers attena- ed the meeting. of group singing, recitation read ing and informal talks. The club adjourned. v - Miss Delia Hawkins of Leaksville was guest of Miss Sallie Outlaw Saturday niKht and Sunday. Mr. and MrsAHert Carry Out law of Kaieign spent sunaay witn Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Outlaw. Mr. and Mrs. AHvt Nichols of Sims were weekend visitors in the home of Mrs. Eric Berges. Dr. Russell Outlaw of Morehead City spent Saturday night and Sun day with the home folks. - The young adult class held their regular meeting in the church with Elmo Blizzard, president presiding. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Outlaw were hostesses Dr. Afcert D. Bell of Rocky Mount was guest speaker for the evening Droeram. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Outlaw, Miss es Danny Sue Outlaw and Mary Helen Burgess of Mt Olive visited in the home of Miss Rachel Out law Sunday afternoon. - Mr. and Mi. Virgil Sutton spent Sunday with relatives in Ayden. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Creel and children of Deep Run spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Remus creel. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Casey of Smith Chapel were among visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Prater and Cleo Outlaw attended the mid' year board meeting of North Caro lina Universallsts held In Magnolia last Saturday, '-.: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Simmons visited relatives In Mt Olive Sun is today; kosfiti sav;::s ASSCCIACI v CHAPEL HILL, N.C. BLUE CROSS-BLUE SHIELD r COSST AUTOMATIC . . . CJ:JT...BIPIAtU, ' BuEt for yean and years of econonucal service, ... iMAO, r.".:;:dMi. '-1'-- -Mora e"ar space for bob bies, j . yroows, etc Mora eoniac to fit modern' wv.m.... Wire aay k.n .)(, IT'S NOT INI t f . .r...m Tia nnt t - to. ' new I called tlie C . to Oi T I l - Mrs. Kachel Out!, s . y-t. nmr-read the minutes of tie le- vlous meeting and (rave the treas urers renort Mrs. Troy Kornrp.y, .rtnnlln Hnme Anrnt presented new club books for 1952 and gave the names of the county project teaaers in H. D. Club work also tneir an- 1 dresses which were written in new . cum noosa. : Following adjournment of the club the hostess served refresh menU during a moat delightful soc ial Dour. ,Vv h " : a,!.-' 11 For two straight years, reserve feed stocks in the United States have gone down while livestock -numbers have increased. mt hare M4T w13 want ft Get It bow be sm We' Deliver -, G:rner Cc:l Co. Warsaw, N. C . The Ledyard Vault Precisloo Prooi Bunt Age AIR-SEAL Manofafltared By SMITII VAULT CO. .KDTSTON ' Consult Tour Local Funeral Director ? t fsrsft WSW lOMhft, lAyBSNNTSSSNN gUstaja BMsr Six Is lha stewast Sbr In lha Industry ...the only ef-riew,. Wgh compression, tow friction Six ki .. Ill fttldl if.; : Fars" awMMwd 110-k.s. Wflfc rstilia Strata-Star V4 b most powerful angina ever buM : In ma low-prlca fleldl - . J7 ' : newest, most advanced farm of ; . -. . ;., ""'''"lawi. ' -1 construction In th Wustry . . . V . ' S. nC""1 styUd to stay baourltul, qoollty- s ItWs sew rmUktk VblSly brings you vWbmry wnllmlted . . wfm .curved one place wind - " smeia vna rear wsjsswwi t. C. I kUiV Jt V - ., ) : ) ( ) : c) () C) O o o PLOWS HAKIiQYVS STALK CUTTIT.3 and OTHER FARM TOOLS : Goldshoro, N. C OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIO 7e7cnlYoll:o$ r t : ' m i t . Buying Days Are Mondays Through Fridays 8 a. m. Until 5 p. m. -x. - We Pay A Premium For Top Quality Hogs " - See Us or Call 3215, Clinton, N. C - ' OPERATED BY LUND Y PACKING COMPANY ; Stacy Honeycutt, Hog Buyer , - ' t -. . SB e . Hie flit out of tumsl i'. '"-t.-'i,.Jr.. raw s w Attsiont n.aa aarrai .CfV levels roughast roads and takes nV i. A. j W V V ,..V.r J ? " " ' m rartfs saw Carter-nil FwUnf makes fueling o "cinch" from either side of pump. ay m I . . . i t ''Sr-'- r o -l mm " r- - f - I . 233 S. Qaei ft. ' wt m mi V H.y.i,Rr. f:vcn TrSSj N. C.